path: root/sysutils
diff options
authorhe <>2006-06-08 19:16:24 +0000
committerhe <>2006-06-08 19:16:24 +0000
commita40075ec42602abb84268fc16013312bd0cf86d2 (patch)
treea24a11a8b6a3defc6f3db7f97601a02de9731a4d /sysutils
parent98f0205c2dd3479b09432b772e8e0aa092ea1413 (diff)
Import a package for the server end of the Munin monitoring system.
This version has a patch so that it works properly with RRDtool of version 1.2 or newer.
Diffstat (limited to 'sysutils')
9 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sysutils/munin-server/DESCR b/sysutils/munin-server/DESCR
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..73694b6a6ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/munin-server/DESCR
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Munin is a tool for graphing all sorts of information about one or
+more servers and displaying it in a web interface. It uses the
+execellent RRDTool (written by Tobi Oetiker) and is written in Perl.
+Munin has a master/node architecture. The master connects to all the
+nodes at regular intervals, and asks them for data. It then stores
+the data in RRD-files, and (if needed) updates the graphs. One of the
+main goals has been ease of creating own "plugins" (graphs).
diff --git a/sysutils/munin-server/MESSAGE b/sysutils/munin-server/MESSAGE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..caeec38ea1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/munin-server/MESSAGE
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 2006/06/08 19:16:24 he Exp $
+You can start the collection of statistics and production of graphs by
+installing a crontab for the ${MUNIN_USER} user of the form
+*/5 * * * * ${PREFIX}/bin/munin-cron
+You may need to give ${MUNIN_USER} a valid shell to do so.
diff --git a/sysutils/munin-server/Makefile b/sysutils/munin-server/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f7a39c583c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/munin-server/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2006/06/08 19:16:24 he Exp $
+DISTNAME= ${PKGNAME:S:-server-:_:}
+PKGNAME= munin-server-1.3.1
+CATEGORIES= sysutils
+COMMENT= System monitoring tool, server version
+DEPENDS+= p5-Net-SSLeay>=0:../../security/p5-Net-SSLeay
+DEPENDS+= rrdtool>=1.2:../../databases/rrdtool
+DEPENDS+= munin-doc>=1.3.1:../../sysutils/munin-doc
+USE_TOOLS+= gmake
+MUNIN_GROUP?= munin
+MUNIN_USER?= munin
+STATEDIR= ${VARBASE}/munin/plugin-state
+MAKE_DIRS+= ${VARBASE}/run/munin
+MAKE_DIRS+= ${VARBASE}/log/munin
+OWN_DIRS+= ${VARBASE}/run/munin
+OWN_DIRS+= ${VARBASE}/log/munin
+OWN_DIRS+= ${VARBASE}/munin/plugin-state
+OWN_DIRS_PERMS+=${VARBASE}/munin/plugin-state ${MUNIN_USER} ${MUNIN_GROUP} 0775
+INSTALL_TARGET= install-main
+EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/munin
+TMPL_EGDIR= ${EGDIR}/templates
+INST_TMPL_DIR= ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/munin/templates
+CONF_FILES+= ${EGDIR}/munin.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/munin/munin.conf
+TMPL_FILES= definitions.html logo.png munin-comparison-day.tmpl \
+ munin-comparison-month.tmpl munin-comparison-week.tmpl \
+ munin-comparison-year.tmpl munin-domainview.tmpl \
+ munin-nodeview.tmpl munin-overview.tmpl \
+ munin-serviceview.tmpl style.css
+.for f in ${TMPL_FILES}
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/build/server/munin.conf ${EGDIR}
+.include "../../mk/"
+.include "../../lang/perl5/"
diff --git a/sysutils/munin-server/PLIST b/sysutils/munin-server/PLIST
