path: root/devel
diff options
authorepg <>2008-12-13 05:17:02 +0000
committerepg <>2008-12-13 05:17:02 +0000
commit8a361be612a3c8f428fc8348edf3e603a71ded13 (patch)
tree504b254e3614dcba65610b75278a2bcd69035689 /devel
parente50a596989bd1062e92ce3527c12c120f707a868 (diff)
Import py-qt4-4.4.4 (packaged by wiz, minor tweaks by me).
PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit. PyQt brings together the Qt C++ cross-platform toolkit and the cross-platform interpreted language Python. PyQt contains 300 classes and over 5,750 functions and methods. PyQt also includes the pyuic and pylupdate utilities which correspond to the Qt uic and lupdate utilities. pyuic converts the GUI designs created with Qt Designer to executable Python code. pylupdate scans Python code, extracts all strings that are candidates for internationalisation, and creates an XML file for use by Qt Linguist. The x11/py-qt3-modules and x11/py-qt3-qscintilla packages provide more Python modules for Qt.
Diffstat (limited to 'devel')
9 files changed, 2377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devel/py-qt4/DESCR b/devel/py-qt4/DESCR
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cf42f05a36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-qt4/DESCR
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit. PyQt brings
+together the Qt C++ cross-platform toolkit and the cross-platform
+interpreted language Python. PyQt contains 300 classes and over
+5,750 functions and methods.
+PyQt also includes the pyuic and pylupdate utilities which correspond
+to the Qt uic and lupdate utilities. pyuic converts the GUI designs
+created with Qt Designer to executable Python code. pylupdate
+scans Python code, extracts all strings that are candidates for
+internationalisation, and creates an XML file for use by Qt Linguist.
+The x11/py-qt3-modules and x11/py-qt3-qscintilla packages provide
+more Python modules for Qt.
diff --git a/devel/py-qt4/Makefile b/devel/py-qt4/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5c92ebe3b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-qt4/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2008/12/13 05:17:02 epg Exp $
+CATEGORIES= x11 python
+COMMENT= Python binding for Qt4
+USE_TOOLS+= gmake pkg-config
+PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT= user-destdir
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -q ${QTDIR}/bin/qmake
+# XXX: should not be necessary, but framework thinks pkgsrc only has static
+# qt4 libraries
+#epg fixed? with patch-aa
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --confirm-license
+#SUBST_CLASSES+= pyversfx
+#SUBST_STAGE.pyversfx= pre-configure
+#SUBST_FILES.pyversfx= pyuic4/pyuic.sbf pylupdate4/pylupdate.sbf
+.include "../../mk/"
+.if ${OPSYS} == "Darwin"
+PLIST_SRC+= ${PKGDIR}/PLIST.common_end
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --verbose
+ (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
+.include "../../lang/python/" ${PYPKGPREFIX}-sip>=4.7.9
+.include "../../x11/py-sip/"
+.include "../../sysutils/dbus/"
+.include "../../sysutils/py-dbus/"
+.include "../../x11/qt4-libs/"
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.qt4-tools+= qt4-tools>=4.4.0nb1
+.include "../../x11/qt4-tools/"
+# ${PYSITELIB}/ depends on
+# which is part of qt4-tools, so we need a runtime dependency
+# XXX split this pkg?
+BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.qt4-tools= full
+.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.Darwin b/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.Darwin
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..98c58f3f3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.Darwin
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST.Darwin,v 2008/12/13 05:17:02 epg Exp $
diff --git a/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.X11 b/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.X11
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2b1160250a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.X11
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST.X11,v 2008/12/13 05:17:02 epg Exp $
diff --git a/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.common b/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.common
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..31977b2bdce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.common
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST.common,v 2008/12/13 05:17:02 epg Exp $
diff --git a/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.common_end b/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.common_end
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef5112854bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-qt4/PLIST.common_end
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST.common_end,v 2008/12/13 05:17:02 epg Exp $
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtXml
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtWebKit
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtTest
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtSvg
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtSql
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtScript
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtOpenGL
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtNetwork
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtHelp
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtGui
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtDesigner
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtCore
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/QtAssistant
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}/Qt
+@dirrm share/sip${PYVERSSUFFIX}
+@comment in py-dbus: @dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/dbus/mainloop
+@comment in py-dbus: @dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/dbus
+@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins
+@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/PyQt4/uic/Loader
+@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/PyQt4/uic/Compiler
+@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/PyQt4/uic
+@dirrm ${PYSITELIB}/PyQt4
diff --git a/devel/py-qt4/ b/devel/py-qt4/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc6b7d898d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-qt4/
@@ -0,0 +1,1840 @@
+# This script generates the PyQt configuration and generates the Makefiles.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Riverbank Computing Limited <>
+# This file is part of PyQt.
+# This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+# included in the packaging of this file. Alternatively you may (at
+# your option) use any later version of the GNU General Public
+# License if such license has been publicly approved by Riverbank
+# Computing Limited (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt
+# Foundation. In addition, as a special exception, Riverbank gives you
+# certain additional rights. These rights are described in the Riverbank
+# GPL Exception version 1.1, which can be found in the file
+# GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+# Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+# Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+# If
+# you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+# review the following information:
+# or contact the sales department at
+# This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not expressly
+# granted herein.
+# This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+import sys
+import os
+import string
+import glob
+import optparse
+import shutil
+import sipconfig
+# Initialise the globals.
+pyqt_version = 0x040404
+pyqt_version_str = "4.4.4"
+sip_min_version = 0x040708
+qt_version = 0
+qt_edition = ""
+qt_dir = None
+qt_incdir = None
+qt_libdir = None
+qt_bindir = None
+qt_datadir = None
+qt_pluginsdir = None
+qt_xfeatures = None
+qt_shared = ""
+qt_framework = 0
+qt_sip_flags = []
+pyqt_modules = []
+pyqt_modroot = None
+# Get the SIP configuration.
+sipcfg = sipconfig.Configuration()
+pydbusmoddir = None
+dbusincdirs = []
+dbuslibdirs = []
+dbuslibs = []
+# Under Windows qmake and the Qt DLLs must be into the system PATH otherwise
+# the dynamic linker won't be able to resolve the symbols. On other systems we
+# assume we can just run qmake by using its full pathname.
+if sys.platform == "win32":
+ MSG_CHECK_QMAKE = "Make sure you have a working Qt v4 qmake on your PATH."
+ MSG_CHECK_QMAKE = "Make sure you have a working Qt v4 qmake on your PATH or use the -q argument to explicitly specify a working Qt v4 qmake."
+def find_default_qmake():
+ """Find a default qmake, ie. the first on the path.
+ """
+ try:
+ path = os.environ["PATH"]
+ except KeyError:
+ path = ""
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ base_qmake = "qmake.exe"
+ else:
+ base_qmake = "qmake"
+ for d in path.split(os.pathsep):
+ qmake = os.path.join(d, base_qmake)
+ if os.access(qmake, os.X_OK):
+ return qmake
+ return ""
+def create_optparser():
+ """Create the parser for the command line.
+ """
+ qmake = find_default_qmake()
+ def store_abspath(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value))
+ def store_abspath_dir(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ if not os.path.isdir(value):
+ raise optparse.OptionValueError("'%s' is not a directory" % value)
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value))
+ def store_abspath_file(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ if not os.path.isfile(value):
+ raise optparse.OptionValueError("'%s' is not a file" % value)
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value))
+ p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="python %prog [opts] [macro=value] "
+ "[macro+=value]", version=pyqt_version_str)
+ # Note: we don't use %default to be compatible with Python 2.3.
+ p.add_option("-k", "--static", action="store_true", default=False,
+ dest="static", help="build modules as static libraries")
+ p.add_option("-r", "--trace", action="store_true", default=False,
+ dest="tracing", help="build modules with tracing enabled")
+ p.add_option("-u", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="build modules with debugging symbols")
+ p.add_option("-w", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, dest="verbose",
+ help="verbose output during configuration")
+ p.add_option("-c", "--concatenate", action="store_true", default=False,
+ dest="concat", help="concatenate each module's C++ source files")
+ p.add_option("-j", "--concatenate-split", type="int", default=1,
+ metavar="N", dest="split",
+ help="split the concatenated C++ source files into N pieces "
+ "[default: 1]")
+ p.add_option("-g", "--consolidate", action="store_true", default=False,
+ dest="bigqt", help="create a single module which links against "
+ "all the Qt libraries")
+ # These are internal options used to build the mega Windows GPL package.
