AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2010-12-06Fix build with recent subversion.markd1-3/+4
2010-12-06Don't try to build and install doxygen generated docs if doxygen is foundmarkd1-1/+7
2010-12-06Update to KDE SC 4.5.4markd60-350/+403
4.5.4 brings bugfixes and translation updates re-directs to a machine that does not run an ftphauke1-4/+5
server, so fetch the sources via http. Sort out pkg version, while we are here.
2010-12-06fix PLIST for lastabs1-1/+2
2010-12-06Remove comment-less patch which isn't needed to build on NetBSD-current.wiz2-23/+1
2010-12-06Updated graphics/kipi-plugins to 1.6.0nb1wiz1-1/+2
2010-12-06Now that opencv is new enough, enable redeyes plugin.wiz2-4/+9
2010-12-06Updated inputmethod/ibus-table-chinese to
2010-12-06Update ibus-table-chinses to
- New tables which was not include in original: + array30, array30-big, wubi-haifeng - Table removed from original version because of license issues: + zhengma, ziranma - Add package review ID - Add build tag for el6
2010-12-05+ ImageMagick-, JBidwatcher-2.1.3, balance-3.54, calibre-0.7.32,wiz1-14/+27
clive-2.2.18, eric4-4.4.10, feh-1.10.1, gmime24-2.4.21, gnome-commander-, gssdp-0.9.1, gupnp-0.15.0, libpcap-1.1.1, mu-0.9, p5-PerlMagick-, py-dbus-0.83.2, rasqal-0.9.21, scmgit-base-, scmgit-docs-, shared-mime-info-0.90, snort-, tcpdump-4.1.1, vigra-1.7.1, warzone2100-2.3.6, wine-1.2.2, x264-devel-20101204, xf86-video-savage-2.3.2.
2010-12-05Updated graphics/kdegraphics4 to 4.5.3nb2wiz1-1/+2
2010-12-05Add ../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/ and bump PKGREVISION.wiz1-2/+3
2010-12-05Remove trailing whitespace.wiz1-2/+2
2010-12-05Add patch to fix build with exiv2-0.21. From upstream SVN.wiz2-1/+146
2010-12-05Detect builtin MIT Kerberos on Mac OS X 10.6.xadam1-2/+3
2010-12-05Updated comms/conserver8 to 8.1.18hauke2-3/+3
2010-12-05Updating conserver 8 to v8.18hauke3-22/+8
version 8.1.18 (Nov 11, 2010): - install man pages read-only and improved the contributed redhat init script - patches by Eric Biederman <> - spec file improvements in contrib/redhat-rpm - patch by Jodok Ole Muellers <> - GSS-API patch for client code - patch by Andras Horvath <> version 8.1.17 (Sep 29, 2009): - fix for interface detection when HAVE_SA_LEN is defined - first detected on NetBSD 5.0 and patched by Chris Ross <> - first person to connect to a console wanting read/write now gets it once the active user drops read/write - suggested by Thomas Gardner <> - fix typo when setting nonblocking socket for client connections, fixing stall issues - patch by Eric Biederman <> - GSS-API patch (--with-gssapi) to help with Kerberos tokens - patch by Nate Straz <> - authenticate username without @REALM when using GSS-API (--with-striprealm) - based on patch by Andras Horvath <> - various contrib/redhat-rpm fixes - patch by Fabien Wernli <> - fix handling of read(stdin) returning -1 in console client - patch by Ed Swierk <> patch-ac has been included upstream.
2010-12-05Bump revision for default options changes on DragonFly.asau1-1/+2
2010-12-05Default to use kqueue on DragonFly.asau1-2/+3
Requested by Rumko in PR pkg/44194
2010-12-05Note update of www/wordpress to 3.0.2morr1-1/+2
2010-12-05Mention security/py-crypto update to 2.3gls1-1/+2
2010-12-05Update py-crypto to version 2.3gls6-14/+62
pkgsrc changes: - add a patch to fix an hardcoded interpreter path - add a patch to actually find gmp library. - add CONFLICTS with py-amkCrypto, both have files in common. upstream changes: 2.3 === * Fix NameError when attempting to use deprecated getRandomNumber() function. * _slowmath: Compute RSA u parameter when it's not given to RSA.construct. This makes _slowmath behave the same as _fastmath in this regard. * Make RSA.generate raise a more user-friendly exception message when the user tries to generate a bogus-length key. 2.2 === * Deprecated Crypto.Util.number.getRandomNumber(), which had confusing semantics. It's been replaced by getRandomNBitInteger and getRandomInteger. (Thanks: Lorenz Quack) * Better isPrime() and getPrime() implementations that do a real Rabin-Miller probabilistic primality test (not the phony test we did before with fixed bases). (Thanks: Lorenz Quack) * getStrongPrime() implementation for generating RSA primes. (Thanks: Lorenz Quack) * Support for importing and exporting RSA keys in DER and PEM format (Thanks: Legrandin) * Fix PyCrypto when floor division (python -Qnew) is enabled. * When building using gcc, use -std=c99 for compilation. This should fix building on FreeBSD and NetBSD.
