AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2021-08-29py-trustme: updated to 0.9.0adam3-9/+10
0.9.0: Unknown changes
2021-08-29py-pydicom: add ALTERNATIVESadam1-0/+1
2021-08-29py-pydicom: updated to 2.2.1adam3-197/+313
Version 2.2.0 Changes Data elements with a VR of AT must now be set with values acceptable to Tag(), and are always stored as a BaseTag. Previously, any Python type could be set. BaseTag.__eq__() returns False rather than raising an exception when the operand cannot be converted to BaseTag DA.__str__(), DT.__str__() and TM.__str__() return valid DICOM strings instead of the formatted date and time representations If comparing FileDataset instances, the file metadata is now ignored. This makes it possible to compare a FileDataset object with a Dataset object. rle_encode_frame() is deprecated and will be removed in v3.0, use compress() or RLELosslessEncoder instead. read_file() is deprecated and will be removed in v3.0, use dcmread() instead. write_file() is deprecated and will be removed in v3.0, use dcmwrite() instead. Data dictionaries updated to version 2021b of the DICOM Standard Dataset no longer inherits from dict Enhancements Added a command-line interface for pydicom. Current subcommands are: show: display all or part of a DICOM file codify to produce Python code for writing files or sequence items from scratch. Please see the Command-line Interface Guide for examples and details of all the options for each command. A field containing an invalid number of bytes will result in a warning instead of an exception when convert_wrong_length_to_UN is set to True. Private tags known via the private dictionary will now get the configured VR if read from a dataset instead of UN While reading explicit VR, a switch to implicit VR will be silently attempted if the VR bytes are not valid VR characters, and config option assume_implicit_vr_switch is True (default) New functionality to help with correct formatting of decimal strings (DS) Added is_valid_ds() to check whether a string is valid as a DICOM decimal string and format_number_as_ds() to format a given float or Decimal as a DS while retaining the highest possible level of precision If enforce_valid_values is set to True, all DS objects created will be checked for the validity of their string representations. Added optional auto_format parameter to the init methods of DSfloat and DSdecimal and the DS() factory function to allow explicitly requesting automatic formatting of the string representations of these objects when they are constructed. Added methods to construct PersonName objects from individual components of names (family_name, given_name, etc.). See from_named_components() and from_named_components_veterinary(). Added support for downloading the large test files with the requests package in addition to urllib.request Ensured convert_color_space() uses 32-bit floats for calculation, added per_frame flag to allow frame-by-frame processing and improved the speed by ~20-60% Optimisations for RLE encoding using pydicom (~40% faster). Added support for faster decoding (~4-5x) and encoding (~20x) of RLE Lossless Pixel Data via the pylibjpeg-rle plugin Added Dataset.compress() function for compressing uncompressed pixel data using a given encoding format as specified by a UID. Only RLE Lossless is currently supported Added encoders module and the following encoders: RLELosslessEncoder with ‘pydicom’, ‘pylibjpeg’ and ‘gdcm’ plugins Added read parameter to get_testdata_file() to allow reading and returning the corresponding dataset Handle decoded RLE segments with padding Add option to JSON functions to suppress exception and continue Allow searching FileSet s for a list of elements Added hash function to SR Code Fixes Fixed pickling a Dataset instance with sequences after the sequence had been read Fixed JSON export of numeric values Fixed handling of sequences of unknown length that switch to implicit encoding, and sequences with VR UN Do not load external data sources until needed - fixes problems with standard workflow if setuptools are not installed Fixed empty PN elements read from file being str rather than PersonName Fixed handling of JPEG (10918-1) images compressed using RGB colourspace rather than YBR with the Pillow pixel data handler Allow to deepcopy a ~pydicom.dataset.FileDataset object Fixed elements with a VR of OL, OD and OV not being set correctly when an encoded backslash was part of the element value Fixed expansion of linear segments with floating point steps in segmented LUTs Fixed handling of code extensions with person name component delimiter Fixed bug decoding RBG jpg with APP14 marker due to change in Pillow Fixed decoding for FloatPixelData and DoubleFloatPixelData