path: root/net/mldonkey
diff options
authorwiz <>2006-12-05 11:05:13 +0000
committerwiz <>2006-12-05 11:05:13 +0000
commit3622541235c60fde2644041aa707d6966db67726 (patch)
tree518e29e656bcd11ee12dd34281cff0a2abee87bc /net/mldonkey
parent9b92a558fa76d39466d2bff8756b2d670b1a941a (diff)
Updated mldonkey{-gui,} to 2.8.2:
2006/11/29 version 2.8.2 = tag release-2-8-2 5597: GD: New option html_mods_vd_gfx_h_intervall (compute values for hourly graph every x minutes) (skeeve) 2006/11/28 5591: EDK: Fix small file search result parsing 2006/11/26 5590: EDK: .gz & .bz2 support for command "servers" 5581: EDK: Improve server logins, send fewer data, minor improvements - Copied eMule behaviour: - send fewer data to server during login, support server capability "newtags", same opcodes as in eMule are used - UDP ping servers once per 4,5h - (random of 1s-1h) - UDP server statistic request during every second UDP ping (~9h, not once per hour like before) - request serverlist from server only when ED2K_update_server_list_server true - ping one server per 5s - remove servers after 10 unsuccessful UDP pings - save challenge values sent with UDP server statistic and description request and dismiss answers containing wrong challenge - New functions, restructurings: - new server status "Server full" - support new tag emule_miscoptions2 (empty atm.) - remove server descriptions from servers.ini - clean donkeyTypes.server definitions 5588: Cleanup commonNetwork (pango) 5582: EDK: Improve CryptoPP logging (Schlumpf) 5584: EDK: Remove removed servers from walker server lists 5585: EDK: New parameter "all" for command "x" to disconnect all conn. servers 5586: BT: Recognize Bitrocket clients 2006/11/21 5579: Remove BasicSocket.[mini|maxi], replace them with Pervasives functions - small fix for DonkeyOptions.max_allowed_connected_servers 5578: Remove unused files - src/utils/net/ - src/utils/net/tcpClientSocket.mli - src/utils/net/tcpSocket.mli 5577: EDK: Send correct SUI tags - sometimes MLDonkey sent SUI=true tag when CryptoPP was not linked 2006/11/20 5568: EDK: Support CIDR and IP ranges in server_black_list (pango) 5574: allowed_ips: Fix list usage when is part of the list (pango) 5570: Some log messages in gettext module (Schlumpf) 5569: HTML: Fix display bug in server list after js popups introduced by patch #5549 (Schlumpf) 5564: HTML: Remove non-working option use_html_frames (Schlumpf) 5563: EDK: Fix broken log message when master server changes (Schlumpf) 2006/11/15 5556: web_infos: new option rss_preprocessor used for fixing broken RSS feeds, safer process spawning for command "!" (pango) - broken feeds like can now be parsed directly using (for example) xmllint, if a feed can not be read be MLDonkey its piped through rss_preprocessor and read again 5560: EDK: Parse some more server.met fields, log unknown server tags 2006/11/14 5424: web_infos/rss: shell:// type url 5549: EDK: Parse all data from server.met, new HTML javascript popup 5553: EDK/OV/KAD: small updates (bogeyman) - EDK: log unknown client tags with verbosity mct - OV/KAD: ignore OvernetPeerNotFound and log number of peers every 60 secs when logging 5551: web_infos: Fix mtime detection, old files were not updated 5550: debug_fileinfo: Print [a|c|m]time values 5530: GD: Improve graph output (skeeve, Schlumpf) - html_mods_vd_gfx_h_grid_variable "Stretch hourly until at program start", default true - html_mods_vd_gfx_h_grid_time "Max hours on time scale per grid (0 = no limit)", default 0 - html_mods_vd_gfx_subgrid "Number of shown subgrids on graph (0 = no subgrids)", default 0 2006/11/13 5548: New search parameters: "-and", "-or", "-not", removed "-without" (Schlumpf) 5546: Some sharing updates - solved bug 10957, updating the prio of an already shared dir is now possible - fix bug where missing shared dirs with strategy incoming_* where not recreated - remove "network = []" from downloads.ini, currently not supported - created workaround to fix bug on MinGW: no files were shared. Introduced by patch 5475, but source of problem is Ocaml bug 4159 5547: HTML: Fix unicode display in vd & upstats javascript popups 2006/11/12 5545: EDK: Do not show empty server message lines in GUI 5509: Common: Merge file_print functions, BT: print BT-specific source infos in Telnet (thx to jave) 5544: Clean up code to avoid otags warnings (pango) 5543: Improve exception handling, fix some indentions (pango) 5542: CommonSources: Work-around division-by-zero bug in Ocaml on Alpha platform (pango) 2006/11/09 5526: Multiuser: Internal restructuring, new commands - from (pango) - create commonUserDb.mli to protect userdb data from other modules - cleanups - replace strings in commonFile with multiuser commonTypes.userdb/groupdb - implement security checks when core starts - user "admin" must exist - group "mldonkey" must exist and must have admin status - update HTML interface, command "users" - create link to remove a group from