2010-12-05Security update. Changes:morr3-7/+10
* Fix moderate security issue where a malicious Author-level user could gain further access to the site. * Remove pingback/trackback blogroll whitelisting feature as it can easily be abused. * Fix canonical redirection for permalinks containing %category% with nested categories and paging. * Fix occasional irrelevant error messages on plugin activation. * Minor XSS fixes in request_filesystem_credentials() and when deleting a plugin. * Clarify the license in the readme * Multisite: Fix the delete_user meta capability * Multisite: Force current_user_can_for_blog() to run map_meta_cap() even for super admins * Multisite: Fix ms-files.php content type headers when requesting a URL with a query string * Multisite: Fix the usage of the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL constant for upgraded WordPress MU installs While here, set license.
2010-12-05Make mplayer build on NetBSD/sh3el.tsutsui2-12/+39
Build tested on NetBSD/landisk 5.1 and player tested on NetBSD/dreamcast 5.1. (though some more packages need hacks/fixes for XFree86 and SH3)
2010-12-05Add patches for GLib>2.25, taken from upstream.obache6-1/+82
2010-12-05Updated devel/cpuflags to 1.42abs1-1/+2
2010-12-05Updated devel/cpuflags to 1.42abs4-7/+77
Add initial powerpc support for Darwin
2010-12-05Updated graphics/opencv to 2.2.0wiz1-1/+2
2010-12-05Update to 2.2.0.wiz5-68/+114
2.2 (December, 2010) General Modifications and Improvements * The library has been reorganized. Instead of cxcore, cv, cvaux, highgui and ml we now have several smaller modules: * opencv_core - core functionality (basic structures, arithmetics and linear algebra, dft, XML and YAML I/O ...). * opencv_imgproc - image processing (filter, GaussianBlur, erode, dilate, resize, remap, cvtColor, calcHist etc.) * opencv_highgui - GUI and image & video I/O * opencv_ml - statistical machine learning models (SVM, Decision Trees, Boosting etc.) * opencv_features2d - 2D feature detectors and descriptors (SURF, FAST etc., * including the new feature detectors-descriptor-matcher framework) * opencv_video - motion analysis and object tracking (optical flow, motion templates, background subtraction) * opencv_objdetect - object detection in images (Haar & LBP face detectors, HOG people detector etc.) * opencv_calib3d - camera calibration, stereo correspondence and elements of 3D data processing * opencv_flann - the Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors (FLANN 1.5) and the OpenCV wrappers * opencv_contrib - contributed code that is not mature enough * opencv_legacy - obsolete code, preserved for backward compatibility * opencv_gpu - acceleration of some OpenCV functionality using CUDA (relatively unstable, yet very actively developed part of OpenCV) * If you detected OpenCV and configured your make scripts using CMake or pkg-config tool, your code will likely build fine without any changes. Otherwise, you will need to modify linker parameters (change the library names) and update the include paths. * It is still possible to use #include <cv.h> etc. but the recommended notation is: * #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" * .. * Please, check the new C and C++ samples (, which now include the new-style headers. * The new-style wrappers now cover much more of OpenCV 2.x API. The documentation and samples are to be added later. You will need numpy in order to use the extra added functionality. * SWIG-based Python wrappers are not included anymore. * OpenCV can now be built for Android (GSoC 2010 project), thanks to Ethan Rublee; and there are some samples too. Please, check * The completely new opencv_gpu acceleration module has been created with support by NVidia. See below for details. New Functionality, Features * core: * The new cv::Matx<T, m, n> type for fixed-type fixed-size matrices has been added. Vec<T, n> is now derived from Matx<T, n, 1>. The class can be used for very small matrices, where cv::Mat use implies too much overhead. The operators to convert Matx to Mat and backwards are available. * cv::Mat and cv::MatND are made the same type: typedef cv::Mat cv::MatND. Note that many functions do not check the matrix dimensionality yet, so be careful when processing 3-, 4- ... dimensional matrices using OpenCV. * Experimental support for Eigen 2.x/3.x is added (WITH_EIGEN2 option in CMake). Again, there are convertors from Eigen2 matrices to cv::Mat and backwards. See modules/core/include/opencv2/core/eigen.hpp. * cv::Mat can now be print with "<<" operator. See opencv/samples/cpp/cout_mat.cpp. * cv::exp and cv::log are now much faster thanks to SSE2 optimization. * imgproc: * color conversion functions have been rewritten; * RGB->Lab & RGB->Luv performance has been noticeably improved. Now the functions assume sRGB input color space (e.g. gamma=2.2). If you want the original linear RGB->L** conversion (i.e. with gamma=1), use CV_LBGR2LAB etc. * VNG algorithm for Bayer->RGB conversion has been added. It's much slower than the simple interpolation algorithm, but returns significantly more detailed images * The new flavors of RGB->HSV/HLS conversion functions have been added for 8-bit images. They use the whole 0..255 range for the H channel instead of 0..179. The conversion codes are CV_RGB2HSV_FULL etc. * special variant of initUndistortRectifyMap for wide-angle cameras has been added: initWideAngleProjMap() * features2d: * the unified framework for keypoint extraction, computing the descriptors and matching them has been introduced. The previously available and some new detectors and descriptors, like SURF, Fast, StarDetector etc. have been wrapped to be used through the framework. The key advantage of the new framework (besides the uniform API for different detectors and descriptors) is that it also provides high-level tools for image matching and textured object detection. Please, see documentation * and the C++ samples: * descriptor_extractor_matcher.cpp - finding object in a scene using keypoints and their descriptors. * generic_descriptor_matcher.cpp - variation of the above sample where the descriptors do not have to be computed explicitly. * bagofwords_classification.cpp - example of extending the framework and using it to process data from the VOC databases: * * the newest super-fast keypoint descriptor BRIEF by Michael Calonder has been integrated by Ethan Rublee. See the sample opencv/samples/cpp/video_homography.cpp * SURF keypoint detector has been parallelized using TBB (the patch is by imahon and yvo2m) * objdetect: * LatentSVM object detector, implementing P. Felzenszwalb algorithm, has been contributed by Nizhniy Novgorod State University (NNSU) team. See * opencv/samples/c/latentsvmdetect.cpp * calib3d: * The new rational distortion model: * x' = x*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r4 + k3*r6)/(1 + k4*r2 + k5*r4 + k6*r6) + <tangential_distortion for x>, y' = y*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r4 + k3*r6)/(1 + k4*r2 + k5*r4 + k6*r6) + <tangential_distortion for y> * has been introduced. It is useful for calibration of cameras with wide-angle lenses. Because of the increased number of parameters to optimize you need to supply more data to robustly estimate all of them. Or, simply initialize the distortion vectors with zeros and pass CV_CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL to enable the new model + CV_CALIB_FIX_K3 + CV_CALIB_FIX_K4 + CV_CALIB_FIX_K5 or other such combinations to selectively enable or disable certain coefficients. * rectification of trinocular camera setup, where all 3 heads are on the same line, is added. see samples/cpp/3calibration.cpp * ml: * Gradient boosting trees model has been contributed by NNSU team. * highgui: * Experimental Qt backend for OpenCV has been added as a result of GSoC 2010 project, completed by Yannick Verdie. The backend has a few extra features, not present in the other backends, like text rendering using TTF fonts, separate "control panel" with sliders, push-buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons, interactive zooming, panning of the images displayed in highgui windows, "save as" etc. Please, check the youtube videos where Yannick demonstrates the new features: * The new API is described here: To make use of the new API, you need to have Qt SDK (or libqt4 with development packages) installed on your machine, and build OpenCV with Qt support (pass -DWITH_QT=ON to CMake; watch the output, make sure Qt is used as GUI backend) * 16-bit and LZW-compressed TIFFs are now supported. * You can now set the mode for IEEE1394 cameras on Linux. * contrib: * Chamfer matching algorithm has been contributed by Marius Muja, Antonella Cascitelli, Marco Di Stefano and Stefano Fabri. See samples/cpp/chamfer.cpp * gpu: * This is completely new part of OpenCV, created with the support by NVidia. Note that the package is at alpha, probably early beta state, so use it with care and check OpenCV SVN for updates. In order to use it, you need to have the latest NVidia CUDA SDK installed, and build OpenCV with CUDA support (-DWITH_CUDA=ON CMake flag). All the functionality is put to cv::gpu namespace. The full list of functions and classes can be found at opencv/modules/gpu/include/opencv2/gpu/gpu.hpp, and here are some major components of the API: * image arithmetics, filtering operations, morphology, geometrical transformations, histograms * 3 stereo correspondence algorithms: Block Matching, Belief Propagation and Constant-Space Belief Propagation. * HOG-based object detector. It runs more than order of magnitude faster than the CPU version! * See opencv/samples/cpp/ * python bindings: * A lot more of OpenCV 2.x functionality is now covered by Python bindings. Documentation, Samples * Links to wiki pages (mostly empty) have been added to each function description, see * All the samples have been documented; most samples have been converted to C++ to use the new OpenCV API. Bug Fixes * Over 300 issues have been resolved. Most of the issues (closed and still open) are listed at