via pydicom.pixel_data_handlers.numpy_handler Version 2.1.1 Fixes Remove py.typed Fix ImportError with Python 3.6.0 Fix converting Sequences with Bulk Data when loading from JSON Version 2.1.0 Changelog Dropped support for Python 3.5 (only Python 3.6+ supported) Enhancements Large testing data is no longer distributed within the pydicom package with the aim to reduce the package download size. These test files will download on-the-fly whenever either the tests are run, or should the file(s) be requested via the data manager functions. For example: To download all files and get their paths on disk you can run To download an individual file and get its path on disk you can use, e.g. for RG1_UNCI.dcm use"RG1_UNCI.dcm") Added a new pixel data handler based on pylibjpeg which supports all (non-retired) JPEG transfer syntaxes Added apply_rescale() alias Added apply_voi() and apply_windowing() Added prefer_lut keyword parameter to apply_voi_lut() and handle empty VOI LUT module elements Added ability to register external data sources for use with the functions in __contains__, __next__ and __iter__ implementations added to PersonName Added convenience constants for the MPEG transfer syntaxes to pydicom.uid Added support for decoding Waveform Data: Added pydicom.waveforms module and generate_multiplex() and multiplex_array() functions. Added Dataset.waveform_array() which returns an ndarray for the multiplex group at index within a Waveform Sequence element. When JPEG 2000 image data is unsigned and the Pixel Representation is 1 the image data is converted to signed Added keyword property for the new UID keywords in version 2020d of the DICOM Standard Added testing of the variable names used when setting Dataset attributes and INVALID_KEYWORD_BEHAVIOR config option to allow customizing the behavior when a camel case variable name is used that isn’t a known element keyword Added INVALID_KEY_BEHAVIOR config option to allow customizing the behavior when an invalid key is used with the Dataset in operator Implemented full support (loading, accessing, modifying, writing) of DICOM File-sets and their DICOMDIR files via the FileSet class Added AllTransferSyntaxes Added option to turn on pydicom future breaking behavior to allow user code to check itself against the next major version release. Set environment variable “PYDICOM_FUTURE” to “True” or call future_behavior() Added another signature to the bulk_data_uri_handler in from_json to allow for the communication of not just the URI but also the tag and VR to the handler. Previous handlers will work as expected, new signature handlers will get the additional information. pack_bits() can now be used with 2D or 3D input arrays and will pad the packed data to even length by default. Elements with the IS VR accept float strings that are convertible to integers without loss, e.g. “1.0” Added encapsulate_extended() function for use when an Extended Offset Table is required Changes Reading and adding unknown non-private tags now does not raise an exception per default, only when enforce_valid_values is set Data dictionaries updated to version 2020d of the DICOM Standard Updated a handful of the SOP Class variable names in _storage_sopclass_uids to use the new UID keywords. Variables with Multiframe in them become MultiFrame, those with and in them become And, and DICOSQuadrupoleResonanceQRStorage becomes DICOSQuadrupoleResonanceStorage. The following UID constants are deprecated and will be removed in v2.2: JPEGBaseline: use JPEGBaseline8Bit JPEGExtended: use JPEGExtended12Bit JPEGLossless: use JPEGLosslessSV1 JPEGLSLossy: use JPEGLSNearLossless JPEG2000MultiComponentLossless: use JPEG2000MCLossless JPEG2000MultiComponent: use JPEG2000MC In v3.0 the value for JPEGLossless will change from 1.2.840.10008. to 1.2.840.10008. to match its UID keyword The following lists of UIDs are deprecated and will be removed in v2.2: JPEGLossyCompressedPixelTransferSyntaxes: use JPEGTransferSyntaxes JPEGLSSupportedCompressedPixelTransferSyntaxes: use JPEGLSTransferSyntaxes JPEG2000CompressedPixelTransferSyntaxes: use JPEG2000TransferSyntaxes RLECompressedLosslessSyntaxes: use RLETransferSyntaxes UncompressedPixelTransferSyntaxes: use UncompressedTransferSyntaxes PILSupportedCompressedPixelTransferSyntaxes DicomDir and the dicomdir module are deprecated and will be removed in v3.0. Use FileSet instead pydicom.overlay_data_handlers is deprecated, use pydicom.overlays instead Removed transfer syntax limitations when converting overlays to an ndarray The overlay_data_handlers config option is deprecated, the default handler will always be used. Fixes Dataset.copy() now works as expected Optimistically parse undefined length non-SQ data as if it’s encapsulated