AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2009-07-07pkgsrc changes:sno2-9/+12
- Updating package for p5 module Class::Method::Modifiers from 1.01 to 1.04 - Setting license to ${PERL5_LICENSE} and adjust dependencies according to META.yml Upstream changes: 1.04 Mon Jun 15 11:33:31 2009 We need parens around confess if we're going to delay-load Carp, affects only 5.10 (reported by David Raab) 1.03 Sun Jun 14 14:44:25 2009 Modernize the dist Fix possible test failures Only load Carp if we have to 1.02 Sun May 31 23:33:42 2009 Fix for void context (reported by tokuhirom) Lift dependency on on MRO::Compat
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-Class-Gomor to 1.02sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07pkgsrc changes:sno2-7/+8
- Updating package for p5 module Class::Gomor from 1.01 to 1.02 - Adjusting META information (license, homepage) Upstream changes: 1.02 Sat May 23 15:44:40 CEST 2009 - bugfix: a warning when used with perl 5.10 - new: test kwalitee - update: copyright notice
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-Cache-FastMmap to 1.34sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg1-1/+5
2009-07-07pkgsrc changes:sno2-7/+7
- Updating package for p5 module Cache::FastMmap from 1.30 to 1.34 - Adjusting LICENSE Upstream changes: 1.34 Fri Jun 19 12:00 2009 - perldoc fix (thanks Jonathan Yu) 1.33 Thu Jun 18 12:00 2009 - Update version in META.yml 1.32 Thu Jun 18 11:55 2009 - Better LiveCaches tracking via DESTROY 1.31 Thu Jun 18 11:40 2009 - when in raw_values => 0 mode, the write_cb is now correctly called with thawed data, rather than the raw frozen data - empty_on_exit correctly called even when a global cache is left at interpreter exit time (required Scalar::Util qw(weaken) for object tracking)
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-CPAN to 1.9402sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07Updating package for p5 module CPAN from 1.9400 to 1.9402sno2-7/+7
Upstream changes: 2009-06-27 Andreas J. Koenig <> * release 1.9402, nearly identical to 1.94_01 with these additions: * protect build_dir_reuse to not process irrelevant yaml files; addressing a bug report by Asif Iqbal on cpan-discuss mailing list * doc fix by Dan Dascalescu 2009-06-14 Andreas J. Koenig <> * release 1.94_01, a candidate for the next stable release * friendlier CPAN shell startup message (RT#46869 by ADAMK) * sets $Archive::Tar::CHOWN=0 and $Archive::Tar::SAME_PERMISSIONS=0; (RT#46384 reported by John Lightsey) * fix CPAN Testers reports summary for new website YAML format (RT#46652; David Golden) * continuing to improve error handling on unplugged operation (tracked in RT#44549) * fix RT#46378: what happens when using 'o conf urllist' for reordering
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg2-24/+26
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-B-Hooks-Parser to 0.09sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07pkgsrc changes:sno3-21/+21
- Updating package for p5 module B::Hooks::Parser from 0.08 to 0.09 - Adjusting dependencies according to META.yml - Setting license according to META.yml Upstream changes: 0.09 Wed, 03 Jun 2009 13:20:21 +0200 * Don't redefine various macros if they already exist. * Add B::Hooks::Toke::skipspace function (Liu Kang-min).
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg3-9/+13
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-AnyEvent to 4.800sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg3-11/+13
2009-07-07Updating package for p5 module AnyEvent from 4.411 to 4.800sno2-7/+7
Upstream changes: 4.8 Mon Jul 6 23:45:16 CEST 2009 - AnyEvent::DNS did not properly follow CNAME records with uppercase targets. - AnyEvent::DNS would errornously return AAAA records with v4 mapped addresses (a faulty record) as ipv4 addresses, causing AnyEvent::Socket to throw an exception. - added new module AnyEvent::TLS for easier SSL/TLS context creation, with many options including hostname verification, secure default configuration, lots of documentation and, predefined diffie-hellman keys for perfect forward security and much more. get it while it's still fresh! - use AnyEvent::TLS in AnyEvent::Handle for context management. - load AnyEvent::Handle only on demand in AnyEvent::DNS, so AnyEvent::Socket users have smaller memory footprint in the common case. - add AnyEvent::Handle->push_shutdown method. - add an additional error message parameter to AnyEvent::Handle's on_error callback (for TLS, $! is still available). - add AnyEvent::Handle on_starttls/on_stoptls callbacks. - make AnyEvent::Handle more robust against early conenction failures (during new), and return C<undef> in that case from the constructor. - AnyEvent::Handle will now try to load only JSON::XS first, then fall back to JSON. - format_ipv4/format_ipv6 are now exported by default, for symmetry, and because it was documented that way. 4.451 Fri Jul 3 00:28:58 CEST 2009 - do not clear rbuf when shutting down an AnyEvent::Handle object - doing so breaks AnyEvent::HTTP. 4.45 Mon Jun 29 22:59:26 CEST 2009 - a write error could cause AnyEvent::Handle to create an I/O watcher with an undefined $fh. - special-case mapped ipv4 addresses in both AnyEvent::Socket::format_address and parse_address, to treat them just like ipv4 addresses. - updated and overhauled the AnyEvent::Intro doc. - implement AnyEvent::Socket::format_ipv4/ipv6. - slightly speed up portable_pipe/socketpair. - expand condvar begin/end documentation. 4.42 Fri Jun 26 08:32:18 CEST 2009 - preliminary and neccesarily incomplete support for IO::Async. - reset SIGCHLD to DEFAULT when AnyEvent is loaded, in case it was set to IGNORE, to ensure we can catch child statuses even when the calling env acts stupidly. - updated benchmarks with IO::Async, which performs very well. 4.412 Wed Jun 24 01:35:57 CEST 2009 - support an "untaint" attribute for AnyEvent::DNS and set it on the default resolver. - implement and document AnyEvent::Impl::Perl::loop. - remove all anyevent-env variables from %ENV when running in tainted mode. - mention and extend the IO::Lambda benchmark.
