User Manual For htetris Version 1.0
Henrik Sandin 1999

Main page

How to play

htetris is a variant of the old and well known game tetris. The game is a single player game and is played by moving differently shaped bricks into positions so that they form an area as compact as possible. The bricks are falling down and can be moved left or right, rotated counter clockwise and put directly into place in the current horizontal position without waiting for them to fall all the way down.
The goal of the game is to acheive as many points as possible. Points are gained by completing rows. That is, to place the bricks so that rows without "gaps" are created. Twenty points are earned for each completed row. If more than one row is completed by placing a single brick, five poits extra per additional row are obtained.
A filled row disappears and everything built above it is shifted down one row. The game is lost when the top of the building pane is reached in such a way that the next upcoming brick can not be placed in its initial position. To help the player a little bit, the next upcoming brick is always shown during a game in progress.
There is also a notion of difficulty levels which ranges from 1 to 15. The higher the level number, the faster the bricks fall. The game starts by default at level one and increases the level after twenty rows have been completed.
A game can at any time be stopped, paused or restarted. If the current score happens to be higher than the highscore, the highscore is not updated. Also, the application can be closed at any time during a game.