path: root/databases/py-peewee
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-05-10Update databases/py-peewee to 2.10.0.fhajny2-7/+7
- Remove the playhouse.fields.AESEncryptedField over security concerns described in ticket #1264. - Correctly resolve explicit table dependencies when creating tables, refs - Implement not equals comparison for CompositeKey.
2017-04-26Fix sphinx-build lookupfhajny1-1/+3
2017-04-21Update databases/py-peewee to 2.9.2.fhajny4-9/+30
## 2.9.2 - Fixed significant bug in the `savepoint` commit/rollback implementation. - Added support for postgresql `INTERVAL` columns. - Fixed bug where missing `sqlite3` library was causing other, unrelated libraries to throw errors when attempting to import. - Added a `case_sensitive` parameter to the SQLite `REGEXP` function implementation. The default is `False`, to preserve backwards-compatibility. - Fixed bug that caused tables not to be created when using the `dataset` extension. - Modified `drop_table` to raise an exception if the user attempts to drop tables with `CASCADE` when the database backend does not support it. - Fixed Python3 issue in the `AESEncryptedField`. - Modified the behavior of string-typed fields to treat the addition operator as concatenation ## 2.9.1 - Fixed #1218, where the use of `playhouse.flask_utils` was requiring the `sqlite3` module to be installed. - Fixed #1219 regarding the SQL generation for composite key sub-selects, joins, etc. ## 2.9.0 In this release there are two notable changes: - The ``Model.create_or_get()`` method was removed. - The SQLite closure table extension gained support for many-to-many relationships thanks to a nice PR by @necoro. ## 2.8.8 This release contains a single important bugfix for a regression in specifying the type of lock to use when opening a SQLite transaction. ## 2.8.7 This release contains numerous cleanups. ### Bugs fixed - #1087 - Fixed a misuse of the iteration protocol in the `sqliteq` extension. - #1096 - Fix representation of recursive foreign key relations when using the `model_to_dict` helper. - #1126 - Allow `pskel` to be installed into `bin` directory. - #1105 - Added a `Tuple()` type to Peewee to enable expressing arbitrary tuple expressions in SQL. - #1133 - Fixed bug in the conversion of objects to `Decimal` instances in the `DecimalField`. - Fixed an issue renaming a unique foreign key in MySQL. - Remove the join predicate from CROSS JOINs. - #1148 - Ensure indexes are created when a column is added using a schema migration. - #1165 - Fix bug where the primary key was being overwritten in queries using the closure-table extension. ### New stuff - Added properties to the `SqliteExtDatabase` to expose common `PRAGMA` settings. - Clarified documentation on calling `commit()` or `rollback()` from within the scope of an atomic block. - Allow table creation dependencies to be specified using new `depends_on` meta option. - Allow specification of the lock type used in SQLite transactions. - Added support for `CROSS JOIN` expressions in select queries. - Docs on how to implement optimistic locking - Documented optional dependencies. - Generic support for specifying select queries as locking the selected rows `FOR X`, e.g. `FOR UPDATE` or `FOR SHARE`. - Support for specifying the frame-of-reference in window queries, e.g. specifying `UNBOUNDED PRECEDING`, etc. ### Backwards-incompatible changes - As of 9e76c99, an `OperationalError` is raised if the user calls `connect()` on an already-open Database object. Previously, the existing connection would remain open and a new connection would overwrite it, making it impossible to close the previous connection. If you find this is causing breakage in your application, you can switch the `connect()` call to `get_conn()` which will only open a connection if necessary. The error **is** indicative of a real issue, though, so audit your code for places where you may be opening a connection without closing it (module-scope operations, e.g.).
2016-10-26Update databases/py-peewee to 2.8.5.fhajny3-8/+11
2.8.5 - Starting docs on sqliteq - Use parentheses for compound select with MySQL. - Remove "clean_prefetch_subquery" as I'm not sure why it exists in the first place. 2.8.4 - New playhouse extension module for working with SQLite in multi-threaded / concurrent environments. The new module is called playhouse.sqliteq and it works by serializing queries using a dedicated worker thread (or greenlet). The performance is quite good, hopefully this proves useful to someone besides myself! You can learn more by reading the sqliteq documentation. - #1061 - @akrs patched a bug in TimestampField which affected the accuracy of sub-second timestamps (for resolution > 1). - #1071, small python 3 fix. - #1072, allow DeferredRelation to be used multiple times if there are multiple references to a given deferred model. - #1073, fixed regression in the speedups module that caused SQL functions to always coerce return values, regardless of the coerce flag. - #1083, another Python 3 issue - this time regarding the use of exc.message.
