path: root/mail/freepops/patches/patch-ah
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/freepops/patches/patch-ah')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1043 deletions
diff --git a/mail/freepops/patches/patch-ah b/mail/freepops/patches/patch-ah
deleted file mode 100644
index b1bde48dcd3..00000000000
--- a/mail/freepops/patches/patch-ah
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1043 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ah,v 1.1 2008/10/23 04:40:55 schmonz Exp $
---- src/lua/hotmail.lua.orig 2008-05-27 10:23:22.000000000 -0400
-+++ src/lua/hotmail.lua
-@@ -3,13 +3,11 @@
- --
- -- Released under the GNU/GPL license
- -- Written by Russell Schwager <>
---- Patched by cdmackie (2007-09-11).
---- Fixed: lite login, live delete, corrupt messages, stuck at 1st message, classic delete more than 1 message
- -- ************************************************************************** --
- -- Globals
- --
--PLUGIN_VERSION = "0.1.90"
-+PLUGIN_VERSION = "0.1.92"
-@@ -21,7 +19,8 @@ PLUGIN_DOMAINS = { "","@msn.
- "", "","",
- "", "", "",
- "", "", "",
-- "", "", ""
-+ "", "", "",
-+ ""
- }
- {name="folder", description={
-@@ -106,9 +105,9 @@ local globals = {
- --
- strRetLoginBadLogin = "(memberservices)",
- strRetLoginSessionExpired = "(Sign in)",
-- strRetLoginSessionExpiredLiveLight = '(</li></ul><a class="ManageLink" href="ManageFoldersLight%.aspx)',
-+ strRetLoginSessionExpiredLiveLight = '(href="ManageFoldersLight%.aspx)',
- strRetLoginSessionErrorLive = '(HM%.FppError)',
-- strRetLoginSessionExpiredLive = '(new HM%.FppReturnPackage%(0,new HM',
-+ strRetLoginSessionExpiredLive = '(new HM%.FppReturnPackage%(0,new HM)',
- strRetStatBusy = "(form",
- -- Regular expression to extract the mail server
-@@ -147,6 +146,8 @@ local globals = {
- strRegExpCrumb = '&a=([^"&]*)[&"]',
- strRegExpCrumbLive = '"sessionidhash" : "([^"]+)"',
- strRegExpUser = '"authuser" : "([^"]+)"',
-+ strRegExpCrumbLiveLight = 'SessionId:"([^"]+)"',
-+ strRegExpUserLiveLight = 'AuthUser:"([^"]+)"',
- -- MSN Inbox Folder Id
- --
-@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ local globals = {
- strFolderPattern = '<a href="[^"]+curmbox=([^&]+)&[^"]+" >',
- strFolderLivePattern = '%("([^"]+)","',
- strFolderLiveInboxPattern = 'sysfldrinbox".-"([^"]+)"',
-- strFolderLiveLightInboxPattern = 'href="InboxLight%.aspx%?(FolderID=[^&]+[^"]+)"[^>]+><img src=".-i_inbox.gif"',
-+ strFolderLiveLightInboxPattern = 'fst="NONE".-href="InboxLight%.aspx%?(FolderID=[^&]+[^"]+)"[^>]+>',
- strFolderLiveLightFolderIdPattern = 'FolderID=([^&]+)&[.]*',
- strFolderLiveLightNPattern = '&n=([^&]+)[.]*',
-@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ local globals = {
- strFolderLiveLightTrash2Pattern = 'href="InboxLight%.aspx%?FolderID=([^&]+)&[^"]+"[^>]+><img src="[^"]+" class="i_trash"',
- strFolderLiveLightJunkPattern = 'i_junkfolder%.gif" border="0" alt=""/></td>.-<td class="dManageFoldersFolderNameCol"><a href="InboxLight%.aspx%?FolderID=([^&]+)&',
- strFolderLiveLightJunk2Pattern = 'href="InboxLight%.aspx%?FolderID=([^&]+)&[^"]+"[^>]+><img src="[^"]+" class="i_junkfolder"',
-- strFolderLiveLightPattern = 'href="InboxLight%.aspx%?FolderID=([^&]+&n=[^"]+)" title="',
-+ strFolderLiveLightPattern = 'href="InboxLight%.aspx%?(FolderID=[^&]+[^"]+)" title="',
- strFolderLiveLightManageFoldersPattern = 'href="ManageFoldersLight%.aspx%?n=([^"]+)"',
- -- Pattern to determine if we have no messages
-@@ -186,19 +187,22 @@ local globals = {
- --
- strMsgListCntPattern = "<td width=100. align=center>([^<]+)</td><td align=right nowrap>",
- strMsgListCntPattern2 = "([%d]+) [MmNnBbVv][eai]",
-- strMsgListLiveLightCntPattern = '<div class=".-ItemListHeaderMsgInfo".->.-(%d+).-</div>',
-+ --strMsgListLiveLightCntPattern = '<div class=".-ItemListHeaderMsgInfo".->.-(%d+).-</div>',
-+ strMsgListLiveLightCntPattern = '>(%d+) %a+</div><div class="PageNavigation FloatRight"',
- -- Used by Stat to pull out the message ID and the size
- --
- strMsgLineLitPattern = ".*<tr>.*<td>[.*]{img}.*</td>.*<td>.*<img>.*</td>.*<td>[.*]{img}.*</td>.*<td>.*<input>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*<a>.*</a>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*</tr>",
- strMsgLineAbsPattern = "O<O>O<O>[O]{O}O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>[O]{O}O<O>O<O>O<X>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>O<O>X<O>O<O>",
- -- Pattern used by Stat to get the next page in the list of messages
- --
- strMsgListNextPagePattern = '(nextpg%.gif" border=0></a>)',
- strMsgListNextPagePatLiveLight = '<a href="([^"]+)"[^>]*><img src="[^_]*_nextpage.gif"',
- strMsgListNextPagePatLiveLight2 = '<a href="([^"]+)"[^>]*><img src="[^"]+" class="i_nextpage"',
-+ strMsgListNextPagePatLiveLight3 = 'pnCur=\\?"([^\\"]+)\\?" pnAm=\\?"([^\\"]+)\\?" pnAd=\\?"([^\\"]+)\\?" pnDir=\\?"NextPage\\?" pnMid=\\?"([^\\"]+)\\?" [^>]*>.-<[^>]+>.-<img [^_]*_nextpage\\?"',
-+ strMsgListNextPagePatLiveLight4 = '<li id="nextPageLink" pnCur="([^"]+)" pnAm="([^"]+)" pnAd="([^"]+)" pnDir="NextPage" pnMid="([^"]+)" pnSkip="0">',
- -- Pattern used to detect a bad STAT page.