pixel data to avoid erroring out on embedded sequence delimiter Fixed get_testdata_file() and get_testdata_files() raising an exception if no network connection is available Fixed GDCM < v2.8.8 not returning the pixel array for datasets not read from a file-like Raise TypeError if dcmread() or dcmwrite() is called with wrong argument Gracefully handle empty Specific Character Set Fixed empty ambiguous VR elements raising an exception Allow apply_voi_lut() to apply VOI lookup to an input float array Fixed Dataset.setdefault() not adding working correctly when the default value is None and not adding private elements when enforce_valid_values is True Version 2.0.0 Changelog Dropped support for Python 2 (only Python 3.5+ supported) Changes to Dataset.file_meta file_meta now shown by default in dataset str or repr output; pydicom.config.show_file_meta can be set False to restore previous behavior new FileMetaDataset class that accepts only group 2 data elements Deprecation warning given unless Dataset.file_meta set with a FileMetaDataset object (in pydicom 3, it will be required) Old PersonName class removed; PersonName3 renamed to PersonName. Classes PersonNameUnicode and PersonName3 are aliased to PersonName but are deprecated and will be removed in version 2.1 dataelem.isMultiValue (previously deprecated) has been removed. Use dataelem.DataElement.VM instead. Enhancements Allow PathLike objects for filename argument in dcmread, dcmwrite and Dataset.save_as Deflate post-file meta information data when writing a dataset with the Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax UID Added config.replace_un_with_known_vr to be able to switch off automatic VR conversion for known tags with VR “UN” Added config.use_DS_numpy and config.use_IS_numpy to have multi-valued data elements with VR of DS or IS return a numpy array Fixes Fixed reading of datasets with an empty Specific Character Set tag Fixed failure to parse dataset with an empty LUT Descriptor or Red/Green/Blue Palette Color LUT Descriptor element. Made Dataset.save_as a wrapper for dcmwrite Removed 1.2.840.10008. - JPEG Lossless (Process 14, SV1) from the Pillow pixel data handler as Pillow doesn’t support JPEG Lossless. Fixed error when writing elements with a VR of OF Fixed improper conversion when reading elements with a VR of OF Fixed apply_voi_lut() and apply_modality_lut() not handling (0028,3006) LUT Data with a VR of OW Fixed access to private creator tag in raw datasets Fixed description of newly added known private tag Fixed update of private blocks after deleting private creator Fixed bug in updating pydicom.config.use_DS_Decimal flag in DS_decimal()
2021-08-29Updated textproc/yaml-cpp, graphics/py-wandadam1-1/+3
2021-08-29py-wand: updated to 0.6.7adam2-7/+7
Version 0.6.7 - Added :meth:`Image.image_add() <wand.image.Image.image_add>` method. - Added :meth:`Image.image_get() <wand.image.Image.image_get>` method. - Added :meth:`Image.image_remove() <wand.image.Image.image_remove>` method. - Added :meth:`Image.image_set() <wand.image.Image.image_set>` method. - Added :meth:`Image.image_swap() <wand.image.Image.image_swap>` method. - Fixed sub-image extraction on read. [:issue:`532`] - Fixed :attr:`~wand.image.BaseImage.background_color` attribute when image was not read. - [DOC] Completed :doc:`Distortion <./guide/distortion>` guide. [:issue:`534`] - [DOC] Added :doc:`Morphology <./guide/morphology>` guide.
2021-08-29yaml-cpp: updated to 0.7.0adam3-18/+16
yaml-cpp-0.7.0 Bazel support CMake improvements Adopts many modern C++ syntaxes Bug fixes
2021-08-29www/firefox: fix a broken patch filetaca2-8/+6
Quick fix for "make patch" failure.
2021-08-29Updated devel/py-ipython, comms/py-rich, devel/py-ruamel-yaml, net/py-tldextractadam1-1/+5
2021-08-29py-tldextract: updated to 3.1.1adam2-8/+8
3.1.1: * Bugfixes * Support Python 3.9 * Drop support for EOL Python 3.5
2021-08-29py-ruamel-yaml: updated to 0.17.15adam2-7/+7
0.17.15: - fix issue 397, insert comment before key when a comment between key and value exists
2021-08-29py-rich: updated to 10.8.0adam3-8/+11
10.8.0 Added Added Panel.subtitle Added Panel.subtitle_align Added rich.json.JSON Added rich.print_json and Console.print_json Fixed Fixed a bug where calling rich.reconfigure within a pytest_configure hook would lead to a crash Fixed highlight not being passed through options
2021-08-29py-ipython: updated to 7.27.0adam3-8/+14
IPython 7.27 is a minor release that fixes a couple of issues and compatibility. - Add support for GTK4 - Add support for Qt6 - Fix an issue with pip magic on windows
2021-08-29e2fsprogs: add e2scrub to PLIST.Linuxmcf2-2/+13
These bash scripts are installed unconditionally on Linux, but not on any other operating systems.
