AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-03-20Added devel/p5-Term-Table version 0.006mef2-2/+6
Added devel/p5-Sub-Info version 0.002
2017-03-20Import p5-Sub-Info-0.002 as devel/p5-Sub-Info.mef3-0/+23
Tool to inspect subroutines.
2017-03-20Change default version Ruby to 2.3.taca1-4/+4
2017-03-20Mark go-net and go-crypto as BROKEN, since they DEPEND on each other.wiz2-4/+8
2017-03-20Import p5-Term-Table-0.006 as devel/p5-Term-Table.mef3-0/+26
This is used by some failing tests to provide diagnostics about what has gone wrong. This module is able to generic format rows of data into tables.
2017-03-20Note update of devel/ruby-power_assert package to 1.0.1.taca1-1/+2
2017-03-20Update ruby-power_assert to 1.0.1.taca3-12/+15
Changes are too many to write here, please refer: <>.
2017-03-20+ ImageMagick-, miller-5.0.1, nickle-2.79, notmuch-0.24,wiz1-4/+13
py-mistune-0.7.4, py-numpy-1.12.1, py-psycopg2-2.7.1, py-test-3.0.7, py-tortoisehg-4.1.1, vim-8.0.0483, vim-share-8.0.0483, x264-devel-20170318.
2017-03-20Updated lang/rust to 1.16.0jperkin1-1/+2
2017-03-20Update lang/rust to 1.16.0. Changes since 1.15.1:jperkin3-36/+35
Version 1.16.0 (2017-03-16) =========================== Language -------- * Lifetimes in statics and consts default to `'static`. [RFC 1623] * [The compiler's `dead_code` lint now accounts for type aliases][38051]. * [Uninhabitable enums (those without any variants) no longer permit wildcard match patterns][38069] * [Clean up semantics of `self` in an import list][38313] * [`Self` may appear in `impl` headers][38920] * [`Self` may appear in struct expressions][39282] Compiler -------- * [`rustc` now supports `--emit=metadata`, which causes rustc to emit a `.rmeta` file containing only crate metadata][38571]. This can be used by tools like the Rust Language Service to perform metadata-only builds. * [Levenshtein based typo suggestions now work in most places, while previously they worked only for fields and sometimes for local variables][38927]. Together with the overhaul of "no resolution"/"unexpected resolution" errors (#[38154]) they result in large and systematic improvement in resolution diagnostics. * [Fix `transmute::<T, U>` where `T` requires a bigger alignment than `U`][38670] * [rustc: use -Xlinker when specifying an rpath with ',' in it][38798] * [`rustc` no longer attempts to provide "consider using an explicit lifetime" suggestions][37057]. They were inaccurate. Stabilized APIs --------------- * [`VecDeque::truncate`] * [`VecDeque::resize`] * [`String::insert_str`] * [`Duration::checked_add`] * [`Duration::checked_sub`] * [`Duration::checked_div`] * [`Duration::checked_mul`] * [`str::replacen`] * [`str::repeat`] * [`SocketAddr::is_ipv4`] * [`SocketAddr::is_ipv6`] * [`IpAddr::is_ipv4`] * [`IpAddr::is_ipv6`] * [`Vec::dedup_by`] * [`Vec::dedup_by_key`] * [`Result::unwrap_or_default`] * [`<*const T>::wrapping_offset`] * [`<*mut T>::wrapping_offset`] * `CommandExt::creation_flags` * [`File::set_permissions`] * [`String::split_off`] Libraries --------- * [`[T]::binary_search` and `[T]::binary_search_by_key` now take their argument by `Borrow` parameter][37761] * [All public types in std implement `Debug`][38006] * [`IpAddr` implements `From<Ipv4Addr>` and `From<Ipv6Addr>`][38327] * [`Ipv6Addr` implements `From<[u16; 8]>`][38131] * [Ctrl-Z returns from `` when reading from the console on Windows][38274] * [std: Fix partial writes in `LineWriter`][38062] * [std: Clamp max read/write sizes on Unix][38062] * [Use more specific panic message for `&str` slicing errors][38066] * [`TcpListener::set_only_v6` is deprecated][38304]. This functionality cannot be achieved in std currently. * [`writeln!`, like `println!