diff options
authorryoon <>2016-02-14 08:39:47 +0000
committerryoon <>2016-02-14 08:39:47 +0000
commitc59c99bff7c3dd07c349198354645559ee351fff (patch)
parenta8736dc0a5d0860abfb357eeeec0952102b019e7 (diff)
Fix CVE-2015-1038, bump PKGREVISION
3 files changed, 281 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/archivers/p7zip/Makefile b/archivers/p7zip/Makefile
index 076b1ee8e73..d3821d2e212 100644
--- a/archivers/p7zip/Makefile
+++ b/archivers/p7zip/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.59 2015/12/29 19:39:21 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.60 2016/02/14 08:39:47 ryoon Exp $
DISTNAME= p7zip_15.09_src_all
PKGNAME= p7zip-15.09
CATEGORIES= archivers
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
diff --git a/archivers/p7zip/distinfo b/archivers/p7zip/distinfo
index f0ac9c5d1b2..2b7ad5ebbbd 100644
--- a/archivers/p7zip/distinfo
+++ b/archivers/p7zip/distinfo
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.45 2015/12/29 19:39:21 adam Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.46 2016/02/14 08:39:47 ryoon Exp $
SHA1 (p7zip_15.09_src_all.tar.bz2) = d5d21ac15e7c197f8af0366694ab9a301cfce972
RMD160 (p7zip_15.09_src_all.tar.bz2) = f9ca03529644f43893f1f1b7ef6d864549e53022
SHA512 (p7zip_15.09_src_all.tar.bz2) = 4f020b13632ef7a85aa8a98586b59bef2dde3c1cbebdbd17e01f1d09b2e13a56ecfe82546d7efc677c45df67456a71cfdb67826b53ebea4c0fb4878f20c2f6dd
Size (p7zip_15.09_src_all.tar.bz2) = 4048481 bytes
SHA1 (patch-CPP_Windows_DLL.cpp) = 12fb3f3cf4d32b8848f741dde6bcb0e56a9c6745
+SHA1 (patch-CVE-2015-1038) = 461acb6f72cb98fe5f8b240c5d6ed4310404263c
SHA1 (patch-aa) = 9c103fa831cc6ff099e3a604c763ff416f1b48ec
SHA1 (patch-ab) = c680fb037b9ef5e19e4c8dc71dd710598277a61b
SHA1 (patch-ac) = a7afeded4aeb5ef230d006d1556ee601a6190063
diff --git a/archivers/p7zip/patches/patch-CVE-2015-1038 b/archivers/p7zip/patches/patch-CVE-2015-1038
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef76893b0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archivers/p7zip/patches/patch-CVE-2015-1038
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-CVE-2015-1038,v 1.1 2016/02/14 08:39:47 ryoon Exp $
+* A patch for CVE-2015-1038
+--- CPP/7zip/UI/Agent/Agent.cpp.orig 2015-09-17 19:02:35.000000000 +0000
++++ CPP/7zip/UI/Agent/Agent.cpp
+@@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@ STDMETHODIMP CAgentFolder::Extract(const
+ HRESULT result = _agentSpec->GetArchive()->Extract(&realIndices.Front(),
+ realIndices.Size(), testMode, extractCallback);
+ if (result == S_OK)
+- result = extractCallbackSpec->SetDirsTimes();
++ result = extractCallbackSpec->SetFinalAttribs();
+ return result;
+ }
+$NetBSD: patch-CVE-2015-1038,v 1.1 2016/02/14 08:39:47 ryoon Exp $
+--- CPP/7zip/UI/Client7z/Client7z.cpp.orig 2015-10-17 14:52:30.000000000 +0000
++++ CPP/7zip/UI/Client7z/Client7z.cpp
+@@ -230,8 +230,11 @@ private:
+ COutFileStream *_outFileStreamSpec;
+ CMyComPtr<ISequentialOutStream> _outFileStream;
++ CObjectVector<NWindows::NFile::NDir::CDelayedSymLink> _delayedSymLinks;
+ public:
+ void Init(IInArchive *archiveHandler, const FString &directoryPath);
++ HRESULT SetFinalAttribs();
+ UInt64 NumErrors;
+ bool PasswordIsDefined;
+@@ -449,11 +452,23 @@ STDMETHODIMP CArchiveExtractCallback::Se
+ }
+ _outFileStream.Release();
+ if (_extractMode && _processedFileInfo.AttribDefined)
+- SetFileAttrib(_diskFilePath, _processedFileInfo.Attrib);
