#	File:     graphpak.icn
#	Subject:  Procedures for manipulating directed graphs
#	Author:   Ralph E. Griswold
#	Date:     May 2, 2001
#   This file is in the public domain.
#  The procedures here use sets to represent directed graphs.  See
#  The Icon Programming Language, second edition, pp. 195-198.
#  A value of type "graph" has two components: a list of nodes and
#  a two-way lookup table.  The nodes in turn contain pointers to
#  other nodes.  The two-way table maps a node to its name and
#  vice-versa.
#  Graph specifications are give in files in which the first line
#  is a white-space separated list of node names and subsequent lines
#  give the arcs, as in
#	Tucson Phoenix Bisbee Douglas Flagstaff
#	Tucson->Phoenix
#	Tucson->Bisbee
#	Bisbee->Bisbee
#	Bisbee->Douglas
#	Douglas->Phoenix
#	Douglas->Tucson

record graph(nodes, lookup)

#  Construct a graph from the specification given in file f.  Error checking
#  is minimal.

procedure read_graph(f)		#: read graph
   local node, nodes, node_list, lookup, arc, from_name, to_name

   nodes := []				# list of the graph nodes
   lookup := table()			# two-way table of names and nodes

   node_list := read(f) | stop("*** empty specification file")

   node_list ? {			# process list of node names
      while name := tab(upto('\t ') | 0) do {
         node := set()			# create a new node
         put(nodes, node)		# add node to the list
         lookup[name] := node		# name to node
         lookup[node] := name		# node to name
         tab(many(' \t')) | break

   while arc := read(f) do {		# process arcs
      arc ? {
         from_name := tab(find("->")) | stop("*** bad arc specification")
         to_name := tab(0)
         insert(\lookup[from_name], \lookup[to_name]) |
            stop("*** non-existent node")

   return graph(nodes, lookup)		# now put the pieces together


#  Write graph g to file f.

procedure write_graph(g, f)	#: write graph
   local name_list, node

   name_list := ""			# initialize

   every node := !g.nodes do		# construct the list of names
      name_list ||:= g.lookup[node] || " "

   write(f, name_list[1:-1])
   every node := !g.nodes do		# write the arc specifications
      every write(f, g.lookup[node], "->", g.lookup[!node])



#  Transitive closure of node.  Called as closure(node) without second argument

procedure closure(node, close)	#: transitive closure of graph
   local n

   /close := set()			# initialize closure

   insert(close, node)			# add the node itself

   every n := !node do			# process all the arcs
					# if not member, recurse
      member(close, n) | closure(n, close)

   return close
