diff options
authormicha <>2019-10-04 14:07:54 +0000
committermicha <>2019-10-04 14:07:54 +0000
commit69149cb53a4dcc9744415788f5f2fe8b20fbdb8e (patch)
parentaac748381e471250c4e0b9abe688c192d5e04c3f (diff)
pbosh: Switch to latest distfile.
Changelog ========= Release 2019-03-29: - Bourne Shell: local(1), export(1) and readonly(1) now all support to. expand the '~' character in environment variables like e.g. PATH. - Bourne Shell: Added unit tests for the tilde expansion and the related changes. Release 2019-04-29: - libshedit/bsh/Bourne Shell: The TAB file name expansion now uses a new expansion funtion that is not based on pattern matching but on strstr() and thus is no longer fooled by file names that contain pattern matching meta characters. - Bourne Shell: "trap -- ..." now correctly handles "--" even if the next argument is "-". - Bourne Shell: trap now supports a new option -p that allows to restore the whole trap state using the following commands: old_traps=$(trap -p) trap "some commands" INT QUIT ... eval "$old_traps" This is possible because "trap -p" outputs the state for all signals and not only for those signals that are not in the default state. The new trap interfase was agreed on in the 2019-04-11 POSIX teleconference. Bourne Shell: The exception for "while true; do date; done | uniq -c" in job control handling that has been introduced in November 2015 has been refined to prevent it from causing "(bosh)" to stop from SIGTTIN. Thanks to Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU> for reporting. - Bourne Shell: A new #define JOB_DEBUG has been added. - Bourne Shell: The command: (trap '' SEGV; $SHELL -c 'kill -s SEGV $$; echo survived') caused the shell not to print "survived" because a previous exception for SIGSEGV from the 1977 Bourne Shell version had not been removed for the POSIX variant of the shell. The problem occured because it was possible to unignore an ignored (at startup) SIGSEGV. Thanks to Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU> for reporting. - Bourne Shell: The code now uses SIG2STR_MAX for the size of the sig2str() output buffer. - Bourne Shell: the behavior related to SIGINT on the command line in the case that the history editor is enabled has been changed to match the behavior of ksh. The Bourne Shell now calls trap commands for SIGINT when ^C is typed on the command line. Note that the classical Bourne Shell behavior (which is still active in case the history editor has been disabled via "set +o ved") is that the trap command is called after ^C is followed by a CR if both are typed on a PS1 prompt. Note: The behavior for "trap" in this area is currently not specified in POSIX. - Bourne Shell: After jobcontrol has been introduced into the Bourne Shell: When in jobcontrol mode, the shell could no longer get signals at the same time as foreground jobs because when using jobcontrol, the shell is in a different process group than the foreground job. The Bourne Shell now derives the information about a delivered signal from the waitid() return data and thus is now able to work the same way as it has been designed in 1977. This is the same way as ksh works. If a foreground program catches such signals, the shell is still not able to detect the signal, but it is now closer to the original behavior from 1977. - Bourne Shell: new version date 2019-04-17 Release 2019-05-28: - Bourne Shell: Similar to what ksh88 does, scripts are now checked before they are run. If there is a nul byte before a newline in the first 256 bytes, a file is rejected as alien binary instead of trying to interpret it as a script. Release 2019-06-13: - Bourne Shell: A new option "set -o globskipdot" has been added. If set, the entries "." and ".." are skipped and not shown in globbing results. If not set, the entries "." and ".." are always returned, even when they are not part of the readdir(3) results. - Bourne Shell: The option "set -o globskipdot" has been made the new