diff options
author | salo <salo@pkgsrc.org> | 2003-02-15 05:56:58 +0000 |
committer | salo <salo@pkgsrc.org> | 2003-02-15 05:56:58 +0000 |
commit | 05dabcccd5da21ae1c11bd7361f88f6487fde451 (patch) | |
tree | ac04e04932b93980612c463bd72665ed57484284 | |
parent | 67066e5cbad8ecf29df0a20733d44a90c8ff7981 (diff) | |
download | pkgsrc-05dabcccd5da21ae1c11bd7361f88f6487fde451.tar.gz |
Updated to version 4.9.2.
Addresses PR pkg/20243 by D'Arcy J.M. Cain.
Now when free disk space becomes less than 10k centericq goes offline,
refuses to connect and doesn't touch configuration files to not to lose
any data.
A compilation error with "twisted" versions of iconv was fixed by adding
another check to configure.
The "Next" button was added to the history. It actually goes back, so it's
called so to conform the UI look.
Weird behaviour of the group mode 2 when there is only one contact list
group defined was fixed.
When available, iconv is used for translation between koi8 and cp1251
codepages instead of the internal routine.
Support for AIM TOC protocol was added. This means now centericq supports
four IM flavours, which makes it even more useful tool. Now, looking at
the centericq main screen I find myself a real schizophrenic with four
IM "avatars". So there is another slogan for the program "centericq - the
power of your shizo" :)
HDD access was reduced by not reading away messages every second, how it
was before. So now owners of laptops should have no worries about batteries,
for centericq will allow their boxes to go to power saving mode.
Fixed a bug with user's details fetching, resulted into weird behaviour
caused by new-line character in any fields on the information.
This version also introduces the "relaxed" re-connect strategy. Every time
it cannot automatically re-connect to an IM service, the try period is
icreased by half of its previous value. This is made so that "turboing"
situations are recovered without any user's intervention.
Invalid username or/and password situation is now tracked and reported
in the Yahoo! engine.
Finally, a bug caused centericq to freeze (for protocols' activities)
after "Ctrl-L" was fixed with a patch sent by Sergey A.
Kogan <kogan@omskelecom.ru>
Seems like I just cannot stop adding support for protocols. Thus,
support for IRC was implemented in this version. It doesn't (yet?)
support talking on channels and intended only for private messaging.
Though, you can enter channels to be visible for other users staying on
them. Channels are controlled with the "Channel manager" dialog which
can be ivoked from the account manager. It's also possible to fetch a
list of users on channels with the find/add dialog.
Since libicq2000 now does support visible and invisible lists, so does
Now centericq can ask away messages when you change your IM status. This
behaviour is controlled with the respective option of the configuration
Feature to change current IM status from the command line was added.
The auto-away/auto-N/A behaved weird on remotely connected sessions.
All the lists of contacts such as contact list, search results, multiple
recipients selection now highlight users from various networks with
appropriate colors and have the quick-find feature which is possible to
be activate with "/" or alt-s.
ICQ invisible status of contacts wasn't shown. Fixed.
The bug which made it impossible to send SMS-es to oneself from the
command line was fixed.
Applied the collapsable groups patch from Bertram Bourdrez
<bourdrez@casema.net>. So now a contact list group can be collapsed or
expanded by pressing Enter on its header.
Now it's possible to move groups up and down the contact list with the
group manager dialog.
It's also now possible to send messages to found users from the find
results list without adding them to the contact list.
The crash with the "Broken pipe" message which happened after network
interface's going down was fixed.
The existing but not documented before -b parameter was finally
documented both in README and in the man page. It allows to specify
another base directory for the IM details and makes it possible to use
different identities under the same UNIX account.
Chat messaging mode was implemented. Along with the text being typed you
can see history of previous messages without invoking the history
facility. It's possible to turn it on with the configuration dialog.
Fixed a bug resulted in eating up disk space when it's not possible to
re-send events for quite a long time (several days, let's say). It kept
on adding newline characters after each attempt.
E-mail and name substring search options were added to the irc find
The "Move to group.." item was removed from the context menu of a user
which is not in list. Only "Add to list" can be used there.
Away messages didn't get recoded from koi8 to win1251, fixed.
Switching IM status to offline (_) from the command line was broken.
Birthday reminders are now sent to the contact list as system messages
from users.
An ability to store and load sets of search information under profiles
was added to the "Find/add" dialog.
IRC search only by e-mail without channel specification was added.
A segfault was fixed in the MSN part. It happened when a hotmail box was
cleared entirely through their web interface.
