AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2014-07-27Update to 31.0ryoon171-8455/+3241
* Update enigmail to 1.7 Changelog: NEW Autocompleting email addresses now matches against any part of the name or email (bug 529584) NEW Composing a mail to a newsgroup will now autocomplete newsgroup names (bug 61491) FIXED Insecure NTLM (pre-NTLMv2) authentication disabled (see 828183) Fixed in Thunderbird 31 MFSA 2014-66 IFRAME sandbox same-origin access through redirect MFSA 2014-65 Certificate parsing broken by non-standard character encoding MFSA 2014-64 Crash in Skia library when scaling high quality images MFSA 2014-63 Use-after-free while when manipulating certificates in the trusted cache MFSA 2014-62 Exploitable WebGL crash with Cesium JavaScript library MFSA 2014-61 Use-after-free with FireOnStateChange event MFSA 2014-59 Use-after-free in DirectWrite font handling MFSA 2014-58 Use-after-free in Web Audio due to incorrect control message ordering MFSA 2014-57 Buffer overflow during Web Audio buffering for playback MFSA 2014-56 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:31.0 / rv:24.7)
2014-07-27Updated net/haproxy to 1.5.3fhajny1-1/+2
2014-07-27Update haproxy to 1.5.3.fhajny2-6/+6
2014/07/25 : 1.5.3 - DOC: fix typo in Unix Socket commands - BUG/MEDIUM: connection: fix memory corruption when building a proxy v2 header - BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: Fix a memory leak in DHE key exchange - DOC: mention that Squid correctly responds 400 to PPv2 header - BUG/MINOR: http: base32+src should use the big endian version of base32 - BUG/MEDIUM: connection: fix proxy v2 header again!
2014-07-27Updated databases/elasticsearch to 1.3.0fhajny1-1/+2
2014-07-27Update elasticsearch to 1.3.0.fhajny5-43/+139
pkgsrc changes ============== - Install sigar on supported platforms - Add SMF support - Cleanup Changes in 1.3.0 ================ breaking changes - Allocation: Enable disk-space allocation decider by default - Analysis: Improvements to StemmerTokenFilter - Internal: - Make transport action name available in TransportAction base class - Thread pool rejection status code should be 429 - Remove unnecessary intermediate interfaces - Remove unsafe unaligned memory access - illegal on SPARC - Mappings: Update mapping on master in async manner - REST API: Replace error code 503 with 429 when appropriate to tell client to back off - Security: Disable JSONP by default new features - Aggregations: - Created infrastructure for changing easily the significance terms heuristic - Added the percentiles_rank aggregation - Deferred aggregations prevent combinatorial explosion - Added top_hits aggregation - Support bounding box aggregation on geo_shape/geo_point data types - Scripting: - Add script engine for Lucene expressions - Add Groovy as a scripting language, add groovy sandboxing - Allow search templates stored in an index to be retrieved and used at search time - Allow to run scripts/templates stored in .scripts index - Mappings: Add transform to document before index - Suggester: Phrase suggest option to limit suggestions to existing phrases enhancements - Resiliency: - Resend failed shard messages when receiving a cluster state still referring to the failed shards - Send shard exists requests if shard exists locally but is not allocated to the node - Don't attempt to start or fail shard if no master node can be found - Improve handling of failed primary replica handling - During discovery, verify connect when sending a rejoin cluster request - During relocation, process pending mapping update in phase 2 - Set a default of 5m to recover_after_time when any of the expected*Nodes is set - Start master/node fault detection pinging immediately during discovery - Before deleting shard verify that another node holds an active shard instance - Ensure index.version.created is consistent - Cancel recovery if shard on the target node closes during recovery operation - Raise proper failure if not fully reading translog entry - Wait till node is part of cluster state for join process - Have a dedicated join timeout that is higher than ping.timeout for join - Before deleting a local unused shard copy, verify we're connected to the node it's supposed to be on - Use Lucene built-in checksumming - Indexing: - Set default translog flush_threshold_ops to unlimited, to flush by byte size by default and not penalize tiny documents - Don't acquire dirtyLock on autoid for create - Clear versionMap on refresh not flush - If versionMap is too large we should trigger refresh - Reuse Lucene's TermsEnum for faster _uid/version lookup during indexing - Don't use AllTokenStream if no fields were boosted - Analysis: - Improve Hunspell error messages - Share numeric date analyzer instances between mappings - Added missing pre built analysis components - PatternAnalyzer should use PatternTokenFilter instead - More resource efficient analysis wrapping usage - Added additional Analyzers, Tokenizers, and TokenFilters from Lucene - Administration & Monitoring: - Improve pending API to include current executing class - Stats: Expose IndexWriter and versionMap RAM usage - Improve indices stats options - Improve cluster update settings api - Remove field names in stats url - Index template API: Unified PUT/POST behaviour in relation to create parameter - Snapshot/Restore: - Restore an index without restoring its aliases - Add ability to restore partial snapshots - Aggregations: - Extend allowed characters in aggregation name - Add from support to top_hits aggregator - Moved BucketsAggregator#docCounts field to IntArray - GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator is inefficient for high-cardinality fields - Remove ordinals execution hint. - Delegation of nextReader calls - Fielddata: - Make BytesValues.WithOrdinals more similar to Lucene's SortedSetDocValues - Don't expose hashes in Fielddata anymore. - Allocation: - Allow primaries that have never been allocated to be allocated if under the low watermark - Change high/low watermark defaults for disk based allocation decider - Disk-aware allocation decider should allow initial primary allocation if under the high watermark - Mapping: - Improve performance for many new fields introduction in mapping - Better logic on sending mapping update new type introduction - Wait for mapping updates during local recovery - Scripting: - Add a transformer to translate constant BigDecimal to double - Add Groovy sandboxing for GString-based method invocation - Fix optional default script loading - Exposed _uid, _id and _type fields as stored fields (_fields notation) - Search: - Wrap filter only once in ApplyAcceptedDocsFilter - Remove Queries#optimizeQuery - already handled in BooleanQuery - Speed up exists and missing filters on high-cardinality fields - Parent/Child: Support min_children and max_children on has_child query/filter - Geo: Added caching support to geohash filter - Highlighting: - Make the HighlightQuery class public - Highlight fields in request order - Plain highlighter does not honor _analyzer - More Like This Query: - Ensure selection of best terms is indeed O(n) - creates only one MLT query per field for all queried items - Values of a multi-value fields are compared at the same level - replaced exclude with include to avoid double ... - allow for both like_text and docs/ids to be specified. - Plugins: - Enables plugins to define default logging configuration for their needs. - bin/plugin tests for missing plugin name when passing --url - Build: - Check for tabs and nocommits in the code on validate - Generate source jars for tests - Packaging: Remove java-6 directories from debian init script - Startup: Reset locale to C in bin/elasticsearch - Windows: Modify command window title (windows) - REST API: - Copy the headers from REST requests to the corresponding TransportRequest(s) - Ensure 503 responses lead to retry on another node - Security: Make JSONP responses optional. - Internal: - Make XContentBuilder implement Releasable - Don't close/reopen IndexWriter when changing RAM buffer size - Added more utility methods to Settings - Cleanup of the transport request/response messages - Add local node to cluster state - Control whether MapperService docMapper iterator should contain DEFAULT_MAPPING - Upgrade to Jackson - Don't replace indices within ActionRequest and check blocks