+ p.add_option("--mwg-odbc", action="store_true", default=False,
+ dest="mwg_odbc", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ p.add_option("--mwg-openssl", action="callback", default=None,
+ dest="mwg_ssl_dir", metavar="DIR", callback=store_abspath_dir,
+ type="string", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ p.add_option("--mwg-qsci", action="callback", default=None,
+ dest="mwg_qsci_dir", metavar="DIR", callback=store_abspath_dir,
+ type="string", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ p.add_option("--mwg-qwt", action="callback", default=None,
+ dest="mwg_qwt_dir", metavar="DIR", callback=store_abspath_dir,
+ type="string", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ # Configuration.
+ g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="Configuration")
+ g.add_option("--confirm-license", action="store_true", default=False,
+ dest="license_confirmed", help="confirm acceptance of the license")
+ g.add_option("-e", "--enable", action="append", default=[],
+ metavar="MODULE", dest="enabled", help="enable checks for the "
+ "specified MODULE [default: checks for all modules will be "
+ "enabled]")
+ g.add_option("--no-designer-plugin", action="store_false", default=True,
+ dest="designer_plugin", help="disable the building of the "
+ "Python plugin for Qt Designer [default: enabled]")
+ g.add_option("-t", "--plugin", action="append", default=[],
+ metavar="PLUGIN", dest="staticplugins", help="add PLUGIN to the "
+ "list be linked (if Qt is built as static libraries)")
+ if sys.platform != "win32":
+ g.add_option("-q", "--qmake", action="callback", metavar="FILE",
+ default=qmake, dest="qmake", callback=store_abspath_file,
+ type="string",
+ help="the pathname of qmake [default: %s]" % (qmake or "none"))
+ g.add_option("-s", "--dbus", action="callback", metavar="DIR",
+ dest="pydbusincdir", callback=store_abspath_dir, type="string",
+ help="the directory containing the dbus/dbus-python.h header file "
+ "[default: supplied by pkg-config]")
+ p.add_option_group(g)
+ # Installation.
+ g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="Installation")
+ g.add_option("-b", "--bindir", action="callback",
+ default=sipcfg.default_bin_dir, type="string", metavar="DIR",
+ dest="pyqtbindir", callback=store_abspath, help="where pyuic4, "
+ "pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 will be installed [default: %s]" %
+ sipcfg.default_bin_dir)
+ g.add_option("-d", "--destdir", action="callback",
+ default=sipcfg.default_mod_dir, type="string", metavar="DIR",
+ dest="pyqtmoddir", callback=store_abspath, help="where the PyQt4 "
+ "Python package will be installed [default: %s]" %
+ sipcfg.default_mod_dir)
+ g.add_option("-p", "--plugin-destdir", action="callback", type="string",
+ metavar="DIR", dest="plugindir", callback=store_abspath,
+ help="where any plugins will be installed [default: "
+ "QTDIR/plugins]")
+ g.add_option("--no-sip-files", action="store_false", default=True,
+ dest="install_sipfiles", help="disable the installation of the "
+ ".sip files [default: enabled]")
+ g.add_option("-v", "--sipdir", action="callback",
+ default=os.path.join(sipcfg.default_sip_dir, "PyQt4"),
+ metavar="DIR", dest="pyqtsipdir", callback=store_abspath,
+ type="string", help="where the PyQt4 .sip files will be installed "
+ "[default: %s]" % sipcfg.default_sip_dir)
+ p.add_option_group(g)
+ # Vendor ID.
+ g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="VendorID support")
+ g.add_option("-i", "--vendorid", action="store_true", default=False,
+ dest="vendorcheck", help="enable checking of signed interpreters "
+ "using the VendorID package [default: disabled]")
+ g.add_option("-l", "--vendorid-incdir", action="callback",
+ default=sipcfg.py_inc_dir, type="string", metavar="DIR",
+ dest="vendincdir", callback=store_abspath_dir, help="the "
+ "directory containing the VendorID header file [default: %s]" %
+ sipcfg.py_inc_dir)
+ g.add_option("-m", "--vendorid-libdir", action="callback",
+ default=sipcfg.py_lib_dir, type="string", metavar="DIR",
+ dest="vendlibdir", callback=store_abspath_dir, help="the "
+ "directory containing the VendorID library [default: %s]" %
+ sipcfg.py_lib_dir)
+ p.add_option_group(g)
+ # QScintilla.
+ g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="QScintilla support")
+ g.add_option("-a", "--qsci-api", action="store_true", default=None,
+ dest="api", help="always install the PyQt API file for QScintilla "
+ "[default: install only if QScintilla installed]")
+ g.add_option("--no-qsci-api", action="store_false", default=None,
+ dest="api", help="do not install the PyQt API file for QScintilla "
+ "[default: install only if QScintilla installed]")
+ g.add_option("-n", "--qsci-api-destdir", action="callback", dest="qscidir",
+ metavar="DIR", callback=store_abspath, type="string", help="where "
+ "the PyQt API file for QScintilla will be installed [default: "
+ "QTDIR/qsci]")
+ p.add_option_group(g)
+ return p
+class ConfigurePyQt4:
+ """This class defines the methods to configure PyQt4.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, generator):
+ self.generator = generator
+ def qt_version_tags(self):
+ """Get the versions tags for the configuration.
+ Returns a dictionary of versions and corresponding tags.
+ """
+ return {
+ 0x040101: None,
+ 0x040102: "Qt_4_1_1",
+ 0x040103: "Qt_4_1_2",
+ 0x040200: "Qt_4_1_3",
+ 0x040202: "Qt_4_2_0",
+ 0x040300: "Qt_4_2_2",
+ 0x040303: "Qt_4_3_0",
+ 0x040400: "Qt_4_3_3",
+ 0x040401: "Qt_4_4_0",
+ 0x050000: "Qt_4_4_1"
+ }
+ def check_modules(self):
+ if opts.mwg_odbc:
+ sql_libs = ["odbc32"]
+ else:
+ sql_libs = None
+ if opts.mwg_ssl_dir:
+ ass_lib_dirs = [os.path.join(opts.mwg_ssl_dir, "lib")]
+ ass_libs = ["ssleay32", "libeay32"]
+ else:
+ ass_lib_dirs = None
+ ass_libs = None
+ # Note that the order in which we check is important for the
+ # consolidated module - a module's dependencies must be checked first.
+ pyqt_modules.append("QtCore")
+ check_module("QtGui", "qwidget.h", "new QWidget()")
+ check_module("QtHelp", "qhelpengine.h", "new QHelpEngine(\"foo\")")
+ check_module("QtNetwork", "qhostaddress.h", "new QHostAddress()")
+ check_module("QtOpenGL", "qgl.h", "new QGLWidget()")
+ check_module("QtScript", "qscriptengine.h", "new QScriptEngine()")
+ check_module("QtSql", "qsqldatabase.h", "new QSqlDatabase()",
+ extra_libs=sql_libs)
+ check_module("QtSvg", "qsvgwidget.h", "new QSvgWidget()")
+ check_module("QtTest", "QtTest", "QTest::qSleep(0)")
+ check_module("QtWebKit", "qwebpage.h", "new QWebPage()")
+ check_module("QtXml", "qdom.h", "new QDomDocument()")
+ check_module("QtXmlPatterns", "qxmlname.h", "new QXmlName()")
+ check_module("phonon", "phonon", "new Phonon::VideoWidget()")
+ check_module("QtAssistant", "qassistantclient.h",
+ "new QAssistantClient(\"foo\")", extra_lib_dirs=ass_lib_dirs,
+ extra_libs=ass_libs)
+ if not qt_shared:
+ sipconfig.inform("QtDesigner module disabled with static Qt libraries.")