2016-09-10Update databases/py-peewee to 2.8.3.fhajny2-7/+7
Bugs fixed and general changes - #1028 - allow the ensure_join method to accept on and join_type parameters. Thanks @paulbooth. - #1032 - fix bug related to coercing model instances to database parameters when the model's primary key is a foreign key. - #1035 - fix bug introduced in 2.8.2, where I had added some logic to try and restrict the base Model class from being treated as a "real" Model. - #1039 - update documentation to clarify that lists or tuples are acceptable values when specifying SQLite PRAGMA statements. - #1041 - PyPy user was unable to install Peewee. (Who in their right mind would ever use PyPy?!) Bug was fixed by removing the pre-generated C files from the distribution. - #1043 - fix bug where the speedups C extension was not calling the correct model initialization method, resulting in model instances returned as results of a query having their dirty flag incorrectly set. - #1048 - similar to #1043, add logic to ensure that fields with default values are considered dirty when instantiating the model. - #1049 - update URL to APSW. - Fixed unreported bug regarding TimestampField with zero values reporting the incorrect datetime. New stuff - djpeewee extension module now works with Django 1.9. - TimestampField is now an officially documented field. - #1050 - use the db_column of a ForeignKeyField for the name of the ObjectIdDescriptor, except when the db_column and field name are the same, in which case the ID descriptor will be named <field_name>_id.
2016-08-09Update databases/py-peewee to 2.8.2.fhajny2-7/+7
Bugs fixed and general cleanups - fixed some bugs related to the Cython extension build process. - allow blanks and perform type conversion when using the db_url extension - added the ability to query using the <foreign_key>_id attribute. - ensure that peewee.OperationalError is raised consistently when using the RetryOperationalError mixin. - ensure that pwiz will import the appropriate extensions when vendor-specific fields are used. - ensure that pwiz-generated models containing UnknownField placeholders do not blow up when you instantiate them. - correctly limit the length of automatically-generated index names. - fixed bug where BlobField could not be used if it's parent model pointed to an uninitialized database Proxy. - greater consistency with the conversion to Python data-types when performing aggregations, annotations, or calling scalar(). - ensure the correct data-types are used when initializing a connection pool. - fix bug where Signal subclasses were not returning rows affected on save. - added documentation about SQLite limits and how they affect insert_many. - better warnings regarding C extension compilation, thanks @dhaase-de. - fix bug where table names starting with numbers generated invalid table names when using pwiz. - fix bug where parameter was not being used. Thanks @jberkel. - fixed the way SqliteExtDatabase handles the automatic rowid (and docid) columns. Thanks for alerting me to the issue and providing a failing test case @jberkel. - fix obscure bug relating to cloning foreign key fields twice. - allow set instances to be used on the right-hand side of IN exprs. - fix behavior where the default id primary key was inherited regardless. When users would inadvertently include it in their queries, it would use the table alias of it's parent class. - add support for db_column in djpeewee - fix the behavior of truncate_date with Postgresql. Thanks @Zverik. - allow DATABASE_URL as a recognized parameter to the Flask config. - correctly handle bytes wrapper used by PasswordField to bytes. - when selecting and joining on multiple models, do not create model instances when the foreign key is NULL. - do not coerce the return value of function calls to COUNT or SUM, since the python driver will already give us the right Python value. - use global state to resolve DeferredRelations, allowing for a nicer API. Thanks @brenguyen711. - attempt to avoid creating invalid Python when using pwiz with MySQL database columns containing spaces. Yes, fucking spaces. - fix bug in SQLite migrator which had a naive approach to fixing indexes. - explicitly check for None when determining if the database has been set on ModelOptions. Thanks @joeyespo. New stuff - Added TimestampField for storing datetimes using integers. Greater than second delay is possible through exponentiation. - Added Database.drop_index() method. - Added a max_depth parameter to the model_to_dict function in the playhouse.shortcuts extension module. - SelectQuery.first() function accepts a parameter n which applies a limit to the query and returns the first row. - group_by(), order_by(), window() now accept a keyward argument extend, which, when set to True, will append to the existing values rather than overwriting them. - Query results support negative indexing. - C sources are included now as part of the package. I think they should be able to compile for python 2 or 3, on linux or windows...but not positive.
