path: root/databases
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-04-27Don't hard-code -lgcc_s on NetBSD.joerg2-1/+15
2017-04-26Fix sphinx-build lookupfhajny1-1/+3
2017-04-26Updated databases/p5-Tie-DBI to 1.06mef4-162/+11
------------------------------------ 1.06 Fri Apr 5 2013 Todd Rinaldo Bump to production release now tests all pass on cpan testers 1.05_01 Thu Mar 28 2013 Todd Rinaldo Fix for RT 58813 - Fix for File based DBDs Fix for RT 84125 - Fix for mysqlPP (pkgsrc changes) - drop two patches, those were really provided by upstream after previous version - Add do-test: target, for doing without any environment. Hope this will give PASS
2017-04-26Updated databases/p5-SQL-Statement to 1.412mef2-8/+7
------------------------------------------- 1.412 2017-04-06 * Release 1.411_001 without further changes as 1.412 1.411_001 2017-03-30 [Bug fixes] * Fix (NumericEval: fix typo on error handling) (thanks to Yanick Champoux, James R. Leu) * fix repo url and t/02execute.t (Reini Urban, Mohammad S Anwar) * fix test failing with blead-perl (Jens Rehsack) [Improvements] * Refactor constraints processing (Ovidiu Gheorghies) * Support parsing of complex JOIN clause (containing OR and ()'s) (James R. Leu) * handle backtick quoting (Ben Hengst)
2017-04-26Updated databases/p5-Parse-Dia-SQL to 0.29mef2-8/+7
------------------------------------------ 0.29 Sun Jan 15 15:44:09 2017 +0100 RT #119853 Fix spelling mistakes in the POD. Thanks to gregor herrmann, Debian Perl Group. 0.28 Tue Jan 10 20:03:04 2017 +0100 Updated due to misuse of HTML::Lint 2.26.
2017-04-23Add py-picklesharemarkd1-1/+2
2017-04-23Add py-pickleshare 0.7.4markd4-0/+38
PickleShare - a small shelve like datastore with concurrency support Like shelve, a PickleShareDB object acts like a normal dictionary Unlike shelve, many processes can access the database simultaneously Changing a value in database is immediately visible to other processes accessing the same database
2017-04-22Revbump after icu updateadam30-54/+60
2017-04-22Remove 18 from RUBY_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED.taca1-2/+2
2017-04-22Update databases/elasticsearch to 5.3.1fhajny3-24/+24
=== Breaking changes Settings:: - Remove support for default settings === Enhancements Core:: - Detect remnants of bug Network:: - Adjust default Netty receive predictor size to 64k REST:: - Cluster stats should not render empty http/transport types === Bug fixes Aggregations:: - The `filter` and `significant_terms` aggregations should parse the `filter` as a filter, not a query. - Restore support for the `include/pattern` syntax. Bulk:: - Reject empty IDs Core:: - Improve performance of extracting warning value - Restrict build info loading to ES jar, not any jar Discovery:: - ZenDiscovery - only validate min_master_nodes values if local node is master Index APIs:: - Honor update request timeout Inner Hits:: - Replace `NestedChildrenQuery` with `ParentChildrenBlockJoinQuery` Internal:: - Add infrastructure to mark contexts as system contexts Java REST Client:: - Make buffer limit configurable in HeapBufferedConsumerFactory Mapping:: - Preserve response headers when creating an index - Fix NPE with scaled floats stats when field is not indexed Network:: - Fix possible hang in local transport when nodes get concurrently disconnected Plugin Repository Azure:: - Azure blob store's readBlob() method first checks if the blob exists Reindex API:: - Fix reindex with a remote source on a version before 2.0.0 Search:: - Disable graph analysis at query time for shingle and cjk filters producing tokens of different size - Fix cross-cluster remote node gateway attributes - Use a fixed seed for computing term hashCode in TermsSliceQuery Settings:: - Do not set in environment if not set - Correct handling of default and array settings Stats:: - Handle existence of cgroup version 2 hierarchy === Upgrades Internal:: - upgrade to Lucene 6.4.2
2017-04-22Update ruby-sequel to 4.45.0.taca3-8/+17
=== 4.45.0 (2017-04-01) * Correctly handle datasets with offsets but no limits used in compound datasets on MSSQL <2012 (jeremyevans) * Correctly handle false values in the split_values plugin (bananarne) (#1333) * Deprecate Dataset#dup/clone and Model.dup/clone (jeremyevans) * Deprecate the schema and scissors plugins (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model.{lazy_attributes,nested_attributes,composition,serialization}_module accessors (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Database#database_name on MySQL (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Database#use on MySQL (jeremyevans) * Make pg_hstore extension no longer update PG_NAMED_TYPES (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel::PG_NAMED_TYPES (jeremyevans) * Add columns_updated plugin for making updated columns hash available in after_update and after_save hooks (jeremyevans) * Deprecate accessing @columns_updated directly in model after_update and after_save hooks (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Database#{add,remove}_servers when not using a sharded connection pool (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Database#each_server (jeremyevans) * Make Model#_valid? private method accept only an options hash (jeremyevans) * Deprecate returning false from model before hooks to cancel the action, use Model#cancel_action (jeremyevans) * Handle Model#cancel_action correctly in before hooks when Model#valid? is called (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel::BeforeHookFailed (jeremyevans) * Deprecate passing multiple arguments as filter arguments when not using a conditions specifier (jeremyevans) * Deprecate passing Procs as filter arguments, require they be passed as blocks (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel::Error::* exception class aliases (jeremyevans) * Deprecate prepared_statements_associations and prepared_statements_with_pk plugins (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel::Unbinder, Sequel::UnbindDuplicate, and Dataset#unbind (jeremyevans) * Deprecating calling Sequel::Qualifier with two arguments (jeremyevans) * Add validation_contexts plugin for supporting custom contexts when validating (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel::Database.single_threaded singleton accessor (jeremyevans) * Deprecate treating unrecognized prepared statement type as :select (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel.identifier_{in,out}put_method= and .quote_identifiers= singleton setters (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel::Database.identifier_{in,out}put_method and .quote_identifiers singleton accessors (jeremyevans) * Deprecate loading the identifier_mangling by default, require it be loaded explicitly if needed (jeremyevans) * Make Database#dump_{table_schema,schema_migration} in schema_dumper extension support :schema option (dadario) (#1328) * Make Dataset#delete respect an existing limit on Microsoft SQL Server (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#skip_limit_check to mark a dataset as skipping the limit/offset check for updates and deletes (jeremyevans) * Deprecate calling Dataset#{update/delete/truncate} on datasets with limits or offsets unless the database supports it (jeremyevans) * Add deprecation message for using association_pks setter method with :delay_pks=>true association option (jeremyevans) * Add deprecation message for using association_pks setter method without :delay_pks association option (jeremyevans) * Deprecate having duplicate column names in subclass tables when using the class_table_inheritance plugin (jeremyevans) * Deprecate do (DataObjects), swift, and jdbc/as400 adapters (jeremyevans) * Deprecate support for Cubrid, Firebird, Informix, and Progress databases (jeremyevans) * The :proxy_argument option passed to association_proxies plugin block is now an empty hash if no arguments are passed to the association method (jeremyevans) * Deprecate passing non-hash arguments to association methods (jeremyevans) * Deprecate passing multiple arguments to association methods (jeremyevans) * Deprecate model transaction hook methods (jeremyevans) * Drop support for pg <0.8.0 in the postgres adapter (jeremyevans) * Deprecate passing a block to Database#from (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel::Model::ANONYMOUS_MODEL_CLASSES{,_MUTEX} (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel.cache_anonymous_models and Sequel.cache_anonymous_models= (jeremyevans) * Automatically use from_self when using a dataset as part of a compound if it has an offset but no limit (jeremyevans) * Drop order on existing datasets when using Dataset#union/intersect/except on Microsoft SQL Server unless a limit or offset is used (jeremyevans) * Deprecate dataset mutation (jeremyevans) * Handle dumping of autoincrementing 64-bit integer primary key columns correctly when using :same_db option in the schema dumper (jeremyevans) (#1324) * Add Model.dataset_module_class accessor, allowing plugins to support custom behavior in dataset_module blocks (jeremyevans) * Make ORDER BY come after UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT on Microsoft SQL Server and SQLAnywhere (jeremyevans) * Make Database#indexes on MySQL handle qualified identifiers (jeremyevans) (#1316) * Add oracle support to the odbc adapter (samuel02) (#1315)
2017-04-21Update databases/py-peewee to 2.9.2.fhajny4-9/+30
## 2.9.2 - Fixed significant bug in the `savepoint` commit/rollback implementation. - Added support for postgresql `INTERVAL` columns. - Fixed bug where missing `sqlite3` library was causing other, unrelated libraries to throw errors when attempting to import. - Added a `case_sensitive` parameter to the SQLite `REGEXP` function implementation. The default is `False`, to preserve backwards-compatibility. - Fixed bug that caused tables not to be created when using the `dataset` extension. - Modified `drop_table` to raise an exception if the user attempts to drop tables with `CASCADE` when the database backend does not support it. - Fixed Python3 issue in the `AESEncryptedField`. - Modified the behavior of string-typed fields to treat the addition operator as concatenation ## 2.9.1 - Fixed #1218, where the use of `playhouse.flask_utils` was requiring the `sqlite3` module to be installed. - Fixed #1219 regarding the SQL generation for composite key sub-selects, joins, etc. ## 2.9.0 In this release there are two notable changes: - The ``Model.create_or_get()`` method was removed. - The SQLite closure table extension gained support for many-to-many relationships thanks to a nice PR by @necoro. ## 2.8.8 This release contains a single important bugfix for a regression in specifying the type of lock to use when opening a SQLite transaction. ## 2.8.7 This release contains numerous cleanups. ### Bugs fixed - #1087 - Fixed a misuse of the iteration protocol in the `sqliteq` extension. - #1096 - Fix representation of recursive foreign key relations when using the `model_to_dict` helper. - #1126 - Allow `pskel` to be installed