AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-07-31w3/url.el: Provide buffer-local-value for the sake of XEmacs 21.4hauke3-5/+42
Minor pkglinting
2019-07-31doc: Updated net/youtube-dl to 20190730leot1-1/+2
2019-07-31R-htmlwidgets: initial commit.brook5-2/+33
A framework for creating HTML widgets that render in various contexts including the R console, 'R Markdown' documents, and 'Shiny' web applications.
2019-07-31R-hms: initial commit.brook5-2/+32
Implements an S3 class for storing and formatting time-of-day values, based on the 'difftime' class.
2019-07-31R-readxl: initial commit.brook5-2/+35
Import excel files into R. Supports '.xls' via the embedded 'libxls' C library <> and '.xlsx' via the embedded 'RapidXML' C++ library <>. Works on Windows, Mac and Linux without external dependencies.
2019-07-31R-readstata13: initial commit.brook5-2/+28
Function to read and write the 'Stata' file format.
2019-07-31R-readr: initial commit.brook5-2/+49
The goal of 'readr' is to provide a fast and friendly way to read rectangular data (like 'csv', 'tsv', and 'fwf'). It is designed to flexibly parse many types of data found in the wild, while still cleanly failing when data unexpectedly changes.
2019-07-31youtube-dl: Update to 20190730leot2-7/+7
Changes: 20190730 -------- Extractors * [youtube] Fix and improve title and description extraction (#21934)
2019-07-31R-openxlsx: initial commit.brook5-2/+34
Simplifies the creation of Excel .xlsx files by providing a high level interface to writing, styling and editing worksheets. Through the use of 'Rcpp', read/write times are comparable to the 'xlsx' and 'XLConnect' packages with the added benefit of removing the dependency on Java.
2019-07-31R-htmlTable: initial commit.brook5-2/+40
Tables with state-of-the-art layout elements such as row spanners, column spanners, table spanners, zebra striping, and more. While allowing advanced layout, the underlying css-structure is simple in order to maximize compatibility with word processors such as 'MS Word' or 'LibreOffice'. The package also contains a few text formatting functions that help outputting text compatible with HTML/LaTeX.
2019-07-31R-haven: initial commit.brook5-2/+34
Import foreign statistical formats into R via the embedded 'ReadStat' C library, <>.
2019-07-31R-data.table: initial commit.brook5-2/+31
Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins, fast add/modify/delete of columns by group using no copies at all, list columns, friendly and fast character-separated-value read/write. Offers a natural and flexible syntax, for faster development.
2019-07-31R-cellranger: initial commit.brook5-2/+31
Helper functions to work with spreadsheets and the "A1:D10" style of cell range specification.
2019-07-31R-progress: initial commit.brook6-2/+47
Configurable Progress bars, they may include percentage, elapsed time, and/or the estimated completion time. They work in terminals, in 'Emacs' 'ESS', 'RStudio', 'Windows' 'Rgui' and the 'macOS' ''. The package also provides a 'C++' 'API', that works with or without 'Rcpp'.
2019-07-31R-Hmisc: initial commit.brook5-2/+42
Contains many functions useful for data analysis, high-level graphics, utility operations, functions for computing sample size and power, importing and annotating datasets, imputing missing values, advanced table making, variable clustering, character string manipulation, conversion of R objects to LaTeX and html code, and recoding variables.
2019-07-31R-zeallot: initial commit.brook5-2/+30
Provides a %<-% operator to perform multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment in R. The operator unpacks the right-hand side of an assignment into multiple values and assigns these values to variables on the left-hand side of the assignment.
2019-07-31R-vctrs: initial commit.brook5-2/+37
Defines new notions of prototype and size that are used to provide tools for consistent and well-founded type-coercion and size-recycling, and are in turn connected to ideas of type- and size-stability useful for analyzing function interfaces.
2019-07-31R-urca: initial commit.brook5-2/+28
Unit root and cointegration tests encountered in applied econometric analysis are implemented.
2019-07-31R-survey: initial commit.brook5-2/+37
Summary statistics, two-sample tests, rank tests, generalised linear models, cumulative link models, Cox models, loglinear models, and general maximum pseudolikelihood estimation for multistage stratified, cluster-sampled, unequally weighted survey samples. Variances by Taylor series linearisation or replicate weights. Post-stratification, calibration, and raking. Two-phase subsampling designs. Graphics. PPS sampling without replacement. Principal components, factor analysis.
