Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
SQL::Translator is a group of Perl modules that converts vendor-specific
SQL table definitions into other formats, such as other vendor-specific
SQL, ER diagrams, documentation (POD and HTML), XML, and Class::DBI
classes. The main focus of SQL::Translator is SQL, but parsers
exist for other structured data formats, including Excel spreadsheets
and arbitrarily delimited text files. Through the separation of
the code into parsers and producers with an object model in between,
it's possible to combine any parser with any producer, to plug in
custom parsers or producers, or to manipulate the parsed data via
the built-in object model. Presently only the definition parts of
SQL are handled (CREATE, ALTER), not the manipulation of data
Sort::SQL is so simple it almost doesn't deserve to be on CPAN.
Takes a scalar string of the SQL ORDER BY syntax and turns it into
an array of key/value pair hashrefs.
This module is a sub class of Template::Stash, automatically escape
all HTML strings using HTML::Entities to avoid XSS vulnerability.
This module provides you a sweet way of form data validation with
simple constraints chains. You can write constraints on single line
for each input data.
This idea is based on Sledge::Plugin::Validator, and most of
validation code is borrowed from this plugin.
(Sledge is a MVC web application framework:
[Japanese] )
The result object this module returns behaves like
Added devel/p5-Class-Base version 0.03
Added devel/p5-Class-C3-Componentised version 1.0003
Added devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor version 0.04002
Added devel/p5-Class-ISA version 0.33
Added devel/p5-Config-Any version 0.12
Added devel/p5-Data-Page version 2.00
Added devel/p5-Data-Pageset version 1.05
Added devel/p5-Data-Visitor version 0.15
Added devel/p5-Devel-Caller version 2.03
Added devel/p5-Devel-LexAlias version 0.04
Added devel/p5-Module-Find version 0.06
Added devel/p5-Object-Signature version 1.05
Added devel/p5-PadWalker version 1.7
Added devel/p5-Scope-Guard version 0.03
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-C3-Componentised
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-Data-Accessor
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-ISA
SUBDIR+= p5-Config-Any
SUBDIR+= p5-Data-Page
SUBDIR+= p5-Data-Pageset
SUBDIR+= p5-Data-Visitor
SUBDIR+= p5-Devel-Caller
SUBDIR+= p5-Devel-LexAlias
SUBDIR+= p5-Module-Find
SUBDIR+= p5-Object-Signature
SUBDIR+= p5-PadWalker
SUBDIR+= p5-Scope-Guard
This module provides a convenient way to perform cleanup or other
forms of resource management at the end of a scope. It is particularly
useful when dealing with exceptions: the Scope::Guard constructor
takes a reference to a subroutine that is guaranteed to be called
even if the thread of execution is aborted prematurely. This
effectively allows lexically-scoped "promises" to be made that are
automatically honoured by perl's garbage collector.
PadWalker is a module which allows you to inspect (and even change!)
lexical variables in any subroutine which called you. It will only
show those variables which are in scope at the point of the call.
PadWalker is particularly useful for debugging. It's even used by
Perl's built-in debugger. (It can also be used for evil, of course.)
I wouldn't recommend using PadWalker directly in production code,
but it's your call. Some of the modules that use PadWalker internally
are certainly safe for and useful in production.
Object::Signature is an abstract base class that you can inherit from in
order to allow your objects to generate unique cryptographic signatures.
The method used to generate the signature is based on Storable and
Digest::MD5. The object is fed to Storable::nfreeze to get a string,
which is then passed to Digest::MD5::md5_hex to get a unique 32
character hexidecimal signature.
Module::Find lets you find and use modules in categories. This can be very
useful for auto-detecting driver or plugin modules. You can differentiate
between looking in the category itself or in all subcategories.
Devel::LexAlias provides the ability to alias a lexical variable
in a subroutines scope to one of your choosing.
If you don't know why you'd want to do this, I'd suggest that you
skip this module. If you think you have a use for it, I'd insist
on it.
This provides a 'meatier' version of caller:
caller_cv gives you the coderef of the subroutine being invoked
at the call frame indicated by the value of $level
Returns the arguments passed into the caller at level $level
caller_vars( $level, $names ) =item called_with($level, $names)
called_with returns a list of references to the original
arguments to the subroutine at $level. if $names is true, the
names of the variables will be returned instead
constants are returned as undef in both cases
called_as_method returns true if the subroutine at $level was
called as a method.
This module is a simple visitor implementation for Perl values.
It has a main dispatcher method, visit, which takes a single perl
value and then calls the methods appropriate for that value.
The object produced by Data::Pageset can be used to create page
navigation, it inherits from Data::Page and has access to all
methods from this object.
In addition it also provides methods for dealing with set of pages,
so that if there are too many pages you can easily break them into
chunks for the user to browse through.