a user - create link to change group admin status - new column group members - Telnet: Show all data in command "users" - do not allow removal of users or groups with downloads, groups with members, user "admin" and group "mldonkey" - filter files shown with command "downloaders" - fixed bug where wrong group list was displayed in HTML, vd #file_num - Display user and groups columns new options html_mods_vd_user & html_mods_vd_group to en-/disable display in HTML, vd - Javascript popups show User:Group infos - Telnet support - implement new commands - usergroupadd <user> <group> : add a group to a mldonkey user - usergroupdel user> <group> : remove a group from a mldonkey user - userdgroup <user> <group|None> : change user default group - groupdel <group> : remove an unused mldonkey group - groupadmin <group> <true|false> : change group admin status - Restrict commands to admin users: - bw_toggle - enable - disable 2006/11/06 5527: mlguistarter: print correct syntax (fixes Debian bug #396754) 2006/11/05 5481: Overnet: Small updates - do not print opcode 18 (OvernetNoResult) as unknown message - parse bcp type bcp://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:ip:tcpport:udpport - print debug log message when a new source was added 5513: HTML: Let webinterface work in a HTML frame (ported from Knockers Mulus) - third button row does not work yet, patches welcome 5521: BT: Fix non-working EDK upload when BT is enabled, introduced by patch 5461 2006/10/31 5508: OV/KAD eMule style search and some small fixes (bogeyman) 5486: UDP bandwidth monitor fix (bogeyman) 5505: EDK: Support aMule/Hydranode style OS_INFO tag 2006/10/30 5488: Multiuser: New commands - groups -> displays groups of the logged-in user - dgroup -> displays default group of the logged-in user - restrict command "unshare" to admin users 2006/10/29 5475: Multiuser: Implement user_commit_dir - directories with strategy incoming_files are shared recursively now - support several directories with incoming_* strategies, use the first one with enough space to commit the finished file 2006/10/27 5499: Configure: find camlp4 in local, fix patch 5479 (dunk) 2006/10/26 5477: BT: Add downloads to share list after core restart 2006/10/25 5474: updated bw_toggle - fix cosmetic bug, wrong values were displayed as a result if option_hook changed values 5489: HTML: Improve serverlist display (Schlumpf) 5487: Update URLs, change to 5485: HTML: Print sharing strategies in command "shares" 5461: Release slot, fix missing filenames in upstats - Each downloading file can be set to status "Release", this can be done by clicking the "R" column in HTML, Transfers or by using the new "release <file_num>" command to toggle the state. - A new option max_release_slots exists, default 20% of the default 5 max_upload_slots. This means 1 upload slot is available per default and granted for files with status "Release" when requested. - Show filenames in pending upload slots list 5484: Fix DNS test, test other domains besides 2006/10/23 5474: New command bw_toggle (ported from Knockers Mulus client) - two new options: max_hard_upload_rate_2 and max_hard_download_rate_2 - new command bw_toggle, quickly switch between two bandwidth options 5480: Update Mozilla protocol handler, cleanup docs in distrib/ 5479: Configure: Force presence of camlp4 5478: Support gdlib-config --static-libs function (new on Debian Etch) 5476: Urladd: Change default period to 0 (load file only when core starts) 2006/10/21 5473: Log: Redirect CryptoPP messages to MLDonkey logfile (Schlumpf) 5472: Urladd: New optional parameter period (in hours) (thx to Schlumpf) 5471: HTML: New colums for pending slots list: SUI, GeoIP, Filename 5470: Options: New type percent_option, values are bound to be >= 0 and <= 100 5469: HTML: Implement 404 error page for unknown URLs 2006/10/20 5419: EDK: Re-implement links - service is up again (thx to sk38) 2006/10/13 5458: OV/KAD: tweak and bugfix the search (bogeyman) 2006/10/12 5454: OV/KAD: Block blocked ips + small Overnet updates (bogeyman) 5451: HTML: clickable new messages indicator (jave) 2006/10/09 5428: HTML: Fix style sheet errors (rwruck) 5446: EDK: Small update for EDK publish patch 5430 - new option max_published_files maximum number of files published to servers per minute, eMule default 200 - bug fix for patch 5430, publish also to non-preferred servers 2006/10/08 5430: EDK: Improve file publishing - publish no more than 200 files/minute to avoid server-side blacklisting, eMule uses the same limit, least published files are published first (thx to pango) - respect server hard_limit, never publish more files to servers - HTML: in server list display number of files published by server, by clicking on this number the list of files is displayed (new command server_shares num) - HTML: diplay master server status, only master server are used for publishing - HTML: in upstats display number of server