path: root/net/tnftp/files/src/ftp.cat1
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Diffstat (limited to 'net/tnftp/files/src/ftp.cat1')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1183 deletions
diff --git a/net/tnftp/files/src/ftp.cat1 b/net/tnftp/files/src/ftp.cat1
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index 4ce9af518a0..00000000000
--- a/net/tnftp/files/src/ftp.cat1
+++ /dev/null
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-FTP(1) NetBSD General Commands Manual FTP(1)
- ffttpp -- Internet file transfer program
- ffttpp [--4466AAaaddeeffggiinnppRRttvvVV] [--NN _n_e_t_r_c] [--oo _o_u_t_p_u_t] [--PP _p_o_r_t] [--qq _q_u_i_t_t_i_m_e]
- [--ss _s_r_c_a_d_d_r] [--rr _r_e_t_r_y] [--TT _d_i_r,_m_a_x[,_i_n_c]] [[_u_s_e_r@]_h_o_s_t [_p_o_r_t]]
- [[_u_s_e_r@]_h_o_s_t:[_p_a_t_h][/]] [file:///_p_a_t_h]
- [ftp://[_u_s_e_r[:_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d]@]_h_o_s_t[:_p_o_r_t]/_p_a_t_h[/][;type=_X]]
- [http://[_u_s_e_r[:_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d]@]_h_o_s_t[:_p_o_r_t]/_p_a_t_h] [_._._.]
- ffttpp --uu _U_R_L _f_i_l_e [_._._.]
- ffttpp is the user interface to the Internet standard File Transfer Proto-
- col. The program allows a user to transfer files to and from a remote
- network site.
- The last five arguments will fetch a file using the FTP or HTTP proto-
- cols, or by direct copying, into the current directory. This is ideal
- for scripts. Refer to _A_U_T_O_-_F_E_T_C_H_I_N_G _F_I_L_E_S below for more information.
- Options may be specified at the command line, or to the command inter-
- preter.
- --44 Forces ffttpp to only use IPv4 addresses.
- --66 Forces ffttpp to only use IPv6 addresses.
- --AA Force active mode ftp. By default, ffttpp will try to use pas-
- sive mode ftp and fall back to active mode if passive is not
- supported by the server. This option causes ffttpp to always
- use an active connection. It is only useful for connecting
- to very old servers that do not implement passive mode prop-
- erly.
- --aa Causes ffttpp to bypass normal login procedure, and use an
- anonymous login instead.
- --dd Enables debugging.
- --ee Disables command line editing. This is useful for Emacs
- ange-ftp mode.
- --ff Forces a cache reload for transfers that go through the FTP
- or HTTP proxies.
- --gg Disables file name globbing.
- --ii Turns off interactive prompting during multiple file trans-
- fers.
- --nn Restrains ffttpp from attempting ``auto-login'' upon initial
- connection for non auto-fetch transfers. If auto-login is
- enabled, ffttpp will check the _._n_e_t_r_c (see below) file in the
- user's home directory for an entry describing an account on
- the remote machine. If no entry exists, ffttpp will prompt for
- the remote machine login name (default is the user identity
- on the local machine), and, if necessary, prompt for a pass-
- word and an account with which to login. To override the
- auto-login for auto-fetch transfers, specify the username
- (and optionally, password) as appropriate.
- --NN _n_e_t_r_c Use _n_e_t_r_c instead of _~_/_._n_e_t_r_c. Refer to _T_H_E _._n_e_t_r_c _F_I_L_E for
- more information.
- --oo _o_u_t_p_u_t When auto-fetching files, save the contents in _o_u_t_p_u_t.
- _o_u_t_p_u_t is parsed according to the _F_I_L_E _N_A_M_I_N_G _C_O_N_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_S
- below. If _o_u_t_p_u_t is not `-' or doesn't start with `|', then
- only the first file specified will be retrieved into _o_u_t_p_u_t;
- all other files will be retrieved into the basename of their
- remote name.
- --pp Enable passive mode operation for use behind connection fil-
- tering firewalls. This option has been deprecated as ffttpp now
- tries to use passive mode by default, falling back to active
- mode if the server does not support passive connections.
- --PP _p_o_r_t Sets the port number to _p_o_r_t.
- --qq _q_u_i_t_t_i_m_e
- Quit if the connection has stalled for _q_u_i_t_t_i_m_e seconds.
- --rr _w_a_i_t Retry the connection attempt if it failed, pausing for _w_a_i_t
- seconds.
- --RR Restart all non-proxied auto-fetches.
- --ss _s_r_c_a_d_d_r Uses _s_r_c_a_d_d_r as the local IP address for all connections.
- --tt Enables packet tracing.
- --TT _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_o_n,_m_a_x_i_m_u_m[,_i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t]
- Set the maximum transfer rate for _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_o_n to _m_a_x_i_m_u_m
- bytes/second, and if specified, the increment to _i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t
- bytes/second. Refer to rraattee for more information.
- --uu _U_R_L _f_i_l_e [...]
- Upload files on the command line to _U_R_L where _U_R_L is one of
- the ftp URL types as supported by auto-fetch (with an
- optional target filename for single file uploads), and _f_i_l_e
- is one or more local files to be uploaded.
- --vv Enable vveerrbboossee and pprrooggrreessss. This is the default if output
- is to a terminal (and in the case of pprrooggrreessss, ffttpp is the
- foreground process). Forces ffttpp to show all responses from
- the remote server, as well as report on data transfer statis-
- tics.
- --VV Disable vveerrbboossee and pprrooggrreessss, overriding the default of
- enabled when output is to a terminal.
- The client host with which ffttpp is to communicate may be specified on the
- command line. If this is done, ffttpp will immediately attempt to establish
- a connection to an FTP server on that host; otherwise, ffttpp will enter its
- command interpreter and await instructions from the user. When ffttpp is
- awaiting commands from the user the prompt `ftp>' is provided to the
- user. The following commands are recognized by ffttpp:
- !! [_c_o_m_m_a_n_d [_a_r_g_s]]
- Invoke an interactive shell on the local machine. If there
- are arguments, the first is taken to be a command to execute
- directly, with the rest of the arguments as its arguments.
- $$ _m_a_c_r_o_-_n_a_m_e [_a_r_g_s]
- Execute the macro _m_a_c_r_o_-_n_a_m_e that was defined with the mmaaccddeeff
- command. Arguments are passed to the macro unglobbed.
