Source: illumos-source-@VER@ Section: kernel Priority: optional Maintainer: Igor Pashev Build-Depends: debhelper ( >= 9 ), git, xz-utils Standards-Version: 3.9.3 Homepage: Package: illumos-source-@VER@ Architecture: all Depends: xz-utils, ${misc:Depends} Suggests: dh-illumos Description: complete and unmodified sources of illumos OS (@VER@) This package provides complete and unmodified source code for the illumos operating system: unix kernel, libraries, system tools, user utilities and development tools. Sources are packed into tarball with a snapshot from . The first number in package name is year from 2010 (2012 => 2), the second number is month (September => 9). . Sources include all commits made before the first day of the designated month.