`, now accepts a form with no string or formatting arguments, to just print a newline][38469] * [Implement `iter::Sum` and `iter::Product` for `Result`][38580] * [Reduce the size of static data in `std_unicode::tables`][38781] * [`char::EscapeDebug`, `EscapeDefault`, `EscapeUnicode`, `CaseMappingIter`, `ToLowercase`, `ToUppercase`, implement `Display`][38909] * [`Duration` implements `Sum`][38712] * [`String` implements `ToSocketAddrs`][39048] Cargo ----- * [The `cargo check` command does a type check of a project without building it][cargo/3296] * [ will display CI badges from Travis and AppVeyor, if specified in Cargo.toml][cargo/3546] * [ will display categories listed in Cargo.toml][cargo/3301] * [Compilation profiles accept integer values for `debug`, in addition to `true` and `false`. These are passed to `rustc` as the value to `-C debuginfo`][cargo/3534] * [Implement `cargo --version --verbose`][cargo/3604] * [All builds now output 'dep-info' build dependencies compatible with make and ninja][cargo/3557] * [Build all workspace members with `build --all`][cargo/3511] * [Document all workspace members with `doc --all`][cargo/3515] * [Path deps outside workspace are not members][cargo/3443] Misc ---- * [`rustdoc` has a `--sysroot` argument that, like `rustc`, specifies the path to the Rust implementation][38589] * [The `armv7-linux-androideabi` target no longer enables NEON extensions, per Google's ABI guide][38413] * [The stock standard library can be compiled for Redox OS][38401] * [Rust has initial SPARC support][38726]. Tier 3. No builds available. * [Rust has experimental support for Nvidia PTX][38559]. Tier 3. No builds available. * [Fix backtraces on i686-pc-windows-gnu by disabling FPO][39379] Compatibility Notes ------------------- * [Uninhabitable enums (those without any variants) no longer permit wildcard match patterns][38069] * In this release, references to uninhabited types can not be pattern-matched. This was accidentally allowed in 1.15. * [The compiler's `dead_code` lint now accounts for type aliases][38051]. * [Ctrl-Z returns from `` when reading from the console on Windows][38274] * [Clean up semantics of `self` in an import list][38313] [37057]: [37761]: [38006]: [38051]: [38062]: [38062]: [38066]: [38069]: [38131]: [38154]: [38274]: [38304]: [38313]: [38314]: [38327]: [38401]: [38413]: [38469]: [38559]: [38571]: [38580]: [38589]: [38670]: [38712]: [38726]: [38781]: [38798]: [38909]: [38920]: [38927]: [39048]: [39282]: [39379]: [`<*const T>::wrapping_offset`]: [`<*mut T>::wrapping_offset`]: [`Duration::checked_add`]: [`Duration::checked_div`]: [`Duration::checked_mul`]: [`Duration::checked_sub`]: [`File::set_permissions`]: [`IpAddr::is_ipv4`]: [`IpAddr::is_ipv6`]: [`Result::unwrap_or_default`]: [`SocketAddr::is_ipv4`]: [`SocketAddr::is_ipv6`]: [`String::insert_str`]: [`String::split_off`]: [`Vec::dedup_by_key`]: [`Vec::dedup_by`]: [`VecDeque::resize`]: [`VecDeque::truncate`]: [`str::repeat`]: [`str::replacen`]: [cargo/3296]: [cargo/3301]: [cargo/3443]: [cargo/3511]: [cargo/3515]: [cargo/3534]: [cargo/3546]: [cargo/3557]: [cargo/3604]: [RFC 1623]:
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate to 1.24mef1-1/+3
Updated devel/p5-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod to 0.30
2017-03-20Update devel/p5-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPoda to 0.30mef2-8/+7
----------------------------------------------------- ============================== 2017-02-17 21:20:51 +0000 0.30 Fix clean pdf test after previous release ============================== 2017-02-17 14:02:03 +0000 0.28 Handle perls without dot in @INC
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate to 1.24mef2-7/+9
------------------------------------------------ 1.24 Tue Feb 14 2017 - fix test failure on file-open-failure.t related to current locale setting. - improve fix to Date::Manip TZ deprecation warnings.
