path: root/lang/perl5/patches/patch-ab
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lang/perl5/patches/patch-ab')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/lang/perl5/patches/patch-ab b/lang/perl5/patches/patch-ab
index 61350907e28..248228ec04c 100644
--- a/lang/perl5/patches/patch-ab
+++ b/lang/perl5/patches/patch-ab
@@ -1,42 +1,60 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 1.5 2000/01/18 22:31:47 tron Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 1.6 2000/08/30 18:42:24 jlam Exp $
---- installperl.BAK Wed Nov 19 23:02:26 1997
-+++ installperl Wed Nov 19 23:04:08 1997
-@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
- safe_unlink("$installbin/sperl$ver$exe_ext");
- if ($d_dosuid) {
- copy("suidperl$exe_ext", "$installbin/sperl$ver$exe_ext");
-- chmod(04711, "$installbin/sperl$ver$exe_ext");
-+ chmod(04111, "$installbin/sperl$ver$exe_ext");
- }
- # Install library files.
-@@ -156,17 +156,17 @@
- (-l $usrbinperl) &&
- ((readlink $usrbinperl) eq $expinstperl));
- }
-- if ((! $mainperl_is_instperl) &&
-- (yn("Many scripts expect perl to be installed as $usrbinperl.\n" .
-- "Do you wish to have $usrbinperl be the same as\n" .
-- "$expinstperl? [y] ")))
-- {
-- unlink($usrbinperl);
-- eval { CORE::link $instperl, $usrbinperl } ||
-- eval { symlink $expinstperl, $usrbinperl } ||
-- copy($instperl, $usrbinperl);
-- $mainperl_is_instperl = 1;
-- }
-+# if ((! $mainperl_is_instperl) &&
-+# (yn("Many scripts expect perl to be installed as $usrbinperl.\n" .
-+# "Do you wish to have $usrbinperl be the same as\n" .
-+# "$expinstperl? [y] ")))
-+# {
-+# unlink($usrbinperl);
-+# eval { CORE::link $instperl, $usrbinperl } ||
-+# eval { symlink $expinstperl, $usrbinperl } ||
-+# copy($instperl, $usrbinperl);
-+# $mainperl_is_instperl = 1;
-+# }
- }
- # Make links to ordinary names if installbin directory isn't current directory.
+--- MANIFEST.orig Wed Mar 22 14:33:23 2000
++++ MANIFEST Mon Aug 28 18:35:18 2000
+@@ -214,20 +214,6 @@
+ ext/DB_File/hints/ Hint for DB_File for named architecture
+ ext/DB_File/typemap Berkeley DB extension interface types
+ ext/DB_File/version.c Berkeley DB extension interface version check
+-ext/Data/Dumper/Changes Data pretty printer, changelog
+-ext/Data/Dumper/ Data pretty printer, module
+-ext/Data/Dumper/Dumper.xs Data pretty printer, externals
+-ext/Data/Dumper/Makefile.PL Data pretty printer, makefile writer
+-ext/Data/Dumper/Todo Data pretty printer, futures
+-ext/Devel/DProf/Changes Perl code profiler changelog
+-ext/Devel/DProf/ Perl code profiler
+-ext/Devel/DProf/DProf.xs Perl code profiler
+-ext/Devel/DProf/Makefile.PL Perl code profiler makefile writer
+-ext/Devel/DProf/Todo Perl code profiler todo list
+-ext/Devel/Peek/Changes Data debugging tool, changelog
+-ext/Devel/Peek/Makefile.PL Data debugging tool, makefile writer
+-ext/Devel/Peek/ Data debugging tool, module and pod
+-ext/Devel/Peek/Peek.xs Data debugging tool, externals
+ ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL Dynamic Loader perl module
+ ext/DynaLoader/Makefile.PL Dynamic Loader makefile writer
+ ext/DynaLoader/README Dynamic Loader notes and intro
+@@ -260,11 +246,6 @@
+ ext/File/Glob/TODO File::Glob extension todo list
+ ext/File/Glob/bsd_glob.c File::Glob extension run time code
+ ext/File/Glob/bsd_glob.h File::Glob extension header file
+-ext/GDBM_File/ GDBM extension Perl module
+-ext/GDBM_File/GDBM_File.xs GDBM extension external subroutines
+-ext/GDBM_File/Makefile.PL GDBM extension makefile writer
+-ext/GDBM_File/hints/ Hint for GDBM_File for named architecture
+-ext/GDBM_File/typemap GDBM extension interface types
+ ext/IO/ChangeLog IO perl module change log
+ ext/IO/ Top-level interface to IO::* classes
+ ext/IO/IO.xs IO extension external subroutines
+@@ -559,14 +540,6 @@
+ lib/ Autoloader base class
+ lib/ Split up autoload functions
+ lib/ Measure execution time
+-lib/ Web server interface ("Common Gateway Interface")
+-lib/CGI/ Support for Apache's Perl module
+-lib/CGI/ Log server errors with helpful context
+-lib/CGI/ Interface to Netscape Cookies
+-lib/CGI/ Support for FastCGI (persistent server process)
+-lib/CGI/ Output nicely formatted HTML
+-lib/CGI/ Support for server push
+-lib/CGI/ Simple interface for multiple server types
+ lib/ Interface to Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
+ lib/CPAN/ Utility for creating CPAN config files
+ lib/CPAN/ Runs CPAN while avoiding compiled extensions
+@@ -1493,7 +1466,6 @@
+ util.h Dummy header
+ utils/Makefile Extract the utility scripts
+ utils/c2ph.PL program to translate dbx stabs to perl
+-utils/dprofpp.PL Perl code profile post-processor
+ utils/h2ph.PL A thing to turn C .h files into perl .ph files
+ utils/h2xs.PL Program to make .xs files from C header files
+ utils/perlbc.PL Front-end for byte compiler