Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Upstream changes:
2010-08-11 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.017)
* BUG #60085, Andreas Koenig's patch for DBI changes
* Updated documents
2010-07-10 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.016)
* Disabled mysql_bind_type_guessing due to one performance issue
querying on a indexed character column unquoted will mean the index
is not used
* Fixed int types that should be bools
2010-07-09 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.015)
* BUG #56664 fixed t/40blobs.t skip_all logic (W. Phillip Moore)
* BUG #57253 Fixed iteration past end of string (crash). (Chris Butler)
* Added a new parameter for old behavior- mysql_bind_comment_placeholders which
will make it possible to have placeholders bound for those who really
want that behavior.
* Fixed bind_type_guessing - always on now
2010-04-14 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.014)
* BUG #30033 Fixed handling of comments to allow comments that contain characters
that might otherwise cause placeholder detection to not work properly
* BUG #53844, Fix for memory leak in stats. (Gregory Burmistrov)
* BUG #49719, Fix for handling of NULLs in prepared statements (Gert Pache)
* BUG #55627, Fix for testing failure due to strict mode (Yves)
* BUG #51784, Fix for mysqladmin on Windows in Makefile (Zeeshan Muhammad)
* BUG #41630, Typo in Makefile
* Had to define true and false in dbdimp.h. Didn't work out of the box on Linux
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
Upstream changes:
2009-09-16 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.013)
* #49484: PATCH add support for MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND to
DBD::mysql - Thanks Peter John Edwards ?
* #48242: 'mysql_bind_type_guessing' doesn't work correctly
with minus sign - Thanks Serguei Trouchelle!
* #45616: t/40blobs.t cannot pass without database access -
ServerError() not declared - Thanks ysth
- Updating package for p5 module DBD::mysql from 4.010 to 4.012
Upstream changes:
2009-06-18 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.012)
* Patch to bind_type_guessing from Craigslist,
Thanks to Chris! Happiness is no quoted numbers.
Fixed ChopBlanks to work with bind_type_guessing
* Patch for win32 strawberry build
Thanks to Curtis Jewell! Windows needs love
* Patch for auto-reconnect to set active flag
Thanks to Doug Fischer!
* Fixed bug 32464
Add connection flag mysql_no_autocommit_cmd which users of
MySQL Proxy can use to prevent 'set autocommit=#' from being
issued by the driver. 'perldoc DBD::mysql' to see how to use
this new flag
* Added bind-type-guessing options to Makefile.PL so the entire
test suite can be run with bind_type_guessing set.
2009-04-13 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.011)
* Renamed unsafe_bind_type_guessing, fixed some of the logic. This
can be used to deal with bug 43822
* Patch from Daniel Frett (daniel Dot frett At ccci Dot org) to fix
issue of binding sever side integer parameters (server-side prepare
statements) resulting in corrupt data, bug 42723
* Updated documentation, cruft cleanup (as always)
2008-10-24 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.010)
* Fix to dbd_bind_ph() for uninitialized value 'buffer_length'
thanks for bug report and patch from (thanks!)
2008-10-21 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.009)
* Fix to re-enable TAKE_IMP_DATA_VERSION. Still have to ensure DBI version 1.607 or higher
* Fix to escaped single quotes throwing off bind param detection. Patch from Zhurs ( Spasibo!
2008-8-15 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.008)
* Multi statement patch, thanks to Chris Heath!
* Disabled TAKE_IMP_DATA_VERSION because segfault with DBI < 1.607
* #29528: bind_param(..., SQL_FLOAT) ignores exponents - fixed, Thanks to
Tokuhiro Matsuno!
* Cleanups to make mysqlEmb work under Cygwin - Thanks to Chris Rodgers
<> !
* Modified and disabled tests for MySQL version < 4.1 for unsupported features
2008-5-11 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.007)
* Took out mysql_server_init call where not needed
* Complete re-write of test suit to use Test::More - tons of cleanups!
* Makefile.PL changes to use current user in 'make test' if not defined
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.8.8 -> 5.10.0.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=...").