- aaccccoouunntt [_p_a_s_s_w_d]
- Supply a supplemental password required by a remote system
- for access to resources once a login has been successfully
- completed. If no argument is included, the user will be
- prompted for an account password in a non-echoing input mode.
- aappppeenndd _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e]
- Append a local file to a file on the remote machine. If
- _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e is left unspecified, the local file name is used
- in naming the remote file after being altered by any nnttrraannss
- or nnmmaapp setting. File transfer uses the current settings for
- ttyyppee, ffoorrmmaatt, mmooddee, and ssttrruuccttuurree.
- aasscciiii Set the file transfer ttyyppee to network ASCII. This is the
- default type.
- bbeellll Arrange that a bell be sounded after each file transfer com-
- mand is completed.
- bbiinnaarryy Set the file transfer ttyyppee to support binary image transfer.
- bbyyee Terminate the FTP session with the remote server and exit
- ffttpp. An end of file will also terminate the session and
- exit.
- ccaassee Toggle remote computer file name case mapping during ggeett,
- mmggeett and mmppuutt commands. When ccaassee is on (default is off),
- remote computer file names with all letters in upper case are
- written in the local directory with the letters mapped to
- lower case.
- ccdd _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y
- Change the working directory on the remote machine to
- _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y.
- ccdduupp Change the remote machine working directory to the parent of
- the current remote machine working directory.
- cchhmmoodd _m_o_d_e _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e
- Change the permission modes of the file _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e on the
- remote system to _m_o_d_e.
- cclloossee Terminate the FTP session with the remote server, and return
- to the command interpreter. Any defined macros are erased.
- ccrr Toggle carriage return stripping during ascii type file
- retrieval. Records are denoted by a carriage return/linefeed
- sequence during ascii type file transfer. When ccrr is on (the
- default), carriage returns are stripped from this sequence to
- conform with the UNIX single linefeed record delimiter.
- Records on non-UNIX remote systems may contain single line-
- feeds; when an ascii type transfer is made, these linefeeds
- may be distinguished from a record delimiter only when ccrr is
- off.
- ffttpp__ddeebbuugg [_f_t_p___d_e_b_u_g_-_v_a_l_u_e]
- Toggle debugging mode. If an optional _f_t_p___d_e_b_u_g_-_v_a_l_u_e is
- specified it is used to set the debugging level. When debug-
- ging is on, ffttpp prints each command sent to the remote
- machine, preceded by the string `-->'
- ddeelleettee _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e
- Delete the file _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e on the remote machine.
- ddiirr [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h [_l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e]]
- Print a listing of the contents of a directory on the remote
- machine. The listing includes any system-dependent informa-
- tion that the server chooses to include; for example, most
- UNIX systems will produce output from the command `ls -l'.
- If _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h is left unspecified, the current working
- directory is used. If interactive prompting is on, ffttpp will
- prompt the user to verify that the last argument is indeed
- the target local file for receiving ddiirr output. If no local
- file is specified, or if _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e is `--', the output is
- sent to the terminal.
- ddiissccoonnnneecctt A synonym for cclloossee.
- eeddiitt Toggle command line editing, and context sensitive command
- and file completion. This is automatically enabled if input
- is from a terminal, and disabled otherwise.
- eeppssvv44 Toggle the use of the extended EPSV and EPRT commands on IPv4
- connections; first try EPSV / EPRT, and then PASV / PORT.
- This is enabled by default. If an extended command fails
- then this option will be temporarily disabled for the dura-
- tion of the current connection, or until eeppssvv44 is executed
- again.
- eexxiitt A synonym for bbyyee.
- ffeeaattuurreess Display what features the remote server supports (using the
- FEAT command).
- ffggeett _l_o_c_a_l_f_i_l_e
- Retrieve the files listed in _l_o_c_a_l_f_i_l_e, which has one line
- per filename.
- ffoorrmm _f_o_r_m_a_t
- Set the file transfer ffoorrmm to _f_o_r_m_a_t. The default (and only
- supported) format is ``non-print''.
- ffttpp _h_o_s_t [_p_o_r_t]
- A synonym for ooppeenn.
- ggaattee [_h_o_s_t [_p_o_r_t]]
- Toggle gate-ftp mode, which used to connect through the TIS
- FWTK and Gauntlet ftp proxies. This will not be permitted if
- the gate-ftp server hasn't been set (either explicitly by the
- user, or from the FTPSERVER environment variable). If _h_o_s_t
- is given, then gate-ftp mode will be enabled, and the gate-
- ftp server will be set to _h_o_s_t. If _p_o_r_t is also given, that
- will be used as the port to connect to on the gate-ftp
- server.
- ggeett _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e [_l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e]
- Retrieve the _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e and store it on the local machine.
- If the local file name is not specified, it is given the same
- name it has on the remote machine, subject to alteration by
- the current ccaassee, nnttrraannss, and nnmmaapp settings. The current
- settings for ttyyppee, ffoorrmm, mmooddee, and ssttrruuccttuurree are used while
- transferring the file.
- gglloobb Toggle filename expansion for mmddeelleettee, mmggeett, mmppuutt, and
- mmrreeggeett. If globbing is turned off with gglloobb, the file name
- arguments are taken literally and not expanded. Globbing for
- mmppuutt is done as in csh(1). For mmddeelleettee, mmggeett, and mmrreeggeett,
- each remote file name is expanded separately on the remote
- machine and the lists are not merged. Expansion of a direc-
- tory name is likely to be different from expansion of the
- name of an ordinary file: the exact result depends on the
- foreign operating system and ftp server, and can be previewed
- by doing `mls remote-files -' Note: mmggeett, mmppuutt and mmrreeggeett are
- not meant to transfer entire directory subtrees of files.
- That can be done by transferring a tar(1) archive of the sub-
- tree (in binary mode).
- hhaasshh [_s_i_z_e]
- Toggle hash-sign (`#') printing for each data block trans-
- ferred. The size of a data block defaults to 1024 bytes.
- This can be changed by specifying _s_i_z_e in bytes. Enabling
- hhaasshh disables pprrooggrreessss.
- hheellpp [_c_o_m_m_a_n_d]
- Print an informative message about the meaning of _c_o_m_m_a_n_d.
- If no argument is given, ffttpp prints a list of the known com-
- mands.
- iiddllee [_s_e_c_o_n_d_s]
- Set the inactivity timer on the remote server to _s_e_c_o_n_d_s sec-
- onds. If _s_e_c_o_n_d_s is omitted, the current inactivity timer is
- printed.
