path: root/usr/src/man/man8/vntsd.8
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1 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr/src/man/man8/vntsd.8 b/usr/src/man/man8/vntsd.8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5311ed16b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/src/man/man8/vntsd.8
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+'\" te
+.\" Copyright (c) 2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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+.\" the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+.TH VNTSD 8 "Mar 31, 2009"
+vntsd \- virtual network terminal server daemon for Logical Domains
+The \fBvntsd\fR daemon is a server that supports connections to the Logical
+Domains (LDoms) console by using \fBtelnet\fR(1). When a \fBtelnet\fR session
+starts, \fBvntsd\fR sends \fBtelnet\fR options to the client indicating a
+willingness to remotely echo characters and to suppress go ahead.
+Consoles are organized into groups by the LDoms Manager. Each console group is
+assigned a unique group name and TCP port number. \fBvntsd\fR uses the group's
+port number to export access to the consoles within that group. To establish a
+connection with a console or console group, a user starts a \fBtelnet\fR(1)
+session with the corresponding group's port number. Depending on the number of
+consoles within that group, \fBvntsd\fR does one of two things:
+.RS +4
+.TP t \(bu
+.el o
+If there is only one console in the group, \fBvntsd\fR connects a session to
+that LDoms console.
+.RS +4
+.TP t \(bu
+.el o
+If there are multiple consoles in the group, \fBvntsd\fR prompts the user to
+select the console to which they would like to connect, as shown in
+"Multiple-Console Options," below.
+For each console, \fBvntsd\fR provides write access only to the first user
+connecting to the console. Subsequent users connecting to the console are
+allowed only to read from the console and wait for write access. When the first
+user disconnects, write privileges are transferred to the next user waiting in
+the queue. If a user who does not have write privileges attempts to write to a
+console, the \fBvntsd\fR displays the following message:
+.sp +2
+You do not have write access -2
+A user who has no write access can acquire write access forcibly by using the
+\fB~w\fR special console command, described in "Special Console Commands,"
+\fBvntsd\fR can be invoked only with superuser privileges or by someone in the
+Primary Administrator role.
+The options for \fBvntsd\fR are divided into multiple-console options and
+console commands.
+.SS "Multiple-Console Options"
+The options listed below are supported when there are multiple LDoms consoles
+in a group. The syntax for the use of these options is:
+.sp +2
+\fI<hostname>\fR-vnts-\fI<group-name>\fR: \fI<option>\fR -2
+For example:
+.sp +2
+myhost-vnts-salesgroup: h -2
+The \fBh\fR option invokes help, as described below.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Display the following help text:
+.sp +2
+h -- this help
+l -- list of consoles
+q -- quit
+c{id}, n{name} -- connect to console of domain {id} or domain name -2
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+List all consoles in the group. For example:
+.sp +2
+0 ldg1 online
+1 ldg2 connected
+\&... ... ... -2
+The two domain states and their meanings are:
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+No one is connected to the console.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+At least one user is already connected to the console.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Disconnect from \fBvntsd\fR.
+.sp 2
+\fB\fBc\fI{id}\fR, n\fI{name}\fR\fR\fR
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Connect to specified console. Upon connection, the following message is
+.sp +2
+Connecting to console \fI<domain-name>\fR in group \fI<group-name>\fR
+Press ~? for control options .... -2
+.SS "Special Console Commands"
+A tilde (\fB~\fR) appearing as the first character of a line is an escape
+signal that directs \fBvntsd\fR to perform a special console command. The
+tilde-tilde (\fB~~\fR) sequence outputs a tilde. In conjunction with the
+initial tilde, \fBvntsd\fR accepts the following special console commands:
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Disconnect from the console or console group.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Force write access to the console.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Disconnect from this console, and connect to the console that precedes this
+console in the list of consoles.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Disconnect from this console, and connect to the console that follows this
+console in the list of consoles.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Send break.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Send alternate break.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Display \fBvntsd\fR help, as follows:
+.sp +2
+~# - Send break
+~^B - Send alternate break
+~. - Exit from this console
+~w - Force write access
+~n - Console next
+~p - Console previous
+~? - Help -2
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Binary executable \fBvntsd\fR file.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Service management facility (\fBsmf\fR(7)) manifest file for \fBvntsd\fR.
+See \fBattributes\fR(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:
+c | c
+l | l .
+Interface Stability Evolving
+.BR telnet (1),
+.BR auth_attr (5),
+.BR attributes (7),
+.BR smf (7),
+.BR svccfg (8),
+.BR usermod (8)
+The \fBvntsd\fR is managed by the service management facility, \fBsmf\fR(7),
+under the service identifier:
+.sp +2
+svc:/ldoms/vntsd -2
+You can change the following properties using the \fBsvccfg\fR(8) command:
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Set an instance of the virtual console concentrator (\fBvcc\fR) driver to which
+\fBvntsd\fR is connected.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Set the IP address to which \fBvntsd\fR listens, using the following syntax:
+.sp +2
+vntsd/listen_addr:"\\fR" -2
+\&...where \\fR is a valid IP address. The default value of
+this property is to listen on IP address Users can connect to a
+guest console over a network if the value is set to the IP address of the
+control domain.
+Note -
+.RS 2
+Enabling network access to a console has security implications. Any user can
+connect to a console and for this reason it is disabled by default.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Set timeout in minutes. \fBvntsd\fR will timeout (close) \fBtelnet\fR
+connection if there is no activity (input or output) on the console. The
+default value is 0, which disables timeout.
+.sp 2
+.sp .6
+.RS 4n
+Enable the authorization checking of users and roles for the domain console or
+consoles that are being accessed. The default value of this property is
+\fBfalse\fR to maintain backward compatibility. To enable authorization
+checking, use the \fBsvccfg\fR(8) command to set the property value to
+\fBtrue\fR. While this option is enabled, \fBvntsd\fR listens and accepts
+connections on \fBlocalhost\fR. If the \fBlisten_addr\fR property specifies an
+alternate IP address when this option is enabled, \fBvntsd\fR ignores the
+alternate IP address and continues to listen on \fBlocalhost\fR. Connections
+that are initiated from other hosts will also fail. Authorizations are
+available to access all consoles or console groups, or to access specific
+consoles or console groups. When the \fBvntsd\fR service is enabled, the
+following authorization is added to the authorization description database,
+.sp +2
+solaris.vntsd.consoles:::Access All LDoms Guest Consoles:: -2
+Add any fine-grained authorizations based on the name of the console group. For
+example, if the name of the console group to be authorized is \fBldg1\fR, add
+the following entry to the \fBauth_attr\fR(5) file:
+.sp +2
+solaris.vntsd.console-ldg1:::Access Specific LDoms Guest Console:: -2
+By default, the authorization to access all consoles is assigned to the root
+user or role. The Primary Administrator (superuser) can use the
+\fBusermod\fR(8) command to assign the required authorization or
+authorizations to other users or roles.
+The following example gives user \fBuser1\fR the authorization to access all
+domain consoles:
+.sp +2
+# \fBusermod -A "solaris.vntsd.consoles" user1\fR -2
+The following example gives user \fBuser1\fR the authorization to access the
+console group named \fBldg1\fR:
+.sp +2
+# \fBusermod -A "solaris.vntsd.console-ldg1" user1\fR -2