2017-03-20reduce gtk2 include, move comment to options.mkszptvlfn2-5/+3
2017-03-20Fix strip_domain patch to work in anonymous case.sborrill3-9/+10
2017-03-20Updated mail/sympa to 6.2.16bouyer1-1/+2
2017-03-20Update sympa to 6.2.16. Notable changes since 6.2.7bouyer6-42/+195
This version finally fixes the old problem for primo-installation when the sympa wizard would not start to generate the sympa.conf... because the sympa.conf file was empty. In addition, Soji fixed a timeout problem when Sympa closed a list, because Sympa spent ages checking whether the list was included or not in another one. He simply added a table registering the lists inclusions to speed up the checking process. And because fixing the problem was not enough to him, he also added a new page in the Sympa web interface to visualize lists inclusions. In summary, what you have now is: "including_lists" page to get lists including particular lists. This page is accessible only by list owners and listmasters. Now looping by include_list settings can be detected. Inclusion is skipped if a setting will cause looping. the new 'include_sympa_list' parameter obsoletes 'include_list' in list config and named data sources. Older one may still be used as it is mapped to newer one internally. The subindex page did not allow to actually accept/reject subscriptions. This was because of a badly named parameter being passed to the templates. WWSympa does no longer respect HTTP request header fields noticing the request was forwarded ("X-Forwarded-Host:" etc.). In particular cases, you may require adjusting configuration. Now wwsympa_url parameter defines the URL publicly accessed by users. Contrarily "http_host" and "cookie_domain" parameters indicate the URI and/or domain which are locally recognized by wwsympa, i.e taken form "http_host" ("Host:" field) and "request_uri" CGI environments. "Location:" response field sent by wwsympa to cause redirection also gives local URL. If requests sent from users to wwsympa are rewritten by intermediate server(s), you should make sure that wwsympa server and rewriting server(s) are appropriately configured. a new parameter, use_tls, appears to replace obsoleted "use_ssl" and "use_start_tls" parameters; note that these obsoleted parameters can stil be used. But the new one is way more convenient: "use_tls" takes one of following values corresponding to old ones: "starttls" : use_ssl=0, use_start_tls=1. "ldaps" : use_ssl=1, use_start_tls=0. "none" : TLS/SSL is disabled. Now STARTTLS may be enabled in LDAP datasource configuration of lists along with LDAPS. The "Feedback" link will now be visible by listmasters only! We received enough mails from end users mis-interpreting this link with their local helpdesk. :-| Now [% path_cgi %] template variable respects "wwsympa_url" configuration parameter. Previously it was taken from CGI environment variable. Soji also improved Sympa daemons to capture the SIGCHLD signal, so that defunct children will be closed quicker. As we tend to change the CSS regularly according to the different feedback you send us, we added the Sympa version number in the CSS file URL, so that it will be automatically reloaded, ignoring cache, when your users arrive on the web interface after an upgrade. Changing web_archive_spam_protection did not update spam protection mode on past archives. Fixed by applying spam protection at the time of display, not when archives were created / rebuilt. base element in web output should be eliminated, because it will mess reverse proxy and so on. Fixed by making partial URIs to be redirected to base URI. WWSympa: Cannot view attachments in bounce messages and moderated messages. Fixed by correcting inappropriate relative URL paths.
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Function-Parameters to 1.0706 [mef 2017-03-20]mef1-1/+8
Updated devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch to 0.08 [mef 2017-03-20] Updated devel/p5-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir to 1.000009 [mef 2017-03-20] Updated devel/p5-Dist-Zilla to 6.009 [mef 2017-03-20] Updated devel/p5-Devel-CheckLib to 1.09 [mef 2017-03-20] Updated devel/p5-Data-GUID to 0.049 [mef 2017-03-20] Updated devel/p5-Cache-FastMmap to 1.45 [mef 2017-03-20]
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Cache-FastMmap to 1.45mef2-8/+7
--------------------------------------- 1.45 Thu Mar 14 11:10 2017 - Deprecate raw_values and compress options, add new compressor and serializer options to allow different compressors and serializers. Initial compressor support: zlib, lz4, snappy Initial serializer support: storable, sereal, json Thanks to for initial work
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Data-GUID to 0.049mef2-8/+7
----------------------------------- 0.049 2017-01-23 19:04:58-05:00 America/New_York - Data::UUID can sometimes produce duplicate UUIDs when a single UUID generator is used on both sides of a fork. Data::GUID now silently replaces its UUID generator when the pid changes. (bug reported by Matthew Horsfall)
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Data-Munge to 0.097mef2-8/+7
------------------------------------ 0.097 2017-03-17 * Don't require '.' in @INC during install.
