AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-08-19Less noise.wiz1-15/+3
2016-08-19Updated graphics/ImageMagick to
2016-08-19Updated ImageMagick to
2016-08-14 7.0.2-9 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Fix compile error in opencl.c (reference * Eliminate compiler warning. 2016-08-14 7.0.2-8 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Release ImageMagick version 7.0.2-8, GIT revision 18698:74b1d5d:20160814. 2016-08-07 7.0.2-8 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Prevent spurious removal of MPC cache files (reference * Note alpha channel when combining 4 or more images (reference 2016-08-06 7.0.2-7 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Release ImageMagick version 7.0.2-7, GIT revision 10980:ecc03a2:20160806. 2016-08-01 7.0.2-7 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Evaluate lazy pixel cache morphology to prevent buffer overflow (bug report from Ibrahim M. El-Sayed). * Prevent buffer overflow (bug report from Max Thrane). * Prevent memory use after free (reference
2016-08-19Updated www/py-betamax to 0.7.2wiz2-3/+3
2016-08-19Updated py-betamax to 0.7.2.wiz2-7/+7
0.7.2 - 2016-08-04 ------------------ - Fix bug with query string matcher where query-strings without values (e.g., ``?foo&bar`` as opposed to ``?foo=1&bar=2``) were treated as if there were no query string.
2016-08-19Updated devel/afl to 2.31bwiz2-3/+3
2016-08-19pdated afl to 2.31b.wiz3-18/+20
-------------- Version 2.31b: -------------- - Changed havoc cycle counts for a marked performance boost, especially with -S / -d. See the discussion of FidgetyAFL in:!topic/afl-users/fOPeb62FZUg While this does not implement the approach proposed by the authors of the CCS paper, the solution is a result of digging into that research; more improvements may follow as I do more experiments and get more definitive data. -------------- Version 2.30b: -------------- - Made minor improvements to persistent mode to avoid the remote possibility of "no instrumentation detected" issues with very low instrumentation densities. - Fixed a minor glitch with a leftover process in persistent mode. Reported by Jakub Wilk and Daniel Stender. - Made persistent mode bitmaps a bit more consistent and adjusted the way this is shown in the UI, especially in persistent mode. -------------- Version 2.29b: -------------- - Made a minor #include fix to llvm_mode. Suggested by Jonathan Metzman. - Made cosmetic updates to the docs. -------------- Version 2.28b: -------------- - Added "life pro tips" to docs/. - Moved testcases/_extras/ to dictionaries/ for visibility. - Made minor improvements to install scripts. - Added an important safety tip. -------------- Version 2.27b: -------------- - Added libtokencap, a simple feature to intercept strcmp / memcmp and generate dictionary entries that can help extend coverage. - Moved libdislocator to its own dir, added README. - The demo in experimental/instrumented_cmp is no more. -------------- Version 2.26b: -------------- - Made a fix for to compile on MacOS X. - Added support for DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES. - Renamed AFL_LD_PRELOAD to AFL_PRELOAD. -------------- Version 2.25b: -------------- - Made some cosmetic updates to, renamed one env variable. -------------- Version 2.24b: -------------- - Added, an experimental, abusive allocator. Try it out with AFL_LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ when running afl-fuzz.
2016-08-19+ ImageMagick-, afl-2.30b, calibre-2.64.0, git-base-2.9.3,wiz1-5/+21
libopenmpt-0.2.6774, libuuid-2.28.1, mosh-1.2.6, mutt-1.7.0, p5-Archive-Zip-1.59, p5-Business-ISBN-3.002, p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.036, p5-List-SomeUtils-0.53, p5-Module-Build-0.42200, p5-Net-SSLeay-1.78, p5-Path-Class-0.37, p5-Sub-Name-0.18, p5-Try-Tiny-0.27, py-setuptools-25.2.0, py-test-cov-2.3.1, x264-devel-20160813.