- --
-@@ -209,7 +213,13 @@ local globals = {
- strMsgLivePatternOld = ',"([^"]+)","[^"]+","[^"]+",[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,"([^"]+)"',
- strMsgLivePattern1 = 'class=.-SizeCell.->([^<]+)</div>',
- strMsgLivePattern2 = 'new HM%.__[^%(]+%("([^"]+)",[tf][^,"]+,"[^"]+",[^,]+,[^,]+',
-- strMsgLiveLightPattern = 'ReadMessageId=([^&]+)&[^>]+>.-</a></td>.-<td [^>]+>.-</td>.-<td [^>]+>([^<]+)</td>',
-+ strMsgLiveLightPatternOld = 'ReadMessageId=([^&]+)&[^>]+>.-</a></td>.-<td [^>]+>.-</td>.-<td [^>]+>([^<]+)</td>',
-+ -- cdmackie 2008-07-02: new message patterns for live light
-+ strMsgLiveLightPattern = '(<tr[^<>]-id=\\?"[^\\"]+\\?" msg=\\?"msg\\?"[^>]->)(.-)</tr>',
-+ strMsgLiveLightPatternUidl = 'id=\\?"([^\\"]+)\\?"',
-+ strMsgLiveLightPatternMad = 'mad=\\?"([^\\"]+)\\?"',
-+ strMsgLiveLightPatternSize = 'class=\\?"TextAlignRight\\?"[^>]->(.-)</td>',
-+ strMsgLiveLightPatternUnread = "(Unread)",
- -- The amount of time that the session should time out at.
- -- This is expressed in seconds
-@@ -233,14 +243,24 @@ local globals = {
- strCmdMsgListPostLiveOld = "cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=GetFolderData&d=%s,Date,%s,false,0,%s,0,,&MailToken=",
- strCmdMsgListPostLive = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=GetFolderData&d=%s,Date,%s,false,0,%s,0,"","",true,false&v=1&mt=%s',
-+ -- cdmackie 2008-07-02: new calls for STAT for live light
-+ strCmdMsgListLive3 = "mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox.GetInboxData&ptid=0&a=%s&au=%s",
-+ strCmdMsgListPostLive3 = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=GetInboxData&d=true,true,{%%22%s%%22,25,NextPage,0,Date,false,%%22%s%%22,%%22%s%%22,%s,%s,false,%%22%%22,false,%s},false,null&v=1&mt=%s',
-+ strCmdMsgListPostLive4 = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=GetInboxData&d=true,true,{%%22%s%%22,LastPage,0,Date,false,%%22%s%%22,%%22%s%%22,%s,%s,false,%%22%%22,%s,-1,Bottom},false,null&v=1&mt=%s',
- strCmdDelete = "http://%s/cgi-bin/HoTMaiL",
- strCmdDeletePost = "curmbox=%s&_HMaction=delete&wo=&SMMF=0", -- &<MSGID>=on
- strCmdDeleteLive = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox.MoveMessages&ptid=0&a=%s&au=%s",
- strCmdDeletePostLiveOld = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=MoveMessages&d="%s","%s",[%s],[{"%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C0%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001%%5C%%7C632901424233870000",{2,"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",0}}],null,null,0,false,Date&v=1',
- -- strCmdDeletePostLive = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=MoveMessages&d="%s","%s",[%s],[{"%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C0%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001%%5C%%7C632750213035330000",null}],null,null,0,false,Date,false,true&v=1&mt=%s',
- strCmdDeletePostLive = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=MoveMessages&d="%s","%s",[%s],[{"0%%5C%%7C0%%5C%%7C8C9BDFF65883200%%5C%%7C00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",null}],null,null,0,false,Date,false,true&v=1&mt=%s',
-- strCmdDeleteLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/InboxLight.aspx?FolderID=%s&",
-- strCmdDeletePostLiveLight = "__VIEWSTATE=&mt=%s&MoveMessageSelector=%s&ToolbarActionItem=MoveMessageSelector&", -- SelectedMessages=%s",
-+ --strCmdDeleteLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/InboxLight.aspx?FolderID=%s&",
-+ --strCmdDeletePostLiveLight = "__VIEWSTATE=&mt=%s&MoveMessageSelector=%s&ToolbarActionItem=MoveMessageSelector&", -- SelectedMessages=%s",
-+ strCmdDeleteLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox.MoveMessagesToFolder&ptid=0&a=%s&au=%s",
-+ strCmdDeletePostLiveLight = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=MoveMessagesToFolder&d="%s","%s",[%s],[%s],{"%s",25,FirstPage,0,Date,false,"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","",1,2,false,"",false,0},null&v=1&mt=%s',
-+ strCmdDeletePostLiveLight2 = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=MoveMessagesToFolder&d="%s","%s",[%s],[%s],{"%s",FirstPage,0,Date,false,"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","",1,2,false,"",26,0,Bottom}&v=1&mt=%s',
- strCmdMsgView = "http://%s/cgi-bin/getmsg?msg=%s&imgsafe=y&curmbox=%s&a=%s",
- strCmdMsgViewRaw = "&raw=0",
- strCmdMsgViewLive = "http://%s/mail/GetMessageSource.aspx?msgid=%s&gs=true",
-@@ -253,11 +273,13 @@ local globals = {
- strCmdMsgUnreadLivePost = "cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=MarkMessages&d=false,[%s]",
- strCmdEmptyTrashLive = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox.EmptyFolder&ptid=0&a=&au=%s",
- strCmdEmptyTrashLivePost = "cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=EmptyFolder&d=%s,1&v=1&mt=%s",
-- strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/InboxLight.aspx?EmptyFolder=True&FolderID=%s&",
-- strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLightPost = "__VIEWSTATE=&mt=%s&query=&MoveMessageSelector=&ToolbarActionItem=&InfoPaneActionItem=EmptyFolderConfirmYes",
-+ strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox.ClearFolder&ptid=0&a=%s&au=%s",
-+ strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLightPost = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=ClearFolder&d="%s",{"%s",25,FirstPage,0,Date,false,"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","",1,2,false,"",false,0}&v=1&mt=%s',
- strCmdMsgReadLive = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox.MarkMessages&ptid=0&a=&au=%s",
- strCmdMsgReadLivePost = "cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=MarkMessages&d=true,[%s]&v=1&mt=%s",
-- strCmdMsgReadLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/ReadMessageLight.aspx?AllowUnsafe=True&Aux=&FolderID=%s&InboxSortAscending=False&InboxSortBy=Date&ReadMessageId=%s",