Centericq now compiles well with the new 3.1 version of GCC compiler.
Fixed a bug resulted into incorrect recipient choosing after performing
mass history message forward from the chat mode.
The "Channel manager" dialog was extended so that it allowed to chat on
IRC channels. To add a channel to the list you have to set "Show on the
contact list" for it.
ICQ events sent to users with status "Occupied" or "DND" were lost.
Fixed. Missed the workaround in the libicq2000.
The cicqsync script now refuses to work with CVS version <= 1.10
Bugs in the Yahoo! engine were fixed. They resulted into adding contacts
with strange names to the list. Eventually the Yahoo! support in
centericq became unusable because of some minor changes in the contact
list transmission protocol part. It was a really stupid bug of the Yahoo
library the program uses, and I immediately fixed it.
In the IRC module there was a problem with not detecting the case of
inability to join a channel, and it also was silent when a user was
kicked. Fixed, so that now it's detected and reported to the contact
Now the source should compile well on Solaris OS. Thanks to Jochen
Kmietsch <jochen.kmietsch@tu-clausthal.de> for initial portings efforts
and to Lion Templin <lion@leonine.com> for providing an account on a
Solaris box.
Fixed a possible buffer overflow in the MSN e-mail notification
processing code of the respective module. Thanks to KF
<dotslash@snosoft.com> for finding and reporting it.
The cicqconv migration script now does also support micq. Thanks to
Artur Komarov <artur@emd.ru>
The centericq's own notification messages class used for such events as
birthday reminders, away messages and other stuff, was separated from
usual messages. That was done to avoid external handler's reacting on
such messages like they were received from one of your contacts.
The yahoo library used by the program was changed to the one of new
generation. It would not happen unless the yahoo guys would leave their
old protocol working. So one day centericq's yahoo support just became
outdated and unusable. Anyway, now it's back, up and running, with
several new features such as settable server address and port, and
conferencing support.
As usual, several cosmetic bugs were fixed.
Finally people started sending patches. This version includes a patch
from Julien LEMOINE <julien@3rd.dyndns.org> that fixed several fribidi
and gcc 3.1 specific problems. Also Josh McIver <jmmc@flaglink.com> has
sent a patch that made centericq report when one of your Yahoo! contacts
starts or stops typing on his side.
Fixed a bug that led to segfalut when you pressed "r" on a group header.
Fixed a bug in Yahoo! that resulted into inability to remove contacts in
some situations. Just after they were deleted they rised from the dead
again. It doesn't happen anymore.
There was a problem with the chat mode, when a lot of people asked me
how to accept an authorizaiton request. Now it's easy, upon receiving it
will pop-up in a usual windowed mode.
The find/add dialog in the IRC mode was extended with a new option,
called "Joined since the last check only". It will show only users
joined since your last find/add request. It helps to view only those who
entered a channel recently.
The authorization request displaying dialog was extended with a new
"User info" button. It allows to view user's details before you accept a
Fixed the "r" key bug again. Shouldn't segfault anymore on pressing it
on a group header.
The ICQ part suffered a lot of changes that brought several major
improvements. This happened after yours sincerelly decided to contribute
a bunch of code to the libicq2000 project which can be found at
http://libicq2000.sf.net/. So, here we go with the new features of the
ICQ module.
Random chat feature support. Now it's possible to search for a random
chat partner in a specific group with the "Find/add dialog" as well as
to announce your own availability with the "Update user info" item under
the "irc" tab in the account manager dialog.
Finally, a long-awaited feature got implemented. Server-based contact
lists are now supported by centericq. By default, all the add and remove
operations on your contact list are reflected server-side. Also, as soon
as you login the contacts stored on the ICQ server get auto-added to
your local list. Though it's possible to disable this, by setting the
value of the "Store contact list server-side" in the "Update user info"
dialog for ICQ to "no". To synchronize your local contact list with the
remote one, i.e. to add the server-side missing items, use the
"Syncronize contact list" item in the account manager dialog.
Also, having a look at the newly implemented features of libicq2000, I
found something missed in centericq. So, since this version centericq is
able to perform keywords-based search, receive webpager events and
control the visibility of your current ICQ status on the web.
There were user interface related changes as well. Visible and invisible
contacts are highlighted in a special way on the contact list now. Read
the README file for more details.
When compiled with fribidi, it's now possible to disable displaying of
right-to-left text by switching off the appropriate item in the
configuration dialog.
The event sending general-purpose routine was improved so that remote
DoS/flood protection on the remove IM servers doesn't turn on because of
hudge mass-sendings. Now messages that overflow the limit get postponed
and sent in another 5 seconds.