2010-12-05Update devel/apache-ant to 1.8.1tonio2-3/+3
Fixes PR pkg/43752
2010-12-05Update devel/apache-ant to 1.8.1tonio3-19/+21
Fixes PR pkg/43752 Changes from Ant 1.8.0 TO Ant 1.8.1: - Changes that could break older environments: * ant-trax.jar is no longer produced since TrAX is included in JDK 1.4+. * Ant no longer ships with Apache Xerces-J or the XML APIs but relies on the Java runtime to provide a parser and matching API versions. * The stylebook ant task and the ant-stylebook.jar are removed. - Fixed bugs: * Tasks that iterate over task or type definitions, references or targets now iterate over copies instead of the live maps to avoid ConcurrentModificationExceptions if another thread changes the maps. * The filesmatch condition threw a NullPointerException when comparing text files and the second file contained fewer lines than the first one. * Regression: The <ear> task would allow multiple META-INF/application.xml files to be added. * VectorSet#remove(Object) would fail if the size of the vector equaled its capacity. * Regression : ant -diagnostics was returning with exit code 1 * Fix for exec task sometimes inserts extraneous newlines * SymlinkTest#testSymbolicLinkUtilsMethods failing on MacOS * If <concat>'s first resourcecollection child is a <resources>, any subsequently added child resourcecollection joins the first. * <get> with an invalid URL could trigger an NPE in some JVMs. * Broken Pipe issue under Ubuntu Linux * Properties wrongly read from file or not update during read * AntClassLoader in Ant 1.8.0 has been considerably slower than in 1.7.1 * ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS are rippling through lower level Ant usage * email : IO error sending mail with plain mimetype * the script failed to create a proper cache of target if "ant -p" failed. * <rmic>'s sourcebase attribute was broken. * <copy>'s failonerror didn't work as expected when copying a single element resource collection to a file. * <get> no longer followed redirects if the redirect URL was relative and not an absolute URL. * fixed a performance degradation in the code that expands property references. * <jar filesetmanifest="merge"> was broken on Windows. * <symlink> delete failed if the link attribute was a relative path to a link inside the current directory without a leading ".". * <telnet> and <rexec> failed to find the expected strings when waiting for responses and thus always failed. - Other changes: * Project provides new get methods that return copies instead of the live maps of task and type definitions, references and targets. * Ant is now more lenient with ZIP extra fields and will be able to read archives that it failed to read in earlier versions. * The <zip> family of tasks has been sped up for bigger archives. * Add removeKeepExtension option to NetRexxC task. * Add prefix attribute to loadproperties task. * Add resource attribute to length task. * PropertyResource will effectively proxy another Resource if ${name} evaluates to a Resource object. * Added forcestring attribute to equals condition to force evaluation of Object args as strings; previously only API-level usage of the equals condition allowed Object args, but Ant 1.8.x+ property evaluation may yield values of any type. * BuildFileTest.assertPropertyUnset() fails with a slightly more meaningful error message * <junit> will now throw an exception if a test name is empty. This used to manifest itself in unrelated errors like * A change that made <exec> more reliable on Windows (Bugzilla Report 5003) strongly impacts the performance for commands that execute quickly, like attrib. Basically no single execution of a command could take less than a second on Windows. A few timeouts have been tweaked to allow these commands to finish more quickly but still they will take longer than they did with Ant 1.7.1. * Added SimpleBigProjectLogger, intermediate between NoBannerLogger and BigProjectLogger. * <mappedresources> supports new attributes enablemultiplemappings and cache. * Added the augment task to manipulate existing references via Ant's basic introspection mechanisms.
