Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Upstream changes:
0.21 - Tue Aug 17 19:13:13 CDT 2010
- Don't test the 'iomode' option under 5.6, because layers aren't
supported yet.
- Fixes to spelling errors in the docmuentatino. [Ansgar Burchardt
and Debian patchers]
pkgsrc changes:
- add license definition
- switch module type to Module::Build
Upstream changes:
- Todd Rinaldo takes maintainership
changes in 0.11:
0.11 Tue Mar 16 2010
- re-structure module to more modern layout. Convert to M::B
- re-factor tests to test::more
- pod fixes now we're testing them
- clean up authors and generate proper META.yml
- Fix 5.10 deprecation of defined %hash. Just use %hash to the same
pkgsrc changes:
- correcting license
Upstream changes:
2.50 05 April, 2010
-Fixed inline SVG generation method (bug # 43814 and 50075)
-Fixed XML-escaped characters (bug # 53918 and 44454)
-Fixed undef bug in findChildIndex (bug # 48932)
-Fixed memory leaks with Scalar::Util::weaken() (bug # 54458)
-Fixed cloning method (bug # 36194)
-DOM::insertAtIndex() and removeAtIndex() now update the ID and element list
* No changelog available.
- add license
pkgsrc changes:
- preparing for databases/p5-gdbm (using Makefile.common)
- supporting external access to perl install dirs (
- fixing some errors/warnings from pkglint
- adding conflict to packages of CPAN modules which are in Perl5 code
on the one hand and are broken with perl-5.10+
Bumping PKGREVISION (dependencies changed, rebuild highly recommended).
Recursive rebuild is not required.
Release 1.8.4 (2010-08-27) Kouhei Sutou <>)
* Fix build system. (patch by kimura watasu and suggested by OBATA Akio)
* Fix Windows gem. (reported by Dominic Sisneros)
* Dominic Sisneros
* kimura wataru
* OBATA Akio
!! Changes 0.0.5 from 0.0.4: 2010-08-26
* fix a bug: strings after non-WikiName expression are ignored
* new text decoration ``monospaced text``
* fix rake failure with Hoe 1.9.0 or later
* add syntax highlighting with google-code-prettify
Upstream changes:
2.0001 Aug 22 12:03:00 2010 PDT
- Simply reading a hash or array element no longer causes autoviv-
ification. (Dereferencing it does still.) This makes DBM::Deep
comply with Perl's behaviour (RT#60391).
From PR pkg/43790 by Kamel Derouiche
pkgsrc changes:
- re-set LICENSE (modified-bsd).
upstream changes:
Release date: 28 July 2010
New features
* Ford-Fulkerson max flow and min cut
* Closness vitality
* Eulerian circuits
* Functions for isolates
* Simpler s_max generator
* Compatible with IronPython-2.6
* Improved testing functionality: import networkx; networkx.test() tests
entire package and skips tests with missing optional packages
* All tests work with Python-2.4
* and more, see
Release date: 21 April 2010
New features
* Algorithm for finding a basis for graph cycles
* Blockmodeling
* Assortativity and mixing matrices
* in-degree and out-degree centrality
* Attracting components and condensation.
* Weakly connected components
* Simpler interface to shortest path algorithms
* Edgelist format to read and write data with attributes
* Attribute matrices
* GML reader for nested attributes
* Current-flow (random walk) betweenness and closeness.
* Directed configuration model, and directed random graph model.
* Improved documentation of drawing, shortest paths, and other
* Many more tests, can be run with ?import networkx; networkx.test()?
* and much more, see
API Changes
Returning dictionaries
Several of the algorithms and the degree() method now return dictionaries keyed
by node instead of lists. In some cases there was a with_labels keyword which is
no longer necessary. For example,
>>> G=nx.Graph()
>>> G.add_edge('a','b')
>>> # returns dictionary of degree keyed by node
{'a': 1, 'b': 1}
Asking for the degree of a single node still returns a single number
The following now return dictionaries by default (instead of lists) and the
with_labels keyword has been removed:
DiGraph.in_degree(), DiGraph.out_degree(),,
MultiDiGraph.in_degree(), MultiDiGraph.out_degree().
* clustering(), triangles()
* node_clique_number(), number_of_cliques(), cliques_containing_node()
* eccentricity()
The following now return dictionaries by default (instead of lists)
* pagerank()
* hits()
Adding nodes
add_nodes_from now accepts (node,attrdict) two-tuples
>>> G=nx.Graph()
>>> G.add_nodes_from([(1,{'color':'red'})])
* Mayvi2 drawing
* Blockmodel
* Sampson?s monastery
* Ego graph
Bug fixes
* Support graph attributes with union, intersection, and other graph
* Improve subgraph speed (and related algorithms such as
* Handle multigraphs in more operators (e.g. union)
* Handle double-quoted labels with pydot
* Normalize betweeness_centrality for undirected graphs correctly
* Normalize eigenvector_centrality by l2 norm
* read_gml() now returns multigraphs
Release 1.8.3 (2010-08-26) Kouhei Sutou <>)
* Support cairo 1.8.10.
