AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2022-12-15xz: updated to 5.4.0adam3-7/+35
5.4.0 (2022-12-13) This bumps the minor version of liblzma because new features were added. The API and ABI are still backward compatible with liblzma 5.2.x and 5.0.x. Since 5.3.5beta: * All fixes from 5.2.10. * The ARM64 filter is now stable. The xz option is now --arm64. Decompression requires XZ Utils 5.4.0. In the future the ARM64 filter will be supported by XZ for Java, XZ Embedded (including the version in Linux), LZMA SDK, and 7-Zip. * Translations: - Updated Catalan, Croatian, German, Romanian, and Turkish translations. - Updated German man page translations. - Added Romanian man page translations. Summary of new features added in the 5.3.x development releases: * liblzma: - Added threaded .xz decompressor lzma_stream_decoder_mt(). It can use multiple threads with .xz files that have multiple Blocks with size information in Block Headers. The threaded encoder in xz has always created such files. Single-threaded encoder cannot store the size information in Block Headers even if one used LZMA_FULL_FLUSH to create multiple Blocks, so this threaded decoder cannot use multiple threads with such files. If there are multiple Streams (concatenated .xz files), one Stream will be decompressed completely before starting the next Stream. - A new decoder flag LZMA_FAIL_FAST was added. It makes the threaded decompressor report errors soon instead of first flushing all pending data before the error location. - New Filter IDs: * LZMA_FILTER_ARM64 is for ARM64 binaries. * LZMA_FILTER_LZMA1EXT is for raw LZMA1 streams that don't necessarily use the end marker. - Added lzma_str_to_filters(), lzma_str_from_filters(), and lzma_str_list_filters() to convert a preset or a filter chain string to a lzma_filter[] and vice versa. These should make it easier to write applications that allow users to specify custom compression options. - Added lzma_filters_free() which can be convenient for freeing the filter options in a filter chain (an array of lzma_filter structures). - lzma_file_info_decoder() to makes it a little easier to get the Index field from .xz files. This helps in getting the uncompressed file size but an easy-to-use random access API is still missing which has existed in XZ for Java for a long time. - Added lzma_microlzma_encoder() and lzma_microlzma_decoder(). It is used by erofs-utils and may be used by others too. The MicroLZMA format is a raw LZMA stream (without end marker) whose first byte (always 0x00) has been replaced with bitwise-negation of the LZMA properties (lc/lp/pb). It was created for use in EROFS but may be used in other contexts as well where it is important to avoid wasting bytes for stream headers or footers. The format is also supported by XZ Embedded (the XZ Embedded version in Linux got MicroLZMA support in Linux 5.16). The MicroLZMA encoder API in liblzma can compress into a fixed-sized output buffer so that as much data is compressed as can be fit into the buffer while still creating a valid MicroLZMA stream. This is needed for EROFS. - Added lzma_lzip_decoder() to decompress the .lz (lzip) file format version 0 and the original unextended version 1 files. Also lzma_auto_decoder() supports .lz files. - lzma_filters_update() can now be used with the multi-threaded encoder (lzma_stream_encoder_mt()) to change the filter chain after LZMA_FULL_BARRIER or LZMA_FULL_FLUSH. - In lzma_options_lzma, allow nice_len = 2 and 3 with the match finders that require at least 3 or 4. Now it is internally rounded up if needed. - CLMUL-based CRC64 on x86-64 and E2K with runtime processor detection. On 32-bit x86 it currently isn't available unless --disable-assembler is used which can make the non-CLMUL CRC64 slower; this might be fixed in the future. - Building with --disable-threads --enable-small is now thread-safe if the compiler supports __attribute__((__constructor__)). * xz: - Using -T0 (--threads=0) will now use multi-threaded encoder even on a single-core system. This is to ensure that output from the same xz binary is identical on both single-core and multi-core