AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2008-07-21Fix broken build (and some related problems) on 64-bit platforms.dholland4-1/+69
2008-07-21Note gliv 1.9.6nb1dholland1-1/+2
2008-07-21Add USE_TOOLS+=gawk and patch accordingly due to heavily nonportabledholland4-3/+36
awk scripts. Fixes PR 33851. Bump version; the broken scripts were messing up the build without causing it to overtly fail.
2008-07-21Updated devel/librxspencer to 3.8.4.obache1-1/+2
2008-07-21Note update of sysutils/lavaps to 2.7dholland2-3/+3
2008-07-21Update librxspencer to 3.8.4.obache3-14/+16
Based on maintainer update request by PR 39170. New in alpha3.8.g4 (Gary Houston): account for $(DESTDIR) in install-data-local, thanks to Aleksey Cheusov. Configuration scripts updated.
2008-07-21Update lavaps to 2.7.dholland9-113/+86
Note: there's an alternate Gnome user interface now; it would be nice to be able to use it via PKG_OPTIONS, but I haven't done this yet.
2008-07-21Remove redundant www (hi he!).obache1-2/+2
2008-07-21- gok-1.4.0obache1-2/+1
2008-07-21Updated misc/gok to 1.4.0obache1-1/+2
2008-07-21Update GOK to 1.4.0.obache3-25/+60
What's new in GOK 1.4.0? * GOK now uses the core pointer (regular system mouse) by default * Loads of improvements thanks to growing GOK community. * Updated translations, and numerous bug fixes.
2008-07-21- nagios-3.0.3.tonnerre1-2/+1
2008-07-21Updated net/nagios-base to 3.0.3tonnerre1-1/+2
2008-07-21Also add two missing nagios patches...tonnerre2-0/+26
2008-07-21Update nagios-base to 3.0.3. Changes since 2.12:tonnerre9-88/+223
- Check timeperiod can now be modified on-the-fly. - Added first_notification_delay to host and object definitions to delay first notification. - Notifications are now sent out when flap detection is disabled on a host/service-specific or program-wide basis ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro = "FLAPPINGDISABLED"). - Notifications can now be sent out when scheduled downtime starts, ends, and is cancelled. The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "DOWNTIMESTART", "DOWNTIMEEND", or "DOWNTIMECANCELLED", respectively. In order to receive downtime notifications, specify 's' or 'downtime' in contact, host, and/or service notification options. - Added ability to use multiple template names (separated by commas) in object definitions. - Added ability to null out optional character directives in object definitions (using 'null' without quotes). - Added hostg/service/contactgroup_members directives to host/service/contactgroup definitions, respectively, for allowing including host, service, or contact members from "sub" groups. - Added support for custom variables in host, service, and contact definitions. - Added host_notifications_enabled, service_notifications_enabled, can_submit_commands to contact definitions. - Added optional display_name directive to host and service definitions. - Removed serviceextinfo definitions and merged variables with service definitions. - Removed hostextinfo definitions and merged variables with host definitions. - Services inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and notification period from associated host if not specified. - Service escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated service if not specified. - Host escalations inherit contactgroups, notification interval, and escalation period from associated host if not specified. - Host, service, host escalation, and service escalation definitions now support a 'contacts' directive, along with 'contact_groups'. - Service dependencies with blank dependent host/hostgroup names will create "same host" dependencies. - Added ability to precache object config files. - Added ability to exclude object relationship and circular path checks from verification process. - Multiline output support for host and service checks. - Added $LONGHOSTOUTPUT$ and $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$ macros. - Added $TEMPPATH$ macro. - Removed $COMMENTDATAFILE$ and $DOWNTIMEDATAFILE$ macros. - Added $HOSTDISPLAYNAME$ and $SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$ macros. - Custom host/service/contact macros accessible via $_HOST<varname>$, $_SERVICE<varname>$, or $_CONTACT<varname>$. On-demand host/service macros for custom vars are working. Custom vars are also set as environment vars. - On-demand service macros can contain and empty host name field. In this case, the name of the current host will be used. - $HOSTNOTES$ and $SERVICENOTES$ macros may now contain macros themselves. - Added flap_detection_options directive to host and service definitions to control which states (i.e. OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and/or CRITICAL) are used in flap detection logic. - Percent state change and state history are now retained and recorded even when host/service flap detection is disabled. - Hosts and services are immediately check for flapping when flap detection is enabled program-wide. - Hosts/services that are flapping when flap detection is disabled program-wide are now logged. - Added PROCESS_FILE external command to allow processing of external commands found in an external (regular) file. Very useful for passive checks with long out put or scripting. - Custom commands can now be submitted to Nagios. Custom command names are prefixed with an underscore and are not processed internally by the Nagios daemon. They may, however, be processed by NEB modules. - External commands are now checked by default. Nagios 2.x and earlier did not check for external commands by default. - Contact