against concrete indices - Improve Settings#get lookup for camel case support - Improve large bytes request handling by detecting content composite buffer - Call callback on actual mapping processed - Remove intern calls on FieldMapper#Names for better performance - Clean shard bulk mapping update to only use type name - Disable explicit GC by default - Make a hybrid directory default using mmapfs/niofs - Make sure we don't reuse arrays when sending an error back - Wrap RateLimiter rather than copy RateLimitedIndexOutput - Upgrade to Lucene 4.9 - Re-shade MVEL as a dependency - Refactored AckedClusterStateUpdateTask & co. to remove code repetitions in subclasses - Better default size for global index to alias map - Suppress Unsafe is an internal proprietary API... compilation warnings - use ConcurrentHashMapV8 for lower memory overhead - Base64 decode parsing detects more errors - Upgrade to netty 3.9.1 - Added plugins to .gitignore - Change the default type of the page recycler to CONCURRENT instead of SOFT_CONCURRENT - Entirely cut over to TopDocs#merge for merging shard docs in the reduce phase - Add support for Byte and BytesRef to the XContentBuilder - Make Node and Client interfaces Closeable - Settings: Throw error when incorrect setting applied to auto_expand_replicas - TransportClient: Improve logging, fix minor issue - Java API: Client intermediate interfaces removal follow-up bug fixes - Resiliency: - Increment Store refcount on RecoveryTarget - Improve handling of failed primary replica handling - Do not ignore ConnectTransportException for shard replication operations - Recovering replicas might get stuck in initializing state - During recovery, only send mapping updates to master if needed - If the node initialisation fails, make sure the node environment is closed correctly - Handle ConnectionTransportException during a Master/Node fault detection ping during discovery - Recovery from local gateway should re-introduce new mappings - Also send Refresh and Flush actions to relocation targets - Honor time delay when retrying recoveries - Aggregations: - Histogram Aggregation key bug - Fix JSON response for significant terms - Fix reducing of range aggregations. - Fix cardinality aggregation when doc values field is empty - ReverseNestedAggregator does not compute parent documents correctly - ClassCastException when sibling aggregations have the same name - date_histogram aggregation breaks on date fields with multiple formats - DateHistogramBuilder uses wrong data type for pre_offset and post_offset - Administration & Monitoring: - Admin: Recovery API should also report ongoing relocation recoveries - Cat API: Fix NullPointerException in recovery API - Index Templates API: GET templates doesn't honor the flat_settings parameter. - Snapshot/Restore: Allow deleting of interrupted snapshot - Indexing: - Translog: Better support for partial buffer reads/writes in translog infrastructure - Force refresh when versionMap is using too much RAM - Lower the translog flush triggers to workaround - Clear versionMap on refresh not flush - DocumentMissingException is uncaught if thrown during retry of update request - Geo: Valid polygon crossing dateline fails to parse - Search: - The query_string cache should returned cloned Query instances. - Replace empty bool queries with match_all to prevent NullPointerException - Match query with operator and, cutoff_frequency and stacked tokens - Search template not replacing parameter after initial failure in parameter substitution - Nested: queries/filters/aggregations expect FixedBitSets, yet it isn't the case with NoneFilterCache - Query DSL: - Fix MatchQueryParser not parsing fuzzy_transpositions - Function score without function throws NPE - Improved explanation for match_phrase_prefix - Mapping: - MapperParsingException when create default mapping with 'include_in_all' nested - Fix possibility of losing meta configuration on field mapping update - Allow _version to use disk as a doc values format. - Analysis: - stem_exclusion as array not working in language analyzers - Default analyzer includes stopwords - Bulk API: - Fix return of wrong request type on failed updates - Bulk request which try and fail to create multiple indices may never return - BulkProcessor does not call afterBulk when bulk throws eg NoNodeAvailableException - Percolator: - Fix memory leak when percolating with nested documents - Fix handling of nested documents - Allow significant terms and geo hash grid aggregations in the percolator - Plugins: - bin/plugin removes itself - Removing plugin does not fail when plugin dir is read only - Fix github download link when using specific version - Java API: - Fix source excludes setting if no includes were provided - BulkRequest#add(Iterable) to support UpdateRequests - Internal: - Fix possible NPE during shutdown for requests using timeouts - Prevent NPE if engine is closed while version map is checked - Fixes Logger class for BackgroundIndexer - Check for index blocks against concrete indices on master operations - IndexingMemoryController should only update buffer settings of fully recovered shards - Fix possible race condition in checksum name generator - Lucene: Use XNativeFSLockFactory instead of the buggy Lucene 4.8.1 version - Disable circuit breaking for BigArrays - Guava doesn't explicitly remove entries when clearing the entire cache - Filter cache size limit not honored for 32GB or over - Threadpool Info: Allow to serialize negative thread pool sizes - Core: The ignore_unavailable option should also ignore indices that are closed - Remove indicesLifecycle.Listener from IndexingMemoryController - Store: delete unallocated shards under a cluster state task - Routing: Restore shard routing - Scripting: Wrap groovy script exceptions in a serializable Exception object Changes in 1.2.3 ================ bug fixes - Indexing: DocumentMissingException is uncaught if thrown during retry of update request - Internal: - Remove unsafe unaligned memory access - illegal on SPARC - Allow to serialize negative thread pool sizes - Plugin Manager: Properly quote $JAVA in bin/plugin - Plugins: bin/plugin removes itself - Query DSL: Function score without function throws NPE Changes in 1.2.2 ================ enhancements - Internal: - Make sure we don't reuse arrays when sending an error back - Better default size for global index -> alias map bug fixes - Aggregations: - Fix reducing of range aggregations. - Fix cardinality aggregation when doc values field is empty - Bulk API: Fix return of wrong request type on failed updates - Cat API: Fix NullPointerException in cat-recovery API - Core: The ignore_unavailable option should also ignore indices that are closed - Internal: - [Translog] Better support for partial buffer reads/writes in translog infrastructure - [FileSystem] Use XNativeFSLockFactory instead of the buggy Lucene 4.8.1 version - Java API: - Fix source excludes setting if no includes were provided - BulkRequest#add(Iterable) to support UpdateRequests - Mapping: Fix possibility of losing meta configuration on field mapping update - Mappings: Allow _version to use `disk` as a doc values format. - Percolator: - Fix memory leak when percolating with nested documents - Fix handling of nested documents - Plugins: Fix github download link when using specific version - Query DSL: Improved explanation for match_phrase_prefix - Scripts: exposed _uid, _id and _type fields as stored fields (_fields notation) - Search: - The query_string cache should returned cloned Query instances. - Replace empty bool queries with match_all to prevent NullPointerExceptions - Match query with operator and, cutoff_frequency and stacked tokens - Snapshot/Restore: Allow deleting of interrupted snapshot - Test: Fix possible race condition in checksum name generator regression - Aggregations: fix JSON response for significant terms Changes in 1.2.1 ================ enhancements - Networking: Upgrade to Netty 3.9.1 - Cluster: have a dedicated join timeout bug fixes - Aggregations: Disable circuit break for aggregations - Aggregations: The reverse nested aggregator now computes parent documents correctly - Indexing: Lower translog flush trigger - Searching: Search template does not correctly replace a parameter after an initial failure - Searching: Fixed issue with nested queries not working when filter