AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-05-31Update to 0.5.1:wiz3-8/+14
Version 0.5.1 ============= *released on 29 May 2015* - **N.b.: The PyPI upload of 0.5.0 is completely broken.** - Raise version of required requests-toolbelt to ``0.4.0``. - Command line should be a lot faster when no work is done, e.g. for help output. - Fix compatibility with iCloud again. - Use only one worker if debug mode is activated. - ``verify=false`` is now disallowed in vdirsyncer, please use ``verify_fingerprint`` instead. - Fixed a bug where vdirsyncer's DAV storage was not using the configured useragent for collection discovery.
2015-05-31Updated net/py-twisted to 15.2.1wiz2-3/+3
2015-05-31Update to 15.2.1:wiz2-6/+6
Twisted Core 15.2.1 (2015-05-23) ================================ Bugfixes -------- - twisted.logger now marks the `isError` key correctly on legacy events generated by writes to stderr. (#7903) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - twisted.logger's documentation is now correctly listed in the table of contents. (#7904)
2015-05-31Updated www/py-tornado to 4.2wiz2-3/+3
2015-05-31Update to 4.2:wiz3-9/+22
What's new in Tornado 4.2 ========================= May 26, 2015 ------------ Backwards-compatibility notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``SSLIOStream.connect`` and `.IOStream.start_tls` now validate certificates by default. * Certificate validation will now use the system CA root certificates instead of ``certifi`` when possible (i.e. Python 2.7.9+ or 3.4+). This includes `.IOStream` and ``simple_httpclient``, but not ``curl_httpclient``. * The default SSL configuration has become stricter, using `ssl.create_default_context` where available on the client side. (On the server side, applications are encouraged to migrate from the ``ssl_options`` dict-based API to pass an `ssl.SSLContext` instead). * The deprecated classes in the `tornado.auth` module, ``GoogleMixin``, ``FacebookMixin``, and ``FriendFeedMixin`` have been removed. New modules: `tornado.locks` and `tornado.queues` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These modules provide classes for coordinating coroutines, merged from `Toro <>`_. To port your code from Toro's queues to Tornado 4.2, import `.Queue`, `.PriorityQueue`, or `.LifoQueue` from `tornado.queues` instead of from ``toro``. Use `.Queue` instead of Toro's ``JoinableQueue``. In Tornado the methods `~.Queue.join` and `~.Queue.task_done` are available on all queues, not on a special ``JoinableQueue``. Tornado queues raise exceptions specific to Tornado instead of reusing exceptions from the Python standard library. Therefore instead of catching the standard `queue.Empty` exception from `.Queue.get_nowait`, catch the special `tornado.queues.QueueEmpty` exception, and instead of catching the standard `queue.Full` from `.Queue.get_nowait`, catch `tornado.queues.QueueFull`. To port from Toro's locks to Tornado 4.2, import `.Condition`, `.Event`, `.Semaphore`, `.BoundedSemaphore`, or `.Lock` from `tornado.locks` instead of from ``toro``. Toro's ``Semaphore.wait`` allowed a coroutine to wait for the semaphore to be unlocked *without* acquiring it. This encouraged unorthodox patterns; in Tornado, just use `~.Semaphore.acquire`. Toro's ``Event.wait`` raised a ``Timeout`` exception after a timeout. In Tornado, `.Event.wait` raises `tornado.gen.TimeoutError`. Toro's ``Condition.wait`` also raised ``Timeout``, but in Tornado, the `.Future` returned by `.Condition.wait` resolves to False after a timeout:: @gen.coroutine def await_notification(): if not (yield condition.wait(timeout=timedelta(seconds=1))): print('timed out') else: print('condition is true') In lock and queue methods, wherever Toro accepted ``deadline`` as a keyword argument, Tornado names the argument ``timeout`` instead. Toro's ``AsyncResult`` is not merged into Tornado, nor its exceptions ``NotReady`` and ``AlreadySet``. Use a `.Future` instead. If you wrote code like this:: from tornado import gen import toro result = toro.AsyncResult() @gen.coroutine def setter(): result.set(1) @gen.coroutine def getter(): value = yield result.get() print(value) # Prints "1". Then the Tornado equivalent is:: from tornado import gen from tornado.concurrent import Future result = Future() @gen.coroutine def setter(): result.set_result(1) @gen.coroutine def getter(): value = yield result print(value) # Prints "1". `tornado.autoreload` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved compatibility with Windows. * Fixed a bug in Python 3 if a module was imported during a reload check. `tornado.concurrent` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.run_on_executor` now accepts arguments to control which attributes it uses to find the `.IOLoop` and executor. `tornado.curl_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed a bug that would cause the client to stop processing requests if an exception occurred in certain places while there is a