AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-08-07math/R-sp: add a file for dependencies.brook1-0/+12
The R-sp package installs header and library files, which may be needed by dependencies. Add a file for such dependencies to include.
2020-08-06Added silejoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06+ silejoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add sile-0.10.9:joerg6-0/+386
SILE is a typesetting system; its job is to produce beautiful printed documents. Conceptually, SILE is similar to TeX - from which it borrows some concepts and even syntax and algorithms - but the similarities end there. Rather than being a derivative of the TeX family SILE is a new typesetting and layout engine written from the ground up using modern technologies and borrowing some ideas from graphical systems such as InDesign.
2020-08-06Update of lua-stdlibjoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06Update lua-stdlib to 41.2.2.joerg4-77/+66
Massive changes in the package, including proper packaging into the std namespace.
2020-08-06Add more lua packagesjoerg1-1/+7
2020-08-06+ lua-cassowaryjoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add lua-cassowary-2.2:joerg4-0/+37
This is a lua port of the cassowary constraint solving toolkit. It allows you to use lua to solve algebraic equations and inequalities and find the values of unknown variables which satisfy those inequalities.
2020-08-06Fix package namejoerg2-7/+7
2020-08-06+ lua-vstructjoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add lua-vstruct-2.1.1:joerg4-0/+84
VStruct is a Lua library to provide functions for manipulating binary data, in particular for reading binary files or byte buffers into Lua values and for writing Lua values back into files or buffers. Supported data types include: - signed and unsigned integers of arbitrary size - fixed and floating point numbers - fixed-size, length-prefixed, and null-terminated strings - booleans and bitmasks - bit-packed integers, booleans and bitmasks In addition, the library supports seeking, alignment, and byte order controls, repetition, grouping of data into tables, and named fields.
2020-08-06+ lua-repljoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add lua-repl-0.9:joerg5-0/+65
REPL.lua provides a reusable Read-Execute-Print loop for Lua. It can be used as alternative to the standalone interpreter included with Lua, one that supports things like plugins, tab completion, and automatic insertion of return in front of expressions. It can also provide a REPL library you may embed in your application, to provide all of the niceties of the standalone interpreter included with Lua and then some.
2020-08-06+ lua-epnfjoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add lua-epnf-0.3:joerg4-0/+41
The LPeg library is a powerful tool to parse text and extract parts of it using captures. It even provides grammars, which can be used to parse non-regular languages, but the complexer the language gets, the more difficult error handling and keeping track of captured information becomes. luaepnf enhances usage of LPeg grammars by building an abstract syntax tree (AST) for the input and providing tools for error reporting, as well as offering syntax sugar and shortcuts for accessing LPeg's features.
2020-08-06+ lua-linenoisejoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add lua-linenoise-0.9:joerg5-0/+61
Linenoise is a delightfully simple command line library. This Lua module is simply a binding for it.
2020-08-06+ lua-cosmojoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add lua-cosmoso-16.06.04:joerg4-0/+42
Cosmo is a "safe templates" engine. It allows you to fill nested templates, providing many of the advantages of Turing-complete template engines, without without the downside of allowing arbitrary code in the templates.
2020-08-06Updated devel/re2, devel/cre2, net/dnsdist, textproc/freexladam1-1/+5
2020-08-06freexl: updated to 1.0.6adam2-7/+7
1.0.6 Unknown changes
2020-08-06dnsdist: updated to 1.5.0adam6-90/+20
1.5.0 Improvements Use explicit flag for the specific version of c++ we are targeting. Prevent a copy of a pool’s backends when selecting a server. Bug Fixes Fix compilation with h2o_socket_get_ssl_server_name(). Prevent a possible overflow via large Proxy Protocol values. (Valentei Sergey) Avoid name clashes on Solaris derived systems. Resize hostname to final size in getCarbonHostname(). (Aki Tuomi) Fix compilation on OpenBSD/amd64. Handle calling PacketCache methods on a nil object. 1.4.0 Improvements Fix the default value of setMaxUDPOutstanding in the console’s help (phonedph1) Add bindings for the noerrors and drops members of StatNode Fix -Wshadow warnings (Aki Tuomi) Fix typo: settting to setting (Chris Hofstaedtler) Bug Fixes Lowercase the name blocked by a SMT dynamic block misc Prefer the cipher suite from the server by default (DoH, DoT)
2020-08-06cre2: updated to 0.3.6adam3-15/+16
Notes for revision 0.3.6 ------------------------ * Fixed missing inclusion of "<stdint.h>". Notes for revision 0.3.5 ------------------------ * Fixed missing dependency in pkg-config script.