cache is disabled - Searching: The filter cache setting is now handled correctly when above 32 GB in size regression - Routing: Restore shard routing - Mapping: MapperParsingException with include_in_all Changes in 1.2.0 ================ breaking changes - Java: Use the maven enforcer plugin to work only with java 1.7 - Scripting: Disable dynamic scripting by default - Configuration: Change default filter cache to 10% and circuit breaker to 60% to prevent unwanted OOMs - Snapshot/Restore API: Added PARTIAL snapshot status - Gateways: Removed deprecated gateway functionality (in favor of snapshot/restore) - Versioning: Version types EXTERNAL & EXTERNAL_GTE test for version equality in read operation & disallow them in the Update API - Versioning: A Get request with a version set always validates for equality - Versioning: Calling the Update API using EXTERNAL and EXTERNAL_GTE version type throws a validation error - Aggregations: Changed response structure of percentile aggregations - Cluster State API: Remove index template filtering - Nodes Stats API: Add human readable JVM start_time and process refresh_interval - Java API: Unified IndicesOptions constants to explain intentions - Internal: Removed operation threading from broadcast actions - Internal: Remove search operation threading option - Internal: Ordinals now start with zero - Internal: Make IndexingOperation/Create/Delete classes less mutable - Internal: Refactored and cleaned up REST infrastructure - Internal: Remove Releasable in favor of Closeable new features - Aggregations: Add reverse_nested aggregation - Aggregations: Added extended_bounds support for date_/histogram aggs - Aggregations: Added option for a backgroundFilter in significant_terms agg - Function score: Support multi values - Function score: Added field_value_factor function, a shortcut for simple script score calculations - Suggestions: Added support for contexts in the completion suggester - cat API: Added /_cat/fielddata endpoint to display fielddata usage - More like this Query API: Support searching for multiple similar documents specified by ids - Doc Values: Added support for binary fields - Internal: Added FreqTermsEnum which has built-in caching for more performance - Lucene: Added support for uppercase token filter enhancements - Indexing: Don't lookup version for auto generated id and create immediately - Indexing: Throttle incoming indexing when Lucene merges fall behind - Indexing: Change default numeric precision_step - Function Score API: Parser should throw exception if both options, functions:[] and single, are specified - Field data: Added a AppendingDeltaPackedLongBuffer-based storage format to single value field data - Field data: Add global ordinals - Field data: Moved the decision to load p/c fielddata eagerly to a better place. - Aggregations: Add global ordinal based implementations for significant_terms aggregation - Aggregations: Add include/exclude support to global ordinals in terms and significant_terms aggregations - Aggregations: Improve the way sub-aggregations are collected. - Aggregations: Use collectExistingBucket() if a bucket already exists - Aggregations: Improve terms aggregation to perform the segment ordinal to global ordinal lookup post segment collection - Aggregations: Use segment ordinals as global ordinals if possible - Aggregations: Instantiate facets/aggregations during the QUERY phase - Aggregations: Refactor common code for unmapped aggregators into NonCollectingAggregator. - Aggregations: Fail queries that have two aggregations with the same name - Throttling: Change default recovery throttling to 50MB / sec - More Like This API: Fix behavior on default boost factor for More Like This. - More Like This API: Added the ability to include the queried document for More Like This API. - Index Settings API: Allow to change concurrent merge scheduling setting dynamically - Translog: Use unlimited flush_threshold_ops for translog to prefer size based flushing - Translog: Fix visibility in buffered translog - Java API: Made it mandatory to specify IndicesOptions when calling MetaData#concreteIndices - Java API: Unified MetaData#concreteIndices methods into a single method that accepts indices (or aliases) and indices options - Cluster state: Added new ClusterStateStatus to indicate cluster state life cycles - Cluster state: Unify cluster state update on mapping change - Cluster state: When sending shard start/failed message due to a cluster state change, use the master indicated in the new state rather than current - Parent/Child: Make use of global ordinals in parent/child queries - Parent/Child: Fix Parent/Child assertions for rewrite reader - Discovery: Unicast discovery enhancement - Discovery: MulticastChannel returned wrong channel in shared mode - Mapping API: Allow to parse lat/lon geo points as strings and coerce them - Mapping API: Support empty properties array in mappings - Mapping API: Norms disabling on existing fields - Scripting: Log script change/add and removal at INFO level - Scroll Search API: Improve scroll search performance by using Lucene's IndexSearcher#searchAfter(...) - REST Clear Scroll API: Return missing (404) if a scroll_id is cleared that no longer exists - Index Status API: deprecate index status - Replication: Fail replica shards locally upon failures - Configuration: Remove spaces from commented config lines in elasticsearch.yml and logging.yml - Circuit breaker: Include name of the field that caused a circuit break in the log and exception message - Networking: Use loopback when localhost is not resolved - Settings: Add getAsRatio to Settings class, allow DiskThresholdDecider to take percentages - Query internals: Enforce query instance checking before it is wrapped as a filter - Query API: Throw exception if an additional field was placed inside the query body - Highlighting API: Java API does not have a way to set global highlighting settings - Validate Query API: Query validation did not detect extra JSON properties after the query property - Bulk API: Added BulkProcessor.flush() method - Delete by Query API: Capture and set start time in Delete By Query operations - cat API: Add configured thread pool sizes to _cat/thread_pool - Plugins: Allow to check for Lucene version - Format: Support CBOR data format - Nodes stats API: Add suggest stats - cat API: _cat/recovery endpoint now also shows relocations - Circuit breaker: Track the number of times the CircuitBreaker has been tripped - Tribe node: Index level blocks, index conflict settings - Startup: Add possbility to display full stack trace of exception - Dependencies: Use T-digest as a dependency and remove built-in code - Dependencies: Upgrade to Guava 17 - Dependencies: Upgrade to Lucene 4.8.0 - Dependencies: Upgrade to Lucene 4.7.2 - Dependencies: Upgrade to Lucene 4.7.1 - Dependencies: Upgrade to mvel 2.2.0.Final - Dependencies: Update forbidden-apis to 1.5.1 and remove the relaxed failOnMissingClasses setting, fix typo - Dependencies: Update to forbidden-apis 1.4.1 - Dependencies: Update JNA to 4.1.0, properly warn on error, hint at noexec mount - Dependencies: Update shade-plugin to 2.3 - Release: Release should fail if test are annotated with @AwaitsFix - Release: Check for no open issues before build release - Internal: Remove SoftReferences from StreamInput/StreamOutput - Internal: RecoveryID in IndicesClusterStateService should not be a per JVM but per Node - Internal: Forbid Math.abs(int/long). - Internal: Limit the number of bytes that can be allocated to process requests. - Internal: Improved bloom filter hashing - Internal: Ensure IndexEngine.close() is called under lock in the case of an engine failure - Internal: Make StreamOutput.writePrimitive*() and StreamInput.readPrimitive*() methods public. - Internal: LongHash add/key not consistent - Internal: Added releasable bytes output, which is uses in transport / translog - Internal: Make Releasable extend AutoCloseable. - Internal: Fail the engine/shard when refresh failed - Internal: BytesReference.Helper should never materialize a byte[] array. - Internal: XFilteredQuery defaults to Query First strategy [OPEN] - Internal: Internally manipulate the terms execution hint as an enum instead of a String. - Lucene: Use non analyzed token stream optimization everywhere - Lucene: Enable turning on IndexWriter's