You can even choose to view page numbers in your set in a 'sliding'
The object can easily be passed to a templating system such as
Template Toolkit or be used within a script.
When searching through large amounts of data, it is often the case that a
result set is returned that is larger than we want to display on one page. This
results in wanting to page through various pages of data. The maths behind this
is unfortunately fiddly, hence this module.
The main concept is that you pass in the number of total entries, the number of
entries per page, and the current page number. You can then call methods to
find out how many pages of information there are, and what number the first and
last entries on the current page really are.
Load configuration from different file formats, transparently
This library, Class::ISA, provides functions that return the list (in
order) of names of classes Perl would search to find a method, with no
Class::Data::Accessor is the marriage of Class::Accessor and
Class::Data::Inheritable into a single module. It is used for creating
accessors to class data that overridable in subclasses as well as in
class instances.
This will inject base classes to your module using the Class::C3 method
resolution order.
Please note: these are not plugins that can take precedence over methods
declared in MyModule. If you want something like that, consider
This module implements a simple base class from which other modules
can be derived, thereby inheriting a number of useful methods such
as new(), init(), params(), clone(), error() and debug().
For a number of years, I found myself re-writing this module for
practically every Perl project of any significant size. Or rather,
I would copy the module from the last project and perform a global
search and replace to change the names. Each time it got a little
more polished and eventually, I decided to Do The Right Thing and
release it as a module in it's own right.
It doesn't pretend to be an all-encompassing solution for every
kind of object creation problem you might encounter. In fact, it
only supports blessed hash references that are created using the
popular, but by no means universal convention of calling new() with
a list or reference to a hash array of named parameters. Constructor
failure is indicated by returning undef and setting the $ERROR
package variable in the module's class to contain a relevant message
(which you can also fetch by calling error() as a class method).
PyKaraoke now works together with WxPython v2.8. Users with WxPython v2.6
are, however, still supported.
There are also some other minor changes to the layout of the search results
page, a change to the scrolling behaviour, and improved handling of corrupt
CDG rip files.
There are now vastly more options available on the Configure page.
1.454 2007-07-14
fix some spurious "Date" headers in badly-written tests
1.453 2007-04-19
fix a bizarre test that broke on some OSes (at least some Win32's)
thanks to "chris" for the report!
1.452 2007-03-22
packaging improvements
1.451 2006-08-04
require Email::MIME::Modifier 1.440 to avoid bug
1.45 2006-07-06
better detection of non-7bit parts
don't base64-encode 7bit parts
update to v1.4.9
add BUILD_DEFS to quiet pkglint warning
deskbar-applet-2.22.3, electric-8.07, eog-2.22.3, epiphany-2.22.3,
evolution-, file-roller-2.22.4, gail-1.22.3, gdm-2.20.7,
glib2-2.16.4, glibmm-2.16.4, glpk-4.29, gnome-applets-2.22.3,
gnome-games-2.22.3, gnome-keyring-2.22.3, gnome-mag-0.15.1,
gnome-system-monitor-2.22.3, gnutls-2.4.1, gsasl-0.2.27,
gtk2+-2.12.11, gtk2-engines-2.14.3, guile-gnome-2.16.1, gv-3.6.5,
libgtop2-2.22.3, libidn-1.9, modular-xorg-server-,
nautilus-2.22.4, opera-9.51, orca-2.22.3, p5-glib2-1.183,
p5-gtk2-1.183, pango-1.20.5, raine-0.50.14, rhythmbox-0.11.6,
rp-pppoe-3.10, seahorse-2.22.3, tuxpaint-0.9.20, wireshark-1.0.1,
pkglint is your friend.
Use this when building with Sun Studio, since my original fix (patch-ae)
was reverted again.
Note that the tcl bindings are not (yet) built. Next time...
pkgsrc changes not trivial but should be invisible.
Changes since 1.0 release;
Added new (experimental) builtin function groups:
"DBM" -- "ndbm" keyed database access
"COM" -- COM/OLE Automation on Win32
"STCL" -- SNOBOL/Tcl interface (optional)
New library "dynamic.sno" to help compile/link
dynamicly loadable extensions.
Added HTTP.POST function to http.sno
Handle environments where pointers can have high order bit set
Linux 2.6 kernels in Fedora Core, SuSE 10 distributions
Avoid broken "install" utilities
autoconf compatibility: Honor CC, CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS,
LDFLAGS, DESTDIR environment variables.
Fix compilation on pre-panther OSX
Fix second argument to DEFINE(): was not case folded!
Fix backtracking over unevaluated expressions
Source &FILE and &LINE shown in TRACE output
Experimental: GC stats & tracing (-g on command line, >RACE keyword)
Completed support for "memory I/O" when CSNOBOL4 used as a library!