++ SetFileAttrib(_diskFilePath, _processedFileInfo.Attrib, &_delayedSymLinks);
+ PrintNewLine();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
++HRESULT CArchiveExtractCallback::SetFinalAttribs()
++ HRESULT result = S_OK;
++ for (int i = 0; i != _delayedSymLinks.Size(); ++i)
++ if (!_delayedSymLinks[i].Create())
++ result = E_FAIL;
++ _delayedSymLinks.Clear();
++ return result;
+ STDMETHODIMP CArchiveExtractCallback::CryptoGetTextPassword(BSTR *password)
+ {
+@@ -914,6 +929,8 @@ int MY_CDECL main(int numArgs, const cha
+ // extractCallbackSpec->PasswordIsDefined = true;
+ // extractCallbackSpec->Password = L"1";
+ HRESULT result = archive->Extract(NULL, (UInt32)(Int32)(-1), false, extractCallback);
++ if (result == S_OK)
++ result = extractCallbackSpec->SetFinalAttribs();
+ if (result != S_OK)
+ {
+ PrintError("Extract Error");
+$NetBSD: patch-CVE-2015-1038,v 1.1 2016/02/14 08:39:47 ryoon Exp $
+--- CPP/7zip/UI/Common/ArchiveExtractCallback.cpp.orig 2015-10-03 08:49:15.000000000 +0000
++++ CPP/7zip/UI/Common/ArchiveExtractCallback.cpp
+@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ STDMETHODIMP CArchiveExtractCallback::Se
+ NumFiles++;
+ if (!_stdOutMode && _extractMode && _fi.AttribDefined)
+- SetFileAttrib(_diskFilePath, _fi.Attrib);
++ SetFileAttrib(_diskFilePath, _fi.Attrib, &_delayedSymLinks);
+ RINOK(_extractCallback2->SetOperationResult(opRes, BoolToInt(_encrypted)));
+@@ -1584,8 +1584,9 @@ static unsigned GetNumSlashes(const FCha
+ }
+ }
+-HRESULT CArchiveExtractCallback::SetDirsTimes()
++HRESULT CArchiveExtractCallback::SetFinalAttribs()
+ {
++ HRESULT result = S_OK;
+ CRecordVector<CExtrRefSortPair> pairs;
+ pairs.ClearAndSetSize(_extractedFolderPaths.Size());
+ unsigned i;
+@@ -1622,5 +1623,12 @@ HRESULT CArchiveExtractCallback::SetDirs
+ (WriteATime && ATimeDefined) ? &ATime : NULL,
+ (WriteMTime && MTimeDefined) ? &MTime : (_arc->MTimeDefined ? &_arc->MTime : NULL));
+ }
+- return S_OK;
++ for (int i = 0; i != _delayedSymLinks.Size(); ++i)
++ if (!_delayedSymLinks[i].Create())
++ result = E_FAIL;
++ _delayedSymLinks.Clear();
++ return result;
+ }
+$NetBSD: patch-CVE-2015-1038,v 1.1 2016/02/14 08:39:47 ryoon Exp $
+--- CPP/7zip/UI/Common/ArchiveExtractCallback.h.orig 2015-10-03 10:29:09.000000000 +0000
++++ CPP/7zip/UI/Common/ArchiveExtractCallback.h
+@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
+ #include "../../../Common/MyCom.h"
+ #include "../../../Common/Wildcard.h"
++#include "../../../Windows/FileDir.h"
+ #include "../../IPassword.h"
+ #include "../../Common/FileStreams.h"
+@@ -237,6 +239,8 @@ class CArchiveExtractCallback:
+ bool _saclEnabled;
+ #endif
++ CObjectVector<NWindows::NFile::NDir::CDelayedSymLink> _delayedSymLinks;
+ void CreateComplexDirectory(const UStringVector &dirPathParts, FString &fullPath);
+ HRESULT GetTime(int index, PROPID propID, FILETIME &filetime, bool &filetimeIsDefined);
+ HRESULT GetUnpackSize();
+@@ -330,7 +334,7 @@ public:
+ }
+ #endif
+- HRESULT SetDirsTimes();
++ HRESULT SetFinalAttribs();
+ };
+ bool CensorNode_CheckPath(const NWildcard::CCensorNode &node, const CReadArcItem &item);
+$NetBSD: patch-CVE-2015-1038,v 1.1 2016/02/14 08:39:47 ryoon Exp $
+--- CPP/7zip/UI/Common/Extract.cpp.orig 2015-09-07 19:47:32.000000000 +0000
++++ CPP/7zip/UI/Common/Extract.cpp
+@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ static HRESULT DecompressArchive(
+ else