infoStream - Lucene: Prevent fsync from creating 0-byte files - Lucene: Exposed LMSimilarity in Elasticsearch - Lucene: Remove SerialMergeScheduler - Lucene: Include thread name when logging IndexWriter's infoStream messages - Lucene: Fix Lucene's getFiniteStrings() to not consume Java stack - Transport API: Raise node disconnected exception even if the transport is stopped - Cleanup: Some minor cleanups from findbugs report - Cleanup: Fix code typo in - Cleanup: Cleaning up FileSystemUtils class - Cleanup: REST layer refactoring phase 2 + recycling in HTTP layer - Cleanup: Aggregation cleanup - Cleanup: Aggregations cleanup - Cleanup: StringBuilder should be used in place of StringBuffer - Cleanup: Variable renamings to reduce unnecessary variable naming diversity - Cleanup: Remove unused dump infra - Cleanup: Field data diet bug fixes - Mapping API: stem_exclusion as array not working in language analyzers - Mapping API: Remove RootMapper.validate and validate the routing key up-front - Mapping API: Check if root mapping is actually valid - Mapping API: geo_point doesn't allow null values as of 1.1.0 - Mapping API: Fix mapping creation on bulk request - Mapping API: Fix include_in_all for multi fields - Mapping API: GeoPointFieldMapper did not merge GeoPoint specific properties - Mapping API: Throw error when updating binary field mapping to be stored - Mapping API: Fix dynamic_type in dynamic_template - Query API: Search might not return on thread pool rejection - Query API: limit filter returns wrong results if deleted document are present - Query API (internal): Don't report terms as live if all it's docs are filtered out - Query API: Executing match_query to search only for an integer could result in a NullPointerException - Query API: Lots of warn logs related to FreeContext due to not deserializing the full message - Query API: Allow sorting on nested sub generated field - Query API: optimize_bbox for geo_distance filters could cause missing results - Query API: Range/Term query/filter on dates fail to handle numbers properly - Query API: Parse has_child query/filter after child type has been parsed - Query API: TemplateQueryParser swallowed additional parameters - Query API: match_phrase_prefix broken in case of single term queries - Search Template API: Made template endpoint compatible with search endpoint - Search Template API: search_template does not support ?source= - Validate Query API: Validate query ignores type filter - Validate Query API: Validate query ignores alias filters - Validate Query API: Validate query without a body throws an NPE - More Like This API: Take size and from in request into account - Suggest API: tie-break suggestions by term in phrase suggester - Suggest API: Fix various context suggester issues - Suggest API: Require precision in mapping for context suggester geo locations - Suggest API: Renamed category type to "category" instead of "field" in context suggester - Delete by Query API: Disabled parent/child queries in the delete by query api - Analyze API: Default analyzer includes stopwords - cat API: _cat/allocation return values are not consistent for clients nodes - Scroll API: Reduce phase fails if shard failures occur - Snapshot/Restore API: Unregistering snapshot repositories causes thread leaks - Snapshot/Restore API: Fix hanging aborted snapshot during shutdown - Snapshot/Restore API: Fix for hanging aborted snapshot during node shutdown - Snapshot/Restore API: Snapshot Status failing without repository - Snapshot/Restore API: Add an ability to snapshot relocating primary shards - Snapshot/Restore API: Switch to shared thread pool for all snapshot repositories - Field data: Fix setting of readerGen in BytesRefOrdValComparator on nested documents - Field data: Provide meaningful error message if field has no fielddata type - Field data: Add a dedicated field data type for the _index field mapper - Field data: Remove ScriptDocValues.EMPTY - Field data: Eager fielddata loading not working - Field data: Global ordinals cause ClassCastExceptions if used with a bounded fielddata cache - Search Scroll API: Throw better error if invalid scroll id is used - Search Scroll API: Missing scroll ID no longer returns exception - Clear Scroll API: Clear scroll should accept scroll_id in body - Percolation API: Percolator doesn't reduce CircuitBreaker stats in every case. - Percolation API: The percolator needs to take deleted percolator documents into account. - Percolation API: Propagate percolate mapping changes to cluster state - Percolation API: Fix assertion in percolation with nested docs - Aggregations: Parsing is now more strict - Aggregations: DateHistogram.Bucket should return the date key in UTC - Aggregations: A nested nested aggregation falls outside of its parent nested aggregation bounds - Aggregations: Add shard_min_doc_count parameter to terms aggregation - Aggregations: Add shard_min_doc_count parameter for significant terms similar to shard_size - Aggregations: Lower the initial sizing of sub aggregations - Aggregations: Remove abstraction in the percentiles aggregation. - Allocation: Failed shards could be re-assigned to the same nodes if multiple replicas failed at once - Allocation: Fix format string for DiskThresholdDecider reroute explanation - cat API: ElasticsearchIllegalStateException when invoking /_cat/plugin endpoint - cat API: Node version sometimes empty in _cat/nodes endpoint - Transport: Fixed NPE when initializing an accepted socket in NettyTransport. - Transport: A master node operation can timeout in a rare race condition when a master has a connection issue which is quickly restored - Recovery: Do not start a recovery process if the primary shard is currently allocated on a node which is not part of the cluster state - Recovery API: Percent bytes recovered greater than 100% - REST Recovery API: Empty HTTP body returned from _recovery API on empty cluster - Throttling: Store IO throttling throttles far more than asked - Merging: Ensure pending merges are updated on segment flushes - Time-to-live: TTL Purge Thread might bring back already deleted index - Tribe node: Fix possible NullPointerException if index doesn't exist - Cluster State: Added the cluster name as its identifier - Function score: Fixing questionable PNRG behavior in random score - Discovery: Count latch down if sendsPing throws exception - Bulk API: Ensure that specific failures do not affect whole request - Search API: Search might not return on thread pool rejectio - Cluster State: Added tighter check for cluster state change on master node operations - Build: Mustache dependency not shaded - Internal: Restore read/write visibility in PlainShardsIterator. - Internal: Fix bug in PropertyPlaceholder and add unit tests - Internal: MetaData#concreteIndices now throws exception with a single index argument if allowNoIndices == false - Internal: Closing an IndexReader on an already relocated / closed shard can cause memory leaks - Internal: Make sure successful operations are correct if second search phase is fast - Internal: Aggregations could keep pages in case of errors - Internal: Fixed possible NullPointerException in PagedBytesReference by taking stream position into account - Internal: Replace InternalSearchResponse#EMPTY with InternalSearchResponse#empty() - Internal: JsonXContentGenerator#writeRawField produced invalid JSON if raw field was first field in the json object - Internal: IndexShardRoutingTable might barf due to an overflow if it has handled lots of searches - Internal: Searcher might not be closed if store handle could not be obtained - Cleanup: Fix some warnings reported by findbugs regression - Merging: Switch back to ConcurrentMergeScheduler as the default - Versioning: Indexing a document fails when setting version=0 & version_type=external Changes in 1.1.2 ================ enhancements - Dependencies: Upgrade to mvel 2.2.0.Final, supporting java 8 bug fixes - Percolation API: Fix assertion in percolation with nested docs - Percolation API: Fix assertion in percolation with nested docs - Percolation API: The percolator needs to take deleted percolator documents into account. - Query API: limit filter returns wrong results if deleted document are present - Query API: Executing match_query to search only for an integer could result in a NullPointerException - Query API: Allow