status information is now saved (although it is not processed by the old CGIs). - Contact status information is now retained across program restarts. - Comment and downtime IDs are now stored across program restarts, should be unique unless reset. - Added retained_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what host/service attribs are retained globally. - Added retained_process_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what process attribs are retained. - Added retained_contact_host/service_attribute_mask variables to control what contact attribs are retained globally. - Scheduled downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files. - Comments are now stored in the status and retention files. - Non-persistent acknowledgement comments are now deleted when the acknowledgement is removed (instead of when Nagios restarts). - Most host checks are now run asynchronously, in parallel! - Scheduled host checks now help improve performance, instead of hinder it (if caching is enabled). - Added cached_host_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached host check results. - Added enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent hosts. - Added retry_interval to host definitions. - Added check_for_orphaned_hosts option and support for orphaned host checks. - Passive host check states can now be translated from their original DOWN/UNREACHABLE state if the new translate_passive_host_results option is enabled. - 'parallelize' option in service definitions deprecated/no longer used. - Added cached_service_check_horizon option for enabling use of cached service check results. - Added enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks for enabling predictive checks of dependent services. - Host and service dependencies can now have a timeperiod during which they're valid (dependency_period directive). - Updated NEB API version. - Modified adaptive program status callback. - Added adaptive contact status callback. - Added host/service precheck callbacks to allow modules to cancel/override internal host/service checks. - Added 'enable_embedded_perl' option to main config file to control whether epn is enabled/disabled. - Added support for perl plugins to specify whether or not they should be run under the epn... The second to tenth line of a perl plugin may start with '# nagios: +epn' or '# nagios: -epn' to explicity indicate that it should be run under the epn. - Added 'use_embedded_perl_implicitly' option to main config file to determine whether or not perl plugins will use the epn if they don't explicitly allow/disalow it. - Hostgroup and servicegroup summaries now show important/unimportant problem breakdowns like the TAC CGI. - Minor layout changes to host and service detail views in extinfo CGI. - More information given when testing scheduling (-s command line option). - Removed fixed length restrictions for host names and service descriptions. - Plugin output length restriction bumped up to 4K. - Added temp_path directive to main config file for specifying temp directory. - Multiline output support for system commands via my_system(). - Added global event_id and notification_id vars that are at least unique during a single run of Nagios. - Default is now to check for orphaned services, rather than not. - Renamed service_reaper_frequency to check_result_reaper_frequency. - Fractional notification and check intervals are now supported (e.g. "3.5" minutes). - Backslash chars are now used to escape command arguments that contain \ or ! characters. - Added 'external_command_buffer_slots' and 'check_result_buffer_slots' variables to specify size of internal buffers. - Added check statistics to status file, available via nagiostats for graphing in MRTG. - Added $HOSTGROUPNAMES$, $SERVICEGROUPNAMES$, $HOSTACKAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTACKAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME$, and $SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS$ macros. - Added warning for invalid temp_path directory. - Added support for extended regular expression matching in object config files. - Added new "p" option to host/service_perfdata_file_mode directives for pipes. - Command definitions and host/service plugin perfdata with HTML should now be escaped in CGIs. - Hostgroup and servicegroup definitions now have notes, notes_url, and action_url directives. - Added buffer stats and check statistics to performance information in extinfo CGI. - Removed legacy 2.x host check logic and use_old_host_check_logic option. - Added max_check_result_file_age option to control processing of check results in older files. - Added check_result_path option to set path used to store check results. - New IPC method for passing host/service check results back to main daemon. - Removed check_result_buffer_slots option from main configuration file. - Added test for writeability of temp directory during configuration test. - Minor changes to freshness threshold calculation. - Added 'initial_state' option to host and service definitions to allow for non-UP/OK initial states. - Changed debug file format to include current pid. - Changes to sample config files and installation location. - Expanded timeperiod definitions to allow for day/date exceptions. - Added new 'passive_host_checks_are_soft' config option. - Added new 'exclude' option to timeperiod definitions for easy on-call rotation definitions. - Added new action and notes URL target frame options to CGI config file. - Added optional integration with Splunk into the CGIs. - Added