AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-04-03Sync with net/nagios-plugins.rodent7-190/+117
2015-04-03Updated net/nagios-plugin-radius to 2.0.3rodent1-1/+2
2015-04-03Updated net/nagios-plugin-pgsql to 2.0.3rodent1-1/+2
2015-04-03Sync with net/nagios-plugins.rodent14-380/+234
2015-04-03use --diable-assembler on armv4 systems. they're not supported.mrg1-1/+5
2015-04-03Sync these too.rodent2-17/+119
2015-04-03Updated net/nagios-plugin-mysql to 2.0.3rodent1-1/+2
2015-04-03Sync with net/nagios-plugins.rodent5-173/+7
2015-04-03Updated net/nagios-plugin-ldap to 2.0.3rodent1-1/+2
2015-04-03Sync with net/nagios-plugins.rodent7-190/+117
2015-04-03Category is audio, not devel. How did this ever work?bsiegert1-2/+2
2015-04-03Updated net/nagios-plugin-fstab to 0.2rodent1-1/+2
2015-04-03Updated to version 0.2. No ChangeLog provided.rodent2-7/+6
2015-04-03Updated net/nagios-plugin-dumpdates to 0.2rodent1-1/+2
2015-04-03Updated to version 0.2. No ChangeLog provided.rodent2-6/+6
2015-04-03Updated net/nagios-plugins to 2.0.3rodent2-3/+3
2015-04-03Updated net/nagios-base to 4.0.8rodent1-1/+2
2015-04-03Updated to 2.0.3. The NEWS is almost 3000 lines and interested parties mayrodent19-943/+172
find it here: For pkgsrc, the changes aren't very interesting. Upstream applied a lot of the patches we had, notably integrating IDE S.M.A.R.T. plugin support for NetBSD.
2015-04-03Update to nagios-4.0.8. Patches applied upstream were removed. Added tworodent27-335/+168
patches. From: Changes and New Features Performance Improvements: The performance improvements in Nagios Core 4 come primarily from the following areas: Core Workers - Core workers are lightweight processes whose only job is to perform checks. Because they are smaller they spawn much more quickly than the the old process which forked the full Nagios Core. In addition, they communicate with the main Nagios Core process using in-memory techniques, eliminating the disk I/O latencies that could previously slow things down, especially in large installations. Configuration Verification - Configuration verification has been improved so that each configuration item is verified only once. Previously configuration verification was an O(n2) operation. Event Queue - The event queue now uses a data structure that has O(log n) insertion times versus the O(n) insertion time previously. This means that inserting events into the queue uses much less CPU than in Nagios Core 3. Macro Resolution - Macros are now sorted on startup so macro lookup can use a binary search. In addition, frequently accessed macros $USERx$, $ARGx$, and $HOSTADDRESS$ are given special case, early lookups. Object Definitions: The following changes have been made to object definitions: The host address attribute is now optional. The address attribute is set to the host name when it is absent. Most configurations set the host name attribute to the DNS host name making the address attribute redundant. Both hosts and services now support an hourly value attribute. The hourly value attribute is intended to represent the value of a host or service to an organization and is used by the new minimum value contact attribute. Services now support a parents attribute. A service parent performs a function similar to host parents and can be used in place of service dependencies in simple circumstances. The failure_prediction_enabled flag has been removed from both host and service object definitions. Contacts now support a minimum value attribute. The mininum value attribute is used with the host and service hourly value attributes to determine whether to notify a contact on host and service problems. The host obess_over_host and the service obsess_over_service attributes can now both use the shortened attribute obsess. Object Behavior: Contact Inheritance - According to the documentation, contacts should only be inherited from host to service if the service has no other contacts whatsoever (and the same goes for escalations), but the way the code previously worked was that it handled contact_groups and contacts directives separately, meaning services with only 'contacts' specified were still eligible for inheriting 'contact_groups' from the host. This has been updated to comply with the documentation. Timeperiods - There were several issues processing timeperiods when both exclusions and exceptions were involved. The issues have been corrected. Configuration: The following changes have been made to the main Nagios Core configuration, nagios.cfg: Because there are many ways to obtain object information, the object information is no longer stored if in the object cache if the configuration variable object_cache_file equals '/dev/null'. Setting the variable to '/dev/null' will reduce the disk I/O load. Because there are many ways to obtain status information, the status information is no longer stored if in the status data file if the configuration variable status_file equals '/dev/null'. Setting the variable to '/dev/null' will reduce the disk I/O load. There is a new configuration variable, log_current_states, which determines whether current states will be logged in the log files when they are rotated. In Nagios Core 3, this was always the behavior and it is the default in Nagios Core 4. Disabling the logging of current states on log rotation can save considerable disk space for large installations. There is a new configuration variable, check_workers, which specifies how many worker processes are created when Nagios Core starts. If