2021-08-29qemu: re-add qemu-sparc and qemu-sparc64 to PLISTmcf2-4/+6
Instead, drop them from USER_EMUL on BSD platforms, since these user-mode qemu targets were removed only for BSD [0]; they still remain on Linux. [0];a=commit;h=f8ce39701b5be032fb3f9c05e8adb4055f70eec2
2021-08-28biology/peak-classifier: Update to
Updates for libxtend and biolibc API changes
2021-08-28biology/vcf2hap: Update to
Updates for libxtend and bioloibc API changes
2021-08-28biology/vcf-split: Update to
Updates for libxtend and biolibc API changes
2021-08-28biology/ad2vcf: Update to
Updates for libxtend and biolibc API changes Clean up and minor bug fixes
2021-08-28doc: Updated biology/biolibc to 0.2.0bacon1-1/+2
2021-08-28doc: Updated devel/libxtend to
2021-08-28Update e2fsprogs to 1.46.4.bsiegert4-47/+11
The defaults for mke2fs now call for 256 byte inodes for all file systems (with the exception of file systems for the GNU Hurd, which only supports 128 byte inodes). Creating non-Hurd file systems with 128 byte inodes will trigger a warning message to make sure users are aware of the potential problems of using small/legacy inode sizes. The bigalloc feature is now considered supported if the cluster size no more than 16 times the block size. So the mke2fs program has been changes to only warn if the cluster size is larger than that. Fixes: - E2fsck now checks to make sure directory entries do not reference internal quota inodes. - E2image now includes the quota inodes when creating file system image, since they are part of the file system metadata. - E2fsck now properly accounts the quota usage of the project quota file. - Fix a regression introduced in 1.64.3 where attempting to create a file system image using mke2fs into a non-existent file would fail. - Fix mke2fs to correctly create Posix ACL's on big-endian systems when copying files from a directory hierarchy. - Updated and clarified the resize2fs man pages.
2021-08-28biology/biolibc: Update to 0.2.0bacon5-29/+565
Major API overhaul New classes for FASTA and FASTQ Generate accessor and mutator functions for all classes Generate man pages for all functions and macros Export delimiter-separated-value class to libxtend
2021-08-28devel/libxtend: Update to
Major API overhaul Generate accessor and mutator functions Generate man pages for all functions Import delimiter-separated-value class from biolibc
2021-08-28finance/electrum: Drop maintainershipjs1-2/+2
2021-08-28audio/pt2-clone: Drop maintainershipjs1-2/+2
I moved from macOS to Fedora, and everything using OpenGL or audio in pkgsrc is broken on Fedora (incompatible, much older Mesa in pkgsrc, PulseAudio from pkgsrc not supporting PipeWire, etc.) so I can no longer update and test this package. This package unfortunately ticks both, OpenGL and audio.
2021-08-28doc: Updated devel/ruby-gettext to 3.4.0taca1-1/+2
2021-08-28devel/ruby-gettext: update to 3.4.0taca2-8/+7
3.4.0: 2021-08-26 Improvements * test: Added missing Red Datasets availability check. [GitHub#87][Reported by Mamoru TASAKA] Thanks * Mamoru TASAKA 3.3.9: 2021-08-26 Improvements * msginit: Made Red Datasets dependency optional. [GitHub:red-datatools/red-datasets#105][Suggested by Mamoru TASAKA]
2021-08-28xfm: Copy the app-defaults to the X11 directory. No idea if this isnia1-2/+9
correct, but X only seems to search its base directory for app-defaults and xfm immediately errors if they can't be opened.
2021-08-28libpeas: python plugin does not work with python 3.7wiz1-2/+2
Reported by Chavdar Ivanov on pkgsrc-users.
2021-08-28mk: When using imake, pass LDFLAGS in the environment as LOCAL_LDFLAGS.nia1-1/+2
This allows RELRO to be used when building imake packages. XXX: I'm not certain if this is the right place, but this already seems to be cargo-culted in individual package Makefiles...