-+ --strCmdMsgReadLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/ReadMessageLight.aspx?AllowUnsafe=True&Aux=&FolderID=%s&InboxSortAscending=False&InboxSortBy=Date&ReadMessageId=%s",
-+ strCmdMsgReadLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox.MarkMessagesReadState&ptid=0&a=%s&au=%s",
-+ strCmdMsgReadLiveLightPost = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.Ui.Fpp.MailBox&mn=MarkMessagesReadState&d=true,["%s"],{"%s",25,FirstPage,0,Date,false,"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","",1,2,false,"",false,0}&v=1&mt=%s',
- }
- -- ************************************************************************** --
-@@ -288,6 +310,8 @@ internalState = {
- strUserId = "",
- strMT = "",
- bKeepMsgStatus = false,
-+ msgIds = {},
-+ unreadStatus = {},
- }
- -- ************************************************************************** --
-@@ -354,6 +378,13 @@ end
- function getPage(browser, url, post, name)
- local try = 0
-+ if post ~= nil then
-+ log.raw("LOADING: " .. url .. "\nPOST: " .. post .. "\n")
-+ else
-+ log.raw("LOADING: " .. url .. "\n")
-+ end
- while (try < 3) do
- try = try + 1
- local body, err = fetchPage(browser, url, post, name)
-@@ -363,9 +394,11 @@ function getPage(browser, url, post, nam
- log.error_print("Tried to load: " .. url .. " and got error: " .. err)
- return nil, err
- else
-+ log.raw(body .. "\n\n")
- if (string.find(body, "We are experiencing higher than normal volume") == nil and
-- string.find(body, "<[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]") ~= nil and
-- string.find(body, "MSN Hotmail %- ERROR") == nil) then
-+ (string.find(body, "<[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]") ~= nil or string.find(body, "new HM.FppReturnPackage") ~= nil) and
-+ string.find(body, "MSN Hotmail %- ERROR") == nil ) then
- return body, err
- end
- -- This is a little bizarre -- It seems the condition should not be here.
-@@ -383,11 +416,23 @@ end
- function fetchPage(browser, url, post, name)
- log.dbg("Fetching Page: " .. name .. " - " .. url)
-+ local body, err
- if (post == nil) then
-- return browser:get_uri(url)
-+ body, err = browser:get_uri(url)
- else
-- return browser:post_uri(url, post)
-+ body, err = browser:post_uri(url, post)
- end
-+ local lastpage = browser:whathaveweread()
-+ if (string.match(lastpage, "browsersupport")) then
-+ if (post == nil) then
-+ body, err = browser:get_uri(url)
-+ else
-+ body, err = browser:post_uri(url, post)
-+ end
-+ end
-+ return body, err
- end
- -- Issue the command to login to Hotmail
-@@ -403,8 +448,8 @@ function loginHotmail()
- -- Create a browser to do the dirty work
- --
-- --internalState.browser ="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; YPC 3.0.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727")
-- internalState.browser ="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080207 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/")
-+ internalState.browser ="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en) AppleWebKit/522.11.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Safari/522.11.3")
-+ --internalState.browser ="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080207 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/")
- -- Define some local variables
- --
-@@ -520,6 +565,21 @@ function loginHotmail()
- body, err = getPage(browser, "", nil, "hotmail homepage")
- end
-+ -- Let's look for a message at login
-+ --
-+ local hasMsgAtLogin = false
-+ url = string.match(body, '<form name="MessageAtLoginForm" method="post" action="([^"]+)"')
-+ if (url ~= nil) then
-+ hasMsgAtLogin = true
-+ url = string.gsub(url, "&amp;", "&")
-+ local post = ""
-+ for name, value in string.gfind(body, '<input type="hidden" name="([^"]+)".-value="([^"]+)"') do
-+ post = post .. name .. "=" .. value .. "&"
-+ end
-+ url = "http://" .. browser:wherearewe() .. "/mail/" .. url
-+ body, err = getPage(browser, url, post, "Message At Login Form")
-+ end
- -- Check to see if we are using the new interface and are redirecting.
- --
- local folderBody = body
-@@ -560,23 +620,24 @@ function loginHotmail()
- -- Paco
- body = cleanupLoginBody(body)
-- url = string.match(body, globals.strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome1)
-+ url = string.match(body, globals.strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome1)
- if url == nil then
- url = string.match(body, globals.strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome2)
- if url == nil then
- -- Change suggested by 930
- local authimgurl = string.match(body, globals.strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome4)
-- -- Paco
-- --
-- if authimgurl == nil then
-- authimgurl = string.match(body, globals.strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome5)
-- end
-- log.raw("Image url: " .. authimgurl)
-+ -- Paco
-+ --
-+ if authimgurl == nil then
-+ authimgurl = string.match(body, globals.strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome5)
-+ end
-+ log.raw("Image url: " .. authimgurl)
-- if authimgurl ~= nil then
-- getPage(browser, authimgurl, nil, "Authentication Image Url - NonLive")
-- end
-+ if authimgurl ~= nil then
-+ getPage(browser, authimgurl, nil, "Authentication Image Url - NonLive")
-+ end
- url = string.match(body, globals.strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome3)
- if url == nil then
- log.error_print(globals.strLoginFailed)
-@@ -593,7 +654,7 @@ function loginHotmail()
- log.error_print(globals.strLoginFailed)
- log.raw("Login failed: Sent login info to: " .. (url or "none") .. " and got an error:\n" .. err);
-- end
-+ end
- end
- -- Extract the crumb - This is needed for deletion of items
-@@ -628,6 +689,10 @@ function loginHotmail()
- --
- log.dbg("Hotmail Authuser value: " .. user .. "\n")
- end
-+ else
-+ -- Force this to be the empty string for live light -- older versions. Eventually we could probably remove this.