not specified, the number of worker process is determine by the number of CPUs on the system. There is a new configuration variable, query_socket, which specifies the location of the query handler socket. The default location is /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.qh. The configuration variables, check_result_reaper_frequency and max_check_result_reaper_time, have been deprecated. Because of the new worker architecture, checks are no longer reaped, but they are fed back to core by the worker processes. As a result, these variables no longer make sense. All file and directory configuration variables in the main nagios.cfg can now use paths that are relative to the location of nagios.cfg. Although rarely used in the past, creating nagios objects in the main nagios.cfg configuration file was allowed. This is now prohibited. Macros: Additions - A new macro, $CHECKSOURCE$, has been added which contains information about what process performed a check. Changes - If use_large_installation_tweaks is set, the $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$ and $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$ macros are no longer exported because they can consume the available space for environment variables. Macros are normally available as environment variables when check, event handler, notification, and other commands are run. This can be rather CPU intensive in large Nagios installations, so you can disable the export of environment variables completely with the enable_environment_macros option. Macro information can be found here. Query Handler: The query handler is a general purpose communication mechanism that allows external entities to communicate with Nagios Core in a well-defined manner. As of this writing, all communication with the query handler takes place through a Unix-domain socket whose location is defined by the query_socket configuration variable. There are currently 5 built-in query handlers. core - provides Nagios Core management and information wproc - provides worker process registration, management and information nerd - provides a subscription service to the Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher (NERD) help - provides help for the query handler echo - implements a basic query handler that simply echoes back the queries sent to it More information about the query handler interface, including an introduction to creating a custom query handler, can be found in the source-supplied documentation. Core Workers: Previously, all host and service checks were performed by the full Nagios Core process. This required forking the Nagios Core process for every check. The full Nagios Core process includes a lot of things that are not required to actually perform the check, including check scheduling, downtime handling, processing external commands, etc. As a result, forking the Nagios Core process was much slower than was necessary. When the actual check was run, the forked process again forked a shell to run the check and the shell forked to run the plugin. In addition, disk files were used as the inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism between the forked Nagios process doing the checking and the main Nagios process handling the check results. In Nagios Core 4, the process of performing host and service checks is now accomplished using a lightweight worker processes. Standard worker processes start up with the main Nagios Core process and additional, special-purpose workers, can be started at any time after Nagios Core starts. If the check command is "simple" (no shell escapes), the worker process can run the command directly, avoiding the 2 additional forks previously required. Also in Nagios Core 4, the worker processes report the check results to the main Nagios Core process using in-memory IPC mechanisms (the query handler interface), eliminating the disk I/O bottleneck that used to be an issue in large installations. When a worker process registers with the main Nagios Core process, it tells Nagios Core what checks it will handle. This feature allows external authors to create special-purpose workers which are optimized to perform certain checks. A sample special-purpose ping check worker is included with the Nagios Core source code in the worker/ping subdirectory. More information about workers, including an introduction to creating custom workers can be found in the source-supplied documentation. Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher (NERD): The Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher (NERD) is a query handler based service that streams Nagios Core events to the subscriber. Currently, there are three channels that can be subscribed to: hostchecks, servicechecks and opathchecks. libnagios: libnagios is a library of functions that can be used by developers of query handlers and worker processes. libnagios currently contains the following components. bitmap - bitmap library for calculating dependency graphs dkhash - dual-keyed hash api fanout - sparsely populated array used for downtime, comments, and worker jobs iobroker - I/O broker library for multiplexing between running tasks and the master nagios process. iocache - I/O caching libary for bulk-reading requests and parsing them kvvec - key/value library for parsing requests and building responses nsock - socket library for connecting to and communicating through the qh socket nspath - general purpose path library for converting between relative and absolute