AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2010-08-29Update p5-HTTP-Body from version 1.07nb1 to version 1.09.seb2-12/+8
Pkgsrc changes: - adjust dependencies - set PERL5_MODULE_TYPE to Module::Install::Bundled - placate pkglint about whitespace Upstream changes: 1.09 Thu 19 Aug 2010 19:08:55 UTC - remove blib for PAUSE indexing. 1.08 Thu 19 Aug 2010 18:08:42 UTC - Temp files now preserve the suffix of the uploaded file. This makes it possible to feed the file directly into a mime-type-determing module that may rely on this suffix as part of its heuristic. (Dave Rolsky) - Fix for RT#54443 Xforms buffering incorrectly (Simon Elliott) - Move to Dist::Zilla
2010-08-29Updated net/p5-Test-TCP to 1.04seb1-1/+2
2010-08-29Update p5-Test-TCP from version 0.16nb1 to version 1.04.seb2-10/+7
Pkgsrc changes: - adjust dependencies Upstream changes: 1.04 - fixed local $@ issue. this happens on some version of perl5. 1.03 - release to cpan - fixed win32 issue(charsbar) 1.02_02 - use randomness on finding empty port(suggested by kazuhooku) - try to connect the port before bind(Tatsuhiko Miyagawa) 1.02_01 - better cleanup code by RAII pattern. (reported by dgl) 1.02 - lazy loading issue was fixed at Test::SharedFork 0.12. Depend to it. (reported by J.) 1.01 - remove unused deps for use_test_base(). 1.00 - bump up version! 0.16_02 - oops. packaging miss. 0.16_01 - Do not depend to IO::Socket::INET 1.31. Test::TCP works well with older IO, I hope. (suggested by mst)
2010-08-29Updated devel/ply to 3.3nonaka1-1/+2
2010-08-29Update ply to version 3.3.nonaka3-20/+66
Version 3.3 ----------------------------- 08/25/09: beazley Fixed issue 15 related to the set_lineno() method in yacc. Reported by mdsherry. 08/25/09: beazley Fixed a bug related to regular expression compilation flags not being properly stored in files created by the lexer when running in optimize mode. Reported by Bruce Frederiksen. Version 3.2 ----------------------------- 03/24/09: beazley Added an extra check to not print duplicated warning messages about reduce/reduce conflicts. 03/24/09: beazley Switched PLY over to a BSD-license. 03/23/09: beazley Performance optimization. Discovered a few places to make speedups in LR table generation. 03/23/09: beazley New warning message. PLY now warns about rules never reduced due to reduce/reduce conflicts. Suggested by Bruce Frederiksen. 03/23/09: beazley Some clean-up of warning messages related to reduce/reduce errors. 03/23/09: beazley Added a new picklefile option to yacc() to write the parsing tables to a filename using the pickle module. Here is how it works: yacc(picklefile="parsetab.p") This option can be used if the normal file is extremely large. For example, on jython, it is impossible to read parsing tables if the exceeds a certain threshold. The filename supplied to the picklefile option is opened relative to the current working directory of the Python interpreter. If you need to refer to the file elsewhere, you will need to supply an absolute or relative path. For maximum portability, the pickle file is written using protocol 0. 03/13/09: beazley Fixed a bug in parser.out generation where the rule numbers where off by one. 03/13/09: beazley Fixed a string formatting bug with one of the error messages. Reported by Richard Reitmeyer Version 3.1 ----------------------------- 02/28/09: beazley Fixed broken start argument to yacc(). PLY-3.0 broke this feature by accident. 02/28/09: beazley Fixed debugging output. yacc() no longer reports shift/reduce or reduce/reduce conflicts if debugging is turned off. This restores similar behavior in PLY-2.5. Reported by Andrew Waters. Version 3.0 ----------------------------- 02/03/09: beazley Fixed missing lexer attribute on certain tokens when invoking the parser p_error() function. Reported by Bart Whiteley. 02/02/09: beazley The lex() command now does all error-reporting and diagonistics using the logging module interface. Pass in a Logger object using the errorlog parameter to specify a different logger. 02/02/09: beazley Refactored ply.lex to use a more object-oriented and organized approach to collecting lexer information. 02/01/09: beazley Removed the nowarn option from lex(). All output is controlled by passing in a logger object. Just pass in a logger with a high level setting to suppress output. This argument was never documented to begin with so hopefully no one was relying upon it. 02/01/09: beazley Discovered and removed a dead if-statement in the lexer. This resulted in a 6-7% speedup in lexing when I tested it. 01/13/09: beazley Minor change to the procedure for signalling a syntax error in a production rule. A normal SyntaxError exception should be raised instead of yacc.SyntaxError. 01/13/09: beazley Added a new method p.set_lineno(n,lineno) that can be used to set the line number of symbol n in grammar rules. This simplifies manual tracking of line numbers. 01/11/09: beazley Vastly improved debugging support for yacc.parse(). Instead of passing debug as an integer, you can supply a Logging object (see the logging module). Messages will be generated at the ERROR, INFO, and DEBUG logging levels, each level providing progressively more information. The debugging trace also shows states, grammar rule, values passed into grammar rules, and the result of each reduction. 01/09/09: beazley The yacc() command now does all error-reporting and diagnostics using the interface of the logging module. Use the errorlog parameter to specify a logging object for error messages. Use the debuglog parameter to specify a logging object for the 'parser.out' output. 01/09/09: beazley *HUGE* refactoring of the the ply.yacc() implementation. The high-level user interface is backwards compatible, but the internals are completely reorganized into classes. No more global variables. The internals are also more extensible. For example, you can use the classes to construct a LALR(1) parser in an entirely different manner than what is currently the case. Documentation is forthcoming. 01/07/09: beazley Various cleanup and refactoring of yacc internals. 01/06/09: beazley Fixed a bug with precedence assignment. yacc was assigning the precedence each rule based on the left-most token, when in fact, it should have been using the right-most token. Reported by Bruce Frederiksen. 