diff options
authoradrianp <>2006-10-21 07:47:25 +0000
committeradrianp <>2006-10-21 07:47:25 +0000
commit982557f9e8670a6e70a105969975f823dac073a9 (patch)
parentbb0b1480ede87a3d3d79d7a63e141f700d639506 (diff)
Import rainbowcrack from pkgsrc-wip, packaged by David Howland
RainbowCrack is a general propose implementation of Philippe Oechslin's faster time-memory trade-off technique. In short, the RainbowCrack tool is a hash cracker. A traditional brute force cracker try all possible plaintexts one by one in cracking time. It is time consuming to break complex password in this way. The idea of time-memory trade-off is to do all cracking time computation in advance and store the result in files so called "rainbow table". It does take a long time to precompute the tables. But once the one time precomputation is finished, a time-memory trade-off cracker can be hundreds of times faster than a brute force cracker, with the help of precomputed tables.
5 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/rainbowcrack/DESCR b/security/rainbowcrack/DESCR
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee4e4f1f4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/rainbowcrack/DESCR
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+RainbowCrack is a general propose implementation of Philippe Oechslin's faster
+time-memory trade-off technique. In short, the RainbowCrack tool is a hash
+cracker. A traditional brute force cracker try all possible plaintexts one by
+one in cracking time. It is time consuming to break complex password in this
+way. The idea of time-memory trade-off is to do all cracking time computation
+in advance and store the result in files so called "rainbow table". It does
+take a long time to precompute the tables. But once the one time precomputation
+is finished, a time-memory trade-off cracker can be hundreds of times faster
+than a brute force cracker, with the help of precomputed tables.
diff --git a/security/rainbowcrack/Makefile b/security/rainbowcrack/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aebc95eec96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/rainbowcrack/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2006/10/21 07:47:25 adrianp Exp $
+PKGNAME= rainbowcrack-1.2
+DISTNAME= rainbowcrack-1.2-src
+CATEGORIES= security
+ rainbowcrack-1.2-openbsd-diffs.tar.gz
+COMMENT= Hash cracker
+USE_TOOLS+= patch
+INSTALLATION_DIRS= bin share/doc/rainbowcrack share/rainbowcrack
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/src && ${PATCH} < ${WRKDIR}/Public.cpp.diff
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/doc && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.htm \
+ ${PREFIX}/share/doc/rainbowcrack/
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/src/charset.txt ${PREFIX}/share/rainbowcrack
+.include "../../security/openssl/"
+.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/security/rainbowcrack/PLIST b/security/rainbowcrack/PLIST
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..52b77c13b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/rainbowcrack/PLIST
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 2006/10/21 07:47:25 adrianp Exp $
+@dirrm share/rainbowcrack
+@dirrm share/doc/rainbowcrack
diff --git a/security/rainbowcrack/distinfo b/security/rainbowcrack/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8c68779505e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/rainbowcrack/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2006/10/21 07:47:25 adrianp Exp $
+SHA1 ( = b077a654133cd108a3c619d66482e1796d56b0dc
+RMD160 ( = 51fdcf84ebfbe8ebb9e5bc6c3d4452f9d158eb79
+Size ( = 44742 bytes
+SHA1 (rainbowcrack-1.2-openbsd-diffs.tar.gz) = 3ab5c1d293e8b86e5e206ecf859525e89f357acc
+RMD160 (rainbowcrack-1.2-openbsd-diffs.tar.gz) = 709556a31e99aa069062762362f48b3ec24beabb
+Size (rainbowcrack-1.2-openbsd-diffs.tar.gz) = 846 bytes
diff --git a/security/rainbowcrack/files/Makefile b/security/rainbowcrack/files/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..314c3890b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/rainbowcrack/files/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2006/10/21 07:47:25 adrianp Exp $
+# System-specific configuration.
+CRYPTOLIBS?= -lcrypto
+# Package-provided data.
+PROGS= rtgen rtdump rtsort rcrack
+SRCS.rtgen= Public.cpp ChainWalkContext.cpp HashAlgorithm.cpp HashRoutine.cpp RainbowTableGenerate.cpp
+SRCS.rtdump= Public.cpp ChainWalkContext.cpp HashAlgorithm.cpp HashRoutine.cpp RainbowTableDump.cpp
+SRCS.rtsort= Public.cpp RainbowTableSort.cpp
+LIBS.rtsort= # none
+SRCS.rcrack= Public.cpp ChainWalkContext.cpp HashAlgorithm.cpp HashRoutine.cpp HashSet.cpp MemoryPool.cpp ChainWalkSet.cpp CrackEngine.cpp RainbowCrack.cpp
+# The code that makes the above work.
+.for p in ${PROGS}
+all: ${p}
+${p}: ${SRCS.${p}}
+ ${CXX} ${CPPFLAGS} ${CXXFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${LIBS} ${LIBS.${p}} ${SRCS.${p}} -o ${.TARGET}
+install: install-${p}
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${p} ${PREFIX}/bin/${p}