paths nsutils - small library with worker related utilities pqueue - pqueue library written by Volkan Yazici runcmd - for spawning and reaping commands skiplist - skiplist library used within Nagios Core squeue - for maintaining a queue of the running job's timeouts worker - for utils and stuff nifty to have if you're a worker Documentation: Documentation of Nagios Core internals is now provided as part of the source distribution. To create an HTML version of this documentation run 'make dox' from the root of the source distribution tree. The doxygen utilities must be installed to make this documentation. Tests: A much more complete test suite is now incuded with the Nagios Core source distribution. RPM Spec File: The RPM spec file has been completely overhauled to support more current standards. Deprecated Features: Extended Host and Service Information - The hostextinfo and serviceextinfo objects are now deprecated and should not be used. Support for them will be removed in a future version. The same information specified in the hostextinfo and serviceextinfo objects can be specified in the host and service object respectively. -x/--dont-verify-paths command line option (Don't check for circular object paths) - Because configuration checking is now so much faster, the option to skip checking for circular object paths has been deprecated. The following configuration variables have been deprecated: check_result_reaper_frequency, max_check_result_reaper_time, sleep_time, external_command_buffer_slots, command_check_interval Obsoleted Features: Failure Prediction - As noted above, the failure_prediction_enabled flag has been removed from both host and service object definitions. Failure predition was never fully implemented and would require breaking the paradigm that Nagios Core knows nothing about the performance data returned by plugins. Failure prediction is much more approprately handled by an add-on than by Nagios Core. -o/--dont-verify-objects command line option - This option, while accepted in Nagios Core 3, has neither been advertized nor has had any effect for quite some time. The option has been removed in Nagios Core 4. Embedded Perl - Embedded Perl has historically been the least tested and the most problem prone part of Nagios Core. A significant part of the issue is that there are so many versions of Perl available. The performance enhancements provided by the new worker process architecture make up for any performance loss due to the removal of embeddd Perl. In addition, the worker process architecture makes possible the implementation of a special purpose worker to persistently load and run Perl plugins. The following configuration variables that were related to embedded Perl have been obsoleted: use_embedded_perl_implicitly, enable_embedded_perl, p1_file. Miscellaneous: Object IDs - Primarily only of interest to developers, all of the first-class objects now have object IDs. First-class objects are timeperiod, command, contact, host, service, escalations, dependencies and all kinds of groups. Object IDs are not persistent and are recreated on each restart.
2015-04-03Add: PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE= 26 # via py-orderedmultidictrodent1-1/+2
for py-furl option.
2015-04-03PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE= 26 # via py-orderedmultidictrodent1-1/+3
2015-04-03Fix a broken macro definition. Should fix build on NetBSD 5.tnn2-1/+17
2015-04-03Remove obsolete PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORTmanu1-3/+1
2015-04-03Updated www/py-uwsgi to 2.0.10rodent1-1/+2
2015-04-03uWSGI 2.0.10rodent2-6/+6
[20150317] Bugfixes Don't lower security standards with gcc 4.9 (Riccardo Magliocchetti) Perl/PSGI make sure that at least two params are passed to xs_input_seek (Ivan Kruglov) Per/PSGI fixed multiple interpreters usage spooler: fixed scandir usage fixed exception handler arguments management fixed 'log-master' + 'daemonize2' disables all logging fixed http Range header management New Features safeexec hook this is like 'exec' but do not exit on error even if the executed command returns a non-zero value backported --emperor-wrapper-fallback and --emperor-wrapper-override the --emperor-wrapper-fallback option allows you to specify an alternative binary to execute when running a vassal and the default binary_path is not found (or returns an error). (you can specify it multiple times) The --emperor-wrapper-override is similar but 'overrides' the default wrapper (you can specify it multiple times) added support for UNIX sockets to rsyslog The rsyslog logger can now get a unix socket as address (arguments starting with a slash are recognized as a unix path) forcecl transformation this transformation works like 'fixcl' but generates the Content-Length header even if Content-Length has been listed for removal.
2015-04-03Updated devel/py-memcached to 1.54rodent1-1/+2
2015-04-03Sun, 21 Sep 2014 13:41:30 -0600 Sean Reifschneider <>rodent3-7/+8
* 1.54 release. * Numerous patches to attempt to get Python 3 working, but tests are still failing under Python 3, so this code is not ready yet. * MemcachedKeyCharacterError better describes key problem. Suggested by Roy Smith * Added touch(), patch by erankor on github. * Allow empty server list, patch by zewt on github. * If unknown flags in get request, raises a value error rather than the code bombing out. * Setting the SERVER_MAX_* values after import did not work, despite being documented to. Reported by alexf101 on github.