The configuration changes, as well as users' details, group settings and
some other stuff is now saved immediately once it gets modified, and not
only on exit, like it was before. Thanks to Wolfram
Schlich <wolfram@schlich.org> for pointing this out.
Fixed a bug that caused Yahoo! users raise from the dead (re-appear on
the list) when a user attempted to delete a contact which had been added
in the same session, i.e. without logging off.
Bug-fixes in the AIM part. These include the repaired feature to remove
contacts from the contact list as well as the connect procedure that got
broken on some boxes. Now the both things must work fine. So AIM support
works even on the Jeff Covey's box right now.
The command line parameter "--version" has been added.
The modifications in the previous version broke the command-line sending
SMS to oneself feature. During fixing this one, I thought about another
useful feature.. See below.
Now it's possible to send SMSes to any phone number from the command
line with the -n (--number) parameter. Also, if the ICQ login
information is specified, it's possible to send SMSes to contact of any
kind on your list through the ICQ network. This means that if a phone
number is entered for a Yahoo, MSN or infocard contact, you're now able
to send them an SMS with centericq.
The contact list synchronization feature was modified, so that now it
doesn't send authorization requests automatically. It appeared that the
ICQ server allows to store contacts server-side without it ;) Though
instead of requesting it automatically, it's now possible to request one
manually with the corresponding menu item that was added recently.
Several interface related issues noticed were fixed.
Sending and receiving contacts feature was implemented.
The contacts selection box in visible/invisible list adding mode now
contains only items from the networks that support the feature. So far
it's only ICQ, though.
IRC NickServ authentification was implemented. The optional password
field was added which can be filled up if necessary.
Now, if the "Edit away message on status change" is enabled and all the
away messages are the same for all the protocols that support the
feature, it is displayed in the message edit box.
In the MSN the whole contact list is now read as soon as login is
performed. Friendly nicks are substituted.
Added two types of external actions that are executed before sending and
receiving events. It gives users a possibility to process messages
before they get to contactlist or history. Can be useful for on-fly
ecryption/decryption as well as for other aims.
The "Find/add users" dialog in the MSN mode was extended with one more
parameter that allows to browse users who have us on their contact
MSN contact-lists synchronization feature was added.
The "Prev" button was added to the event view dialog in the history
browsing mode, so that it's possible to navigate the history in both
Fixed a bug that made all the yahoo, msn and irc contacts have female
A cosmetic bug was fixed. It used to appear on attempts to send SMSes.
Nickname shown on the list changed to UIN and then quickly back to the
IRC "version" requests now answers with the correct value of the version
of centericq being used.
IRC ping command was added. Possible to be invoked from the context (f2)
menu for any IRC contact who is online.
It's now possible to change MSN friendly nick from the "Account manager"
For IRC channels there is now a possibility to join or leave them from
the f2 menu without a need to go to the "Channel manager" dialog.
Pressing "?" on a channel item shows the list of channel users.
File transfers in IRC were implemented.
A small change in the local mailbox check mechanism. New messages
announced now only if the mailbox grown, to avoid announcements when
some messages get deleted.
A patch to get rid of recently appeared problems with AIM was applied.
Thanks to MP <centericq@blackcore.net>. Yeah, I'm fond of the open
source development principle.
Now all the "Not in list" buddies in Yahoo, AIM and MSN networks are
removed from the remote list where they get temporarely added in order
to not to appear next time on the persistent list.
Fixed the segfault problem in the Yahoo module. The crashes were caused
by the latest version of the official client on remote.
Fixed several nicknames-related bugs in the MSN module. Now friendly
nicknames with spaces are shown correctly, as well as it's possible to
set a nickname for yourself that contains spaces. Also the nicknames on
the list get updated as soon as a remote changes their nick.
The program now compiles and hopefully works well on the MacOS X/Darwin
Several problems with Cyrillic characters were eliminated. It was
impossible to perform ICQ White Pages searches using Cyrillic letters.
Also when receiving messages with the letters used along with characters
unknown for the koi8-r codepage, it resulted into showing it in bare
cp1251. Also a guessing routine was written in order to be able to
receive Yahoo! messages written both in cp1251 and utf-8 (the recent
"improvement" by Yahoo).
A patch written by Andreas Winge <d98winge@dtek.chalmers.se> was
applied. The changes from it make it possible to join password-protected
channels on the IRC network.
"On fly" auto-reloading of configuration files was implemented, to
eliminate the need to restart the program every time the files are
changed. Centericq periodically checks them whether any modifications
took place. If so, they get re-read. The ones that get re-read now are:
sounds, colorscheme, actions and external.