2019-07-31R-sandwich: initial commit.brook5-2/+30
Model-robust standard error estimators for cross-sectional, time series, clustered, panel, and longitudinal data.
2019-07-31R-rstudioapi: initial commit.brook5-2/+28
Access the RStudio API (if available) and provide informative error messages when it's not.
2019-07-31R-relimp: initial commit.brook5-2/+29
Functions to facilitate inference on the relative importance of predictors in a linear or generalized linear model, and a couple of useful Tcl/Tk widgets.
2019-07-31R-nortest: initial commit.brook5-2/+27
Five omnibus tests for testing the composite hypothesis of normality.
2019-07-31R-mitools: initial commit.brook5-2/+30
Tools to perform analyses and combine results from multiple-imputation datasets.
2019-07-31R-forcats: initial commit.brook5-2/+36
Helpers for reordering factor levels (including moving specified levels to front, ordering by first appearance, reversing, and randomly shuffling), and tools for modifying factor levels (including collapsing rare levels into other, 'anonymising', and manually 'recoding').
2019-07-31R-estimability: initial commit.brook5-2/+32
Provides tools for determining estimability of linear functions of regression coefficients, and 'epredict' methods that handle non-estimable cases correctly. Estimability theory is discussed in many linear-models textbooks including Chapter 3 of Monahan, JF (2008), "A Primer on Linear Models", Chapman and Hall (ISBN 978-1-4200-6201-4).
2019-07-31R-ellipsis: initial commit.brook5-2/+32
The ellipsis is a powerful tool for extending functions. Unfortunately this power comes at a cost: misspelled arguments will be silently ignored. The ellipsis package provides a collection of functions to catch problems and alert the user.
2019-07-31net/unison2.48: Describe the version problem bettergdt1-1/+4
2019-07-31R-backports: initial commit.brook5-2/+32
Functions introduced or changed since R v3.0.0 are re-implemented in this package. The backports are conditionally exported in order to let R resolve the function name to either the implemented backport, or the respective base version, if available. Package developers can make use of new functions or arguments by selectively importing specific backports to support older installations.
2019-07-31R-acepack: initial commit.brook5-2/+41
Two nonparametric methods for multiple regression transform selection are provided. The first, Alternative Conditional Expectations (ACE), is an algorithm to find the fixed point of maximal correlation, i.e. it finds a set of transformed response variables that maximizes R^2 using smoothing functions [see Breiman, L., and J.H. Friedman. 1985. "Estimating Optimal Transformations for Multiple Regression and Correlation". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 80:580-598. <doi:10.1080/01621459.1985.10478157>]. Also included is the Additivity Variance Stabilization (AVAS) method which works better than ACE when correlation is low [see Tibshirani, R.. 1986. "Estimating Transformations for Regression via Additivity and Variance Stabilization". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 83:394-405. <doi:10.1080/01621459.1988.10478610>]. A good introduction to these two methods is in chapter 16 of Frank Harrel's "Regression Modeling Strategies" in the Springer Series in Statistics.
2019-07-31R-RcmdrMisc: initial commit.brook5-2/+39
Various statistical, graphics, and data-management functions used by the Rcmdr package in the R Commander GUI for R.
2019-07-31R-RandomFieldsUtils: initial commit.brook5-2/+30
Various utilities are provided that might be used in spatial statistics and elsewhere. It delivers a method for solving linear equations that checks the sparsity of the matrix before any algorithm is used. Furthermore, it includes the Struve functions.
2019-07-31R-Formula: initial commit.brook5-2/+29
Infrastructure for extended formulas with multiple parts on the right-hand side and/or multiple responses on the left-hand side (see <DOI:10.18637/jss.v034.i01>).
