Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
XXX Plays bad games with PKG_SYSCONFDIR
fix fd leak
the default user PATH.
-fix crap code from bad svn merge that slipped into 4.18.0, triggering
exceptions in MDA_external configs. Thanks: Paul Howarth.
taken from the Ghostscript Bugzilla.
taken form upstream r1380.
-fix missing import introduced in 4.18.0. Thanks: Paul Howarth.
It expected that ${YACC} and ${LEX} point to its name, not full path.
crpytographic PKCS#11 tokens such as smart cards and usb crypto
tokens for local authentication.
Pam_p11 implements two authentication modules:
* pam_p11_openssh authenticates the user against public keys found
in OpenSSH ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
* pam_p11_opensc authenticates the user against certificates found
in ~/.eid/authorized_certificates.
Changes in version 0.9.1
The following changes were implemented in Fabric 0.9.1:
Feature additions
:issue:`82`: `~fabric.contrib.files.append` now offers a `partial` kwarg
allowing control over whether the "don't append if given text already exists"
test looks for exact matches or not. Thanks to Jonas Nockert for the catch
and discussion.
:issue:`112`: `fab --list` now prints out the fabfile's module-level
docstring as a header, if there is one.
:issue:`141`: Added some more CLI args/env vars to allow user configuration
of the Paramiko `connect` call -- specifically :ref:`no_agent` and
:issue:`75`: `fab`, when called with no arguments or (useful) options, now
prints help, even when no fabfile can be found. Previously, calling `fab`
in a location with no fabfile would complain about the lack of fabfile
instead of displaying help.
:issue:`130`: Context managers now correctly clean up `env` if they
encounter an exception. Thanks to Carl Meyer for catch + patch.
:issue:`132`: `~fabric.operations.local` now calls `strip` on its stdout,
matching the behavior of ``/`~fabric.operations.sudo`.
Thanks to Carl Meyer again on this one.
:issue:`166`: `` now correctly overwrites
`env.cwd` when given an absolute path, instead of naively appending its
argument to `env.cwd`'s previous value.
Documentation updates
A number of small to medium documentation tweaks were made which had no
specific Redmine ticket. The largest of these is the addition of :doc:`the
FAQ <../faq>` to the Sphinx documentation instead of storing it as a
source-only text file. (Said FAQ was also slightly expanded with new FAQs.)
:issue:`17`: Added :ref:`note to FAQ <faq-daemonize>` re: use of `dtach` as
alternative to `screen`. Thanks to Erich Heine for the tip.
:issue:`64`: Updated :ref:`installation docs <downloads>` to clarify where
package maintainers should be downloading tarballs from. Thanks to James
Pearson for providing the necessary perspective.
:issue:`95`: Added a link to a given version's changelog on the PyPI page
(technically, to the `` `long_description` field).
:issue:`110`: Alphabetized :ref:`the CLI argument command reference
<command-line-options>`. Thanks to Erich Heine.
:issue:`120`: Tweaked documentation, help strings to make it more obvious
that fabfiles are simply Python modules.
:issue:`127`: Added :ref:`note to install docs <pypm>` re: ActiveState's
PyPM. Thanks to Sridhar Ratnakumar for the tip.
No upstream changelog.
Fixes PR 43521 by Aleksey Cheusov based on an idea by tnn.
asymptote-2.00, autogen-5.10.2, doxygen-1.7.1, eog-plugins-2.30.2
[GNOME 2.30], etm-628, feh-1.8, gnutls-2.10.0, guile-www-2.26,
mawk-, meld-1.3.2, mimedefang-2.70,
p5-Module-CoreList-2.35, p5-Module-Install-1.00, p5-PerlMagick-,
p5-YAML-Tiny-1.42, pcre-8.10, plptools-1.0.10, puzzles-8969,
py-cups-1.9.51, py-moin-1.9.3 [pkg/43524], py-openid-2.2.5
[pkg/43528], qt4-creator-2.0.0, sawfish-, telepathy-gabble-0.9.14,
udunits-2.1.17 [pkg/43529], worker-2.17.8, x264-devel-20100626,
xf86-video-intel-2.12.0, xorg-util-macros-1.10.0.