The Yahoo! module was extended with the the feature to send and receive
files, view conference members and creating own conferences. Before it
was only possible to join to conferences being created by others. Also
it's now possible to fetch custom status messages in the network.
Fixed a bug resulted into inability to read events received through the
e-mail gateway and the ICQ web pager.
The MSN contact list items' duplication problem was fixed.
Support for the 6th protocol - Jabber, was added. It's already possible
to send and receive messages, read away messages, maintain contact list
and register new nicks. I heard a lot about the standard, but then after
studying it a little, I didn't get disappointed, for it's really nicely
designed. So, centericq is now delivering the power of the free
communication standards to all the console freaks (like myself).
The build problem under the Redhat 8.0 distribution was fixed.
The "Not in list" contact list node is handled in a nicer way now. When
centericq is unable to read the status of a contact which is not
included into the permanent contact list, it just doesn't show it
eliminating cases when an offline contact is shown online just because
it's not on the list.
A long-awaited interface feature to open an event in the full-screen
mode was added. Check out the F9 key in the message view mode.
Due to the effort of Barnaby Gray, our fellow libicq2000 author, who
eliminated the need for the libsigc++ in order to compile his library,
centericq now does neither. I.e. we can count minus one additional
requirement. Cheers.
The F9 and F2 keys that execute full-screenizing of an event and showing
its URLs respectively, now work in the chat mode too, acting with the
latest incoming event from the remote user.
Wrong Jabber IDs specification used to lead to segfaults. Fixed.
The "Find/add users" dialog was improved. In the searach by nick/UIN mode
now it's possible to send messages to users without adding them to the
permanent contact list.
A segfault was fixed which appeared on pressing F9 in user's details
view mode.
Jabber users directory search was implemented as well as the
invisibility along with the visible and invisible lists support.
The Jabber does now have support for the SSL connections with the
Several interface related fixes were also made.
The FAQ document was extended with some more entries.
The Jabber module was improved. Now it also supports registration on
various agents that have the feature, as well as fetching others' and
modifying your own vcard information. Groupchat was added, and nicknames
in roster get updated as soon as you change them on the centericq
contact list.
The UI approach to channels and conferences was changed dramatically.
There is no "IRC Channel manager" anymore. It was replaced with the
"Join channel/conference" dialog which is invoked from the F4/g-menu.
All other operations with channels are done from the contact list
directly, with the help of commands mentioned in the F2-menu when the
hostkey is pressed on the corresponding entry.
The MSN module migrated to the MSN library written by Meredydd Luff
<m_luff@wincoll.ac.uk>. It's way better than the previous one, it's more
stable and doesn't hang waiting for data to be received, supports typing
notifications and extended new mail notifications.
Now the "Reject" button in the Jabber authorization request view window
works. It appeared that it wasn't enough just to ignore such a request,
because in this case it keeps on coming next time you log in.
In the "Configuration" dialog it's now possible to specify a port range
for peer-to-peer connections. Since only the ICQ module in the program
supports such kind of communications, obviously only its port listening
mechanism will be affected.
Jabber contact list synchronization was implemented. Let me remind you
here that in centericq synchronization means a process of reflecting the
local contact list remotely, e.g. if there are contacts that are on your
local list in centericq, but they're not stored server-side, they get
uploaded remotely as soon as you run the respective procedure.
MSN phone information fetching was implemented.
Another discovered feature of the ICQ network was that if a remote user
is not online currently, then a message for him which gets stored
server-side is cut to 450 bytes. Centericq now has a workaround for such
a situation: it splits offline messages into pieces 450 bytes each.
The password change option was implemented in ICQ and AIM modules. Look
at the "Update details" dialogs.
MSN kept on repeating "you were added" messages. Fixed.
Users on the ignore list should have been ignored even if they sent add
notifications or authorization requests, but they were not. Now they are.
Jabber registration caused segfault if there was a space in the "Login"
field. Now, the "wrong jabber id" problem is reported in such a
When you had your own Jabber contact on centericq contact list, it
wasn't possible to update details. Fixed.
Adding and reading information about server-side contacts when they're
read as a bunch of the first connect with centericq is now done slower,
with necessary timeouts and stuff. Because of this workaround the server
is supposed not to kick us out because of flood anymore.
A problem resulted into ignoring bold attributes on the colorscheme file
auto-re-reading was fixed.
The SENDER_NICK environment variable for scripts executed on events
related to MSN contacts had been set incorrectly. Fixed.