- iimmaaggee A synonym for bbiinnaarryy.
- llccdd [_d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y]
- Change the working directory on the local machine. If no
- _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y is specified, the user's home directory is used.
- lleessss _f_i_l_e A synonym for ppaaggee.
- llppaaggee _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e
- Display _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e with the program specified by the sseett
- ppaaggeerr option.
- llppwwdd Print the working directory on the local machine.
- llss [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h [_l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e]]
- A synonym for ddiirr.
- mmaaccddeeff _m_a_c_r_o_-_n_a_m_e
- Define a macro. Subsequent lines are stored as the macro
- _m_a_c_r_o_-_n_a_m_e; a null line (consecutive newline characters in a
- file or carriage returns from the terminal) terminates macro
- input mode. There is a limit of 16 macros and 4096 total
- characters in all defined macros. Macro names can be a maxi-
- mum of 8 characters. Macros are only applicable to the cur-
- rent session they are defined within (or if defined outside a
- session, to the session invoked with the next ooppeenn command),
- and remain defined until a cclloossee command is executed. To
- invoke a macro, use the $$ command (see above).
- The macro processor interprets `$' and `\' as special charac-
- ters. A `$' followed by a number (or numbers) is replaced by
- the corresponding argument on the macro invocation command
- line. A `$' followed by an `i' signals the macro processor
- that the executing macro is to be looped. On the first pass
- ``$i'' is replaced by the first argument on the macro invoca-
- tion command line, on the second pass it is replaced by the
- second argument, and so on. A `\' followed by any character
- is replaced by that character. Use the `\' to prevent spe-
- cial treatment of the `$'.
- mmddeelleettee [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e_s]
- Delete the _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e_s on the remote machine.
- mmddiirr _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e_s _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e
- Like ddiirr, except multiple remote files may be specified. If
- interactive prompting is on, ffttpp will prompt the user to ver-
- ify that the last argument is indeed the target local file
- for receiving mmddiirr output.
- mmggeett _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e_s
- Expand the _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e_s on the remote machine and do a ggeett
- for each file name thus produced. See gglloobb for details on
- the filename expansion. Resulting file names will then be
- processed according to ccaassee, nnttrraannss, and nnmmaapp settings.
- Files are transferred into the local working directory, which
- can be changed with `lcd directory'; new local directories
- can be created with `! mkdir directory'.
- mmkkddiirr _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y_-_n_a_m_e
- Make a directory on the remote machine.
- mmllss _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e_s _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e
- Like llss, except multiple remote files may be specified, and
- the _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e must be specified. If interactive prompting
- is on, ffttpp will prompt the user to verify that the last argu-
- ment is indeed the target local file for receiving mmllss out-
- put.
- mmllssdd [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h]
- Display the contents of _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h (which should default to
- the current directory if not given) in a machine-parsable
- form, using MLSD. The format of display can be changed with
- `remopts mlst ...'.
- mmllsstt [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h]
- Display the details about _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h (which should default
- to the current directory if not given) in a machine-parsable
- form, using MLST. The format of display can be changed with
- `remopts mlst ...'.
- mmooddee _m_o_d_e_-_n_a_m_e
- Set the file transfer mmooddee to _m_o_d_e_-_n_a_m_e. The default (and
- only supported) mode is ``stream''.
- mmooddttiimmee _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e
- Show the last modification time of the file on the remote
- machine, in RFC2822 format.
- mmoorree _f_i_l_e A synonym for ppaaggee.
- mmppuutt _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e_s
- Expand wild cards in the list of local files given as argu-
- ments and do a ppuutt for each file in the resulting list. See
- gglloobb for details of filename expansion. Resulting file names
- will then be processed according to nnttrraannss and nnmmaapp settings.
- mmrreeggeett _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e_s
- As per mmggeett, but performs a rreeggeett instead of ggeett.
- mmsseenndd _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e_s
- A synonym for mmppuutt.
- nneewweerr _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e [_l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e]
- Get the file only if the modification time of the remote file
- is more recent that the file on the current system. If the
- file does not exist on the current system, the remote file is
- considered nneewweerr. Otherwise, this command is identical to
- _g_e_t.
- nnlliisstt [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h [_l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e]]
- A synonym for llss.
- nnmmaapp [_i_n_p_a_t_t_e_r_n _o_u_t_p_a_t_t_e_r_n]
- Set or unset the filename mapping mechanism. If no arguments
- are specified, the filename mapping mechanism is unset. If
- arguments are specified, remote filenames are mapped during
- mmppuutt commands and ppuutt commands issued without a specified
- remote target filename. If arguments are specified, local
- filenames are mapped during mmggeett commands and ggeett commands
- issued without a specified local target filename. This com-
- mand is useful when connecting to a non-UNIX remote computer
- with different file naming conventions or practices. The
- mapping follows the pattern set by _i_n_p_a_t_t_e_r_n and _o_u_t_p_a_t_t_e_r_n.
- [_I_n_p_a_t_t_e_r_n] is a template for incoming filenames (which may
- have already been processed according to the nnttrraannss and ccaassee
- settings). Variable templating is accomplished by including
- the sequences ``$1'', ``$2'', ... ``$9'' in _i_n_p_a_t_t_e_r_n. Use
- `\' to prevent this special treatment of the `$' character.
- All other characters are treated literally, and are used to
- determine the nnmmaapp [_i_n_p_a_t_t_e_r_n] variable values. For example,
- given _i_n_p_a_t_t_e_r_n $1.$2 and the remote file name "",
- $1 would have the value "mydata", and $2 would have the value
- "data". The _o_u_t_p_a_t_t_e_r_n determines the resulting mapped file-
- name. The sequences ``$1'', ``$2'', ... ``$9'' are replaced
- by any value resulting from the _i_n_p_a_t_t_e_r_n template. The
- sequence ``$0'' is replaced by the original filename. Addi-
- tionally, the sequence ``[_s_e_q_1, _s_e_q_2]'' is replaced by [_s_e_q_1]
- if _s_e_q_1 is not a null string; otherwise it is replaced by
- _s_e_q_2. For example, the command
- nmap $1.$2.$3 [$1,$2].[$2,file]
- would yield the output filename "" for input file-
- names "" and "", "myfile.file" for
- the input filename "myfile", and "myfile.myfile" for the
- input filename ".myfile". Spaces may be included in
- _o_u_t_p_a_t_t_e_r_n, as in the example:
- nmap $1 sed s/ *$// > $1
- Use the `\' character to prevent special treatment of the
- `$', `[', `]', and `,' characters.
