diff options
authorwen <>2016-01-01 12:03:03 +0000
committerwen <>2016-01-01 12:03:03 +0000
commit24948505d37f941f963b0b3f4f4fb024a76a7418 (patch)
parentaf707a1506b91247f45eddae95423cd36d58cd03 (diff)
Update to 1.6.7
Upstream changes: Changes in version 1.6-7 fix some bug in handling weights in svm.default Changes in version 1.6-6 fix numeric issue in classAgreement() add functions from recommended packages to NAMESPACE fix bug in svm.default (incorrect handling of subset= argument) fix bug in predict.svm (new data with NA in response got removed) residuals are now correctly computed for regression in case of scaled data Changes in version 1.6-5 hamming.distance() no longer converts input to binary tune() now uses mean() to aggregate error measures from cross-fold replications Changes in version 1.6-4 remove library("SparseM") statements in code, use namespace semantics instead Fix memory leak and uninitialized read error in write.svm() add warning in predict.svm() if probabilities should be predicted, but the model was not trained with probability = TRUE add eps to laplace smoothing in predict.naiveBayes() to account for close-zero probabilities also. use R's random number generator for cross-validation and probability computation instead of the system one. Changes in version 1.6-3 remove require() statements and dependency on stats Changes in version 1.6-2 vignettes moved to vignettes folder. libsvm upgrade to version 3.17, getting rid of stdout and stderr
2 files changed, 7 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/math/R-e1071/Makefile b/math/R-e1071/Makefile
index cf6af75f551..ea2c3180db7 100644
--- a/math/R-e1071/Makefile
+++ b/math/R-e1071/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2013/08/15 09:34:23 wen Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2016/01/01 12:03:03 wen Exp $
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ COMMENT= Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics (e1071), TU Wien
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
R_PKGNAME= e1071
-R_PKGVER= 1.6-1
+R_PKGVER= 1.6-7
diff --git a/math/R-e1071/distinfo b/math/R-e1071/distinfo
index 54275f348ac..3862a21337b 100644
--- a/math/R-e1071/distinfo
+++ b/math/R-e1071/distinfo
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2015/11/03 23:33:28 agc Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2016/01/01 12:03:03 wen Exp $
-SHA1 (R/e1071_1.6-1.tar.gz) = d95d38445003a8120fc96e73667c9bdd90b77392
-RMD160 (R/e1071_1.6-1.tar.gz) = 76b0f58d4eb758d21795ac1e9a0fb93d6193f319
-SHA512 (R/e1071_1.6-1.tar.gz) = d6f815dfe6a15a4db787584793bc8a442d17bcbc34a9955b1cd09c191b2f9799883a6c6cf76db9d0ad026f61a8f3694aac7855ab80ce9611ffcbc726095040a2
-Size (R/e1071_1.6-1.tar.gz) = 258910 bytes
+SHA1 (R/e1071_1.6-7.tar.gz) = 5c495353a4cb4a557d92d824e4aa2ad608ac5c37
+RMD160 (R/e1071_1.6-7.tar.gz) = 36274a1d3bcd896f1885f4b45de9ed7a580c5e68
+SHA512 (R/e1071_1.6-7.tar.gz) = 08c11ffddc46ea500320ee30cb800be4da96ea4bc174d82a6cc1c42a11a1e37534b1607367fa776024f559b648ca72af55e11b500f418feae7ace2f059c47e72
+Size (R/e1071_1.6-7.tar.gz) = 600498 bytes