2007-12-26 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.006)
* Cleanups on OS X compile
* Fixes to syntax errors on AIX
* Removed test code that was leaving trace files around
2007-3-22 Patrick Galbraith <> (4.005)
* Fixed mysql_warning issue < 4.1 (reminers, patches, help from ROAM, (issue 25713)
* makerealclean patch from ROAM (issue #25714)
* sqlstate cleanup patch from ROAM
* Replaced all references to dbis to use imp_xxh per DBI best practices
* Fix to dbd_st_destroy - added back previously removed 'free everything' code which
had been moved to dbd_st_finish, causing a crash upon freeing of bind values
after all rows resulting from one execution of a query have been fetched. This meant
that next attempt to execute the prepared statement would segfault. This
work thanks to Rainer Weikusat!
* Removed all 'FindNewTable' calls in all tests. Just use 't1' for all tests to
simplify things. Plus, this is how MySQL internall tests.
* Better 'skip test' logic in some tests that were still running when they shouldn't
have been.
2007-3-22 Patrick Galbraith <> Jim Winstead <> (4.004)
* Work around a bug in old 3.23 servers by specifying NOT NULL for fields used
as a primary key in tests. (Bug #20325, reported by Julian Ladisch)
* Add support for mysql_warning_count statement handle attribute. (Bug #25457,
patch from Philip Stoev)
* Add support for mysql_multi_statements connection option. (RT #12322, based
on patch from Doug Morris)
* Had to bump to 4.003 do to print statement in that made it
into the dist. Even though you can delete a file on CPAN, you cannot
re-upload it if it's the same name. Mea Culpa.
* UTF8-Flag not set with flag mysql_enable_utf8 and column collation utf8_bin patch,
Joost Diepenmaat, (RT #24738)
* Fixed do_error definition (Scott Hildreth, Tim Bunce)
* Conversion of test suite to Test::More
2007-3-5 Patrick Galbraith <> Jim Winstead <> (4.003)
* Fix inclusion of non-primary keys in primary_key_info. (Bug #26786,
reported and patch by Dave Rolsky)
2007-3-1 Patrick Galbraith <> Jim Winstead <> (4.002)
* Fix re-exec of Makefile.PL when forcing $ENV{LANG} to 'C'. (RT #25233,
reported by Slaven Rezic)
* Rewrote table_info method to support all arguments (previously it would
only ever return all of the tables in the current database, no matter what
was specified)
* Fixed $DBD::mysql::VERSION to be a string instead of a float, which caused
problems for certain locales
* Fixed bug #23974. $dbh->column_info now returns handle with no rows upon
table not existing. Much thanks to Tim Bunce for help fixing the problem
in vs. dbdimp.c
* Removed #ifdefs for do error (sqlstate being passed as last arg depending on
* Fixed insertid test to work with auto_increment_increment replication setup.
* Patch from Tim Bunce fixing do() not set $dbh->{Statement} attribute,
which prevented DBD::Profile from giving correct results for calls to do()
and causing ShowErrorStatement to possibly report the wrong statement in the
error message
* Patch from Tim Bunce clearing out the sth attribute cache when switching
between result, sets which prevented the adjustedment of NUM_OF_FIELDS
* Cleanup of several unused variables
* Added support for wildcards in last argument of column_info().
* Add mysql_is_auto_increment to results of column_info(). (Bug #26603,
original patch from Dave Rolsky)
* Return the correct table type for both tables and views from the table_info()
method. (Bug #26603, original patch from Dave Rolsky)
* Add implementation of foreign_key_info() (Bug #26604, original patch from
Dave Rolsky, and final implementation based on Connector/J code)
2007-1-8 Jim Winstead <> Patrick Galbraith <> (4.001)
* Fix handling of unsigned integer values in result sets when using
server-side prepared statements (they were not retrieved at all).
* Fix handling of signed integer values when using server-side prepared
statements (they were being forced to unsigned values).
* Do not tell Perl that the contents of binary fields are UTF-8.
[ #22123], original patch by Joost Diepenmaat
* Fix double-free of bound parameters when freeing statements. (Bug #20559)
* Make sure to handle "magical" values in a couple of places. (Bug #20104)
* Update the hints about what to do when zlib is found missing while
linking. (Bug #13803, reported by Philip Stoev)
* Explicitly initialize the MySQL client library to avoid possible race
conditions in a multithreaded application. (Bug #21792)
* Fix warning when no connection attributes are passed to the connect
method (Bug #17323, reported by Phil Randal)
* Removed redundant warnings when commit or rollback is called while
AutoCommit is enabled. [ #15802], reported by Tyler MacDonald
* Report correct type for decimal columns from MySQL 5.0 and later
[ #18294], reported by Ray Zimmerman
* Fix t/40bindparam.t to work when ANSI_QUOTES SQL_MODE is set.