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg2-18/+20
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-Any-Moose to 0.10sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07Updating package for p5 module Any::Moose from 0.09 to 0.10sno2-8/+8
Correcting LICENSE Upstream changes: 0.10 Fri 19 Jun 2009 * Fix META.yml
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg1-8/+10
2009-07-07Updated databases/p5-SQL-Translator to 0.09007sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg1-4/+7
2009-07-07Updating package for p5 module for SQL::Translator from 0.09006 to 0.09007sno2-7/+7
Upstream changes: # ---------------------------------------------------------- # 0.09007 2009-06-25 # ---------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed Pg parser - caching the compiled P::RD schema is a *very* bad idea * Fix MSSQL handling of ON UPDATE/DELETE RESTRICT * Delay MSSQL FK constraint deployment until after all CREATE TABLE statements * Coerce other engine's bytea/blob/clob datatypes to VarBinary
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg1-7/+9
2009-07-07Update for ${DESTDIR} support, and add an explicit license statement to theagc3-11/+13
2009-07-07Updated databases/p5-Rose-DBx-Garden-Catalyst to 0.14sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg1-16/+17
2009-07-07pkgsrc changes:sno3-106/+24
- Updating package for p5 module Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst from 0.13 to 0.14 - Setting LICENSE=${PERL5_LICENSE} - Adjusting dependencies Upstream changes: 0.14 7 June 2009 * drop tables conditionally in rdgc.sql * refactor C3 syntax
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg15-68/+93
2009-07-07Updated databases/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema to 0.25sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07pkgsrc changes:sno2-17/+29
- Updating package for p5 module Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema from 0.23 to 0.25 - Setting LICENSE=${PERL5_LICENSE} according META.yml - Adjusting dependencies according to META.yml Upstream changes: 0.25 Fri Jun 19 08:35:38 PDT 2009 - fix dep on Tie::IxHash that made tests fail - add more attributes to ::Replicated trait - fixed infinte loop in helper if SQLite connect_info has only a DSN (dandv, RT #47101) 0.24 Tue Jun 16 06:18:58 PDT 2009 - Add tests for issues with Class::C3 which are caused to applications which use new Catalyst but old DBIC, and have use Class::C3 in the MyApp class (t0m) - die on empty schema - create=dynamic deprecation warning - helper passes loader opts to dynamic schemas - conversion to Moose - cursor caching support (via Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Caching) - ::Storage::Replicated support (via ::Replicated trait) - switch to hashref connect_info for DBIC 8100 - better helper option parsing, with support for more options - more tests
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg4-9/+46
2009-07-07Updated databases/p5-DBD-mysql to 4.012sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07pkgsrc changes:sno2-6/+7
- Updating package for p5 module DBD::mysql from 4.010 to 4.012 - Setting LICENSE=${PERL5_LICENSE} Upstream changes: 2009-06-18 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.012) * Patch to bind_type_guessing from Craigslist, Thanks to Chris! Happiness is no quoted numbers. Fixed ChopBlanks to work with bind_type_guessing * Patch for win32 strawberry build Thanks to Curtis Jewell! Windows needs love * Patch for auto-reconnect to set active flag Thanks to Doug Fischer! * Fixed bug 32464 See Add connection flag mysql_no_autocommit_cmd which users of MySQL Proxy can use to prevent 'set autocommit=#' from being issued by the driver. 'perldoc DBD::mysql' to see how to use this new flag * Added bind-type-guessing options to Makefile.PL so the entire test suite can be run with bind_type_guessing set. 2009-04-13 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.011) * Renamed unsafe_bind_type_guessing, fixed some of the logic. This can be used to deal with bug 43822 ( * Patch from Daniel Frett (daniel Dot frett At ccci Dot org) to fix issue of binding sever side integer parameters (server-side prepare statements) resulting in corrupt data, bug 42723 ( * Updated documentation, cruft cleanup (as always)
2009-07-07Updated finance/p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-WebserviceX to 0.07001sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07pkgsrc changes:sno2-7/+8
- Updating package for p5 module of Finance::Currency::Convert::WebserviceX from 0.07000 to 0.07001 - Setting LICENSE=${PERL5_LICENSE} according to META.yml - Using Module::Install as module type Upstream changes: 0.07001 Sun May 2410:32:43 2009 - Fixed problem with result cache: #RT46216 - (DELTA) Christian Lackas
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg5-17/+85
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-File-Temp to 0.22sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07Updating package of p5 module File::Temp from 0.21 to 0.22sno2-6/+7
Setting license to ${PERL5_LICENSE} Upstream changes: V0.22 + Portability fixes in t/fork.t provided by perl5-porters.