sorting on nested sub generated field - Query API: Search might not return on thread pool rejection - Query API: optimize_bbox for geo_distance filters could cause missing results - Query API: Range/Term query/filter on dates fail to handle numbers properly - Query API: TemplateQueryParser swallowed additional parameters - Query API: Parse has_child query/filter after child type has been parsed - Validate Query API: Validate query ignores type filter - Validate Query API: Validate query ignores alias filters - Validate Query API: Validate query without a body throws an NPE - Snapshot/Restore API: Fix for hanging aborted snapshot during node shutdown - Snapshot/Restore API: Fix for hanging aborted snapshot during node shutdown - Snapshot/Restore API: Fix hanging aborted snapshot during shutdown - Aggregations: Fail queries that have two aggregations with the same name - Mapping API: stem_exclusion as array not working in language analyzers - Mapping API: Remove RootMapper.validate and validate the routing key up-front - Build: Mustache dependency not shaded - Transport: Fixed NPE when initializing an accepted socket in NettyTransport. - Internal: Restore read/write visibility in PlainShardsIterator. - Internal: Fix bug in PropertyPlaceholder and add unit tests - Field data: Fix setting of readerGen in BytesRefOrdValComparator on nested documents - Field data: Provide meaningful error message if field has no fielddata type - Analyze API: Default analyzer includes stopwords - cat API: _cat/allocation return values are not consistent for clients nodes - Delete by Query API: Disabled parent/child queries in the delete by query api - Search API: Search might not return on thread pool rejection Changes in 1.1.1 ================ enhancements - Upgrade to Lucene 4.7.2 - Geo Point Mapping: Allow to parse lat/lon as strings and coerce them - Test cluster: Moved wipe* methods, randomIndexTemplate & ensureEstimatedStats to TestCluster bug fixes - Mapping API: Fix include_in_all for multi field - Mapping API: Throw error when updating binary field mapping to be stored - Mapping API: geo_point doesn't allow null values as of 1.1.0 - Mapping API: Ensure mapping is propagated to master at all times, even if index creation failed - Mapping API: Ensure that TTL cleanup thread does not accidentally create indices again - Mapping API: Propagate percolate mapping changes to cluster state - Snapshot/Restore API: Snapshot status failing without repository - Snapshot/Restore API: SnapshotMetaData.fromXContent does not match toXContent, but throws an Exception - Internal: Ensure pending merges are updated on segment flushes - Internal: Replace InternalSearchResponse#EMPTY with InternalSearchResponse#empty() to prevent out-of-scope modification of that instance - Internal: Return to use ConcurrentMergeScheduler - Internal: Closing an IndexReader on an already relocated / closed shard could cause memory leaks - cat API: _cat plugin endpoint throws an exception - Allocation: Fix format string for DiskThresholdDecider reroute explanation - Allocation: Failed shards could be re-assigned to the same nodes if multiple replicas failed at once - Aggregations: A nested nested aggregation falls outside of its parent nested aggregation bounds - Field data: Percolator doesn't reduce CircuitBreaker stats in every case - Field data: Fixed eager fielddata loading - Bulk API: Ensure that specific failures do not affect whole request - Search API: Prevent ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsSelection on counter which selects a random shard in case of a lot of searches - Search Template API: endpoint now supports source parameter - REST Scroll API: Clear scroll should accept scroll_id in body - REST Scroll API: Throw useful error when invalid scroll_id is specified - Search stats: Make sure successful operations are counted correct if second search phase is fast - Scripting: ScriptDocValues.EMPTY doesn't implement getValue, resulting in different behaviour if no document in a segment had a value - Cluster State: Clusterstate misses the cluster name as it's identifier - Tribe node: Fixing errors on start up - Index Template API: Fixed issue with dynamic mapping in Elasticsearch
2014-07-27Remove dead home page URL.tron1-3/+1
2014-07-27Improve default options for SSHGuard. "-f 100:/var/run/" intron2-4/+7
particular affects the detection rate badly. Bump package revision.
2014-07-27NetBSD capitalization policewiz1-4/+4
2014-07-27Add thunderbird24-l10nryoon1-1/+2
2014-07-27Added mail/thunderbird24-l10n version 24.7.0ryoon1-1/+2
2014-07-27Import thunderbird24-l10n-24.7.0 as mail/thunderbird24-l10n.ryoon5-0/+17639
This package contains language packs for mail/thunderbird24.
2014-07-27Add thunderbird24ryoon1-1/+2
2014-07-27Added mail/thunderbird24 version 24.7.0ryoon1-1/+2
2014-07-27Import thunderbird24-24.7.0 as mail/thunderbird24.ryoon169-0/+13563
Mozilla Thunderbird is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component. The goal is to produce a cross platform stand alone mail application using the XUL user interface language. This version uses the gtk2 toolkit. This package tracks Thunderbird 24 branch.
2014-07-27Updated www/firefox-l10n to 31.0ryoon1-1/+2
2014-07-27Update to 31.0. Fix PR pkg/49037.ryoon3-247/+734
* Sync with firefox-31.0
2014-07-27This package (gcc 2.95) doesn't build on NetBSD-6 and up, because thedholland1-1/+2
support for non-compiler-builtin (pre-gcc3) stdarg.h was removed. Mark the package accordingly instead of having it fail in every build.
2014-07-27Updated net/gssdp to 0.14.9wiz2-3/+3
2014-07-27Update to 0.14.9:wiz2-6/+6
0.14.9 ====== - Properly set max age property. - Some gtk-doc fixes. - Only consider "200 OK" a proper response for SSDP requests. - Remove a scary warning. - Fix source packet filtering. Bugs fixed in this release: - - - All contributors to this release: - Jussi Kukkonen <> - Jens Georg <> - Andre Moreira Magalhaes (andrunko) <>
2014-07-27+ gcc-4.9.1, gssdp-0.14.9, gstreamer-1.4.0,wiz1-6/+12
libaacs-0.7.1, libbdplus-0.1.1, php-owncloud-7, sbcl-1.2.1, thunderbird-31.0, wine-devel-1.7.23.
2014-07-27Updated converters/py-simplejson to 3.5.3wiz2-3/+3
2014-07-27Update to 3.5.3:wiz2-6/+6
Version 3.5.3 released 2014-06-24 * Fix lower bound checking in scan_once / raw_decode API
2014-07-26Fix CONFLICTS line.wiz1-2/+2
2014-07-26+ hs-uniplateszptvlfn1-1/+2
2014-07-26Added devel/hs-uniplate version 1.6.12szptvlfn1-1/+2
2014-07-26Import uniplate-1.6.12 as devel/hs-uniplate,szptvlfn5-0/+131
packaged for wip by pho. Uniplate is library for writing simple and concise generic operations. Uniplate has similar goals to the original Scrap Your Boilerplate work, but is substantially simpler and faster. The Uniplate manual is available at
2014-07-26Updated x11/xf86-video-ati to 7.4.0wiz2-3/+3
2014-07-26Update to 7.4.0:wiz2-7/+6
Adam Jackson (1): kms: Use own thunk function instead of shadowUpdatePackedWeak Alex Deucher (7): bump version post release radeon: don't install colormap handling if there are no crtcs radeon: require libdrm 2.4.51 radeon: enable tiling by default on CIK update man page to reflect tiling changes for CI parts radeon: require libdrm_radeon 2.4.54 for mullins support radeon: enable tiling for mullins Dave Airlie (1): radeon: fix use-after-free in modesetting cleanup Hans de Goede (4): radeon_open_drm_master get rid of unnecessary goto Add radeon_get_drm_master_fd helper function Add support for server managed fds Fix building on older servers without xf86platformBus.h Jérôme Glisse (1): evergreen: fix shader constant upload on ppc Maarten Lankhorst (2): return immediately in preinit when called with PROBE_DETECT bump version for release Michel Dänzer (10): Only log debugging output about initializing colormaps when we're doing so Allow enabling glamor on R500 (and R300) class 3D engines as well. Build against glamor in the xserver tree if available dri2: Fix conflicting CreatePixmap usage flag definitions glamor: Fix test for creating shared pixmaps Adapt to load_cursor_argb signature change in xserver dri2: Handle PRIME for source buffer as well in radeon_dri2_copy_region2 Revert "Adapt to load_cursor_argb signature change in xserver" Don't disable acceleration on >= SI on attempts to force EXA Rename Option "NoAccel" to "Accel" Samuel Li (2): radeon: add support for Mullins. radeon: add Mullins pci ids.
