path: root/licenses
diff options
authorjtb <>2001-06-04 18:30:38 +0000
committerjtb <>2001-06-04 18:30:38 +0000
commitcd1972f901b775b86269357cb1fc421aabe39a64 (patch)
tree81977b642300f79b918e37d199f1ca32773a7293 /licenses
parent410a6b2575429e045cf3d3fa20a1010af8092e8f (diff)
Add license for emiclock. This includes the definitive Japanese version
and an English translation, (COPYRIGHT and COPYRIGHT.en respectively from the source distribution).
Diffstat (limited to 'licenses')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/licenses/emiclock-license b/licenses/emiclock-license
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7c628ad66dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/licenses/emiclock-license
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ $BH~>/=w%3%9%W%l;~7W(B
+ Emi Clock
+ ($B$($_$/$m$C$/(B)
+ for X Window System, Version 11
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+ $B8E>l(B $B@59T(B ($B$3$P(B $B$^$5$f$-(B)
+ E-mail:
+ Software: Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999 Masayuki Koba
+ Graphics: Copyright (c) 1994, 1997, 1999 Masayuki Koba
+ Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Motosoft (ORIGINAL)
+ Sound: by Wako-chan
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+ sys/FreeBSD/audio.c $B@>;3(B $B8&;J(B
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+ Internet E-mail:
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+$Id: emiclock-license,v 1.1 2001/06/04 18:30:38 jtb Exp $
+ Hyper animated face analog clock
+ Emi Clock
+ for X Window System, Version 11
+ - Copyright Notice -
+ Masayuki Koba
+ E-mail:
+ Software: Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999 Masayuki Koba
+ Graphics: Copyright (c) 1994, 1997, 1999 Masayuki Koba
+ Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Motosoft (ORIGINAL)
+ Sound: by Wako-chan
+ Concerning the English edition of the document:
+ This edition of the copyright notice is the translation of
+ the original (Japanese) document 'COPYRIGHT'. I declare that
+ the formal copyright notice is the Japanese document.
+1. Copyrights of This Software
+ (1) All copyrights of this software are held by Masayuki Koba. The
+ source code and binary (load module) of Emi Clock for X11 are the
+ exclusive copyrighted property of Masayuki Koba.
+ (2) The copyrights of source codes included in this software are held
+ by the following people.
+ sys/IRIX/audio.c Ken SHIBATA
+ sys/HP-UX/audio.c Tomoyuki Shiraishi
+ sys/SunOS/audio.c Kazuhiko Ishii
+ sys/BSD-OS/audio.c Shinya Yamada, Masayuki Koba
+ sys/Linux/audio.c Kenji Nishiyama
+ sys/FreeBSD/audio.c Kenji Nishiyama
+ sys/NEWS-OS/Sony.rules Makoto Wakamatsu
+ include/sound.h Masayuki Koba,
+ Ken SHIBATA, Tomoyuki Shiraishi,
+ Kazuhiko Ishii, Shinya Yamada,
+ Kenji Nishiyama, Nobuhiro Yasutomi
+ CascadeMenu.h Issei Numata
+ CascadeMenuP.h Issei Numata
+ CascadeMenu.c Issei Numata
+ (3) This license allows you to use Emi Clock for X11 and to distribute
+ it to others.
+ (4) You may not modify this software partially or entirely and distribute
+ it without the permission of the authors.
+ (5) Secondary use of this software partially or entirely in without the
+ permission of the authors is prohibited.
+ (6) You may not bundle this software or distribute it to others as an
+ additional package for a system without the permission of the authors.
+ (7) To use this software for business use, you need advance written
+ permission of the authors which will require monetary payment.
+ (8) The authors will not be responsible for any damage caused by this
+ software. Permission to use this software will be nullified without
+ agreement with this term.
+ (9) Other rights not covered here are determined by the copyright laws
+ of Japan.
+2. Copyrights of The Trademark, Image Data, and Design of "Emi Clock"
+ (1) The copyrights of the "Emi Clock" trademark and the image data and
+ design of this software are held by Motosoft (Toshiya Moto).
+ (2) License to use the "Emi Clock" trademark, image data, and design
+ were personally provided by Motosoft to Koba for the development of
+ Emi Clock for X11. You may not provide secondary license to others.
+ (3) Secondary use of the image data of this software is prohibited
+ without the permission of Motosoft and Koba.
+3. Copyrights of the Sound Voice
+ (1) The sound "myu!" standardly bundled with Emi Clock is the voice of
+ Kazuko Shimizu, nicknamed "Wako-chan". Although it is not certain
+ whether or not copyrights of such a two-second sound can be legally
+ recognized, it should be treated as the copyrighted property of
+ "Wako-chan" out of respect to her.
+ (2) Out of the kindness of "Wako-chan" you may use the sound "myu!" for
+ any purpose. Consequently, only the sound "myu!" is public domain
+ data.
+4. Addresses of the Authors
+ The following is the address of Koba, the author of this software:
+ Internet E-mail:
+ Koba accepts all contacts addressed to the authors of the trademark,
+image data, and design of "Emi Clock" and the authors of the source codes
+not written by himself. Please let me inform you in advance that I receive
+mail in English, but reply in Japanese.
+$Id: emiclock-license,v 1.1 2001/06/04 18:30:38 jtb Exp $