11/27/08: beazley Numerous changes to support Python 3.0 including removal of deprecated statements (e.g., has_key) and the additional of compatibility code to emulate features from Python 2 that have been removed, but which are needed. Fixed the unit testing suite to work with Python 3.0. The code should be backwards compatible with Python 2. 11/26/08: beazley Loosened the rules on what kind of objects can be passed in as the "module" parameter to lex() and yacc(). Previously, you could only use a module or an instance. Now, PLY just uses dir() to get a list of symbols on whatever the object is without regard for its type. 11/26/08: beazley Changed all except: statements to be compatible with Python2.x/3.x syntax. 11/26/08: beazley Changed all raise Exception, value statements to raise Exception(value) for forward compatibility. 11/26/08: beazley Removed all print statements from lex and yacc, using sys.stdout and sys.stderr directly. Preparation for Python 3.0 support. 11/04/08: beazley Fixed a bug with referring to symbols on the the parsing stack using negative indices. 05/29/08: beazley Completely revamped the testing system to use the unittest module for everything. Added additional tests to cover new errors/warnings. Version 2.5 ----------------------------- 05/28/08: beazley Fixed a bug with writing lex-tables in optimized mode and start states. Reported by Kevin Henry. Version 2.4 ----------------------------- 05/04/08: beazley A version number is now embedded in the table file signature so that yacc can more gracefully accomodate changes to the output format in the future. 05/04/08: beazley Removed undocumented .pushback() method on grammar productions. I'm not sure this ever worked and can't recall ever using it. Might have been an abandoned idea that never really got fleshed out. This feature was never described or tested so removing it is hopefully harmless. 05/04/08: beazley Added extra error checking to yacc() to detect precedence rules defined for undefined terminal symbols. This allows yacc() to detect a potential problem that can be really tricky to debug if no warning message or error message is generated about it. 05/04/08: beazley lex() now has an outputdir that can specify the output directory for tables when running in optimize mode. For example: lexer = lex.lex(optimize=True, lextab="ltab", outputdir="foo/bar") The behavior of specifying a table module and output directory are more aligned with the behavior of yacc(). 05/04/08: beazley [Issue 9] Fixed filename bug in when specifying the modulename in lex() and yacc(). If you specified options such as the following: parser = yacc.yacc(tabmodule="",outputdir="foo/bar") yacc would create a file "" in the given directory. Now, it simply generates a file "" in that directory. Bug reported by cptbinho. 05/04/08: beazley Slight modification to lex() and yacc() to allow their table files to be loaded from a previously loaded module. This might make it easier to load the parsing tables from a complicated package structure. For example: import as parsetab parser = yacc.yacc(tabmodule=parsetab) Note: lex and yacc will never regenerate the table file if used in the form---you will get a warning message instead. This idea suggested by Brian Clapper. 04/28/08: beazley Fixed a big with p_error() functions being picked up correctly when running in yacc(optimize=1) mode. Patch contributed by Bart Whiteley. 02/28/08: beazley Fixed a bug with 'nonassoc' precedence rules. Basically the non-precedence was being ignored and not producing the correct run-time behavior in the parser. 02/16/08: beazley Slight relaxation of what the input() method to a lexer will accept as a string. Instead of testing the input to see if the input is a string or unicode string, it checks to see if the input object looks like it contains string data. This change makes it possible to pass string-like objects in as input. For example, the object returned by mmap. import mmap, os data = mmap.mmap(,os.O_RDONLY), os.path.getsize(filename), access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) lexer.input(data) 11/29/07: beazley Modification of ply.lex to allow token functions to aliased. This is subtle, but it makes it easier to create libraries and to reuse token specifications. For example, suppose you defined a function like this: def number(t): r'\d+' t.value = int(t.value) return t This change would allow you to define a token rule as follows: t_NUMBER = number In this case, the token type will be set to 'NUMBER' and use the associated number() function to process tokens. 11/28/07: beazley Slight modification to lex and yacc to grab symbols from both the local and global dictionaries of the caller. This modification allows lexers and parsers to be defined using inner functions and closures. 11/28/07: beazley Performance optimization: The lexer.lexmatch and t.lexer attributes are no longer set for lexer tokens that are not defined by functions. The only normal use of these attributes would be in lexer rules that need to perform some kind of special processing. Thus, it doesn't make any sense to set them on every token. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** This might break code that is mucking around with internal lexer state in some sort of magical way. 11/27/07: beazley Added the ability to put the parser into error-handling mode from within a normal production. To do this, simply raise a yacc.SyntaxError exception like this: def p_some_production(p): 'some_production : prod1 prod2' ... raise yacc.SyntaxError # Signal an error A number of things happen after this occurs: - The last symbol shifted onto the symbol stack is discarded and parser state backed up to what it was before the the rule reduction. - The current lookahead symbol is saved and replaced by the 'error' symbol. - The parser enters error recovery mode where it tries to either reduce the 'error' rule or it starts discarding items off of the stack until the parser resets. When an error is manually set, the parser does *not* call the p_error() function (if any is defined). *** NEW FEATURE *** Suggested on the mailing list 11/27/07: beazley Fixed structure bug in examples/ansic. Reported by Dion Blazakis. 11/27/07: beazley Fixed a bug in the lexer related to start conditions and ignored token rules. If a rule was defined that changed state, but returned no token, the lexer could be left in an inconsistent state. Reported by 11/27/07: beazley Modified to support Python Eggs. Patch contributed by Simon Cross. 