systems. - --threads=+1 or -T+1 is now a way to put xz into multi-threaded mode while using only one worker thread. The + is ignored if the number is not 1. - A default soft memory usage limit is now used for compression when -T0 is used and no explicit limit has been specified. This soft limit is used to restrict the number of threads but if the limit is exceeded with even one thread then xz will continue with one thread using the multi-threaded encoder and this limit is ignored. If the number of threads is specified manually then no default limit will be used; this affects only -T0. This change helps on systems that have very many cores and using all of them for xz makes no sense. Previously xz -T0 could run out of memory on such systems because it attempted to reserve memory for too many threads. This also helps with 32-bit builds which don't have a large amount of address space that would be required for many threads. The default soft limit for -T0 is at most 1400 MiB on all 32-bit platforms. - Previously a low value in --memlimit-compress wouldn't cause xz to switch from multi-threaded mode to single-threaded mode if the limit cannot otherwise be met; xz failed instead. Now xz can switch to single-threaded mode and then, if needed, scale down the LZMA2 dictionary size too just like it already did when it was started in single-threaded mode. - The option --no-adjust no longer prevents xz from scaling down the number of threads as that doesn't affect the compressed output (only performance). Now --no-adjust only prevents adjustments that affect compressed output, that is, with --no-adjust xz won't switch from multi-threaded mode to single-threaded mode and won't scale down the LZMA2 dictionary size. - Added a new option --memlimit-mt-decompress=LIMIT. This is used to limit the number of decompressor threads (possibly falling back to single-threaded mode) but it will never make xz refuse to decompress a file. This has a system-specific default value because without any limit xz could end up allocating memory for the whole compressed input file, the whole uncompressed output file, multiple thread-specific decompressor instances and so on. Basically xz could attempt to use an insane amount of memory even with fairly common files. The system-specific default value is currently the same as the one used for compression with -T0. The new option works together with the existing option --memlimit-decompress=LIMIT. The old option sets a hard limit that must not be exceeded (xz will refuse to decompress) while the new option only restricts the number of threads. If the limit set with --memlimit-mt-decompress is greater than the limit set with --memlimit-compress, then the latter value is used also for --memlimit-mt-decompress. - Added new information to the output of xz --info-memory and new fields to the output of xz --robot --info-memory. - In --lzma2=nice=NUMBER allow 2 and 3 with all match finders now that liblzma handles it. - Don't mention endianness for ARM and ARM-Thumb filters in --long-help. The filters only work for little endian instruction encoding but modern ARM processors using big endian data access still use little endian instruction encoding. So the help text was misleading. In contrast, the PowerPC filter is only for big endian 32/64-bit PowerPC code. Little endian PowerPC would need a separate filter. - Added decompression support for the .lz (lzip) file format version 0 and the original unextended version 1. It is autodetected by default. See also the option --format on the xz man page. - Sandboxing enabled by default: * Capsicum (FreeBSD) * pledge(2) (OpenBSD) * Scripts now support the .lz format using xz. * A few new tests were added. * The liblzma-specific tests are now supported in CMake-based builds too ("make test").
2022-12-15nspr: properly fix nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c; pkglint fixesadam4-11/+14
2022-12-15doc: Updated devel/opa to 0.47.3leot1-1/+2
2022-12-15opa: Update to 0.47.3leot3-7/+7
Changes: 0.47.3 ------ This is a bug fix release addressing an issue that prevented OPA from fetching bundles stored in S3 buckets.
