LTP GCOV extension - code coverage report
Current view: directory - usr/include/apt-pkg - version.h
Date: 2008-08-14 Instrumented lines: 1
Code covered: 100.0 % Executed lines: 1

       1                 : // -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
       2                 : // Description                                                          /*{{{*/
       3                 : // $Id: version.h,v 1.8 2001/05/27 05:55:27 jgg Exp $
       4                 : /* ######################################################################
       5                 : 
       6                 :    Version - Versioning system..
       7                 : 
       8                 :    The versioning system represents how versions are compared, represented
       9                 :    and how dependencies are evaluated. As a general rule versioning
      10                 :    systems are not compatible unless specifically allowed by the 
      11                 :    TestCompatibility query.
      12                 :    
      13                 :    The versions are stored in a global list of versions, but that is just
      14                 :    so that they can be queried when someone does 'apt-get -v'. 
      15                 :    pkgSystem provides the proper means to access the VS for the active
      16                 :    system.
      17                 :    
      18                 :    ##################################################################### */
      19                 :                                                                         /*}}}*/
      20                 : #ifndef PKGLIB_VERSION_H
      21                 : #define PKGLIB_VERSION_H
      22                 : 
      23                 : 
      24                 : #include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>    
      25                 : #include <string>
      26                 : 
      27                 : using std::string;
      28                 : 
      29                 : class pkgVersioningSystem
      30                 : {
      31                 :    public:
      32                 :    // Global list of VS's
      33                 :    static pkgVersioningSystem **GlobalList;
      34                 :    static unsigned long GlobalListLen;
      35                 :    static pkgVersioningSystem *GetVS(const char *Label);
      36                 :    
      37                 :    const char *Label;
      38                 :    
      39                 :    // Compare versions..
      40                 :    virtual int DoCmpVersion(const char *A,const char *Aend,
      41                 :                           const char *B,const char *Bend) = 0;   
      42                 : 
      43                 :    virtual bool CheckDep(const char *PkgVer,int Op,const char *DepVer) = 0;
      44                 :    virtual int DoCmpReleaseVer(const char *A,const char *Aend,
      45                 :                                const char *B,const char *Bend) = 0;
      46                 :    virtual string UpstreamVersion(const char *A) = 0;
      47                 :    
      48                 :    // See if the given VS is compatible with this one.. 
      49                 :    virtual bool TestCompatibility(pkgVersioningSystem const &Against) 
      50                 :                 {return this == &Against;};
      51                 : 
      52                 :    // Shortcuts
      53              14 :    APT_MKSTRCMP(CmpVersion,DoCmpVersion);
      54                 :    APT_MKSTRCMP(CmpReleaseVer,DoCmpReleaseVer);
      55                 :    
      56                 :    pkgVersioningSystem();
      57                 :    virtual ~pkgVersioningSystem() {};
      58                 : };
      59                 : 
      60                 : #ifdef APT_COMPATIBILITY
      61                 : #include <apt-pkg/debversion.h>
      62                 : #endif
      63                 : 
      64                 : #endif

Generated by: LTP GCOV extension version 1.6