* Support Ruby 1.9.2. (reported by Tasuku SUENAGA and kimura wataru)
* Fix RGV -> HSV conversion. (patch by Yuta Taniguchi)
* Support Cairo::Color as Hash key.
* Yuta Taniguchi
* Tasuku SUENAGA
* kimura wataru
New Libraries
* Meta State Machine: High-performance expressive UML2 finite state machines,
from Christophe Henry
* Polygon: Booleans/clipping, resizing/offsetting and more for planar polygons
with integral coordinates, from Lucanus Simonson.
Updated Libraries
* Accumulators
* Asio
* Config
* Filesystem
* Foreach
* Hash
* Iostreams
* Math
* Multi-index Containers
* Proto
* Regex
* Thread
* TR1
* Type Traits
* Utility
* Uuid
* Xpressive
by application developers in fields such as visual simulation, games, virtual
reality, scientific visualization and modelling. Written entirely in Standard
C++ and OpenGL it runs on all Windows platforms, OSX, GNU/Linux, IRIX, Solaris,
HP-Ux, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems. The OpenSceneGraph is now well
established as the world leading scene graph technology, used widely in the
vis-sim, space, scientific, oil-gas, games and virtual reality industries.
Changes in Maxima 5.22.1
New items in core:
* function gensym: new
* function makelist: extensions
Other revisions in core:
* improvements in specint (Laplace transform)
* improvements in Xmaxima user interface
* inverse properties for erf and friends
* function transpose: faster algorithm
Other revisions in share:
* package graphs: new graph definitions, tutte and flow polynomials, bug fixes, other updates
* package draw: new object geomap, rename mesh to elevation_grid, other updates
* package descriptive: new functions smin, smax; functions mini, maxi now deprecated
* package simplify_sum: try to detect telescoping sums
* package ezunits: additional conversions, faster conversion algorithm
* package lapack: new function dgesv
* package colnew: improved interface functions
* package dynamics: bug fix
* package mnewton: bug fix
* package finance: update
Bug fixes:
3035313 - some array references translated incorrectly
3029610 - integrate and %e_to_numlog
3025038 - gruntz needs logexpand:true
3024797 - @POSIX_SHELL@ always substitued by /bin/sh in configure.lisp
3014545 - submatrix does not work as expected
3012427 - tex2ooo.lisp invalid output
3010829 - numerical evaluation of elliptic_ec fails for argument > 1
3010525 - abs documentation doesn't explain mapping behavior
3009011 - plot3d syntax
3007061 - log(x^2) simplifies to 2 log(x) for all x
3005820 - full_listify
3002971 - limit fails where rat+subst works
2999635 - trigrat(sin(1)) makes mess
2998621 - conjugate(atan(x+%i*y)) wrong
2997276 - zeta(3),numer; gives Lisp error
2996542 - log(x) integration is incorrect.
2996106 - at(diff(f(x,y),x,1,y,1),[x=a,y=b]) is wrong
2996065 - Unevaluated numerical hypergeometric() call
2992398 - sort doesn't give error for invalid comparison
2991924 - Incorrect integration of rational functions
2990307 - error for solve_rat_ineq
2988544 - integrate(signum(abs(x)),x,-2,2);
2988190 - atan2(1b20,-1b0); badly wrong
2985866 - derivatives of functions of taylor polys
2933097 - polyfactor not documented
2905526 - lcm(0,6,0) --> divide by zero
2806446 - ev_diff in vect.mac
2805600 - depends() partially prevents diff() to work
2789110 - solve, tan and atan depend on order of variables
2784283 - psi[0](negative float)
2781127 - bfpsi0 of complex
2556133 - "at" should do parallel substitutions
2036462 - Very long calculation time, normal ?
2014941 - compositions of 'at'
2011228 - vect redefines "." as commutative, was:Matrix multiplication
1994295 - errormsg
1961494 - translated functions & values list
1959214 - integrate() and array having lisp style name
1928142 - keepfloat breaks ratsubst() in some cases
1758005 - compiler warning for rat3c
1677217 - composistions of 'at'
1663385 - declare multiplicative - wrong simplification
1281740 - declare/featurep - strange behaviour
1212598 - bug in the VECT.MAK - VECTORSIMP cross product
1117533 - letsimp complains about assignment to %pi
1114128 - 2nd argument in permanent
1078046 - Alias atoms displayed after unorder()
1046653 - input prompt appearing when it should not
1003494 - scalefactors broken Maxima 5.9.0 (win)
947808 - logcontract and ratfac
838301 - vect negate cross product simplification
754220 - Featurep and Declare inconsistent /FIX
742909 - trigrat(sin(x/2)) makes a mess
unnumbered - is(f("x")>0) causes an error.
pkgsrc changes:
- fixing homepage
Upstream changes:
1.12 - Wed Apr 28 20:38:53 EST 2010
Test adjustments thankyou Christian W. (BRAMBLE)
Documentation updates and corrections (BRAMBLE)
Upstream changes:
[Changes for 0.30 - 16 Aug 2010]
* Updated dist metadata and M::I
[Changes for 0.29 (unreleased) - 11 Sep, 2007]
* T::P::P->generate($len) works
* Fix behavior:
was equivalent to
which is too subtle. Now it works just as
* Improved warnings on bad arguments
pkgsrc changes:
- add license definition
- make no compiler languages are used
Upstream changes:
1.04 Mon Jun 7 09:09:36 EDT 2010
- Don't escape "=" unless it's in command position. Thanks to Chip
for the inspiration.