2022-12-15doc: Updated editors/neovim to 0.8.1nikita1-1/+2
2022-12-15editors/neovim: update to version 0.8.1nikita3-15/+93
Changelog (taken from 0.8.1 Features extmarks: Allow preventing spellchecking with spell = false spell: Support nospell in treesitter queries man: Add health check docs-html: Try to use tags for ToC headings Bug Fixes ui: Setting 'cmdheight' with global statusline ui: Fix highlights not being updated with 'winhl' Make_filter_cmd for :! powershell :! pwsh redirection for command not found Find multibyte file name in line Avoid unsigned overflow in home_replace() docs-html: Update parser folds: Fix fold marker multibyte comparison health: Correct tmux rgb verification man.lua: Set modifiable before writing page mouse: Ensure no scrolling with "ver:0" in 'mousescroll' paste: Feed keys as typed in cmdline mode qflist: Avoid read of uninitialized memory spell: Fix wrong cast stdpath: Default to /tmp if stdpath('run') cannot be created tui: Resume main thread if suspending isn't implemented Documentation lsp: Vim.lsp.range_code_action() is not deprecated 0.8.0 Breaking changes Remove 'insertmode' 'remap' and 'terse' options highlight: Rename attributes to match Vim (#19159) highlight: Error on invalid names and allow '.' and '@' terminal: Drop winpty, require Windows 10 (version 1809 or later) #18253 treesitter: Use style highlight groups treesitter: Do not merge queries by default (#20105) Features runtime: Enable filetype.lua by default (#19216) Add undo! Add "prerelease" to version dict Click support for 'statusline', 'winbar' #18650 Add preview functionality to user commands allow Cmdheight=0 (EXPERIMENTAL) #16251 Stdpath('run'), /tmp/nvim.user/ #18993 Add 'mousescroll' option (#12355) Allow :wincmd to accept a count (#19815) Multibuffer preview support for inccommand Man: Port to Lua (#19912) api: Ui options relevant for remote TUI api: Add nvim_parse_cmd And nvim_cmd api: Support handling stdin stream in remote ui api: Add group_name to nvim_get_autocmds api: Enable nvim_exec_autocmds to pass arbitrary data (#18613) api: Support pattern array for exec_autocmds api: Add unsilent to command APIs api: Add replace_keycodes to nvim_set_keymap (#19598) api: Add support for :horizontal modifier api: Add "move" to nvim_input_mouse api/ui: "ui_watched" option for ui-side extmarks build: Add_glob_target runs only on changed files #19070 checkhealth: Check for slow shell #17829 defaults: Session data in $XDG_STATE_HOME #15583 defaults: Search selection by * and # in visual mode (#18538) defaults: Nnoremap & :&& #19365 defaults: enable mouse by default (set mouse=nvi) #19290 diagnostic: Pass diagnostics as data to DiagnosticChanged autocmd (#20173) docs: Gen_help_html.lua edit: Insert an unsimplified key using CTRL-SHIFT-V treesitter: Full support for spelling filetype: Convert more patterns to filetype.lua filetype: Remove side effects from vim.filetype.match (#18894) filetype: Expand environment variables in filetype patterns (#20145) fs: Add vim.fs functions: parents() dirname() basename() dir() find() normalize() highlight: Implement CurSearch highlight highlight: Support scoped @spam.eggs.baked_beans groups input: Delay all simplifications l10n: Turkish translations #19441 l10n: Improve zh_CN translations (#19483) lsp: Remove capabilities sanitization (#17814) lsp: Show feedback on empty hover response (#18308) lsp: Options to filter and auto-apply code actions (#18221) lsp: Add vim.lsp.buf.format (#18193) lsp: Add logging level "OFF" (#18379) lsp: Add LspAttach and LspDetach autocommands lsp: Add filter to vim.lsp.get_active_clients() lsp: Option to reuse_win for jump actions (#18577) lsp: Add a start function (#18631) lsp: Send didChangeConfiguration after init (#18847) lsp: Defaults: tagfunc, omnifunc, formatexpr (#19003, #19677) lsp: Allow passing custom list handler to LSP functions that return lists (#19213) lsp: Provide feedback if server can't compute rename result (#19546) lsp: Add range option to code_action; deprecate range_code_action (#19551) lsp: Disable exit_timeout by default (#19672) lsp: Add tcp support lua: Vim.deprecate() #18320 lua: Vim.cmd() with kwargs acts like nvim_cmd() #18523 lua: Allow some vim script functions to run in fast callbacks lua: Measure require in --startuptime lua: Allow vim.cmd to be indexed (#19238) lua: Print source locations of lua callbacks (#19597) lua: Add vim.iconv (#18286) lua: Vim.ui_attach to get ui events from lua (EXPERIMENTAL) man.vim: List