2015-04-03Updated devel/gperftools to 2.4.hiramatsu2-3/+3
2015-04-03Update devel/gperftools to 2.4, patch provided by Jonathan Buschmann in PR ↵hiramatsu3-51/+14
49625. Changes from previous: == 2.4 == + enabled aggressive decommit option by default, significantly improve memory fragmentation + new ./configure flags for tcmalloc pagesize and tcmalloc allocation alignment. + Faster malloc/free, 5% on static library and about 10% on shared library. Mainly due to more efficient checking of malloc hooks. + Improved accuracy of stacktrace capturing in cpu profiler == 2.3 == + New experimental method for CPU profiling (only for Linux) + Most are fixes to pprof + Few other fixes, notably libunwind integration (selectable in configure step) and disabled on OSX & ppc64 == 2.2 == + Support for mips/mips64/aarch64/ppc64-le + New method for capturing backtrace + More fixes + Fixes for Windows + Sources served by Google drive
2015-04-03Revbump due to claws-mail and plugins update.nros3-6/+6
2015-04-03Updated claws-mail and the plugins that comes withnros1-1/+19
it's distfile to version 3.11.1.
2015-04-03Update of claws-mail and the plugins that comes with it's distfile tonros26-71/+46
version 3.11.1. Changlog: 3.11.1: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Use 'gnutls_priority' hidden account preference for POP3 and STARTTLS connections, in addition to SMTP. * RSSyl plugin: Enable use of .netrc to store network credentials. * Remove dependency on intltool. * Remove appdata. * Updated translations: Norwegian Bokmål. * Bug fixes: o bug 3306, 'HTML tag is not always rendered in error dialog' o bug 3308, 'build ignores --localedir' 3.11.0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * SSLv3 server connections are now disabled by default, in response to the POODLE vulnerability, see * Several PGP/Core plugin improvements Indicate when a key has been revoked or has expired when displaying signature status. For example, "Good signature from %s, but the key has expired." "Good signature from %s, but the key has been revoked." When displaying the full information, show the Validity, and the Owner Trust level. Also indicate expired and revoked keys, and revoked UIDs. The "Content-Disposition: attachment" flag in PGP/MIME signed messages has been removed. It was confusing for cetain MUAs. * A new version of the RSSyl plugin, completely redesigned and rewritten. Migration from the previous version is automatic, it has a new storage format in ~/.claws-mail/RSSyl/ (hierarchical directories instead of flat file format). It uses the expat library instead of libxml2 for parsing feed data. * The results of TAB address completion in the Compose window have improved ordering. Order of results: 1. Match beginning of name 2. Match beginning of additional names 3. Match complete email address before @ 4. Match beginning of email address 5. Compare relative position of match 6. Compare name alphabetically 7. Compare address alphabetically. * Due to popular demand, use of the Up key in the message body in the Compose window stops at the top of the message body and does not continue up to the header fields. This reverts the behaviour introduced in version 3.10.0. * In the Compose window, when navigating with the arrow keys, selecting, and thus modifying, the Account selector is now prevented. * In the Compose window, a mnemonic (s) has been added to the Subject line. * The Queue folder is highlighted if there are messages in its sub- folders and the tree is collapsed. * When sorting messages by 'thread date', clicking the 'Date' column header will now toggle between ascending/descending and will not switch to 'date' sorting. * A new QuickSearch filter has been added that searches a header's content only. H S : messages which contain S in the value of any header. * A Reply-To field has been added to the main Template configuration. * The menubar can now be hidden, default hotkey: F12. * Fancy plugin: A user-controlled stylesheet can now be used. * Python plugin: Add flag attributes to MessageInfo object. * Python plugin: Make 'account' property of ComposeWindow read/write. * Libravatar plugin: a network timeout option has been added. * appdata has been added for package managers, it must be specifically enabled, using ./configure --enable-appdata See for further information. * The script, for converting a Thunderbird mailbox to a Claws Mail mailbox, now handles sub-directory recursion. * Updated translations: Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, German, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish * Bug fixes: o bug 3173, 'quick search ignores trailing blank' o bug 3211, 'Fails to build in Debian hurd-i386 