2014-07-26Add so libvirt can link against xentools 4.2schnoebe1-0/+12
2014-07-26Update sysutils/libvirt to 1.2.6.schnoebe1-1/+2
2014-07-26Upgrade to 1.2.6;schnoebe5-7/+81
Add options: xen (optional) enable management of XEN virtual domains (requires xentools42.) libssh2 enable remote management over ssh2 (default) lvm (optional) allow management of LVM based storage (only works on Linux, as it looks for pvcreate/etc) hal (optional) support for hal dbus (optional) support for dbus avahi (optional) support for avahi Changelog: 1.2.6: Jul 2 2014 Features: libxl: add migration support and fixes (Jim Fehlig), various improvements and fixes for NUMA (Michal Privoznik) Documentation: security: manager: Document behavior of disk label manipulation funcs (Peter Krempa), fix some typos in formatdomain.html (Jincheng Miao), virsh: man: Correctly spell QEMU (Peter Krempa), virsh: man: Fix examples and docs for virsh version (Peter Krempa), Added example script on how to convert LXC container config (Cédric Bosdonnat), blockjob: document recent job addition (Eric Blake), virsh: Add details about specified migration host (Chen Fan), blockcommit: document semantics of committing active layer (Eric Blake), fix a typo in (Wangrui (K)), formatcaps: Rework and add stubs to document (Michal Privoznik) Portability: build: link libvirt_conf with libxml (Martin Kletzander), vbox: fix linker error (Jim Fehlig), libxl: don't break the build on Xen>=4.5 because of libxl_vcpu_setaffinity() (Dario Faggioli), Add PKG_CONFIG_PATH to script. (Daniel P. Berrange), Change 'interface' to 'iface' in virNetworkDHCPLease (Daniel P. Berrange), Fix shadowed variable with older gcc (Ján Tomko), Add pkg-config files to allow deps to build against source tree (Daniel P. Berrange), Add pkg-config files for libvirt-qemu & libvirt-lxc (Daniel P. Berrange), blockjob: avoid compiler uncertainty in info sizing (Eric Blake), build: prefer -fstack-protector-strong to -all (Ján Tomko), build: remove ssp-buffer-size (Ján Tomko), build: remove duplicit warning suppression (Ján Tomko), virnetdev: Use ifname in virNetDevGetLinkInfo (Michal Privoznik), Fix virbitmaptest on 32-bit (Ján Tomko), translations: Don't leave default template fields in .po files (Martin Kletzander), tests: Build virstoragetest only when storage driver is compiled too (Peter Krempa), Fix build on freebsd (Pavel Hrdina) Bug Fixes: qemu: copy: Accept 'format' parameter when copying to a non-existing img (Peter Krempa), storage: gluster: Fix header reader function (Peter Krempa), conf: storage: Add volume feature formatter for gluster pools (Peter Krempa), vboxsnapshotxmltest: Don't write to a file in abs_srcdir (Michal Privoznik), securityselinuxlabeltest: Don't create dummy file in the srcdir (Michal Privoznik), Report one error less when getting net dev speed (Ján Tomko), Only detect PCI Express devices as root in udev nodedev driver (Ján Tomko), libxl: add PV console if not explicitly specified (Jim Fehlig), qemu: snapshot: Save persistent domain config when taking external snapshot (Peter Krempa), bhyve: fix build by fixing typo in variable name (Roman Bogorodskiy), docs: publish correct enum values (Eric Blake), qemu: fix guestfwd chardev option back how it was (Martin Kletzander), Fix typo s/SASL_CONF_DIR/SASL_CONF_PATH/ in QEMU VNC code (Daniel P. Berrange), qemu: blockcopy: Don't remove existing disk mirror info (Peter Krempa), bridge: leases: Fix potential crash caused by use after free (Peter Krempa), Free DHCP leases file in networkGetDHCPLeasesHelper (Ján Tomko), Rework remoteSerializeDHCPLease (Ján Tomko), Free file header in virStorageFileGetMetadataRecurse (Ján Tomko), graphics: remember graphics not auto allocated ports (Giuseppe Scrivano), LXC: trivially support flag VIR_DRV_FEATURE_TYPED_PARAM_STRING (Chen Hanxiao), cmdFreepages: initialize @tmp (Michal Privoznik), Fix closedir usage in virNumaGetPages (Roman Bogorodskiy), Don't include @LIBS@ in file (Daniel P. Berrange), virnuma: Actually build huge page code (Michal Privoznik), Do not call closedir with NULL argument (Ján Tomko), Fix invalid write in virNumaGetDistances (Ján Tomko), Properly check the return value of CCWAddressAsString (Ján Tomko), virsh: fix broken code in freepages (Eric Blake), Fix xmconfigtest (Jim Fehlig), vbox_snapshot_conf: fix wrong use of 'xmlSaveFormatFileEnc' (Pavel Hrdina), tests: fix vbox snapshot xmls (Pavel Hrdina), vbox: fix a segfault when taking a snapshot (Yohan BELLEGUIC), vbox: snapshot: Avoid memleaks in functions dealing with disk arrays (Peter Krempa), vbox: snapshot: Avoid memleak in virVBoxSnapshotConfAllChildren (Peter Krempa), uuid: Fix coverity warning of unchecked return value (Peter Krempa), network: bridge: Avoid freeing uninitialized pointer on cleanup path (Peter Krempa), net: leaseshelper: Refactor copying of old entries to avoid double free (Peter Krempa), net: leaseshelper: Ignore corrupted lease file and rewrite it (Peter Krempa), net: leaseshelper: Don't crash if DNSMASQ doesn't provide lease expiry (Peter Krempa), blockjob: don't remove older-style mirror XML (Eric Blake), blockcommit: require base below top (Eric Blake), leaseshelper: fix another crash (Pavel Hrdina), bhyve: do not cleanup unallocated networks on fail (Roman Bogorodskiy), bhyve: fix crash in bhyveBuildNetArgStr (Roman Bogorodskiy), storage: report VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_VOL when the file doesn't exist (Giuseppe Scrivano), blockcommit: fix regression with explicit top argument (Eric Blake), virsh: forbid negative vcpu argument to vcpupin (Jincheng Miao), Fix crash when saving a domain with type none dac label (Ján Tomko), vbox_snapshot_conf: Resolve Coverity warnings (John Ferlan), vbox_temp: Resolve Coverity warnings (John Ferlan), libxl: Resolve Coverity warnings (John Ferlan), leaseshelper: fix crash (Pavel Hrdina), qemu: Properly label FDs when restoring domain with static label (Shivaprasad G Bhat), nodeinfo: avoid uninitialized variable on error (Eric Blake), storage: fix memory leak with encrypted images (Eric Blake), vbox: fix compilation error (Roman Bogorodskiy), SELinux: don't fail silently when no label is present (Ján Tomko), parallels: Avoid possible leak of "cpu" from parallelsBuildCapabilities (Peter Krempa), Fix storage format probing (Ján Tomko), network: bridge: Avoid memory leak from networkBuildDhcpDaemonCommandLine (Peter Krempa), qemu: monitor: Fix type of holdtime argument in qemuMonitorJSONSendKey (Peter Krempa), libxl: Avoid possible use of uninitialized mem in libxlDomainStart (Daniel P. Berrange), qemu: Remove character device backend only after frontend is gone (Jiri Denemark), qemu: Remove disk backend only after frontend is gone (Jiri Denemark), qemu: Remove interface backend only after frontend is gone (Jiri Denemark), Don't use AI_ADDRCONFIG when binding to wildcard addresses (Ján Tomko), qemu: Unref cfg when detaching hostdev interface (Jiri Denemark), virsh: Check whether found volume is member of the specified storage pool (Peter Krempa) Improvements: Introduce virFileReadAllQuiet (Ján Tomko), Track privileged state in udev nodedev driver (Ján Tomko), build: fix 'make syntax-check' after commit c6cf5df3 (Jim Fehlig), LXC: throw an error if