command flags in "gO" outline #17558 mappings: Do not replace existing mapping for simplified form mappings: Allow special keys and modifiers in mapping mapset: Support restoring "replace_keycodes" and "desc" mapset: Support restoring Lua callback (#20024) marks: Restore viewport on jump #15831 nvim_create_user_command: Pass structured modifiers to commands pum: Pretend 'mousemoveevent' is set when showing right-click menu server: Set $NVIM, unset $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS #11009 server: Instance "name", store pipes in stdpath(state) term: Add support for libvterm >= 0.2 terminal: Implement <c-> for terminal mode terminal: Recognize underdouble and undercurl terminfo: Bump built-in terminfo entries (#18570) treesitter: Allow customizing language symbol name treesitter: Add ability to retreive a tree/node given a range treesitter: Upstream node methods from nvim-treesitter treesitter: Include language in invalid query error (#14053) treesitter: Bundle Lua parser and queries treesitter: Add viml parser and queries treesitter: Add injections treesitter: Add vim.treesitter.start(), enable for Lua treesitter: Bundle :help parser and queries tui: Query terminal for CSI u support (#18181) tui: Recognize keypad keys when using kitty keyboard protocol tui: Try terminfo for [re]set_cursor_color OSC #19255 tui: Allow grid and host to disagree on ambiguous-width chars (#19686) tui: Recognize sidescroll events (#19992) tui: Support 'mousemoveevent' ui: Add 'winbar' ui: Clear message history explicitly with msg_history_clear event ui: Make right-click menu work properly with ext_multigrid ui: Allow to set the highlight namespace per window ui: Use msg_grid based implementation for cmdheight=0 ui-ext: Make 'mousemoveevent' a ui_option eval: Make Lua Funcref work as method and in substitute() (#20217) eval: Input() support any type for "cancelreturn" in a dict (#19357) Bug Fixes Show autocmd output when F is in shortmess (#18251) Has() should preserve v:shell_error #18280 Suppress "is a directory" messages with shortmess 'F' (#18296) Display global statusline correctly with ext_messages Correct nlua_wait error message #18867 Right-click in clickable statusline #19252 Remote UI may get invalid 'pumblend' value #19379 Assertion failure when requiring missing module in autocmd api: Nvim_eval_statusline should validate input #18347 api: Check error after getting win/buf handle (#19052) api: Check for inclusive buffer line index out of bounds correctly (#19056) api: Change default value of 'pattern' in nvim_exec_autocmds (#19115) api: Do not switch win/buf if getting option in current win/buf (#19383) api: Make nvim_set_hl(ns=0, ...) redraw screen properly api: Nvim_set_hl bail out on invalid group name (#20021) api: Notify dict watchers on nvim_set_var and vim.g setter api/command: Fargs behavior when no arguments are passed (#19862) autocmds: Separate command from desc (#18617) buffer: Disable buffer-updates before removing from window #18933 build: Missing definitions for sizeof macros #16393 build: Only pass -municode if MINGW #19049 build: Strip trailing newline from variable (#19084) build: Don't disable byte precompilation on debug builds build: Fails if git is missing #19366 charclass: Make behavior with empty str match latest Vim (#19749) checkhealth: Skip #18816 ci: Remove 2000ms blocking wait in many plugin/lsp_spec.lua tests cmd: Make :-tabmove work with modifiers (#18447) cmdheight=0: Various issues part3 #19816 cmdline: Fix passing -1 as char cmdline: Trigger CmdlineEnter and ModeChanged earlier (#19474) cmdline: Do not trigger completion at wrong time (#19920) cmdline: Don't send invalid cursor with incsearch and cmdheight=0 column: Move sign sentinel after inserting/de...
2022-12-15doc: Added devel/libvterm03 version 0.3nikita1-1/+2
2022-12-15import libvterm03 as devel/libvterm03 version 0.3nikita5-0/+72
packaged by Thomas Merkel in wip An abstract C99 library which implements a VT220 or xterm-like terminal emulator. It doesn't use any particular graphics toolkit or output system, instead it invokes callback function pointers that its embedding program should provide it to draw on its behalf. It avoids calling malloc() during normal running state, allowing it to be used in embedded kernel situations.
2022-12-15rust: Remove -Wl,--strip-all on SunOS.jperkin1-1/+4
pkgsrc has its own strip handling, and we need to ensure objects aren't stripped before we optionally generate CTF data for them.