escape_html_tags option to CGI config file to escape HTML tags in plugin output. - Program status now updated at least every 5 seconds for addons that watch NDOUtils DB. - Added $MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$ and $MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$ macros. - Added status CGI host/service property filters for hard and soft states. - New macros: $SERVICEISVOLATILE$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICES$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESOK$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESWARNING$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESUNKNOWN$, $TOTALHOSTSERVICESCRITICAL$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $HOSTDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $HOSTDOWNTIMECOMMENT$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHOR$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORNAME$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMEAUTHORALIAS$, $SERVICEDOWNTIMECOMMENT$. - Improvements to the host check logic performance (more use of cached and parallel checks). - Version number is now printed in CGI pages. - Added custom delimiter option in nagiostats output (useful for CSV output). - Alias, if not specified, now defaults to object name in host, hostgroup, servicegroup, contact, and contactgroup definitions. - Added custom host and service notifications, with option to force the notifications and broadcast them to all contacts. - Added new 'check' option to init script to verify configuration. - More complete (but still partial) support for macros in CGIs ($xNOTES$, $xNOTESURL$, and $xACTIONURL$ macros). - Added on-demand contact and contactgroup macro support. - New macros: $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$, $HOSTGROUPNOTES$, $HOSTGROUPNOTESURL$, $HOSTGROUPACTIONURL$, $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTES$, $SERVICEGROUPNOTESURL$, $SERVICEGROUPACTIONURL$, $CONTACTGROUPALIAS$, $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$, $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME$, $NOTIFICATIONAUTHORALIAS$, $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$. - Added support for relative paths in config_file and config_dir directives. - Added passive check latency stats to nagiostats. - Workaround to prevent browsers from incorrectly using cached statusmap image on page refresh. - Added use_pending_states option to CGI config file to determine displayed state of hosts/services that have not been checked. - Added $EVENTSTARTTIME$ macro to indicate time Nagios started processing events (checks, etc.). - Improvements in freshness check logic. - Added additional_freshness_latency config file directive. - Improvement in service flap detection logic. - Status file is no longer deleted during restarts due to a SIGHUP or external command. - Special additive inheritance rule: escalation contact(group)(s) that begin with '+' will now inherit from associated host/service definition if not inheriting from another escalation template. - Addition of object pointers to event broker module data structures (may require event broker module rebuilds). - Added $LASTHOSTSTATE$, $LASTHOSTSTATEID$, $LASTSERVICESTATE$, and $LASTSERVICESTATEID$ macros. - Better error logging when failing to rename/move files. - Summary macros are now available as regular (non-environment) macros if requested when large installation tweaks are enabled. - Major overhaul (read: complete rewrite) of macro code, so macros are now only computed when found. - Added enable_environment_macros option to determine whether or not macros are set as environment vars. - Added $ISVALIDTIME:$ and $NEXTVALIDTIME:$ on-demand macros. - Added new external commands to change modified object attributes (affecting data retention logic). - Added new external commands to change notification period for host, services, and contact on-the-fly. - Retention of host/service check scheduling options. - Caching of Perl scripts now enabled by default if embedded Perl interpreter is compiled in. - Increased max plugin output length cap from 4kb to 8kb. - Additional functionality of additive inheritance feature. - Added free_child_process_memory and child_processes_fork_twice options for performance tweaks. - Added use_timezone option to allow Nagios instances to run in non-native timezones. - Support for line continuation/breaks in config files - end lines with one back slash (\) to continue on next line. - Auto-filled comment/author fields for acknowledging problems through WAP interface. - Faster program startup times (especially in large installs) with new object lookup code. - Nagios no longer warns or errors when encountering host/contact/service groups with empty memberships. - Allow non-ASCII characters in notifications, etc. - Smarter host check logic to reduce (uncached) on-demand host checks during "stable" service problems. - New flap detection startup logic speedups when large installations tweaks enabled. - Speed improvements during startup routines when using precached config. - Speed improvements in reading retention data during startup. - Changed embedded audio MIME types in CGIs to "application/wav". - Safer loading mechanism for NEB modules to prevent segfaults in Nagios. - Embedded Perl is now disabled by default. - Misc internal performance improvements. - More debug/trace log functionality. - Internal data structure cleanups. - Logging API revamp, cleanup. - Error logging improvements. - Various bugfixes. - Documentation updates.