Added "PREDICATE" and "SYSPRED" return types in wrapper.sno
Changes since 0.99.44 release;
Added snolib(3) man page for SNOBOL4 library routines
Treat all bytes with 8th bit set as ALPHA on ASCII systems
allows UTF-8 encoded characters, and national
character sets to used in labels and identifiers!
command line:
-S option to enlarge interpreter stack
added --mandir & --bindir
IPv6 Support (both client and server)
bi-directional "pipe" I/O on systems with sockets
"privileged" port binding for UDP
Lots of cleanup!
DJGPP (DOS gcc) fixes
default to -O3 with gcc
add C prototypes for all functions
(function declarations still "K&R" style)
MINGW (Win32 gcc) fixes
Fix LOAD() on Darwin (MacOS X)
Fix timing script on Debian
Ported to HP-UX/IA64
VMS: LOAD() support (not tested)
Compilation on VMS7.3
support magic pathnames "/dev/null" and "/dev/tty"
Win32: native (low overhead) support for character console I/O
support magic pathnames "/dev/null" and "/dev/tty"
fixed UDP I/O
Fix for parallel make (GNU make, BSD make)
Compilation under MS Visual Studio .NET 2003
Make struct descr packable (BITFIELDS_SAME_TYPE)
Check for oversize integer constants (ERANGE from strtol())
Changes since 0.99.4 release;
Command line:
-d (dynamic region size) and -M (pattern match stack size)
now take values in descriptors
-v shows CSNOBOL4 version
Increased default dynamic space to 64K descriptors
Fix faulty lexical comparison function optimzations for null string
Performance improvments;
New string hash function
(reduced both compilation and run time of genc.sno by 5%)
Optimized most common case (CONTIN actions) in
"stream" operation used for lexical analysis.
(reduced compilation time of genc.sno by 8%)
Merged all scanner (pattern matching) functions into
single C function (eliminates mutual recursion, stack
genc runtime reduced 15%
atn.sno runtime reduced by 63%!! (2.7x faster)
worst case (4096 char string) reduced 69% (4.8x faster)
snocone self-compile runtime reduced 5%
Made pattern building functions (lib/pat.c) inlinable
(8% reduction in genc.sno compile time)
Eliminate space padding on lines read by compiler
(reduced genc.sno compile time by 65%)
Raised default C compiler optimization levels
Default &MAXLNGTH to largest possible string
README file describes available includes
Include PDF of manual page
Implement fatal "Output error" for output, ENDFILE() errors
Configuration script re-write;
Eliminate static config files & autoconf script
configure generates config.m4 and config.h
(with all defines) for use by loadable functions
New configuration options;
**** see "INSTALL" file for more information ****
Add a #define to config.h (visible to external functions)
EXPERIMENTAL option to use C "double" for SNOBOL4 REAL data type
Architecture specific optimizations on native compilers
try to use C "long long" (64-bit integer) for INTEGER datatype
when longs/pointers are only 32-bits (ILP32 data model).
Request use of 64-bit long/pointer data model
if available on this architecture, and not the default.
Compile without optimization
New SNOBOL library files (see README);
compatibility libraries:
fence.sno, logic.sno, not.sno
spitbol.sno, snobol4+.sno
HOST() function codes:
URL (http:, ftp:, file:) access functions
Use large files (64-bit offsets) where available. Allows access
and creation of files larger than 2GB
New functions;
FUNCTION() -- predicate to test if a function is defined
LABEL() -- predicate to test if a label is defined
idea from Steve Duff's version of Macro SPITBOL
ORD() -- inverse of CHAR()
SERV_LISTEN() -- act as TCP server
SSET() -- scaled SET() allow large files when INTEGER is 32bits
VDIFFER() -- returns first arg if two arguments DIFFER()
idea from Steve Duff's version of Macro SPITBOL
Extended HOST() functions (see host.sno) for system diagnosis
HOST() function will accept REAL or integer encoded STRING args
TIME() function now returns REAL datatype allows both better
resolution (for small values) and larger range. Using
32-bit floats, runtimes larger than four and a half
hours will lose resolution.
Statistics reports compiler and execution times as REAL numbers
Average statement runtime reported in microseconds (us).
Allow a REAL any place an INTEGER is required (from SNOBOL4+)
Contexts include TABLE(), ITEM(), array indices,
INPUT(), OUTPUT(), SET(), keyword values, CHAR(),
load.h updates;
all RETxxx macros safe in any context
RETSTR() takes single argument, allows NULL pointer
RETSTR2() has old RETSTR() functionality
RETINT() and RETREAL() always set return data type.
All include files needed to build loadable functions
installed in SNOLIB directory
Include BSD tsort program; allow builds from scratch
on platforms with GNU tsort (Linux, Cygwin)
New ports;
Ported to Darwin (MacOS X)
Ported to Cygwin (, a free Unix emulation
environment for Windows.