- nnttrraannss [_i_n_c_h_a_r_s [_o_u_t_c_h_a_r_s]]
- Set or unset the filename character translation mechanism.
- If no arguments are specified, the filename character trans-
- lation mechanism is unset. If arguments are specified, char-
- acters in remote filenames are translated during mmppuutt com-
- mands and ppuutt commands issued without a specified remote tar-
- get filename. If arguments are specified, characters in
- local filenames are translated during mmggeett commands and ggeett
- commands issued without a specified local target filename.
- This command is useful when connecting to a non-UNIX remote
- computer with different file naming conventions or practices.
- Characters in a filename matching a character in _i_n_c_h_a_r_s are
- replaced with the corresponding character in _o_u_t_c_h_a_r_s. If
- the character's position in _i_n_c_h_a_r_s is longer than the length
- of _o_u_t_c_h_a_r_s, the character is deleted from the file name.
- ooppeenn _h_o_s_t [_p_o_r_t]
- Establish a connection to the specified _h_o_s_t FTP server. An
- optional port number may be supplied, in which case, ffttpp will
- attempt to contact an FTP server at that port. If the sseett
- aauuttoo--llooggiinn option is on (default), ffttpp will also attempt to
- automatically log the user in to the FTP server (see below).
- ppaaggee _f_i_l_e Retrieve ffiillee and display with the program specified by the
- sseett ppaaggeerr option.
- ppaassssiivvee [aauuttoo]
- Toggle passive mode (if no arguments are given). If aauuttoo is
- given, act as if FTPMODE is set to `auto'. If passive mode
- is turned on (default), ffttpp will send a PASV command for all
- data connections instead of a PORT command. The PASV command
- requests that the remote server open a port for the data con-
- nection and return the address of that port. The remote
- server listens on that port and the client connects to it.
- When using the more traditional PORT command, the client lis-
- tens on a port and sends that address to the remote server,
- who connects back to it. Passive mode is useful when using
- ffttpp through a gateway router or host that controls the direc-
- tionality of traffic. (Note that though FTP servers are
- required to support the PASV command by RFC1123, some do
- not.)
- ppddiirr [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h]
- Perform ddiirr [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h], and display the result with the
- program specified by the sseett ppaaggeerr option.
- ppllss [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h]
- Perform llss [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h], and display the result with the
- program specified by the sseett ppaaggeerr option.
- ppmmllssdd [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h]
- Perform mmllssdd [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_p_a_t_h], and display the result with the
- program specified by the sseett ppaaggeerr option.
- pprreesseerrvvee Toggle preservation of modification times on retrieved files.
- pprrooggrreessss Toggle display of transfer progress bar. The progress bar
- will be disabled for a transfer that has _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e as `--' or
- a command that starts with `|'. Refer to _F_I_L_E _N_A_M_I_N_G
- _C_O_N_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_S for more information. Enabling pprrooggrreessss disables
- hhaasshh.
- pprroommpptt Toggle interactive prompting. Interactive prompting occurs
- during multiple file transfers to allow the user to selec-
- tively retrieve or store files. If prompting is turned off
- (default is on), any mmggeett or mmppuutt will transfer all files,
- and any mmddeelleettee will delete all files.
- When prompting is on, the following commands are available at
- a prompt:
- aa Answer `yes' to the current file, and automatically
- answer `yes' to any remaining files for the current
- command.
- nn Answer `no', and do not transfer the file.
- pp Answer `yes' to the current file, and turn off
- prompt mode (as is ``prompt off'' had been given).
- qq Terminate the current operation.
- yy Answer `yes', and transfer the file.
- ?? Display a help message.
- Any other response will answer `yes' to the current file.
- pprrooxxyy _f_t_p_-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d
- Execute an ftp command on a secondary control connection.
- This command allows simultaneous connection to two remote FTP
- servers for transferring files between the two servers. The
- first pprrooxxyy command should be an ooppeenn, to establish the sec-
- ondary control connection. Enter the command "proxy ?" to
- see other FTP commands executable on the secondary connec-
- tion. The following commands behave differently when pref-
- aced by pprrooxxyy: ooppeenn will not define new macros during the
- auto-login process, cclloossee will not erase existing macro defi-
- nitions, ggeett and mmggeett transfer files from the host on the
- primary control connection to the host on the secondary con-
- trol connection, and ppuutt, mmppuutt, and aappppeenndd transfer files
- from the host on the secondary control connection to the host
- on the primary control connection. Third party file trans-
- fers depend upon support of the FTP protocol PASV command by
- the server on the secondary control connection.
- ppuutt _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e]
- Store a local file on the remote machine. If _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e is
- left unspecified, the local file name is used after process-
- ing according to any nnttrraannss or nnmmaapp settings in naming the
- remote file. File transfer uses the current settings for
- ttyyppee, ffoorrmmaatt, mmooddee, and ssttrruuccttuurree.
- ppwwdd Print the name of the current working directory on the remote
- machine.
- qquuiitt A synonym for bbyyee.
- qquuoottee _a_r_g_1 _a_r_g_2 _._._.
- The arguments specified are sent, verbatim, to the remote FTP
- server.
- rraattee _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_o_n [_m_a_x_i_m_u_m [_i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t]]
- Throttle the maximum transfer rate to _m_a_x_i_m_u_m bytes/second.
- If _m_a_x_i_m_u_m is 0, disable the throttle.
- _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_o_n may be one of:
- aallll Both directions.
- ggeett Incoming transfers.
- ppuutt Outgoing transfers.
- _m_a_x_i_m_u_m can be modified on the fly by _i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t bytes
- (default: 1024) each time a given signal is received:
- SIGUSR1 Increment _m_a_x_i_m_u_m by _i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t bytes.
- SIGUSR2 Decrement _m_a_x_i_m_u_m by _i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t bytes. The
- result must be a positive number.
- If _m_a_x_i_m_u_m is not supplied, the current throttle rates are
- displayed.
- Note: rraattee is not yet implemented for ascii mode transfers.
- rrccvvbbuuff _s_i_z_e
- Set the size of the socket receive buffer to _s_i_z_e.
- rreeccvv _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e [_l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e]
- A synonym for ggeett.