the file was published to, also display server name + IP in javascript popup - bug fix: properly update DonkeyGlobals.master_server to be used in DonkeyClient.read_first_message, this is used when replying to non-Overnet clients so they know to which server MLdonkey is connected to, - remove development option become_master_delay 5445: Self-test charset conversion, disable conversion if test fails 5444: BT: Correctly display client connected time, also allow correct upload speed calculation (tradie) 5443: BT: do not allow connections with ourselves (tradie) 2006/10/06 5442: BT: Verbose error messages when torrent is sent from GUI, BT-multiuser: Protect command seeded_torrents 5441: BT: Re-enable all trackers when file is resumed 5440: HTML: Strip CR from multiline dllink input to fix FileTP filenames 2006/10/03 5439: Increase required ocaml version to 3.09.3 (schlumpf), remove old TYPE_FORMAT stuff needed for Ocaml < 3.06 (pango) 2006/10/02 5297: In addition to previous patch 5297 force conversion of allowed_ips to IP blocklist when $MLDONKEY_DIR points to an existing directory and ini files are created for the first time 5429: Fix compile bug in Ocaml 3.08.3 (thx to eike for reporting) 2006/10/01 5404: New command porttest, support for eMule- and Azureus-style porttest (thx to pango for Azureus result parsing) 5421: HTML: Add "Users" to options frame (unease) 5429: New common lprintf_file_nl function 5432: Updates and fixes for the Win resource file (schlumpf) 2006/09/26 5407: BT: Improve handling of tracker error messages - print additional information in telnet, vd #num already present in HTML - show tracker errors in Telnet and HTML popups over tracker info lines - pause torrents with no valid trackers left 5336: EDK: Fix lowid support (krissn) 5427: EDK: Increase hash speed when threads are available (pango) 2006/09/25 5426: CommonSources: Reduce CPU load when refilling queues of many non-BT downloads (pango) 5425: FileTP: Support options file_started_cmd and pause_new_downloads 5423: Print warning for empty admin password only if allowed_ips was altered 5422: Command "sources": Display only downloading files 2006/09/24 5405: BT: Use field "encoding" from .torrent to convert strings to UTF-8 5419: EDK: Remove links 5418: Gnutella/G2/Fasttrack: Support client_bind_addr 5417: Edonkey comments: Telnet support, UTF-8 output in HTML 5416: New variable $DEVFLAGSOPT for .cmx files (jave) 5415: New command option: rem disc - remove all disconnected servers 2006/09/23 5414: Edonkey comments, update gui prot, some bt peer ids (zet) - Reimplement edonkey file comments with ratings (ro) (fixes exploitable DOS introduced in patch #5371) - Add options "comments_filter", "max_comments_per_file", "max_comment_length" - GUI protocol updated for comments, stats, libmagic, users/groups - BT: Identify some more peer ids, as well as the reserved bits - Fix some html code and other bugs - Minor code cleanup 2006/09/22 5411: Portinfo: Rename gift_port to gift_port GUI 2006/09/19 5406: Multiuser: Small bug fixed in recover_temp (mu2.patch) 5406: Main multiuser patch, see docs/multiuser.txt for details thx to jave, pango, zet and many other people who have helped to make this work possible - this patch is experimental, if it breaks, you can keep the pieces;-) - multigroup_usercommit.patch and multigroup_su.patch are not included - this patch is still not finished, the To-Do list in docs/multiuser.txt is still long, also GUI protocol updates have to be implemented. To manage users, groups and files, its best to use the HTML interface, multiuser commands can also be used in Telnet interface.
Diffstat (limited to 'net/mldonkey')
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/net/mldonkey/Makefile.common b/net/mldonkey/Makefile.common
index 0d9dd786c75..79303df5850 100644
--- a/net/mldonkey/Makefile.common
+++ b/net/mldonkey/Makefile.common
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.21 2006/10/03 18:59:31 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.22 2006/12/05 11:05:13 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME= mldonkey-2.8.1
+DISTNAME= mldonkey-2.8.2
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
diff --git a/net/mldonkey/distinfo b/net/mldonkey/distinfo
index cf138a2746e..281cc64b184 100644
--- a/net/mldonkey/distinfo
+++ b/net/mldonkey/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.32 2006/10/03 18:59:31 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.33 2006/12/05 11:05:13 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (mldonkey-2.8.1.tar.bz2) = c8ce8fd2b9fa4cbe147389893d2007edba054c35
-RMD160 (mldonkey-2.8.1.tar.bz2) = 0b9e351d42178d8a6a6bdd71fc9b56eded44144d
-Size (mldonkey-2.8.1.tar.bz2) = 2642676 bytes
+SHA1 (mldonkey-2.8.2.tar.bz2) = 510fad86b4c83b54a7e8836cec3a3f30d67aed8a
+RMD160 (mldonkey-2.8.2.tar.bz2) = ce95184805ac8f4c690e37c75d418b5f7e265f92
+Size (mldonkey-2.8.2.tar.bz2) = 2652074 bytes