[ #21521], reported by David Wheeler
* Return a statement handle with an error when column_info is called on
a table that does not exist. (Bug #23974, patch by Philip Stoev)
* Fix handling of table names with characters that did not match /\w/ in
the column_info method. (Bug #22005, reported by Philip Stoev)
* Fix handling of negative integers bound to a column marked as SQL_INTEGER.
[ #18976], patch from Mike Schilli.
* Add support for the primary_key_info method. [ #8541]
* Fixed Bundle::DBD::mysql to only include modules required for using
DBD::mysql, not the old Mysql package. [ #24096]
* Updated Makefile.PL to not include files in .svn directories
* Fixed various compile warnings in mysql.xs (ISO C)
* Cleaned up stored procedure examples, made strict
* Fixed bug that blew away subsequent result sets if you fetched all rows, only in
result sets that had more than one row
* Added test for bug #14979, which still
* Tested with ALL mysql versions, fixed 40types, 40bind_param tests to work with 4.0, 4.1
* Fixed dbdimp.c to not test for MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED unless >= mysql 5.0
2006-12-22 Patrick Galbraith <>, Alexey Stroganov (4.00)
* Added Alexey Stroganov's patch which fixes varying number of columns in
multiple result sets. Added new test cases to 80procs.t based of his
test script (bug #21028) (Thanks Alexey!). Also fixed 80procs.t to allow
'CALL' to be prepared
* Added Philip Stoev's patch for DATA_TYPE date and time columns (bug #23988)
(Thanks Philip!)
* Reworked (for working with 4.0, which doesn't support sqlstate) Philip Stoev's
patch for sqlstate, bug #23935 (Thanks Philip!)
* New Versioning! 4.00 now. This dev tree will now become trunk
* Cleaned up much code that failed between versions (!!!)
* Turned off prepared statements by default
* Tested this with 5.1, 5.0, 4.1, 4.0. Works with ALL these versions!
2006-10-10 Patrick Galbraith <>, Alexey Stroganov (3.0009_1)
* Added fbind and bind alloc to dbd_st_describe. This was causing a crash
when using with mod_perl
2006-10-10 Patrick Galbraith <> (3.0008_1)
* Added patch for SSL Verify Certificate (Thanks Eric Chen!)
* Added multiple fixes to dbd_st_prepare which fixed variable overwrite
and unset increment counter. Also improved loop which checks statements
for presence of "LIMIT" by using a pointer as opposed to char array
increment variable. These errors were showing up in OpenBSD and other
Unixen (which I think all BSD-based) (Thanks to Kyle George!)
* Added fix to Makefile.PL to obtain correct build flags on VMS
(Thanks to Eric Milkie!)
* Fixed casting of num_params to unsigned int in calls to NewZ in mysql.xs
2006-10-07 Patrick Galbraith <>, Jim Winstead <>
* Added UTF8 patch from Dominic Mitchell (Thanks!)
* Fixed declaration of "row" in mysql_st_internal_execute which caused compile
errors on some platforms
* Fix documentation for _ListDBs to remove incorrect information about
limitations of data_sources(). (RT #20843, patch by Ann Barcomb)
* Fix typo in example (missing quote). (RT #15086)
* Mention in POD that 'localhost' always means to connect via UNIX socket,
and must be used for TCP/IP to localhost (RT #14942, reported by
Alessandro Ranellucci)
* Fix typos in Makefile.PL (RT#16178, reported by Gavin Shelley)
2006-09-08 Jim Winstead <>, Patrick Galbraith <>
(3.0007_1) (3.0006/3.0006_1 is the same as 3.0005/3.0005_1)
* Make sure to call dbd_st_finish when all rows from a statement handle
have been fetched. (Bug #20153, Bug #21607, RT #20464, RT #21241)
* Patch from Steve Hay to fix bind_param to deal properly with insertion
of a NULL into an INT or DOUBLE column using server-side prepare.
Converted Steve's script to expose this problem to 40bindparam2
* Fix to mysql_st_internal_execute to keep from passing undefined dbh
handle member (bind_type_guessing) to parse_param causing crash on
OpenBSD. Reported on (#20868) by Kyle Georg, as well as
info from Sam Smith and Federico Giannici
* Cleaned up tests to make sure test table is dropped at end of test.