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Devel-CheckLib to 1.09mef2-8/+7
--------------------------------------- 1.09 2017-03-18 Add $PATH for the libs on Windows. 1.08 2017-03-18 Add $LD_RUN_PATH for the libs.
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Dist-Zilla to 6.009mef2-7/+7
------------------------------------ 6.009 2017-03-04 11:16:37-05:00 America/New_York - update DateTime::TimeZone prereq on Win32 to improve workingness (thanks, Schwern!) - add --recommends and --requires and --suggests to listdeps - improve testing of listdeps (thanks, Mickey Nasriachi!) - Module::Runtime is now considered 'internal' for the purpose of carping (thanks, Karen Etheridge!) - ./tmp is now pruned by PruneCruft (thanks, Karent Etheridge!) - authordeps now picks up :version for the root section (thanks, Karen!) - the config loading of the "perl" config loader is more reliable, but still please don't use it (thanks, Karen!) - introducing a new plugin, [GatherFile], to support adding individual files to the distribution (thanks, Karen!)
2017-03-20quickly remove debugroy1-2/+2
2017-03-20Roll the duplicated function and define tests into lists and then looproy1-96/+28
through each with one test. Reduces code size, makes reading it a lot easier and is more maintainable. Patch from jperkin@
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir to 1.000009mef2-8/+7
--------------------------------------------------------- 1.000009 2017-03-09T15:31:05Z 5080496 - Bugfix: Fix tests failing with -Ddefault_inc_excludes_dot - Tests made more old-test-more friendly [Dependencies::Stats] - Dependencies changed since 1.000008, see misc/*.deps* for details - configure: (suggests: +1) - develop: +3 ↑2 (suggests: ↑2) - test: ↓1
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch to 0.08mef2-8/+11
------------------------------------------------- 0.08 2017-02-24 23:06:26-06:00 America/Chicago [Fixed] - Fixed distribution not correctly attributing contributors 0.07 2017-02-24 23:01:06-06:00 America/Chicago [Fixed] - Fixed incompatibility between this module and Log-Dispatch v2.60. Log-Dispatch has become more strict about what parameters it accepts, and we've been always sending it some invalid ones. Thanks to @pghmcfc for the report and @rehsack for the patch! (pkgsrc changes) Add following lines for make test --------------------------------- BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-namespace-autoclean-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-namespace-autoclean BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Specio-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Specio
2017-03-20Updated devel/p5-Devel-ebug to 0.59mef2-7/+10
------------------------------------ 0.59 2017.03.12 - Fix long-standing bug when -l used on #! line 0.58 2017.03.06 - DZil improvements - Make scripts consistently use #!/usr/bin/perl (maybe env would be better) (pkgsrc changes) - Add following lines for make test BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Pod-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-Pod BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-YAML-[0-9]*:../../textproc/p5-YAML BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Module-Pluggable-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Module-Pluggable (make test fails with pbulk with "Cannot open a pty at .." type message, but passes with normal make test).
2017-03-20Add following lines for make testmef2-2/+9
--------------------------------- BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-namespace-autoclean-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-namespace-autoclean BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Specio-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Specio BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Params-ValidationCompiler-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Params-ValidationCompiler
2017-03-20Add following lines for make testmef1-1/+4
--------------------------------- BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-namespace-autoclean-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-namespace-autoclean BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Specio-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Specio BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Params-ValidationCompiler-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Params-ValidationCompiler
2017-03-20Update devel/p5-Function-Parameters to 1.0706mef2-7/+9
--------------------------------------------- 1.0706 2017-03-17 - don't require . in @INC during install - improve internal code generation functions used on perls before 5.22 (pkgsrc note) make test fails at t/foreign/Fun/name.t, but the previous version also fails at the same point, thus update, thank you.