2020-08-06re2: updated to 20200801adam3-16/+26
20200801: Unknown changes
2020-08-06Updated databases/py-pymysql, databases/py-sqlalchemy-utilsadam1-1/+3
2020-08-06py-sqlalchemy-utils: updated to 0.36.8adam2-7/+7
0.36.8 - Don't connect to 'postgres' data base for database existence check 0.36.7 - Fix dynamic relationships for observables 0.36.6 - Reverted 426 and added support for Legacy Encrypted Type - Added psycopg2cffi support for create_database and drop_database
2020-08-06py-pymysql: updated to 0.10.0adam3-9/+8
v0.10.0 This version is the last version supporting Python 2.7. * MariaDB ed25519 auth is supported. * Python 3.4 support is dropped. * Context manager interface is removed from `Connection`. It will be added with different meaning. * MySQL warnings are not shown by default because many user report issue to PyMySQL issue tracker when they see warning. You need to call "SHOW WARNINGS" explicitly when you want to see warnings. * Formatting of float object is changed from "3.14" to "3.14e0". * Use cp1252 codec for latin1 charset. * Fix decimal literal. * TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD, and ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE are now DataError instead of InternalError.
2020-08-06doc: Added news/multimail version 0.52fcambus1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add multimail.fcambus1-1/+2
2020-08-06news/multimail: import mmail-0.52.fcambus4-0/+47
MultiMail is an offline mail packet reader, supporting the Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and OPX formats. It uses a simple curses-based interface. SOUP is used for Internet email and Usenet. The other formats are primarily used with dialup (or telnet) BBSes, to save connect time and to provide a better interface to the message base.
2020-08-06Added py-django-debug-toolbarjoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06+ py-django-debug-toolbarjoerg1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add py-django-debug-toolbar-2.2:joerg4-0/+212
The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response and when clicked, display more details about the panel's content.
2020-08-06doc: Updated lang/rust to 1.45.2jperkin1-1/+2
2020-08-06rust: Update to version 1.45.2.jperkin9-146/+183
While here clean up all pkglint warnings. Changes since 1.44.1: Version 1.45.2 (2020-08-03) ========================== * [Fix bindings in tuple struct patterns][74954] * [Fix track_caller integration with trait objects][74784] [74954]: [74784]: Version 1.45.1 (2020-07-30) ========================== * [Fix const propagation with references.][73613] * [rustfmt accepts rustfmt_skip in cfg_attr again.][73078] * [Avoid spurious implicit region bound.][74509] * [Install clippy on install][74457] [73613]: [73078]: [74509]: [74457]: Version 1.45.0 (2020-07-16) ========================== Language -------- - [Out of range float to int conversions using `as` has been defined as a saturating conversion.][71269] This was previously undefined behaviour, but you can use the `{f64, f32}::to_int_unchecked` methods to continue using the current behaviour, which may be desirable in rare performance sensitive situations. - [`mem::Discriminant<T>` now uses `T`'s discriminant type instead of always using `u64`.][70705] - [Function like procedural macros can now be used in expression, pattern, and statement positions.][68717] This means you can now use a function-like procedural macro anywhere you can use a declarative (`macro_rules!`) macro. Compiler -------- - [You can now override individual target features through the `target-feature` flag.][72094] E.g. `-C target-feature=+avx2 -C target-feature=+fma` is now equivalent to `-C target-feature=+avx2,+fma`. - [Added the `force-unwind-tables` flag.][69984] This option allows rustc to always generate unwind tables regardless of panic strategy. - [Added the `embed-bitcode` flag.][71716] This codegen flag allows rustc to include LLVM bitcode into generated `rlib`s (this is on by default). - [Added the `tiny` value to the `code-model` codegen flag.][72397] - [Added tier 3 support\* for the `mipsel-sony-psp` target.][72062] - [Added tier 3 support for the `thumbv7a-uwp-windows-msvc` target.][72133] \* Refer to Rust's [platform support page][forge-platform-support] for more information on Rust's tiered platform support. Libraries --------- - [`net::{SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6}` now implements `PartialOrd` and `Ord`.][72239] - [`proc_macro::TokenStream` now implements `Default`.][72234] - [You can now use `char` with `ops::{Range, RangeFrom, RangeFull, RangeInclusive, RangeTo}` to iterate over a range of codepoints.][72413] E.g. you can now write the following; ```rust for ch in 'a'..='z' { print!("{}", ch); } println!