2016-08-19Updated math/py-scipy to 0.18.0wiz1-1/+2
2016-08-19Updated py-scipy to 0.18.0.wiz3-24/+80
Test failures reported upstream. ========================== SciPy 0.18.0 Release Notes ========================== .. contents:: SciPy 0.18.0 is the culmination of 6 months of hard work. It contains many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and optimizations. Moreover, our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the 0.19.x branch, and on adding new features on the master branch. This release requires Python 2.7 or 3.4-3.5 and NumPy 1.7.1 or greater. Highlights of this release include: - A new ODE solver for two-point boundary value problems, `scipy.optimize.solve_bvp`. - A new class, `CubicSpline`, for cubic spline interpolation of data. - N-dimensional tensor product polynomials, `scipy.interpolate.NdPPoly`. - Spherical Voronoi diagrams, `scipy.spatial.SphericalVoronoi`. - Support for discrete-time linear systems, `scipy.signal.dlti`. New features ============ `scipy.integrate` improvements ------------------------------ A solver of two-point boundary value problems for ODE systems has been implemented in `scipy.integrate.solve_bvp`. The solver allows for non-separated boundary conditions, unknown parameters and certain singular terms. It finds a C1 continious solution using a fourth-order collocation algorithm. `scipy.interpolate` improvements -------------------------------- Cubic spline interpolation is now available via `scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline`. This class represents a piecewise cubic polynomial passing through given points and C2 continuous. It is represented in the standard polynomial basis on each segment. A representation of n-dimensional tensor product piecewise polynomials is available as the `scipy.interpolate.NdPPoly` class. Univariate piecewise polynomial classes, `PPoly` and `Bpoly`, can now be evaluated on periodic domains. Use ``extrapolate="periodic"`` keyword argument for this. `scipy.fftpack` improvements ---------------------------- `scipy.fftpack.next_fast_len` function computes the next "regular" number for FFTPACK. Padding the input to this length can give significant performance increase for `scipy.fftpack.fft`. `scipy.signal` improvements --------------------------- Resampling using polyphase filtering has been implemented in the function `scipy.signal.resample_poly`. This method upsamples a signal, applies a zero-phase low-pass FIR filter, and downsamples using `scipy.signal.upfirdn` (which is also new in 0.18.0). This method can be faster than FFT-based filtering provided by `scipy.signal.resample` for some signals. `scipy.signal.firls`, which constructs FIR filters using least-squares error minimization, was added. `scipy.signal.sosfiltfilt`, which does forward-backward filtering like `scipy.signal.filtfilt` but for second-order sections, was added. Discrete-time linear systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `scipy.signal.dlti` provides an implementation of discrete-time linear systems. Accordingly, the `StateSpace`, `TransferFunction` and `ZerosPolesGain` classes have learned a the new keyword, `dt`, which can be used to create discrete-time instances of the corresponding system representation. `scipy.sparse` improvements --------------------------- The functions `sum`, `max`, `mean`, `min`, `transpose`, and `reshape` in `scipy.sparse` have had their signatures augmented with additional arguments and functionality so as to improve compatibility with analogously defined functions in `numpy`. Sparse matrices now have a `count_nonzero` method, which counts the number of nonzero elements in the matrix. Unlike `getnnz()` and ``nnz`` propety, which return the number of stored entries (the length of the data attribute), this method counts the actual number of non-zero entries in data. `scipy.optimize` improvements ----------------------------- The implementation of Nelder-Mead minimization, `scipy.minimize(..., method="Nelder-Mead")`, obtained a new keyword, `initial_simplex`, which can be used to specify the initial simplex for the optimization process. Initial step size selection in CG and BFGS minimizers has been improved. We expect that this change will improve numeric stability of optimization in some cases. See pull request gh-5536 for details. Handling of infinite bounds in SLSQP optimization has been improved. We expect that this change will improve numeric stability of optimization in the some cases. See pull request gh-6024 for details. A large suite of global optimization benchmarks has been added to ``scipy/benchmarks/go_benchmark_functions``. See pull request gh-4191 for details. Nelder-Mead and Powell minimization will now only set defaults for maximum iterations or function evaluations if neither limit is set by the caller. In some cases with a slow converging function and only 1 limit set, the minimization may continue for longer than with previous versions and so is more likely to reach convergence. See issue gh-5966. `scipy.stats` improvements -------------------------- Trapezoidal distribution has been implemented as `scipy.stats.trapz`. Skew normal distribution has been implemented as `scipy.stats.skewnorm`. Burr type XII distribution has been implemented as `scipy.stats.burr12`. Three- and four-parameter kappa distributions have been implemented as `scipy.stats.kappa3` and `scipy.stats.kappa4`, respectively. New `scipy.stats.iqr` function computes the interquartile region of a distribution. Random matrices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `scipy.stats.special_ortho_group` and `scipy.stats.ortho_group` provide generators of random matrices in the SO(N) and O(N) groups, respectively. They generate matrices in the Haar distribution, the only uniform distribution on these group manifolds. `scipy.stats.random_correlation` provides a generator for random correlation matrices, given specified eigenvalues. `scipy.linalg` improvements --------------------------- `scipy.linalg.svd` gained a new keyword argument, ``lapack_driver``. Available drivers are ``gesdd`` (default) and ``gesvd``. `scipy.linalg.lapack.ilaver` returns the version of the LAPACK library SciPy links to. `scipy.spatial` improvements ---------------------------- Boolean distances, `scipy.spatial.pdist`, have been sped up. Improvements vary by the function and the input size. In many cases, one can expect a speed-up of x2--x10. New class `scipy.spatial.SphericalVoronoi` constructs Voronoi diagrams on the surface of a sphere. See pull request gh-5232 for details. `scipy.cluster` improvements ---------------------------- A new clustering algorithm, the nearest neighbor chain algorithm, has been implemented for `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`. As a result, one can expect a significant algorithmic improvement (:math:`O(N^2)` instead of :math:`O(N^3)`) for several linkage methods. `scipy.special` improvements ---------------------------- The new function `scipy.special.loggamma` computes the principal branch of the logarithm of the Gamma function. For real input, ``loggamma`` is compatible with `scipy.special.gammaln`. For complex input, it has more consistent behavior in the complex plane and should be preferred over ``gammaln``. Vectorized forms of spherical Bessel functions have been implemented as `scipy.special.spherical_jn`, `scipy.special.spherical_kn`, `scipy.special.spherical_in` and `scipy.special.spherical_yn`. They are recommended for use over ``sph_*`` functions, which are now deprecated. Several special functions have been extended to the complex domain and/or have seen domain/stability improvements. This includes `spence`, `digamma`, `log1p` and several others. Deprecated features =================== The cross-class properties of `lti` systems have been deprecated. The following properties/setters will raise a `DeprecationWarning`: Name - (accessing/setting raises warning) - (setting raises warning) * StateSpace - (`num`, `den`, `gain`) - (`zeros`, `poles`) * TransferFunction (`A`, `B`, `C`, `D`, `gain`) - (`zeros`, `poles`) * ZerosPolesGain (`A`, `B`, `C`, `D`, `num`, `den`) - () Spherical Bessel functions, ``sph_in``, ``sph_jn``, ``sph_kn``, ``sph_yn``, ``sph_jnyn`` and ``sph_inkn`` have been deprecated in favor of `scipy.special.spherical_jn` and ``spherical_kn``, ``spherical_yn``, ``spherical_in``. The following functions in `scipy.constants` are deprecated: ``C2K``, ``K2C``, ``C2F``, ``F2C``, ``F2K`` and ``K2F``. They are superceded by a new function `scipy.constants.convert_temperature` that can perform all those conversions plus to/from the Rankine temperature scale. Backwards incompatible changes ============================== `scipy.optimize` ---------------- The convergence criterion for ``optimize.bisect``, ``optimize.brentq``, ``optimize.brenth``, and ``optimize.ridder`` now works the same as ``numpy.allclose``. `scipy.ndimage` --------------- The offset in ``ndimage.iterpolation.affine_transform`` is now consistently added after the matrix is applied, independent of if the matrix is specified using a one-dimensional or a two-dimensional array. `scipy.stats` ------------- ``stats.ks_2samp`` used to return nonsensical values if the input was not real or contained nans. It now raises an exception for such inputs. Several deprecated methods of `scipy.stats` distributions have been removed: ``est_loc_scale``, ``vecfunc``, ``veccdf`` and ``vec_generic_moment``. Deprecated functions ``nanmean``, ``nanstd`` and ``nanmedian`` have been removed from `scipy.stats`. These functions were deprecated in scipy 0.15.0 in favor of their `numpy` equivalents. A bug in the ``rvs()`` method of the distributions in `scipy.stats` has been fixed. When arguments to ``rvs()`` were given that were shaped for broadcasting, in many cases the returned random samples were not random. A simple example of the problem is ``stats.norm.rvs(loc=np.zeros(10))``. Because of the bug, that call would return 10 identical values. The bug only affected code that relied on the broadcasting of the shape, location and scale parameters. The ``rvs()`` method also accepted some arguments that it should not have. There is a potential for backwards incompatibility in cases where ``rvs()`` accepted arguments that are not, in fact, compatible with broadcasting. An example is stats.gamma.rvs([2, 5, 10, 15], size=(2,2)) The shape of the first argument is not compatible with the requested size, but the function still returned an array with shape (2, 2). In scipy 0.18, that call generates a ``ValueError``. `` ---------- `` masking now gives precedence to the ``_FillValue`` attribute over the ``missing_value`` attribute, if both are given. Also, data are only treated as missing if they match one of these attributes exactly: values that differ by roundoff from ``_FillValue`` or ``missing_value`` are no longer treated as missing values. `scipy.interpolate` ------------------- `scipy.interpolate.PiecewisePolynomial` class has been removed. It has been deprecated in scipy 0.14.0, and `scipy.interpolate.BPoly.from_derivatives` serves as a drop-in replacement. Other changes ============= Scipy now uses ``setuptools`` for its builds instead of plain distutils. This fixes usage of ``install_requires='scipy'`` in the ```` files of projects that depend on Scipy (see Numpy issue gh-6551 for details). It potentially affects the way that build/install methods for Scipy itself behave though. Please report any unexpected behavior on the Scipy issue tracker. PR `#6240 <>`__ changes the interpretation of the `maxfun` option in `L-BFGS-B` based routines in the `scipy.optimize` module. An `L-BFGS-B` search consists of multiple iterations, with each iteration consisting of one or more function evaluations. Whereas the old search strategy terminated immediately upon reaching `maxfun` function evaluations, the new strategy allows the current iteration to finish despite reaching `maxfun`. The bundled copy of Qhull in the `scipy.spatial` subpackage has been upgraded to version 2015.2. The bundled copy of ARPACK in the `scipy.sparse.linalg` subpackage has been upgraded to arpack-ng 3.3.0. The bundled copy of SuperLU in the `scipy.sparse` subpackage has been upgraded to version 5.1.1.