architecture' o bug 3212, 'When msgnum matches a sub-folder name, fetch fails' o bug 3221, 'IMAP: Claws Mail has issues with Yahoo IMAP server/folders' o bug 3235, 'Extraneous double quotes inside base64-encoded From header confuse 'Reply' action' o bug 3236, 'sc_html_parse_tag() does not recognize ' ' as line break' o bug 3246, 'attachment open: "remember this" ignored if ~/.mailcap does not exist' o bug 3265, 'procmime.c: unbalanced flockfile() / funlockfile()' o bug 3300, 'Cannot send/receive mail when SSL 3.0 is not supported on the server' o Debian bug 755022, '[claws-mail-spam-report] likely useless to report to Debian because of the use of http instead of https' o Disable SSL3.0 entirely as a Poodle fix. o fix msg display when utf8_instead_of_locale_for_broken_mail is turned off and you use a UTF-8 locale o fix building without gnuTLS support o Don't differentiate the protocols used when using direct SSL/TLS versus STARTTLS o disallow editing any account (even current account) when at least one compose window is open o Actually display "(No From)" in messageview's From column when appropriate. o When changing focus in folderview, make sure the newly focused folder is visible first. o various fixes to flaws reported by Coverity scan o PGP/Core plugin: Don't automatically re-check signatures o PGP/Core plugin: fix erroneous 'untrusted' msg based on validity not trust o Make INBOX case-insensitive (as RFC states) o Python plugin: Fix ComposeWindow.get_account_selection 3.10.1: * Add an account preference to allow automatically accepting unknown and changed SSL certificates, if they're valid (that is, if the root CA is trusted by the distro). * RFE 3196, 'When changing quicksearch Search Type, set focus to search input box' * PGP/Core plugin: Generate 2048 bit RSA keys. * Major code cleanup. * Extended claws-mail.desktop with Compose and Receive actions. * Updated Bulgarian, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German,Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Lithuanian, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish translations. * Bug fixes: o bug 2728, 'erroneous switching from one to three column view' o bug 2981, 'claws-mail-3.9.3 compilation warnings' o bug 3170, 'QuickSearch fights with View/Hide read threads menu option' o bug 3179, 'Win32: Please add 'gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1' to GTK+ setting' o bug 3201, 'Fix memory corruption in sc_html_read_line()' o Debian bug 730050, 'vcalendar plugin crash' o Fix GCond use with newer Glib o Fix the race fix, now preventing the compose window to be closed. o Fix "File (null) doesn't exist" error dialog, when attaching a non-existing file via --attach o Fix spacing in Folderview if the font is far from the system font o RSSyl: When parsing RSS 2.0, ignore <link> tags with a namespace prefix. o RSSyl: Check for existence of xmlNode namespace, to prevent NULL pointer crashes. 3.10.0: * Complete SSL certificate chains are now saved, and if built with Libetpan 1.4.1, the IMAP SSL connection's certificate chain is made available. Both of these allow correct certificate verification instead of a bogus 'No certificate issuer found' status. * Auto-configuration of account email servers, based on SRV records, is now possible. (GLib >= 2.22 is required.) * Added a preference to avoid automatically drafting emails that are to be sent encrypted, (Configuration/Preferences/Compose/Writing). * Messages saved as Drafts are now saved as New, highlighting the Drafts folder, in order to draw the attention to unfinished mails there. * It is now possible to add a 'Replace signature' button to the Compose window toolbar. * Quotation wrapping and undo/redo in the Compose window has been improved. * 'Reply to all' now excludes your own address. * The 'Generate X-Mailer header' option has been renamed 'Add user agent header' and applies to both X-Mailer and X-Newsreader headers. * Added hidden preferences, 'address_search_wildcard' and 'folder_search_wildcard', to choose between matching from start of the folder name/address or any part of the name. (Activating these options restores the previous behaviour.) * Added hidden preference 'enable_avatars' to control the internal capture/render process, and which allows disabling it by external plugins for example. * 'Check for new folders' now only updates the folder list, not updating the contents of folders. If needed, it can be followed by 'Check for new messages' * When using Redirect, the redirecting account's address is used in the SMTP MAIL FROM instead of the original sender's address. * NEW: Libravatar plugin, which displays avatars from * Added support for an arbitrary number and