-+ --
-+ internalState.strCrumb = ''
- end
- -- Get the MT cookie value
-@@ -648,9 +713,8 @@ function loginHotmail()
- -- Find the image server
- --
-- if (internalState.bLiveGUI == true) then
-- str = string.match(body, globals.strImgServerLivePattern)
-- else
-+ str = string.match(body, globals.strImgServerLivePattern)
-+ if (str == nil) then
- str = string.match(body, globals.strImgServerPattern)
- end
-@@ -730,16 +794,17 @@ function loginHotmail()
- body, err = getPage(browser, url, nil, "LiveLight - Manage Folders")
-- -- cdmackie: we then extract the querystring and apend the InboxId with the N value
-- local inboxQueryString = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightInboxPattern)
-- local inboxId = string.match(inboxQueryString, globals.strFolderLiveLightFolderIdPattern)
-- local inboxN = string.match(inboxQueryString, globals.strFolderLiveLightNPattern)
-- inboxId = inboxId .. "&n=" .. inboxN
-+ -- cdmackie 2008-07-06: fix patter to get folder IDs
- if (internalState.strMBoxName == "Inbox") then
-- str = inboxId
-+ str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightInboxPattern)
-+ local id = string.match(str, globals.strFolderLiveLightFolderIdPattern)
-+ local n = string.match(str, globals.strFolderLiveLightNPattern)
-+ str = id .. "&n=" .. n
- else
- str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightPattern .. internalState.strMBoxName)
-+ local id = string.match(str, globals.strFolderLiveLightFolderIdPattern)
-+ local n = string.match(str, globals.strFolderLiveLightNPattern)
-+ str = id .. "&n=" .. n
- end
- if (str == nil) then
-@@ -752,33 +817,49 @@ function loginHotmail()
- -- Get the trash folder id and the junk folder id
- --
-- str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightTrashPattern)
-- if str ~= nil then
-- internalState.strTrashId = str
-- log.dbg("Hotmail - trash folder id: " .. str)
-- else
-- str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightTrash2Pattern)
-+ local idx = 0
-+ for folderId in string.gfind(body, "javascript:confirmDeleteFolder%('([^']+)'") do
-+ if idx == 0 then
-+ internalState.strJunkId = folderId
-+ log.dbg("Hotmail - junk folder id: " .. folderId)
-+ elseif idx == 1 then
-+ internalState.strTrashId = folderId
-+ log.dbg("Hotmail - trash folder id: " .. folderId)
-+ end
-+ idx = idx + 1
-+ end
-+ if (internalState.strTrashId == nil) then
-+ str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightTrashPattern)
- if str ~= nil then
- internalState.strTrashId = str
- log.dbg("Hotmail - trash folder id: " .. str)
- else
-- log.error_print("Unable to detect the folder id for the trash folder. Deletion may fail.")
-- end
-- end
-+ str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightTrash2Pattern)
-+ if str ~= nil then
-+ internalState.strTrashId = str
-+ log.dbg("Hotmail - trash folder id: " .. str)
-+ else
-+ log.error_print("Unable to detect the folder id for the trash folder. Deletion may fail.")
-+ end
-+ end
-+ end
-- str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightJunkPattern)
-- if str ~= nil then
-- internalState.strJunkId = str
-- log.dbg("Hotmail - junk folder id: " .. str)
-- else
-- str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightJunk2Pattern)
-+ if (internalState.strJunkId == nil) then
-+ str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightJunkPattern)
- if str ~= nil then
- internalState.strJunkId = str
- log.dbg("Hotmail - junk folder id: " .. str)
- else
-- log.error_print("Unable to detect the folder id for the junk folder. Deletion may fail.")
-- end
-- end
-+ str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightJunk2Pattern)
-+ if str ~= nil then
-+ internalState.strJunkId = str
-+ log.dbg("Hotmail - junk folder id: " .. str)
-+ else
-+ log.error_print("Unable to detect the folder id for the junk folder. Deletion may fail.")
-+ end
-+ end
-+ end
- end
- -- Note that we have logged in successfully
-@@ -797,7 +878,7 @@ function loginHotmail()
- end
- function cleanupLoginBody(body)
-- log.raw("Cleaning up login body: " .. body)
-+ --log.raw("Cleaning up login body: " .. body)
- body = string.gsub(body, "&#58;", ":")
- body = string.gsub(body, "&#61;", "=")
- body = string.gsub(body, "&#39;", "'")
-@@ -813,7 +894,7 @@ function cleanupLoginBody(body)
- body = string.gsub(body, "\\x3f", "?")
- body = string.gsub(body, "\\x3d", "=")
- body = string.gsub(body, "\\x26", "&")
-- log.raw("Body cleaned: " .. body)
-+ --log.raw("Body cleaned: " .. body)
- return body
- end
-@@ -841,7 +922,6 @@ function downloadMsg(pstate, msg, nLines
- --
- local browser = internalState.browser
- local uidl = get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, msg)
- local url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgView, internalState.strMailServer,
- uidl, internalState.strMBox, internalState.strCrumb);
- local markReadUrl = url
-@@ -958,8 +1038,13 @@ function downloadMsg(pstate, msg, nLines
- browser:post_uri(url, post)
- elseif internalState.bMarkMsgAsUnread == false and internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI then
- log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", Marking message as read.")
-- url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgReadLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strMBox, uidl)
-- browser:get_head(url)
-+ -- cdmackie: 2008-07-05 use new MarkMessagesReadState command
-+ --url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgReadLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strMBox, uidl)
-+ url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgReadLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId)
-+ local inboxid = string.gsub(internalState.strMBox, "&n=.*", "")
-+ local post = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgReadLiveLightPost, uidl, inboxid, internalState.strMT)
-+ post = string.gsub(post, '"', "%%22")
-+ browser:post_uri(url, post)
- elseif internalState.bMarkMsgAsUnread == true and internalState.bLiveGUI == true then
- log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", Marking message as unread.")
- url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgUnreadLive, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId)
-@@ -1059,50 +1144,57 @@ function cleanupHeaders(headers, cbInfo)
- local bMissingID = false -- when no Message-ID -field seems to have been automatically generated ?