11/09/07: beazely Fixed a bug in error handling in yacc. If a syntax error occurred and the parser rolled the entire parse stack back, the parser would be left in in inconsistent state that would cause it to trigger incorrect actions on subsequent input. Reported by Ton Biegstraaten, Justin King, and others. 11/09/07: beazley Fixed a bug when passing empty input strings to yacc.parse(). This would result in an error message about "No input given". Reported by Andrew Dalke. Version 2.3 ----------------------------- 02/20/07: beazley Fixed a bug with character literals if the literal '.' appeared as the last symbol of a grammar rule. Reported by Ales Smrcka. 02/19/07: beazley Warning messages are now redirected to stderr instead of being printed to standard output. 02/19/07: beazley Added a warning message to if it detects a literal backslash character inside the t_ignore declaration. This is to help problems that might occur if someone accidentally defines t_ignore as a Python raw string. For example: t_ignore = r' \t' The idea for this is from an email I received from David Cimimi who reported bizarre behavior in lexing as a result of defining t_ignore as a raw string by accident. 02/18/07: beazley Performance improvements. Made some changes to the internal table organization and LR parser to improve parsing performance. 02/18/07: beazley Automatic tracking of line number and position information must now be enabled by a special flag to parse(). For example: yacc.parse(data,tracking=True) In many applications, it's just not that important to have the parser automatically track all line numbers. By making this an optional feature, it allows the parser to run significantly faster (more than a 20% speed increase in many cases). Note: positional information is always available for raw tokens---this change only applies to positional information associated with nonterminal grammar symbols. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** 02/18/07: beazley Yacc no longer supports extended slices of grammar productions. However, it does support regular slices. For example: def p_foo(p): '''foo: a b c d e''' p[0] = p[1:3] This change is a performance improvement to the parser--it streamlines normal access to the grammar values since slices are now handled in a __getslice__() method as opposed to __getitem__(). 02/12/07: beazley Fixed a bug in the handling of token names when combined with start conditions. Bug reported by Todd O'Bryan. Version 2.2 ------------------------------ 11/01/06: beazley Added lexpos() and lexspan() methods to grammar symbols. These mirror the same functionality of lineno() and linespan(). For example: def p_expr(p): 'expr : expr PLUS expr' p.lexpos(1) # Lexing position of left-hand-expression p.lexpos(1) # Lexing position of PLUS start,end = p.lexspan(3) # Lexing range of right hand expression 11/01/06: beazley Minor change to error handling. The recommended way to skip characters in the input is to use t.lexer.skip() as shown here: def t_error(t): print "Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0] t.lexer.skip(1) The old approach of just using t.skip(1) will still work, but won't be documented. 10/31/06: beazley Discarded tokens can now be specified as simple strings instead of functions. To do this, simply include the text "ignore_" in the token declaration. For example: t_ignore_cppcomment = r'//.*' Previously, this had to be done with a function. For example: def t_ignore_cppcomment(t): r'//.*' pass If start conditions/states are being used, state names should appear before the "ignore_" text. 10/19/06: beazley The Lex module now provides support for flex-style start conditions as described at Please refer to this document to understand this change note. Refer to the PLY documentation for PLY-specific explanation of how this works. To use start conditions, you first need to declare a set of states in your lexer file: states = ( ('foo','exclusive'), ('bar','inclusive') ) This serves the same role as the %s and %x specifiers in flex. One a state has been declared, tokens for that state can be declared by defining rules of the form t_state_TOK. For example: t_PLUS = '\+' # Rule defined in INITIAL state t_foo_NUM = '\d+' # Rule defined in foo state t_bar_NUM = '\d+' # Rule defined in bar state t_foo_bar_NUM = '\d+' # Rule defined in both foo and bar t_ANY_NUM = '\d+' # Rule defined in all states In addition to defining tokens for each state, the t_ignore and t_error specifications can be customized for specific states. For example: t_foo_ignore = " " # Ignored characters for foo state def t_bar_error(t): # Handle errors in bar state With token rules, the following methods can be used to change states def t_TOKNAME(t): t.lexer.begin('foo') # Begin state 'foo' t.lexer.push_state('foo') # Begin state 'foo', push old state # onto a stack t.lexer.pop_state() # Restore previous state t.lexer.current_state() # Returns name of current state These methods mirror the BEGIN(), yy_push_state(), yy_pop_state(), and yy_top_state() functions in flex. The use of start states can be used as one way to write sub-lexers. For example, the lexer or parser might instruct the lexer to start generating a different set of tokens depending on the context. example/yply/ shows the use of start states to grab C/C++ code fragments out of traditional yacc specification files. *** NEW FEATURE *** Suggested by Daniel Larraz with whom I also discussed various aspects of the design. 10/19/06: beazley Minor change to the way in which was reporting shift/reduce conflicts. Although the underlying LALR(1) algorithm was correct, PLY was under-reporting the number of conflicts compared to yacc/bison when precedence rules were in effect. This change should make PLY report the same number of conflicts as yacc. 10/19/06: beazley Modified yacc so that grammar rules could also include the '-' character. For example: def p_expr_list(p): 'expression-list : expression-list expression' Suggested by Oldrich Jedlicka. 10/18/06: beazley Attribute lexer.lexmatch added so that token rules can access the re match object that was generated. For example: def t_FOO(t): r'some regex' m = t.lexer.lexmatch # Do something with m This may be useful if you want to access named groups specified within the regex for a specific token. Suggested by Oldrich Jedlicka. 