- rreeggeett _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e [_l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e]
- rreeggeett acts like ggeett, except that if _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e exists and is
- smaller than _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e, _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e is presumed to be a par-
- tially transferred copy of _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e and the transfer is
- continued from the apparent point of failure. This command
- is useful when transferring very large files over networks
- that are prone to dropping connections.
- rreemmooppttss _c_o_m_m_a_n_d [_c_o_m_m_a_n_d_-_o_p_t_i_o_n_s]
- Set options on the remote FTP server for _c_o_m_m_a_n_d to
- _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_-_o_p_t_i_o_n_s (whose absence is handled on a command-spe-
- cific basis). Remote FTP commands known to support options
- include: `MLST' (used for MLSD and MLST).
- rreennaammee [_f_r_o_m [_t_o]]
- Rename the file _f_r_o_m on the remote machine, to the file _t_o.
- rreesseett Clear reply queue. This command re-synchronizes com-
- mand/reply sequencing with the remote FTP server. Resynchro-
- nization may be necessary following a violation of the FTP
- protocol by the remote server.
- rreessttaarrtt _m_a_r_k_e_r
- Restart the immediately following ggeett or ppuutt at the indicated
- _m_a_r_k_e_r. On UNIX systems, marker is usually a byte offset
- into the file.
- rrhheellpp [_c_o_m_m_a_n_d_-_n_a_m_e]
- Request help from the remote FTP server. If a _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_-_n_a_m_e
- is specified it is supplied to the server as well.
- rrmmddiirr _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y_-_n_a_m_e
- Delete a directory on the remote machine.
- rrssttaattuuss [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e]
- With no arguments, show status of remote machine. If
- _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e is specified, show status of _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e on
- remote machine.
- rruunniiqquuee Toggle storing of files on the local system with unique file-
- names. If a file already exists with a name equal to the
- target local filename for a ggeett or mmggeett command, a ".1" is
- appended to the name. If the resulting name matches another
- existing file, a ".2" is appended to the original name. If
- this process continues up to ".99", an error message is
- printed, and the transfer does not take place. The generated
- unique filename will be reported. Note that rruunniiqquuee will not
- affect local files generated from a shell command (see
- below). The default value is off.
- sseenndd _l_o_c_a_l_-_f_i_l_e [_r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e]
- A synonym for ppuutt.
- sseennddppoorrtt Toggle the use of PORT commands. By default, ffttpp will
- attempt to use a PORT command when establishing a connection
- for each data transfer. The use of PORT commands can prevent
- delays when performing multiple file transfers. If the PORT
- command fails, ffttpp will use the default data port. When the
- use of PORT commands is disabled, no attempt will be made to
- use PORT commands for each data transfer. This is useful for
- certain FTP implementations which do ignore PORT commands
- but, incorrectly, indicate they've been accepted.
- sseett [_o_p_t_i_o_n _v_a_l_u_e]
- Set _o_p_t_i_o_n to _v_a_l_u_e. If _o_p_t_i_o_n and _v_a_l_u_e are not given, dis-
- play all of the options and their values. The currently sup-
- ported options are:
- aannoonnppaassss Defaults to $FTPANONPASS
- ffttpp__pprrooxxyy Defaults to $ftp_proxy.
- hhttttpp__pprrooxxyy Defaults to $http_proxy.
- nnoo__pprrooxxyy Defaults to $no_proxy.
- ppaaggeerr Defaults to $PAGER.
- pprroommpptt Defaults to $FTPPROMPT.
- rrpprroommpptt Defaults to $FTPRPROMPT.
- ssiittee _a_r_g_1 _a_r_g_2 _._._.
- The arguments specified are sent, verbatim, to the remote FTP
- server as a SITE command.
- ssiizzee _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e
- Return size of _r_e_m_o_t_e_-_f_i_l_e on remote machine.
- ssnnddbbuuff _s_i_z_e
- Set the size of the socket send buffer to _s_i_z_e.
- ssttaattuuss Show the current status of ffttpp.
- ssttrruucctt _s_t_r_u_c_t_-_n_a_m_e
- Set the file transfer _s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e to _s_t_r_u_c_t_-_n_a_m_e. The default
- (and only supported) structure is ``file''.
- ssuunniiqquuee Toggle storing of files on remote machine under unique file
- names. The remote FTP server must support FTP protocol STOU
- command for successful completion. The remote server will
- report unique name. Default value is off.
- ssyysstteemm Show the type of operating system running on the remote
- machine.
- tteenneexx Set the file transfer type to that needed to talk to TENEX
- machines.
- tthhrroottttllee A synonym for rraattee.
- ttrraaccee Toggle packet tracing.
- ttyyppee [_t_y_p_e_-_n_a_m_e]
- Set the file transfer ttyyppee to _t_y_p_e_-_n_a_m_e. If no type is spec-
- ified, the current type is printed. The default type is net-
- work ASCII.
- uummaasskk [_n_e_w_m_a_s_k]
- Set the default umask on the remote server to _n_e_w_m_a_s_k. If
- _n_e_w_m_a_s_k is omitted, the current umask is printed.
- uunnsseett _o_p_t_i_o_n
- Unset _o_p_t_i_o_n. Refer to sseett for more information.
- uussaaggee _c_o_m_m_a_n_d
- Print the usage message for _c_o_m_m_a_n_d.
- uusseerr _u_s_e_r_-_n_a_m_e [_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d [_a_c_c_o_u_n_t]]
- Identify yourself to the remote FTP server. If the _p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d
- is not specified and the server requires it, ffttpp will prompt
- the user for it (after disabling local echo). If an _a_c_c_o_u_n_t
- field is not specified, and the FTP server requires it, the
- user will be prompted for it. If an _a_c_c_o_u_n_t field is speci-
- fied, an account command will be relayed to the remote server
- after the login sequence is completed if the remote server
- did not require it for logging in. Unless ffttpp is invoked
- with ``auto-login'' disabled, this process is done automati-
- cally on initial connection to the FTP server.
- vveerrbboossee Toggle verbose mode. In verbose mode, all responses from the
- FTP server are displayed to the user. In addition, if ver-
- bose is on, when a file transfer completes, statistics
- regarding the efficiency of the transfer are reported. By
- default, verbose is on.
- xxffeerrbbuuff _s_i_z_e
- Set the size of the socket send and receive buffers to _s_i_z_e.
- ?? [_c_o_m_m_a_n_d]
- A synonym for hheellpp.
- Command arguments which have embedded spaces may be quoted with quote `"'
- marks.