2019-07-31R-viridis: initial commit.brook5-2/+40
Implementation of the 'viridis' - the default -, 'magma', 'plasma', 'inferno', and 'cividis' color maps for 'R'. 'viridis', 'magma', 'plasma', and 'inferno' are ported from 'matplotlib' <>, a popular plotting library for 'python'. 'cividis', was developed by Jamie R. Nu<c3><b1>ez and Sean M. Colby. These color maps are designed in such a way that they will analytically be perfectly perceptually-uniform, both in regular form and also when converted to black-and-white. They are also designed to be perceived by readers with the most common form of color blindness (all color maps in this package) and color vision deficiency ('cividis' only).
2019-07-31R-effects: initial commit.brook5-2/+34
Graphical and tabular effect displays, e.g., of interactions, for various statistical models with linear predictors.
2019-07-31net/unison2.48: Note that this installs a versioned binarygdt1-1/+2
2019-07-31lyx: tex-accents is the relevant successor to tex-bezos here.markd1-3/+3
2019-07-31doc: Updated games/openttd to 1.9.2nia1-1/+2
2019-07-31openttd: Update to 1.9.2nia2-7/+7
This version fixes several slightly obscure bugs, and hopefully makes a few things easier to find. Those playing on high-resolution monitors (such as 4k) and use the UI scaling options should also find that things appear less squished than they used to.
2019-07-31doc: Updated audio/opusfile to 0.11nia1-1/+2
2019-07-31opusfile: Update to 0.11nia2-9/+9
Changes since the v0.10 release: * Fix two potential integer overflows. (These were not security-critical unless the compiler took the opportunity provided by the undefined behavior to format your hard drive.) * Allow JPEGs in METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE tags to include EXIF data. * A few warning fixes for gcc 8. * Make opus_tags_copy return OP_EFAULT on failure instead of returning success. * Various integration and testing environment improvements. This release is backward-compatible with the previous release. We recommend all users upgrade.
2019-07-31doc: Updated devel/libidn2 to 2.2.0nia1-1/+2
2019-07-31libidn2: Update to 2.2.0nia3-8/+10
Version 2.2.0 (released 2019-05-23) * Perform A-Label roundtrip for lookup functions by default * Stricter check of input to punycode decoder * Fix punycode decoding with no ASCII chars but given delimiter * Fix 'idn2 --no-tr64' (was a no-op) * Allow _ as a basic code point in domain labels * Fail building documentatino if 'ronn' isn't installed * git tag changed to reflect Version 2.1.1 (released 2019-02-08) * Revert SONAME bump from release 2.1.0 * Fix NULL dereference in idn2_register_u8() and idn2_register_ul() * Fix free of random value in idn2_to_ascii_4i() * Improved fuzzer (which found the above issues) * Fix printf() crash in test-lookup.c on Solaris * Check for valid unicode input in punycode encoder * Avoid excessive CPU usage in punycode encoding with large inputs * Deprecate idn2_to_ascii_4i() in favor of idn2_to_ascii_4i2() * Restrict output length of idn2_to_ascii_4i() to 63 bytes Version 2.1.0 (released 2019-01-04) * Two exposed functions are no longer exposed: _idn2_punycode_encode() and _idn2_punycode_decode() which were meant to be used internally only. The output needs additional checks to be used safely. This is the reason to for the SONAME bump, just in case. * Fix label length check for idn2_register_u8() * Remove compiler warnings * Use gnulib-python tool for bootstrapping if possible * Improve build system (several small issues) * Add missing error messages to idn2_strerror_name() * Improve docs and remove typos * Update gnulib
2019-07-31weechat: Stop the perl plugin from segfaulting on exit on NetBSD.nia3-3/+20
just apply the same workaround as upstream is using for FreeBSD. bump PKGREVISION
2019-07-31weechat: Remove libidn dependency.nia1-2/+1
Doesn't seem to actually be used. curl pulls in libidn2, but that's all.
2019-07-31exiv2: add -fPIC to maybe help the errors coming from the Solaris linkernia1-1/+3
2019-07-31xine-lib: Switch to ffmpeg4.nia2-4/+4
2019-07-31doc: Updated devel/ocaml-ppx_custom_printf to 0.12.1jaapb1-1/+2
2019-07-31Updated devel/ocaml-ppx_custom_printf to version 0.12.1.jaapb3-8/+9
This adds support for OCaml 4.08.
2019-07-31Cleaned up Makefile for devel/ocaml-ppx_deriving a bitjaapb1-5/+1