- local bodyrest = ""
-- headers, bodyrest = string.match(headers, "^(.-)\r*\n%s*\r*\n(.*)$" )
-+ headers, bodyrest = string.match(headers, "^(.-\r\n.-)\r\n(.*)$" )
- if (headers == nil) then
- log.dbg("Hotmail: unable to parse out message headers. Extra headers will not be used.")
- return origHeaders
- end
-- headers = string.gsub(headers, "%s+$", "\n")
-- headers = headers .. "\n";
-- headers = string.gsub(headers, "\n\n", "\n")
-- headers = string.gsub(headers, "\r\n", "\n")
-- headers = string.gsub(headers, "\n", "\r\n")
-+ --headers = string.gsub(headers, "%s+$", "\n")
-+ --headers = headers .. "\n";
-+ --headers = string.gsub(headers, "\n\n", "\n")
-+ --headers = string.gsub(headers, "\r\n", "\n")
-+ --headers = string.gsub(headers, "\n", "\r\n")
- --
- -- some checking...
- --
-- if string.find(headers, "(To:)") == nil then
-- bMissingTo = true
-- end
-- if string.find(headers, "(Message%-I[dD]:)") == nil then
-- bMissingID = true
-- end
-+-- if string.find(headers, "(To:)") == nil then
-+-- bMissingTo = true
-+-- end
-+-- if string.find(headers, "(Message%-I[dD]:)") == nil then
-+-- bMissingID = true
-+-- end
- -- Add some headers
- --
-+ local newheaders = ""
- if bMissingTo ~= false then
-- headers = headers .. "To: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\r\n" ;
-+ newheaders = newheaders .. "To: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\r\n" ;
- end
- if bMissingID ~= false then
- local msgid = cbInfo.cb_uidl .. "@" .. internalState.strMailServer -- well, if we do not have any better choice...
-- headers = headers .. "Message-ID: <" .. msgid .. ">\r\n"
-+ newheaders = newheaders .. "Message-ID: <" .. msgid .. ">\r\n"
-+ end
-+ local readStatus = "read"
-+ if (internalState.unreadStatus[cbInfo.cb_uidl]) then
-+ readStatus = "unread"
- end
-- headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-User: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\r\n"
-- headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-Domain: " .. internalState.strDomain .. "\r\n"
-- headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-Folder: " .. internalState.strMBox .. "\r\n"
-- headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-MailServer: " .. internalState.strMailServer .. "\r\n"
-- headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-ImageServer: " .. internalState.strImgServer .. "\r\n"
-- headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-MsgNumber: " .. "<" .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ">" .. "\r\n"
-+ newheaders = newheaders .. "X-FreePOPs-User: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\r\n"
-+ newheaders = newheaders .. "X-FreePOPs-Domain: " .. internalState.strDomain .. "\r\n"
-+ newheaders = newheaders .. "X-FreePOPs-Folder: " .. internalState.strMBox .. "\r\n"
-+ newheaders = newheaders .. "X-FreePOPs-MailServer: " .. internalState.strMailServer .. "\r\n"
-+ newheaders = newheaders .. "X-FreePOPs-ImageServer: " .. internalState.strImgServer .. "\r\n"
-+ newheaders = newheaders .. "X-FreePOPs-MsgNumber: " .. "<" .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ">" .. "\r\n"
-+ newheaders = newheaders .. "X-FREEPOPS-READ-STATUS: " .. readStatus .. "\r\n"
- -- make the final touch...
- --
-- headers = headers .. "\r\n" .. bodyrest
-+ headers = headers .. "\r\n" .. newheaders .. bodyrest
- return headers
- end
-@@ -1127,13 +1219,16 @@ function cleanupBody(body, cbInfo)
- --
- body = string.gsub(body, "<pre>[%s]*", "")
- body = string.gsub(body, "</pre>.-$", "\n")
-+ -- cdmackie: sometimes we get only "</"
-+ body = string.gsub(body, "</$", "\n")
- -- Clean up the end of line, and replace HTML tags
- --
-+ body = string.gsub(body, "&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;", "\n") -- appears in some spam messages and destroys the headers
- body = string.gsub(body, "&#9;", "\t")
- body = string.gsub(body, "&#09;", "\t")
- body = string.gsub(body, "&#10;", "\n")
-- body = string.gsub(body, "&#13;", "\r")
-+ body = string.gsub(body, "&#13;", "")
- body = string.gsub(body, "&#27;", "\27")
- body = string.gsub(body, "&#32;", " ")
- body = string.gsub(body, "&#33;", "!")
-@@ -1198,9 +1293,17 @@ function cleanupBody(body, cbInfo)
- body = string.gsub(body, "\r\n%.", "\r\n%.%.")
- -- Experimental -- For non-ascii users
-- --
-- body = string.gsub(body, "&#(%d-);", function(c) return string.byte(c) end)
-+ body = string.gsub(body, "&#(%d*);",
-+ function(c)
-+ c = tonumber(c)
-+ if (c > 255) then
-+ return "&#" .. c .. ";"
-+ else
-+ return string.char(c)
-+ end
-+ end
-+ )
- -- We've now at least seen one block, attempt to clean up the headers
- --
- if (cbInfo.bFirstBlock == true) then
-@@ -1397,6 +1500,7 @@ function quit_update(pstate)
- local post = postBase
- local uidls = ""
- local uidlsLight = ""
-+ local madsLight = ""
- -- Cycle through the messages and see if we need to delete any of them
- --
-@@ -1420,8 +1524,15 @@ function quit_update(pstate)
- post = postBase
- end
- elseif internalState.bLiveGUI == true and internalState.bLiveLightGUI and get_mailmessage_flag(pstate, i, MAILMESSAGE_DELETE) then
-- -- cdmackie: uidlsLight should be appended for multiple messages
-- uidlsLight = uidlsLight .. "SelectedMessages=" .. get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, i) .. "&"
-+ -- cdmackie: 2008-07-09 string contains UIDLS and "mad" attribute from inbox
-+ local uidl, mad = string.match(internalState.msgIds[i], "(.-)&(.*)")
-+ if i > 1 then
-+ uidlsLight = uidlsLight .. ',"' .. uidl .. '"'
-+ madsLight = madsLight .. ',{"' .. mad .. '",null}'
-+ else
-+ uidlsLight = '"' .. uidl .. '"'
-+ madsLight = '{"' .. mad .. '",null}'
-+ end
- dcnt = dcnt + 1
- elseif internalState.bLiveGUI == true and get_mailmessage_flag(pstate, i, MAILMESSAGE_DELETE) then
- if i > 1 then
-@@ -1442,12 +1553,29 @@ function quit_update(pstate)
- log.error_print("Unable to delete messages.\n")
- end
- elseif dcnt > 0 and internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == true then
-- cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdDeleteLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strMBox)
-- post = string.format(globals.strCmdDeletePostLiveLight, internalState.strMT,
-- internalState.strTrashId) .. uidlsLight
-+ cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdDeleteLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId)
-+ -- This is the older interface's way to delete it.