2006-06-10 Patrick Galbraith < (3.0005)
* Fix dbd_st_finish in 3.0004 didn't clean up bind buffers resulting in
a memory leak. See eg/ to see how this manifests
itself. Thanks to Jason Snell for giving me a good script to reproduce
* Fix to parse_params, mysql.xs dbh->do, and bind_param to deal with
passing substr to "do" for placeholder value. Thanks Martin Waite for
the patch to parse_params (extended to mysql.xs "do" and bind_param for
server-side prepared statements.
2006-05-17 Patrick Galbraith < (3.0004_1)
* Fix dbd_st_finish which closed the handle prematurely (Martin Evans)
* Compile issues (Martin Evans)
* Small change to get utf8 data returned. One still has to:
$dbh->do("set character set utf8");
$dbh->do("set names utf8");
to get utf8 back and even then you only get it back if the
column is defined as utf8 in mysql.
* Fix to dbd_bind_ph to deal with numbers (ints, floats) correctly
(Alexey Stroganov)
* Test changes - bind_param 41 and 42
* Turned off 70takeimp test
2006-04-29 Patrick Galbraith < (3.0003_1)
* Removed old Msql-Mysql Driver emulation code - finally!!!
* Removed aweful string testing code (that I wrote) for unsported
statements and now use mysql_stmt_prepare, if statement not
supported, toggle to mysql_emulated_prepare
* Fixed bug where failed stmt execution caused later statements
to fail with mysql_stmt_reset
* Added tests for unsupported statements
* Added test for test of failed statement with subsequent executes
(thanks to Martin Evans!)
* Added typo fix (Martin Evans)
* Added support for ParamValues and associated test (Martin Evans)
* Removed old emulated driver tests (HOORAY!)
* Cleaned up debug printing code
* Fixed syntax for create table ENGINE=InnoDB instead of type=innobase
* Cleaned up tests
2006-01-31 Patrick Galbraith <> (3.0002_5)
* Fixed bugs 15546 (selectcol_arrayref failing on SHOW TABLES)
and 15665, 'USE dbname' failing when driver is not in emulated
prepare mode
2005-10-26 Patrick Galbraith <> (3.0002_4)
* Added Guy Harrison's patch for multiple result sets
* Fixed bugs with declarations in middle of functions
* Cleaned up code, rewrote several loops using pointers
instead of iterators
* Rewrote 'SHOW', 'ALTER', 'CALL', 'CREATE' toggling code that turns
off server prepared statements (these calls are not supported)
* Updated documentation
2005-09-28 Patrick Galbraith <> (3.0002_3)
* Added code to mysql_st_internal_execute that determines whether the
SV *h is a sth or dbh, and then imports imp_dbh appropriately
2005-09-26 Patrick Galbraith <> (3.0002_2)
* Fixed bug in dbd_st_execute where imp_sth was being
imported unecessarily, when only imp_dbh is needed. This caused a
core dump in some cases. Thanks to Andy Maas at Proofpoint for his
execellent detective work!
* Small changes to Makefile.PL to make sure --ps-protocol works as
* Updated install.html with current info about prepared statements and FC
RPM/YUM packages.
2005-08-04 Patrick Galbraith <> (3.0002_1)
* Prepared statement support is default now. To turn it off
a parameter 'mysql_emulated_prepare' must be turned ON
* Better error handling in mysql_internal_execute_ps (renamed
from mysql_internal_execute41). Also free the result if error -
that could have been a memory bug
* Added a simply 'do' to t/35prepare.test to see if you can turn
off prepared statements in the 'do' call.
* Cleaned up a LOT of cruft. Added more 'caveat' blurbage to old lib, which will not work with prepared statements
can handle packages having no PLIST files.
RECOMMENDED is removed. It becomes ABI_DEPENDS. becomes becomes
BUILDLINK_DEPENDS does not change.
IGNORE_RECOMMENDED (which defaulted to "no") becomes USE_ABI_DEPENDS
which defaults to "yes".
Added to checking for IGNORE_RECOMMENDED.
I did not manually go through and fix any aesthetic tab/spacing issues.
I have tested the above patch on DragonFly building and packaging
subversion and pkglint and their many dependencies.
