path: root/demo/testsuite.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'demo/testsuite.m')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demo/testsuite.m b/demo/testsuite.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9804b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/testsuite.m
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+(* Test suite of Genz, used also by Sloan and Joe, and Novak and Ritter *)
+seed = 4711
+maxpoints = 150000
+repeat = 20
+(* Family 1: Oscillatory *)
+f[1][x_, c_, w_] := Cos[2 Pi w[[1]] + c.x]
+(* Family 2: Product peak *)
+f[2][x_, c_, w_] := Times@@ MapThread[f2a, {x, c, w}]
+f2a[xi_, ci_, wi_] := 1/(ci^-2 + (xi - wi)^2)
+(* Family 3: Corner peak *)
+f[3][x_, c_, w_] := (1 + c.x)^(-(Length[x] + 1))
+(* Family 4: Gaussian *)
+f[4][x_, c_, w_] := Exp[Plus@@ MapThread[f4a, {x, c, w}]]
+f4a[xi_, ci_, wi_] := -ci^2 (xi - wi)^2
+(* Family 5: Exponential *)
+f[5][x_, c_, w_] := Exp[Plus@@ MapThread[f5a, {x, c, w}]]
+f5a[xi_, ci_, wi_] := -ci Abs[xi - wi]
+(* Family 6: Discontinuous *)
+f[6][x_, c_, w_] := 0 /; x[[1]] > w[[1]] || x[[2]] > w[[2]]
+f[6][x_, c_, w_] := Exp[c.x]
+(* Novak & Ritter use
+difficulty[fam_] := {9.00, 7.25, 1.85, 7.03, 2.04, 4.30}[[fam]]
+(* Sloan & Joe use
+scale[dim_] := dim^Min[Max[.2 dim, 1], 2]
+SetOptions[Interpolation, InterpolationOrder -> 2]
+ifun[1] = Interpolation[{{5, 145.7}, {8, 354.0}, {10, 900.0}}];
+ifun[2] = Interpolation[{{5, 261.0}, {8, 545.0}, {10, 1760.0}}];
+ifun[3] = Interpolation[{{5, 433.0}, {8, 193.0}, {10, 185.0}}];
+ifun[4] = Interpolation[{{5, 155.0}, {8, 382.0}, {10, 1230.0}}];
+ifun[5] = Interpolation[{{5, 217.0}, {8, 674.0}, {10, 2040.0}}];
+ifun[6] = Interpolation[{{5, 90.0}, {8, 240.0}, {10, 1470.0}}];
+difficulty[fam_] := ifun[fam][ndim]/scale[ndim]
+difficulty[fam_] := {6.0, 18.0, 2.2, 15.2, 16.1, 16.4}[[fam]]
+c[fam_] := Block[{r = w}, r difficulty[fam]/Plus@@ r]
+SetAll[opt__] := (
+ SetOptions[Vegas, opt];
+ SetOptions[Suave, opt];
+ SetOptions[Divonne, opt];
+ SetOptions[Cuhre, opt];
+ SetOptions[NIntegrate, opt];
+SetAll[PrecisionGoal -> 3, MaxPoints -> maxpoints]
+SetOptions[Divonne, Key1 -> -200]
+def[f_][{x__}][{r__}] := (
+ Attributes[idef] = {HoldAll};
+ idef[int_, NIntegrate] := (
+ int := Module[{count = 0, res},
+ res = NIntegrate[f, r, EvaluationMonitor :> (++count)];
+ {count, res}]
+ ) /; $VersionNumber >= 5;
+ idef[int_, Int_] := (
+ int := Module[{count = 0, res},
+ res = Int[(++count; f), r];
+ {count, res}]
+ );
+ idef[vegas, Vegas];
+ idef[suave, Suave];
+ idef[divonne, Divonne];
+ idef[cuhre, Cuhre];
+ idef[nint, NIntegrate];
+vars = Table[Unique["x"], {20}]
+test[ndim_, fam_] :=
+Block[ {w, xs = Take[vars, ndim]},
+ w := Table[Random[], {ndim}];
+ def[f[fam][xs, c[fam], w]][xs][{#, 0, 1}&/@ xs];
+ {vegas, suave, divonne, cuhre, nint}
+dotest[ndim_, from_:1, to_:6] :=
+Block[ {dir = ToString[ndim]},
+ If[ FileType[dir] =!= Directory, CreateDirectory[dir] ];
+ Do[
+ SeedRandom[seed];
+ Put[ Table[test[ndim, fam], {repeat}],
+ ToFileName[dir, "fam" <> ToString[fam]] ],
+ {fam, from, to}]