2021-08-28doc: Updated devel/libpeas to 1.26.0nb2wiz1-1/+2
2021-08-28libpeas: enable python3 support.wiz2-5/+19
2021-08-283 packages added to math and devel, 4 packages updatedmef4-7/+20
Added math/R-hexbin version 1.28.2 Added devel/R-R.methodsS3 version 1.8.1 Added devel/R-R.utils version 2.10.1 Updated graphics/R-latex2exp to 0.5.0 Updated math/R-compositions to 2.0.2 Added devel/R-R.oo version 1.24.0 Added math/R-sets version 1.0.18 Added math/R-stat.extend version 0.1.4 Updated graphics/R-ggplot2 to 3.3.5 Updated graphics/R-ggtern to 3.3.5
2021-08-28(graphics/R-ggtern) Updated 3.1.1 to 3.3.5mef2-10/+14
ggtern 3.3.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ggtern 3.3.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed broken compatability with ggplot2 3.3.0 ggtern 3.1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Bug fix within the stat density tern funtion
2021-08-28(grapphics/R-ggplot2) Updated 3.3.3 to 3.3.5mef2-9/+9
# ggplot2 3.3.5 This is a very small release focusing on fixing a couple of untenable issues that surfaced with the 3.3.4 release * Revert changes made in #4434 (apply transform to intercept in `geom_abline()`) as it introduced undesirable issues far worse than the bug it fixed (@thomasp85, #4514) * Fixes an issue in `ggsave()` when producing emf/wmf files (@yutannihilation, #4521) * Warn when grDevices specific arguments are passed to ragg devices (@thomasp85, #4524) * Fix an issue where `coord_sf()` was reporting that it is non-linear even when data is provided in projected coordinates (@clauswilke, #4527) # ggplot2 3.3.4 This is a larger patch release fixing a huge number of bugs and introduces a small selection of feature refinements. ## Features * Alt-text can now be added to a plot using the `alt` label, i.e `+ labs(alt = ...)`. Currently this alt text is not automatically propagated, but we plan to integrate into Shiny, RMarkdown, and other tools in the future. (@thomasp85, #4477) * Add support for the BrailleR package for creating descriptions of the plot when rendered (@thomasp85, #4459) * `coord_sf()` now has an argument `default_crs` that specifies the coordinate reference system (CRS) for non-sf layers and scale/coord limits. This argument defaults to `NULL`, which means non-sf layers are assumed to be in projected coordinates, as in prior ggplot2 versions. Setting `default_crs = sf::st_crs(4326)` provides a simple way to interpret x and y positions as longitude and latitude, regardless of the CRS used by `coord_sf()`. Authors of extension packages implementing `stat_sf()`-like functionality are encouraged to look at the source code of `stat_sf()`'s `compute_group()` function to see how to provide scale-limit hints to `coord_sf()` (@clauswilke, #3659). * `ggsave()` now uses ragg to render raster output if ragg is available. It also handles custom devices that sets a default unit (e.g. `ragg::agg_png`) correctly (@thomasp85, #4388) * `ggsave()` now returns the saved file location invisibly (#3379, @eliocamp). Note that, as a side effect, an unofficial hack `<ggplot object> + ggsave()` no longer works (#4513). * The scale arguments `limits`, `breaks`, `minor_breaks`, `labels`, `rescaler` and `oob` now accept purrr style lambda notation (@teunbrand, #4427). The same is true for `as_labeller()` (and therefore also `labeller()`) (@netique, #4188). * Manual scales now allow named vectors passed to `values` to contain fewer elements than existing in the data. Elements not present in values will be set to `NA` (@thomasp85, #3451) * Date and datetime position scales support out-of-bounds (oob) arguments to control how limits affect data outside those limits (@teunbrand, #4199). ## Fixes * Fix a bug that `after_stat()` and `after_scale()` cannot refer to aesthetics if it's specified in the plot-global mapping (@yutannihilation, #4260). * Fix bug in `annotate_logticks()` that would cause an error when used together with `coord_flip()` (@thomasp85, #3954) * Fix a bug in `geom_abline()` that resulted in `intercept` not being subjected to the transformation of the y scale (@thomasp85, #3741) * Extent the range of the line created by `geom_abline()` so that line ending is not visible for large linewidths (@thomasp85, #4024) * Fix bug in `geom_dotplot()` where dots would be positioned wrong with `stackgroups = TRUE` (@thomasp85, #1745) * Fix calculation of confidence interval for locfit smoothing in `geom_smooth()` (@topepo, #3806) * Fix bug in `geom_text()` where `"outward"` and `"inward"` justification for some `angle` values