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f84447d842d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/munin-server/PLIST
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 2006/06/08 19:16:24 he Exp $
+@comment pkg-specific directories:
+@dirrm share/examples/munin/templates
+@comment shared with munin-node
+@unexec ${RMDIR} %D/lib/munin 2>/dev/null || ${TRUE}
diff --git a/sysutils/munin-server/distinfo b/sysutils/munin-server/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..938d0d5a7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/munin-server/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2006/06/08 19:16:24 he Exp $
+SHA1 (munin_1.3.1.tar.gz) = f7783b645abbb25524c3f1b6e0fe27185f1de3db
+RMD160 (munin_1.3.1.tar.gz) = a6ea4e1839f4c787457e4051d55007b7bcebd1d4
+Size (munin_1.3.1.tar.gz) = 315743 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-aa) = 7582a840614389f5fb4bf672cd4ea1e4b6822dd5
+SHA1 (patch-ab) = bb0f63cdef893d8c224cdd03a4a4125d03f85f80
+SHA1 (patch-ad) = 1ecac375a3c340200e3aa7ecad96a1351ff1da79
+SHA1 (patch-ae) = ac8f4f5b7abf03c057ff293ab82c7176bc51a3f6
diff --git a/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-aa b/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-aa
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5a0a3e11f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-aa
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 2006/06/08 19:16:24 he Exp $
+--- Makefile.config.orig 2005-01-10 11:38:22.000000000 +0100
++++ Makefile.config
+@@ -7,32 +7,39 @@
+ #
+ # the base of the Munin installation.
+ #
+-PREFIX = $(DESTDIR)/opt/munin
++ifdef $(PREFIX)
+ # Where Munin keeps its configurations (server.conf, client.conf, ++)
+-CONFDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/munin
++CONFDIR = $(UPREFIX)/etc/munin
++# Where NetBSD pkgsrc installs example config files
++EGDIR = $(UPREFIX)/share/examples/munin
+ # Server only - where to put munin-cron
+-BINDIR = $(PREFIX)/bin
+ # Client only - where to put munin-node, munin-node-configure, and munin-run
+-SBINDIR = $(PREFIX)/sbin
+ # Where to put text and html documentation
+-DOCDIR = $(PREFIX)/doc
++DOCDIR = $(UPREFIX)/share/doc/munin
+ # Where to put man pages
+-MANDIR = $(PREFIX)/man
+ # Where to put internal binaries and plugin repository
+-LIBDIR = $(PREFIX)/lib
++LIBDIR = $(UPREFIX)/lib/munin
+ # Server only - Output directory
+-HTMLDIR = $(PREFIX)/var/www
++HTMLDIR = $(UPREFIX)/www/munin/data
+ # Client only - Where to put RRD files and other intenal data
+-DBDIR = $(DESTDIR)/var/opt/munin
++DBDIR = $(DESTDIR)/var/munin
+ # Client only - Where plugins should put their states. Must be writable by
+ # group "munin", and should be preserved between reboots
+@@ -45,14 +52,14 @@ LOGDIR = $(DESTDIR)/var/log/munin
+ # writable by the user "munin".
+ STATEDIR = $(DESTDIR)/var/run/munin
+-# The perl interpreter to use
+-PERL = $(shell which perl)
++# The perl interpreter to use (passed in by pkgsrc)
++PERL = ${PERL5}
+ # The python interpreter to use (used by some plugins)
+ PYTHON = /usr/bin/env python
+ # Server only - Where to install the perl libraries
+-PERLLIB = $(DESTDIR)$(shell $(PERL) -V:sitelib | cut -d= -f2 | sed "s/[\';]//g")
+ # Client only - Install plugins for this architecture
+ OSTYPE = $(shell uname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
+@@ -65,16 +72,15 @@ HOSTNAME = $(shell hostname)
+ VERSION = $(shell cat RELEASE)
+ # User to run munin as
+-USER = munin
+-GROUP = munin
+ # Default user to run the plugins as
+ PLUGINUSER = nobody
+ # Which command to use to check if the USER and GROUP to run Munin as, exists.