10/16/06: beazley Changed the error message that results if an illegal character is encountered and no default error function is defined in lex. The exception is now more informative about the actual cause of the error. Version 2.1 ------------------------------ 10/02/06: beazley The last Lexer object built by lex() can be found in lex.lexer. The last Parser object built by yacc() can be found in yacc.parser. 10/02/06: beazley New example added: examples/yply This example uses PLY to convert Unix-yacc specification files to PLY programs with the same grammar. This may be useful if you want to convert a grammar from bison/yacc to use with PLY. 10/02/06: beazley Added support for a start symbol to be specified in the yacc input file itself. Just do this: start = 'name' where 'name' matches some grammar rule. For example: def p_name(p): 'name : A B C' ... This mirrors the functionality of the yacc %start specifier. 09/30/06: beazley Some new examples added.: examples/GardenSnake : A simple indentation based language similar to Python. Shows how you might handle whitespace. Contributed by Andrew Dalke. examples/BASIC : An implementation of 1964 Dartmouth BASIC. Contributed by Dave against his better judgement. 09/28/06: beazley Minor patch to allow named groups to be used in lex regular expression rules. For example: t_QSTRING = r'''(?P<quote>['"]).*?(?P=quote)''' Patch submitted by Adam Ring. 09/28/06: beazley LALR(1) is now the default parsing method. To use SLR, use yacc.yacc(method="SLR"). Note: there is no performance impact on parsing when using LALR(1) instead of SLR. However, constructing the parsing tables will take a little longer. 09/26/06: beazley Change to line number tracking. To modify line numbers, modify the line number of the lexer itself. For example: def t_NEWLINE(t): r'\n' t.lexer.lineno += 1 This modification is both cleanup and a performance optimization. In past versions, lex was monitoring every token for changes in the line number. This extra processing is unnecessary for a vast majority of tokens. Thus, this new approach cleans it up a bit. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** You will need to change code in your lexer that updates the line number. For example, "t.lineno += 1" becomes "t.lexer.lineno += 1" 09/26/06: beazley Added the lexing position to tokens as an attribute lexpos. This is the raw index into the input text at which a token appears. This information can be used to compute column numbers and other details (e.g., scan backwards from lexpos to the first newline to get a column position). 09/25/06: beazley Changed the name of the __copy__() method on the Lexer class to clone(). This is used to clone a Lexer object (e.g., if you're running different lexers at the same time). 09/21/06: beazley Limitations related to the use of the re module have been eliminated. Several users reported problems with regular expressions exceeding more than 100 named groups. To solve this, is now capable of automatically splitting its master regular regular expression into smaller expressions as needed. This should, in theory, make it possible to specify an arbitrarily large number of tokens. 09/21/06: beazley Improved error checking in Rules that match the empty string are now rejected (otherwise they cause the lexer to enter an infinite loop). An extra check for rules containing '#' has also been added. Since lex compiles regular expressions in verbose mode, '#' is interpreted as a regex comment, it is critical to use '\#' instead. 09/18/06: beazley Added a @TOKEN decorator function to that can be used to define token rules where the documentation string might be computed in some way. digit = r'([0-9])' nondigit = r'([_A-Za-z])' identifier = r'(' + nondigit + r'(' + digit + r'|' + nondigit + r')*)' from ply.lex import TOKEN @TOKEN(identifier) def t_ID(t): # Do whatever The @TOKEN decorator merely sets the documentation string of the associated token function as needed for lex to work. Note: An alternative solution is the following: def t_ID(t): # Do whatever t_ID.__doc__ = identifier Note: Decorators require the use of Python 2.4 or later. If compatibility with old versions is needed, use the latter solution. The need for this feature was suggested by Cem Karan. 09/14/06: beazley Support for single-character literal tokens has been added to yacc. These literals must be enclosed in quotes. For example: def p_expr(p): "expr : expr '+' expr" ... def p_expr(p): 'expr : expr "-" expr' ... In addition to this, it is necessary to tell the lexer module about literal characters. This is done by defining the variable 'literals' as a list of characters. This should be defined in the module that invokes the lex.lex() function. For example: literals = ['+','-','*','/','(',')','='] or simply literals = '+=*/()=' It is important to note that literals can only be a single character. When the lexer fails to match a token using its normal regular expression rules, it will check the current character against the literal list. If found, it will be returned with a token type set to match the literal character. Otherwise, an illegal character will be signalled. 09/14/06: beazley Modified PLY to install itself as a proper Python package called 'ply'. This will make it a little more friendly to other modules. This changes the usage of PLY only slightly. Just do this to import the modules import ply.lex as lex import ply.yacc as yacc Alternatively, you can do this: from ply import * Which imports both the lex and yacc modules. Change suggested by Lee June. 09/13/06: beazley Changed the handling of negative indices when used in production rules. A negative production index now accesses already parsed symbols on the parsing stack. For example, def p_foo(p): "foo: A B C D" print p[1] # Value of 'A' symbol print p[2] # Value of 'B' symbol print p[-1] # Value of whatever symbol appears before A # on the parsing stack. p[0] = some_val # Sets the value of the 'foo' grammer symbol This behavior makes it easier to work with embedded actions within the parsing rules. For example, in C-yacc, it is possible to write code like this: bar: A { printf("seen an A = %d\n", $1); } B { do_stuff; } In this example, the printf() code executes immediately after A has been parsed. Within the embedded action code, $1 refers to the A symbol on the stack. To perform this equivalent action in PLY, you need to write a pair of rules like this: def p_bar(p): "bar : A seen_A B" do_stuff def p_seen_A(p): "seen_A :" print "seen an A =", p[-1] The second rule "seen_A" is merely a empty production which should be reduced as soon as A is parsed in the "bar" rule above. The use of the negative index p[-1] is used to access whatever symbol appeared before the seen_A symbol. This feature also makes it possible to support inherited attributes. For example: def p_decl(p): "decl : scope name" def p_scope(p): """scope : GLOBAL | LOCAL""" p[0] = p[1] def p_name(p): "name : ID" if p[-1] == "GLOBAL": # ... else if p[-1] == "LOCAL": #... In this case, the name rule is inheriting an attribute from the scope declaration that precedes it. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** If you are currently using negative indices within existing grammar rules, your code will break. This should be extremely rare if non-existent in most cases. The argument to various grammar rules is not usually not processed in the same way as a list of items. Version 2.0 ------------------------------ 09/07/06: beazley Major cleanup and refactoring of the LR table generation code. Both SLR and LALR(1) table generation is now performed by the same code base with only minor extensions for extra LALR(1) processing. 09/07/06: beazley Completely reimplemented the entire LALR(1) parsing engine to use the DeRemer and Pennello algorithm for calculating lookahead sets. This significantly improves the performance of generating LALR(1) tables and has the added feature of actually working correctly! If you experienced weird behavior with LALR(1) in prior releases, this should hopefully resolve all of those problems. Many thanks to Andrew Waters and Markus Schoepflin for submitting bug reports and helping me test out the revised LALR(1) support. Version 1.8 ------------------------------ 08/02/06: beazley Fixed a problem related to the handling of default actions in LALR(1) parsing. If you experienced subtle and/or bizarre behavior when trying to use the LALR(1) engine, this may correct those problems. Patch contributed by Russ Cox. Note: This patch has been superceded by revisions for LALR(1) parsing in Ply-2.0. 08/02/06: beazley Added support for slicing of productions in yacc. Patch contributed by Patrick Mezard. Version 1.7 ------------------------------ 03/02/06: beazley Fixed infinite recursion problem ReduceToTerminals() function that would sometimes come up in LALR(1) table generation. Reported by Markus Schoepflin. 03/01/06: beazley Added "reflags" argument to lex(). For example: lex.lex(reflags=re.UNICODE) This can be used to specify optional flags to the re.compile() function used inside the lexer. This may be necessary for special situations such as processing Unicode (e.g., if you want escapes like \w and \b to consult the Unicode character property database). The need for this suggested by Andreas Jung. 03/01/06: beazley Fixed a bug with an uninitialized variable on repeated instantiations of parser objects when the write_tables=0 argument was used. Reported by Michael Brown. 03/01/06: beazley Modified to accept Unicode strings both as the regular expressions for tokens and as input. Hopefully this is the only change needed for Unicode support. Patch contributed by Johan Dahl. 03/01/06: beazley Modified the class-based interface to work with new-style or old-style classes. Patch contributed by Michael Brown (although I tweaked it slightly so it would work with older versions of Python). Version 1.6 ------------------------------ 05/27/05: beazley Incorporated patch contributed by Christopher Stawarz to fix an extremely devious bug in LALR(1) parser generation. This patch should fix problems numerous people reported with LALR parsing. 05/27/05: beazley Fixed problem with copy constructor. Reported by Dave Aitel, Aaron Lav, and Thad Austin. 05/27/05: beazley Added outputdir option to yacc() to control output directory. Contributed by Christopher Stawarz. 05/27/05: beazley Added test script to run tests using the Python unittest module. Contributed by Miki Tebeka. Version 1.5 ------------------------------ 05/26/04: beazley Major enhancement. LALR(1) parsing support is now working. This feature was implemented by Elias Ioup ( and optimized by David Beazley. To use LALR(1) parsing do the following: yacc.yacc(method="LALR") Computing LALR(1) parsing tables takes about twice as long as the default SLR method. However, LALR(1) allows you to handle more complex grammars. For example, the ANSI C grammar (in example/ansic) has 13 shift-reduce conflicts with SLR, but only has 1 shift-reduce conflict with LALR(1). 05/20/04: beazley Added a __len__ method to parser production lists. Can be used in parser rules like this: def p_somerule(p): """a : B C D | E F" if (len(p) == 3): # Must have been first rule elif (len(p) == 2): # Must be second rule Suggested by Joshua Gerth and others.
2010-08-29Fix typo in comment.wiz2-4/+4
2010-08-29Updated devel/p5-Test-SharedFork to 0.12seb1-1/+2
2010-08-29Update p5-Test-SharedFork from version 0.11nb1 to version 0.12.seb2-9/+6
Pkgsrc changes: - adjust dependencies Upstream changes: 0.12 - fixed lazy loading issue RT#60426 (reported by J.)
2010-08-29No need gtkdoc-rebase workaround anymore.obache2-10/+2
2010-08-29No need gtkdoc-rebase workaround anymore.obache4-20/+4
2010-08-29:No need gtkdoc-rebase workaround anymore.obache2-10/+2
2010-08-29No need gtkdoc-rebase workaround anymore.obache6-30/+6
2010-08-29Fix buildling on MacOSXadam2-3/+96
2010-08-29Updated www/p5-Plack to 0.9946seb1-1/+2
2010-08-29Update p5-Plack from version 0.9945 to version 0.9946.seb2-6/+6
Upstream changes: 0.9946 Sat Aug 28 22:32:16 PDT 2010 - Fixes UUV warnings in Apache2 handler RT:60472 - Fixed various test failures due to dependencies
2010-08-29Note initial addition of xml-coreutils version 0.8a asseb1-1/+2
textproc/xml-coreutils into The NetBSD Packages Collection. The xml-coreutils are a collection of Unix/POSIX command line tools for processing XML files. The aim is to make XML processing for shell users exactly as easy as text processing.
2010-08-29Add & enable xml-coreutilsseb1-1/+2
2010-08-29Initial import of xml-coreutils version 0.8a in the NetBSD Packagesseb5-0/+88
Collection. The xml-coreutils are a collection of Unix/POSIX command line tools for processing XML files. The aim is to make XML processing for shell users exactly as easy as text processing.
2010-08-29Improve pear package handlingobache2-63/+32
* support packages from other than default channels * replace deprecated function usage in pear_plist.php * generate filelist from installed registry, to support "install as" files. tested with all pear pacakgs in pkgsrc.