was reversed (@aphalo, #4169, #4447) * `ggsave()` now sets the default background to match the fill value of the `plot.background` theme element (@karawoo, #4057) * It is now deprecated to specify `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` or `scale_*(guide = FALSE)` to remove a guide. Please use `guides(<scale> = "none")` or `scale_*(guide = "none")` instead (@yutannihilation, #4094). * Fix a bug in `guide_bins()` where keys would disappear if the guide was reversed (@thomasp85, #4210) * Fix bug in `guide_coloursteps()` that would repeat the terminal bins if the breaks coincided with the limits of the scale (@thomasp85, #4019) * Make sure that default labels from default mappings doesn't overwrite default labels from explicit mappings (@thomasp85, #2406) * Fix bug in `labeller()` where parsing was turned off if `.multiline = FALSE` (@thomasp85, #4084) * Make sure `label_bquote()` has access to the calling environment when evaluating the labels (@thomasp85, #4141) * Fix a bug in the layer implementation that introduced a new state after the first render which could lead to a different look when rendered the second time (@thomasp85, #4204) * Fix a bug in legend justification where justification was lost of the legend dimensions exceeded the available size (@thomasp85, #3635) * Fix a bug in `position_dodge2()` where `NA` values in thee data would cause an error (@thomasp85, #2905) * Make sure `position_jitter()` creates the same jittering independent of whether it is called by name or with constructor (@thomasp85, #2507) * Fix a bug in `position_jitter()` where different jitters would be applied to different position aesthetics of the same axis (@thomasp85, #2941) * Fix a bug in `qplot()` when supplying `c(NA, NA)` as axis limits (@thomasp85, #4027) * Remove cross-inheritance of default discrete colour/fill scales and check the type and aesthetic of function output if `type` is a function (@thomasp85, #4149) * Fix bug in `scale_[x|y]_date()` where custom breaks functions that resulted in fracional dates would get misaligned (@thomasp85, #3965) * Fix bug in `scale_[x|y]_datetime()` where a specified timezone would be ignored by the scale (@thomasp85, #4007) * Fix issue in `sec_axis()` that would throw warnings in the absence of any secondary breaks (@thomasp85, #4368) * `stat_bin()`'s computed variable `width` is now documented (#3522). * `stat_count()` now computes width based on the full dataset instead of per group (@thomasp85, #2047) * Extended `stat_ecdf()` to calculate the cdf from either x or y instead from y only (@jgjl, #4005) * Fix a bug in `stat_summary_bin()` where one more than the requested number of bins would be created (@thomasp85, #3824) * Only drop groups in `stat_ydensity()` when there are fewer than two data points and throw a warning (@andrewwbutler, #4111). * Fixed a bug in strip assembly when theme has `strip.text = element_blank()` and plots are faceted with multi-layered strips (@teunbrand, #4384). * Using `theme(aspect.ratio = ...)` together with free space in `facet_grid()` now crrectly throws an error (@thomasp85, #3834) * Fixed a bug in `labeller()` so that `.default` is passed to `as_labeller()` when labellers are specified by naming faceting variables. (@waltersom, #4031) * Updated style for example code (@rjake, #4092) * ggplot2 now requires R >= 3.3 (#4247). * ggplot2 now uses `rlang::check_installed()` to check if a suggested package is installed, which will offer to install the package before continuing (#4375, @malcolmbarrett) * Improved error with hint when piping a `ggplot` object into a facet function (#4379, @mitchelloharawild).
2021-08-28math/R-stat.extend: import R-stat.extend-0.1.4mef3-0/+28
Highest Density Regions are the smallest set in the support of a probability distribution with the specified coverage probability. 'HDRs' may contain disjoint intervals, but can be calculated efficiently using iterative methods. One can similarly construct optimal (i.e., shortest) confidence intervals for some basic inferential problems, including for population means, variances, or proportion parameters.
2021-08-28doc: Updated lang/php73 to 7.3.30taca1-1/+2
2021-08-28lang/php73: update to 7.3.30taca2-7/+7
26 Aug 2021, PHP 7.3.30 - Phar: . Fixed bug #81211: Symlinks are followed when creating PHAR archive (cmb)
2021-08-28math/R-sets: import R-sets-1.0.18mef3-0/+22
Data structures and basic operations for ordinary sets, generalizations such as fuzzy sets, multisets, and fuzzy multisets, customizable sets, and intervals.