- Use "#!perl" in test.t (closes #38072).
- Don't try to test or install the shell-quote script on Windows
(closes #46445).
1.03 Tue May 3 06:47:39 EDT 2005
- Add shell-quote script.
Upstream changes:
0.58 2010-08-25 14:06:30 UTC
- Bump version number for Crypt::SSLeay to 0.58 and Net::SSL to 2.85 in
preparation for release.
- Fix typo in POD is s/PEM0encoded/PEM encoded/ (checked
- Update Changes and TODO. Regenerate README and META.yml. Update package
author. Minor POD fixes.
0.57_05 2010-08-15 17:41:21 UTC
- Fix for NO_PROXY support in Net::SSL (bug #57836)
- Bump Net::SSL version number to 2.84_02 after changes
- Fix file/dir permissions (bug #60338)
- Review warnings when compiling SSLeay.xs against older versions of OpenSSL.
Warnings are due to OpenSSL.
- Add clarification regarding $ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE} and $ENV{HTTPS_CA_DIR} to the
- Other POD related changes:
* Remove historic information in README about platforms where the package
was successfully built.
* Reformat acknowledgements. TODO: Add more people.
* Fix link to Net-SSLeay.
* Add note about the --live-tests command line option
* Generate README from POD.
* Formatting fixes.
* Update copyright notice.
0.57_04 2010-08-11 00:22:33 UTC
- Reorganize Makefile.PL to break individual steps in to subroutines so as to
facilitate localized future modifications. Whether there was any point to
this remains to be seen.
- In Makefile.PL, accommodate ActiveState+MingW configuration.
- Pick the correct lib location for Strawberry Perl (bug #60230).
- Apply fixes in bug reports #59312 and #33954 to Net/
- Bump version number in Net/ to indicate development release.
0.57_03 2010-08-09 20:12:30 UTC
- If the last component of $inc_dir is 'openssl', set $inc_dir to its parent
and set $prefix to 'openssl'. Otherwise, leave $inc_dir as is and set $prefix
to '' (I hope this fixes bugs #28431, #28680, #32084, #43084, #54103 without
breaking anything).
- Improved OpenSSL detection on Win32/Strawberry Perl (bug #49285).
- Add MIME::Base64 as a prerequisite as Net::SSL needs it.
- exit 0 if OpenSSL can't be found to avoid superfluous reports from CPAN
- Add \ to $opt_bench in eg/net-ssl-test (bugs #30931, #39363).
0.57_02 2010-08-08 18:27:40 UTC
- Refactor the version detection algorithm in Makefile.PL to handle all known
variations of version number encoding. Should fix bug #52408.
0.57_01 2008-02-18 14:42:32 UTC
- use #include <..> rather than #include "..." in
- add command-line switch to avoid live tests (bug #30268).
- skip tests in t/01-connect.t if 443 is already in use (bug #30985).
- make code gcc -Wwrite-strings compatible (bug #31926).
Upstream changes:
1.21 2010-08-20
- This release is based on version 2010l of the Olson database. This release
includes updates for Egypt and Palestine.
* contrib: add safe_clamd from Luca
* freshclam: uses private symbol which changed proto, change name to prevent
* libclamav: fix callback_sigload
* clamdscan: fix parsing of virus names in extended mode and --stream
* libclamav/c++/detect.cpp: Mac OS X can run 64-bit apps on 32-bit kernel
* libclamav/others.h: bump f-level
* sigtool/sigtool.c: fix handling of --datadir
* libclamav/matcher-ac.c: improve offset handling
* libclamav/7z/Archive/7z/7zDecode.c: shut up a warning
* libclamav/autoit.c: properly resume from empty files regression introduced
in ac867aad
* libclamav/elf.c: fix zero mem alloc warning
* win32: fix libclamav's triple and fix GetVersion
* libclamav/bytecode.c: save lsig counts/offsets
* libclamav/{bytecode,matcher}.c: matchicon API
* libclamav/pe_icons.c: BE fixes
* more...
Upstream changes:
0.09004 Wed Aug 11 04:23:15 2010
- Changed the way Class::XSAccessor is invoked if available
(recommended by C::XSA author)
- Modified internal cache names to avoid real accessor clashes
- Some micro-optimizations for get_inherited
- Fixed field names with a single quote in them (patch from Jason Plum)
Upstream changes:
1.07 Sun Aug 15 14:41 2010
- Include two new test files for the fix in 1.06.
- Define PERL_CORE, but *only* while including XSUB.h to get
a significant speed-up (see XSAccessor.xs for an explanation).
Idea from Chocolateboy. Complaints from rightfully annoyed
perl5-porters (in particular but not limited to Nicholas)
go to Steffen.
1.06 Sat Aug 14 20:21 2010
- Add sanity checks to make sure we don't segfault on
invalid invocants (chocolateboy)