2010-12-05Updated graphics/opencv to 2.1.0wiz2-3/+3
2010-12-05Update to 2.1. Changelog of most insteresting changes:wiz6-353/+103
2.1 (April, 2010) General Modifications - The whole OpenCV is now using exceptions instead of the old libc-style mechanism. * That is, instead of checking error code with cvGetErrStatus() (which currently always returns 0) you can now just call OpenCV functions inside C++ try-catch statements, cv::Exception is now derived from std::exception. - All the parallel loops in OpenCV have been converted from OpenMP * to Intel TBB ( Thus parallel version of OpenCV can now be built using MSVC 2008 Express Edition or using earlier than 4.2 versions of GCC. - SWIG-based Python wrappers are still included, * but they are not built by default and it's generally preferable to use the new wrappers. The python samples have been rewritten by James Bowman to use the new-style Python wrappers, which have been also created by James. - OpenCV can now be built and run in 64-bit mode on MacOSX 10.6 and Windows (see HighGUI and known problems below). * On Windows both MSVC 2008 and mingw64 are known to work. - In theory OpenCV is now able to determine the host CPU on-fly and make use of SSE/SSE2/... instructions, * if they are available. That is, it should be more safe to use WITH_SSE* flags in CMake. However, if you want maximum portability, it's recommended to turn on just WITH_SSE and WITH_SSE2 and leave other SSE* turned off, as we found that using WITH_SSE3, WITH_SSSE3 and WITH_SSE4_1 can yield the code incompatible with Intel's pre-Penryn or AMD chips. - Experimental "static" OpenCV configuration in CMake was contributed by Jose Luis Blanco. * Pass "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF" to CMake to build OpenCV statically. New Functionality, Features * - cxcore, cv, cvaux: * Grabcut ( image segmentation algorithm has been implemented. * See opencv/samples/c/grabcut.cpp * new improved version of one-way descriptor is added. See opencv/samples/c/one_way_sample.cpp * modified version of H. Hirschmuller semi-global stereo matching algorithm that we call SGBM * (semi-global block matching) has been created. It is much faster than Kolmogorov's graph cuts-based algorithm and yet it's usually better than the block matching StereoBM algorithm. See opencv/samples/c/stereo_matching.cpp. * existing StereoBM stereo correspondence algorithm by K. Konolige was noticeably improved: * added the optional left-right consistency check and speckle filtering, improved performance (by ~20%). * User can now control the image areas visible after the stereo rectification * (see the extended stereoRectify/cvStereoRectify), and also limit the region where the disparity is computed (see CvStereoBMState::roi1, roi2; getValidDisparityROI). * Mixture-of-Gaussian based background subtraction algorithm has been rewritten for better performance * and better accuracy. Alternative C++ interface BackgroundSubtractor has been provided, along with the possibility to use the trained background model to segment the foreground without updating the model. See opencv/samples/c/bgfg_segm.cpp. - highgui: * MacOSX: OpenCV now includes Cocoa and QTKit backends, in addition to Carbon and Quicktime. * Therefore you can build OpenCV as 64-bit library. Thanks to Andre Cohen and Nicolas Butko, which components Note however that the backend are now in the alpha state, they can crash or leak memory, so for anything more serious than quick experiments you may prefer to use Carbon and Quicktime. To do that, pass USE_CARBON=ON and USE_QUICKTIME=ON to CMake and build OpenCV in 32-bit mode (i.e. select i386 architecture in Xcode). * Windows. OpenCV can now be built in 64-bit mode with MSVC 2008 and also mingw64. * Fullscreen has been added (thanks to Yannick Verdie). * Call cvSetWindowProperty(window_name, CV_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN, 1) to make the particular window to fill the whole screen. This feature is not supported in the Cocoa bindings yet. * gstreamer backend has been improved a lot (thanks to Stefano Fabri) Bug Fixes * - about 200 bugs have been fixed 2.0 (September, 2009) New functionality, features: * - General: * New Python interface officially in. - MLL: * The new-style class aliases (e.g. cv::SVM ~ CvSVM) and the train/predict methods, taking cv::Mat in addition to CvMat, have been added. So now MLL can be used more seamlesly with the rest of the restyled OpenCV. 