path: root/archivers/libarchive/files/doc/text/bsdcpio.1.txt
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+BSDCPIO(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual BSDCPIO(1)
+ cpio -- copy files to and from archives
+ cpio {-i} [options] [pattern ...] [< archive]
+ cpio {-o} [options] < name-list [> archive]
+ cpio {-p} [options] dest-dir < name-list
+ cpio copies files between archives and directories. This implementation
+ can extract from tar, pax, cpio, zip, jar, ar, and ISO 9660 cdrom images
+ and can create tar, pax, cpio, ar, and shar archives.
+ The first option to cpio is a mode indicator from the following list:
+ -i Input. Read an archive from standard input and extract the con-
+ tents to disk or (if the -t option is specified) list the con-
+ tents to standard output.
+ -o Output. Read a list of filenames from standard input and produce
+ a new archive on standard output containing the specified items.
+ If one or more file patterns are specified, only files matching
+ one of the patterns will be extracted.
+ -p Pass-through. Read a list of filenames from standard input and
+ copy the files to the specified directory.
+ Unless specifically stated otherwise, options are applicable in all oper-
+ ating modes.
+ -a (o and p modes) Reset access times on files after they are read.
+ (Not yet implemented)
+ -B (o mode only) Block output to records of 5120 bytes.
+ -c (o mode only) Use the old POSIX portable character format.
+ Equivalent to --format odc.
+ -d (i and p modes) Create directories as necessary.
+ -f pattern
+ (i mode only) Ignore files that match pattern. (Not yet imple-
+ mented.)
+ --format format
+ (o mode only) Produce the output archive in the specified format.
+ Supported formats include:
+ cpio Synonym for odc.
+ newc The SVR4 portable cpio format.
+ odc The old POSIX.1 portable octet-oriented cpio format.
+ pax The POSIX.1 pax format, an extension of the ustar for-
+ mat.
+ ustar The POSIX.1 tar format.
+ The default format is odc. See libarchive_formats(5) for more
+ complete information about the formats currently supported by the
+ underlying libarchive(3) library.
+ -i Input mode. See above for description.
+ -L (o and p modes) All symbolic links will be followed. Normally,
+ symbolic links are archived and copied as symbolic links. With
+ this option, the target of the link will be archived or copied
+ instead. (Not yet implemented.)
+ -l (p mode only) Create links from the target directory to the orig-
+ inal files, instead of copying.
+ -m (i and p modes) Set file modification time on created files to
+ match those in the source.
+ -o Output mode. See above for description.
+ -p Pass-through mode. See above for description.
+ --quiet
+ (Not yet implemented.)
+ -R [user][:][group]
+ Set the owner and/or group on files in the output. If group is
+ specified with no user (for example, -R :wheel) then the group
+ will be set but not the user. If the user is specified with a
+ trailing colon and no group (for example, -R root:) then the
+ group will be set to the user's default group. If the user is
+ specified with no trailing colon, then the user will be set but
+ not the group. In -i and -p modes, this option can only be used
+ by the super-user. (For compatibility, a period can be used in
+ place of the colon.)
+ -r (All modes.) Rename files interactively. For each file, a
+ prompt is written to /dev/tty containing the name of the file and
+ a line is read from /dev/tty. If the line read is blank, the
+ file is skipped. If the line contains a single period, the file
+ is processed normally. Otherwise, the line is taken to be the
+ new name of the file.
+ -t (i mode only) List the contents of the archive to stdout; do not
+ restore the contents to disk.
+ -u (i and p modes) Unconditionally overwrite existing files. Ordi-
+ narily, an older file will not overwrite a newer file on disk.
+ -v Print the name of each file to stderr as it is processed. With
+ -t, provide a detailed listing of each file.
+ --version
+ Print the program version information and exit.
+ -y (o mode only) Compress the archive with bzip2-compatible compres-
+ sion before writing to stdout. In input mode, this option is
+ ignored; bzip2 compression is recognized automatically on input.
+ -z (o mode only) Compress the archive with gzip-compatible compres-
+ sion before writing it to stdout. In input mode, this option is
+ ignored; gzip compression is recognized automatically on input.
+ The following environment variables affect the execution of cpio:
+ LANG The locale to use. See environ(7) for more information.
+ TZ The timezone to use when displaying dates. See environ(7) for
+ more information.
+ The cpio utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
+ The cpio command is traditionally used to copy file heirarchies in con-
+ junction with the find(1) command. The first example here simply copies
+ all files from src to dest:
+ find src | cpio -pmud dest
+ By carefully selecting options to the find(1) command and combining it
+ with other standard utilities, it is possible to exercise very fine con-
+ trol over which files are copied. This next example copies files from
+ src to dest that are more than 2 days old and whose names match a partic-
+ ular pattern:
+ find src -mtime +2 | grep foo[bar] | cpio -pdmu dest
+ This example copies files from src to dest that are more than 2 days old
+ and which contain the word ``foobar'':
+ find src -mtime +2 | xargs grep -l foobar | cpio -pdmu dest
+ The mode options i, o, and p and the options a, B, c, d, f, l, m, r, t,
+ u, and v comply with SUSv2.
+ The old POSIX.1 standard specified that only -i, -o, and -p were inter-
+ preted as command-line options. Each took a single argument of a list of
+ modifier characters. For example, the standard syntax allows -imu but
+ does not support -miu or -i -m -u, since m and u are only modifiers to
+ -i, they are not command-line options in their own right. The syntax
+ supported by this implementation is backwards-compatible with the stan-
+ dard. For best compatibility, scripts should limit themselves to the
+ standard syntax.
+ bzip2(1), tar(1), gzip(1), mt(1), pax(1), libarchive(3), cpio(5),
+ libarchive-formats(5), tar(5)
+ There is no current POSIX standard for the cpio command; it appeared in
+ ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (``POSIX.1'') but was dropped from IEEE Std
+ 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'').
+ The cpio, ustar, and pax interchange file formats are defined by IEEE Std
+ 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'') for the pax command.
+ The original cpio and find utilities were written by Dick Haight while
+ working in AT&T's Unix Support Group. They first appeared in PWB/UNIX
+ 1.0, the ``Programmer's Work Bench'' system developed for use within AT&T
+ and released in 1977. XXX It was first released outside of AT&T as part
+ of System III Unix in 1981. XXX XXX Need to verify the previous state-
+ ment. XXX As a result, cpio actually predates tar, even though it was not
+ well-known outside of AT&T until some time later. XXX When did cpio
+ first appear in BSD? XXX
+ This is a complete re-implementation based on the libarchive(3) library.
+ The cpio archive format has several basic limitations: It does not store
+ user and group names, only numbers. As a result, it cannot be reliably
+ used to transfer files between systems with dissimilar user and group
+ numbering. Older cpio formats limit the user and group numbers to 16 or
+ 18 bits, which is insufficient for modern systems. The cpio archive for-
+ mats cannot support files over 4 gigabytes, except for the ``odc'' vari-
+ ant, which can support files up to 8 gigabytes.
+ This is an early alpha version of cpio. The underlying libarchive
+ library is quite mature, so the archive format support and creation of
+ objects on disk should be robust. However, the cpio-specific options and
+ features are still very new. Known issues that will be fixed soon:
+ o Options documented above as ``Not yet implemented''.
+ o Filter arguments to -i, and -it.
+FreeBSD 6.0 August 05, 2007 FreeBSD 6.0