we failed to get Idmap elements (Chen Hanxiao), cpu: Add new Broadwell CPU model (Jiri Denemark), net: merge virNetworkGetDHCPLeases and virNetworkGetDHCPLeasesForMAC (Peter Krempa), Add test for type none model dac seclabel (Ján Tomko), test: add user_xattr check for securityselinuxlabeltest (Jincheng Miao), libxl: detect support for save and restore (Jim Fehlig), security: nop: Avoid very long lines (Peter Krempa), security: Fix header formatting of a few functions (Peter Krempa), security: manager: Unify function header format (Peter Krempa), security: manager: Avoid forward decl of virSecurityManagerDispose (Peter Krempa), security: Rename virSecurityManagerRestoreImageLabel to *Disk* (Peter Krempa), util: s/virStorageSourceClearBackingStore/virStorageSourceBackingStoreClear (Peter Krempa), Fix a typo in a localized string (Daniel Veillard), virConnectCompareCPU: Introduce FAIL_INCOMPATIBLE flag (Jiri Denemark), cpuCompare*: Add support for reporting failure on incompatible CPUs (Jiri Denemark), cpu: Cleanup coding style in generic CPU driver (Jiri Denemark), virsh: Remove bogus stat on log file (Jiri Denemark), enhance hostdev mode 'capabilities' process (Jincheng Miao), storage: Don't store parent directory of an image explicitly (Peter Krempa), storage: Don't canonicalize paths unnecessarily (Peter Krempa), tests: virstoragetest: Remove unneeded relative test plumbing (Peter Krempa), tests: virstoragetest: Don't test relative start of backing chains (Peter Krempa), util: storage: Remove now redundant backingRelative from virStorageSource (Peter Krempa), tests: virstoragetest: Remove now unused pathAbs (Peter Krempa), storage: Store relative path only for relatively backed storage (Peter Krempa), tests: virstoragetest: Remove "expBackingStore" field (Peter Krempa), util: storage: Add helper to resolve relative path difference (Peter Krempa), LXC: check whether we get MemSwap[Total|Usage] (Chen Hanxiao), qemu: enum cleanups in "src/qemu/*" (Julio Faracco), libxl: fix version annotation of migration functions (Jim Fehlig), virtportallocator: new function "virPortAllocatorSetUsed" (Giuseppe Scrivano), net-dhcp-leases: Add virsh support (Nehal J Wani), net-dhcp-leases: Private implementation inside network (Nehal J Wani), net-dhcp-leases: Implement the remote protocol (Nehal J Wani), net-dhcp-leases: Implement the public APIs (Nehal J Wani), virNumaGetPages: Don't fail on huge page-less systems (Michal Privoznik), virNumaGetPageInfo: Take huge pages into account (Michal Privoznik), storage: gluster: Avoid name shadow on older compilers (Peter Krempa), storage: gluster: Add backend to return unique storage file path (Peter Krempa), Increase the size of REMOTE_MIGRATE_COOKIE_MAX to REMOTE_STRING_MAX (Shivaprasad G Bhat), nodedev: Introduce <pci-express/> to PCI devices (Michal Privoznik), virpci: Introduce virPCIDeviceIsPCIExpress and friends (Michal Privoznik), storage: better tests of lookup (Eric Blake), storage: renumber lookup tests (Eric Blake), storage: add alias for less typing (Eric Blake), qemu: snapshot: Don't mark all block disks for metadata reuse (Peter Krempa), bhyve: silent destroy command errors on cleanup (Roman Bogorodskiy), bhyve: implement PCI address allocation (Roman Bogorodskiy), virNetDevGetLinkInfo: Don't report link speed if NIC's not up (Michal Privoznik), tests: virstoragetest: Fix output when hitting errors (Peter Krempa), blockcommit: update error messages related to block jobs (Eric Blake), virsh: improve blockcopy UI (Eric Blake), virNodeDevCapPCIDevParseXML: Initialize numa_node variable (Michal Privoznik), virsh: Reject negative numbers in vshCommandOptULongLong (Peter Krempa), virsh: Reject negative numbers in vshCommandOptUL (Peter Krempa), virsh: Reject negative numbers in vshCommandOptUInt (Peter Krempa), security: Don't skip labelling for network disks (Peter Krempa), storage: volume: Rework lookup of volume objects (Peter Krempa), storage: Clean up unlocking of storage pool objects (Peter Krempa), storage: pool: Fix handling of errors on pool lookup failure (Peter Krempa), virsh: include bhyve in virsh -V output (Roman Bogorodskiy), maint: exempt graphic binaries from syntax check (Eric Blake), vmware: make version parsing more robust (Jean-Baptiste Rouault), node_device: Expose link state & speed (Michal Privoznik), interface_backend_udev: Implement link speed & state (Michal Privoznik), virnetdev: Introduce virNetDevGetLinkInfo (Michal Privoznik), virInterface: Expose link state & speed (Michal Privoznik), vbox_tmpl.c: Add function for undefining snapshot (Yohan BELLEGUIC), vbox_tmpl.c: Patch for redefining snapshots (Yohan BELLEGUIC), Add vbox_snapshot_conf struct (Yohan BELLEGUIC), vbox_tmpl.c: Better XML description for snapshots (Manuel VIVES), qemu: ignore -nodefconfig and -nodefaults when parsing commandline (Laine Stump), test: display qemuParseCommandline warnings when VIR_TEST_DEBUG > 0 (Laine Stump), m4: bhyve: Fix check for the required bhyve programs (Peter Krempa), vmx: Relax virtualHW.version check (Matthias Bolte), conf: alter disk mirror xml output (Eric Blake), conf: store mirroring information in virStorageSource (Eric Blake), conf: store disk source as pointer, for easier manipulation (Eric Blake), conf: consolidate disk def allocation (Eric Blake), conf: store snapshot source as pointer, for easier manipulation (Eric Blake), nodedev: Export NUMA node locality for PCI devices (Michal Privoznik), Implement pretty flag for vcpuinfo and nodecpumap (Ján Tomko), Introduce virBitmapDataToString (Ján Tomko), Always report an error if virBitmapFormat fails (Ján Tomko), Format NULL bitmap as an empty string (Ján Tomko), virsh: Separate API calls and result printing in cmdVcpuinfo (Ján Tomko), virsh: Invert logic in cmdVcpuinfo (Ján Tomko), Parallels: Include CPU info in the capabilities XML (Alexander Burluka), Parallels: add connectBaselineCPU() (Alexander Burluka), Parallels: add domainGetVcpus() (Alexander Burluka), maint: prohibit empty first lines (Martin Kletzander), Remove unnecessary empty first lines (Martin Kletzander), Simplify conditions in virStorageBackendProbeTarget (Ján Tomko), Don't reuse 'ret' variable in virStorageBackendProbeTarget (Ján Tomko), vircaps2xmltest: Introduce basic testing (Michal Privoznik), libxl: introduce libxlDomainDefCheckABIStability (Jim Fehlig), maint: detect VPATH builds when checking for gnulib update (Eric Blake), maint: optimize locale.h syntax check (Eric Blake), virnuma: Check for numa_bitmask_isbitset presence (Michal Privoznik), Introduce rule for setlocale() (Michal Privoznik), virnuma: Implement virNumaGetDistances stub for non-NUMA (Michal Privoznik), virCaps: Expose distance between host NUMA nodes (Michal Privoznik), virnuma: Introduce virNumaGetDistances (Michal Privoznik), tests: monitor: json: Fix error message when returning json in json (Peter Krempa), libxl: Move virDomainXMLOptionNew into libxlCreateXMLConf (Daniel P. Berrange), libxl: Don't pass libxlDriverPrivatePtr into libxlBuildDomainConfig (Daniel P. Berrange), libxl: Don't pass virDomainObjPtr to libxlBuildDomainConfig (Daniel P. Berrange), qemu: Return in from qemuDomainRemove*Device (Jiri Denemark), tests: storagetest: Unify and reformat storage chain