+ result = archive->Extract(&realIndices.Front(), realIndices.Size(), testMode, ecs);
+ if (result == S_OK && !options.StdInMode)
+- result = ecs->SetDirsTimes();
++ result = ecs->SetFinalAttribs();
+ return callback->ExtractResult(result);
+ }
+$NetBSD: patch-CVE-2015-1038,v 1.1 2016/02/14 08:39:47 ryoon Exp $
+--- CPP/Windows/FileDir.cpp.orig 2015-10-10 12:37:41.000000000 +0000
++++ CPP/Windows/FileDir.cpp
+@@ -347,7 +347,8 @@ static int convert_to_symlink(const char
+ return -1;
+ }
+-bool SetFileAttrib(CFSTR fileName, DWORD fileAttributes)
++bool SetFileAttrib(CFSTR fileName, DWORD fileAttributes,
++ CObjectVector<CDelayedSymLink> *delayedSymLinks)
+ {
+ if (!fileName) {
+@@ -379,7 +380,9 @@ bool SetFileAttrib(CFSTR fileName, DWORD
+ stat_info.st_mode = fileAttributes >> 16;
+ if (S_ISLNK(stat_info.st_mode)) {
+- if ( convert_to_symlink(name) != 0) {
++ if (delayedSymLinks)
++ delayedSymLinks->Add(CDelayedSymLink(name));
++ else if ( convert_to_symlink(name) != 0) {
+ TRACEN((printf("SetFileAttrib(%s,%d) : false-3\n",(const char *)name,fileAttributes)))
+ return false;
+ }
+@@ -814,6 +817,43 @@ bool CTempDir::Remove()
+ return !_mustBeDeleted;
+ }
++#ifdef ENV_UNIX
++CDelayedSymLink::CDelayedSymLink(const char * source)
++ : _source(source)
++ struct stat st;
++ if (lstat(_source, &st) == 0) {
++ _dev = st.st_dev;
++ _ino = st.st_ino;
++ } else {
++ _dev = 0;
++ }
++bool CDelayedSymLink::Create()
++ struct stat st;
++ if (_dev == 0) {
++ errno = EPERM;
++ return false;
++ }
++ if (lstat(_source, &st) != 0)
++ return false;
++ if (_dev != st.st_dev || _ino != st.st_ino) {
++ // Placeholder file has been overwritten or moved by another
++ // symbolic link creation
++ errno = EPERM;
++ return false;
++ }
++ return convert_to_symlink(_source) == 0;
++#endif // ENV_UNIX
+ }}}
+ #ifndef _SFX
+$NetBSD: patch-CVE-2015-1038,v 1.1 2016/02/14 08:39:47 ryoon Exp $
+--- CPP/Windows/FileDir.h.orig 2015-06-19 10:52:06.000000000 +0000
++++ CPP/Windows/FileDir.h
+@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+ #define __WINDOWS_FILE_DIR_H
+ #include "../Common/MyString.h"
++#include "../Common/MyVector.h"
+ #include "FileIO.h"
+@@ -11,11 +12,14 @@ namespace NWindows {
+ namespace NFile {
+ namespace NDir {
++class CDelayedSymLink;
+ bool GetWindowsDir(FString &path);
+ bool GetSystemDir(FString &path);
+ bool SetDirTime(CFSTR path, const FILETIME *cTime, const FILETIME *aTime, const FILETIME *mTime);
+-bool SetFileAttrib(CFSTR path, DWORD attrib);
++bool SetFileAttrib(CFSTR path, DWORD attrib,
++ CObjectVector<CDelayedSymLink> *delayedSymLinks = 0);
+ bool MyMoveFile(CFSTR existFileName, CFSTR newFileName);
+ #ifndef UNDER_CE
+@@ -76,6 +80,31 @@ public:
+ bool Remove();
+ };
++// Symbolic links must be created last so that they can't be used to
++// create or overwrite files above the extraction directory.
++class CDelayedSymLink
++#ifdef ENV_UNIX
++ // Where the symlink should be created. The target is specified in
++ // the placeholder file.
++ AString _source;
++ // Device and inode of the placeholder file. Before creating the
++ // symlink, we must check that these haven't been changed by creation
++ // of another symlink.
++ dev_t _dev;
++ ino_t _ino;
++ explicit CDelayedSymLink(const char * source);
++ bool Create();
++#else // !ENV_UNIX
++ CDelayedSymLink(const char * source) {}
++ bool Create() { return true; }
++#endif // ENV_UNIX
+ #if !defined(UNDER_CE)
+ class CCurrentDirRestorer
+ {