+-GETENT = $(shell which getent || which true 2>/dev/null)
+-CHECKUSER = $(shell $(GETENT) passwd $(USER) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo User $(USER) nonexistant. Create the user and retry; exit 2"))
+-CHECKGROUP = $(shell $(GETENT) group $(GROUP) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo Group $(GROUP) nonexistant. Create the group and retry; exit 2"))
++CHECKUSER = $(shell grep $(USER) /etc/passwd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo User $(USER) nonexistent. Create the user and retry; exit 2"))
++CHECKGROUP = $(shell grep $(GROUP) /etc/group >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo Group $(GROUP) nonexistent. Create the group and retry; exit 2"))
+ CHOWN = chown
+ CHMOD = chmod
diff --git a/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-ab b/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-ab
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec4f5a69630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-ab
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 2006/06/08 19:16:24 he Exp $
+--- node/ 2004-01-29 18:15:47.000000000 +0100
++++ node/
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ setseid 1
+ # Which port to bind to;
+ host *
+ user root
+-group root
++group wheel
+ setsid yes
+ # Regexps for files to ignore
diff --git a/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-ad b/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-ad
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f84d4dd52d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-ad
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ad,v 2006/06/08 19:16:24 he Exp $
+--- Makefile.orig 2004-12-22 22:33:47.000000000 +0100
++++ Makefile
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ install: install-main install-node insta
+ install-main: build
+ mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/templates
++ mkdir -p $(EGDIR)/templates
+ mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)
+ mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
+ mkdir -p $(PERLLIB)
+@@ -29,13 +30,11 @@ install-main: build
+ for p in build/server/*.tmpl; do \
+- $(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(CONFDIR)/templates/ ; \
++ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(EGDIR)/templates/ ; \
+ done
+- $(INSTALL) -m 0644 server/logo.png $(CONFDIR)/templates/
+- $(INSTALL) -m 0644 server/style.css $(CONFDIR)/templates/
+- $(INSTALL) -m 0644 server/definitions.html $(CONFDIR)/templates/
+- test -f "$(CONFDIR)/munin.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/server/munin.conf $(CONFDIR)/
++ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 server/logo.png $(EGDIR)/templates/
++ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 server/style.css $(EGDIR)/templates/
++ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 server/definitions.html $(EGDIR)/templates/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/server/munin-cron $(BINDIR)/
+@@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ install-node-non-snmp: build
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/munin-node $(SBINDIR)/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/munin-node-configure $(SBINDIR)/
+- test -f "$(CONFDIR)/munin-node.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/node/munin-node.conf $(CONFDIR)/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/munin-run $(SBINDIR)/
+ install-node-plugins: build
diff --git a/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-ae b/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-ae
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61befa0683c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/munin-server/patches/patch-ae
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ae,v 2006/06/08 19:16:24 he Exp $
+--- server/ 2005-01-08 23:34:38.000000000 +0100
++++ server/
+@@ -490,6 +490,9 @@ sub get_header {
+ push @$result,"--width", &munin_get ($config, "graph_width", "400", $domain, $host, $service);
+ push @$result,"--imgformat", "PNG";
+ push @$result,"--lazy" if ($force_lazy);
++ push @$result,"--font", "LEGEND:" . &munin_get ($config, "legend_fontsize", "7", $domain, $host, $service) . ":";
++ push @$result,"--font", "AXIS:" . &munin_get ($config, "axis_fontsize", "7", $domain, $host, $service) . ":";
++# push @$result,"--font-render-mode", "mono";
+ push (@$result, "--units-exponent", "0")
+ if (! &should_scale ($node, $service));