I have also tested USE_ABI_DEPENDS=no on my NetBSD workstation (where I
have used IGNORE_RECOMMENDED for a long time). I have been an active user
of IGNORE_RECOMMENDED since it was available.
As suggested, I removed the documentation sentences suggesting bumping for
"security" issues.
As discussed on tech-pkg.
I will commit to revbump, pkglint, pkg_install, createbuildlink separately.
Note that if you use wip, it will fail! I will commit to pkgsrc-wip
later (within day).
2005-07-07 Patrick Galbraith (3.0002)
* Fix to ensure MYSQL_BIND is only defined when mysql
client version is >= 4.1.3. Thanks to Tom Parkison,
Anup Singh, Sergey Skvortsov, and other users who informed
me about this issue.
2005-07-06 Patrick Galbraith (3.0001)
* Special Thanks to Steve Hay for his patch to fix windows
* Changed uint argument in safe_sv_fetch to int due to
uint not being available on windows unless you include
my_globals.h in dbdimp.h, which also breaks on unixen!
* Fixed Makefile.PM for windows compiles (thanks to Steve Hay!)
* Removed long long type from dbdimp.h
* Changed strncasecmp to strncmp (still need a better long-term solution)
in dbdimp.c
* Modified Makefile.PM to make prepared statements default
* Removed // comments from mysql.xs, dbdimp.c (Thanks Bodo Bergmann!)
* Fixed runtime bug (when inserting or updating quotes or double quotes)
(Thanks to Brad Choate)
2005-06-30 Patrick Galbraith (3.0000)
* Release of prepared statement code
2005-04-26 Patrick Galbraith (2.9015_3)
* Added patch from Stas Beckman for new DBI feature take_imp_data, needed
for DBI::Pool
* Fix to for old API call for numfields that caused
warnings on 40numrows and akmisc tests
* Fix to bind_ph to throw an error if trying to bind a non-numeric
value as numeric
* Better fix for dealing with error condition in $sth->rows()
* Fix to bind_param to throw error when trying to bind a non-numeric as
2005-04-04 Patrick Galbraith (2.9015_2)
* Merged all code changes from 2.900x tree from the last 9
- unsafe bind type guessing patch from Dragonchild
- Removed mysql.mtest
- Fixed sth->rows to return my_ulongloong and also handle
error from client API
- Fix to make autocommit work was already part of this version
- Auto-reconnect bug fixed in 2.9006 included
* Added simple test to 35limit test to check if using malicious code in
LIMIT ?, ? placeholders works, which it doesn't.
* Fix that sets mysql_server_prepare to 0 if SQL statement is 'SHOW ...'
which is not supported by prepared statement API currently
2004-10-28 Rudolf Lippan (2.9015_1)
* Merged Makefile.PL from 2.9005_3
* Bumped version number to 2.9015 for release of Dev Branch. Which
will become 2.9020 when tested and merged into HEAD.
* fixed typo/compiler warning in bind_param_guessing
'*testchar' should have been 'testchar'.
2004-10-20 Patrick Galbraith (Dev-2_9 - 2.9005)
* merged changes from 2.9005_1
* fix to blob in dbd_st_fetch (Alexey Stroganov
In case of BLOB/TEXT fields we allocate only 8192 bytes in dbd_describe()
for data. Here we know real size of field so we should increase buffer
size and refetch column value
pkg has been changed to 5.x). Reminded by wiz... thanks.
of Perl files to deal with the perl-5.8.7 update that moved all
pkgsrc-installed Perl files into the "vendor" directories.
These paths are now relative to PERL5_PACKLIST_DIR, which currently
defaults to ${PERL5_SITEARCH}. There is no change to the binary
on the version this package requires.
module directory has changed (eg. "darwin-2level" vs.
binary packages of perl modules need to be distinguishable between
being built against threaded perl and unthreaded perl, so bump the
PKGREVISION of all perl module packages and introduce
BUILDLINK_RECOMMENDED for perl as perl>=5.8.5nb5 so the correct
dependencies are registered and the binary packages are distinct.
addresses PR pkg/28619 from H. Todd Fujinaka.
mysql_config instead.
Noted by Ben Collver.
so that we'd not force dependance on specific MySQL version, and instead pick
the currently installed mysql*-client (or install the default if there
is no mysql-client package installed yet)
this makes package buildable with arbitrary MySQL version, such as 3.23.x,
4.0.x or 4.1.x
in the process. (More information on tech-pkg.)
