/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright 2021 Joyent, Inc. */ @Library('jenkins-joylib@v1.0.5') _ pipeline { agent { label 'platform:true && image_ver:18.4.0 && pkgsrc_arch:x86_64 && ' + 'dram:16gb && !virt:kvm && fs:pcfs && fs:ufs && jenkins_agent:2' } options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '30')) timestamps() parallelsAlwaysFailFast() } stages { stage('trigger smartos-live') { when { anyOf { branch 'master' triggeredBy cause: 'UserIdCause' } // Prevent a user from starting a UserIdCause build on a // release branch, since that would trigger the smartos-live // 'master' branch build below, which is not what we want. not { branch pattern: 'release-\\d+', comparator: 'REGEXP' } } steps { build(job:'joyent-org/smartos-live/master', wait: false, parameters: [ text(name: 'CONFIGURE_PROJECTS', value: "illumos-extra: master: origin\n" + 'illumos: $BRANCH_NAME: origin\n' + 'local/kbmd: master: origin\n' + 'local/kvm-cmd: master: origin\n' + 'local/kvm: master: origin\n' + 'local/mdata-client: master: origin\n' + 'local/ur-agent: master: origin') ]) } } } post { always { joyMattermostNotification(channel: 'jenkins') } } }