2022-12-15games/openrct2: teach it about big-endian hosts.he2-1/+21
Fixes build on NetBSD/macppc.
2022-12-15games/fallingtime: fix build on NetBSD/macppc.he2-4/+6
...where we need -std=gnu99 for alloca(). Use BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM to transform command line, otherwise -std=c99 sneaks in and overrides, causing link failure. Can't find where patch-pkg_default.gcw0.desktop is, not in CVS repository...
2022-12-15jsonnet: Fix od(1) args.jperkin2-4/+5
2022-12-15doc: Added mail/mailutils version 3.15vins1-1/+2
2022-12-15+ mailutilsvins1-1/+2
2022-12-15mail/mailutils: import package from wip.vins8-0/+641
GNU Mailutils is a swiss army knife of electronic mail handling. It offers a rich set of utilities and daemons for processing e-mail. All Mailutils programs are able to operate on mailboxes of any existing format, ranging from standard UNIX maildrops, through maildir and up to remote mailboxes, which are transparently accessed using IMAP4, POP3 and SMTP.
2022-12-15+ mm.vins1-1/+2
2022-12-15doc: Added mail/mm version
2022-12-15Updated sysutils/xenkernel415 to 4.15.4bouyer1-1/+4
Updated sysutils/xentools415 to 4.15.4 Updated sysutils/xenstoretools to 4.15.4
2022-12-15Update xenkernel415, xentools415 and xenstoretools to 4.15.4bouyer6-20/+19
Main changes from 4.15.3: includes all security fixes up to and including XSA-422 other changes are minor improvements and fixes. Complete changelog can be found at:
2022-12-15doc: Updated math/gnumeric112 to 1.12.53jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15gnumeric112: Update to 1.12.53.jperkin4-487/+9
Primarily to fix build with python >= 3.10. Gnumeric 1.12.53 Morten: * Fix xlsx import of T.INV. * Fix inter-process array paste problem. [#634] * Fix problem with xlsx number format 14. * Fix problems with complex number rendering. [#638] * Fix near-denormal parsing case. [#656] * Fix mildly crazy ROUND edge cases. [#661] * Fix dialog reuse problem. [#657] * Fix sc import problem. [#663] * Work a little hard at avoiding -0. [#652] * Fix html import problem. [#669] * Fix reading localc extension for engineering format. [#659] * Fix strict-conformance ods problem with E-notation. [#672] * Improve test suite Gnumeric 1.12.52 Morten: * Attach the vertical alignment selector to the toolbar. * Improve the toolbar styling a bit. * Fix toolbar overflow menu's labeling. * Many improvements to vertical toolbars. * Install appdata file in new location [#612] * Allow styling of cell extension indicators. * Restore bolding of active sheet tab. * Fix import of mildly broken print settings in xlsx files from OnlyOffice. * Various --with-long-double fixes. * Fix BITAND. * Test improvements. * Fix xlsx write for sheet objects with text contents. [#617] * Fix leak. * Fix old problem saving column widths. [#619] * Set default number of sheets to 1. * Fix edge error case for SMALL and LARGE. [#620] * Increase the default column width a bit. * Fix xlsx import/export of default column width. * Be less aggressive with automatic column widening. [#621] Gnumeric 1.12.51 Jean: * Fix error bars when data are in a multi-column array. [#594] * Always set the GO_DATA_HAS_VALUE flag when needed. [#595] Morten: * Fix --with-long-double configuration. * Fix applix import/locale problem. * Make sure CEIL doesn't return -0. [#603] * Add ILOG function. [#591] * Fix MROUND. [#604] * Take evasive action re g_memdup. * Fix inter-gnumeric array formula paste crash. [#606] * Avoid re-querying file existance for recent files. [Part of #602] * Fix rich-text rendering (based on work of Jean). [#607] * Fix crash with conditional styling. [#597] * Extend BITOR, BITAND, BITXOR to any numbers of arguments. * Fix ods export leak. [#611] Gnumeric 1.12.50 Morten: * Fix undo problem with sorting and cell comments. * Python loader cleanups. * Use Python's