+ elif sipcfg.universal:
+ sipconfig.inform("QtDesigner module disabled with universal binaries.")
+ else:
+ check_module("QtDesigner", "QExtensionFactory",
+ "new QExtensionFactory()")
+ check_module("QAxContainer", "qaxobject.h", "new QAxObject()",
+ extra_libs=["QAxContainer"])
+ if os.path.isdir("dbus"):
+ check_dbus()
+ def code(self):
+ cons_xtra_incdirs = []
+ cons_xtra_libdirs = []
+ cons_xtra_libs = []
+ sp_libs, sp_libdirs = self._static_plugins("QtCore")
+ sp_incdirs = []
+ if opts.vendorcheck:
+ sp_incdirs.append(opts.vendincdir)
+ sp_libdirs.append(opts.vendlibdir)
+ sp_libs.append("vendorid")
+ if opts.bigqt:
+ cons_xtra_incdirs.extend(sp_incdirs)
+ cons_xtra_libdirs.extend(sp_libdirs)
+ cons_xtra_libs.extend(sp_libs)
+ generate_code("QtCore")
+ else:
+ generate_code("QtCore", extra_include_dirs=sp_incdirs,
+ extra_lib_dirs=sp_libdirs, extra_libs=sp_libs)
+ if "QtGui" in pyqt_modules:
+ sp_libs, sp_libdirs = self._static_plugins("QtGui")
+ if opts.bigqt:
+ cons_xtra_libdirs.extend(sp_libdirs)
+ cons_xtra_libs.extend(sp_libs)
+ generate_code("QtGui")
+ else:
+ generate_code("QtGui", extra_lib_dirs=sp_libdirs,
+ extra_libs=sp_libs)
+ if "QtHelp" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtHelp")
+ if "QtNetwork" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtNetwork")
+ if "QtOpenGL" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtOpenGL")
+ if "QtScript" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtScript")
+ if "QtSql" in pyqt_modules:
+ sp_libs, sp_libdirs = self._static_plugins("QtSql")
+ if opts.bigqt:
+ cons_xtra_libdirs.extend(sp_libdirs)
+ cons_xtra_libs.extend(sp_libs)
+ generate_code("QtSql")
+ else:
+ generate_code("QtSql", extra_lib_dirs=sp_libdirs,
+ extra_libs=sp_libs)
+ if "QtSvg" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtSvg")
+ if "QtTest" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtTest")
+ if "QtWebKit" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtWebKit")
+ if "QtXml" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtXml")
+ if "QtXmlPatterns" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtXmlPatterns")
+ if "phonon" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("phonon")
+ if "QtAssistant" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QtAssistant")
+ if "QtDesigner" in pyqt_modules:
+ qpy_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("qpy", "QtDesigner"))
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ if opts.debug:
+ qpy_lib_dir = os.path.join(qpy_dir, "debug")
+ else:
+ qpy_lib_dir = os.path.join(qpy_dir, "release")
+ else:
+ qpy_lib_dir = qpy_dir
+ if opts.bigqt:
+ cons_xtra_incdirs.append(qpy_dir)
+ cons_xtra_libdirs.append(qpy_lib_dir)
+ cons_xtra_libs.append("qpydesigner")
+ generate_code("QtDesigner")
+ else:
+ generate_code("QtDesigner", extra_include_dirs=[qpy_dir],
+ extra_lib_dirs=[qpy_lib_dir],
+ extra_libs=["qpydesigner"])
+ if "QAxContainer" in pyqt_modules:
+ generate_code("QAxContainer")
+ # Generate the composite module.
+ qtmod_sipdir = os.path.join("sip", "Qt")
+ mk_clean_dir(qtmod_sipdir)
+ qtmod_sipfile = os.path.join(qtmod_sipdir, "Qtmod.sip")
+ f = open(qtmod_sipfile, "w")
+ f.write("""%CompositeModule PyQt4.Qt
+ for m in pyqt_modules:
+ f.write("%%Include %s/%smod.sip\n" % (m, m))
+ f.close()
+ generate_code("Qt")
+ # Generate the consolidated module if required.
+ if opts.bigqt:
+ xtra_sip_flags = []
+ _qtmod_sipdir = os.path.join("sip", "_qt")
+ mk_clean_dir(_qtmod_sipdir)
+ _qtmod_sipfile = os.path.join(_qtmod_sipdir, "_qtmod.sip")
+ f = open(_qtmod_sipfile, "w")
+ f.write("""%ConsolidatedModule PyQt4._qt
+ for m in pyqt_modules:
+ f.write("%%Include %s/%smod.sip\n" % (m, m))
+ if opts.mwg_qsci_dir:
+ f.write("%Include Qsci/Qscimod.sip\n")
+ cons_xtra_libs.append("qscintilla2")
+ # Copy in the QScintilla .sip files and fix the main one.
+ src_dir = os.path.join(opts.mwg_qsci_dir, "Python", "sip")
+ dst_dir = os.path.join("sip", "Qsci")
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(dst_dir);
+ except:
+ pass
+ shutil.copytree(src_dir, dst_dir)
+ os.rename(os.path.join(dst_dir, "qscimod4.sip"), os.path.join(dst_dir, "Qscimod.sip"))
+ generate_code("Qsci")
+ if opts.mwg_qwt_dir:
+ f.write("%Include Qwt5/Qwt5mod.sip\n")
+ cons_xtra_incdirs.append(os.path.join(opts.mwg_qwt_dir, "support"))
+ cons_xtra_libs.append("qwt")
+ # Copy in the PyQwt .sip files and fix the main one.
+ src_dir = os.path.join(opts.mwg_qwt_dir, "sip", "qwt5qt4")
+ dst_dir = os.path.join("sip", "Qwt5")
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(dst_dir);
+ except:
+ pass
+ shutil.copytree(src_dir, dst_dir)
+ os.rename(os.path.join(dst_dir, "QwtModule.sip"), os.path.join(dst_dir, "Qwt5mod.sip"))
+ xtra_sip_flags = ["-t", "Qwt_5_0_1",
+ "-x", "HAS_QWT4",
+ "-x", "HAS_NUMARRAY",
+ "-x", "HAS_NUMERIC",
+ "-x", "HAS_NUMPY"]
+ generate_code("Qwt5", extra_sip_flags=xtra_sip_flags)
+ f.close()
+ if opts.mwg_odbc:
+ cons_xtra_libs.append("odbc32")
+ if opts.mwg_ssl_dir:
+ cons_xtra_libdirs.append(os.path.join(opts.mwg_ssl_dir, "lib"))
+ cons_xtra_libs.extend(["ssleay32", "libeay32"])
+ generate_code("_qt", extra_include_dirs=cons_xtra_incdirs,
+ extra_lib_dirs=cons_xtra_libdirs,
+ extra_libs=cons_xtra_libs, extra_sip_flags=xtra_sip_flags)
+ # Tell the user about any plugins not found.
+ if opts.staticplugins:
+ sipconfig.inform("Unable to find the following static plugins: %s" % ", ".join(opts.staticplugins))
+ # Generate the QScintilla API file.
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating QScintilla API file...")
+ f = open("PyQt4.api", "w")
+ for m in pyqt_modules:
+ api = open(m + ".api")
+ for l in api:
+ f.write("PyQt4." + l)
+ api.close()
+ os.remove(m + ".api")
+ f.close()
+ def _static_plugins(self, mname):
+ """Return a tuple of the libraries (in platform neutral format) and the
+ directories they are contained in for all the requested static plugins
+ for the given module. Generate the additional .sip file needed to
+ ensure the plugins get linked.
+ mname is the name of the module.
+ """
+ plugin_dirs = {
+ "QtCore": ("codecs", ),
+ # Note that we put iconengines after imageformats so that qsvg is
+ # found in the latter rather than the former. The name clash is
+ # probably a Qt bug.
+ "QtGui": ("inputmethods", "imageformats", "iconengines"),
+ "QtSql": ("sqldrivers", )
+ }
+ libs = []
+ libdirs = []
+ for plug in opts.staticplugins:
+ # Convert the plugin name to a platform specific filename.