dfault behavior for "bosh", but not for "pbosh" Note that this new shell option has been introduced as a result of a related BUG discussion in the Austin Group telephone conference. The background is to permit shell scripts to check whether a shell grants to hide the "." and ".." for all filesystems. Release 2019-07-15: - Bourne Shell: If OPTIND is set to a new value, the getopt() internal variable "_sp" is now reset to 1. This is needed in order to make sure that a combined option string can be parsed correctly. - Bourne Shell/libshedit/bsh: The TAB expander now again gives .. as a. result if the pattern is .. This is needed in order to let ..TAB result in ../ on the command line editor. Release 2019-09-22: - Bourne Shell: The new function isbinary() that has been introduced in May and that should prevent the shell from interpreting binary files as shell scripts had a problem: In case that a disconnected TCP/IP based remote login caused a SIGTERM followed by the read() function on stdin returning EIO, the shell could go into a complex endless loop as the failing read() with "trapnote" set caused a longjmp() before the next prompt without first clearing "trapnote". As a result, the shell did hang endlessly around while just consuming CPU time. The shell now avoids to call the read() routine inside isbinary() when "trapnote" is set and this way is able to avoid the longjmp() on error. - Bourne Shell: Fixed some typos in comment Thanks to Robert Clausecker for reporting - Bourne Shell: print.c: Changed err++ for a BOOL typed variable into err = TRUE. Thanks to Robert Clausecker for reporting - Bourne Shell, with obosh compilation type: Avoid an "unused" warning with word.c - Bourne Shell: defs.h now includes an "extern int optopt;" in order to support Ultrix where this delcaration is missing in unistd.h. Thanks to Robert Clausecker for reporting - bsh/Bourne Shell: test.c Now using a #if defined(S_IFPORT) && S_IFPORT != S_IFIFO to work around a strange definition on Ultrix Thanks to Robert Clausecker for reporting - Bourne Shell: New version date
3 files changed, 9 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/shells/pbosh/Makefile b/shells/pbosh/Makefile
index 6a29efb0b69..6fc484cfb2f 100644
--- a/shells/pbosh/Makefile
+++ b/shells/pbosh/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2019/03/19 14:24:46 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2019/10/04 14:07:54 micha Exp $
-DISTNAME= schily-2019-03-11
-PKGNAME= pbosh-20190311
+DISTNAME= schily-2019-09-22
+PKGNAME= pbosh-20190922
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
diff --git a/shells/pbosh/PLIST b/shells/pbosh/PLIST
index 36fd3fbf3cf..c17c3350cc3 100644
--- a/shells/pbosh/PLIST
+++ b/shells/pbosh/PLIST
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.1 2018/11/10 19:59:54 wiz Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2019/10/04 14:07:55 micha Exp $
diff --git a/shells/pbosh/distinfo b/shells/pbosh/distinfo
index 96ba8243167..ca494f7750d 100644
--- a/shells/pbosh/distinfo
+++ b/shells/pbosh/distinfo
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2019/03/19 14:24:46 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2019/10/04 14:07:55 micha Exp $
-SHA1 (schily-2019-03-11.tar.bz2) = e3441506ec8bfaed1e55e09208d7054c728c8f57
-RMD160 (schily-2019-03-11.tar.bz2) = 49a4d8dc73ab1c1a66db655470c37d29c77d24f1
-SHA512 (schily-2019-03-11.tar.bz2) = 04f289c08b2cd6c1954600796798642ac6228dd61fbb37abeff400cbb3a30eeb481c8b6e51fa77dc506329947a4dd04021fe553516286055d586a31834e4cd98
-Size (schily-2019-03-11.tar.bz2) = 4289082 bytes
+SHA1 (schily-2019-09-22.tar.bz2) = 5ab0f574cca9f89a225948b3df2918fccc7f06e2
+RMD160 (schily-2019-09-22.tar.bz2) = 70fb7b2b66e85cac7cd94bb6ef92b5ed1cdce2c0
+SHA512 (schily-2019-09-22.tar.bz2) = 83eecb7644ca720a3b1cae69481202a83ff8bf602bf6c0f8bab96f58402adc53fe142802c0d725c63f5109ec4875d99e8f93842fed7efa77d3e23c5cfc97d9e3
+Size (schily-2019-09-22.tar.bz2) = 4460891 bytes