+@@ -848,10 +851,10 @@ sub process_node {
+ elsif ($global_headers == 1)
+ {
+ push (@rrd, "COMMENT:" . (" " x $max_field_len));
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Cur:");
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT:Min:");
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT:Avg:");
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT:Max: \\j");
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Cur\\:");
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT:Min\\:");
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT:Avg\\:");
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT:Max\\: \\j");
+ $global_headers++;
+ }
+@@ -924,13 +927,13 @@ sub process_node {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Cur:") unless $global_headers;
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Cur\\:") unless $global_headers;
+ push (@rrd, "GPRINT:c$rrdname:LAST:%6.2lf" . (munin_get_bool_val ($node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_scale}, "yes")?"%s":"") . "");
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Min:") unless $global_headers;
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Min\\:") unless $global_headers;
+ push (@rrd, "GPRINT:i$rrdname:MIN:%6.2lf" . (munin_get_bool_val ($node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_scale}, 1)?"%s":"") . "");
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Avg:") unless $global_headers;
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Avg\\:") unless $global_headers;
+ push (@rrd, "GPRINT:g$rrdname:AVERAGE:%6.2lf" . (munin_get_bool_val ($node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_scale}, 1)?"%s":"") . "");
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Max:") unless $global_headers;
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Max\\:") unless $global_headers;
+ push (@rrd, "GPRINT:a$rrdname:MAX:%6.2lf" . (munin_get_bool_val ($node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_scale}, 1)?"%s":"") . "\\j");
+ push (@{$total_pos{'min'}}, "i$rrdname");
+ push (@{$total_pos{'avg'}}, "g$rrdname");
+@@ -991,13 +994,13 @@ sub process_node {
+ push (@rrd, "CDEF:dpostotal=ipostotal,UN,ipostotal,UNKN,IF");
+ push (@rrd, "LINE1:dpostotal#000000:" . $node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_total} . (" " x ($max_field_len - length ($node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_total}) + 1)));
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Cur:") unless $global_headers;
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Cur\\:") unless $global_headers;
+ push (@rrd, "GPRINT:gpostotal:LAST:%6.2lf" . (munin_get_bool_val ($node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_scale}, 1)?"%s":"") . "");
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Min:") unless $global_headers;
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Min\\:") unless $global_headers;
+ push (@rrd, "GPRINT:ipostotal:MIN:%6.2lf" . (munin_get_bool_val ($node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_scale}, 1)?"%s":"") . "");
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Avg:") unless $global_headers;
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Avg\\:") unless $global_headers;
+ push (@rrd, "GPRINT:gpostotal:AVERAGE:%6.2lf" . (munin_get_bool_val ($node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_scale}, 1)?"%s":"") . "");
+- push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Max:") unless $global_headers;
++ push (@rrd, "COMMENT: Max\\:") unless $global_headers;
+ push (@rrd, "GPRINT:apostotal:MAX:%6.2lf" . (munin_get_bool_val ($node->{client}->{$service}->{graph_scale}, 1)?"%s":"") . "\\j");
+ }
+@@ -1010,7 +1013,10 @@ sub process_node {
+ push @complete, @{&get_header ($node, $config, $domain, $name, $service, $time)};
+ push @complete, @rrd;
+- push (@complete, "COMMENT:Last update: " . localtime($lastupdate) . "\\r");
++ my($ts);
++ $ts = localtime($lastupdate);
++ $ts =~ s/:/\\:/g;
++ push (@complete, "COMMENT:Last update\\: " . $ts . "\\r");
+ if (time - 300 < $lastupdate)
+ {
+@@ -1040,7 +1046,10 @@ sub process_node {
+ push @rrd_sum, "--end",(int($lastupdate/$resolutions{$time}))*$resolutions{$time};
+ }
+ push @rrd_sum, @rrd;
+- push (@rrd_sum, "COMMENT:Last update: " . localtime($lastupdate) . "\\r");
++ my($ts2);
++ $ts2 = localtime($lastupdate);
++ $ts2 =~ s/:/\\:/g;
++ push (@rrd_sum, "COMMENT:Last update\\: " . $ts2 . "\\r");
+ my $labelled = 0;
+ my @defined = ();