2008-07-21Note update of xine-lib, xine-arts, xine-esound.dholland1-1/+4
2008-07-21Bump PKGREVISION because of xine-lib change that affects the dependencydholland1-1/+2
list here. (Although it shouldn't, see tech-pkg for further discussion.)
2008-07-21Bump PKGREVISION because of xine-lib change that affects the dependencydholland1-1/+3
list here. (Although it shouldn't, see tech-pkg for further discussion.) While here, add missing dep on libaudiofile.
2008-07-21Add libXvMC so the XvMC plugin is built and installed.dholland3-3/+20
Noted by Gilles Dauphin in PR 37895. PKGREVISION++. Note: I've handled libXvMC the same way libXv is handled, which may not be optimal but is least likely to break anything.
2008-07-20previous commit also accidentally added default fetch_cmd=/usr/bin/ftp on ↵dbj1-1/+1
2008-07-20support NBPAX_PROGRAM_PREFIX variable in TOOLS_PLATFORM.{pax,tar}dbj1-5/+6
leave default value unset to preserve existing behavior. you can now set NBPAX_PROGRAM_PREFIX=nb (for example) in your mk.conf to have the bootstrap install and use nbpax/nbtar/nbcpio which don't conflict with system provided tools.
2008-07-20fix PLISTabs1-1/+4
2008-07-20fix bug in previous, make sure NBPAX_PROGRAM_PREFIX is always defined in PLISTdbj1-4/+4
2008-07-20add UDFFindFile to exported symbol setdbj5-2/+47
2008-07-20include LDFLAGS when creating shared library.dbj3-9/+9
This fixes build problems on darwin
2008-07-20re-add support for --program-prefix and NBPAX_PROGRAM_PREFIX pkgsrc vardbj5-1910/+2410
PR pkg/37989
2008-07-20set --disable-R-framework and --without-aquadbj1-1/+5
these options are only used by on Mac OS X
2008-07-20Some more updates:he1-1/+8
www/p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static to 0.7 www/p5-HTTP-Server-Simple to 0.34 devel/p5-Hash-Case to 1.006 devel/p5-Heap to 0.80 mail/p5-IMAP-Admin to 1.6.4 devel/p5-IO-All to 0.38 devel/p5-IO-Multiplex to 1.09
2008-07-20Update from version 1.08 to 1.09.he2-7/+7
Pkgsrc changes: add HOMEPAGE. Upstream changes: 1.09 Sat Mar 03 2007 - Detect readability for special IO::Socket::SSL handles more accurately. - Avoid "freed value in iteration" crashing.
2008-07-20Update from version 0.33 to 0.38.he2-9/+8
Pkgsrc changes: add HOMEPAGE and USE_TOOLS so tests succeed. Remove now-unneeded dependencies. Upstream changes: --- version: 0.38 date: Mon Apr 9 10:52:44 JST 2007 changes: - Add generic encoding, instead of just utf8. --- version: 0.37 date: Fri Apr 6 18:04:27 JST 2007 changes: - make catdir work with current dir in addition to other args. - make catfile work with current dir in addition to other args. - Add support for import flags like -strict and -utf8 --- version: 0.36 date: Mon Oct 16 14:48:58 PDT 2006 - Applied the patch from Made sure Carp is required and the sub Carp::carp is predeclared in IO/ --- version: 0.35 date: Tue May 9 08:25:37 PDT 2006 changes: - Remove dependency on *groan* --- version: 0.34 date: Mon May 8 01:03:12 PDT 2006 changes: - Remove dependency on - Apply patches and fix bugs from rt - rt tickets - 11552 12048 14184 12966 13879 17105 7448 11463 7410 7337 7527 18465 ---
2008-07-20Update from version 1.6.1 to 1.6.4.he2-7/+7
Pkgsrc change: add HOMEPAGE. Upstream changes: 1.6.4 Wed Feb 16 07:43:28 CST 2005 - I screwed the pooch on 1.6.3, blatant typo pointed out to me by matrix200 guess I forgot to run make test before releasing. 1.6.3 Sun Jan 30 20:53:22 CST 2005 - arrg, I fixed get_quotaroot incorrectly and didn't test it. It should have used the same regex as get_quota instead of what I did. Thanks Franscesco for pointing out the error (again). 1.6.2 Sun Jan 30 10:33:50 CST 2005 - bug report from Francesco Gennai, get_quota and get_quotaroot improperly handling folders/mailboxes with spaces patched both with a regex to handle the data extraction, should work now.