- Commands which toggle settings can take an explicit oonn or ooffff argument to
- force the setting appropriately.
- Commands which take a byte count as an argument (e.g., hhaasshh, rraattee, and
- xxffeerrbbuuff) support an optional suffix on the argument which changes the
- interpretation of the argument. Supported suffixes are:
- b Causes no modification. (Optional)
- k Kilo; multiply the argument by 1024
- m Mega; multiply the argument by 1048576
- g Giga; multiply the argument by 1073741824
- If ffttpp receives a SIGINFO (see the ``status'' argument of stty(1)) or
- SIGQUIT signal whilst a transfer is in progress, the current transfer
- rate statistics will be written to the standard error output, in the same
- format as the standard completion message.
- In addition to standard commands, this version of ffttpp supports an auto-
- fetch feature. To enable auto-fetch, simply pass the list of host-
- names/files on the command line.
- The following formats are valid syntax for an auto-fetch element:
- [_u_s_e_r@]_h_o_s_t:[_p_a_t_h][/]
- ``Classic'' FTP format.
- If _p_a_t_h contains a glob character and globbing is enabled, (see
- gglloobb), then the equivalent of `mget path' is performed.
- If the directory component of _p_a_t_h contains no globbing characters,
- it is stored locally with the name basename (see basename(1)) of
- ppaatthh, in the current directory. Otherwise, the full remote name is
- used as the local name, relative to the local root directory.
- ftp://[_u_s_e_r[:_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d]@]_h_o_s_t[:_p_o_r_t]/_p_a_t_h[/][;type=_X]
- An FTP URL, retrieved using the FTP protocol if sseett ffttpp__pprrooxxyy isn't
- defined. Otherwise, transfer the URL using HTTP via the proxy
- defined in sseett ffttpp__pprrooxxyy. If sseett ffttpp__pprrooxxyy isn't defined and _u_s_e_r
- is given, login as _u_s_e_r. In this case, use _p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d if supplied,
- otherwise prompt the user for one.
- If a suffix of `;type=A' or `;type=I' is supplied, then the trans-
- fer type will take place as ascii or binary (respectively). The
- default transfer type is binary.
- In order to be compliant with RFC3986, ffttpp interprets the _p_a_t_h part
- of an ``ftp://'' auto-fetch URL as follows:
- ++oo The `/' immediately after the _h_o_s_t[:_p_o_r_t] is interpreted as a
- separator before the _p_a_t_h, and not as part of the _p_a_t_h itself.
- ++oo The _p_a_t_h is interpreted as a `/'-separated list of name compo-
- nents. For all but the last such component, ffttpp performs the
- equivalent of a ccdd command. For the last path component, ffttpp
- performs the equivalent of a ggeett command.
- ++oo Empty name components, which result from `//' within the _p_a_t_h,
- or from an extra `/' at the beginning of the _p_a_t_h, will cause
- the equivalent of a ccdd command without a directory name. This
- is unlikely to be useful.
- ++oo Any `%_X_X' codes (per RFC3986) within the path components are
- decoded, with _X_X representing a character code in hexadecimal.
- This decoding takes place after the _p_a_t_h has been split into
- components, but before each component is used in the equivalent
- of a ccdd or ggeett command. Some often-used codes are `%2F' (which
- represents `/') and `%7E' (which represents `~').
- The above interpretation has the following consequences:
- ++oo The path is interpreted relative to the default login directory
- of the specified user or of the `anonymous' user. If the _/
- directory is required, use a leading path of ``%2F''. If a
- user's home directory is required (and the remote server sup-
- ports the syntax), use a leading path of ``%7Euser/''. For
- example, to retrieve _/_e_t_c_/_m_o_t_d from `localhost' as the user
- `myname' with the password `mypass', use
- ``ftp://myname:mypass@localhost/%2fetc/motd''
- ++oo The exact ccdd and ggeett commands can be controlled by careful
- choice of where to use `/' and where to use `%2F' (or `%2f').
- For example, the following URLs correspond to the equivalents
- of the indicated commands:
- ftp://host/dir1/dir2/file ``cd dir1'', ``cd dir2'',
- ``get file''.
- ftp://host/%2Fdir1/dir2/file ``cd /dir1'', ``cd dir2'',
- ``get file''.
- ftp://host/dir1%2Fdir2/file ``cd dir1/dir2'', ``get
- file''.
- ftp://host/%2Fdir1%2Fdir2/file ``cd /dir1/dir2'', ``get
- file''.
- ftp://host/dir1%2Fdir2%2Ffile ``get dir1/dir2/file''.
- ftp://host/%2Fdir1%2Fdir2%2Ffile ``get /dir1/dir2/file''.
- ++oo You must have appropriate access permission for each of the
- intermediate directories that is used in the equivalent of a ccdd
- command.
- http://[_u_s_e_r[:_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d]@]_h_o_s_t[:_p_o_r_t]/_p_a_t_h
- An HTTP URL, retrieved using the HTTP protocol. If sseett hhttttpp__pprrooxxyy
- is defined, it is used as a URL to an HTTP proxy server. If HTTP
- authorization is required to retrieve _p_a_t_h, and `user' (and option-
- ally `password') is in the URL, use them for the first attempt to
- authenticate.
- file:///_p_a_t_h
- A local URL, copied from _/_p_a_t_h on the local host.
- about:_t_o_p_i_c
- Display information regarding _t_o_p_i_c; no file is retrieved for this
- auto-fetched element. Supported values include:
- about:ftp Information about ffttpp.
- about:version The version of ffttpp. Useful to provide when report-
- ing problems.
- Unless noted otherwise above, and --oo _o_u_t_p_u_t is not given, the file is
- stored in the current directory as the basename(1) of _p_a_t_h. Note that if
- a HTTP redirect is received, the fetch is retried using the new target
- URL supplied by the server, with a corresponding new _p_a_t_h. Using an
- explicit --oo _o_u_t_p_u_t is recommended, to avoid writing to unexpected file
- names.
- If a classic format or an FTP URL format has a trailing `/' or an empty
- _p_a_t_h component, then ffttpp will connect to the site and ccdd to the directory
- given as the path, and leave the user in interactive mode ready for fur-
- ther input. This will not work if sseett ffttpp__pprrooxxyy is being used.
- Direct HTTP transfers use HTTP 1.1. Proxied FTP and HTTP transfers use
- HTTP 1.0.