-+ --
-+ local inboxid = string.gsub(internalState.strMBox, "&n=.*", "")
-+ post = string.format(globals.strCmdDeletePostLiveLight,
-+ inboxid, internalState.strTrashId,
-+ uidlsLight, madsLight,
-+ inboxid, internalState.strMT)
-+ post = string.gsub(post, '"', "%%22")
- log.dbg("Sending Trash url: " .. cmdUrl .. " - " .. post)
- local body, err = getPage(browser, cmdUrl, post, "Delete Messages - LiveLight")
-- elseif dcnt > 0 and internalState.bLiveGUI then
-+ -- This is less than ideal and will need to be fixed soon. This is the newer way to delete.
-+ --
-+ post = string.format(globals.strCmdDeletePostLiveLight2,
-+ inboxid, internalState.strTrashId,
-+ uidlsLight, madsLight,
-+ inboxid, internalState.strMT)
-+ post = string.gsub(post, '"', "%%22")
-+ local body, err = getPage(browser, cmdUrl, post, "Delete Messages - LiveLight - Newer version")
-+ elseif dcnt > 0 and internalState.bLiveGUI then
- cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdDeleteLive, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId)
- uidls = string.gsub(uidls, ",", '","')
- uidls = '"' .. uidls .. '"'
-@@ -1476,9 +1604,11 @@ function quit_update(pstate)
- log.error_print("Cannot empty trash - crumb not found\n")
- end
- elseif internalState.bEmptyTrash and internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == true then
-- cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strTrashId)
-- local post = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLightPost, internalState.strMT)
-- log.dbg("Sending Empty Trash URL: " .. cmdUrl .."\n")
-+ cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId)
-+ local inboxid = string.gsub(internalState.strMBox, "&n=.*", "")
-+ local post = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLightPost,internalState.strTrashId, inboxid, internalState.strMT)
-+ post = string.gsub(post, '"', "%%22")
-+ log.dbg("Sending Empty Trash URL: " .. cmdUrl ..", POST: " .. post .. "\n")
- local body, err = getPage(browser, cmdUrl, post, "LiveLight - Empty Trash")
- if not body or err then
- log.error_print("Error when trying to empty the trash with url: ".. cmdUrl .."\n")
-@@ -1496,9 +1626,11 @@ function quit_update(pstate)
- -- Empty the Junk Folder
- --
- if internalState.bEmptyJunk and internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == true then
-- cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strJunkId)
-- local post = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLightPost, internalState.strMT)
-- log.dbg("Sending Empty Junk URL: " .. cmdUrl .."\n")
-+ cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId)
-+ local inboxid = string.gsub(internalState.strMBox, "&n=.*", "")
-+ local post = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLightPost,internalState.strJunkId, inboxid, internalState.strMT)
-+ post = string.gsub(post, '"', "%%22")
-+ log.dbg("Sending Empty Junk URL: " .. cmdUrl ..", POST: " .. post .. "\n")
- local body, err = getPage(browser, cmdUrl, post, "LiveLight - Empty Junk")
- if not body or err then
- log.error_print("Error when trying to empty the junk folder with url: ".. cmdUrl .."\n")
-@@ -1592,7 +1724,7 @@ function LiveStat(pstate)
- post = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListPostLiveOld, internalState.strMBox, nMaxMsgs, nMaxMsgs)
- body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post)
- end
-- log.raw(body)
-+ --log.raw(body)
- -- Let's make sure the session is still valid
- --
-@@ -1608,7 +1740,7 @@ function LiveStat(pstate)
- else
- strLog = strLog .. ": " .. body
- end
-- log.raw(strLog)
-+ --log.raw(strLog)
- -- Try Logging back in
- --
-@@ -1632,10 +1764,7 @@ function LiveStat(pstate)
- for uidl, size in string.gfind(body, globals.strMsgLivePatternOld) do
- nMsgs = nMsgs + 1
- if (nMsgs <= nMaxMsgs) then
-- log.dbg("Processed STAT - Msg: " .. nMsgs .. ", UIDL: " .. uidl .. ", Size: " .. size)
-- set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs)
-- set_mailmessage_size(pstate, nMsgs, size)
-- set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, nMsgs, uidl)
-+ processMessage(uidl, sizes[i], nMsgs, pstate)
- end
- end
-@@ -1666,11 +1795,7 @@ function LiveStat(pstate)
- for uidl in string.gfind(body, globals.strMsgLivePattern2) do
- nMsgs = nMsgs + 1
- if (nMsgs <= nMaxMsgs) then
-- log.dbg("Processed STAT - Msg: " .. nMsgs .. ", UIDL: " .. uidl .. ", Size: " .. sizes[i])
-- set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs)
-- set_mailmessage_size(pstate, nMsgs, sizes[i])
-- set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, nMsgs, uidl)
-+ processMessage(uidl, sizes[i], nMsgs, pstate)
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
-@@ -1706,6 +1831,7 @@ function stat(pstate)
- local nTotMsgs = 0
- local lastNMsgs = 0
- local cmdUrl = ""
-+ local cmdUrlPost = nil
- if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI) then
- cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer,
- internalState.strMBox);
-@@ -1715,6 +1841,7 @@ function stat(pstate)
- end
- local baseUrl = cmdUrl
- local nextPageUrl = nil
-+ local nextPageUrlPost = nil
- -- Keep a list of IDs that we've seen. With yahoo, their message list can
- -- show messages that we've already seen. This, although a bit hacky, will
-@@ -1722,6 +1849,9 @@ function stat(pstate)
- -- really sucks!
