diff options
authorhe <he>2008-08-20 09:55:38 +0000
committerhe <he>2008-08-20 09:55:38 +0000
commitfd14c4aa36173894a3fe1c6d922ecc7ed13f7de8 (patch)
parentd46a20834282ab3f25f12ee2facdc2cd9edd5738 (diff)
Import p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key version 0.013.
This is the RIPE NCC DNSSEC Key Management tools, described at This class implements an interface to a database of private keys used during DNSSEC administration. This package includes some diffs to the self-tests, so that they pass.
7 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/DESCR b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/DESCR
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ba0988a4839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/DESCR
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This class implements an interface to a database of private keys used
+during DNSSEC administration. The class implements the Key object.
diff --git a/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/Makefile b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0cde92dc72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2008/08/20 09:55:38 he Exp $
+DISTNAME= Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key-0.013
+SVR4_PKGNAME= p5dsk
+CATEGORIES= security net perl5
+COMMENT= DNSSEC key and key-set maintenance classes and tool
+PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT= user-destdir
+DEPENDS+= p5-Net-DNS>=0.44:../../net/p5-Net-DNS
+DEPENDS+= p5-Net-DNS-SEC>=0.12:../../security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC
+DEPENDS+= p5-IO-LockedFile-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-IO-LockedFile
+DEPENDS+= p5-Log-Log4perl-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Log-Log4perl
+DEPENDS+= p5-Term-ReadLine>=1.12:../../devel/p5-Term-ReadLine
+PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/Net/DNS/SEC/Maint/Key/.packlist
+REPLACE_PERL= apps/dnssecmaint-config
+REPLACE_PERL+= apps/dnssecmaint-copyprivate
+REPLACE_PERL+= apps/maintkeydb
+ for s in dnssecmaint-config dnssecmaint-copyprivate maintkeydb; do \
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/blib/script/$$s \
+ ${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX}/bin; \
+ done
+.include "../../lang/perl5/"
+.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/PLIST b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/PLIST
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bdeb066b33f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/PLIST
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 2008/08/20 09:55:38 he Exp $
diff --git a/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/distinfo b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f2b1c96ab7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2008/08/20 09:55:38 he Exp $
+SHA1 (Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key-0.013.tar.gz) = 3e5de235dd85040e643c85219385f402492d9964
+RMD160 (Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key-0.013.tar.gz) = 2a2838720047a25576ea71b19d8ca278c33393b9
+Size (Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key-0.013.tar.gz) = 587778 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-aa) = d96868564dce7bc535c6446a9f98d00e9e663cab
+SHA1 (patch-ab) = a86ffc9b793d100c07ca5e4a812a73fedbcf883c
+SHA1 (patch-ac) = 38cf6a05669378910666fb181a5cb7c50701bced
diff --git a/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/patches/patch-aa b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/patches/patch-aa
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8719aeba93a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/patches/patch-aa
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 2008/08/20 09:55:38 he Exp $
+--- t/01-key.t.orig 2005-06-24 16:44:01.000000000 +0200
++++ t/01-key.t
+@@ -75,8 +75,11 @@ if (!defined $gid){
+ diag ("The tests depend on dnssec-keygen and the openssl command to be in your path");
++our $nokeygen;
+-my $nokeygen=0;
++our $nokeygen=0;
+ my $noopenssl=0;
+ my $dnssec_keygen_path;
+@@ -136,19 +139,16 @@ if ($nokeygen){
+ plan skip_all => "critical programs not found";
+ exit;
+ }else{
+- plan tests=>70;
+- ok(1,"Ready to test"); # test 1 (otherwise the numbering is messed up).
++ plan tests=>71;
+ }
+ BEGIN {use_ok('Net::DNS::SEC::Maint::Key');
+ };
++ # test 1
+@@ -337,35 +337,35 @@ is ( $activekeys[0]->get_keypath,"t/keyd
+ # More state tests
+-$key->fetch("","RSASHA1","21827"),0,"key fetched succesful";
++is ($key->fetch("","RSASHA1","21827"),0,"key fetched succesful"); # test 39
+ is ($key->get_keypath,"t/keydb/","get_keypath returns the proper path");
+- #test 39
++ #test 40
+ ok ($key->is_ksk,"Key is key signing key");
+- #test 40
+-ok ($key->is_inactive,"Key is inactive");
+ #test 41
++ok ($key->is_inactive,"Key is inactive");
++ #test 42
+ is ($key->set_active,1,"Toggling worked");
+- #test 42