queue. `tornado.escape` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.xhtml_escape` now supports numeric character references in hex format (``&#x20;``) `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.WaitIterator` no longer uses weak references, which fixes several garbage-collection-related bugs. * `tornado.gen.Multi` and `tornado.gen.multi_future` (which are used when yielding a list or dict in a coroutine) now log any exceptions after the first if more than one `.Future` fails (previously they would be logged when the `.Future` was garbage-collected, but this is more reliable). Both have a new keyword argument ``quiet_exceptions`` to suppress logging of certain exception types; to use this argument you must call ``Multi`` or ``multi_future`` directly instead of simply yielding a list. * `.multi_future` now works when given multiple copies of the same `.Future`. * On Python 3, catching an exception in a coroutine no longer leads to leaks via ``Exception.__context__``. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``raise_error`` argument now works correctly with the synchronous `.HTTPClient`. * The synchronous `.HTTPClient` no longer interferes with `.IOLoop.current()`. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPServer` is now a subclass of `tornado.util.Configurable`. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPHeaders` can now be copied with `copy.copy` and `copy.deepcopy`. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The `.IOLoop` constructor now has a ``make_current`` keyword argument to control whether the new `.IOLoop` becomes `.IOLoop.current()`. * Third-party implementations of `.IOLoop` should accept ``**kwargs`` in their `~.IOLoop.initialize` methods and pass them to the superclass implementation. * `.PeriodicCallback` is now more efficient when the clock jumps forward by a large amount. `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``SSLIOStream.connect`` and `.IOStream.start_tls` now validate certificates by default. * New method `.SSLIOStream.wait_for_handshake` allows server-side applications to wait for the handshake to complete in order to verify client certificates or use NPN/ALPN. * The `.Future` returned by ``SSLIOStream.connect`` now resolves after the handshake is complete instead of as soon as the TCP connection is established. * Reduced logging of SSL errors. * `.BaseIOStream.read_until_close` now works correctly when a ``streaming_callback`` is given but ``callback`` is None (i.e. when it returns a `.Future`) `tornado.locale` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New method `.GettextLocale.pgettext` allows additional context to be supplied for gettext translations. `tornado.log` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.define_logging_options` now works correctly when given a non-default ``options`` object. `tornado.process` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New method `.Subprocess.wait_for_exit` is a coroutine-friendly version of `.Subprocess.set_exit_callback`. `tornado.simple_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved performance on Python 3 by reusing a single `ssl.SSLContext`. * New constructor argument ``max_body_size`` controls the maximum response size the client is willing to accept. It may be bigger than ``max_buffer_size`` if ``streaming_callback`` is used. `tornado.tcpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.TCPServer.handle_stream` may be a coroutine (so that any exceptions it raises will be logged). `tornado.util` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.import_object` now supports unicode strings on Python 2. * `.Configurable.initialize` now supports positional arguments. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Key versioning support for cookie signing. ``cookie_secret`` application setting can now contain a dict of valid keys with version as key. The current signing key then must be specified via ``key_version`` setting. * Parsing of the ``If-None-Match`` header now follows the RFC and supports weak validators. * Passing ``secure=False`` or ``httponly=False`` to `.RequestHandler.set_cookie` now works as expected (previously only the presence of the argument was considered and its value was ignored). * `.RequestHandler.get_arguments` now requires that its ``strip`` argument be of type bool. This helps prevent errors caused by the slightly dissimilar interfaces between the singular and plural methods. * Errors raised in ``_handle_request_exception`` are now logged more reliably. * `.RequestHandler.redirect` now works correctly when called from a handler whose path begins with two slashes. * Passing messages containing ``%`` characters to `tornado.web.HTTPError` no longer causes broken error messages. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``on_close`` method will no longer be called more than once. * When the other side closes a connection, we now echo the received close code back instead of sending an empty close frame.