2010-08-29Boost building Boost by making use of MAKE_JOBSadam1-1/+4
2010-08-29Tell location of Haiku's ncurses header.obache1-1/+2
* Socket memory leak plugged in select_thread. * Fix OSX errors for TCP. * Fix ZoneReader truncation for heavily escaped TXT records
2010-08-28Updated net/mldonkey-gui to 3.0.4wiz1-1/+2
2010-08-28Updated net/mldonkey to 3.0.4wiz1-1/+2
2010-08-28Update to 3.0.4, fixing build of mldonkey-gui with ocaml-3.12.1.wiz6-35/+53
Changes: 2010/08/15: version 3.0.4 = tag release-3-0-4 7280: BT: fix make_torrent creates sometimes torrents without name argument (ygrek) 7278: configure: more useful --enable-debug (ygrek) - enable also for ocamlopt - enable when profiling 7274: DC: Increase message buffer size to fix communication with bots (somedamnthing) 2010/08/08 7267: http proxy authentication support (ygrek) - new options http_proxy_login and http_proxy_password control authentication for TCP CONNECT and plain HTTP requests through http proxy 2010/08/07 7273: Fix compile errors on Debian/kFreeBSD 7272: Configure: Use Ocaml 3.12.0 as default compiler 7269: Fix typos (glondu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010/08/01: version 3.0.3 = tag release-3-0-3 2010/07/28 7262: BT: improve porttest (ygrek) 7254: BT/bandwidth controllers: accept incoming connections while downloading - should improve upload when downlink is saturated (ygrek) 2010/07/24 7258: russian i18n mlnet_strings (Balamutick/ygrek) 2010/07/18 7253: Fix downloading Ocaml 3.12 archive, use lablgtk-2.12.0 for Ocaml < 3.10 7252: GTK2 GUI: Fix compile bug with lablgtk2-20100620 and Ocaml 3.12 7251: BT: OCaml 3.08.3 compatibility fix (ygrek) 7250: DC: discover self IP (ygrek) 7249: DC: fix parsing MyINFO with non-latin nicks (ygrek) 2010/07/17 7248: DC: correctly parse dchub:// entries in xml hublist (ygrek) 7247: BT tracker: remember tracked files after restart (ygrek) 2010/07/16 7245: HTML: Fix unstable option sections links position (ygrek) 7210: upload scheduler: correctly handle clock jumps (ygrek) 7219: fsync rename options files (ygrek) 2010/07/15 7208: New aliases (ygrek) - "unpause", "continue" for command "resume" - "man" for command "help" 7233: BT: Announce shared files when share_scan_interval = 0 (ygrek) 2010/05/26 7206: MinGW: Fix diskinfo on large partitions 2010/05/24 7201: DC: Whitespace fixes (ygrek) 7202: BT: Improve internal tracker (ygrek) - continue tracking files even if there are no requests - better logging and error reporting - remove peer from peers list when it sends 'stopped' event 7203: Fix linking with binutils-gold 2010/05/23 7183: DC: magnet links and html ui usability tweaks (ygrek) 7180: DC: better encoding handling (ygrek) - new option default_encoding for communications with hubs, default CP1252 7181: HTML: Fix sorting of friends' file list (ygrek) 7200: Allow compilation with upcoming Ocaml 3.12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010/04/25: version 3.0.2 = tag release-3-0-2 7175: DC: PtokaX compatibility (ygrek) 7169: Equal scales for graphical up/down stats (ygrek) 7167: Improve add_mail_brackets option description, change default according to RFC (ygrek) 2010/04/11 7164: BT: more user-friendly tracker (ygrek) - `compute_torrent` shows full path and url to generated torrent file - `torrents` output htmlized - corrected server header - improved comments for tracker options - search torrents in old directory too 7163: Fix not sending UDP packets when max_hard_upload_rate = 0 (ygrek) 2010/04/10 7162: filter longhelp output (ygrek) - longhelp (or ??) with parameters will output only those commands that contain all of the specified parameters as substring 2010/04/08 7161: bw_toggle: Add options "high" and "low" - bw_toggle without options works as before - if "high" is added, the *_2 option set is used if max_opened_connections_2 is higher than max_opened_connections, otherwise the option values are kept - if "low" is added, the *_2 option set is used if max_opened_connections_2 is lower than max_opened_connections, otherwise the option values are kept 6959: DC: Fix invalid XML (ygrek) - enhanced patch (use Xml.escape and properly escape attributes in Xml.to_string) 2010/04/04 7153: BT: correctly handle failed tracker requests (ygrek) 7155: DC: understand hublist.xml (ygrek) 2010/04/02 7151: BT: html ui tweaks (ygrek) 2010/04/01 7150: BT: track torrents created with compute_torrent (ygrek) 2010/03/27 7142: BT: max_uploaders_per_torrent option not restored from .ini files (xboct) 7140: MinGW: Fix linking with Ocaml 3.11.2 7139: BT: Some improvements and fixes (ygrek) - Don't request sources from tracker (set numwant=0) if we don't need them e.g. 'stopped' event or when sharing - Prevent client from repeatedly sending 'started' events for shared files - Check that peer addresses, returned from tracker in compact format, are valid and not blocked (same check as for non-compact format) - Show torrent info_hash in html ui 7138: BT: Recognize more client brands (ygrek) 7137: Fix error in calculating average upload speed for client (ygrek) 7136: GTK2 GUI: start downloads from search results items by double-click (soulcatcher) 2010/03/20 7128: BT: Fix ratio reporting (ygrek) 7127: Configure: Use Ocaml 3.11.2 as default compiler 7076: Support preallocating files on Unix systems (drwho) Recent Linux kernels support fast preallocation when the filesystem is XFS, EXT4 or BTRFS, this patch adds preallocation support when posix_fallocate() is available 6968: GTK2 GUI: Fix switching server preferred status (dcoppa)
2010-08-28Some cleanup. Use python2.6. Ride update to 1.8.4.wiz1-19/+10
2010-08-28Updated games/wesnoth to 1.8.4adam2-3/+3
2010-08-28Changes 1.8.4:adam11-517/+1649