2021-08-28doc: Updated lang/php80 to 8.0.10taca1-1/+2
2021-08-28lang/php74: update to 7.4.23taca2-7/+7
26 Aug 2021, PHP 8.0.10 - Core: . Fixed bug #72595 (php_output_handler_append illegal write access). (cmb) . Fixed bug #66719 (Weird behaviour when using get_called_class() with call_user_func()). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #81305 (Built-in Webserver Drops Requests With "Upgrade" Header). (cmb) - BCMath: . Fixed bug #78238 (BCMath returns "-0"). (cmb) - CGI: . Fixed bug #80849 (HTTP Status header truncation). (cmb) - Date: . Fixed bug #64975 (Error parsing when AM/PM not at the end). (Derick) . Fixed bug #78984 (DateTimeZone accepting invalid UTC timezones). (Derick) . Fixed bug #79580 (date_create_from_format misses leap year). (Derick) . Fixed bug #80409 (DateTime::modify() loses time with 'weekday' parameter). (Derick) - GD: . Fixed bug #51498 (imagefilledellipse does not work for large circles). (cmb) - MySQLi: . Fixed bug #74544 (Integer overflow in mysqli_real_escape_string()). (cmb, johannes) - Opcache: . Fixed bug #81225 (Wrong result with pow operator with JIT enabled). (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #81249 (Intermittent property assignment failure with JIT enabled). (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #81206 (Multiple PHP processes crash with JIT enabled). (cmb, Nikita) . Fixed bug #81272 (Segfault in var[] after array_slice with JIT). (Nikita) . Fixed Bug #81255 (Memory leak in PHPUnit with functional JIT). (Dmitry) . Fixed Bug #80959 (infinite loop in building cfg during JIT compilation) (Nikita, Dmitry) . Fixed bug #81226 (Integer overflow behavior is different with JIT enabled). (Dmitry) - OpenSSL: . Fixed bug #81327 (Error build openssl extension on php 7.4.22). (cmb) - PDO_ODBC: . Fixed bug #81252 (PDO_ODBC doesn't account for SQL_NO_TOTAL). (cmb) - Phar: . Fixed bug #81211: Symlinks are followed when creating PHAR archive (cmb) - Shmop: . Fixed bug #81283 (shmop can't read beyond 2147483647 bytes). (cmb, Nikita) - SimpleXML: . Fixed bug #81325 (Segfault in zif_simplexml_import_dom). (remi) - Standard: . Fixed bug #72146 (Integer overflow on substr_replace). (cmb) . Fixed bug #81265 (getimagesize returns 0 for 256px ICO images). (George Dietrich) . Fixed bug #74960 (Heap buffer overflow via str_repeat). (cmb, Dmitry) - Streams: . Fixed bug #81294 (Segfault when removing a filter). (cmb)
2021-08-28doc: Updated lang/php74 to 7.4.23taca1-1/+2
2021-08-28lang/php74: update to 7.4.23taca2-7/+7
26 Aug 2021, PHP 7.4.23 - Core: . Fixed bug #72595 (php_output_handler_append illegal write access). (cmb) . Fixed bug #66719 (Weird behaviour when using get_called_class() with call_user_func()). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #81305 (Built-in Webserver Drops Requests With "Upgrade" Header). (cmb) - BCMath: . Fixed bug #78238 (BCMath returns "-0"). (cmb) - CGI: . Fixed bug #80849 (HTTP Status header truncation). (cmb) - GD: . Fixed bug #51498 (imagefilledellipse does not work for large circles). (cmb) - MySQLi: . Fixed bug #74544 (Integer overflow in mysqli_real_escape_string()). (cmb, johannes) - OpenSSL: . Fixed bug #81327 (Error build openssl extension on php 7.4.22). (cmb) - PDO_ODBC: . Fixed bug #81252 (PDO_ODBC doesn't account for SQL_NO_TOTAL). (cmb) - Phar: . Fixed bug #81211: Symlinks are followed when creating PHAR archive.(cmb) - Shmop: . Fixed bug #81283 (shmop can't read beyond 2147483647 bytes). (cmb, Nikita) - Standard: . Fixed bug #72146 (Integer overflow on substr_replace). (cmb) . Fixed bug #81265 (getimagesize returns 0 for 256px ICO images). (George Dietrich) . Fixed bug #74960 (Heap buffer overflow via str_repeat). (cmb, Dmitry) - Streams: . Fixed bug #81294 (Segfault when removing a filter). (cmb)
2021-08-28devel/R-R.oo: import R-R.oo-1.24.0mef3-0/+27
Methods and classes for object-oriented programming in R with or without references. Large effort has been made on making definition of methods as simple as possible with a minimum of maintenance for package developers. The package has been developed since 2001 and is now considered very stable. This is a cross-platform package implemented in pure R that defines standard S3 classes without any tricks.
