path: root/usr/src/lib/libshell/common/
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Diffstat (limited to 'usr/src/lib/libshell/common/')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr/src/lib/libshell/common/ b/usr/src/lib/libshell/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..332ff3a855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/src/lib/libshell/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+.H 1 ksh93
+KSH-93 is the most recent version of the KornShell Language
+described in
+"The KornShell Command and Programming Language,"
+by Morris Bolsky and David Korn of AT&T Bell Laboratories, ISBN 0-13-182700-6.
+The KornShell is a shell programming language,
+which is upward compatible with "sh" (the Bourne Shell),
+and is intended to conform to the IEEE P1003.2/ISO 9945.2 Shell and
+Utilities standard.
+KSH-93 provides an enhanced programming environment in
+addition to the major command-entry features of the BSD
+shell "csh". With KSH-93, medium-sized programming tasks can be
+performed at shell-level without a significant loss in performance.
+In addition, "sh" scripts can be run on KSH-93 without modification.
+The code should conform to the IEEE POSIX 1003.1 standard and to the
+proposed ANSI-C standard so that it should be portable to all
+such systems. Like the previous version, KSH-88,
+it is designed to accept eight bit character sets
+transparently, thereby making it internationally compatible.
+It can support multi-byte characters sets with some characteristics
+of the character set given at run time.
+KSH-93 provides the following features, many of which were also inherent
+in KSH-88:
+Enhanced Command Re-entry Capability: The KSH-93 history
+function records commands entered at any shell level and stores
+them, up to a user-specified limit, even after you log off.
+This allows you to re-enter long commands with a few keystrokes
+- even those commands you entered yesterday.
+The history file allows for eight bit characters in
+commands and supports essentially unlimited size histories.
+In-line Editing: In "sh", the only way to fix mistyped
+commands is to backspace or retype the line. KSH-93 allows you
+to edit a command line using a choice of EMACS-TC or "vi"
+You can use the in-line editors to complete filenames as
+you type them.
+You may also use this editing feature when entering
+command lines from your history file.
+A user can capture keystrokes and rebind keys to customize the
+editing interface.
+Extended I/O Capabilities: KSH-93 provides several I/O
+capabilities not available in "sh", including the ability to:
+specify a file descriptor for input and output
+start up and run co-processes
+produce a prompt at the terminal before a read
+easily format and interpret responses to a menu
+echo lines exactly as output without escape processing
+format output using printf formats.
+read and echo lines ending in "\e".
+Improved performance: KSH-93 executes many scripts faster
+than the System V Bourne shell. A major reason for this is
+that many of the standard utilities are built-in.
+To reduce the time to initiate a command, KSH-93 allows
+commands to be added as built-ins at run time
+on systems that support dynamic loading such as System V Release 4.
+Arithmetic: KSH-93 allows you to do integer arithmetic in any
+base from two to sixty-four. You can also do double
+precision floating point arithmetic.
+Almost the complete set of C language operators are available
+with the same syntax and precedence.
+Arithmetic expressions can be used to as an argument expansion
+or as a separate command.
+In addition there is an arithmetic for command that works
+like the for statement in C.
+Arrays: KSH-93 supports both indexed and associative arrays.
+The subscript for an indexed array is an arithmetic expression,
+whereas, the subscript for an associative array is a string.
+Shell Functions and Aliases: Two mechanisms - functions and
+aliases - can be used to assign a user-selected identifier to
+an existing command or shell script.
+Functions allow local variables and provide scoping
+for exception handling.
+Functions can be searched for and loaded on first reference the
+way scripts are.
+Substring Capabilities: KSH-93 allows you to create a
+substring of any given string either by specifying the starting
+offset and length, or by stripping off leading
+or trailing substrings during parameter substitution.
+You can also specify attributes, such as upper and lower case,
+field width, and justification to shell variables.
+More pattern matching capabilities: KSH-93 allows you to specify
+extended regular expressions for file and string matches.
+KSH-93 uses a hierarchal name space for variables.
+Compound variables can be defined and variables can
+be passed by reference. In addition, each variable
+can have one or more disciplines associated with
+it to intercept assignments and references.
+Improved debugging: KSH-93 can generate line numbers on execution
+traces. Also, I/O redirections are now traced.
+There is a DEBUG trap that gets evaluated after each command
+so that errors can be localized.
+Job Control: On systems that support job control, including
+System V Release 4, KSH-93
+provides a job-control mechanism almost identical to that of
+the BSD "csh", version 4.1.
+This feature allows you
+to stop and restart programs, and to move programs between the
+foreground and the background.
+Added security:
+KSH-93 can execute scripts which do not have read permission
+and scripts which have the setuid and/or setgid set when
+invoked by name, rather than as an argument to the shell.
+It is possible to log or control the execution of setuid and/or
+setgid scripts.
+The noclobber option prevents you from accidentally erasing
+a file by redirecting to an existing file.
+KSH-93 can be extended by adding built-in commands at run time.
+In addition, KSH-93 can be used as a library that can
+be embedded into an application to allow scripting.
+Documentation for KSH-93 consists of an "Introduction to KSH-93",
+"Compatibility with the Bourne Shell" and a manual page and a
+README file. In addition, the "New KornShell Command and Programming
+Language," book is available from Prentice Hall.