- --
- local knownIDs = {}
-+ -- keep msgIds for Hotmail to include the n value
-+ internalState.msgIds = {}
- -- Debug Message
- --
-@@ -1777,33 +1907,13 @@ function stat(pstate)
- break
- end
- end
-- -- Convert the size from it's string (4KB or 2MB) to bytes
-- -- First figure out the unit (KB or just B)
-- --
-- local kbUnit = string.match(size, "([Kk])")
-- size = string.match(size, "([%d%.,]+)[KkMm]")
-- if (size ~= nil) then
-- size = string.gsub(size, ",", ".")
-- end
-- if (size ~= nil and tonumber(size) ~= nil) then
-- if not kbUnit then
-- size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024 * 1024
-- else
-- size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024
-- end
-- else
-- size = 1024
-- end
-+ size = parseSize(size)
- -- Save the information
- --
- if bUnique == true and ((nMsgs < nTotMsgs and nTotMsgs ~= 0) or nTotMsgs == 0) then
- nMsgs = nMsgs + 1
-- log.dbg("Processed STAT - Msg: " .. nMsgs .. ", UIDL: " .. uidl .. ", Size: " .. size)
-- set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs)
-- set_mailmessage_size(pstate, nMsgs, size)
-- set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, nMsgs, uidl)
-+ processMessage(uidl, size, nMsgs, pstate)
- knownIDs[nMsgs] = uidl
- end
- end
-@@ -1820,27 +1930,64 @@ function stat(pstate)
- --
- local function funcProcessLiveLight(body)
- lastNMsgs = nMsgs
- -- Figure out if there are more pages with messages
- --
- nextPageUrl = string.match(body, globals.strMsgListNextPagePatLiveLight)
-+ -- cdmackie 2008-07-02: qw now have to build post for subsequent page calls
-+ nextPageUrlPost = nil
-+ if nextPageUrl == nil then
-+ local startpos, endpos, pcur, pnam, pnad, pnmid = string.find(body, globals.strMsgListNextPagePatLiveLight3)
-+ local pattern4Use = false
-+ if (startpos == nil) then
-+ startpos, endpos, pcur, pnam, pnad, pnmid = string.find(body, globals.strMsgListNextPagePatLiveLight4)
-+ pattern4Use = true
-+ end
-+ if startpos ~= nil then
-+ nextPageUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListLive3, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId)
-+ local inboxid = string.gsub(internalState.strMBox, "&n=.*", "")
-+ pnad = cleanupLoginBody(pnad) -- replace &#58; with colons
-+ pnad = string.gsub(pnad, ":", "%%5C%%3A") -- replace colons with %5C%3A
-+ if pattern4Use then
-+ nextPageUrlPost = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListPostLive4, inboxid, pnam, pnad, pcur, pnmid, nTotMsgs, internalState.strMT)
-+ else
-+ nextPageUrlPost = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListPostLive3, inboxid, pnam, pnad, pcur, pnmid, nTotMsgs, internalState.strMT)
-+ end
-+ end
-+ end
- -- cdmackie: change in hotmail nextpage link (kept old one incase still used)
- if nextPageUrl == nil then
- nextPageUrl = string.match(body, globals.strMsgListNextPagePatLiveLight2)
- end
- if (nextPageUrl ~= nil) then
-- log.dbg("Found another page of messages: " .. nextPageUrl)
-+ if (nextPageUrlPost ~= nil) then
-+ log.dbg("Found another page of messages: " .. nextPageUrl .. ", POST:" .. nextPageUrlPost)
-+ else
-+ log.dbg("Found another page of messages: " .. nextPageUrl)
-+ end
- end
- -- Tokenize out the message ID and size for each item in the list
- --
-- for uidl, size in string.gfind(body, globals.strMsgLiveLightPattern) do
-+ -- cdmackie 2008-07-02: new message patterns and different for first and ajax calls
-+ for msgrow, msgcells in string.gfind(body, globals.strMsgLiveLightPattern) do
-+ local mad = string.match(msgrow, globals.strMsgLiveLightPatternMad)
-+ local uidl = string.match(msgrow, globals.strMsgLiveLightPatternUidl)
-+ local fulluidl = uidl .. "&" .. mad
-+ local size = string.match(msgcells, globals.strMsgLiveLightPatternSize)
-+ if (size == nil) then
-+ size = "1 KB" -- Some versions of hotmail don't display the size.
-+ end
- if not uidl or not size then
- log.say("Hotmail Module needs to fix it's individual message list pattern matching.\n")
- return nil, "Unable to parse the size and uidl from the html"
- end
-+ if (string.match(msgrow, globals.strMsgLiveLightPatternUnread)) then
-+ internalState.unreadStatus[uidl] = true
-+ end
- local bUnique = true
- for j = 0, nMsgs do
- if knownIDs[j + 1] == uidl then
-@@ -1848,37 +1995,45 @@ function stat(pstate)
- break
- end
- end
-+ size = parseSize(size)
-- -- Convert the size from it's string (4KB or 2MB) to bytes
-- -- First figure out the unit (KB or just B)
-+ -- Save the information
- --
-- local kbUnit = string.match(size, "([Kk])")
-- size = string.match(size, "([%d%.,]+)[KkMm]")
-- if (size ~= nil) then
-- size = string.gsub(size, ",", ".")
-- end
-- if (size ~= nil and tonumber(size) ~= nil) then
-- if not kbUnit then
-- size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024 * 1024
-- else
-- size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024
-- end
-- else
-- size = 1024
-+ if bUnique == true and ((nMsgs < nTotMsgs and nTotMsgs ~= 0) or nTotMsgs == 0) then
-+ nMsgs = nMsgs + 1
-+ processMessage(uidl, size, nMsgs, pstate)
-+ knownIDs[nMsgs] = uidl
-+ internalState.msgIds[nMsgs] = fulluidl
-+ end
-+ end
-+ -- Some accounts haven't been upgraded to the newer version of the live light interface and thus, we need to make a second chec.
-+ -- This is terrible and needs to be removed when it can be!