bool type instead of rolling our own. * Export file:// links to html. [#569] * Export file:// links to xlsx. [#569] * Improve handling of invalid formulae from xlsx. [#574] * Introspection fixes. * Improve CELL("format",...) [#576] * wk4 import improvements. (For no good reason.) * Fix some -fsanitize=undefined problems. * Improve excel-specific xlsx import of validation. Gnumeric 1.12.49 Andreas: * Do not try to turn all of LibreOffice's SplitModes into frozen panes [file of #557] Jean: * Fix graph size issue when the graph is in its own sheet. [#516] * Fix one more graph size issue when the graph is in its own sheet. [#565] JohnDenker: * Fix ssgrep problem when used as a filter. [#552] Morten: * Rework conditional styling's upper level. * Fix autofill array critical. [#511] * Handle missing values in xlsx. [#517] * Fix critical when using fd://1. * Don't trim spaces for csv files as per rfc 4180. [#528] * Fix cvs separator guessing problem with quotes. [#537] * Improve handling of expressions in csv files. * Plug ssconvert leak. [#546] * Fix bogus time match for "3.a". [#545] * Use 1us resolution for NOW. [#549] * Fix ssconvert sheet selection for csv. [#555] * Test suite improvements. * Fix ods import problem with irregular sheet sizes. * Fix ods import problem with crazy named expressions. [#557] * Allow plain space as 1000s separator in FR locale. * Fix graph size problem affecting image output. [#507] * Check for yelp in autogen. [#558] * Fix ssconvert problem with conditional styles. * Move from style regions to style classes in css. * Implement #ifdef for built-in css. * Dead kitten in css. * Improve the drawing of filter combos. * Allow theming of grid color. * Fix dirty-tracking. [#554] * Plug ods write leak. * Disable cs documentation translation due to itstool/libxml2 bug.
2022-12-15doc: Updated misc/goffice0.10 to 0.10.53jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15goffice0.10: Update to 0.10.53.jperkin2-9/+8
goffice 0.10.53: Morten: * Fix problem rendering "...E-xx" numbers. [#60] * Hack around introspection issue. [Part of #59] * Fix crash in plot [Gnumeric #667] goffice 0.10.52: Morten: * Improve GOComboBox css styling. * Reimplement GOActionComboStack using GtkComboBox. * Introspection fixes. * Documentation fixes. * Fix go_{add,sub}_epsilon{,l} confusion in fallback code for win32. B.S: * Fix long double problem with go_dtoa. [#57] goffice 0.10.51: Jean: * Do not clip markers in scatter plots. [#584] * Draw background and outline for data labels. [#592] John Denker: * Fix go_fake_{ceil,floor} confusion. [#56] Morten: * Introspection updates. * Improve go_pow10 accuracy by avoiding pow as much as possible. * Take evasive action re g_memdup. goffice 0.10.50: Jean: * Fix data update in matrix plots, see Debian #988397. * Fix rendering on high resolution monitors when scale is not 1. [#578] Morten: * Simplify regression equation code. * Use only 3 decimals for R^2 for regression lines. * Eliminate empty Special category from format selector. [#29] * Improve regression line equation for date axes. [#41] goffice 0.10.49: Morten: * Fix ods format problem. [Gnumeric #518] * Fix axis line crash. [Gnumeric #524] * Add state and saved-state to GODoc.
2022-12-15mail/mm: import package from wip.vins7-0/+563
Columbia MM (Mail Manager) is an interactive, text-mode mail client for UNIX, based on the TOPS-20 MM program. It is written in C using the CCMD (TOPS-20 COMND Jsys in C) package developed at Columbia University. Project is currently hosted and maintained on Kermit Project's FTP server. CCMD libraries are built alongside MM and included in the package. This package uses a stripped-down tarball with all the required files (+ a couple of fixes) hosted on my account at, for reasons of conveniency. Interesting docs and historical notes are included too.