+ if self.generator in ("MSVC", "MSVC.NET", "BMAKE"):
+ pfname = plug + ".lib"
+ else:
+ pfname = "lib" + plug + ".a"
+ for pdir in plugin_dirs[mname]:
+ ppath = os.path.join(qt_pluginsdir, pdir)
+ # See if the plugin exists.
+ if os.access(os.path.join(ppath, pfname), os.F_OK):
+ sipconfig.inform("Adding the %s static plugin to the %s module..." % (plug, mname))
+ libs.append(plug)
+ if ppath not in libdirs:
+ libdirs.append(ppath)
+ break
+ # Remove those plugins we have handled.
+ opts.staticplugins = [p for p in opts.staticplugins if p not in libs]
+ # If we have any plugins for this module then generate a .sip file that
+ # will include the code needed to ensure the plugin gets linked.
+ if libs:
+ sp_sipfile = os.path.join("sip", mname, "staticplugins.sip")
+ f = open(sp_sipfile, "w")
+ f.write("""%ModuleCode
+#include <QtPlugin>
+ for l in libs:
+ f.write("Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(%s)\n" % l)
+ f.write("""
+ f.close()
+ return libs, libdirs
+ def module_installs(self):
+ return ["", ""]
+ def qpylibs(self):
+ # See which QPy libraries to build.
+ qpylibs = {}
+ if "QtDesigner" in pyqt_modules:
+ qpylibs["QtDesigner"] = ""
+ # Run qmake to generate the Makefiles.
+ qmake_args = fix_qmake_args()
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ for qpy, pro in qpylibs.iteritems():
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating QPy library for %s Makefile..." % qpy)
+ os.chdir(os.path.join("qpy", qpy))
+ if sipcfg.universal:
+ upro = "u_" + pro
+ f = open(upro, 'w+')
+ f.write(
+"""# Setup the normal .pro file for universal binaries.
+CONFIG += ppc i386
+""" % (sipcfg.universal, pro))
+ f.close()
+ pro = upro
+ run_command("%s %s %s" % (opts.qmake, qmake_args, pro))
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating QPy libraries Makefile...")
+ sipconfig.ParentMakefile(
+ configuration=sipcfg,
+ dir="qpy",
+ subdirs=qpylibs.keys()
+ ).generate()
+ return ["qpy"]
+ def tools(self):
+ tool = []
+ if pydbusmoddir:
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating dbus support module Makefile...")
+ makefile = sipconfig.ModuleMakefile(
+ configuration=sipcfg,
+ build_file="dbus.sbf",
+ dir="dbus",
+ install_dir=pydbusmoddir,
+ qt=["QtCore"],
+ debug=opts.debug,
+ universal=sipcfg.universal
+ )
+ add_makefile_extras(makefile, dbusincdirs, dbuslibdirs, dbuslibs)
+ makefile.generate()
+ tool.append("dbus")
+ # Only include ElementTree for older versions of Python.
+ if sipcfg.py_version < 0x020500:
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating elementtree Makefile...")
+ makefile = sipconfig.PythonModuleMakefile(
+ configuration=sipcfg,
+ dstdir=os.path.join(pyqt_modroot, "elementtree"),
+ dir="elementtree"
+ )
+ makefile.generate()
+ tool.append("elementtree")
+ # Create the pyuic4 wrapper. Use the GUI version on MacOS (so that
+ # previews work properly and normal console use will work anyway), but
+ # not on Windows (so that normal console use will work).
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating pyuic4 wrapper...")
+ uicdir=os.path.join(pyqt_modroot, "uic")
+ wrapper = sipconfig.create_wrapper(os.path.join(uicdir, ""), os.path.join("pyuic", "pyuic4"), (sys.platform == "darwin"))
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating pyuic4 Makefile...")
+ makefile = sipconfig.PythonModuleMakefile(
+ configuration=sipcfg,
+ dstdir=uicdir,
+ srcdir="uic",
+ dir="pyuic",
+ installs=[[os.path.basename(wrapper), opts.pyqtbindir]]
+ )
+ makefile.generate()
+ tool.append("pyuic")
+ if "QtXml" in pyqt_modules:
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating pylupdate4 Makefile...")
+ makefile = sipconfig.ProgramMakefile(
+ configuration=sipcfg,
+ build_file="pylupdate.sbf",
+ dir="pylupdate",
+ install_dir=opts.pyqtbindir,
+ console=1,
+ qt=["QtCore", "QtGui", "QtXml"],
+ debug=opts.debug,
+ warnings=1,
+ universal=sipcfg.universal
+ )
+ makefile.generate()
+ tool.append("pylupdate")
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating pyrcc4 Makefile...")
+ makefile = sipconfig.ProgramMakefile(
+ configuration=sipcfg,
+ build_file="pyrcc.sbf",
+ dir="pyrcc",
+ install_dir=opts.pyqtbindir,
+ console=1,
+ qt=["QtCore", "QtXml"],
+ debug=opts.debug,
+ warnings=1,
+ universal=sipcfg.universal
+ )
+ makefile.generate()
+ tool.append("pyrcc")
+ else:
+ sipconfig.inform("pylupdate4 and pyrcc4 will not be built because the Qt XML module is missing.")
+ if opts.designer_plugin and "QtDesigner" in pyqt_modules:
+ py_major = sipcfg.py_version >> 16
+ py_minor = (sipcfg.py_version >> 8) & 0x0ff
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ lib_dir_flag = quote("-L%s" % sipcfg.py_lib_dir)
+ link = "%s -lpython%d%d" % (lib_dir_flag, py_major, py_minor)
+ pysh_lib = "python%d%d.dll" % (py_major, py_minor)
+ else:
+ # Use distutils to get the additional configuration.
+ from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_vars
+ ducfg = get_config_vars()
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ # We need to work out how to specify the right framework
+ # version.
+ link = "-framework Python"
+ elif ("--enable-shared" in ducfg.get("CONFIG_ARGS", "") and
+ glob.glob("%s/lib/libpython%d.%d*" % (ducfg["exec_prefix"], py_major, py_minor))):
+ lib_dir_flag = quote("-L%s/lib" % ducfg["exec_prefix"])
+ link = "%s -lpython%d.%d" % (lib_dir_flag, py_major, py_minor)
+ else:
+ sipconfig.inform("Qt Designer plugin disabled because Python library is static")
+ opts.designer_plugin = False
+ pysh_lib = ducfg["LDLIBRARY"]
+ if opts.designer_plugin:
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating Qt Designer plugin Makefile...")
+ # Run qmake to generate the Makefile.
+ qmake_args = fix_qmake_args()
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir("designer")
+ # Create the qmake project file.
+ fin = open("")
+ prj =
+ fin.close()
+ prj = prj.replace("@PYINCDIR@", quote(sipcfg.py_inc_dir))
+ prj = prj.replace("@PYINCDIR@", " ".join((quote(sipcfg.py_conf_inc_dir), quote(sipcfg.py_inc_dir))))
+ prj = prj.replace("@PYLINK@", link)
+ prj = prj.replace("@PYSHLIB@", pysh_lib)
+ prj = prj.replace("@QTPLUGINDIR@", quote(opts.plugindir + "/designer"))
+ fout = open("", "w+")
+ if sipcfg.universal:
+ fout.write("CONFIG += ppc i386\n")
+ fout.write("QMAKE_MAC_SDK = %s\n" % sipcfg.universal)
+ fout.write(prj)
+ fout.close()
+ run_command("%s %s" % (opts.qmake, qmake_args))
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ tool.append("designer")
+ return tool
+def quote(path):
+ """Return a path with quotes added if it contains spaces."""
+ if " " in path:
+ path = '"%s"' % path
+ return path
+def inform_user():
+ """Tell the user the option values that are going to be used.
+ """
+ if qt_edition:
+ edstr = qt_edition + " edition "
+ else:
+ edstr = ""
+ if qt_shared:
+ lib_type = "shared"
+ else:
+ lib_type = "static"
+ sipconfig.inform("Qt v%s %sis being used." % (sipconfig.version_to_string(qt_version), edstr))
+ if sys.platform == "darwin" and qt_framework:
+ sipconfig.inform("Qt is built as a framework.")