* AI: * Fixed bug #16102: Made AI cancel attacks if a previously valid attack was made invalid by WML event after move in move+attack sequence. * Allowed custom eras to define Lua AI modifications for games played with this era. * Campaigns: * Delfadors Memoirs: * Make Lionel's portrait in Delfador's Memoirs story screens the same as his unit portrait since there doesn't seem to be a current higher-res version available * Descent into Darkness: * Made 'Alone at Last' slightly easier. Also, Dela is no longer invulnerable but cannot be assassinated easily. * Legend of Wesmere: * removed gold overlay when defeating both leaders * Reduced the difficulty of scenario 14 and improved the AI of the ally. * Liberty: * Increased the difficulty in 'Glory' by making the defenders behave more intelligently. * Language and i18n: * Updated translations: Chinese (Simplified), Galician, Japanese, Serbian, Vietnamese * Flushed image cache when changing language * Miscellaneous and bug fixes: * Ensured graceful failure when encountering broken [advancefrom] tag. * Handled ToD areas in a LIFO way, so that it is possible to override them without first removing them * Avoided displaying an empty menu and therefore choosing a random weapon, when there is none * Added detection for server replays, as they are missing the core [lua] tags * Fixed attack_end event not raised for uncommon swarm attacks * Added test for invalidated death due to positive hp after the 'die' event * 1.9 syntax creeped into 1.8.x causing segfaults * Fixed petrifying in multiround combats * Fixed reference binded to a temporary, possibly the cause of the failure on arklinux * Never allow uploading *.pbl files (case-insensitive) to the add-ons server from the regular game client * Fixed revision.hpp generation with cmake 1.8(.2) * Fixed usage of first PKG_CHECK_MODULES inside a shell conditional * Fixed broken attack animatio
2010-08-28Fix buildling serialization libsadam1-1/+6
2010-08-28fix yesterday's perl entrydholland1-2/+2
2010-08-28Updated devel/p5-Moose to 1.12seb1-1/+2
2010-08-28Update p5-Moose from version 1.10 to version 1.12.seb2-7/+7
Pkgsrc changes: - adjust dependencies Upstream changes: 1.12 Sat, Aug 28, 2010 [BUG FIXES] * Fix the MANIFEST. Fixes RT #60831, reported by Alberto Simões. 1.11 Fri, Aug 27, 2010 [API CHANGES] * An attribute in a subclass can now override the value of "is". (doy) * The deprecation warnings for alias and excludes have been turned back off for this release, to give other module authors a chance to tweak their code. (Dave Rolsky) [BUG FIXES] * mro::get_linear_isa was being called as a function rather than a method, which caused problems with Perl 5.8.x. (t0m) * Union types always created a type constraint, even if their constituent constraints did not have any coercions. This bogus coercion always returned undef, which meant that a union which included Undef as a member always coerced bad values to undef. Reported by Eric Brine. RT #58411. (Dave Rolsky) * Union types with coercions would always fall back to coercing the value to undef (unintentionally). Now if all the coercions for a union type fail, the value returned by the coercion is the original value that we attempted to coerce. (Dave Rolsky).
2010-08-28Revert, I was mistaken.wiz1-2/+2
2010-08-28Disable gnomecanvas dependency again.wiz1-2/+2
2010-08-28Updated x11/lablgtk to 2.14.1wiz2-3/+3
2010-08-28Update to 2.14.1, with additional patches from upstream to build withwiz14-32/+326
ocaml-3.12. Set LICENSE. Add gtksourceview2 option; disable (default off) glade option, since it currently doesn't build. In Lablgtk-2.14.1: 2010.05.20 [Jacques] * update unison patch to 2.40.16 (for Quartz users) 2010.05.18 [Jacques] * rename to gtkSignal.ml4 and fix depend target * move Glib.Utf8 code to, so that it can be used in xml_lexer to fix a bug report by Pascal Brisset (multibyte entities of the form &#x25CF; in glade files). 2010.04.08 [Jacques] * remove useless methods (discovered by ocaml 3.12) 2010.01.14 [Benjamin] * Apply patch from Mike Spivey to support get_visible range in Gtree * Fixed incorrect target labgtkspell.cmxs in Makefile 2009.10.01 [Jacques] * Correct wrong module name SourceViewEnums -> SourceView2Enums In Lablgtk-2.14.0: 2009.09.25 [Jacques] * Ensure compilation under windows 2009.09.22 [Benjamin] * Restore compatibility with pre-3.11 OCaml versions 2009.09.01 [Benjamin] * Apply patch from Mike Spivey: * Access to StyleSchemeManager objects * Some attributes are strings and not string options. This seems sensible. * Languages and style schemes are treated alike in creating buffers: both arguments are wrapped. * draw_spaces deals with a list of flags, not a single flag. * Mark categories can have priorities, icons and backgrounds * Some attributes of languages are accessed by methods instead of properties to work around a GTK bug. 2009.09.01 [Benjamin] * Support for GtkSourceView 2.6 in library "lablgtksourceview2" * Support for GtkSourceView 1.x is still available in library "lablgtksourceview" but it is no longer linked into the lablgtk2 default toplevel as it is not linkable with "lablgtksourceview2". 2009.05.21 [Jacques] * Apply Anil Madhavapeddy patch for lablgladecc2 -hide-default 2009.05.18 [Benjamin] * Make and install dynamic cmxs objects when available. * Fix compilation bug for ml_panel.c (Richard Jones message of 2009-02-06) 2009.05.12 [Jacques] * Merge new tooltip support from Moutinho's branch r1365 (sorry for 1.5y delay...) * Merge tree DND from Moutinho's branch r1387 (1y delay...) 2009.05.08 [Jacques] * Add Gdk.Windowing.platform for platform dependent applications * Fix bug in Clist.set_pixmap when no mask given 2009.04.20 [Jacques] * Print backtrace if available when exception raised in signal callback. Requires ocaml 3.11. (suggested by Bart Jacobs) * Use "val virtual obj" in generated code. Requires ocaml 3.10. 2009.03.19 [Jacques] * In GtkAboutDialog, change internal property from "name" to "program-name" if version >= 2.12. The OO interface is left unchanged, since there is no conflict with #misc#name anyway. 2009.02.09 [Benjamin] * fix linking bug for older than 2.2 Gtk with g_io_channel_read_chars 2009.01.20 [Benjamin] * change handling of non existent properties. [Not_found] is no longer raised and [Invalid_argument prop_name] is used instead. No exception is raised by unknown dynamic property setters and a GLib warning is emitted. See the comments in src/gobject.mli in the local Property module. 2009.01.13 [Benjamin] * fix compilation issues with Gtk 2.4
2010-08-28Updated devel/boost-libs to 1.44.0nb1adam1-1/+2
2010-08-28Fix buildling serialization libsadam3-2/+18
2010-08-28Updated misc/py-anita to 1.12gson1-1/+2
2010-08-28Update misc/py-anita to 1.12. Changes from 1.11:gson3-9/+8
Add support for the amd64 and sparc ports as targets. Improve error reporting for common types of unsuitable URLs. Avoid sending multiple responses when the NetBSD 3.0.1 sysinst updates the menu display multiple times. New command line option "--disk-size".