2022-12-15doc: Updated games/stone-soup to 0.29.1nia1-1/+3
2022-12-15stone-soup[-sdl]: update to 0.29.1nia6-18/+28
Release notes for 0.29:
2022-12-15ruby-nokogumbo: Requires libxml2.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15tcptraceroute: Find libpcap correctly.jperkin3-16/+16
2022-12-15xtacy: Requires libXext.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15sam: Fix build on SunOS.jperkin3-22/+7
2022-12-15libmtag: Requires zlib.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15doc: Updated emulators/mgba to 0.10.0nia1-1/+4
2022-12-15mgba: Update to 0.10.0. Split the Qt interface into a separate package.nia19-206/+357
Since the Qt interface has noticable performance problems on NetBSD, this saves some significant bloat in the main package by only building the CLI interface by default. Also modify the default settings to provide a best "out of box" experience on NetBSD and SunOS, and remove the MESSAGE file indicating to change the settings. 0.10.0: (2022-10-11) Features: - Preliminary Lua scripting support - Presets for Game Boy palettes - Add Super Game Boy palettes for original Game Boy games - Tool for converting scanned pictures of e-Reader cards to raw dotcode data - Options for muting when inactive, minimized, or for different players in multiplayer - Cheat code support in homebrew ports - Acclerometer and gyro support for controllers on PC - Support for combo "Super Game Boy Color" SGB + GBC ROM hacks - Improved support for HuC-3 mapper, including RTC - Support for 64 kiB SRAM saves used in some bootlegs - Discord Rich Presence now supports time elapsed - Additional scaling shaders - Support for GameShark Advance SP (.gsv) save file importing - Support for multiple saves per game using .sa2, .sa3, etc. - Support for GBX format Game Boy ROMs - New unlicensed GB mappers: NT (newer type), Sachen (MMC1, MMC2) Emulation fixes: - ARM7: Fix unsigned multiply timing - GB: Copy logo from ROM if not running the BIOS intro (fixes - GB: Fix HALT breaking M-cycle alignment (fixes - GB Audio: Fix channel 1/2 reseting edge cases (fixes - GB Audio: Properly apply per-model audio differences - GB Audio: Revamp channel rendering - GB Audio: Fix APU re-enable timing glitch - GB I/O: Fix writing to WAVE RAM behavior (fixes - GB MBC: Fix edge case with Pocket Cam register accesses (fixes - GB Memory: Add cursory cartridge open bus emulation (fixes - GB Serialize: Fix loading MBC1 states that affect bank 0 (fixes - GB SIO: Fix bidirectional transfer starting (fixes - GB Video: Draw SGB border pieces that overlap GB graphics (fixes - GBA: Improve timing when not booting from BIOS - GBA: Fix expected entry point for multiboot ELFs (fixes - GBA: Fix booting multiboot ROMs with no JOY entrypoint - GBA: Fix 1 MiB ROM mirroring to only mirror 4 times - GBA Audio: Adjust PSG sampling rate with SOUNDBIAS - GBA Audio: Sample FIFOs at SOUNDBIAS-set frequency - GBA BIOS: Work around IRQ handling hiccup in Mario & Luigi (fixes - GBA BIOS: Initial HLE timing estimation of UnLz77 functions (fixes - GBA DMA: Fix DMA source direction bits being cleared (fixes - GBA I/O: Redo internal key input, enabling edge-based key IRQs - GBA I/O: Disable open bus behavior on invalid register 06A - GBA Memory: Fix misaligned 32-bit I/O loads (fixes - GBA Video: Fix OpenGL rendering on M1 Macs - GBA Video: Ignore horizontally off-screen sprite timing (fixes - GBA Video: Fix Hblank timing (fixes, - GBA Video: Fix rare crash in modes 3-5 - GBA Video: Fix sprites with mid-frame palette changes in GL (fixes - GBA Video: Fix OBJ tile wrapping with 2D char mapping (fixes - GBA Video: Fix horizontal lines in GL when charbase is changed (fixes - GBA Video: Fix sprite layer priority updating in GL Other fixes: - ARM: Disassemble Thumb mov pseudo-instruction properly - ARM: Disassemble ARM asr/lsr #32 properly - ARM: Disassemble ARM movs properly - Core: Don't attempt to restore rewind diffs past start of rewind - Core: Fix the runloop resuming after a game has crashed (fixes - Core: Fix crash if library can't be opened - Debugger: Fix crash with extremely long CLI strings - Debugger: Fix