+ sipconfig.inform("SIP %s is being used." % sipcfg.sip_version_str)
+ sipconfig.inform("The Qt header files are in %s." % qt_incdir)
+ sipconfig.inform("The %s Qt libraries are in %s." % (lib_type, qt_libdir))
+ sipconfig.inform("The Qt binaries are in %s." % qt_bindir)
+ sipconfig.inform("The Qt mkspecs directory is in %s." % qt_datadir)
+ sipconfig.inform("These PyQt modules will be built: %s." % string.join(pyqt_modules))
+ sipconfig.inform("The PyQt Python package will be installed in %s." % opts.pyqtmoddir)
+ if opts.designer_plugin:
+ sipconfig.inform("The Designer plugin will be installed in %s." % os.path.join(opts.plugindir, "designer"))
+ if opts.api:
+ sipconfig.inform("The QScintilla API file will be installed in %s." % os.path.join(opts.qscidir, "api", "python"))
+ if pydbusmoddir:
+ sipconfig.inform("The dbus support module will be installed in %s." % pydbusmoddir)
+ sipconfig.inform("The PyQt .sip files will be installed in %s." % opts.pyqtsipdir)
+ sipconfig.inform("pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 will be installed in %s." % opts.pyqtbindir)
+ if opts.vendorcheck:
+ sipconfig.inform("PyQt will only be usable with signed interpreters.")
+def create_config(module, template, macros):
+ """Create the PyQt configuration module so that it can be imported by build
+ scripts.
+ module is the module file name.
+ template is the template file name.
+ macros is the dictionary of platform specific build macros.
+ """
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating %s..." % module)
+ content = {
+ "pyqt_config_args": sys.argv[1:],
+ "pyqt_version": pyqt_version,
+ "pyqt_version_str": pyqt_version_str,
+ "pyqt_bin_dir": opts.pyqtbindir,
+ "pyqt_mod_dir": pyqt_modroot,
+ "pyqt_sip_dir": opts.pyqtsipdir,
+ "pyqt_modules": pyqt_modules,
+ "pyqt_sip_flags": qt_sip_flags,
+ "qt_version": qt_version,
+ "qt_edition": qt_edition,
+ "qt_winconfig": qt_shared,
+ "qt_framework": qt_framework,
+ "qt_threaded": 1,
+ "qt_dir": qt_dir,
+ "qt_data_dir": qt_datadir,
+ "qt_inc_dir": qt_incdir,
+ "qt_lib_dir": qt_libdir
+ }
+ sipconfig.create_config_module(module, template, content, macros)
+def run_command(cmd):
+ """Run a command and display the output if verbose mode is enabled.
+ cmd is the command to run.
+ """
+ if opts.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(cmd + "\n")
+ fout = get_command_stdout(cmd, and_stderr=True)
+ # Read stdout and stderr until there is no more output.
+ lout = fout.readline()
+ while lout:
+ if opts.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(lout)
+ lout = fout.readline()
+ fout.close()
+ try:
+ os.wait()
+ except:
+ pass
+def remove_file(fname):
+ """Remove a file which may or may not exist.
+ fname is the name of the file.
+ """
+ try:
+ os.remove(fname)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+def compile_qt_program(name, mname, extra_include_dirs=None, extra_lib_dirs=None, extra_libs=None):
+ """Compile a simple Qt application.
+ name is the name of the single source file.
+ mname is the name of the Qt module.
+ extra_include_dirs is an optional list of extra include directories.
+ extra_lib_dirs is an optional list of extra library directories.
+ extra_libs is an optional list of extra libraries.
+ Returns the name of the executable suitable for running or None if it
+ wasn't created.
+ """
+ opengl = (mname == "QtOpenGL")
+ qt = [mname]
+ if mname == "QtWebKit":
+ qt.append("QtCore")
+ makefile = sipconfig.ProgramMakefile(sipcfg, console=1, qt=qt, warnings=0, opengl=opengl, debug=opts.debug)
+ add_makefile_extras(makefile, extra_include_dirs, extra_lib_dirs, extra_libs)
+ exe, build = makefile.build_command(name)
+ # Make sure the executable file doesn't exist.
+ remove_file(exe)
+ run_command(build)
+ if not os.access(exe, os.X_OK):
+ return None
+ if sys.platform != "win32":
+ exe = "./" + exe
+ return exe
+def add_makefile_extras(makefile, extra_include_dirs, extra_lib_dirs, extra_libs):
+ """Add any extra include or library directories or libraries to a makefile.
+ makefile is the makefile.
+ extra_include_dirs is the list of extra include directories.
+ extra_lib_dirs is the list of extra library directories.
+ extra_libs is the list of extra libraries.
+ """
+ if extra_include_dirs:
+ makefile.extra_include_dirs.extend(extra_include_dirs)
+ if extra_lib_dirs:
+ makefile.extra_lib_dirs.extend(extra_lib_dirs)
+ if extra_libs:
+ makefile.extra_libs.extend(extra_libs)
+def check_vendorid():
+ """See if the VendorID library and include file can be found.
+ """
+ if opts.vendorcheck:
+ if os.access(os.path.join(opts.vendincdir, "vendorid.h"), os.F_OK):
+ if glob.glob(os.path.join(opts.vendlibdir, "*vendorid*")):
+ sipconfig.inform("The VendorID package was found.")
+ else:
+ opts.vendorcheck = 0
+ sipconfig.inform("The VendorID library could not be found in "
+ "%s and so signed interpreter checking will "
+ "be disabled. If the VendorID library is "
+ "installed then use the -m argument to "
+ "explicitly specify the correct "
+ "directory." % opts.vendlibdir)
+ else:
+ opts.vendorcheck = 0
+ sipconfig.inform("vendorid.h could not be found in %s and so "
+ "signed interpreter checking will be disabled. "
+ "If the VendorID package is installed then use "
+ "the -l argument to explicitly specify the "
+ "correct directory." % opts.vendincdir)
+def get_command_stdout(cmd, and_stderr=False):
+ """Return stdout (and optionally stderr) from the given command.
+ """
+ try:
+ import subprocess
+ except ImportError:
+ if and_stderr:
+ _, sout = os.popen4(cmd)
+ else:
+ _, sout, _ = os.popen3(cmd)
+ return sout
+ if and_stderr:
+ stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
+ else:
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr)
+ return p.stdout
+def check_dbus():
+ """See if the DBus support module should be built.
+ """
+ sipconfig.inform("Checking to see if the dbus support module should be built...")
+ sout = get_command_stdout("pkg-config --cflags-only-I --libs dbus-1")
+ iflags =
+ if not iflags:
+ sipconfig.inform("DBus v1 does not seem to be installed.")
+ return
+ for f in iflags.split():
+ if f.startswith("-I"):
+ dbusincdirs.append(f[2:])
+ elif f.startswith("-L"):
+ dbuslibdirs.append(f[2:])
+ elif f.startswith("-l"):
+ dbuslibs.append(f[2:])
+ try:
+ import dbus.mainloop
+ except:
+ sipconfig.inform("The Python dbus module doesn't seem to be installed.")
+ return
+ global pydbusmoddir
+ pydbusmoddir = dbus.mainloop.__path__[0]
+ # Try and find dbus-python.h. We don't use pkg-config because it is broken
+ # for dbus-python (at least for versions up to and including v0.81.0).
+ # Instead we look where DBus itself is installed - which in most cases will
+ # be where dbus-python is also installed.
+ if opts.pydbusincdir:
+ dlist = [opts.pydbusincdir]
+ else:
+ dlist = dbusincdirs
+ for d in dlist:
+ if os.access(os.path.join(d, "dbus", "dbus-python.h"), os.F_OK):
+ if d not in dbusincdirs:
+ dbusincdirs.append(d)
+ break
+ else:
+ sipconfig.inform("dbus/dbus-python.h could not be found and so the "
+ "DBus support module will be disabled. If "
+ "dbus-python v0.80 or later is installed then use "
+ "the -s argument to explicitly specify the directory "
+ "containing dbus/dbus-python.h.")