- If --RR is given, all auto-fetches that don't go via the FTP or HTTP prox-
- ies will be restarted. For FTP, this is implemented by using rreeggeett
- instead of ggeett. For HTTP, this is implemented by using the `Range:
- bytes=' HTTP/1.1 directive.
- If WWW or proxy WWW authentication is required, you will be prompted to
- enter a username and password to authenticate with.
- When specifying IPv6 numeric addresses in a URL, you need to surround the
- address in square brackets. E.g.: ``ftp://[::1]:21/''. This is because
- colons are used in IPv6 numeric address as well as being the separator
- for the port number.
- To abort a file transfer, use the terminal interrupt key (usually Ctrl-
- C). Sending transfers will be immediately halted. Receiving transfers
- will be halted by sending an FTP protocol ABOR command to the remote
- server, and discarding any further data received. The speed at which
- this is accomplished depends upon the remote server's support for ABOR
- processing. If the remote server does not support the ABOR command, the
- prompt will not appear until the remote server has completed sending the
- requested file.
- If the terminal interrupt key sequence is used whilst ffttpp is awaiting a
- reply from the remote server for the ABOR processing, then the connection
- will be closed. This is different from the traditional behaviour (which
- ignores the terminal interrupt during this phase), but is considered more
- useful.
- Files specified as arguments to ffttpp commands are processed according to
- the following rules.
- 1. If the file name `--' is specified, the _s_t_d_i_n (for reading) or _s_t_d_o_u_t
- (for writing) is used.
- 2. If the first character of the file name is `|', the remainder of the
- argument is interpreted as a shell command. ffttpp then forks a shell,
- using popen(3) with the argument supplied, and reads (writes) from
- the stdout (stdin). If the shell command includes spaces, the argu-
- ment must be quoted; e.g. ``"| ls -lt"''. A particularly useful
- example of this mechanism is: ``dir "" |more''.
- 3. Failing the above checks, if ``globbing'' is enabled, local file
- names are expanded according to the rules used in the csh(1); see
- the gglloobb command. If the ffttpp command expects a single local file
- (e.g. ppuutt), only the first filename generated by the "globbing"
- operation is used.
- 4. For mmggeett commands and ggeett commands with unspecified local file
- names, the local filename is the remote filename, which may be
- altered by a ccaassee, nnttrraannss, or nnmmaapp setting. The resulting filename
- may then be altered if rruunniiqquuee is on.
- 5. For mmppuutt commands and ppuutt commands with unspecified remote file
- names, the remote filename is the local filename, which may be
- altered by a nnttrraannss or nnmmaapp setting. The resulting filename may
- then be altered by the remote server if ssuunniiqquuee is on.
- The FTP specification specifies many parameters which may affect a file
- transfer. The ttyyppee may be one of ``ascii'', ``image'' (binary),
- ``ebcdic'', and ``local byte size'' (for PDP-10's and PDP-20's mostly).
- ffttpp supports the ascii and image types of file transfer, plus local byte
- size 8 for tteenneexx mode transfers.
- ffttpp supports only the default values for the remaining file transfer
- parameters: mmooddee, ffoorrmm, and ssttrruucctt.
-TTHHEE ..nneettrrcc FFIILLEE
- The _._n_e_t_r_c file contains login and initialization information used by the
- auto-login process. It resides in the user's home directory, unless
- overridden with the --NN _n_e_t_r_c option, or specified in the NETRC environ-
- ment variable. The following tokens are recognized; they may be sepa-
- rated by spaces, tabs, or new-lines:
- mmaacchhiinnee _n_a_m_e
- Identify a remote machine _n_a_m_e. The auto-login process
- searches the _._n_e_t_r_c file for a mmaacchhiinnee token that matches the
- remote machine specified on the ffttpp command line or as an ooppeenn
- command argument. Once a match is made, the subsequent _._n_e_t_r_c
- tokens are processed, stopping when the end of file is reached
- or another mmaacchhiinnee or a ddeeffaauulltt token is encountered.
- ddeeffaauulltt This is the same as mmaacchhiinnee _n_a_m_e except that ddeeffaauulltt matches
- any name. There can be only one ddeeffaauulltt token, and it must be
- after all mmaacchhiinnee tokens. This is normally used as:
- default login anonymous password user@site
- thereby giving the user an automatic anonymous FTP login to
- machines not specified in _._n_e_t_r_c. This can be overridden by
- using the --nn flag to disable auto-login.
- llooggiinn _n_a_m_e
- Identify a user on the remote machine. If this token is
- present, the auto-login process will initiate a login using the
- specified _n_a_m_e.
- ppaasssswwoorrdd _s_t_r_i_n_g
- Supply a password. If this token is present, the auto-login
- process will supply the specified string if the remote server
- requires a password as part of the login process. Note that if
- this token is present in the _._n_e_t_r_c file for any user other
- than _a_n_o_n_y_m_o_u_s, ffttpp will abort the auto-login process if the
- _._n_e_t_r_c is readable by anyone besides the user.
- aaccccoouunntt _s_t_r_i_n_g
- Supply an additional account password. If this token is
- present, the auto-login process will supply the specified
- string if the remote server requires an additional account
- password, or the auto-login process will initiate an ACCT com-
- mand if it does not.
- mmaaccddeeff _n_a_m_e
- Define a macro. This token functions like the ffttpp mmaaccddeeff com-
- mand functions. A macro is defined with the specified name;
- its contents begin with the next _._n_e_t_r_c line and continue until
- a blank line (consecutive new-line characters) is encountered.
- Like the other tokens in the _._n_e_t_r_c file, a mmaaccddeeff is applica-
- ble only to the mmaacchhiinnee definition preceding it. A mmaaccddeeff
- entry cannot be utilized by multiple mmaacchhiinnee definitions;
- rather, it must be defined following each mmaacchhiinnee it is
- intended to be used with. If a macro named iinniitt is defined, it
- is automatically executed as the last step in the auto-login
- process. For example,
- default
- macdef init
- epsv4 off
- followed by a blank line.
- ffttpp supports interactive command line editing, via the editline(3)
- library. It is enabled with the eeddiitt command, and is enabled by default
- if input is from a tty. Previous lines can be recalled and edited with
- the arrow keys, and other GNU Emacs-style editing keys may be used as
- well.
- The editline(3) library is configured with a _._e_d_i_t_r_c file - refer to
- editrc(5) for more information.
- An extra key binding is available to ffttpp to provide context sensitive
- command and filename completion (including remote file completion). To
- use this, bind a key to the editline(3) command ffttpp--ccoommpplleettee. By
- default, this is bound to the TAB key.