2016-05-06Update databases/py-peewee to 2.8.1.fhajny3-8/+12
Bugs fixed - #821 - issue warning if Cython is old - #822 - better handling of MySQL connections point for advanced use-cases. - #313 - support equality/inequality with generic foreign key queries, and ensure get_or_create works with GFKs. - #834 - fixed Python3 incompatibilities in the PasswordField, thanks @mosquito. - #836 - fix handling of last_insert_id() when using APSWDatabase. - #845 - add connection hooks to APSWDatabase. - #852 - check SQLite library version to avoid calls to missing APIs. - #857 - allow database definition to be deferred when using the connection pool. - #878 - formerly .limit(0) had no effect. Now adds LIMIT 0. - #879 - implement a __hash__ method for Model - #886 - fix count() for compound select queries. - #895 - allow writing to the foreign_key_id descriptor to set the foreign key value. - #893 - fix boolean logic bug in model_to_dict(). - #904 - fix side-effect in clean_prefetch_query, thanks to @p.kamayev - #907 - package includes pskel now. - #852 - fix sqlite version check in BerkeleyDB backend. - #919 - add runtime check for sqlite3 library to match MySQL and Postgres. Thanks @M157q New features - Added a number of SQLite user-defined functions and aggregates. - Use the DB-API2 Binary type for BlobField. - Implemented the lucene scoring algorithm in the sqlite_ext Cython library. - #825 - allow a custom base class for ModelOptions, providing an extension - #830 - added SmallIntegerField type. - #838 - allow using a custom descriptor class with ManyToManyField. - #855 - merged change from @lez which included docs on using peewee with Pyramid. - #858 - allow arguments to be passed on query-string when using the db_url module. Thanks @RealSalmon - #862 - add support for truncate table, thanks @dev-zero for the sample code. - Allow the related_name model Meta option to be a callable that accepts the foreign key field instance.
2016-01-18Update databases/py-peewee to 2.8.0.fhajny3-11/+9
This release includes a couple new field types and greatly improved C extension support for both speedups and SQLite enhancements. Also includes some work, suggested by @foxx, to remove some places where Proxy was used in favor of more obvious APIs. New features - C extension speedups now enabled by default, includes faster implementations for dict and tuple QueryResultWrapper classes, faster date formatting, and a faster field and model sorting. - C implementations of SQLite functions is now enabled by default. SQLite extension is now compatible with APSW and can be used in standalone form directly from Python. - SQLite C extension now supports murmurhash2. - UUIDField is now supported for SQLite and MySQL, using text and varchar respectively, thanks @foxx! - Added BinaryField, thanks again, @foxx! - Added PickledField to playhouse.fields. - ManyToManyField now accepts a list of primary keys when adding or removing values from the through relationship. - Added support for SQLite table-valued functions using the sqlite-vtfunc library. - Significantly simplified the build process for compiling the C extensions. Backwards-incompatible changes - Instead of using a Proxy for defining circular foreign key relationships, you now need to use DeferredRelation. - Instead of using a Proxy for defining many-to-many through tables, you now need to use DeferredThroughModel. - SQLite Virtual Models must now use Meta.extension_module and Meta.extension_options to declare extension and any options. - MySQL database will now issue COMMIT statements for SELECT queries. Bugs fixed - #766, fixed bug with PasswordField and Python3. Fuck Python 3. - #768, fixed SortedFieldList and remove_field(). Thanks @klen! - #771, clarified docs for APSW. - #773, added docs for request hooks in Pyramid - #774, prefetch() only loads first ForeignKeyField for a given relation. - #782, fixed typo in docs. - #791, foreign keys were not correctly handling coercing to the appropriate python value. - #792, cleaned up some CSV utils code. - #798, cleaned up iteration protocol in QueryResultWrappers. - #806, not really a bug, but MySQL users were clowning around and needed help. 2.7.4 This is another small release which adds code to automatically build the SQLite C extension if libsqlite is available. The release also includes: - Support for UUIDField with SQLite. - Support for registering additional database classes with the db_url module via register_database. - prefetch() supports fetching multiple foreign-keys to the same model class. - Added method to validate FTS5 search queries.