+ pydbusmoddir = None
+def check_module(mname, incfile, test, extra_include_dirs=None, extra_lib_dirs=None, extra_libs=None):
+ """See if a module can be built and, if so, add it to the global list of
+ modules.
+ mname is the name of the module.
+ incfile is the name of the include file needed for the test.
+ test is a C++ statement being used for the test.
+ extra_include_dirs is an optional list of extra include directories.
+ extra_lib_dirs is an optional list of extra library directories.
+ extra_libs is an optional list of extra libraries.
+ """
+ # Check that the module is enabled if we are not automatically enabling all
+ # modules.
+ if len(opts.enabled) > 0 and mname not in opts.enabled:
+ return
+ # Check the module's main .sip file exists.
+ if os.access(os.path.join("sip", mname, mname + "mod.sip"), os.F_OK):
+ sipconfig.inform("Checking to see if the %s module should be built..." % mname)
+ if check_api(incfile, test, mname, extra_include_dirs=extra_include_dirs, extra_lib_dirs=extra_lib_dirs, extra_libs=extra_libs):
+ pyqt_modules.append(mname)
+def check_api(incfile, test, mname, extra_include_dirs=None, extra_lib_dirs=None, extra_libs=None):
+ """Return non-zero if a class is available.
+ incfile is the name of the include file needed for the test.
+ test is a C++ statement being used for the test.
+ mname is the name of the module.
+ extra_include_dirs is an optional list of extra include directories.
+ extra_lib_dirs is an optional list of extra library directories.
+ extra_libs is an optional list of extra libraries.
+ """
+ # We use a module specific name to avoid a potential problem on Windows
+ # where the operating system doesn't delete previous tests quickly enough.
+ cfgtest = "cfgtest_%s.cpp" % mname
+ f = open(cfgtest, "w")
+ f.write("""#include <%s>
+int main(int, char **)
+ %s;
+""" % (incfile, test))
+ f.close()
+ return compile_qt_program(cfgtest, mname,
+ extra_include_dirs=extra_include_dirs,
+ extra_lib_dirs=extra_lib_dirs, extra_libs=extra_libs)
+def set_sip_flags(pyqt):
+ """Set the SIP platform, version and feature flags.
+ pyqt is the configuration instance.
+ """
+ # If we don't check for signed interpreters, we exclude the 'VendorID'
+ # feature
+ if not opts.vendorcheck:
+ qt_sip_flags.append("-x")
+ qt_sip_flags.append("VendorID")
+ # Handle the platform tag.
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ plattag = "WS_WIN"
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ if "__USE_WS_X11__" in sipcfg.build_macros()["DEFINES"]:
+ plattag = "WS_X11"
+ else:
+ plattag = "WS_MACX"
+ else:
+ plattag = "WS_X11"
+ qt_sip_flags.append("-t")
+ qt_sip_flags.append(plattag)
+ # Handle the Qt version tag.
+ verstag = sipconfig.version_to_sip_tag(qt_version, pyqt.qt_version_tags(), "Qt")
+ # Handle any feature flags.
+ for xf in qt_xfeatures:
+ qt_sip_flags.append("-x")
+ qt_sip_flags.append(xf)
+ if verstag:
+ qt_sip_flags.append("-t")
+ qt_sip_flags.append(verstag)
+ # Handle the version specific Python features.
+ if sipcfg.py_version < 0x020400:
+ qt_sip_flags.append("-x")
+ qt_sip_flags.append("Py_DateTime")
+ # There is an issue creating QObjects while the GIL is held causing
+ # deadlocks in multi-threaded applications. We don't fully understand this
+ # yet so we make sure we avoid the problem by always releasing the GIL.
+ qt_sip_flags.append("-g")
+def needed_qt_libs(mname, qt_libs):
+ """Add any additional Qt libraries needed by a module to an existing list.
+ mname is the name of the module.
+ qt_libs is the current list of libraries.
+ """
+ # The dependencies between the different Qt libraries. The order within
+ # each list is important. Note that this affects the include directories
+ # as well as the libraries.
+ LIB_DEPS = {
+ "QtCore": [],
+ "QtGui": ["QtCore"],
+ "QtHelp": ["QtGui"],
+ "QtNetwork": ["QtCore"],
+ "QtOpenGL": ["QtGui"],
+ "QtScript": ["QtCore"],
+ "QtSql": ["QtGui"],
+ "QtSvg": ["QtGui"],
+ "QtTest": ["QtGui"],
+ "QtWebKit": ["QtNetwork", "QtGui"],
+ "QtXml": ["QtCore"],
+ "QtXmlPatterns": ["QtCore"],
+ "phonon": ["QtGui"],
+ "QtAssistant": ["QtNetwork", "QtGui"],
+ "QtDesigner": ["QtGui"],
+ "QAxContainer": ["QtGui"]
+ }
+ # Handle the dependencies first.
+ for d in LIB_DEPS[mname]:
+ needed_qt_libs(d, qt_libs)
+ if mname not in qt_libs:
+ qt_libs.insert(0, mname)
+def mk_clean_dir(name):
+ """Create a clean (ie. empty) directory.
+ name is the name of the directory.
+ """
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(name)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(name)
+ except:
+ sipconfig.error("Unable to create the %s directory." % name)
+def generate_code(mname, extra_include_dirs=None, extra_lib_dirs=None, extra_libs=None, extra_sip_flags=None):
+ """Generate the code for a module.
+ mname is the name of the module to generate the code for.
+ extra_include_dirs is an optional list of additional directories to add to
+ the list of include directories.
+ extra_lib_dirs is an optional list of additional directories to add to the
+ list of library directories.
+ extra_libs is an optional list of additional libraries to add to the list
+ of libraries.
+ extra_sip_flags is an optional list of additional flags to pass to SIP.
+ """
+ sipconfig.inform("Generating the C++ source for the %s module..." % mname)
+ mk_clean_dir(mname)
+ # Work out what Qt libraries need to be linked against and how SIP is
+ # supposed to handle the consolidated module and its components.
+ cons_args = []
+ if opts.bigqt:
+ if mname == "_qt":
+ qt_libs = []
+ for m in pyqt_modules:
+ needed_qt_libs(m, qt_libs)
+ else:
+ if mname != "Qt":
+ cons_args.append("-p")
+ cons_args.append("PyQt4._qt")
+ qt_libs = 0
+ else:
+ if mname == "Qt":
+ qt_libs = 0
+ else:
+ qt_libs = []
+ needed_qt_libs(mname, qt_libs)
+ # Build the SIP command line.
+ argv = ['"' + sipcfg.sip_bin + '"']
+ argv.extend(qt_sip_flags)
+ argv.extend(cons_args)
+ if extra_sip_flags:
+ argv.extend(extra_sip_flags)
+ if opts.concat:
+ argv.append("-j")
+ argv.append(str(opts.split))
+ if opts.tracing:
+ argv.append("-r")
+ if mname not in ("Qt", "_qt", "Qsci"):
+ argv.append("-a")
+ argv.append(mname + ".api")
+ argv.append("-c")
+ argv.append(mname)
+ buildfile = os.path.join(mname, mname + ".sbf")
+ argv.append("-b")
+ argv.append(buildfile)
+ argv.append("-I")
+ argv.append("sip")
+ # SIP assumes POSIX style path separators.
+ argv.append(string.join(["sip", mname, mname + "mod.sip"], "/"))
+ cmd = string.join(argv)
+ if opts.verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(cmd + "\n")
+ os.system(cmd)
+ # Check the result.
+ if not os.access(buildfile, os.F_OK):
+ sipconfig.error("Unable to create the C++ code.")
+ # Generate the Makefile.