2015-05-31Updated devel/py-setuptools to 17.0wiz2-3/+3
2015-05-31Update to 17.0:wiz2-6/+6
17.0 ---- * Issue #378: Do not use internal importlib._bootstrap module. * Issue #390: Disallow console scripts with path separators in the name. Removes unintended functionality and brings behavior into parity with pip.
2015-05-31Updated devel/py-cffi to 1.1.0wiz2-3/+3
2015-05-31Update to 1.1.0:wiz2-6/+6
1.1.0 ===== * Out-of-line API mode: we can now declare integer types with ``typedef int... foo_t;``. The exact size and signness of ``foo_t`` is figured out by the compiler. * Out-of-line API mode: we can now declare multidimensional arrays (as fields or as globals) with ``int n[...][...]``. Before, only the outermost dimension would support the ``...`` syntax. * Out-of-line ABI mode: we now support any constant declaration, instead of only integers whose value is given in the cdef. Such "new" constants, i.e. either non-integers or without a value given in the cdef, must correspond to actual symbols in the lib. At runtime they are looked up the first time we access them. This is useful if the library defines ``extern const sometype somename;``. * ``ffi.addressof(lib, "func_name")`` now returns a regular cdata object of type "pointer to function". You can use it on any function from a library in API mode (in ABI mode, all functions are already regular cdata objects). To support this, you need to recompile your cffi modules. * Issue #198: in API mode, if you declare constants of a ``struct`` type, what you saw from lib.CONSTANT was corrupted. * Issue #196: ``ffi.set_source("package._ffi", None)`` would incorrectly generate the Python source to ```` instead of ``package/``. Also fixed: in some cases, if the C file was in ``build/foo.c``, the .o file would be put in ``build/build/foo.o``.
2015-05-31Updated textproc/pod2mdoc to 0.2wiz2-3/+3
2015-05-31Update to 0.2:wiz2-6/+12
0.2: * SYNOPSIS preprocessor lines use Fd. * Names found in the SYNOPSIS are remembered using Marc Espie's ohash library (bundled for compatibility with operating systems lacking it); that information is used subsequently to mark up function names with Fn, function arguments with Fa, type names with Vt, preprocessor macros with Dv. * Foreign function names are marked up with Xr. * Whitespace handling has been improved in many respects (blank lines in literal displays; re-wrap text lines; new sentence, new line; better horizontal spacing; no more whitespace at the end of lines). * Improved handling of closing punctuation. * Escaping of quotes at the beginning of macro arguments.
2015-05-31Updated misc/dialog to 1.2.20150528wiz2-3/+3
2015-05-31Update to 1.2.20150528:wiz3-23/+6
2015/05/28 + fixes for two autoconf macros, CF_ADD_INCDIR and CF_NCURSES_CONFIG from work on ncurses. + build-fix for NetBSD curses (patch by Matthias Scheler).
2015-05-31Updated devel/p5-Data-Printer to 0.36wiz1-1/+2
2015-05-31Update to 0.36:wiz2-6/+6
0.36 2015-05-29 Bumping 0.35_01 to stable, with the single addition of the 'scalar_quotes' patch. NEW FEATURES: - 'scalar_quotes' let you specify the quote to use when, well, quoting (Ivan Bessarabov)
2015-05-31Updated math/R-lmm to 1.0wen1-1/+2
2015-05-31Update to 1.0wen2-6/+6
Upstream changes: Version 1.0 2015-02-10 Convert rngs to real function in accordance with pan Cast rangen explicitly as real Revise DESCRIPTION and remove .Rinstignore
2015-05-31Updated devel/p5-Test-Pod to 1.50wiz1-1/+2
2015-05-31Update to 1.50:wiz2-6/+6
1.50 2015-05-28T21:42:48Z * Restored support for ignoring directories listed in `%Test::Pod::ignore_dirs`, inadvertently dropped by the switch to File::Find in v1.46. Thanks to Julien ÉLIE for the report and diagnosis!