(); // Prints "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ``` - [`OsString` now implements `FromStr`.][71662] - [The `saturating_neg` method as been added to all signed integer primitive types, and the `saturating_abs` method has been added for all integer primitive types.][71886] - [`Arc<T>`, `Rc<T>` now implement `From<Cow<'_, T>>`, and `Box` now implements `From<Cow>` when `T` is `[T: Copy]`, `str`, `CStr`, `OsStr`, or `Path`.][71447] - [`Box<[T]>` now implements `From<[T; N]>`.][71095] - [`BitOr` and `BitOrAssign` are implemented for all `NonZero` integer types.][69813] - [The `fetch_min`, and `fetch_max` methods have been added to all atomic integer types.][72324] - [The `fetch_update` method has been added to all atomic integer types.][71843] Stabilized APIs --------------- - [`Arc::as_ptr`] - [`BTreeMap::remove_entry`] - [`Rc::as_ptr`] - [`rc::Weak::as_ptr`] - [`rc::Weak::from_raw`] - [`rc::Weak::into_raw`] - [`str::strip_prefix`] - [`str::strip_suffix`] - [`sync::Weak::as_ptr`] - [`sync::Weak::from_raw`] - [`sync::Weak::into_raw`] - [`char::UNICODE_VERSION`] - [`Span::resolved_at`] - [`Span::located_at`] - [`Span::mixed_site`] - [`unix::process::CommandExt::arg0`] Cargo ----- Misc ---- - [Rustdoc now supports strikethrough text in Markdown.][71928] E.g. `~~outdated information~~` becomes "~~outdated information~~". - [Added an emoji to Rustdoc's deprecated API message.][72014] Compatibility Notes ------------------- - [Trying to self initialize a static value (that is creating a value using itself) is unsound and now causes a compile error.][71140] - [`{f32, f64}::powi` now returns a slightly different value on Windows.][73420] This is due to changes in LLVM's intrinsics which `{f32, f64}::powi` uses. - [Rustdoc's CLI's extra error exit codes have been removed.][71900] These were previously undocumented and not intended for public use. Rustdoc still provides a non-zero exit code on errors. Internals Only -------------- - [Make clippy a git subtree instead of a git submodule][70655] - [Unify the undo log of all snapshot types][69464] [73420]: [72324]: [71843]: [71886]: [72234]: [72239]: [72397]: [72413]: [72014]: [72062]: [72094]: [72133]: [71900]: [71928]: [71662]: [71716]: [71447]: [71269]: [71095]: [71140]: [70655]: [70705]: [69984]: [69813]: [69464]: [68717]: [`Arc::as_ptr`]: [`BTreeMap::remove_entry`]: [`Rc::as_ptr`]: [`rc::Weak::as_ptr`]: [`rc::Weak::from_raw`]: [`rc::Weak::into_raw`]: [`sync::Weak::as_ptr`]: [`sync::Weak::from_raw`]: [`sync::Weak::into_raw`]: [`str::strip_prefix`]: [`str::strip_suffix`]: [`char::UNICODE_VERSION`]: [`Span::resolved_at`]: [`Span::located_at`]: [`Span::mixed_site`]: [`unix::process::CommandExt::arg0`]:
2020-08-06doc: Added fonts/montserrat version 7.210pin1-1/+2
2020-08-06Add fonts/montserratpin1-1/+2
2020-08-06fonts/montserrat: importpin4-0/+108
The old posters and signs in the traditional neighborhood of Buenos Aires called Montserrat inspired Julieta Ulanovsky to design a typeface that rescues the beauty of urban typography from the first half of the twentieth century. The goal is to rescue what is in Montserrat and set it free, under a free, libre and open source license, the SIL Open Font License.
2020-08-06mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc: remove patch backupwiz1-0/+0
2020-08-06doc: Updated devel/p5-File-Path to 2.17gutteridge1-1/+2
2020-08-06p5-File-Path: update to 2.17gutteridge2-8/+7
2.17 2020-07-18 - Eliminate one line of debugging code which was generating a warning.
2020-08-05doc: Updated lang/nodejs to 14.7.0nb1maya1-1/+2
2020-08-05nodejs: workaround issue for netbsd/aarch64 in PR port-arm/55533maya3-8/+23
NetBSD mmap might fail depending on the choice of hint addr given, so don't give a hint at all. bump PKGREVISION.
2020-08-05inkscape: Depend on adwaita-icon-themekamil1-1/+2
Without the Adwaita icons, the application does not start.
2020-08-05doc: Updated graphics/inkscape to 1.0nb5kamil1-1/+2
2020-08-05inkscape: Bump PKGREVISION to 5kamil1-2/+2
2020-08-05inkscape: Implement get_program_name for NetBSD.kamil2-1/+36
2020-08-05Updated audio/py-mutagen, audio/picardadam1-1/+3
2020-08-05picard: updated to 2.3.2adam2-20/+11
Version 2.3.2 Bugfixes PICARD-1775 - $firstwords function doesn't catch IndexError PICARD-1776 - $datetime crashes when invalid format specified PICARD-1781 - Have $find return "" rather than "-1" on not found PICARD-1783 - Deleting performer, comment or lyrics tag fails for some cases in ID3, Vorbis, MP4 and Apev2 tags PICARD-1784 - Host not found error when downloading PDF artwork PICARD-1785 - $delete(_id3:TXXX:foo) does not delete the ID3 frames PICARD-1786 - Deleting tag stored in ID3 TIPL frame only removes first occurrence PICARD-1787 - Deleting case-insensitive TXXX frames does not delete anything PICARD-1788 - Saving ID3 tags marked as case-insensitive causes duplicated TXXX frames PICARD-1790 - Crash when selecting plugin that can be updated PICARD-1791 - Network access is disabled error under VPN service PICARD-1795 - iTunes tags not removable (reappear after being deleted) PICARD-1801 - List index out of range when saving Vorbis file PICARD-1803 - Instrument EWI is rewritten "e w i" Improvements PICARD-1777 - Support fractional scaling on Windows 10 PICARD-1800 - Simplify Unicode 'Bullet' to ASCII 'Hyphen-minus' PICARD-1809 - Optimize format detection logic