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg3-16/+22
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-Perl-Tidy to 20090616sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07pkgsrc changes:sno2-6/+7
- Updating Perl-Tidy from 20071205 to 20090616 - Setting license to gnu-gpl-v2 Upstream changes: 2009 06 16 - Allow configuration file to be 'perltidy.ini' for Windows systems. i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\User\perltidy.ini and added documentation for setting configuation file under Windows in man page. Thanks to Stuart Clark. - Corrected problem of unwanted semicolons in hash ref within given/when code. Thanks to Nelo Onyiah. - added new flag -cscb or --closing-side-comments-balanced When using closing-side-comments, and the closing-side-comment-maximum-text limit is exceeded, then the comment text must be truncated. Previous versions of perltidy terminate with three dots, and this can still be achieved with -ncscb: perltidy -csc -ncscb } ## end foreach my $foo (sort { $b cmp $a ... However this causes a problem with older editors which cannot recognize comments or are not configured to doso because they cannot "bounce" around in the text correctly. The B<-cscb> flag tries to help them by appending appropriate terminal balancing structure: perltidy -csc -cscb } ## end foreach my $foo (sort { $b cmp $a ... }) Since there is much to be gained and little to be lost by doing this, the default is B<-cscb>. Use B<-ncscb> if you do not want this. Thanks to Daniel Becker for suggesting this option. - After an isolated closing eval block the continuation indentation will be removed so that the braces line up more like other blocks. Thanks to Yves Orton. OLD: eval { #STUFF; 1; # return true } or do { #handle error }; NEW: eval { #STUFF; 1; # return true } or do { #handle error }; -A new flag -asbl (or --opening-anonymous-sub-brace-on-new-line) has been added to put the opening brace of anonymous sub's on a new line, as in the following snippet: my $code = sub { my $arg = shift; return $arg->(@_); }; This was not possible before because the -sbl flag only applies to named subs. Thanks to Benjamin Krupp. -Fix tokenization bug with the following snippet print 'hi' if { x => 1, }->{x}; which resulted in a semicolon being added after the comma. The workaround was to use -nasc, but this is no longer necessary. Thanks to Brian Duggan. -Fixed problem in which an incorrect error message could be triggered by the (unusual) combination of parameters -lp -i=0 -l=2 -ci=0 for example. Thanks to Richard Jelinek. -A new flag --keep-old-blank-lines=n has been added to give more control over the treatment of old blank lines in a script. The manual has been revised to discuss the new flag and clarify the treatment of old blank lines. Thanks to Oliver Schaefer.
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg6-8/+46
2009-07-07Updated www/p5-WWW-Amazon-Wishlist to 1.602sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07Updating package for p5 module WWW::Amazon::WishList from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2sno2-8/+9
and set license to ${PERL5_LICENSE} as well as correcting dependencies. Upstream changes: - The only change since December was I removed a reference to File::Slurp
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg2-4/+7
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-UNIVERSAL-isa to 1.03sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07Updating package for p5 module UNIVERSAL::isa from 1.02 to 1.03sno2-6/+6
Upstream changes: 1.03 Mon Jun 22 20:42:36 UTC 2009 - improved packaging (Module::Build is now a config_requires dependency)
2009-07-07user-destdir supportjoerg1-6/+10
2009-07-07Updated devel/p5-UNIVERSAL-can to 1.15sno1-1/+2
2009-07-07Updating package for p5 module UNIVERSAL::can from 1.14 to 1.15sno2-6/+6
Upstream changes: 1.15 Mon Jun 22 20:39:48 UTC 2009 - moved Module::Build dependency to config_requires (RT #47165, hdp) - unified licensing between README and module (RT #46934, nhandler)