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating the Makefile for the %s module..." % mname)
+ installs = []
+ if opts.install_sipfiles:
+ sipfiles = []
+ for s in glob.glob("sip/" + mname + "/*.sip"):
+ sipfiles.append(os.path.join("..", "sip", mname, os.path.basename(s)))
+ installs.append([sipfiles, os.path.join(opts.pyqtsipdir, mname)])
+ opengl = (mname == "QtOpenGL")
+ makefile = sipconfig.SIPModuleMakefile(
+ configuration=sipcfg,
+ build_file=mname + ".sbf",
+ dir=mname,
+ install_dir=pyqt_modroot,
+ installs=installs,
+ qt=qt_libs,
+ opengl=opengl,
+ warnings=1,
+ static=opts.static,
+ debug=opts.debug,
+ universal=sipcfg.universal
+ )
+ add_makefile_extras(makefile, extra_include_dirs, extra_lib_dirs, extra_libs)
+ makefile.generate()
+def check_license():
+ """Handle the validation of the PyQt license.
+ """
+ try:
+ import license
+ ltype = license.LicenseType
+ lname = license.LicenseName
+ try:
+ lfile = license.LicenseFile
+ except AttributeError:
+ lfile = None
+ except ImportError:
+ ltype = None
+ if ltype is None:
+ ltype = "GPL"
+ lname = "GNU General Public License"
+ lfile = None
+ sipconfig.inform("This is the %s version of PyQt %s (licensed under the %s) for Python %s on %s." % (ltype, pyqt_version_str, lname, string.split(sys.version)[0], sys.platform))
+ # Common checks.
+ if qt_edition and ltype != "internal":
+ if qt_edition != "free" and ltype == "GPL":
+ sipconfig.error("This version of PyQt and the %s edition of Qt have incompatible licenses." % qt_edition)
+ # Confirm the license if not already done.
+ if not opts.license_confirmed:
+ print
+ if ltype == "GPL":
+ print "Type '2' to view the GPL v2 license."
+ print "Type '3' to view the GPL v3 license."
+ else:
+ print "Type 'L' to view the license."
+ print "Type 'yes' to accept the terms of the license."
+ print "Type 'no' to decline the terms of the license."
+ print
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ resp = raw_input("Do you accept the terms of the license? ")
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise SystemExit
+ except:
+ resp = ""
+ resp = string.lower(string.strip(resp))
+ if resp == "yes":
+ break
+ if resp == "no":
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if ltype == "GPL":
+ if resp == "2":
+ os.system("more LICENSE.GPL2")
+ elif resp == "3":
+ os.system("more LICENSE.GPL3")
+ else:
+ if resp == "l":
+ os.system("more LICENSE")
+ # If there should be a license file then check it is where it should be.
+ if lfile:
+ if os.access(os.path.join("sip", lfile), os.F_OK):
+ sipconfig.inform("Found the license file %s." % lfile)
+ else:
+ sipconfig.error("Please copy the license file %s to the sip directory." % lfile)
+def get_build_macros(overrides):
+ """Return the dictionary of platform specific build macros from the Qt
+ installation. Return None if any of the overrides was invalid.
+ overrides is a list of macros overrides from the user.
+ """
+ # Get the name of the qmake configuration file to take the macros from.
+ if "QMAKESPEC" in os.environ.keys():
+ fname = os.environ["QMAKESPEC"]
+ if not os.path.dirname(fname):
+ fname = os.path.join(qt_datadir, "mkspecs", fname)
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ # The Qt Mac binary installer defaults to xcode which we don't want.
+ fname = os.path.join(qt_datadir, "mkspecs", "macx-g++")
+ else:
+ fname = os.path.join(qt_datadir, "mkspecs", "default")
+ fname = os.path.join(fname, "qmake.conf")
+ if not os.access(fname, os.F_OK):
+ sipconfig.error("Unable to find the qmake configuration file %s. Use the QMAKESPEC environment variable to specify the correct platform." % fname)
+ # Add the Qt specific macros to the default.
+ names = sipcfg.build_macros().keys()
+ names.append("INCDIR_QT")
+ names.append("LIBDIR_QT")
+ names.append("MOC")
+ properties = {
+ "QT_INSTALL_BINS": qt_bindir,
+ "QT_INSTALL_HEADERS": qt_incdir,
+ "QT_INSTALL_LIBS": qt_libdir
+ }
+ return sipconfig.parse_build_macros(fname, names, overrides, properties)
+def check_qt_installation(macros):
+ """Check the Qt installation and get the version number and edition and
+ return the configuration instance.
+ macros is the dictionary of build macros.
+ """
+ # Check the Qt version number.
+ if qt_version < 0x040100:
+ sipconfig.error("PyQt v4 requires Qt v4.1.0 or later.")
+ # Work out how Qt was built on MacOS.
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ if os.access(os.path.join(qt_libdir, "QtCore.framework"), os.F_OK):
+ global qt_framework
+ qt_framework = 1
+ # Get the Makefile generator.
+ generator = macros["MAKEFILE_GENERATOR"]
+ # We haven't yet factored out sipconfig's knowledge of how to build Qt
+ # binaries and it is expecting to find these in the configuration when it
+ # generates the Makefiles.
+ sipcfg.qt_version = qt_version
+ sipcfg.qt_edition = qt_edition
+ sipcfg.qt_winconfig = qt_shared
+ sipcfg.qt_framework = qt_framework
+ sipcfg.qt_threaded = 1
+ sipcfg.qt_dir = qt_dir
+ sipcfg.qt_lib_dir = qt_libdir
+ return ConfigurePyQt4(generator)
+def fix_qmake_args(args=""):
+ """Make any platform specific adjustments to the arguments passed to qmake.
+ """
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ # The Qt binary installer has macx-xcode as the default.
+ args = "-spec macx-g++ " + args
+ return args
+def get_qt_configuration():
+ """Set the qt_dir, qt_incdir, qt_libdir, qt_bindir, qt_datadir,
+ qt_pluginsdir and qt_xfeatures globals for the Qt installation.
+ """
+ sipconfig.inform("Determining the layout of your Qt installation...")
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ # There is no -q flag so set the default explicitly.
+ opts.qmake = find_default_qmake()
+ if not opts.qmake:
+ sipconfig.error(MSG_CHECK_QMAKE)
+ # The file names we will use to get the directory information.
+ app = "qtdirs"
+ pro_file = app + ".pro"
+ make_file = app + ".mk"
+ make_target = ""
+ cpp_file = app + ".cpp"
+ out_file = app + ".out"
+ qmake_args = fix_qmake_args("-o " + make_file)
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ exe_file = os.path.join("release", app + ".exe")
+ make_target = " release"
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ exe_file = os.path.join(app + ".app", "Contents", "MacOS", app)
+ else:
+ exe_file = os.path.join(".", app)
+ # Generate the qmake project file.
+ f = open(pro_file, "w")
+ f.write(
+"""QT = core
+# This is for certain broken Linux distros and is needed to make sure that
+# QT_SHARED is properly defined.
+CONFIG += link_prl
+TARGET = %s
+""" % (app, cpp_file))
+ f.close()
+ # Generate the source code.
+ f = open(cpp_file, "w")
+ f.write(
+"""#include <QFile>
+#include <QLibraryInfo>
+#include <QTextStream>
+int main(int, char **)
+ QFile outf("%s");
+ if (!|QIODevice::Truncate|QIODevice::Text))
+ return 1;
+ QTextStream out(&outf);
+ out << QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::PrefixPath) << '\\n';
+ out << QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::HeadersPath) << '\\n';
+ out << QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::LibrariesPath) << '\\n';
+ out << QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath) << '\\n';
+ out << QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DataPath) << '\\n';
+ out << QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::PluginsPath) << '\\n';
+ out << QT_VERSION << '\\n';
+ out << QT_EDITION << '\\n';
+ out << "shared\\n";
+ // Determine which features should be disabled.