2016-08-19Updated databases/py-elasticsearch to 2.4.0fhajny1-1/+2
2016-08-19Update databases/py-elasticsearch to 2.4.0.fhajny3-8/+11
2.4.0 (2016-08-17) - ping now ignores all TransportError exceptions and just returns False - expose scroll_id on ScanError - increase default size for scan helper to 1000 - changed Transport.perform_request to just return the body, not status as well. 2.3.0 (2016-02-29) - added client_key argument to configure client certificates - debug logging now includes response body even for failed requests
2016-08-19Updated databases/elasticsearch to 2.3.5fhajny1-1/+2
2016-08-19Update databases/elasticsearch to 2.3.5.fhajny4-13/+13
2.3.5 There are no changes in Elasticsearch 2.3.5 except for the version bump. This is a compatibility release for bug fixes in Marvel, Watcher, and Shield. 2.3.4 Bulk - Copy headers and context to individual requests inside a bulk CAT API - Fix merge stats rendering in RestIndicesAction - Expand wildcards to closed indices in /_cat/indices Cluster - Fix block checks when no indices are specified Core - Fix misplaced cast when parsing seconds Highlighting - Skip all geo point queries in plain highlighter Internal - Fix filtering of node ids for TransportNodesAction Percolator - Fixed NPE when percolator filter option is "empty". REST - Do not decode path when sending error Translog - Translog can delete valid .ckp file when views are closed after the translog - Dates Upgrade joda-time to 2.9.4
2016-08-19Updated lang/go to 1.7bsiegert1-1/+2
2016-08-19Update Go to 1.7.bsiegert5-168/+805
The latest Go release, version 1.7, arrives six months after 1.6. Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. There is one minor change to the language specification. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. There is one tiny language change in this release. The section on terminating statements clarifies that to determine whether a statement list ends in a terminating statement, the “final non-empty statement” is considered the end, matching the existing behavior of the gc and gccgo compiler toolchains. In earlier releases the definition referred only to the “final statement,” leaving the effect of trailing empty statements at the least unclear. The go/types package has been updated to match the gc and gccgo compiler toolchains in this respect. This change has no effect on the correctness of existing programs. Go 1.7 adds support for macOS 10.12 Sierra. This support was backported to Go 1.6.3. Binaries built with versions of Go before 1.6.3 will not work correctly on Sierra.
2016-08-19add patch for apcu memory allocation failure handling, submitted asjdolecek3-2/+337
2016-08-19Switch to
Fix PLIST for python-3.x.
2016-08-19Updated x11/gtk3 to 3.20.9prlw11-1/+2
2016-08-19Update gtk3 to 3.20.9prlw12-7/+7
Overview of Changes in GTK+ 3.20.9 ================================== * Bug fixes: 769287 GtkMenuToolButton:show-menu is emitted twice and breaks dynamic m... 769603 gtk+-3.20.8: underlink issue with - build fails: ./.libs/... Fix headerbar size allocation Use g_snprintf instead of snprintf * Translation updates Brazilian Portuguese Czech German Hungarian Indonesian Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Swedish
2016-08-19Updated math/py-pandas to 0.18.1nb1wiz1-1/+2
2016-08-19Prefer to Clean up. Add missing dependency onwiz2-10/+16
py-sqlite3. Add missing test dependency on py-nose. Add comments with links to bug reports about test failures. Bump PKGREVISION for dependency change.
