----> &null s := "abcd" ----> "abcd" s := "x" ----> "x" s ||:= "x" ----> "xx" s ----> "xx" s := "x" ----> "x" s ||:= "xx" ----> "xxx" s ----> "xxx" s := "x" ----> "x" s ||:= "X" ----> "xX" s ----> "xX" s := "x" ----> "x" s ||:= "abc" ----> "xabc" s ----> "xabc" s := "x" ----> "x" s ==:= "x" ----> "x" s ----> "x" s := "x" ----> "x" s ==:= "xx" ----> none s ----> "x" s := "x" ----> "x" s ==:= "X" ----> none s ----> "x" s := "x" ----> "x" s ==:= "abc" ----> none s ----> "x" {s[1:2] := "xx";s} ----> "xx" {s[-1:0] := "";s} ----> "x" {s[1] := "abc";s} ----> "abc" {s[1+:2] := "y";s} ----> "yc" {s[2] :=: s[3];s} ----> "yc" s[6] := "t" ----> none s[0-:6] := "u" ----> none {s[1:0] :=: s[0:1];s} ----> "yc" "x" << "x" ----> none "x" << "X" ----> none "X" << "x" ----> "x" "xx" <<= "xx" ----> "xx" "xxx" <<= "xx" ----> none "xx" <<= "xxx" ----> "xxx" "x" >>= "x" ----> "x" "x" >>= "xx" ----> none "xx" >>= "x" ----> "x" "x" >> "x" ----> none "x" >> "X" ----> "X" "X" >> "x" ----> none "x" == "x" ----> "x" "x" == "X" ----> none "X" == "x" ----> none "x" ~== "x" ----> none "x" ~== "X" ----> "X" "X" ~== "x" ----> "x" 2 22 222 2222 22222 222222 2222222 22222222 222222222 every i := 1 to 9 do write(integer(repl("2",i))) ----> none 3 23 223 2223 22223 222223 2222223 22222223 222222223 every i := 1 to 9 do write(repl("2",i) + 1) ----> none 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 every i := 1 to 30 do write(integer(repl("0",i) || "2")) ----> none 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 every i := 1 to 30 do write((repl("0",i) || "2") + 1) ----> none c1 := 'abcde' ----> 'abcde' c2 := 'aeuoi' ----> 'aeiou' c1 ++ c2 ----> 'abcdeiou' c1 -- c2 ----> 'bcd' c1 ** c2 ----> 'ae' 2 ~=== +2 ----> none 3 ~=== *"abc" ----> none 'abc' ~=== ('abc' ++ '') ----> none any('aeiou',&lcase) ----> 2 any('aeiou',&ucase) ----> none 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 every write(any('aeiou',&lcase,1 to 5,10 to 20)) ----> none match("abc","abcabcabcabc") ----> 4 match("abc","xabcabcabcabc") ----> none 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 5 5 5 8 5 8 5 8 every write(match("abc","xabcabcabcabc",1 to 10,1 to 10)) ----> none upto('56d&',&lcase) ----> 4 upto('56d&',&ucase) ----> none upto('56d&',&lcase,15) ----> none many(&lcase,"this is a Test") ----> 5 many(&lcase,"this is a Test",5) ----> none many(&lcase,"this is a Test",5,9) ----> none find("aa","xxaaaaaa") ----> 3 3 4 5 6 7 every write(find("aa","xxaaaaaa")) ----> none 4 5 every write(find("aa","xxaaaaaa",4,7)) ----> none bal('-','(',')',"-35") ----> 1 bal('+','(',')',"((2*x)+3)+(5*y)") ----> 10 10 7 7 10 every write(bal('+','(',')',"((2*x)+3)+(5*y)",1 to 10)) ----> none bal('+','[','[',"[[2*x[+3[+[5*y[") ----> none bal('+','([','])',"([2*x)+3]+(5*y]") ----> 10 bal(,,,"()+()") ----> 1 bal(&cset,,,"()+()") ----> 1