2008-07-20Update from version 0.71 to 0.80.he2-6/+7
Pkgsrc change: add HOMEPAGE pointing into Upstream changes: 0.80 Sat Apr 28 12:25:51 EDT 2007 - accepted (finally) all of the changes submitted by Tels++ - Heap::Elem gets proper new() method too, others all inherit it - made cmp, val and heap methods use @_ for speed (as suggested by Tels++) 0.72 Fri Jul 8 09:05:04 CET 2005 (Tels) - moved file to lib/ and t/ to remove clutter and simplify build - rewrite most test files to use Test::More - change test files to load this version, not currently installed one - added tests for the various other .pm files - removed unnec. require Autoloader and comments about autoloading - remove "perl extension" from ABSTRACTs - Heap::Elem gets proper heap() and val() routines, the other subclasses (Heap::Elem::Num etc) now simple inherit them
2008-07-20Update from version 1.003 to 1.006.he2-6/+7
Pkgsrc change: add a second homepage pointing into Upstream changes: version 1.006: Thu Jun 19 08:40:46 CEST 2008 - perl5.005 does not understand "use 5.6.0" and tie bug in 5.6.2. So require 5.008 [cpantesters] version 1.005: Wed Jun 18 09:02:28 CEST 2008 - require perl 5.6.0 [cpantesters] - minor distribution clean-ups version 1.004: Fri Jun 8 15:37:31 CEST 2007 - fixed 2 typo's in POD (Thanks to CPANTS) - add t/pod.t - use oodist to create docs.
2008-07-20Update from version 0.31 to 0.34. Changes:he2-6/+6
0.34 * Call setup_environment if a Net::Server is being used, for consistency. * Don't print_banner if a Net::Server is being used. * Make header parsing comply with RFC 2616. [ #21411] 0.33 Fri Apr 25 13:57:30 EDT 2008 * The new support for background processes notifying the parent didn't quite work right for some apps using HSS. It's been reverted for now and the tests TODOED 0.32 Thu Apr 24 09:45:14 EDT 2008 * At least Apache and lighttpd put unencoded strings into PATH_INFO, so so should we. * Patch from to make backgrounding of the standalone server's server process deterministic. [ #28122]
2008-07-20Update from version 0.2 to 0.7. Changes:he2-6/+6
0.07 Wed, 19 Mar 2008 18:41:56 +0000 - Only serve files not directories, thanks to Bradley Bailey for the report. Closes - Fixed url handling for requests from IE/ Closes 0.06 Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:42:37 +0100 - Fixed problem with handling empty files where they have no file extension or it is not recognised by MIME::Types. Thanks to Mark Stosberg for the report 0.05 Mon, 6 Nov 2006 09:29:42 +0000 - Applied patch from Max Maischein to use the binmode function rather than the binmode method of IO::File, which only exists in newer versions of that module which we were not requiring. 0.04 Thu, 20 Jul 2006 12:03:21 +0100 - Applied patch from Tom Hukins to make HTTP::Server::Simple::Static RFC compliant. Section 4.1 of RFC 2616, "Message Types", states that header fields should be separated by CRLF. This is done in the manner recommended in perlport(1). - Also applied patch from Tom Hukins to add the "use bytes" pragma to ensure Content-Length contains the number of bytes in the response body, not the number of characters. 0.03 Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:00:58 +0100 - Fixed documentation to show that HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI should be used as the base class. Closes: - Switched to using IO::File for the file handling, also turned on binmode to help those on Windows serve images, etc.
