path: root/pkgtools/tinderbox-dragonfly/patches/patch-av
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgtools/tinderbox-dragonfly/patches/patch-av')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgtools/tinderbox-dragonfly/patches/patch-av b/pkgtools/tinderbox-dragonfly/patches/patch-av
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee24d09cf54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgtools/tinderbox-dragonfly/patches/patch-av
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-av,v 1.1 2011/11/02 21:13:28 marino Exp $
+--- ../FreeBSD/lib/makemake 2011-10-16 00:52:55.000000000 +0000
++++ lib/makemake
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #-
+ # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 FreeBSD GNOME Team <>
+ # All rights reserved.
+@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ if (!scalar(@ARGV)) {
+ my (
+ %pkgdir, %pkgdeps, %pkgedeps, %pkgpdeps, %pkgfdeps,
+ %pkgbdeps, %pkgrdeps, @duds, $portbase, $makecache,
+- %pkgtdeps,
++ %pkgtdeps, %pkgsdeps,
+ );
+ $portbase = $ENV{'PORTSDIR'};
+-$makecache = new Tinderbox::MakeCache($portbase, $ENV{'PKGSUFFIX'});
++$makecache = new Tinderbox::MakeCache($portbase, $ENV{'OPTNFILE'});
+ while (scalar(@PORTS)) {
+ my $port = shift @PORTS;
+@@ -162,14 +162,15 @@ while (scalar(@PORTS)) {
+ $pkgname = $makecache->PkgName($portdir);
+ # Create a list of duds (ports that will not be attempted because they
+- # are marked IGNORE or FORBIDDEN).
++ # are marked _CBBH (aka not for this platform) ).
+ if (!$noduds) {
+ my $dudpkg = $makecache->IgnoreList($portdir);
+ push @duds, $dudpkg if ($dudpkg);
+ }
+- my (@edeps, @pdeps, @fdeps, @bdeps, @rdeps, @tdeps) = ();
++ my (@sdeps, @edeps, @pdeps, @fdeps, @bdeps, @rdeps, @tdeps) = ();
+ $pkgdeps{$portdir} = [];
++ $pkgsdeps{$portdir} = [];
+ $pkgedeps{$portdir} = [];
+ $pkgpdeps{$portdir} = [];
+ $pkgfdeps{$portdir} = [];
+@@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ while (scalar(@PORTS)) {
+ $pkgrdeps{$portdir} = [];
+ $pkgtdeps{$portdir} = [];
+ $pkgdir{$portdir} = $pkgname;
++ push @sdeps, $makecache->BootstrapDependsList($portdir);
+ push @edeps, $makecache->ExtractDependsList($portdir);
+ push @pdeps, $makecache->PatchDependsList($portdir);
+ push @fdeps, $makecache->FetchDependsList($portdir);
+@@ -184,6 +186,7 @@ while (scalar(@PORTS)) {
+ push @rdeps, $makecache->RunDependsList($portdir);
+ push @tdeps, $makecache->TestDependsList($portdir);
++ findRunDepends(\@sdeps, \%pkgsdeps, $portdir, $makecache, \@PORTS);
+ findRunDepends(\@edeps, \%pkgedeps, $portdir, $makecache, \@PORTS);
+ findRunDepends(\@pdeps, \%pkgpdeps, $portdir, $makecache, \@PORTS);
+ findRunDepends(\@fdeps, \%pkgfdeps, $portdir, $makecache, \@PORTS);
+@@ -192,6 +195,7 @@ while (scalar(@PORTS)) {
+ findRunDepends(\@tdeps, \%pkgtdeps, $portdir, $makecache, \@PORTS);
+ foreach my $depport (
++ @{$pkgsdeps{$portdir}},
+ @{$pkgedeps{$portdir}}, @{$pkgpdeps{$portdir}},
+ @{$pkgfdeps{$portdir}}, @{$pkgbdeps{$portdir}},
+ @{$pkgrdeps{$portdir}}, @{$pkgtdeps{$portdir}},
+@@ -216,6 +220,7 @@ cleanup($ds, 1, "Failed to open $builddi
+ foreach my $key (keys %pkgdir) {
+ my $pname = $pkgdir{$key} . $ENV{'PKGSUFFIX'};
+ my $pkgnames = makeList(\%pkgdir, 1, $makecache, @{$pkgdeps{$key}});
++ my $sdeplst = makeList(\%pkgdir, 1, $makecache, @{$pkgsdeps{$key}});
+ my $edeplst = makeList(\%pkgdir, 1, $makecache, @{$pkgedeps{$key}});
+ my $pdeplst = makeList(\%pkgdir, 1, $makecache, @{$pkgpdeps{$key}});
+ my $fdeplst = makeList(\%pkgdir, 1, $makecache, @{$pkgfdeps{$key}});
+@@ -229,9 +234,10 @@ foreach my $key (keys %pkgdir) {
+ printf MK "\t@%s %s %s %s %s %s ",
+ tinderLoc($pb, 'scripts', 'lib/portbuild'), $BUILD_NAME, $JAIL_NAME,
+- printf MK "\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" ", $edeplst, $pdeplst,
+- $fdeplst, $bdeplst, $rdeplst, $tdeplst;
+- printf MK "%s /usr/ports/%s\n", $pname, $key;
++ printf MK "\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" ",
++ $edeplst, $pdeplst, $fdeplst, $bdeplst, $rdeplst, $tdeplst,
++ $sdeplst;
++ printf MK "%s /usr/pkgsrc/%s\n", $pname, $key;
+ }
+ close(MK);