2015-05-31Bump PKGREVISION for hs-dlist-
2015-05-31Updated math/R-mapproj to 1.2.2wen1-1/+2
2015-05-31Updated devel/hs-dlist to
2015-05-31Update to 1.2.2wen2-6/+6
No upstream changelog found.
2015-05-31Update to
ChangeLog: Version (2015-03-19) *St Joseph's Day* ---------------------------------------------- #### Package changes * Change QuickCheck upper bound from 2.8 to 2.9
2015-05-31Updated www/p5-CGI to 4.20wiz1-1/+2
2015-05-31Update to 4.20:wiz2-6/+6
4.20 2015-05-29 [ RELEASE NOTES ] - is now considered "done". See also "mature" and "legacy" Features requests and none critical issues will be outright rejected. The module is now in maintenance mode for critical issues only. - This release removes the AUTOLOAD and compile optimisations from that were introduced into twenty (20) years ago as a response to its large size, which meant there was a significant compile time penalty. - This optimisation is no longer relevant and makes the code difficult to deal with as well as making test coverage metrics incorrect. Benchmarks show that advantages of AUTOLOAD / lazy loading / deferred compile are less than 0.05s, which will be dwarfed by just about any meaningful code in a cgi script. If this is an issue for you then you should look at running in a persistent environment (FCGI, etc) - To offset some of the time added by removing the AUTOLOAD functionality the dependencies have been made runtime rather than compile time. The POD has also been split into its own file. now contains around 4000 lines of code, which compared to some modules on CPAN isn't really that much - This essentially deprecates the -compile pragma and ->compile method. The -compile pragma will no longer do anything, whereas the ->compile method will raise a deprecation warning. More importantly this also REMOVES the -any pragma because as per the documentation this pragma needed to be "used with care or not at all" and allowing arbitrary HTML tags is almost certainly a bad idea. If you are using the -any pragma and using arbitrary tags (or have typo's in your code) your code will *BREAK* - Although this release should be back compatible (with the exception of any code using the -any pragma) you are encouraged to test it throughly as if you are doing anything out of the ordinary with (i.e. have bugs that may have been masked by the AUTOLOAD feature) you may see some issues. - References: GH #162, GH #137, GH #164 [ SPEC / BUG FIXES ] - make the list context warning in param show the filename rather than the package so we have more information on exactly where the warning has been raised from (GH #171) - correct self_url when PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME are the same but we are not running under IIS (GH #176) - Add the multi_param method to :cgi export (thanks to xblitz for the patch and tests. GH #167) - Fix warning for lack of HTTP_USER_AGENT in CGI::Carp (GH #168) - Fix imports when called from CGI::Fast, restores the import of CGI functions into the callers namespace for users of CGI::Fast (GH leejo/cgi-fast#11 and GH leejo/cgi-fast#12) [ FEATURES ] - CGI::Carp now has $CGI::Carp::FULL_PATH for displaying the full path to the offending script in error messages - CGI now has env_query_string() for getting the value of QUERY_STRING from the environment and not that fiddled with by (which is what query_string() does) (GH #161) - CGI::ENCODE_ENTITIES var added to control which chracters are encoded by the call to the HTML::Entities module - defaults to &<>"' (GH #157 - the \x8b and \x9b chars have been removed from this list as we are concerned more about unicode compat these days than old browser support.) [ DOCUMENTATION ] - Fix some typos (GH #173, GH #174) - All *documentation* for HTML functionality in CGI has been moved into its own namespace: CGI::HTML::Functions - although the functionality continues to exist within so there are no code changes required (GH #142) - Add missing documentation for env variable fetching routines (GH #163) [ TESTING ] - Increase test coverage (GH #3) [ INTERNALS ] - Cwd made a TEST_REQUIRES rather than a BUILD_REQUIRES in Makefile.PL (GH #170) - AutoloadClass variables have been removed as AUTOLOAD was removed in v4.14 so these are no longer necessary (GH #172 thanks to alexmv) - Remove dependency on constant - internal DEBUG, XHTML_DTD and EBCDIC constants changes to $_DEBUG, $_XHTML_DTD, and $_EBCDIC
2015-05-31Updated devel/p5-Error to 0.17024wiz1-1/+2
2015-05-31Update to 0.17024:wiz2-6/+6
May 30 2015 <> (Shlomi Fish) #0.17024 - Add link to the VCS repository in META.yml
2015-05-31Updated math/R-maps to 2.3.9wen1-1/+2
2015-05-31Update to 2.3.9wen2-6/+6
No upstream changelog found.