format string (Peter Krempa), qemu: json: Add format strings for optional command arguments (Peter Krempa), util: string: Return element count from virStringSplit (Peter Krempa), storage: Traverse backing chains of network disks (Peter Krempa), storage: Change to new backing store parser (Peter Krempa), storage: Add infrastructure to parse remote network backing names (Peter Krempa), storage: Switch metadata crawler to use storage driver file access check (Peter Krempa), storage: Switch metadata crawler to use storage driver to read headers (Peter Krempa), storage: Switch metadata crawler to use storage driver to get unique path (Peter Krempa), storage: backend: Add possibility to suppress errors from backend lookup (Peter Krempa), test: storage: Initialize storage source to correct type (Peter Krempa), storage: Determine the local storage type right away (Peter Krempa), storage: Move virStorageFileGetMetadata to the storage driver (Peter Krempa), storage: Add API to check accessibility of storage volumes (Peter Krempa), storage: backend: Add unique id retrieval API (Peter Krempa), xenapi_utils: Adapt to enum cleanups (Michal Privoznik), virnuma.c: Fix some comments (Michal Privoznik), conf: more enum cleanups in "src/conf/domain_conf.h" (Julio Faracco), conf: enum cleanups in "src/conf/domain_conf.h" (Julio Faracco), cpu: use typedefs for enums in "src/cpu/cpu_map.h" (Julio Faracco), virsh-nodedev: Avoid spurious errors (Michal Privoznik), qemu: Process DEVICE_DELETED event in a separate thread (Jiri Denemark), qemu: Finish device removal in the original thread (Jiri Denemark), Add helper program to create custom leases (Nehal J Wani) Cleanups: Remove redundant docs from libvirt.h (Jiri Denemark), conf: whitespace tweak (Chen Fan)
2014-07-26Add entry for new "sshguard" package.tron1-1/+2
2014-07-26Updated wm/notion to 3.2014052800nb1wiz2-2/+4
2014-07-26Fix lua detection and usage. Allow 52 again. Bump PKGREVISION.wiz3-3/+21
2014-07-26Add description of "sshguard" options.tron1-0/+7
2014-07-26Add and enable "sshguard" package.tron1-1/+2
2014-07-26Add new "sshguard" package:tron7-0/+198
Sshguard is a small program that monitors services running on your machine from the log files. When it detects that someone is doing something bad to a service, sshguard blocks the IP address of the bad guy with a firewall rule. Sshguard was started in 2006 to mitigate the growing brute force attacks to SSH servers. Because of the generality of its infrastructure, however, it was soon extended to monitor and protect more and more services.
2014-07-26Fix XML.wiz1-2/+2
2014-07-26Remove reference to pkgsrc-wip-review.wiz1-3/+2
From Terho Uotila.
2014-07-26Note update of the "phpmyadmin" package to version 4.2.6.tron1-1/+2
2014-07-26Update "phpmyadmin" package to version 4.2.6. The following bugs havetron3-8/+8
been fixed since version 4.2.5: - bug #4471 Undefined index warning with referenced column. - bug #4027 $cfg['MaxExactCount'] is ignored when BROWSING is back - bug #4482 Multi Column sorting (improved user experience) - bug #4478 Server validation does not work while in setup/mysqli - bug Undefined variable when grid editing a foreign key column - bug #4481 Undefined variable Error - bug #4485 Sorting breaks the copy column feature - bug #4440 Javascript error when renaming table - bug #4483 'New window' link (selflink) disappears, causing Javascript error - bug #4489 Incorrect detection of privileges for routine creation - bug #4459 First few characters of database name aren't clickable when expanded - bug #4486 [security] XSS injection due to unescaped table comment - bug #4488 [security] XSS injection due to unescaped table name (triggers) - bug #4492 [security] XSS in AJAX confirmation messages - bug #4491 [security] Missing validation for accessing User groups feature
2014-07-26Updated devel/pango to 1.36.5adam1-1/+2
2014-07-26Changes 1.36.5:adam3-10/+9
- Lower the harfbuzz requirement
2014-07-26Fix for Clang, which does not known -fno-check-new optionadam1-1/+6
2014-07-26Updated comms/asterisk18 to
2014-07-26Update to Asterisk this is a general bug fix release.jnemeth3-27/+36
The Asterisk Development Team has announced the release of Asterisk The release of Asterisk resolves several issues reported by the community and would have not been possible without your participation. Thank you! The following are the issues resolved in this release: Bugs fixed in this release: ----------------------------------- * ASTERISK-22551 - Session timer : UAS (Asterisk) starts counting at Invite, UAC starts counting at 200 OK. (Reported by i2045) * ASTERISK-23582 - [patch]Inconsistent column length in *odbc (Reported by Walter Doekes) * ASTERISK-23803 - AMI action UpdateConfig EmptyCat clears all categories but the requested one (Reported by zvision) * ASTERISK-23035 - ConfBridge with name longer than max (32 chars) results in several bridges with same conf_name (Reported by Iñaki Cívico) * ASTERISK-23683 - #includes - wildcard character in a path more than one directory deep - results in no config parsing on module reload (Reported by tootai) * ASTERISK-23827 - autoservice thread doesn't exit at shutdown (Reported by Corey Farrell) * ASTERISK-23814 - No call started after peer dialed (Reported by Igor Goncharovsky) * ASTERISK-23673 - Security: DOS by consuming the number of allowed HTTP connections. (Reported by Richard Mudgett) * ASTERISK-23246 - DEBUG messages in sdp_crypto.c display despite a DEBUG level of zero (Reported by Rusty Newton) * ASTERISK-23766 - [patch] Specify timeout for database write in SQLite (Reported by Igor Goncharovsky) * ASTERISK-23818 - PBX_Lua: after asterisk startup module is loaded, but dialplan not available (Reported by Dennis Guse) * ASTERISK-23667 - features.conf.sample is unclear as to which options can or cannot be set in the general section (Reported by David Brillert) * ASTERISK-23790 - [patch] - SIP From headers longer than 256 characters result in dropped call and 'No closing bracket' warnings. (Reported by uniken1) * ASTERISK-23908 - [patch]When using FEC error correction, asterisk tries considers negative sequence numbers as missing (Reported by Torrey Searle) * ASTERISK-23921 - uses excessive ram for large refs files (Reported by Corey Farrell) * ASTERISK-23948 - REF_DEBUG fails to record ao2_ref against objects that were already freed (Reported by Corey Farrell) * ASTERISK-23984 - Infinite loop possible in ast_careful_fwrite() (Reported by Steve Davies) * ASTERISK-23897 - [patch]Change in SETUP ACK handling (checking PI) in revision 413765 breaks working environments (Reported by Pavel Troller) Improvements made in this release: ----------------------------------- * ASTERISK-23564 - [patch]TLS/SRTP status of channel not currently available in a CLI command (Reported by Patrick Laimbock) * ASTERISK-23492 - Add option to safe_asterisk to disable backgrounding (Reported by Walter Doekes) For a full list of changes in this release, please see the ChangeLog: Thank you for your continued support of Asterisk!
2014-07-26Reverting some changes which made building on Darwin to fail.adam2-5/+5
2014-07-26Automatically include correct version number in COMMENT.ryoon1-2/+2
Patch is provided from martin@. Thank you.