2017-03-20Updated databases/gdbm to 1.13adam1-1/+2
2017-03-20Version 1.13 - 2017-03-11adam9-19/+38
* gdbm_fetch, gdbm_firstkey, and gdbm_nextkey behavior If the requested key was not found, these functions return datum with dptr pointing to NULL and set gdbm_errno to GDBM_ITEM_NOT_FOUND (in prior releases, gdbm_errno was set to GDBM_NO_ERROR), If an error occurred, dptr is set to NULL, and gdbm_errno to the error code. In any case gdbm_errno is guaranteed to have meaningful value upon return. * Error handling In previous versions of GDBM, fatal errors (such as write error while storing the key/data pair or bucket) caused immediate termination of the program via call to exit(3). This is no longer the case. Starting from this version, if a fatal error occurrs while modifying the database file, that database is marked as needing recovery and gdbm_errno is set to GDBM_NEED_RECOVERY. Calls to any GDBM functions, except gdbm_recover, will then return immediately with the same error code. The function gdbm_recover examines the database file and fixes eventual inconsistencies. Upon successful return it clears the error state and makes the database operational again. For backward compatibility, the fatal_func argument to gdbm_open is retained and its functionality is not changed. If it is not NULL, the new error handling procedures are disabled, the function it points to will be called upon fatal errors. When it returns, exit(1) will be called. * Per-database error codes In addition to gdbm_error global variable, the most recent error state is saved in the GDBM_FILE structure. This facilitates error handling when operating multiple GDBM databases simultaneously.
2017-03-20Updated editors/nanoadam1-1/+2
2017-03-20GNU nano 2.7.5 "Nijntje" can properly search and replaceadam2-13/+13
the \B and \b regex anchors, correctly repaints things when multiline regexes with identical start and end are involved, fixes a crash with zero-length regex matches, does replacements at the edges of a marked region right, no longer hides double-width characters at the head of softwrapped rows, displays at most three warnings at startup, and documents the ability to read a file from standard input. Come tickle my ears.
2017-03-20Note PKGREVISION bump of py-ipython_genutilsminskim1-1/+2
2017-03-20Use python/ rather than python/extention.mkminskim2-3/+5
Suggested by wiz@. Bump PKGREIVISION for PLIST change.
2017-03-20syncok test has been comitted, remove bogus getsyx test.roy1-6/+3
2017-03-20Describe USE_CURSES, FAKE_NCURSES and INCOMPAT_CURSES.roy1-1/+29
2017-03-20Updated sysutils/sysupgrade to 1.5nb2maya1-1/+2
2017-03-20sysupgrade: don't reject https. bump PKGREVISION.maya3-3/+19
2017-03-20Add a test for syncok(3).roy1-1/+11
2017-03-19Updated www/py-scrapy to 1.3.3adam1-1/+2
2017-03-19Changes 1.3.3:adam2-7/+7
Bug fixes - Make ``SpiderLoader`` raise ``ImportError`` again by default for missing dependencies and wrong :setting:`SPIDER_MODULES`. These exceptions were silenced as warnings since 1.3.0. A new setting is introduced to toggle between warning or exception if needed ; see :setting:`SPIDER_LOADER_WARN_ONLY` for details.
2017-03-19Create and use shared library libLLVM; fix install_name for shared object on ↵adam6-17/+63
2017-03-19Note update of devel/ruby-posix-spawn package to 0.3.13.taca1-1/+2
2017-03-19Update ruby-posix-spawn to 0.3.13.taca2-7/+7
0.3.12 * Fix unsetenv implementation * LGPL code is gone * Remove unused variable and warning * Don't capture unused to a variable 0.3.13 * replace references to Fixnum with Integer (2.4 unifies Fixnum/Bignum)
2017-03-19Note update of devel/ruby-parser pakcage to 3.8.4.taca1-1/+2
2017-03-19Update ruby-parser to 3.8.4.taca3-10/+10
=== 3.8.4 / 2017-01-13 * 3 bug fixes: * Fix parsing if in LHS label position. (presidentbeef) * Fixed parsing of anonymous keyword splat arg (eg f(**)). * Fixed ruby 2.4+ deprecation warnings about using Fixnum.
2017-03-19Note update of devel/ruby-octokit package to 4.6.2.taca1-1/+2