2.0 beta (September, 2009) New functionality, features: * General: * The brand-new C++ interface for most of OpenCV functionality (cxcore, cv, highgui) has been introduced. Generally it means that you will need to do less coding to achieve the same results; it brings automatic memory management and many other advantages. * See the C++ Reference section in opencv/doc/opencv.pdf and opencv/include/opencv/*.hpp. * The previous interface is retained and still supported. * The source directory structure has been reorganized; now all the external headers are placed in the single directory on all platforms. * The primary build system is CMake, * CXCORE, CV, CVAUX: * CXCORE now uses Lapack (CLapack in OpenCV 2.0) in its various linear algebra functions (such as solve, invert, SVD, determinant, eigen etc.) and the corresponding old-style functions (cvSolve, cvInvert etc. * Lots of new feature and object detectors and descriptors have been added (there is no documentation on them yet), see cv.hpp and cvaux.hpp: * FAST - the fast corner detector, submitted by Edward Rosten * MSER - maximally stable extremal regions, submitted by Liu Liu * LDetector - fast circle-based feature detector * by V. Lepetit (a.k.a. YAPE) * Fern-based point classifier and the planar object detector - * based on the works by M. Ozuysal and V. Lepetit * One-way descriptor - a powerful PCA-based feature descriptor, * S. Hinterstoisser, O. Kutter, N. Navab, P. Fua, and V. Lepetit, "Real-Time Learning of Accurate Patch Rectification". Contributed by Victor Eruhimov * Spin Images 3D feature descriptor * based on the A. Johnson PhD thesis; implemented by Anatoly Baksheev * Self-similarity features - contributed by Rainer Leinhar * HOG people and object detector - the reimplementation of Navneet Dalal framework * ( Currently, only the detection part is ported, but it is fully compatible with the original training code. * See cvaux.hpp and opencv/samples/c/peopledetect.cpp. * LBP (Local Binary Pattern) features * Extended variant of the Haar feature-based object detector - implemented by Maria Dimashova. It now supports Haar features and LBPs, other features can be added in the same way. * Adaptive skin detector and the fuzzy meanshift tracker - contributed by Farhad Dadgostar, see cvaux.hpp and opencv/samples/c/adaptiveskindetector.cpp * The new traincascade application complementing the new-style HAAR+LBP object detector has been added. See opencv/apps/traincascade. * The powerful library for approximate nearest neighbor search FLANN by Marius Muja is now shipped with OpenCV, and the OpenCV-style interface to the library is included into cxcore. See cxcore.hpp and opencv/samples/c/find_obj.cpp * The bundle adjustment engine has been contributed by PhaseSpace; see cvaux.hp * Added dense optical flow estimation function based on the paper * "Two-Frame Motion Estimation Based on Polynomial Expansion" by G. Farnerback. * See cv::calcOpticalFlowFarneback and the C++ documentation * Image warping operations (resize, remap, warpAffine, warpPerspective) now all support bicubic and Lanczos interpolation. * Most of the new linear and non-linear filtering operations (filter2D, sepFilter2D, erode, dilate ...) support arbitrary border modes and can use the valid image pixels outside of the ROI (i.e. the ROIs are not "isolated" anymore), see the C++ documentation. * The data can now be saved to and loaded from GZIP-compressed XML/YML files, e.g.: cvSave("a.xml.gz", my_huge_matrix); * MLL: * Added the Extremely Random Trees that train super-fast, comparing to Boosting or Random Trees (by Maria Dimashova). * The decision tree engine and based on it classes (Decision Tree itself, Boost, Random Trees) have been reworked and now: * they consume much less memory (up to 200% savings) * the training can be run in multiple threads (when OpenCV is built with OpenMP support) * the boosting classification on numerical variables is especially fast because of the specialized low-overhead branch. * mltest has been added. While far from being complete, it contains correctness tests for some of the MLL classes. * HighGUI: * [Linux] The support for stereo cameras (currently Videre only) has been added. * There is now uniform interface for capturing video from two-, three- ... n-head cameras. * Images can now be compressed to or decompressed from buffers in the memory, see the C++ HighGUI reference manual * Documentation: * The reference manual has been converted from HTML to LaTeX (by James Bowman and Caroline Pantofaru) * Samples, misc.: * Better eye detector has been contributed by Shiqi Yu, see opencv/data/haarcascades/*[lefteye|righteye]*.xml * sample LBP (Local Binary Pattern) cascade for the frontal face detection has been created by Maria Dimashova, see opencv/data/lbpcascades/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml * Several high-quality body parts and facial feature detectors have been * contributed by Modesto Castrillon-Santana, * see opencv/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_mcs*.xml Optimization: * Many of the basic functions and the image processing operations(like arithmetic operations, geometric image transformations, filtering etc.) have got SSE2 optimization, so they are several times faster. * The model of IPP support has been changed. Now IPP is supposed to be detected by CMake at the configuration stage and linked against OpenCV. (In the beta it is not implemented yet though). * PNG encoder performance improved by factor of 4 by tuning the parameters 1.1pre1 (October, 2008) New functionality/features: * General: * Octave bindings have been added. See interfaces/swig/octave (for now, Linux only) * CXCORE, CV, CVAUX: * Speeded-up Robust Features (SURF), contributed by Liu Liu. see samples/c/find_obj.cpp and the documentation opencvref_cv.htm * Many improvements in camera calibration: * Added stereo camera calibration: cvStereoCalibrate, cvStereoRectify etc. * Single camera calibration now uses Levenberg-Marquardt method and supports extra flags to switch on/off optimization of individual camera parameters * The optional 3rd radial distortion parameter (k3*r^6) is now supported in every calibration-related function * 2 stereo correspondence algorithms: * very fast block matching method by Kurt Konolige (processes the Tsukuba stereo pair in <10ms on Core2Duo laptop) * slow but more accurate graph-cut based algorithm by Kolmogorov and Zabin * Better homography estimation algorithms (RANSAC and LMEDs) * new C++ template image classes contributed by Daniel Filip (Google inc.). see opencv/cxcore/include/cvwimage.h * Fast approximate nearest neighbor search (by Xavier Delacour) * Codebook method for background/foreground segmentation (by Gary Bradski) * Sort function (contributed by Shiqi Yu) * [OpenCV+IPP] Face Detection (cvHaarDetectObjects) now runs much faster (up to 2x faster) when using IPP 5.3 or higher. * Much faster (~4x faster) fixed-point variant of cvRemap has been added * MLL: * Python bindings for MLL have been added. There are no samples yet. * HighGUI: * [Windows, 32bit] Added support for videoInput library. Hence, cvcam is [almost] not needed anymore * [Windows, 32bit] FFMPEG can now be used for video decoding/encoding via ffopencv*.dll * [Linux] Added unicap support * Improved internal video capturing and video encoding APIs * Documentation: * OpenCV book has been published (sold separately :) see docs/index.htm) * New samples (opencv/samples): * Many Octave samples * find_obj.cpp (SURF), bgfg_codebook.cpp (Codebook BG/FG segmentation), * stereo_calib.cpp (Stereo calibration and stereo correspondence)
2010-12-04Correct a typo in a comment, no functional change.dsainty1-2/+2
2010-12-04* Fix building on Mac OS Xadam7-0/+650
* Fix building with Exiv2 0.21
2010-12-04* Fix buildling on Mac OS Xadam2-16/+26
* Fix buildiing with Exiv2 0.21
2010-12-04Updated misc/py-anita to 1.18gson1-1/+2
2010-12-04Update misc/py-anita to 1.18. Changes from 1.17:gson2-6/+6
Deal with sysinst no longer asking for a password cipher. Create the work directory in "test" mode so that it works without running "install" first. Fix incorrect description of the --workdir option in the man page, and consistently use the term "work directory" throughout. Reorganized the man page, adding a MODES section. New mode "print-workdir". Fix installation of historical versions of -current around CVS date 2009.