2021-08-28(math/R-compositions) Updated 1.40.2 to 2.0.2mef2-8/+11
Version 2.0-1.9001 Minor changes / Bugfixes: * functions that do not work with sticky classes are now wrapped (e.g. `anova()`) Version 2.0-1.9000 Major change: sticky classes! Now objects of compositional classes do not miss their class when subsetting. For example, if `x` is an "acomp" object, x[1:2,] will also be an "acomp" object. Selection of columns work as well, but it is a bit more tricky. Check ?`[.acomp` for details. You can get skip this behaviour by setting setStickyClassOption(FALSE). The dollar notation `$` also works! Added: * Limited support for using compositions classes as formal S4 classes, for instance in slots of S4 classes expecting a "data.frame" or a "structure" (matrix or array). * self-invertibility: now "rmult" objects created by any transformation (cdt, clr, cpt, idt, ilr, ipt, iit, ilt, alr, apt) remember the original data and the transformation between them, and can be back-transformed with `backtransform`. * added cdt and idt methods for objects of class "factor" (returning the contrasts and their ipt transformation), and for "data.frame" objects (exploiting the attribute "origClass" if they have it). * `pwlr()`: pairwise logratio transformation (and inverse: `pwlrInv()`) * `pwlrPlot()`: pairwise logratio plots vs covariables, both as explained and as explanatory variables. This makes use of the ability of plot(x~y) to react to the nature of `x` and `y` to create scatterplots, boxplots and spineplots. * transformation functions between variation and clrvar: variation2clrvar and clrvar2variation * `split()` methods for compositional classes * new panels for filling `pairs()` plots with boxplots, densities, kde2d-densities, etc...: check ?vp.kde2dplot Minor Changes: * the function to fit linear models of coregionalisation is now called `fit.lmc()`; use full name specification with it! `compositions::fit.lmc()` Bugfixes: * bug in subsetting of one-column rmult object corected
2021-08-28doc: Updated mail/fetchmailconf to 6.4.21triaxx1-1/+2
2021-08-28fetchmailconf: Update to 6.4.21triaxx1-2/+2
2021-08-28doc: Updated mail/fetchmail to 6.4.21triaxx2-3/+3
2021-08-28fetchmail: Update to 6.4.21triaxx2-7/+7
upstream changes: ----------------- fetchmail-6.4.21 (released 2021-08-09, 30042 LoC): # REGRESSION FIX: * The new security fix in 6.4.20 for CVE-2021-36386 caused truncation of messages logged to buffered outputs, predominantly --logfile. This also caused lines in the logfile to run into one another because the fragment containing the '\n' line-end character was usually lost. Reason is that on all modern systems (with <stdarg.h> header and vsnprintf() interface), the length of log message fragments was added up twice, so that these ended too deep into a freshly allocated buffer, after the '\0' byte. Unbuffered outputs flushed the fragments right away, which masked the bug. Reported by: Jürgen Edner, Erik Christiansen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fetchmail-6.4.20 (released 2021-07-28, 30042 LoC): # SECURITY FIX: * When a log message exceeds c. 2 kByte in size, for instance, with very long header contents, and depending on verbosity option, fetchmail can crash or misreport each first log message that requires a buffer reallocation. fetchmail then reallocates memory and re-runs vsnprintf() without another call to va_start(), so it reads garbage. The exact impact depends on many factors around the compiler and operating system configurations used and the implementation details of the stdarg.h interfaces of the two functions mentioned before. To fix CVE-2021-36386. Reported by Christian Herdtweck of Intra2net AG, Tübingen, Germany. He also offered a patch, which I could not take for fetchmail 6.4 because it required a C99 system and I'd promised earlier that 6.4 would remain compatible with C89 systems.