+ out << "PyQt_Accessibility\\n";
+ out << "PyQt_SessionManager\\n";
+#if defined(QT_NO_STATUSTIP)
+ out << "PyQt_StatusTip\\n";
+#if defined(QT_NO_TOOLTIP)
+ out << "PyQt_ToolTip\\n";
+#if defined(QT_NO_WHATSTHIS)
+ out << "PyQt_WhatsThis\\n";
+#if defined(QT_NO_OPENSSL)
+ out << "PyQt_OpenSSL\\n";
+#if defined(QT_NO_SIZEGRIP)
+ out << "PyQt_SizeGrip\\n";
+#if !defined(QT3_SUPPORT) || QT_VERSION >= 0x040200
+ out << "PyQt_NoPrintRangeBug\\n";
+ if (sizeof (qreal) != sizeof (double))
+ out << "PyQt_qreal_double\\n";
+ return 0;
+""" % out_file)
+ f.close()
+ # Create the makefile, first making sure it doesn't already exist.
+ remove_file(make_file)
+ run_command("%s %s %s" % (opts.qmake, qmake_args, pro_file))
+ if not os.access(make_file, os.F_OK):
+ sipconfig.error("%s failed to create a makefile. %s" % (opts.qmake, MSG_CHECK_QMAKE))
+ # Try and work out the name of make.
+ if sipcfg.platform.startswith("win32-msvc"):
+ make = "nmake"
+ elif sipcfg.platform == "win32-borland":
+ make = "bmake"
+ elif sipcfg.platform == "win32-g++":
+ make = "mingw32-make"
+ else:
+ make = "make"
+ oldfp = open(make_file)
+ newfp = open(make_file + '.new', 'w')
+ for line in oldfp:
+ if line.startswith('LIBS'):
+ newfp.write(line.rstrip() + ' -ldl\n')
+ continue
+ newfp.write(line)
+ oldfp.close(); newfp.close()
+ os.rename(make_file + '.new', make_file)
+ # Create the executable, first making sure it doesn't exist.
+ remove_file(exe_file)
+ run_command("%s -f %s%s" % (make, make_file, make_target))
+ if not os.access(exe_file, os.X_OK):
+ sipconfig.error("Failed to determine the layout of your Qt installation. Try again using the --verbose flag to see more detail about the problem.")
+ # Create the output file, first making sure it doesn't exist.
+ remove_file(out_file)
+ run_command(exe_file)
+ if not os.access(out_file, os.F_OK):
+ sipconfig.error("%s failed to create %s. Make sure your Qt v4 installation is correct." % (exe_file, out_file))
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # Read the directories.
+ f = open(out_file, "r")
+ lines ="\n")
+ f.close()
+ global qt_dir, qt_incdir, qt_libdir, qt_bindir, qt_datadir, qt_pluginsdir
+ global qt_version, qt_edition, qt_shared, qt_xfeatures
+ qt_dir = lines[0]
+ qt_incdir = lines[1]
+ qt_libdir = lines[2]
+ qt_bindir = lines[3]
+ qt_datadir = lines[4]
+ qt_pluginsdir = lines[5]
+ qt_version = lines[6]
+ qt_edition = lines[7]
+ qt_shared = lines[8]
+ qt_xfeatures = lines[9:]
+ try:
+ qt_version = int(qt_version)
+ except ValueError:
+ sipconfig.error("QT_VERSION should be a number but \"%s\" was found." % qt_version)
+ try:
+ qt_edition = int(qt_edition)
+ except ValueError:
+ sipconfig.error("QT_EDITION should be a number but \"%s\" was found." % qt_edition)
+ # Now convert the edition to a descriptive string. The order of testing is
+ # important.
+ if qt_edition & 0x200:
+ # It has ActiveQt.
+ qt_edition = "Desktop"
+ elif qt_edition & 0x008:
+ # It has OpenGL.
+ qt_edition = "free"
+ elif qt_edition & 0x002:
+ # It has GUI.
+ qt_edition = "Desktop Light"
+ else:
+ qt_edition = "Console"
+ if qt_shared:
+ if opts.staticplugins:
+ sipconfig.inform("Static plugins are disabled because Qt has been built as shared libraries.")
+ opts.staticplugins = []
+ else:
+ if opts.static or opts.bigqt:
+ pass
+ else:
+ sipconfig.error("Qt has been built as static libraries so either the -g or -k argument should be used.")
+def main():
+ """Create the configuration module module.
+ """
+ # Check SIP is new enough.
+ if sipcfg.sip_version < sip_min_version:
+ sipconfig.error("This version of PyQt requires SIP v%s or later" % sipconfig.version_to_string(sip_min_version))
+ global opts
+ # Parse the command line.
+ p = create_optparser()
+ opts, args = p.parse_args()
+ # Where the modules will be placed.
+ global pyqt_modroot
+ pyqt_modroot = os.path.join(opts.pyqtmoddir, "PyQt4")
+ # When building static libraries, signed interpreter checking makes no
+ # sense.
+ if opts.vendorcheck and opts.static:
+ sipconfig.error("Using the VendorID package when building static libraries makes no sense.")
+ # Get the details of the Qt installation.
+ get_qt_configuration()
+ # Provide some defaults that are based on the Qt configuration.
+ if not opts.plugindir:
+ opts.plugindir = qt_pluginsdir
+ if opts.qscidir:
+ # An explicit directory implies installing the API file.
+ opts.api = True
+ else:
+ opts.qscidir = os.path.join(qt_datadir, "qsci")
+ if opts.api is None:
+ # Install the API file if the default directory exists.
+ opts.api = os.path.isdir(opts.qscidir)
+ # Replace the existing build macros with the ones from the Qt installation.
+ macros = get_build_macros(args)
+ if macros is None:
+ p.print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ sipcfg.set_build_macros(macros)
+ # Check Qt is what we need.
+ pyqt = check_qt_installation(macros)
+ # Check the licenses are compatible.
+ check_license()
+ # Check which modules to build.
+ pyqt.check_modules()
+ # Check for the VendorID package.
+ check_vendorid()
+ # Set the SIP platform, version and feature flags.
+ set_sip_flags(pyqt)
+ # Tell the user what's been found.
+ inform_user()
+ # Generate the code.
+ pyqt.code()
+ # Create the additional Makefiles.
+ sipconfig.inform("Creating top level Makefile...")
+ installs=[(pyqt.module_installs(), pyqt_modroot)]
+ if opts.api:
+ installs.append(("PyQt4.api", os.path.join(opts.qscidir, "api", "python")))
+ xtra_modules = ["Qt"]
+ if opts.bigqt:
+ xtra_modules.append("_qt")
+ if opts.mwg_qsci_dir:
+ xtra_modules.append("Qsci")
+ if opts.mwg_qwt_dir:
+ xtra_modules.append("Qwt5")
+ sipconfig.ParentMakefile(
+ configuration=sipcfg,
+ subdirs=pyqt.qpylibs() + pyqt_modules + xtra_modules +,
+ installs=installs
+ ).generate()
+ # Install the configuration module.
+ create_config("", "", macros)
+# The script starts here.
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ main()
+ except SystemExit:
+ raise
+ except:
+ print \
+"""An internal error occured. Please report all the output from the program,
+including the following traceback, to
+ raise
diff --git a/devel/py-qt4/distinfo b/devel/py-qt4/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6afd19b6ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-qt4/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2008/12/13 05:17:02 epg Exp $
+SHA1 (PyQt-x11-gpl-4.4.4.tar.gz) = 6b91a8020de10e807fa0d3db6b7a92029a17cf0b
+RMD160 (PyQt-x11-gpl-4.4.4.tar.gz) = 970bca082a93402b1986b4e8a14738575732e8ae
+Size (PyQt-x11-gpl-4.4.4.tar.gz) = 6982063 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-aa) = 9ba0e372d817bda27282da3632db71869cf2a6d6
diff --git a/devel/py-qt4/patches/patch-aa b/devel/py-qt4/patches/patch-aa
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..efb9d1c8864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-qt4/patches/patch-aa
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 2008/12/13 05:17:02 epg Exp $
+Force shared libraries, from
+--- 2008-11-08 03:55:49.000000000 -0800
+@@ -1584,11 +1584,7 @@ int main(int, char **)
+ out << QT_VERSION << '\\n';
+ out << QT_EDITION << '\\n';
+-#if defined(QT_SHARED) || defined(QT_DLL)
+ out << "shared\\n";
+- out << "\\n";
+ // Determine which features should be disabled.