- By default, ffttpp displays a command line prompt of ``ftp> '' to the user.
- This can be changed with the sseett pprroommpptt command.
- A prompt can be displayed on the right side of the screen (after the com-
- mand input) with the sseett rrpprroommpptt command.
- The following formatting sequences are replaced by the given information:
- %/ The current remote working directory.
- %c[[0]_n],%.[[0]_n]
- The trailing component of the current remote working direc-
- tory, or _n trailing components if a digit _n is given. If _n
- begins with `0', the number of skipped components precede the
- trailing component(s) in the format ``/<_n_u_m_b_e_r>_t_r_a_i_l_i_n_g'' (for
- `%c') or ``..._t_r_a_i_l_i_n_g'' (for `%.').
- %M The remote host name.
- %m The remote host name, up to the first `.'.
- %n The remote user name.
- %% A single `%'.
- ffttpp uses the following environment variables.
- FTPANONPASS Password to send in an anonymous FTP transfer. Defaults
- to ```whoami`@''.
- FTPMODE Overrides the default operation mode. Support values are:
- aaccttiivvee active mode FTP only
- aauuttoo automatic determination of passive or active
- (this is the default)
- ggaattee gate-ftp mode
- ppaassssiivvee passive mode FTP only
- FTPPROMPT Command-line prompt to use. Defaults to ``ftp> ''. Refer
- to _C_O_M_M_A_N_D _L_I_N_E _P_R_O_M_P_T for more information.
- FTPRPROMPT Command-line right side prompt to use. Defaults to ``''.
- Refer to _C_O_M_M_A_N_D _L_I_N_E _P_R_O_M_P_T for more information.
- FTPSERVER Host to use as gate-ftp server when ggaattee is enabled.
- FTPSERVERPORT Port to use when connecting to gate-ftp server when ggaattee
- is enabled. Default is port returned by a ggeettsseerrvvbbyynnaammee()
- lookup of ``ftpgate/tcp''.
- FTPUSERAGENT The value to send for the HTTP User-Agent header.
- HOME For default location of a _._n_e_t_r_c file, if one exists.
- NETRC An alternate location of the _._n_e_t_r_c file.
- PAGER Used by various commands to display files. Defaults to
- more(1) if empty or not set.
- SHELL For default shell.
- ftp_proxy URL of FTP proxy to use when making FTP URL requests (if
- not defined, use the standard FTP protocol).
- See http_proxy for further notes about proxy use.
- http_proxy URL of HTTP proxy to use when making HTTP URL requests.
- If proxy authentication is required and there is a user-
- name and password in this URL, they will automatically be
- used in the first attempt to authenticate to the proxy.
- If ``unsafe'' URL characters are required in the username
- or password (for example `@' or `/'), encode them with
- RFC3986 `%_X_X' encoding.
- Note that the use of a username and password in ftp_proxy
- and http_proxy may be incompatible with other programs
- that use it (such as lynx(1)).
- _N_O_T_E: this is not used for interactive sessions, only for
- command-line fetches.
- no_proxy A space or comma separated list of hosts (or domains) for
- which proxying is not to be used. Each entry may have an
- optional trailing ":port", which restricts the matching to
- connections to that port.
- Some firewall configurations do not allow ffttpp to use extended passive
- mode. If you find that even a simple llss appears to hang after printing a
- message such as this:
- 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||58551|)
- then you will need to disable extended passive mode with eeppssvv44 ooffff. See
- the above section _T_h_e _._n_e_t_r_c _F_i_l_e for an example of how to make this
- automatic.
- getservbyname(3), editrc(5), services(5), ftpd(8)
- ffttpp attempts to be compliant with:
- RFC0959 _F_i_l_e _T_r_a_n_s_f_e_r _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l
- RFC1123 _R_e_q_u_i_r_e_m_e_n_t_s _f_o_r _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t _H_o_s_t_s _- _A_p_p_l_i_c_a_t_i_o_n _a_n_d _S_u_p_p_o_r_t
- RFC1635 _H_o_w _t_o _U_s_e _A_n_o_n_y_m_o_u_s _F_T_P
- RFC2389 _F_e_a_t_u_r_e _n_e_g_o_t_i_a_t_i_o_n _m_e_c_h_a_n_i_s_m _f_o_r _t_h_e _F_i_l_e _T_r_a_n_s_f_e_r
- _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l
- RFC2428 _F_T_P _E_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n_s _f_o_r _I_P_v_6 _a_n_d _N_A_T_s
- RFC2616 _H_y_p_e_r_t_e_x_t _T_r_a_n_s_f_e_r _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l _-_- _H_T_T_P_/_1_._1
- RFC2822 _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t _M_e_s_s_a_g_e _F_o_r_m_a_t
- RFC3659 _E_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n_s _t_o _F_T_P
- RFC3986 _U_n_i_f_o_r_m _R_e_s_o_u_r_c_e _I_d_e_n_t_i_f_i_e_r _(_U_R_I_)
- The ffttpp command appeared in 4.2BSD.
- Various features such as command line editing, context sensitive command
- and file completion, dynamic progress bar, automatic fetching of files
- and URLs, modification time preservation, transfer rate throttling, con-
- figurable command line prompt, and other enhancements over the standard
- BSD ffttpp were implemented in NetBSD 1.3 and later releases by Luke Mewburn
- <>.
- IPv6 support was added by the WIDE/KAME project (but may not be present
- in all non-NetBSD versions of this program, depending if the operating
- system supports IPv6 in a similar manner to KAME).
- Correct execution of many commands depends upon proper behavior by the
- remote server.
- An error in the treatment of carriage returns in the 4.2BSD ascii-mode
- transfer code has been corrected. This correction may result in incor-
- rect transfers of binary files to and from 4.2BSD servers using the ascii
- type. Avoid this problem by using the binary image type.
- ffttpp assumes that all IPv4 mapped addresses (IPv6 addresses with a form
- like ::ffff: indicate IPv4 destinations which can be handled by
- AF_INET sockets. However, in certain IPv6 network configurations, this
- assumption is not true. In such an environment, IPv4 mapped addresses
- must be passed to AF_INET6 sockets directly. For example, if your site
- uses a SIIT translator for IPv6-to-IPv4 translation, ffttpp is unable to
- support your configuration.
-NetBSD 3.1.1 July 18, 2007 NetBSD 3.1.1