2015-11-23Update databases/py-peewee to 2.7.3.fhajny3-14/+12
2.7.3 Small release which includes some changes to the BM25 sorting algorithm and the addition of a JSONField for use with the new JSON1 extension. 2.7.2 Small release with bugfixes to the setup script. I've also cleaned up some missing APIs in the FTS5Model to support more flexible use of either FTSModel or FTS5Model. 2.7.1 Small release which includes fixes to the setup script. Particularly, if you did not have Cython installed, the installation would completely fail. This was fixed. 2.7.0 New APIs, features, and performance improvements. Notable changes and new features - PasswordField that uses the bcrypt module. - Added new Model Meta.only_save_dirty flag to, by default, only save fields that have been modified. - Added support for upsert() on MySQL (in addition to SQLite). - Implemented SQLite ranking functions (rank and bm25) in Cython, and changed both the Cython and Python APIs to accept weight values for every column in the search index. This more closely aligns with the APIs provided by FTS5. In fact, made the APIs for FTS4 and FTS5 result ranking compatible. - Major changes to the :ref:sqlite_ext module. Function callbacks implemented in Python were implemented in Cython (e.g. date manipulation and regex processing) and will be used if Cython is available when Peewee is installed. - Support for the experimental new FTS5 SQLite search extension. - Added :py:class:SearchField for use with the SQLite FTS extensions. - Added :py:class:RowIDField for working with the special rowid column in SQLite. - Added a model class validation hook to allow model subclasses to perform any validation after class construction. This is currently used to ensure that FTS5Model subclasses do not violate any rules required by the FTS5 virtual table. Bugs fixed - #751, fixed some very broken behavior in the MySQL migrator code. Added more tests. - #718, added a RetryOperationalError mixin that will try automatically reconnecting after a failed query. There was a bug in the previous error handler implementation that made this impossible, which is also fixed.
2015-11-03Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for databases categoryagc1-1/+2
Problems found with existing distfiles: distfiles/ distfiles/cstore0.2.tar.gz distfiles/data4.tar.gz distfiles/sphinx-2.2.7-release.tar.gz No changes made to the cstore or mariadb55-client distinfo files. Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
2015-10-12Add missing py-cython bl3, fixes PLIST phasefhajny1-1/+2
2015-10-08Update databases/py-peewee to 2.6.4.fhajny3-9/+9
Bugs fixed - fixed a bug with the Cython speedups not being included in package. - documented how to create models with no primary key. - allow bare INSERT statements. - regarding foreign key / one-to-one relationships. - allow ArrayField to accept tuples in addition to lists. - fix regarding unsaved relations. - refactored QueryResultWrapper to allow multiple independent iterations over the same underlying result cache. - fix bug with multiple joins to same table + eager loading. - fix bug when connection fails while using an execution context. - use correct column names with non-standard django foreign keys. - return datetime.time instead of timedelta for MySQL time fields. - fixed SQLite migrator regular expressions. Thanks @sroebert. New features - added support for RETURNING clauses. Update, Insert and Delete queries can now be called with RETURNING to retrieve the rows that were affected. - added web request hook docs. - allowed arbitrary model attributes and methods to be serialized by model_to_dict(). Docs. - allow model_to_dict() to introspect query for which fields to serialize. - Added backend-agnostic truncate_date() implementation. - Added a FixedCharField which uses column type CHAR. - Added support for arbitrary PRAGMA statements to be run on new SQLite connections. Docs. - Removed script. See instructions on my blog instead.
2015-08-24Update databases/py-peewee to 2.6.3fhajny3-7/+10
2.6.3 - New `fields` module. - Fix runtests to not run dupes. - Add `FixedCharField`, fixes #631 2.6.2 - #641, fixed bug with exception wrapping and Python 2.6 - #634, fixed bug where correct query result wrapper was not being used for certain composite queries. - #625, cleaned up some example code. - #614, fixed bug with aggregate_rows() when there are multiple joins to the same table. - Added create_or_get() as a companion to get_or_create(). - Added support for ON CONFLICT clauses for UPDATE and INSERT queries. Docs. - Added a JSONKeyStore to playhouse.kv. - Added Cythonized version of strip_parens(), with plans to perhaps move more performance-critical code to Cython in the future. - Added docs on specifying vendor-specific database parameters. - Added docs on specifying field default values (both client and server-side). - Added docs on foreign key field back-references. - Added docs for models without a primary key. - Cleaned up docs on prefetch() and aggregate_rows().