++ #test 43
+ ok ( $key->is_active,"Key is active");
+- #test 43
++ #test 44
+ ok (! $key->is_inactive,"Key is active, thus not inactive");
+- #test 44
++ #test 45
+ ok (! $key->is_published,"Key is active, thus not published");
+- #test 45
++ #test 46
+ is ($key->set_inactive,1,"Set inactive");
+- #test 46
++ #test 47
+ ok (! $key->is_active,"Key is active");
+- #test 47
++ #test 48
+@@ -373,22 +373,22 @@ ok (! $key->is_active,"Key is active");
+ is ($key->set_published,1,"Toggling worked");
+- #test 48
++ #test 49
+ ok ( $key->is_published,"Key is published");
+- #test 49
++ #test 50
+ ok (! $key->is_active,"Key is published, thus not active");
+- #test 50
++ #test 51
+ ok (! $key->is_inactive,"Key is published, thus not published");
+- #test 51
++ #test 52
+ is ($key->set_inactive,1,"Set inactive");
+- #test 52
++ #test 53
+ ok ($key->is_inactive,"Key is not active");
+- #test 53
++ #test 54
+ my $keyset1=" 3600 IN KEY 256 3 3 (
+ ANkBgSfpnbjsgbjKibnBAB3OYb2r7EblxCKF
+@@ -422,9 +422,9 @@ 3600 IN KEY 256 3 5 (
+ is( $key->get_keyset(""), $keyset1, "getkeyset returns expected keys as well");
+- #test 54
+-is ($key->set_published,1,"Non trivial toggling worked again");
+ #test 55
++is ($key->set_published,1,"Non trivial toggling worked again");
++ #test 56
+ my $keyset2=" 3600 IN KEY 256 3 3 (
+ ANkBgSfpnbjsgbjKibnBAB3OYb2r7EblxCKF
+@@ -462,28 +462,28 @@ 3600 IN KEY 256 3 5 (
+ ) ; Key ID = 21827
+ ";
+ is( $key->get_keyset(""), $keyset2, "getkeyset returns published keys as well");
+- #test 56
++ #test 57
+ is ($key->set_inactive,1,"Non trivial toggling worked again");
+- #test 57
++ #test 58
+ ok ( $key->is_inactive,"Key is inactive");
+- #test 58
++ #test 59
+ ok (! $key->is_active,"Key is inactive, thus not active");
+- #test 59
++ #test 60
+ ok (! $key->is_published,"Key is inactive, thus not published");
+- #test 60
++ #test 61
+-ok ( $key->is_algorithm("RSASHA1"),"Key is proper algorithm"); # test 61
+-ok ( $key->is_algorithm(5),"Key is proper algorithm"); # test 62
+-ok ( ! $key->is_algorithm("RSA"),"is_algorithm (\"RSA\")"); # test 63
+-ok ( ! $key->is_algorithm("DSA"),"is_algorithm (\"DSA\")"); # test 64
+-ok ( ! $key->is_algorithm("CRYPTSAM"),"is_algorithm (\"CRYPTSAM\")"); # test 65
++ok ( $key->is_algorithm("RSASHA1"),"Key is proper algorithm"); # test 62
++ok ( $key->is_algorithm(5),"Key is proper algorithm"); # test 63
++ok ( ! $key->is_algorithm("RSA"),"is_algorithm (\"RSA\")"); # test 64
++ok ( ! $key->is_algorithm("DSA"),"is_algorithm (\"DSA\")"); # test 65
++ok ( ! $key->is_algorithm("CRYPTSAM"),"is_algorithm (\"CRYPTSAM\")"); # test 66
+@@ -496,22 +496,22 @@ SKIP: {
+ $key3->create("","RSASHA1",768,"zonesigning");
+ my @keyarray2;
+ is (@keyarray2=$key3->get_all(""),2,"two keys for returned");
+- #test 66
++ #test 67
+ my @activekeys;
+ is ( @activekeys=$key3->get_active(""),1,"One activekey for");
+- #test 67
++ #test 68
+ $activekeys[0]->set_rollover;
+ ok ( $activekeys[0]->is_rollover,"Key has rollover attribute set");
+- #test 68
++ #test 69
+ $activekeys[0]->set_inactive;
+ ok ( $activekeys[0]->is_inactive,"Key is inactive");
+- #test 69
++ #test 70
+ $activekeys[0]->set_active;
+ ok ( $activekeys[0]->is_active,"Key is active");
+- #test 70
++ #test 71
+ }
diff --git a/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/patches/patch-ab b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/patches/patch-ab
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..20ec59f6b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/patches/patch-ab
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 2008/08/20 09:55:38 he Exp $
+--- t/02-rollover.t.orig 2005-06-24 10:39:30.000000000 +0200
++++ t/02-rollover.t
+@@ -44,12 +44,18 @@ rmdir "t/keydb/";
+ diag ("The tests depend on dnssec-keygen and the openssl command to be in your path");
++our $nokeygen;
++our $openssl_path;
++our $dnssec_keygen_path;
+-my $nokeygen=0;
++our $nokeygen=0;
+ my $noopenssl=0;
+-my $dnssec_keygen_path;
+-my $openssl_path;
++our $dnssec_keygen_path;
++our $openssl_path;
+ use Shell qw (which);
+ $dnssec_keygen_path = which("dnssec-keygen");
+ $dnssec_keygen_path =~ s/\s+$//;
+@@ -105,8 +111,9 @@ if ($nokeygen){
+ plan skip_all => "critical programs not found";
+ exit;
+ }else{
+- plan tests=>20;
++ plan tests=>22;
+ }
diff --git a/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/patches/patch-ac b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/patches/patch-ac
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..94e703de54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key/patches/patch-ac
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 2008/08/20 09:55:38 he Exp $
+--- apps/maintkeydb.orig 2005-05-24 16:35:47.000000000 +0200
++++ apps/maintkeydb
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-#!/usr/local/bin/perl -Iblib/lib
+-#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT -Iblib/lib