sources of 'avatars' and images for email senders, and migrated Face and X-Face headers. * Avatars are now included when printing mails. * The GPG keyring can now be used as the source for address auto- completion. * The vCalendar and RSSyl plugins now have an option to disable SSL certificate verification (and check them by default). * The ClamAV plugin now pops up an error message only once instead of repeatedly * Updated the man page and the manual. * Updated Brazilian Portuguese, British English, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Lithuanian, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish translations. * Added Esperanto translation. * Bug fixes: o bug 1644, 'race condition between message move and mark as read after timeout' o bug 2119, 'Check for new folders on remote mailboxes is very slow' o bug 2145, 'Claws becomes unresponsive and gets Killed while moving messages between imap folders' o bug 2179, 'Improve quotation wrapping support' 0 bug 2238, 'Incorrect undo/redo operations after paste with replace from context menu' o bug 2389, 'GnuPG: invalid/revoked user IDs accepted' o bug 2398, 'Race when closing compose during drafting' o bug 2447, 'Compose window crashes if moving a folder that is being replied to' o bug 2643, 'claws crash when accessing imap folder' o bug 2875, 'SMTP session disconnects before recieving' o bug 2991, 'POP3 sessions duplicated" on race conditions' o bug 3020, 'Use theme doesn't change some icons until restart' o bug 3055, 'Claws segfaults when cancelling a sticky search after changing folder' o bug 3038, 'Select a folder incorrectly matches on number in parentheses' o bug 3039, 'displaying one specific html email lead in 100% CPU usage' o bug 3040, 'Handle revoked GPG private keys' o bug 3050, 'Claws segfaults when attempting to delete a tag' o bug 3094, 'OK or Yes to create new directory ?' o bug 3100, 'Automatic account selection on reply fails if name is quoted and contains a comma' o bug 3105, 'vCal plugin via https does not check SSL peer certificates or host' o bug 3106, 'rssyl plugin does not verify SSL peer at all' o bug 3107, 'Height of row in message list does not reflect font size - three columns, small screen layout' o bug 3116, 'invalid DTSTART in ics subscription makes claws crash' o bug 3117, 'full-day event shown from 01:00 to 01:00 next day' o bug 3120, '"Error - File is empty" when redirecting mail with empty parts' o bug 3131, 'Crash on reccurent events with no DTSTART' o bug 3138, 'PGP/Inline crashes on signature check if gpgme failed to init' o bug 3139, 'Mainwindow unresponsive due to a busy loop' o bug 3145, 'Memory corruption in imap_disconnect_all' o bug 3146, 'Memory corruption when deleting a message from folder' o bug 3147, 'verify_folderlist_xml() leaks memory' o bug 3148, 'Logic error in claws_get_socket_name()' o bug 3150, 'etpan_certificate_check() leaks memory' o bug 3155, 'Memory leaks found by Valgrind in a9065aec26499a0e1294c73b6d9e6f039976521e' o bug 3169, 'threaded message list performance issue' o bug 3964, 'headers in wrong order -- file src/common/ssl.c' o Fix lots of memory leaks o Fix interference from liboverlay-scrollbar o Fix some typos o Fix some layout issues when user has large GTK font o Fix message search starting from end o Fix disappearing MIME icon highlight in mails with PGP signatures o When autoselecting account for a new message, quoted recipient names are handled better. o Python plugin: Also check for _PyGtk_API being a PyCapsule o MailMBOX plugin: Fix parsing UTC dates o vCalendar plugin: recognition of quoted parameter values, which are legal. o ClamAV plugin: Fix a format string error.
2015-04-03Revbump due to mail/libetpan update.nros1-2/+2
2015-04-03Updated mail/libetpan to 1.6nros1-1/+2
2015-04-03Update libetpan to version 1.6.nros6-26/+52
Update homepage. changelog: 1.6: Improved RFC822 and MIME parser Implemented SEARCH using LITERAL+ for Gmail Fixed SSL connections (don't force SSLv3) 1.5: Gmail search features: X-GM-MSGID, X-GM-THRID, X-GM-RAW Added POP stat Various fixes for Windows Fixed OpenSSL / GnuTLS implementation of retrieval of certificates Fixed IMAP IDLE in case of COMPRESS-ed streams Fixed base64 encoding 1.4: Gmail search features: X-GM-MSGID, X-GM-THRID, X-GM-RAW Added POP stat Various fixes for Windows Fixed OpenSSL / GnuTLS implementation of retrieval of certificates Fixed IMAP IDLE in case of COMPRESS-ed streams Fixed base64 encoding
2015-04-03Remove shlib option. lang/libLLVM provides equivalent functionality.tnn2-146/+2
2015-04-03Updated converters/p5-Unicode-Collate to 1.12wiz2-3/+3
2015-04-03Update to 1.12, from kj Wolley in PR 49774.wiz2-6/+6