2015-06-10Update databases/py-peewee to 2.6.1.fhajny3-8/+13
2.6.1 - #606, support self-referential joins with prefetch and aggregate_rows() methods. - #588, accomodate changes in SQLite's PRAGMA index_list() return value. - #607, fixed bug where pwiz was not passing table names to introspector. - #591, fixed bug with handling of named cursors in older psycopg2 version. - Removed some cruft from the APSWDatabase implementation. - Added CompressedField and AESEncryptedField - #609, #610, added Django-style foreign key ID lookup. - Added support for Hybrid Attributes (cool idea courtesy of SQLAlchemy). - Added upsert keyword argument to the function (SQLite only). - #587, added support for ON CONFLICT SQLite clause for INSERT and UPDATE queries. - #601, added hook for programmatically defining table names. - #581, #611, support connection pools with playhouse.db_url.connect(). - Added Contributing section section to docs. 2.6.0 - get_or_create() now returns a 2-tuple consisting of the model instance and a boolean indicating whether the instance was created. The function now behaves just like the Django equivalent. - #574, better support for setting the character encoding on Postgresql database connections. Thanks @klen! - Improved implementation of get_or_create().
2015-04-07Update py-peewee to 2.5.1.fhajny3-67/+10
2.5.1 - #566, fixed a bug regarding parentheses around compound SELECT queries (i.e. UNION, INTERSECT, etc). - Fixed unreported bug where table aliases were not generated correctly for compound SELECT queries. - #559, add option to preserve original column order with pwiz. Thanks @elgow! - Fixed unreported bug where selecting all columns from a ModelAlias does not use the appropriate FieldAlias objects. - #561, added an option for bulk insert queries to return the list of auto-generated primary keys. See docs for InsertQuery.return_id_list. - #569, added parse function to the playhouse.db_url module. Thanks @stt! - Added hacks section to the docs. Please contribute your hacks! - Calls to Node.in_() and Node.not_in() do not take *args anymore and instead take a single argument. 2.5.0 - #534, CSV utils was erroneously stripping the primary key from CSV data. - #537, fix upserts when using insert_many. - #541, respect autorollback with PostgresqlExtDatabase. Thanks @davidmcclure. - #551, fix for QueryResultWrapper's implementation of the iterator protocol. - #554, allow SQLite journal_mode to be set at run-time. - Fixed case-sensitivity issue with DataSet. - Added support for CAST expressions. - Added a hook for extending Node with custom methods. - JOIN_<type> became JOIN.<type>, e.g. .join(JOIN.LEFT_OUTER). - OP_<code> became OP.<code>. - #556, allowed using + and - prefixes to indicate ascending/descending ordering. - #550, added Database.initialize_connection() hook. - #549, bind selected columns to a particular model. Thanks @jhorman, nice PR! - #531, support for swapping databases at run-time via Using. - #530, support for SQLCipher and Python3. - New RowIDField for sqlite_ext playhouse module. This field can be used to interact with SQLite rowid fields. - Added LateralJoin helper to the postgres_ext playhouse module. 2.4.7 - #504, Docs updates. - #506, Fixed regression in aggregate_rows() - #510, Fixes bug in pwiz overwriting columns. - #514, Correctly cast foreign keys in prefetch(). - #515, Simplifies queries issued when doing recursive deletes. - #516, Fix cloning of Field objects. - #519, Aggregate rows now correctly preserves ordering of joined instances. - Unreported, fixed bug to not leave expired connections sitting around in the pool. - Added support for Postgresql's jsonb type with BinaryJSONField. - Add some basic Flask helpers. - Add support for UNION ALL queries in #512 - Add SqlCipherExtDatabase, which combines the sqlcipher database with the sqlite extensions. - Add option to print metadata when generating code with pwiz. 2.4.6 - #503, fixes behavior of aggregate_rows() when used with a CompositeKey. - #498, fixes value coercion for field aliases. - #492, fixes bug with pwiz and composite primary keys. - #486, correctly handle schemas with reflection module. - Peewee has a new ManyToManyField available in the playhouse.shortcuts module. - Peewee now has proper support for NOT IN queries through the Node.not_in() method. - Models now support iteration. This is equivalent to 2.4.5 - #471, #482 and #484, all of which had to do with how joins were handled by the aggregate_rows() query result wrapper. - #472 removed some needless special-casing in - #466 fixed case-sensitive issues with the SQLite migrator. - #474 fixed a handful of bugs that cropped up migrating foreign keys with SQLite. - #475 fixed the behavior of the SQLite migrator regarding auto-generated indexes. - #479 fixed a bug in the code that stripped extra parentheses in the SQL generator. - Fixed a handful of bugs in the APSW extension. - Added connection abstraction called ExecutionContext (see docs). - Made all context managers work as decorators (atomic, transaction, savepoint, execution_context). - Added explicit methods for IS NULL and IS NOT NULL queries. The latter was actually necessary since the behavior is different from NOT IS NULL (...). - Allow disabling backref validation (#465) - Made quite a few improvements to the documentation, particularly sections on transactions. - Added caching to the DataSet extension, which should improve performance. - Made the SQLite migrator smarter with regards to preserving indexes when a table copy is necessary.