2008-07-20Note updates from here:he1-1/+7
www/p5-HTML-Table to 2.08a www/p5-HTML-WikiConverter to 0.62 www/www/p5-HTTP-Body to 1.04 www/p5-HTTP-Cache-Transparent to 1.0 www/p5-HTTP-Proxy to 0.22 www/p5-HTTP-Request-Form to
2008-07-20Update from version 0.7 to 0.951 (called in pkgsrc).he2-9/+8
Pkgsrc change: removed direct dependency on p5-HTML-Tagset (it is pulled in by p5-HTML-Tree). Upstream changes: 0.951 Thu Sep 13 10:19:00 CET 2001 One small bugfix by Michael Kablitz - textarea-handling was broken and needed double $ because of references. Damn typos. Funny thing: nobody else mentioned it. Half a year with a broken package :-) 0.95 Fri Feb 10 08:01:00 CET 2001 Some bugfixes from Sean M. Burke: - textarea was still broken in new_many, now fixed. - iteration over self->content || [], not self->content alone (that one could be undef) 0.9 Thu Feb 9 19:43:00 CET 2001 Some bugfixes and some extensions by Sean M. Burke: - ISINDEX is supported - a new constructor new_many is created that parses all forms of a HTML file so you don't have to manually extract links any more. This constructor handles stray form elements outside of forms. - the name of form elements is cached and can be queried 0.8 Mon Dec 18 09:57:00 CET 2000 Some bugfixes and some extensions: - textarea should now work in both forms. Before there was either a problem with textareas that included some default text, or with empty textareas. Now does look wether the contents of a textarea is able to perform as_HTML and only uses it if it is able to do it. Should fix some longstanding problems with textareas. - ex/ wasn't in the MANIFEST - added a simple test procedure that just checks if it can be loaded
2008-07-20Update from version 0.18 to 0.22.he2-6/+8
Pkgsrc change: add dependency on p5-libwww. Upstream changes: 0.22 Thu May 1 00:18:38 CEST 2008 [TESTS] - increased test coverage - t/23connect.t doesn't need an Internet connection any more, thus closing RT ticket #19653. - t/67complete.t tests HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::complete [DOCUMENTATION] - closed RT ticket #33465 (Jimbo), by explaining in a little more detail how HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::complete works. 0.21 Sun Apr 20 04:34:47 CEST 2008 [ENHANCEMENTS] - HTTP::Proxy::Engine::Legacy and HTTP::Proxy::Engine::ScoreBoard log the number of remaining child processes (in addition to their pids), thanks to Amos Shapira. [FIXES] - HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::save had a bug that prevented the 'filename' parameter to be correctly used to compute the filename to save to, and that made the proxy die the second time the filter was called. This fix allowed to close RT tickets #14548 (Max Maischein), #18644 (Mark Tilford) and #33018 (Roland Stigge and Gunnar Wolf). - HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::save had many other bugs, which the test suite allowed to spot and fix. [TESTS] - t/67save.t provides 96% coverage of HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::save, and helped fix many bugs in it. - fixed t/22http.t and t/22transparent.t not to break when the DNS wrongly resolves an invalid address. [DOCUMENTATION] - closed RT ticket #25295 (Matsuno Tokuhiro) with a doc patch. 0.20 Fri Aug 18 10:25:11 CEST 2006 [ENHANCEMENTS] - Added a will_modify() method to HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter, that lets the proxy know if a filter may modify the content length, thus closing RT ticket #21051 (Chris Dolan) - If no filter in the current stack will modify the content length, then the header is not removed [FIXES] - closed RT tickets #3184 and #20251 (chunked encoding was enforced while transfering data between a client and server using different versions of HTTP, causing unwanted garbage to appear in the data) - removed useless "ERROR: Getting request failed:" messages when there are simply "No more requests from this connection" [INTERNALS] - Removed the HTTP::Proxy::FilterStack class from inside HTTP::Proxy and put it in its own module file - renamed HTTP::Proxy::FilterStack::active() as will_modify() for consistency reasons [TESTS] - updated t/22http.t and t/23connect.t following Ken Williams' recommandations in RT ticket #19986 [DOCUMENTATION] - patched a small inconsistency in HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter's documentation (and closed RT ticket #20303) - fully documented HTTP::Proxy::FilterStack 0.19 Fri Apr 28 19:55:41 CEST 2006 [ENHANCEMENTS] - HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::simple now lets one define an end() method as well [FIXES] - HTTP::Proxy::(Body|Header)Filter::simple now provide a default filter() that does nothing if their constructor is not given one (thanks to Merijn Brand) - close RT ticket #14548 by correcting the 'filename' check in HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::save (Max Maischein) - ERROR messages are always logged (Mark Tilford) [TESTS] - more tests for log() and logmask() in t/11log.t
2008-07-20Update from version 0.7 to 1.0. Changes:he2-6/+6
2007-12-12 Mattias Holmlund Version 1.0 Add ApproveContent option. Add pod-tests. Mark internal methods with leading underscore.
