path: root/time/gnotime/patches/patch-al
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Diffstat (limited to 'time/gnotime/patches/patch-al')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/time/gnotime/patches/patch-al b/time/gnotime/patches/patch-al
deleted file mode 100644
index 51f60adff65..00000000000
--- a/time/gnotime/patches/patch-al
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-al,v 1.1 2004/11/24 22:35:25 kristerw Exp $
---- lib/qof/qofgobj.c.orig Wed Nov 24 18:04:20 2004
-+++ lib/qof/qofgobj.c Wed Nov 24 18:11:07 2004
-@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
- void
- qof_gobject_shutdown (void)
- {
-+ GSList *n;
- if (!initialized) return;
- initialized = FALSE;
-- GSList *n;
- for (n=paramList; n; n=n->next) g_free(n->data);
- g_slist_free (paramList);
-@@ -83,11 +83,13 @@
- void
- qof_gobject_register_instance (QofBook *book, QofType type, GObject *gob)
- {
-+ QofCollection *coll;
-+ GSList * instance_list;
- if (!book || !type) return;
-- QofCollection *coll = qof_book_get_collection (book, type);
-+ coll = qof_book_get_collection (book, type);
-- GSList * instance_list = qof_collection_get_data (coll);
-+ instance_list = qof_collection_get_data (coll);
- instance_list = g_slist_prepend (instance_list, gob);
- qof_collection_set_data (coll, instance_list);
- }
-@@ -106,41 +108,45 @@
- * mapping below ... */
- {
-+ const char * str;
- GValue gval = {G_TYPE_INVALID};
- g_value_init (&gval, G_TYPE_STRING);
- g_object_get_property (gob, getter->param_name, &gval);
-- const char * str = g_value_get_string (&gval);
-+ str = g_value_get_string (&gval);
- return (gpointer) str;
- }
- else
- if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_INT(gps))
- {
-+ int ival;
- GValue gval = {G_TYPE_INVALID};
- g_value_init (&gval, G_TYPE_INT);
- g_object_get_property (gob, getter->param_name, &gval);
-- int ival = g_value_get_int (&gval);
-+ ival = g_value_get_int (&gval);
- return (gpointer) ival;
- }
- else
- if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_UINT(gps))
- {
-+ int ival;
- GValue gval = {G_TYPE_INVALID};
- g_value_init (&gval, G_TYPE_UINT);
- g_object_get_property (gob, getter->param_name, &gval);
-- int ival = g_value_get_uint (&gval);
-+ ival = g_value_get_uint (&gval);
- return (gpointer) ival;
- }
- else
- {
-+ int ival;
- GValue gval = {G_TYPE_INVALID};
- g_value_init (&gval, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
- g_object_get_property (gob, getter->param_name, &gval);
-- int ival = g_value_get_boolean (&gval);
-+ ival = g_value_get_boolean (&gval);
- return (gpointer) ival;
- }
-@@ -161,21 +167,23 @@
- * mapping below ... */
- {
-+ double fval;
- GValue gval = {G_TYPE_INVALID};
- g_value_init (&gval, G_TYPE_FLOAT);
- g_object_get_property (gob, getter->param_name, &gval);
-- double fval = g_value_get_float (&gval);
-+ fval = g_value_get_float (&gval);
- return fval;
- }
- else
- {
-+ double fval;
- GValue gval = {G_TYPE_INVALID};
- g_value_init (&gval, G_TYPE_DOUBLE);
- g_object_get_property (gob, getter->param_name, &gval);
-- double fval = g_value_get_double (&gval);
-+ fval = g_value_get_double (&gval);
- return fval;
- }
-@@ -204,17 +212,17 @@
- void
- qof_gobject_register (QofType e_type, GObjectClass *obclass)
- {
-+ int i, j=0;
-+ QofParam *qof_param_list;
- /* Get the GObject properties, convert to QOF properties */
- GParamSpec **prop_list;
- int n_props;
- prop_list = g_object_class_list_properties (obclass, &n_props);
-- QofParam * qof_param_list = g_new0 (QofParam, n_props);
-+ qof_param_list = g_new0 (QofParam, n_props);
- paramList = g_slist_prepend (paramList, qof_param_list);
- PINFO ("object %s has %d props", e_type, n_props);
-- int i, j=0;
- for (i=0; i<n_props; i++)
- {
- GParamSpec *gparam = prop_list[i];
-@@ -288,6 +296,7 @@
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* Now do the class itself */
-+ {
- QofObject *class_def = g_new0 (QofObject, 1);
- classList = g_slist_prepend (classList, class_def);
-@@ -304,6 +313,7 @@
- class_def->printable = NULL;
- qof_object_register (class_def);
-+ }
- }
- /* ======================= END OF FILE ================================ */