2010-08-28Updated devel/mercurial to 1.6.3wiz1-1/+2
2010-08-28Update to 1.6.3:wiz2-6/+6
1.6.3 (2010-08-26) This is a monthly bugfix release. It includes several significant fixes, including a fix for a long-standing hardlink corruption issue on Windows. alias: make shadowing behavior more consistent (issue2054) bisect: better message for unrelated starting revisions bookmarks: Check if the bookmark to delete exists on the remote bookmarks: guard against listing bookmarks on unsupported repos chunkbuffer: use += rather than cStringIO to reduce memory footprint convert: Using --dest-type svn crashed, if the source repo used tags. convert: properly set encoding for gnuarch converter convert: use encoding.encoding instead of locale.getpreferredencoding() encoding: improve handling of buggy getpreferredencoding() on Mac OS X graphlog: mark --branch as incompatible with --graph http basic auth: reset redirect counter on new requests (issue2255) httprepo: decompress stream incrementally to reduce memory usage log: fix the bug 'hg log --stat -p == hg log --stat' mercurial.spec: gettext is a build requirement for getting proper localization merge: drop reference to file contents after write merge: move reverse-merge logic out of filemerge (issue2342) merge: fix detection of conflict markers with checkconflicts enabled mq: don't inherit default and default-push paths with --mq (issue2333) resolve: updated help documentation for improved clarity revlog: drop cache after use to save memory footprint templatefilters: unnest uescape() templates: add filenolink to raw style (issue2332) url: expand vars in all [auth] settings (issue2328) url: limit expansion to safe auth keys (Issue2328) util: avoid using hashlib on Python < 2.5 (issue2278) verify: initialize rp variable in case we hit out of memory verify: reduce memory footprint when unpacking files verify: report exceptions that don't have a str() method win32: correctly break hardlinks on network drives (issue761)
2010-08-28Package owner resigned. Change to pkgsrc-userscherry1-2/+2
2010-08-28Force use of elf_repl.h (libelf's own elf.h replacement headers)cherry3-2/+31
instead of NetBSD's own elf.h. See:
2010-08-28Updated www/ja-trac to 0.12pl1obache1-1/+2
2010-08-28Update japanized Trac to 0.12.ja1 a.k.a. 0.12pl1.obache3-16/+148
Trac-0.12.ja1 (Aug 25, 2010) * Based on Trac 0.12 'Babel' * Change document and parameters for our distribution. - *.trac-ja - - trac/templates/about.html - trac/templates/theme.html * Translate default Wiki pages into Japanese. - trac/wiki/default-pages/* * Translate document of Wiki macros into Japanese. - trac/admin/ - trac/ticket/ - trac/wiki/ * Translate document of trac.ini options into Japanese. - trac/ - trac/db/ - trac/db/ - trac/db/ - trac/db/ - trac/ - trac/mimeview/ - trac/mimeview/ - trac/ - trac/ - trac/search/ - trac/ticket/ - trac/ticket/ - trac/ticket/ - trac/ticket/ - trac/ticket/ - trac/ticket/ - trac/timeline/ - trac/versioncontrol/ - trac/versioncontrol/ - trac/versioncontrol/ - trac/versioncontrol/web_ui/ - trac/versioncontrol/web_ui/ - trac/versioncontrol/web_ui/ - trac/web/ - trac/web/ - trac/web/ - trac/wiki/ - trac/wiki/ - tracopt/mimeview/ - tracopt/mimeview/ * Change default values for databases and trac.ini to Japanese - trac/ - trac/ticket/workflows/basic-workflow.ini - trac/ticket/workflows/original-workflow.ini * [Patch] Change default date/time format to Japan - trac/ - trac/util/ * [Patch] Change default encode to cp932 - trac/mimeview/ * [Patch] Add format processing with Japanese coumn name in reports - trac/ticket/ - trac/ticket/templates/report.rss - trac/ticket/templates/report_view.html * [Patch] Fixes a bug that local time is not applied when download Zip file from repository - trac/versioncontrol/web_ui/ * [Patch] minor patch for Unicode handling - trac/ Trac 0.12 'Babel' (June 13, 2010) Trac 0.12 is a major release introducing i18n and multiple repository support as the most visible changes. The following list contains only a few highlights: - The user interface is translated in a dozen of languages, provided the [Babel:] package is installed - Multiple repositories can be associated to a single Trac environment; the repositories can be of heterogeneous types (svn, hg, git, darcs...) - Usability improvements for the Wiki, with a nice side-by-side edit mode with automatic preview - Richer Wiki syntax, with much improved support for tables, partial WikiCreole compatibility and numerous smaller improvements - Usability improvements for the Ticket module, with automatic preview of comments while you type and possibility to edit or remove them later - Improved Custom Queries (time fields, multiple disjoint conditions, a.k.a. OR queries) - Timeline filtering by user - ... and numerous smaller features added and bugs fixed since 0.11!
2010-08-27Add a missing PLIST entry for the quartz option.minskim1-1/+2
2010-08-27Updated textproc/mdoclint to 1.9wiz1-1/+2
2010-08-27OpenBSD has added EXIT STATUS as standard section. Bump version.wiz2-4/+4
2010-08-27Note update of the "perl5" package to version 5.12.1nb1.tron1-1/+2