2010-12-04Fix building on Mac OS Xadam3-10/+29
2010-12-04Note update of these pacakges:taca1-1/+9
textproc/ruby-bluecloth 2.0.9 textproc/ruby-builder 3.0.0 textproc/ruby-coderay 0.9.6 textproc/ruby-haml 3.0.24 textproc/ruby-hpricot 0.8.3 textproc/ruby-stringex 1.2.0 textproc/ruby-treetop 1.4.9 textproc/ruby-xslt 0.9.8
2010-12-04Update ruby-xslt pacakge to 0.9.8.taca3-20/+9
0.9.8 : * Replace STR2CSTR by StringValuePtr
2010-12-04Update ruby-treetop package to 1.4.9.taca3-7/+20
Changes are unknown.
2010-12-04Update ruby-stringex package to 1.2.0.taca2-6/+6
Changes are unknown.
2010-12-04Update ruby-hpricot package to 0.8.3taca4-16/+18
= 0.8.3 === 3 November, 2010 * GH#8: Nil-check before downcasing attribute key * GH#25: Proper ruby 1.9 encoding support * GH#28. Use integers instead of ?? on 1.9, which is just a string. * including noscript to ElementInclusions , so that hpricot wont fail when trying to parse a meta tag inside head section when noscript is present. * latest changes from fast_xs mainline * Fixes to get Hpricot running on Rubinius: * Use free, not XFREE * Remove RSTRUCT craziness, don't break Array#at
2010-12-04Update ruby-haml package to 3.0.24.taca3-7/+16
3.0.24 Tagged on GitHub. * html2haml now properly generates Haml for silent script expressions nested within blocks. * IronRuby compatibility. This is sort of a hack: IronRuby reports its version as 1.9, but it doesnĄĮt support the encoding APIs, so we treat it as 1.8 instead. 3.0.23 Tagged on GitHub. * Fix the error message for unloadable modules when running the executables under Ruby 1.9.2. * Fix an error when combining old-style and new-style attributes. 3.0.22 Tagged on GitHub. * Allow an empty line after case but before when. * Remove vendor/sass, which snuck into the gem by mistake and was causing trouble for Heroku users (thanks to Jacques Crocker). * Support the Rails 3.1 template handler API. 3.0.21 Tagged on GitHub. * Fix the permissions errors for good. 3.0.20 Tagged on GitHub. * Fix some permissions errors. 3.0.19 Tagged on GitHub. * Fix the :encoding option under Ruby 1.9.2. * Fix interpolated if statement when HTML escaping is enabled. * Allow the --unix-newlines flag to work on Unix, where itĄĮs a no-op.
2010-12-04Update ruby-coderay package to 0.9.6.taca3-7/+13
Changes are unknown.
2010-12-04ruby-builder package to 3.0.0.taca3-13/+16
Changes after 2.2.0 are unknown. = Change Log == Version 2.2.0 * Applied patch from Thijs van der Vossen to allow UTF-8 encoded output when the encoding is UTF-8 and $KCODE is UTF8.
2010-12-04Update ruby-bluecloth package to 2.0.9.taca3-8/+12
138[tip] 486a5a2a8cd2 2010-09-23 07:15 -0700 ged Bump version, update the Windows build to use 1.9.2 instead of 1.9.1. 137 1caa0c888dfe 2010-09-17 15:03 -0700 ged Updated to Discount 1.6.8, caught up with some Discount flags 136 d21afe457b3a 2010-09-17 14:12 -0700 ged Trying to add a spec to test #68. 135 eb11956b000d 2010-09-17 13:48 -0700 ged Tried to add a spec to test #67. 134 055519ec5f78 2010-09-17 13:42 -0700 ged Cleanup, 1.9.2 compatibility, bugfixes. 133 3122e81da65b 2010-09-17 13:25 -0700 ged Convert to tidy-ext for testing instead of the ffi one (1.9.x compatibility) 132 3f36f96bfb8e 2010-08-16 11:50 -0700 ged Install extension in arch-specific subdir [RPS] 131 8ccd2cfe599e 2010-08-11 09:54 -0600 ged Bump version to 2.0.8 130 f2d6de73c6d6 2010-08-11 09:54 -0600 ged Updated to Discount 1.6.6; add HTML5 tag support. 129 7b1630a0f3b2 2010-08-11 09:27 -0600 ged Updated for Discount 1.6.4, build system updates.