2016-08-19Updated net/php-geoip to 1.1.1wen2-3/+3
2016-08-19Update to 1.1.1wen2-8/+10
Add 70 to PHP_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED Upstream changes: 1.1.1 * Add IPv6 support (geoip_country_code_by_*_v6) * PHP7 support (thanks to Adam and Dan Ackroyd) 1.1.0 * Add geoip_setup_custom_directory() to setup custom directories per request. * Remove E_NOTICES for IPs not found in database. * Fix a segfault with geoip_db_get_all_info() on newer libs (bug #64692). * Add support for geoip_netspeedcell_by_name(), geoip_asnum_by_name() and geoip_domain_by_name() (bug #67121). * Fix memory leak with custom directories (bug #67138). * Support changing custom directory via ini_set() (bug #61607).
2016-08-19Updated devel/p5-Test-CleanNamespaces to 0.22wen1-1/+2
2016-08-19Update to 0.22wen2-7/+8
Add missing BUILD_DEPENDS Upstream changes: 0.22 2016-08-19 03:45:32Z - properly find the list of modules to test (regression since 0.19)
2016-08-19Updated converters/py-simplejson to 3.8.2richard1-1/+2
2016-08-19update to py-simplejson-3.8.2richard3-8/+14
Version 3.8.2 released 2016-02-14 * Fix implicit cast compiler warning in _speedups.c * simplejson is now available as wheels for OS X and Windows thanks to Travis-CI and AppVeyor respectively! Many thanks to @aebrahim for getting this party started. Version 3.8.1 released 2015-10-27 * Fix issue with iterable_as_array and indent option * Fix typo in keyword argument name introduced in 3.8.0 Version 3.8.0 released 2015-07-18 * New iterable_as_array encoder option to perform lazy serialization of any iterable objects, without having to convert to tuple or list. Version 3.7.3 released 2015-05-31 * Fix typo introduced in 3.7.0 (behavior should be indistinguishable) Version 3.7.2 released 2015-05-22 * Do not cache Decimal class in encoder, only reference the decimal module. This may make reload work in more common scenarios. Version 3.7.1 released 2015-05-18 * Fix compilation with MSVC Version 3.7.0 released 2015-05-18 * simplejson no longer trusts custom str/repr methods for int, long, float subclasses. These instances are now formatted as if they were exact instances of those types.
2016-08-19Updated devel/p5-Test-CleanNamespaces to 0.21wen1-1/+2
2016-08-19Update to 0.21wen2-7/+8
Upstream changes: 0.21 2016-08-16 01:31:28Z - no changes since 0.20 0.20 2016-06-19 02:41:02Z (TRIAL RELEASE) - switch to plain old Exporter, removing build_* subs from the API,
2016-08-19Note update of lang/php56 and lang/php70 package:taca1-1/+3
lang/php56 5.6.25 lang/php70 7.0.10
2016-08-19Update php70 to 7.0.10 (PHP 7.0.10).taca2-7/+7
18 Aug 2016 PHP 7.0.10 - Core: . Fixed bug #72629 (Caught exception assignment to variables ignores references). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72594 (Calling an earlier instance of an included anonymous class fatals). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72581 (previous property undefined in Exception after deserialization). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72496 (Cannot declare public method with signature incompatible with parent private method). (Pedro Magalhães) . Fixed bug #72024 (microtime() leaks memory). (maroszek at gmx dot net) . Fixed bug #71911 (Unable to set --enable-debug on building extensions by phpize on Windows). (Yuji Uchiyama) . Fixed bug causing ClosedGeneratorException being thrown into the calling code instead of the Generator yielding from. (Bob) . Implemented FR #72614 (Support "nmake test" on building extensions by phpize). (Yuji Uchiyama) . Fixed bug #72641 (phpize (on Windows) ignores PHP_PREFIX). (Yuji Uchiyama) . Fixed potential segfault in object storage freeing in shutdown sequence. (Bob) . Fixed bug #72663 (Create an Unexpected Object and Don't Invoke __wakeup() in Deserialization). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72681 (PHP Session Data Injection Vulnerability). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72683 (getmxrr broken). (Anatol) . Fixed bug #72742 (memory allocator fails to realloc small block to large one). (Stas) - Bz2: . Fixed bug #72837 (integer overflow in bzdecompress caused heap corruption). (Stas) - Calendar: . Fixed bug #67976 (cal_days_month() fails for final month of the French calendar). (cmb) . Fixed bug #71894 (AddressSanitizer: global-buffer-overflow in zif_cal_from_jd). (cmb) - COM: . Fixed bug #72569 (DOTNET/COM array parameters broke in PHP7). (Anatol) - CURL: . Fixed bug #71709 (curl_setopt segfault with empty CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER). (Pierrick) . Fixed bug #71929 (CURLINFO_CERTINFO data parsing error). (Pierrick) . Fixed bug #72674 (Heap overflow in curl_escape). (Stas) - DOM: . Fixed bug #66502 (DOM document dangling reference). (Sean Heelan, cmb) - EXIF: . Fixed bug #72735 (Samsung picture thumb not read (zero size)). (Kalle, Remi) . Fixed bug #72627 (Memory Leakage In exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF). (Stas) - Filter: . Fixed bug #71745 (FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE does not cover whole range). (bugs dot php dot net at majkl578 dot cz) - FPM: . Fixed bug #72575 (using --allow-to-run-as-root should ignore missing user). (gooh) - GD: . Fixed bug #72596 (imagetypes function won't advertise WEBP support). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72604 (imagearc() ignores thickness for full arcs). (cmb) . Fixed bug #70315 (500 Server Error but page is fully rendered). (cmb) . Fixed bug #43828 (broken transparency of imagearc for truecolor in blendingmode). (cmb) . Fixed bug #66555 (Always false condition in ext/gd/libgd/gdkanji.c). (cmb) . Fixed bug #68712 (suspicious if-else statements). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72697 (select_colors write out-of-bounds). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72730 (imagegammacorrect allows arbitrary write access). (Stas) - Intl: . Fixed bug #72639 (Segfault when instantiating class that extends IntlCalendar and adds a property). (Laruence) . Partially fixed #72506 (idn_to_ascii for UTS #46 incorrect for long domain names). (cmb) - mbstring: . Fixed bug #72691 (mb_ereg_search raises a warning if a match zero-width). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72693 (mb_ereg_search increments search position when a match zero-width). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72694 (mb_ereg_search_setpos does not accept a string's last position). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72710 (`mb_ereg` causes buffer overflow on regexp compile error). (ju1ius) - Mcrypt: . Fixed bug #72782 (Heap Overflow due to integer overflows). (Stas) - Opcache: . Fixed bug #72590 (Opcache restart with kill_all_lockers does not work). (Keyur) - PCRE: . Fixed bug #72688 (preg_match missing group names in matches). (cmb) - PDO_pgsql: . Fixed bug #70313 (PDO statement fails to throw exception). (Matteo) - Reflection: . Fixed bug #72222 (ReflectionClass::export doesn't handle array constants). (Nikita Nefedov) - SimpleXML: . Fixed bug #72588 (Using global var doesn't work while accessing SimpleXML element). (Laruence) - SNMP: . Fixed bug #72708 (php_snmp_parse_oid integer overflow in memory allocation). (djodjo at gmail dot com) - SPL: . Fixed bug #55701 (GlobIterator throws LogicException). (Valentin VĂLCIU) . Fixed bug #72646 (SplFileObject::getCsvControl does not return the escape character). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72684 (AppendIterator segfault with closed generator). (Pierrick) - SQLite3: . Fixed bug #72668 (Spurious warning when exception is thrown in user defined function). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72571 (SQLite3::bindValue, SQLite3::bindParam crash). (Laruence) . Implemented FR #72653 (SQLite should allow opening with empty filename). (cmb) . Updated to SQLite3 3.13.0. (cmb) - Standard: . Fixed bug #72622 (array_walk + array_replace_recursive create references from nothing). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72152 (base64_decode $strict fails to detect null byte). (Lauri Kenttä) . Fixed bug #72263 (base64_decode skips a character after padding in strict mode). (Lauri Kenttä) . Fixed bug #72264 (base64_decode $strict fails with whitespace between padding). (Lauri Kenttä) . Fixed bug #72330 (CSV fields incorrectly split if escape char followed by UTF chars). (cmb) - Streams: . Fixed bug #41021 (Problems with the ftps wrapper). (vhuk) . Fixed bug #54431 (opendir() does not work with ftps:// wrapper). (vhuk) . Fixed bug #72667 (opendir() with ftp:// attempts to open data stream for non-existent directories). (vhuk) . Fixed bug #72771 (ftps:// wrapper is vulnerable to protocol downgrade attack). (Stas) - XMLRPC: . Fixed bug #72647 (xmlrpc_encode() unexpected output after referencing array elements). (Laruence) - Wddx: . Fixed bug #72564 (boolean always deserialized as "true") (Remi) . Fixed bug #72142 (WDDX Packet Injection Vulnerability in wddx_serialize_value()). (Taoguang Chen) . Fixed bug #72749 (wddx_deserialize allows illegal memory access) (Stas) . Fixed bug #72750 (wddx_deserialize null dereference). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72790 (wddx_deserialize null dereference with invalid xml). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72799 (wddx_deserialize null dereference in php_wddx_pop_element). (Stas) - Zip: . Fixed bug #72660 (NULL Pointer dereference in zend_virtual_cwd). (Laruence)
