path: root/math
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authormef <>2022-05-21 13:14:49 +0000
committermef <>2022-05-21 13:14:49 +0000
commitd6a534b884e2caca23a3f80b41b2a87ae9c0b4a6 (patch)
treeb2228fc42719c3e04ffc89e28938db1396074ecc /math
parent2cbd510432c7e377208ab126ba8cbf68bce0f4a7 (diff)
(math/R-VGAM) Updated 1.1.1 to 1.1.6
CHANGES IN VGAM VERSION 1.1-6 NEW FEATURES o Most of the GAIT regression code have new arguments 'd.mlm' and 'd.mix' but mainly only the dpqr-type functions work! Some other functions should work such as gaitdpoisson() and dgaitplot(). Also, is.deflated() and goffset() are new. o New family function: gaitdnbinomial(). o Upgraded family functions: gaitpoisson() becomes gaitdpoisson(), gaitlog() becomes gaitdlog(), gaitzeta() becomes gaitdzeta(). o New generic and/or methods functions: KLD(), Pheapseep(). o Some colours are pre-defined for GAITD regression, and the default colour scheme has changed. o trim.constraints() has a new 'intercepts = TRUE' argument. o Many family functions have a 'dpqrfun' component in the @infos slot. Useful to tie in the modelling function with its density, etc. o binormal() has a new 'rho.arg' argument. o Some link functions handle deriv = 4: e.g., loglink(), logitlink(). o vglmfit@misc$history gives the convergence history. o Improvements to clogloglink() at the boundary 1. o hdeff.vglm() has a new argument 'theta0'. o wald.stat() cleaned up internally. o Tested okay on R 4.1.2. BUG FIXES and CHANGES o All GAIT regression code has arguments 'alt.mlm' changed to 'a.mlm', 'inf.mix' changed to 'i.mix', etc. Colours have changed. [dpqr]gaitpois() have been renamed to [dpqr]gaitdpois(), and gaitpoisson() to gaitdpoisson(). o [dpqr]zanegbin() no longer supports argument 'prob'. o hdeff() makes a recursive call if any NAs are in the answer and fd.only == FALSE. So the answer should then be a 'proper' one. o Code involving anova() for VGLMs/VGAMs changed to avoid an error when loading in \pkg{semTools}. o spikeplot(..., use.table = TRUE) failed wrt x.use and y.use. o vcov() slightly faster for "vglm" objects. Thanks to Frank Harrell for comments that led to this. o linkfun.vglm() changed to linkfunvglm(). CHANGES IN VGAM VERSION 1.1-5 NEW FEATURES o New functions: meangait(), spikeplot(), trim.constraints(). o iam(i, 1:M, M = M) now works, for selecting a whole row, and similarly for a column. o Tested okay on R 4.0.3. BUG FIXES and CHANGES o gait[log,poisson,zeta](): arguments llambda.[ai] and lshape.[ai] equal llambda.p and lshape.p by default. This means only one argument needs be assigned in order to change them all. o [dpqr]genpois[12]() has argument 'mean' changed to 'meanpar'. o gait[log,zeta]() bug fixed wrt missing 'allprobs'. o qfoldnorm() now uses the bisection method. Thanks to Mauricio Romero for a suggestion that led to this. o gait[log,poisson,zeta]() compute the sandwich formula explicitly for the working weights; this has speed gains. Their @deriv avoids nested for() loops too. Their initial value grids have become coarser. o Functions moved to VGAMdata 1.1-5: yip88, bellff(dr), tikuv(dpqr). CHANGES IN VGAM VERSION 1.1-4 NEW FEATURES o Functions score.stat() and wald.stat() offer greater flexibility by some new arguments, and 'as.summary' changed to 'orig.SE'. o Influence() computes the influence functions of a "vglm" object. o Methods functions hdeff.matrix() and hdeff.numeric() are new. o Family function slot genpoisson()@ weight was updated with the EIM derived by Easton Huch, and after major changes, genpoisson() was renamed to genpoisson0(). o New functions: [dpqr]gaitnbinom(), [dpqr]gaitgenpois[012](), [dpqr]gaitbinom(), dgaitplot(), plotdgait.vglm(), Trunc(). o New family functions: genpoisson[12](dpqr), gaitpoisson() so that gaitpoisson.mix() and gaitpoisson.mlm() were removed, gaitlog() so that gaitlog.mix() was removed, gaitzeta() so that gaitzeta.mix() was removed. o Tested okay on R 4.0.3. BUG FIXES and CHANGES o Deprecated: dgenpois(), genpoisson(), [dpqr]gaitnbinom.m[ix,lm](). gatnbinomial.m[ix,lm](dpqr), [dpqr]gaitbinom.mlm(), gaitpoisson.mix(), gaitpoisson.mlm(), gabinomial.mlm(), gtbinomial(). o 'lhs.prob' changed to 'cdf.max.s'. o Argument changes for all GAIT code, e.g., 'alter' changed to 'alt.mix' or 'alt.mlm', 'byrow.arg' to '', etc. o Functions moved to VGAMdata 1.1-4: oalog, oilog, otlog, oapospois, oipospois, otpospois, oazeta, oizeta, otzeta, oizipf, oiposbinomial(dpqr), [dpqr]posbinom, [dpqr]pospois, [dpqr]posnegbin. o Pearson residuals no longer printed by default in a summary of a "vglm" object: presid = FALSE. o Some changes made to plot(vgam()) code for changes in R 4.0.0, especially if the covariate is a character/factor. Now avoids "coercing argument of type 'double' to logical" warning. o negbinomial(lmu = "nbcanlink") had an error relating to "newemu". CHANGES IN VGAM VERSION 1.1-3 NEW FEATURES o New functions: [dpqr]gaitpois(), [dpqr]gaitlog(), [dpqr]gaitzeta(), dextlogF(). o New family functions: gatnbinomial.mix(dpqr), gaitlog.mix(dpqr), gaitpoisson.mix(dpqr), gaitpoisson.mlm(dpqr), extlogF1(d). o New generic and/or methods functions: altered(), inflated(), truncated(), specialsvglm(), fix.crossing(), is.crossing(). o Coef.vlm() handles models with contiguous "multilogitlink"s, e.g., gaitpoisson.mlm(). o get.offset() is now defined as a generic function (returns the n x M matrix of offsets by default). o Some .f files have been pruned of unnecessary code. o New data set: V2. o Tested okay on R 4.0.0. BUG FIXES and CHANGES o Another attempt to .Deprecated() all link function names which do not end in "link", e.g., loglink() replaces loge(), logitlink() replaces logit(). o gatpoisson.mix() (now merged into gaitpoisson.mix()) reorders its linear/additive predictors and now handles length(alter) == 0 (default, so equivalent to poissonff()) and length(alter) == 1. Ditto for gatnbinomial.mlm(), etc. o Three argument mismatches found in .f and .c code. o qlog() and qyules() buggy wrt interval selection prior to applying bisection. o 'Rank mismatches' flagged by gfortran10 fixed, by not calling two subroutines. o [dpqr]gaitpois.mlm() and [dpqr]gaitpois.mix() have been combined into [dpqr]gaitpois(). CHANGES IN VGAM VERSION 1.1-2 NEW FEATURES o New generic and/or methods functions: add1.vglm(), dfterms(), drop1.vglm(), extractAIC.vglm(), rootogram4vglm() [based on \pkg{countreg}], step4vglm(). o New family functions: gabinomial.mlm(), gatnbinomial.mlm(dpqr), gatpoisson.mix(dpqr), gatpoisson.mlm(dpqr). o New functions: [dpqr]zipfmb(), [dpqr]gaitbinom.mlm(), [dpqr]gaitnbinom.mlm(), [dpqr]gaitpois.mlm(), [dpqr]gaitnbinom.mix(), [dpqr]gaitpois.mix(). Note that the naming conventions have changed somewhat, especially regarding the negative binomial distribution. o Decommissioned functions: gapoisson(), gtpoisson(), [dpqr]gabinom(), [dpqr]gapois(), [dpqr]gibinom(), [dpqr]gipois(), [dpqr]gtbinom(), [dpqr]gtpois(). o eta2theta() should be able to handle links for, e.g., gatpoisson.mlm(), gibinomial(). o posbernoulli.t() has a 'type.fitted' argument. o gtpoisson.mlm() supports type.fitted = "Pobs.a", gipoisson.mlm() supports type.fitted = "Pstr.i". o New data set: backPain2. o Cleve Moler added to DESCRIPTION as a contributor, to reflect the use of LINPACK. o Tested okay on R 3.6.1. BUG FIXES and CHANGES o Use of old link function names now result in a call to .Deprecated(), except for a selected few such as logit() and probitlink()---this will only be allowed for a limited time. o negbinomial()@initialize bug fixed for "nbcanlink()" and multiple responses; thanks to Victor Miranda. o cens.poisson() gave a warning upon a summary(). Thanks to Jens Heumann for picking this up. o bisection.basic() returns a warning, not an error, if it cannot find an interval which covers the root. o Rank() has an improved implementation and documentation. o anova.vglm() had some bugs---thanks to Thamron Keowmani for finding them. o posnormal() failed when 'constraints' was inputted---thanks to Michael Zamo for picking this up. o Improvements to yules(dq).
Diffstat (limited to 'math')
2 files changed, 10 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/math/R-VGAM/Makefile b/math/R-VGAM/Makefile
index a028aeec197..5254db699f6 100644
--- a/math/R-VGAM/Makefile
+++ b/math/R-VGAM/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2019/08/08 19:53:46 brook Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2022/05/21 13:14:49 mef Exp $
-R_PKGVER= 1.1-1
+R_PKGVER= 1.1-6
COMMENT= Vector generalized linear and additive models
@@ -10,6 +9,10 @@ LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v3
USE_LANGUAGES= c fortran
+# Package suggested but not available: 'VGAMextra'
+# Package which this enhances but not available for checking: 'VGAMdata'
.include "../../math/R/Makefile.extension"
.include "../../devel/gettext-lib/"
.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/math/R-VGAM/distinfo b/math/R-VGAM/distinfo
index 20610c0f37c..1dacdfb8db0 100644
--- a/math/R-VGAM/distinfo
+++ b/math/R-VGAM/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2021/10/26 10:55:23 nia Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2022/05/21 13:14:49 mef Exp $
-BLAKE2s (R/VGAM_1.1-1.tar.gz) = 60696739cd8556cd20e6bb684bdff8625bd8d2d956a29be536f70bf278691b70
-SHA512 (R/VGAM_1.1-1.tar.gz) = c868bd0ccde59d6d9b15446331c3fc4762d3356bda7063e6b38b7e1bfd7bbedddedb5a94b4e3812173fefc6f8b806123201f6a2a619d8bd038bcb4b4ec268b8e
-Size (R/VGAM_1.1-1.tar.gz) = 2624046 bytes
+BLAKE2s (R/VGAM_1.1-6.tar.gz) = 0d42857e240e3d5e2b72976e8a3dcac141a1682bc9146373f183f760a186c5e2
+SHA512 (R/VGAM_1.1-6.tar.gz) = fc05040324ab32271a1b6e95e20a42fbe154540651e356cb61030333c928a4d32f46e29fdfb98fa5e62010cd782441c09240c59bd36e533cc8cf864f0de7be41
+Size (R/VGAM_1.1-6.tar.gz) = 1713153 bytes