2015-05-31Updated math/R-mvtnorm to 1.0.2wen1-1/+2
2015-05-31Update to 1.0.2wen2-6/+6
Upstream changes: Changes in version 1.0-2 (2014-12-16) o start providing C interfaces to the underlying algorithms. mvtnorm_C_mvtdst() directly calls Alan's FORTRAN code and can be used in other packages via LinkingTo. See mvtnorm/inst/C_API_Example for an example very much inspired by the example provided in package xts. o provide .C interfaces to the FORTRAN routines and allow switching on/off of R' RNG. Changes in version 1.0-1 (2014-11-11) o replace internal MVCHNV FORTRAN FUNCTION with R's sqrt(qchisq(p, n, FALSE, FALSE). This fixes a problem where NaN was returned as reported by David Charles Airey <> Changes in version 1.0-0 (2014-07-08) o After 14 years, we now feel safe enough to publish mvtnorm 1.0-0. Many packages depend, import, or suggest mvtnorm, so this version change also indicates that the package is now stable and, to a very large extent, the API is frozen. We will of course continue to fix bugs or other problems but new features are unlikely to go into this package. o use Authors@R in DESCRIPTION o switch to standard NEWS format
2015-05-31Replace interpreter path in installed file. Bump PKGREVISION.wiz1-1/+4
2015-05-31Fix PLIST.wiz1-2/+2
2015-05-31Replace interpreter path in installed file. Bump PKGREVISION.wiz1-1/+4
2015-05-31Replace perl interpreter path in installed file. Bump PKGREVISIONwiz1-1/+5
2015-05-31Updated devel/SDL to 1.2.15nb18nat1-1/+2
2015-05-31Updated devel/SDL2 to 2.0.3nb9nat1-1/+2
2015-05-31Remove delay whilst writing audio. Improves latency.nat3-3/+21
Bump PKGREVISION. This commit was approved by wiz@
2015-05-31Remove delay whilst writing audio. Improves latency.nat4-13/+32
Make it so wscons video will initialize without keyboard and mouse. This commit was approved by wiz@
2015-05-31NeoPop-SDL removal.wiz1-1/+2
2015-05-31Remove NeoPop-SDL. Development has stopped, last release was from 2004,wiz5-38/+1
mess is better suited if you want to emulate this.
2015-05-31+ MesaLib-10.5.6, dialog-1.2.20150528, git-base-2.4.2, py-cffi-1.1.0,wiz1-2/+10
py-setuptools-17.0, py-tornado-4.2, py-twisted-15.2.1, py-vdirsyncer-0.5.1, waf-1.8.10.
2015-05-31Add packages in texlive formatsextra collection.markd1-1/+14
2015-05-31Depend on more stuff, install less.markd2-73/+11
2015-05-31Add dependencies to complete collection.markd1-8/+8
2015-05-31Add packages from texlive formatsextra collection.markd49-1/+523
2015-05-31Add tex-bussproofsmarkd1-3/+3
2015-05-31Updated math/R-plyr to 1.8.2wen1-1/+2
2015-05-31Update to 1.8.2wen2-6/+6
No Upstream changelog found.