2014-12-12Update py-peewee to 2.4.4.fhajny3-7/+10
2.4.4 ===== * Backwards-incompatible changes - The argument signature for the SqliteExtDatabase.aggregate() decorator changed so that the aggregate name is the first parameter, and the number of parameters is the second parameter. If no values are specified, peewee will choose the name of the class and an un-specified number of arguments (-1). - The logic for saving a model with a composite key changed slightly. Previously, if a model had a composite primary key and you called save(), only the dirty fields would be saved. * Bugs fixed - #462 - #465, add hook for disabling backref validation. - #466, fix case-sensitive table names with migration module. - #469, save only dirty fields. * New features - Lots of enhancements and cleanup to the playhouse.apsw_ext module. - The playhouse.reflection module now supports introspecting indexes. - Added a model option for disabling backref validation. - Added support for the SQLite closure table extension. - Added support for virtual fields, which act on dynamically-created virtual table fields. - Added a new example: a virtual table implementation that exposes Redis as a relational database table. - Added a module playhouse.sqlite_aggregates that contains a handful of aggregates you may find useful when developing with SQLite. - Small documentation updates here and there. 2.4.3 ===== * Bugs fixed - #466, table names are case sensitive in the SQLite migrations module. - #465, added option to disable backref validation. - #462, use the schema name consistently with postgres reflection. * New features - New model Meta option to disable backref validation. See validate_backrefs. - Added documentation on ordering by calculated values. - Added basic PyPy compatibility. - Added logic to close cursors after they have been exhausted. - Structured and consolidated database metadata introspection, including improvements for introspecting indexes. - Added support to prefetch for traversing up the query tree. - Added introspection option to skip invalid models while introspecting. - Added option to limit the tables introspected. - Added closed connection detection to the MySQL connection pool. - Enhancements to passing options to creating virtual tables with SQLite. - Added factory method for generating Closure tables for use with the transitive_closure SQLite extension. - Added support for loading SQLite extensions. - Numerous test-suite enhancements and new test-cases. 2.4.2 ===== * Bugs fixed - #449, typo in the db_url extension, thanks to @malea for the fix. - #457 and #458, fixed documentation deficiences. * New features - Added support for importing data when using the DataSet extension. - Added an encrypted diary app to the examples. - Better index reconstruction when altering columns on SQLite databases with the migrate module. - Support for multi-column primary keys in the reflection module. - Close cursors more aggressively when executing SELECT queries.
2014-10-29Update py-peewee to 2.4.1.fhajny3-10/+36
Changes in 2.4.1: - Fixed #448, add hook to the connection pool for detecting closed connections. - Fixed #229, fix join attribute detection. - Fixed #447, fixed documentation typo. Changes in 2.4.0: - Most of the introspection logic was moved out of the pwiz module and into playhouse.reflection. - Created a new reflection extension for introspecting databases. The reflection module additionally can generate actual peewee Model classes dynamically. - Created a dataset library (based on the SQLAlchemy project of the same name). For more info check out the blog post announcing playhouse.dataset. - Added a db_url module which creates Database objects from a connection string. - Added csv dump functionality to the CSV utils extension. - Added an atomic context manager to support nested transactions. - Added support for HStore, JSON and TSVector to the reflection module. - More documentation updates. - Fixed #440, which fixes a bug where Model.dirty_fields did not return an empty set for some subclasses of QueryResultWrapper.
2014-10-17Import peewee as databases/py-peewee.fhajny5-0/+149
Peewee is a simple and small ORM. It has few (but expressive) concepts, making it easy to learn and intuitive to use. Supports SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.