-+ for uidl, size in string.gfind(body, globals.strMsgLiveLightPatternOld) do
-+ if not uidl or not size then
-+ log.say("Hotmail Module needs to fix it's individual message list pattern matching.\n")
-+ return nil, "Unable to parse the size and uidl from the html"
-+ end
-+ local bUnique = true
-+ for j = 0, nMsgs do
-+ if knownIDs[j + 1] == uidl then
-+ bUnique = false
-+ break
-+ end
- end
-+ size = parseSize(size)
- -- Save the information
- --
- if bUnique == true and ((nMsgs < nTotMsgs and nTotMsgs ~= 0) or nTotMsgs == 0) then
- nMsgs = nMsgs + 1
-- log.dbg("Processed STAT - Msg: " .. nMsgs .. ", UIDL: " .. uidl .. ", Size: " .. size)
-- set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs)
-- set_mailmessage_size(pstate, nMsgs, size)
-- set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, nMsgs, uidl)
-+ processMessage(uidl, size, nMsgs, pstate)
- knownIDs[nMsgs] = uidl
-+ internalState.msgIds[nMsgs] = uidl
- end
-- end
-+ end
- -- We are done with this page, increment the counter
- --
- nPage = nPage + 1
-@@ -1890,16 +2045,24 @@ function stat(pstate)
- -- change the command url
- --
- local function funcCheckForMorePages(body)
-- --
-+ -- Prevent an infinite loop
-+ --
-+ if (lastNMsgs == nMsgs) then
-+ return true
-+ end
- if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI) then
- if (nextPageUrl == nil) then
- return true
-- else
-- cmdUrl = "http://" .. internalState.strMailServer .. "/mail/" .. nextPageUrl
-+ else
-+ if (string.match(nextPageUrl, "^http") == nil) then
-+ cmdUrl = "http://" .. internalState.strMailServer .. "/mail/" .. nextPageUrl
-+ end
-+ cmdUrlPost = nextPageUrlPost
- return false
- end
- end
- -- See if there are messages remaining
- --
- if nMsgs < nTotMsgs then
-@@ -1908,10 +2071,6 @@ function stat(pstate)
- else
- -- For western languages, our patterns don't work so use a backup pattern.
- --
-- if (lastNMsgs == nMsgs) then
-- return true
-- end
- if (nTotMsgs == 0 and
- string.find(body, globals.strMsgListNextPagePattern) ~= nil) then
- cmdUrl = baseUrl .. string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListNextPage, nPage)
-@@ -1930,7 +2089,7 @@ function stat(pstate)
- -- Get the page and check to see if we got results
- --
-- local body, err = getPage(browser, cmdUrl, nil, "STAT Page - LiveLight and NonLive")
-+ local body, err = getPage(browser, cmdUrl, cmdUrlPost, "STAT Page - LiveLight and NonLive")
- if body == nil then
- return body, err
- end
-@@ -1944,9 +2103,21 @@ function stat(pstate)
- -- Is the session expired
- --
-- local strSessExpr = string.match(body, globals.strRetLoginSessionExpired)
-- local strSessExprLight = string.match(body, globals.strRetLoginSessionExpiredLiveLight)
-- if strSessExpr ~= nil or strSessExprLight == nil then
-+ -- dhh 2008-07-05: fix for non live light interface.
-+ local bSessionExpired = false
-+ if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI == false) then
-+ local strSessExpr = string.match(body, globals.strRetLoginSessionExpired)
-+ if strSessExpr ~= nil then
-+ bSessionExpired = true
-+ end
-+ else
-+ local strSessExprLight = string.match(body, globals.strRetLoginSessionExpiredLiveLight)
-+ local strSessExprLive = string.match(body, globals.strRetLoginSessionExpiredLive)
-+ if strSessExprLight == nil and strSessExprLive == nil then
-+ bSessionExpired = true
-+ end
-+ end
-+ if bSessionExpired == true then
- -- Invalidate the session
- --
- internalState.bLoginDone = nil
-@@ -1981,6 +2152,16 @@ function stat(pstate)
- return getPage(browser, cmdUrl, nil, "STAT Page - LiveLight and NonLive")
- end
-+ -- cdmackie 2008-07-02: live light needs crumb now
-+ if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI) then
-+ if internalState.strCrumb == "" then
-+ internalState.strCrumb = string.match(body, globals.strRegExpCrumbLiveLight)
-+ end
-+ if internalState.strUserId == "" then
-+ internalState.strUserId = string.match(body, globals.strRegExpUserLiveLight)
-+ end
-+ end
- -- Get the total number of messages
- --
- if nTotMsgs == 0 then
-@@ -2048,8 +2229,14 @@ function stat(pstate)
- -- Check to see that we completed successfully. If not, return a network
- -- error. This is the safest way to let the email client now that there is
- -- a problem but that it shouldn't drop the list of known uidls.
-- if (nMsgs < nTotMsgs) then
-+ if (nMsgs < nTotMsgs and nMsgs > 0) then
-+ log.error_print("The plugin needs updating. Expecting to find: " .. nTotMsgs ..
-+ " and processed " .. nMsgs)
-+ elseif (nMsgs < nTotMsgs and nMsgs == 0) then
-+ log.error_print("The plugin needs updating. Expecting to find: " .. nTotMsgs ..
-+ " but wasn't able to process any.")
- end
- -- Return that we succeeded
-@@ -2057,6 +2244,34 @@ function stat(pstate)
- end
-+function processMessage(uidl, size, nMsgs, pstate)
-+ log.dbg("Processed STAT - Msg: " .. nMsgs .. ", UIDL: " .. uidl .. ", Size: " .. size)
-+ set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs)
-+ set_mailmessage_size(pstate, nMsgs, size)
-+ set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, nMsgs, uidl)
-+function parseSize(size)
-+ -- Convert the size from it's string (4KB or 2MB) to bytes
-+ -- First figure out the unit (KB or just B)
-+ --
-+ local kbUnit = string.match(size, "([Kk])")
-+ size = string.match(size, "([%d%.,]+)%s*[KkMm]") -- cdmackie 2008-07-02: fix for space
-+ if (size ~= nil) then
-+ size = string.gsub(size, ",", ".")
-+ end
-+ if (size ~= nil and tonumber(size) ~= nil) then
-+ if not kbUnit then
-+ size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024 * 1024
-+ else
-+ size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024
-+ end
-+ else
-+ size = 1024
-+ end
-+ return size
- -- Fill msg uidl field
- --
- function uidl(pstate,msg)