Attempt at native Win32 port
Updated Borland C port
Updated VMS port; pipe open support, attempt at tty support
Drop trailing whitespace in an old entry.
This is the video driver for ATI Rage128 cards for the modular Xorg server.
This is the video driver for ATI Mach64 cards for the modular Xorg server.
NB: This package no longer supports Mach64 or Rage128 chips.
Please see the separate xf86-video-mach64 and xf86-video-r128 packages.
In addition to lots of bug fixes there are several major new features:
- Improved EXA render support for r1xx/r2xx cards
- EXA render support for r3xx/r4xx/r5xx cards
- Textured video support for Xv (r1xx-r5xx)
- mach64, r128, radeon ported to libpciaccess
- massive restructuring of ati wrapper
- radeon support for r5xx, rs6xx, and r6xx chips using ATOMBIOS
- return of zaphod mode support
- radeon support for centered modes using scalers (selectable via
output attributes)
- PAL tv-out fixed on supported chips
- initial support for render accel on r3xx/r4xx chips (rotation)
- fix TV option handling
- Xv RGB fixes
- XPRESS Xv fixes
- improve bios/driver interaction on radeon
- revert back to previous AGP mode behavior
- lots of bug fixes
Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.12.10 to 2.12.11
* Bugs fixed:
536757 regression: menus are placed at wrong
position since 2.12.10
536990 updateiconcache.c: 'close ()' is redundant
508751 gnome-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV after keypress
419737 The file chooser clears the filename entry in SAVE/CREATE_FOLDER
modes when it shouldn't.
538784 Don't change the filename in the name entry in CREATE_FOLDER mode
when changing folders
536966 Paper selector crashes
352738 gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_indicator() fails to show a...
378158 gdk_win32_selection_add_targets uses uninitialized hwnd v...
537685 print to file crashes when the target can not be written
Overview of changes between 1.20.4 and 1.20.5
- Fix libtool versioning which was broken in 1.20.4
Overview of changes between 1.20.3 and 1.20.4
- Fix OpenType GSUB lookup type 8 crash.
- Bugs fixed in this release:
Bug 540592 Crash in HB_GSUB_Apply_String with Linux-Libertine font
This is a bugfix release for the 2.3 series which provides some important
fixes for bugs which were introduced in version 2.3.6. Additionally, native
bytecode hinting for TrueType fonts has been improved.
Overview of Changes from GLib 2.16.3 to GLib 2.16.4
* Bug fixes:
528752 Win32 build and SSL not working
539074 Cannot get exit status with g_spawn_command_line_sync()
316221 G_LOCK warns about breaking strict-aliasing rules
519137 g_slice_dup macro needs cast for 64-bit platform
536158 also bump GHashTable version when a node is removed via
529321 make check fails in glib/pcre
314453 Nautilus crashes in Solaris when browsing the attached
502511 g_assert_cmphex prints invalid message
538119 glib's mainloop leaks a pipe to sub-processes
540459 there are no way of getting the real number of bytes
written in GMemoryOutputStream
540423 unrecoverable error after g_seekable_truncate(seekable,0,...)
530196 _g_local_file_has_trash_dir() doesn't handle st_dev == 0
528600 g_dummy_file_get_parent("scheme://")
536641 Filesystem querying in gio does not list AFS and autofs
file systems
537392 Additional colon in xattr name
528433 gdesktopappinfo snafu ...
526320 should not list mounts that the user doesn't have permiss...
527132 nautilus crash when making ftp connection
532852 totem_pl_parser_parse_with_base: assertion `...
459905 Bug in wcwidth data
534085 g_unichar_iswide_cjk() has a totally wrong table
Two crashes discovered using the Codenomicon TLS test suite, as reported
in CVE-2008-0891 and CVE-2008-1672, were fixed. The root CA certificates
of commercial CAs were removed from the distribution. Functions were added
to implement RFC3394 compatible AES key wrapping. Utility functions to
handle ASN1 structures were added. The certificate status request TLS
extension, as defined in RFC3546, was implemented. Several other bugfixes
and enhancements were made.
Buried (deeply) in PR pkg/39079 from Aleksej Saushev.
Ride previous version change again.
Noted by Aleksej Saushev in PR pkg/39079.
Ride previous version change.
Also update the tk dep to no longer demand tk83. It does not seem to
work all that well with tk84, but it works about the same as it does
with tk83. And depend explicitly on tcl; that was missing.
Primary changes since 1.2.1 seem to be GPLv2 -> GPLv3 and
whitespace/reindenting, but there seems to be a bit more in there
too. There's also now a 12 meg kdevelop blob in the distfile, yay.
GNU Sather 1.2.3 - Jul 7, 2007 - Michael R. Taylor
* Made INT 32-bit even on 64-bit systems
* Changed license to (GPLv3/LGPLv3) or later
There's no changelog for 1.2.2, dunno why.