path: root/devel/bouml/patches/patch-aa
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'devel/bouml/patches/patch-aa')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devel/bouml/patches/patch-aa b/devel/bouml/patches/patch-aa
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2a119d2912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/bouml/patches/patch-aa
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 2007/06/05 05:56:42 rillig Exp $
+--- Makefile.orig 2007-04-22 10:39:42.000000000 -0500
++++ Makefile
+@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
+ # The directory where all the bouml files will be installed, you
+ # can change it for instance because you don't have root permission
+-BOUML_LIB = /usr/lib/bouml
++BOUML_LIB = ${PREFIX}/lib/bouml
+ # The directory where the bouml shell script will be installed, you
+ # can change it for instance because you don't have root permission
+-BOUML_DIR = /usr/bin
+ # The directory containing bouml.desktop
+ # The copy is not done if you comment the definition
+-BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR = /usr/share/applications
++BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR = ${PREFIX}/share/applications
+ # The directories containing the bouml icons are
+ # <BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR>/<size>x<size>/apps
+ # The copy is not done if you comment the definition
+-BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR = /usr/share/icons/hicolor
++BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR = ${PREFIX}/share/icons/hicolor
+ # for packaging purpose, useless by default
+@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR = /usr/share/icon
+ # uncomment if needed
+ # MAKE = make
+ SRC_DIRS = src \
+ src/CppGenerator \
+ src/CppReverse \
+@@ -88,19 +86,19 @@ clean:
+ for i in $(SRC_DIRS) $(PLUGOUT_DIRS); do if [ -d $$i ]; then (cd $$i ; $(MAKE) clean; rm -f Makefile; ) || exit 1 ; fi; done
+ install:
+- mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB)"
+- mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR)"
+ if test -n "$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)" ; \
+ then \
+ for i in 16 32 48 64; do \
+- mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps"; \
+- cp bouml.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/bouml.png"; \
+- cp projectControl.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/projectControl.png"; \
+- cp projectSynchro.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/projectSynchro.png"; \
++ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} bouml.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/bouml.png"; \
++ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} projectControl.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/projectControl.png"; \
++ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} projectSynchro.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/projectSynchro.png"; \
+ done \
+ fi
+- for i in $(PROGS); do cp -p $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB)" ; done
+- cd plugouts ; tar cf - empty genpro html rose singleton cpp_utilities xmi xmi2 xmi2import sm_generator usecase_wizard sort FileControl deploy GlobalChange | (cd $(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB); tar xf -)
++ for i in $(PROGS); do ${BSD_INSTALL_PROGRAM} $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB)" ; done
++ cd plugouts ; pax -rw -pp -pm empty genpro html rose singleton cpp_utilities xmi xmi2 xmi2import sm_generator usecase_wizard sort FileControl deploy GlobalChange $(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB)
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR)/bouml
+ echo "PATH=$(BOUML_LIB):$$"PATH >>$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR)/bouml
+ echo "exec $(BOUML_LIB)/bouml \"$$"@"\"" >>$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR)/bouml
+@@ -109,7 +107,8 @@ install:
+ cd $(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR) ; rm -f projectSynchro ; ln -s $(BOUML_LIB)/projectSynchro
+ if test -n "$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)" ; \
+ then \
+- mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)" ; \
++ \
+ echo "[Desktop Entry]" > "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)/bouml.desktop" ; \
+ echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)/bouml.desktop" ; \
+ echo "Name=BOUML" >> "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)/bouml.desktop" ; \