multiple conditional watchpoints at the same address - FFmpeg: Fix crash when encoding audio with some containers - FFmpeg: Fix GIF recording (fixes - GB: Fix temporary saves - GB: Fix replacing the ROM crashing when accessing ROM base - GB: Don't try to map a 0-byte SRAM (fixes - GB, GBA: Save writeback-pending masked saves on unload (fixes - mGUI: Fix FPS counter after closing menu - Qt: Fix some hangs when using the debugger console - Qt: Fix crash when clicking past last tile in viewer - Qt: Fix preloading for ROM replacing - Qt: Fix screen not displaying on Wayland (fixes - Qt: Fix crash when selecting 256-color sprite in sprite view - Qt: Fix coloration of swatches on styles with distinct frame backgrounds - VFS: Failed file mapping should return NULL on POSIX Misc: - Core: Suspend runloop when a core crashes - Core: Add wallclock offset RTC type - Debugger: Save and restore CLI history - Debugger: GDB now works while the game is paused - Debugger: Add command to load external symbol file (fixes - FFmpeg: Support dynamic audio sample rate - GB: Support CGB0 boot ROM loading - GB Audio: Increase sample rate - GB MBC: Filter out MBC errors when cartridge is yanked (fixes - GB MBC: Partially implement TAMA5 RTC - GB Video: Add default SGB border - GBA: Automatically skip BIOS if ROM has invalid logo - GBA: Refine multiboot detection (fixes - GBA Cheats: Implement "never" type codes (closes - GBA DMA: Enhanced logging (closes - GBA Memory: Implement adjustable EWRAM waitstates (closes - GBA Savedata: Store RTC data in savegames (closes - GBA Video: Implement layer placement for OpenGL renderer (fixes - GBA Video: Fix highlighting for sprites with mid-frame palette changes - mGUI: Add margin to right-aligned menu text (fixes - mGUI: Autosave less frequently when fast-forwarding - Qt: Rearrange menus some - Qt: Clean up cheats dialog - Qt: Only set default controller bindings if loading fails (fixes - Qt: Save converter now supports importing GameShark Advance saves - Qt: Save positions of multiplayer windows (closes - Qt: Add optional frame counter to OSD (closes - Qt: Add optional emulation-related information on reset (closes - Qt: Add QOpenGLWidget cross-thread codepath for macOS (fixes - Qt: Enable -b for Boot BIOS menu option (fixes - Qt: Add tile range selection to tile viewer (closes - Qt: Show warning if XQ audio is toggled while loaded (fixes - Qt: Add e-Card passing to the command line (closes - Qt: Boot both a multiboot image and ROM with CLI args (closes - Qt: Improve cheat parsing (fixes - Qt: Change lossless setting to use WavPack audio - Qt: Use FFmpeg to convert additional camera formats, if available - Qt: Resume crashed game when loading a save state - Qt: Include cheats in bug report - SDL: Support exposing an axis directly as the gyro value (closes - VFS: Early return NULL if attempting to map 0 bytes from a file
2022-12-15xrootconsole: Remove libutil on SunOS.jperkin1-1/+3
2022-12-15mate-control-center: Requires libXres.jperkin1-12/+13
Sort includes for clarity.
2022-12-15libgksu: Remove libutil on SunOS.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15trn: Pass LDFLAGS, fixes ncurses build.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15smtpfeed: Fix libraries on SunOS.jperkin1-1/+4
2022-12-15empty: Fix PKGMANDIR and remove libutil on SunOS.jperkin3-6/+8
2022-12-15Mark MAKE_JOBS_SAFE=no (likely fixes NetBSD-current bulk build).schmonz1-1/+5
2022-12-15swath: Requires libiconv.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15collectd-varnish: Requires libiconv.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15collectd-gmond: Requires libiconv.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15fcitx5: Fix SunOS linker args.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15opencsg: Requires libiconv.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15lib3ds: Requires libiconv.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15OpenRM: Requires libiconv.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15MesaDemos: Requires libiconv.jperkin1-1/+2
2022-12-15libthai: Requires libiconv.jperkin1-1/+2