2016-08-19Update php56 to 5.6.25 (PHP 5.6.25).taca2-7/+7
18 Aug 2016, PHP 5.6.25 - Bz2: . Fixed bug #72837 (integer overflow in bzdecompress caused heap corruption). (Stas) - Core: . Fixed bug #70436 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize()). (Taoguang Chen) . Fixed bug #72024 (microtime() leaks memory). (maroszek at gmx dot net) . Fixed bug #72581 (previous property undefined in Exception after deserialization). (Laruence) . Implemented FR #72614 (Support "nmake test" on building extensions by phpize). (Yuji Uchiyama) . Fixed bug #72641 (phpize (on Windows) ignores PHP_PREFIX). (Yuji Uchiyama) . Fixed bug #72663 (Create an Unexpected Object and Don't Invoke __wakeup() in Deserialization). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72681 (PHP Session Data Injection Vulnerability). (Stas) - Calendar: . Fixed bug #67976 (cal_days_month() fails for final month of the French calendar). (cmb) . Fixed bug #71894 (AddressSanitizer: global-buffer-overflow in zif_cal_from_jd). (cmb) - Curl: . Fixed bug #71144 (Segmentation fault when using cURL with ZTS). (maroszek at gmx dot net) . Fixed bug #71929 (Certification information (CERTINFO) data parsing error). (Pierrick) . Fixed bug #72807 (integer overflow in curl_escape caused heap corruption). (Stas) - DOM: . Fixed bug #66502 (DOM document dangling reference). (Sean Heelan, cmb) - Ereg: . Fixed bug #72838 (Integer overflow lead to heap corruption in sql_regcase). (Stas) - EXIF: . Fixed bug #72627 (Memory Leakage In exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72735 (Samsung picture thumb not read (zero size)). (Kalle, Remi) - Filter: . Fixed bug #71745 (FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE does not cover whole range). (bugs dot php dot net at majkl578 dot cz) - FPM: . Fixed bug #72575 (using --allow-to-run-as-root should ignore missing user). (gooh) - GD: . Fixed bug #43828 (broken transparency of imagearc for truecolor in blendingmode). (cmb) . Fixed bug #66555 (Always false condition in ext/gd/libgd/gdkanji.c). (cmb) . Fixed bug #68712 (suspicious if-else statements). (cmb) . Fixed bug #70315 (500 Server Error but page is fully rendered). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72596 (imagetypes function won't advertise WEBP support). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72604 (imagearc() ignores thickness for full arcs). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72697 (select_colors write out-of-bounds). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72709 (imagesetstyle() causes OOB read for empty $styles). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72730 (imagegammacorrect allows arbitrary write access). (Stas) - Intl: . Partially fixed #72506 (idn_to_ascii for UTS #46 incorrect for long domain names). (cmb) - mbstring: . Fixed bug #72691 (mb_ereg_search raises a warning if a match zero-width). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72693 (mb_ereg_search increments search position when a match zero-width). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72694 (mb_ereg_search_setpos does not accept a string's last position). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72710 (`mb_ereg` causes buffer overflow on regexp compile error). (ju1ius) - PCRE: . Fixed bug #72688 (preg_match missing group names in matches). (cmb) - PDO_pgsql: . Fixed bug #70313 (PDO statement fails to throw exception). (Matteo) - Reflection: . Fixed bug #72222 (ReflectionClass::export doesn't handle array constants). (Nikita Nefedov) - SNMP: . Fixed bug #72708 (php_snmp_parse_oid integer overflow in memory allocation). (djodjo at gmail dot com) - Standard: . Fixed bug #72330 (CSV fields incorrectly split if escape char followed by UTF chars). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72836 (integer overflow in base64_decode). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72848 (integer overflow in quoted_printable_encode). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72849 (integer overflow in urlencode). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72850 (integer overflow in php_uuencode). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72716 (initialize buffer before read). (Stas) - Streams: . Fixed bug #41021 (Problems with the ftps wrapper). (vhuk) . Fixed bug #54431 (opendir() does not work with ftps:// wrapper). (vhuk) . Fixed bug #72667 (opendir() with ftp:// attempts to open data stream for non-existent directories). (vhuk) . Fixed bug #72764 (ftps:// opendir wrapper data channel encryption fails with IIS FTP 7.5, 8.5). (vhuk) . Fixed bug #72771 (ftps:// wrapper is vulnerable to protocol downgrade attack). (Stas) - SPL: . Fixed bug #72122 (IteratorIterator breaks '@' error suppression). (kinglozzer) . Fixed bug #72646 (SplFileObject::getCsvControl does not return the escape character). (cmb) . Fixed bug #72684 (AppendIterator segfault with closed generator). (Pierrick) - SQLite3: . Implemented FR #72653 (SQLite should allow opening with empty filename). (cmb) - Wddx: . Fixed bug #72142 (WDDX Packet Injection Vulnerability in wddx_serialize_value()). (Taoguang Chen) . Fixed bug #72749 (wddx_deserialize allows illegal memory access) (Stas) . Fixed bug #72750 (wddx_deserialize null dereference). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72790 (wddx_deserialize null dereference with invalid xml). (Stas) . Fixed bug #72799 (wddx_deserialize null dereference in php_wddx_pop_element). (Stas)
2016-08-19Updated textproc/p5-Text-PDF to 0.30wen1-1/+2
2016-08-19Update to 0.30wen2-9/+7
Upstream changes: 0.30 2016-08-17 * Source repo moved from Subversion to Github * Add -p to pdfstamp * Add -g, -p, -u to pdfbklt * Bug fixes * Wasn't installing on Windows Perl 5.22 and up * [] #116492: make install fails under Strawberry Perl * [] #110855: Fix pod2man errors * [] #86452: Parse error reading array * [] #78351: Invalid version format (non-numeric data) * [] #41085: ASCII85 decode broken * [] #35871: lzw compression fixup * [] #32210: pdfstamp patch for use strict * [] #31353: adding first test * fix Dict::read_stream() to write long streams to file as intended * fix LZWDecode to handle streams longer than 4096 bytes * close INFILE at start of release() * Fix Dict to allow single stream filters rather than requiring an array
2016-08-19Updated net/p5-Test-TCP to 2.17wen1-1/+2
2016-08-19Update to 2.17wen2-8/+7
Upstream changes: 2.17 2016-08-18T14:42:56Z - check_port can take 'host' argument(#55) - Fix test on Windows issue(#55)
2016-08-19Updated devel/p5-Sub-Name to 0.19wen1-1/+2
2016-08-19Update to 0.19wen2-8/+7
Upstream changes: 0.19 2016-08-18 18:52:33Z - fix checking of SvUTF8 flag 0.18 2016-08-16 01:07:54Z - no changes since 0.17 0.17 2016-06-27 22:45:27Z (TRIAL RELEASE) - fixed parsing error where the name contains a single colon but the last separator is :: (Leon Timmermans) 0.16 2016-06-21 03:41:40Z (TRIAL RELEASE) - support binary and unicode symbol names (Leon Timmermans, Aristotle Pagaltzis, Peter Rabbitson, Reini Urban, PR#8)
2016-08-19Updated devel/p5-Test-Aggregate to 0.374wen1-1/+2
2016-08-19Update to 0.374wen2-8/+7
Upstream changes: 0.374 2016-08-16 - Spelling fix (thanks to gregor herrmann rt-116399).
2016-08-18avoid hardcoding PYVERSSUFFIX in second egg. Thanks wiz@!richard2-6/+8
2016-08-18Updated finance/py-vatnumber to 1.2richard1-1/+2
2016-08-18update to py-vatnumber-1.2richard2-18/+9
Version 1.2 - 2014-06-25 * Use python-stdnum * Add support for proxy This permits to remove the option 'suds' which prevented py3 support.
2016-08-18Updated net/py-simplesoap to 1.16richard1-1/+2
2016-08-18updated to PySimpleSOAP-1.16richard3-13/+29
this fixes UnicodeEncodeError under py27 noticed via py-stdnum and vatnumber (without py-suds) when checking VIES. Changelog Recent changes (2014/2015): Plug-in system to support for WSSE (Web-Services Security extensions) WSSE UsernameToken, UsernameDigestToken and BinaryTokenSignature support Pythonic XML Security Library basic implementation (canonicalization, SHA1 hashing and RSA signing / verification using X509 digital certificates) Improved SOAP Fault details Several fixes (basic python3 support, CDATA, ) Ongoing efforts: Unit Tests update & clean up (removing old tests, better framework, fixing non-deterministic results, etc.) WSDL advanced support (unifying nested elements structure dialects) Python3 support for WSSE XMLSec (M2Crypto alternatives?) Source code refactory to improve readability and maintainability
2016-08-18Updated math/py-pytables to 3.2.3nb1wiz1-1/+2
2016-08-18Add a patch to fix build with python-3.x where cpuinfo does not seemwiz4-5/+36
to provide flags. Fix parallel installation of different python-versions of this package. Bump PKGREVISION.
2016-08-18py-dot is ready for python-3.x now.wiz1-2/+1
2016-08-18Remove URL from DESCR, it's HOMEPAGE.wiz1-1/+0