2008-07-20Update from version 1.03 to 1.04. Changes:he2-6/+6
1.04 2008-06-23 16:00:00 - Added tmpdir() accessor to specify an alternate directory for temp files. (jgoulah)
2008-07-20Update from version 0.61 to 0.62. Changes:he2-6/+8
version: 0.62 date: ??? changes: - blocked elements are not blocked if they are contained within a blocked element (with much thanks to Dominick Bellizzi for the patch) - rules_for_tag() now dereferences the 'alias' subrule
2008-07-20Update from version 2.02 to 2.08a. Changes:he2-7/+6
2.08a 23 June 2008 - Fixed outputing row class attribute twice. Request and fix from Reinhard Mutz 2.08 10 April 2008 - Added delRow and delSectionRow methods. Request from Kyle Davenport <kyle.davenport at> - Fixed error in getTable, which output the wrong section attributes. Request and fix from Colin Fine <colin.fine at> - Added getSection method to modularize the creation of Section HTML. - Created new set of methods which apply Cell attributes across a row. This is to make a clear distinction from those methods that set row attributes (tr). Suggest by Colin Fine <colin.fine at> 2.07b 05 February 2008 - Fixed error in setSectionRowWidth. Request from Ravi Kondamuru <ravikondamuru at> 2.07a 04 February 2008 - Changed status from beta to full. - Fixed error in setCellHeight. Request from Ravi Kondamuru <ravikondamuru at> 2.07-b2 09 October 2007 - Removed text output when empty table is printed. Request from Erik Tank <erik at> 2.07-b1 17 September 2007 - Changed order of output for table sections, to comply with the HTML 4.01 standard. 2.07-beta 13 September 2007 - Added THEAD, TFOOT and TBODY sections. Request from Miguel Santinho <msantinho at>. There are now methods that take a section and section number as parameters. ie. setSectionCell ( 'tbody', 0, 2, 3, 'Cell 2,3'); Existing methods default to working on the first tbody section, for backwards compatibility. You can have only one each of tfoot and thead sections, but multiple tbody sections. 2.06 4 June 2007 - Added patch for even/odd row class support, supplied by Chris Weyl Thanks to Chris Weyl <cweyl at> for this patch. 2.05 15 March 2007 - Fixed code so that all HTML tags and attributes are in lower case. 2.04 23 January 2006 - AUTOLOAD method was making the module sliently ignore calls to invalid methods. Thanks to Gordon Lack <gml4410 at> for the fix. 2.03 6 December 2005 - Added get methods for Style attributes. Thanks to Douglas Riordan <doug.riordan at> for this.
2008-07-20Add the directory of the manpage to the INSTALLATION_DIRS.ahoka1-1/+3
2008-07-20fix compliation -> compilation typo (noted by Alan R. S. Bueno), plus some ↵abs1-8/+8
2008-07-20Roman Kulik cannot maintain those packages anymore (he told me inheinz23-46/+46
private mail some months ago).
2008-07-20Add hunspell-id_IDahoka1-1/+2
2008-07-20Added textproc/hunspell-id_ID version 20040410ahoka1-1/+2
2008-07-20Import hunspell-id_ID-20040410 as textproc/hunspell-id_ID.ahoka3-0/+16
Indonesian dictionary for hunspell.
2008-07-20- Changing the MASTER_SITES as they are outdated, this has been reported inrhaen1-2/+2
PR pkg/39172
2008-07-20Updated devel/bzr to 1.5epg1-1/+2