1.12 Mon Mar 16 20:21:15 2015 - XS: [ #102663] IRIX 6.5 failures with Unicode::Collate (porting: avoid non-zero values in the initializer of an array) 1.11 Tue Feb 17 21:23:03 2015 - XS: [ #102024] remove extranous const casting 1.10 Thu Jan 15 21:37:58 2015 - XS: const &c [ #101170] [PATCH] - Makefile.PL: [ #101500] [PATCH]
2015-04-03Updated converters/p5-Sereal-Encoder to 3.005wiz2-3/+3
2015-04-03Update to 3.005 based on PR 49773 by kj Wolley:wiz2-8/+8
**************************************************************** * Warning: For a seamless upgrade, upgrade to version 3 * * of the decoder before upgrading to version 3 of the * * encoder! * **************************************************************** 3.005 Jan 05 2015 * Build improvements related to char signedness being platform dependent. 3.004 Dec 27 2014 * Performance optimizations and other miscellaneous changes. * Build improvements. * Win32 fixes for weakrefs. 3.003 Oct 19 2014 * Niko Tyni fixed the 64-bit big endian Sereal bug! (Yay Niko!) * Setup META.yml correctly so that certain dependencies are marked as being test dependencies and not build or run-time dependencies. * Allow one to build against an externally supplied version of csnappy or miniz. Thanks to Petr Písař <> 3.002 Aug 20 2014 Summary of changes from 3.001 - 3.002 - Introduce "canonical" option to encoder - Introduce "canonical_refs" option to encoder * Test Infra Changes - Split up bulk tests to speed up testing and make it easier to see when a failure is restricted to a specific option. * Big-Endian Support - Improved support for Big-Endian machines. We now build and pass test on Sparc and HP-UX and other platforms with big-endian or strict alignedness requirements. Much thanks to Jarkko Hietaniemi, Gregor Herrmann, and H. Merijn Brand for for their assistance with this. - We still have issues with s390x (Z/Os) with Sereal. If someone wants to help it would be appreciated. 3.001 - Upgrade to version 3 of the protocol * Add Zlib compression support to the protocol * Add Zlib support to Encoder/Decoder * Add CANONICAL_UNDEF tag to represent PL_sv_undef * Change magic header so it is trivial to detect and reject utf8 encoded Sereal packets. - Change how we serialize variables which have more than one of IOK, NOK, and POK set. In general we favour the numeric form, with the exception of when all three are set when we favour the string form (this is to handle engineering notation like "0E0" where numeric and string equivalence may differ)
2015-04-03Updated net/nfdump to 1.6.12.hiramatsu2-3/+3
2015-04-03Updated converters/p5-Sereal-Decoder to 3.005wiz2-3/+3
2015-04-03Update to 3.005 based on PR 49772 by kj Woolley:wiz2-8/+8
3.005 Jan 05 2015 * Build improvements related to char signedness being platform dependent. 3.004 Dec 27 2014 * Performance optimizations and other miscellaneous changes. * Build improvements. * Win32 fixes for weakrefs. 3.003 Oct 19 2014 * Niko Tyni fixed the 64-bit big endian Sereal bug! (Yay Niko!) * Sereal::Decoder::Constants will now have a defined $VERSION * Setup META.yml correctly so that certain dependencies are marked as being test dependencies and not build or run-time dependencies. * Allow one to build against an externally supplied version of csnappy or miniz. Thanks to Petr Písař <> 3.002 Aug 20 2014 * Summary of changes from 3.001 - 3.002 - Introduce "set_readonly" option to decoder - Introduce "set_readonly_scalars" option to decoder * Bug fixes - Fix assertion fails in DEBUG perls (Brian Fraser) - Fix segfault with "into" interface when decoding references and strings into the same target SV. See new test t/550_decode_into.t * Test Infra Changes - Split up bulk tests to speed up testing and make it easier to see when a failure is restricted to a specific option. * Big-Endian Support - Improved support for Big-Endian machines. We now build and pass test on Sparc and HP-UX and other platforms with big-endian or strict alignedness requirements. Much thanks to Jarkko Hietaniemi, Gregor Herrmann, and H. Merijn Brand for for their assistance with this. - We still have issues with s390x (Z/Os) with Sereal. If someone wants to help it would be appreciated. 3.001 - Upgrade to version 3 of the protocol * Add Zlib compression support to the protocol * Add Zlib support to Encoder/Decoder * Add CANONICAL_UNDEF tag to represent PL_sv_undef * Change magic header so it is trivial to detect and reject utf8 encoded Sereal packets. - Change how we serialize variables which have more than one of IOK, NOK, and POK set. In general we favour the numeric form, with the exception of when all three are set when we favour the string form (this is to handle engineering notation like "0E0" where numeric and string equivalence may differ)