Several small patches from Julien LEMOINE <speedblue@debian.org>, a
Debian developer, were applied.
Now the centericq build procedure can automatically find and use the
alternative SSL library, called GnuTLS. Old versions of OpenSSL called
SSLeay will work with centericq now too.
User info "manual" external actions were implemented, so that now it's
possible to define various operations to be performed with users on your
contact list. You can bind the host(1) command for ICQ contacts to
comfortably lookup their domain names, for instance. More info in the
README chapter 9.3.6.
The external actions definitions file format was extended with the
new "nowait" option which makes centericq not to wait the action
code to finish.
Since external actions can also process outgoing messages (%pre-send),
the environment variables for scripts were renamed from SENDER_* to
The Jabber module was modified so that now it treats correctly all the
data encoded in UTF-8, including nicknames in roster, user information,
and so on.
The centericq configuration now gets saved on receiving the SIGTERM
signal. Useful if you don't wanna lose your recent settings on reboot.
Shells others than /bin/sh didn't work in external actions. Fixed.
In the adding to visible/invisible list selection box contacts that are
already on the list are not shown anymore.
-rw-r--r-- | chat/centericq/DESCR | 12 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | chat/centericq/Makefile | 8 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | chat/centericq/PLIST | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | chat/centericq/distinfo | 6 |
4 files changed, 19 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/chat/centericq/DESCR b/chat/centericq/DESCR index 6da015d061b..9115df948c7 100644 --- a/chat/centericq/DESCR +++ b/chat/centericq/DESCR @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -Text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface that supports the -ICQ2000, Yahoo!, and MSN protocols. It allows you to send, receive, -and forward messages, URLs, SMSes (both through the ICQ server and -e-mail gateways supported by Mirabilis), contacts, and email express -messages. It also lets you set your own and fetch others' away -messages, and define external handlers for incoming events. +Text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface that supports the ICQ2000, +Yahoo!, and MSN protocols. It allows you to send, receive, and forward +messages, URLs, SMSes (both through the ICQ server and e-mail gateways +supported by Mirabilis), contacts, and email express messages. It also +lets you set your own and fetch others' away messages, and define external +handlers for incoming events. diff --git a/chat/centericq/Makefile b/chat/centericq/Makefile index 9fce61b68ce..b9f1557310d 100644 --- a/chat/centericq/Makefile +++ b/chat/centericq/Makefile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2003/01/24 13:36:18 wiz Exp $ +# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2003/02/15 05:56:58 salo Exp $ # -DISTNAME= centericq-4.6.5 +DISTNAME= centericq-4.9.2 CATEGORIES= chat MASTER_SITES= http://konst.org.ua/download/ @@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ USE_BUILDLINK2= yes USE_PKGLOCALEDIR= yes USE_NCURSES= # ESCDELAY USE_CXX= yes +USE_GMAKE= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes -LIBS= ${LDFLAGS} +LIBS= ${LDFLAGS} +.include "../../devel/glib/buildlink2.mk" .include "../../devel/gettext-lib/buildlink2.mk" .include "../../devel/ncurses/buildlink2.mk" .include "../../devel/libsigc++/buildlink2.mk" diff --git a/chat/centericq/PLIST b/chat/centericq/PLIST index 136c1d87fe9..5c396cf9d86 100644 --- a/chat/centericq/PLIST +++ b/chat/centericq/PLIST @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2002/11/30 12:41:05 salo Exp $ +@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.3 2003/02/15 05:56:58 salo Exp $ bin/centericq bin/cicqconv bin/cicqsync @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ share/centericq/url.wav ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo +${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo +${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/ms/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo +${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo +${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo ${PKGLOCALEDIR}/locale/zh_TW.Big5/LC_MESSAGES/centericq.mo @dirrm share/centericq/contrib/spanish @dirrm share/centericq/contrib diff --git a/chat/centericq/distinfo b/chat/centericq/distinfo index b920324d38b..6508982e862 100644 --- a/chat/centericq/distinfo +++ b/chat/centericq/distinfo @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2002/03/10 11:01:59 hubertf Exp $ +$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2003/02/15 05:56:58 salo Exp $ -SHA1 (centericq-4.6.5.tar.gz) = 4578876dd78149a916a50eae8f393c125a4fa552 -Size (centericq-4.6.5.tar.gz) = 714889 bytes +SHA1 (centericq-4.9.2.tar.gz) = bfa97d4dd6a3e5c755f032764fa8766bb42406ae +Size (centericq-4.9.2.tar.gz) = 1223514 bytes |