path: root/databases/mysql-connector-c++/distinfo
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-01-12GA 1.1.8:adam1-7/+6
- Add connect options MYSQL_OPT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET, MYSQL_OPT_NET_BUFFER_LENGTH, MYSQL_OPT_TLS_VERSION and MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE - Fix Visual Studio 2015 build. - Fix segmentation fault when inserting a large string - Fix Compilation Failure with PRE-5.7 C API
2016-03-08Update mysql-connector-c++ to 1.1.7:wiz1-5/+7
GA 1.1.7 - - Add JSON support - Allow building without server flags (Bug#21391025) - Correct relative() not seeking after changing position.(Bug#21152054)
2015-11-03Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for databases categoryagc1-1/+2
Problems found with existing distfiles: distfiles/ distfiles/cstore0.2.tar.gz distfiles/data4.tar.gz distfiles/sphinx-2.2.7-release.tar.gz No changes made to the cstore or mariadb55-client distinfo files. Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
2015-08-01Changes 1.1.6:adam1-4/+4
* Security Fix: Connector/C++ 1.1.6 Commercial upgrades the linked OpenSSL library to version 1.0.1m which has been publicly reported as not vulnerable to CVE-2015-0286. * The std::auto_ptr class template is deprecated in C++11, and its usage has been replaced with boost::scoped_ptr/shared_ptr. * Connector/C++ now provides macros to indicate the versions of libraries against which it was built: MYCPPCONN_STATIC_MYSQL_VERSION and MYCPPCONN_STATIC_MYSQL_VERSION_ID (MySQL client library version, string and numeric), and MYCPPCONN_BOOST_VERSION (Boost library version, numeric). * With defaultStatementResultType=FORWARD_ONLY and a row position after the last row, using getter methods such as getInt() or getString() resulted in a segmentation fault. * For prepared statements, calling wasNull() before fetching data resulted in an assertion failure. * Result sets from prepared statements were not freed. * Connector/C++ failed to build against Boost-devel-1.41.0-25 on OLE6. * Configuration failed if the MYSQL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE option was specified and the MySQL installation path contained the characters -m. Installation failed if the build directory was not in the top source directory. * For prepared statements, getString() did not return the fractional seconds part from temporal columns that had a fractional sections part. * For queries of the form SELECT MAX(bit_col) FROM table_with_bit_col, getString() returned an incorrect result. * For Connector/C++ builds from source, make install failed if only the static library had been built without the dynamic library.
2014-11-29Changes 1.1.5:adam1-4/+4
* It was not possible to delete multiple connection attributes using the OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE option. This can now be done using the std::list< sql::SQLString > type. * MySQL_Prepared_Statement::getMoreResults() functionality has been implemented, so multiple result sets now can be fetched using a prepared statement. * The following connection options have been implemented: MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR, and max_statement_timeout for session-based query timeout. * These functions were added: Connection::isValid() checks whether the connection is alive, and Connection::reconnect() reconnects if the connection has gone down. * The Boost dependency was removed from the Connector/C++ API headers. These headers were using the boost::variant type, making it impossible to use Connector/C++ binaries without having Boost installed.
2014-11-24Changes 1.1.4:adam1-4/+4
* Connector/C++ now supports the following connection options: sslVerify (boolean), sslCRL (string), and sslCRLPath (string). These correspond to the MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL, and MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH options for the mysql_options() C API function. * Connector/C++ has new functions to provide schema, table, and column character set and collation metadata for result sets: ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getSchemaCollation(const sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString& schemaPattern) ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getSchemaCharset(const sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString& schemaPattern) ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getTableCollation(const sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString& schemaPattern, const sql::SQLString& tableNamePattern) ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getTableCharset(const sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString& schemaPattern, const sql::SQLString& tableNamePattern) SQLString ResultSetMetaData::getColumnCollation(unsigned int columnIndex) SQLString ResultSetMetaData::getColumnCharset(unsigned int columnIndex) * Connector/C++ now supports the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD option, which accepts an std::map argument. This option corresponds to the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD option for mysql_options4(). * Connector/C++ now supports a useLegacyAuth connection option, which corresponds to the MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH option for mysql_options(). * Connector/C++ is now compiled and linked with Connector/C 6.1.5 rather than with libmysql. Bugs Fixed * MySQL_ResultSetMetaData::getColumnTypeName() returned UNKNOWN for LONG_BLOB fields. * Definitions for character sets and collations were added (utf8mb4 in particular). * Connector/C++ version-information methods have been revised to return the correct values.
2014-02-11Import mysql-connector-c++-1.1.3 as databases/mysql-connector-c++.wiz1-0/+5
MySQL Connector/C++ is a MySQL database connector for C++. It lets you develop C++ applications that connect to the MySQL Server. MySQL Connector/C++ offers the following benefits for C++ users compared to the MySQL C API (MySQL client library): * Convenience of pure C++; no C function calls required * Supports JDBC 4.0, an industry standard API * Supports the object-oriented programming paradigm * Reduces development time