2015-04-03Update net/nfdump to 1.6.12, patch provided from Bartosz Kuzma in PR 49332.hiramatsu8-77/+58
Changes since 1.6.6: 2014-02-16 v1.6.12 - Add NAT pool port allocation - Modify/fix NAT vrf tags. Add egress vrf ID - Modify common record due to exporter exhaustion. new common record type 10 adds 4 extra bytes. Reads v1 common record transparently - Fix sflow potential crash 2013-11-13 v1.6.11 - Add ASA/NSEL 9.x protcol changes - Make it llvm compilable 2013-08-12 v1.6.10p1 - Fix -t +/- n timeslot option - Fix bug in nfanon - stat record update. - Fix bug in netflow v5 mudule: extension map size wrong. - Fix bug nfexport: In some cases could result in wrong flow counter. - Fix nftrack - could coredump in some cases. 2013-05-16 v1.6.10 - Fix SPARC compile/optimise bug - Add output packet/bytes counter to global stat - importatnt for NSEL flows ASA > 8.5 - Add NSEL filter options xnet - Modify extension descriptor code for nfdump1.7. Still use 1.6 extension map layout for compatibility - Add prototype for nfpcapd - pcap -> nfdump collector. Converts traffoc directly to nfdump files. - Fix bug in ipfix module: uninitialised variable - Cleanup syslog/LogError calls - Fix minor non critical bugs and compile issues 2013-03-02 v1.6.9 - Fix some bugs in beta 1.6.9 NSEL code - Fix bug statistics update with aggreagted flow records - Fix sflow bug sfcapd stores wrong (ghost) dump by past samples in same sflow datagram 2013-03-02 v1.6.9 - Fix some bugs in beta 1.6.9 NSEL code - Fix bug statistics update with aggreagted flow records - Fix sflow bug sfcapd stores wrong (ghost) dump by past samples in same sflow datagram 2012-12-31 - Add time received in csv output - ICMP should handled better now - somewhat - Implement ASA NSEL records - Add definitions in nffile and nx for ASA NSEL extensions 2012-11-09 v1.6.8p1 - Add dynamic source directory tree for multiple exporters - Fix exporter bug: 'too many exporters' with large time windows - Fix uninitialised exporter sysid in default sampler record - v9 - Fix v9/ipfix cache initialisation with no templates > 1 in same packet 2012-10-26 v1.6.8 - Add ip list option for 'next ip' in filter syntax - Accept v9 sampler_id in 2bytes - Fix IPFIX mac address bug - did not get collected - Add IPFIX packet/octet TotalCount fields 85/86 - Add received timestamp to sflow collector - Fix long flow duration calculation - 32bit overflow - Fix v9 sampling ID: allow 2 byte ID - Add IPFIX options as rfc5101 section-6.2 - Add exporter records for sflow collector - Fix bug for MAC address printing %idmc and %odmc. - Add received time stamp extension - Add recursive format parser. Allows to extend predefined formats. - Change flow record sorting to heapsort. remove limit 1000 - Merge -m option to -O tstart. -m now depricated. - Add -O tend. Print order according to tend of flows ascending - Apply -O print order for printing flow cache. Applies to -A 2012-07-31 v1.6.7-tc-1 - Special version for TC - Print exporter and sampling records with nfdump -E - Added exporter and sampling records to file. 2012-07-30 v1.6.7 - Prepare for file catalog in current file format. - Fix bug in ReadBlock when reading flow from stdin pipe - Add new more flexible translation engine for v9 - Add nprobe client/server delay fields - Prepare for NSEL merging - Fix memory corruption with double -A flags - Fix bug in nfreader with compat15 mode files
2015-04-03Add test dependency.wiz1-1/+3
2015-04-03Updated converters/p5-JSON-MaybeXS to 1.003004wiz2-3/+3
2015-04-03Update to 1.003004, based on PR 49771 by kj Woolley.wiz2-6/+6
1.003004 - 2015-03-14 - caveat added to documentation about type checking the object returned by new() (John SJ Anderson, RT#102733)
2015-04-03Updated devel/py-mercurial to 3.3.3wiz1-1/+2
2015-04-03Update to 3.3.3:wiz2-6/+6
This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release. adjustlinkrev: handle 'None' value as source adjustlinkrev: prepare source revs for ancestry only once amend: check for directory renames for both merge parents (issue4516) annotate: reuse ancestry context when adjusting linkrev (issue4532) dirstate: don't require exact case when adding dirs on icasefs (issue4578) dirstate: make sure rootdir ends with directory separator (issue4557) filemerge: clean up language in mergemarkertemplate help forget: cleanup the output for an inexact case match on icasefs hgweb: prevent loading style map from directories other than specified paths mergecopies: reuse ancestry context when traversing file history (issue4537) templates: fix "log -q" output of default style templates: fix "log -q" output of phases style win32: 'raise ctypes.WinError' -> 'raise ctypes.WinError()'