Bump PKGREVISION and BUILDLINK_DEPENDS of all packages using libtool and
installing .la files.
Bump PKGREVISION (only) of all packages depending directly on the above
via a buildlink3 include.
The list of changes is long, and can be found inside the archive in the
ChangeLog file or online at the following URL:
I'm committing this during the freeze because it's an update that I forgot
when committing the rt3 package, and rt3 needs it.
Changes since 1.2219:
* dbdimp.c: Added a required check for mysql_errno.
Steve Hay <>
* dbdimp.c: Removed use of mysql_eof. Jay Lawrence <>
* dbdimp.c: Fixed mysql_is_auto_increment. Paul Walmsley
<> and Paul Dubois <>
* dbdimp.c: Added use of mysql_ssl_set. Chris Hanes <>
* Some fixes in the docs. Paul Dubois <>
* Added mysql_is_auto_increment. (Someone else, but forgot his email, sorry!)
* lib/DBD/mysql.pod: Fixed minor bug in an example.
* Within AutoCommit mode, reconnect is now turned off, because the
transaction state is unpredictable otherwise.
* dbdimp.c: Added use of SvMAGICAL to dbd_db_quote.
Rudy Lippan <>
* bind_param now using mysql_real_escape_string
as well. Dave Rolsky <>
* Added mysql_ssl flag to DBI->connect.
* Quoting now based on mysql_real_escape_string. Thanks
to Dave Rolsky <> for suggesting this.
* Portability changes for MySQL 4.
* dbdimp.c: Fixed $dbh->{mysql_insertid}; added t/insertid.t
* Added transaction support for MySQL. (Bob Lyons <>)
* dbd/dbdimp.c: Fixed MAXLENGTH warning; used to hint for a not existing
mysql_maxlength, which should read mysql_max_length.
(Paul DuBois <>)
* Fixed installation problem when a directory was specified,
but did not exist. (Will Partain <>)
* Fixed that mysql_errno wasn't used properly. (Chris Adams
* Fixed test suite problem, when user name and password
have been interpolated. (Bruno Hivert (LMC) <>)
* mysql_insertid and mysql_affectedrows are no longer treated
as integers, but longs. Thanks to Michael G Schwern <>.
make test gives the same output as for the previous pkgsrc version.
Thanks, atatat!
library on NetBSD. Fixes my PR# pkg/15574
Changes since 2.2216 are missing, here is the changes from 1.2215 to 1.2216 :
* Portability changes for mSQL 3 and MySQL 4.
* Added transaction support for MySQL.
(Bob Lyons <>)
* dbd/dbdimp.c: Fixed MAXLENGTH warning; used to hint for
a not existing mysql_maxlength, which should read
mysql_max_length. (Paul DuBois <>)
* Fixed installation problem when a directory was specified,
but did not exist. (Will Partain <>)
* Fixed that mysql_errno wasn't used properly. (Chris Adams
* Fixed test suite problem, when user name and password
have been interpolated. (Bruno Hivert (LMC)
* mysql_insertid and mysql_affectedrows are no longer treated
as integers, but longs. Thanks to Michael G Schwern
The automatic truncation in gensolpkg doesn't work for packages which
have the same package name for the first 5-6 chars.
e.g. amanda-server and amanda-client would be named amanda and amanda.
Now, we add a SVR4_PKGNAME and use amacl for amanda-client and amase for
All svr4 packages also have a vendor tag, so we have to reserve some chars
for this tag, which is normaly 3 or 4 chars. Thats why we can only use 6
or 5 chars for SVR4_PKGNAME. I used 5 for all the packages, to give the
vendor tag enough room.
All p5-* packages and a few other packages have now a SVR4_PKGNAME.
p5-CGI or p5-Data-Dumper.
+ move the patch digest/checksum values from files/patch-sum to distinfo
+ include distfile filesizes in distinfo
Apache perl modules, and each compiled and installed/de-installed apparently
As a side effect of the dynamic PLIST, we no longer need to to have separate
-static and -shared PLISTs. It's now easier than ever to make a perl5
package for NetBSD :)
Make configuration non-interactive
changelog. Apparently the previous version we were running is missing
from the changelog entries.