into `bin` directory. - #1105 - Added a `Tuple()` type to Peewee to enable expressing arbitrary tuple expressions in SQL. - #1133 - Fixed bug in the conversion of objects to `Decimal` instances in the `DecimalField`. - Fixed an issue renaming a unique foreign key in MySQL. - Remove the join predicate from CROSS JOINs. - #1148 - Ensure indexes are created when a column is added using a schema migration. - #1165 - Fix bug where the primary key was being overwritten in queries using the closure-table extension. ### New stuff - Added properties to the `SqliteExtDatabase` to expose common `PRAGMA` settings. - Clarified documentation on calling `commit()` or `rollback()` from within the scope of an atomic block. - Allow table creation dependencies to be specified using new `depends_on` meta option. - Allow specification of the lock type used in SQLite transactions. - Added support for `CROSS JOIN` expressions in select queries. - Docs on how to implement optimistic locking - Documented optional dependencies. - Generic support for specifying select queries as locking the selected rows `FOR X`, e.g. `FOR UPDATE` or `FOR SHARE`. - Support for specifying the frame-of-reference in window queries, e.g. specifying `UNBOUNDED PRECEDING`, etc. ### Backwards-incompatible changes - As of 9e76c99, an `OperationalError` is raised if the user calls `connect()` on an already-open Database object. Previously, the existing connection would remain open and a new connection would overwrite it, making it impossible to close the previous connection. If you find this is causing breakage in your application, you can switch the `connect()` call to `get_conn()` which will only open a connection if necessary. The error **is** indicative of a real issue, though, so audit your code for places where you may be opening a connection without closing it (module-scope operations, e.g.).
2017-04-21Add ruby-activerecord42minskim1-1/+2
2017-04-21Import ruby-activerecord-4.2.8 as databases/ruby-activerecord42minskim4-0/+259
Notable changes since 3.2: - Improve ways to write change migrations, making the old up & down methods no longer necessary. - Adds PostgreSQL array type support. Any datatype can be used to create an array column, with full migration and schema dumper support. - Add Relation#load to explicitly load the record and return self. - Model.all now returns an ActiveRecord::Relation, rather than an array of records. Use Relation#to_a if you really want an array. In some specific cases, this may cause breakage when upgrading. - Added ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending! that raises an error if migrations are pending. - Added custom coders support for ActiveRecord::Store. - mysql and mysql2 connections will set SQL_MODE=STRICT_ALL_TABLES by default to avoid silent data loss. This can be disabled by specifying strict: false in your database.yml. - Remove IdentityMap. - Remove automatic execution of EXPLAIN queries. The option active_record.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds is no longer used and should be removed. - Adds ActiveRecord::NullRelation and ActiveRecord::Relation#none implementing the null object pattern for the Relation class. - Added create_join_table migration helper to create HABTM join tables. - Allows PostgreSQL hstore records to be created. - Default scopes are no longer overridden by chained conditions. - Added ActiveRecord::Base.to_param for convenient "pretty" URLs derived from a model's attribute or method. - Added ActiveRecord::Base.no_touching, which allows ignoring touch on models. - Unify boolean type casting for MysqlAdapter and Mysql2Adapter. type_cast will return 1 for true and 0 for false. - .unscope now removes conditions specified in default_scope. - Added ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#rewhere which will overwrite an existing, named where condition. - Extended ActiveRecord::Base#cache_key to take an optional list of timestamp attributes of which the highest will be used. - Added ActiveRecord::Base#enum for declaring enum attributes where the values map to integers in the database, but can be queried by name. - Type cast json values on write, so that the value is consistent with reading from the database. - Type cast hstore values on write, so that the value is consistent with reading from the database. - Make next_migration_number accessible for third party generators. - Calling update_attributes will now throw an ArgumentError whenever it gets a nil argument. More specifically, it will throw an error if the argument that it gets passed does not respond to to stringify_keys. - CollectionAssociation#first/#last (e.g. has_many) use a LIMITed query to fetch results rather than loading the entire collection. - inspect on Active Record model classes does not initiate a new connection. This means that calling inspect, when the database is missing, will no longer raise an exception. - Removed column restrictions for count, let the database raise if the SQL is invalid. - Rails now automatically detects inverse associations. If you do not set the :inverse_of option on the association, then Active Record will guess the inverse association based on heuristics. - Handle aliased attributes in ActiveRecord::Relation. When using symbol keys, ActiveRecord will now translate aliased attribute names to the actual column name used in the database. - The ERB in fixture files is no longer evaluated in the context of the main object. Helper methods used by multiple fixtures should be defined on modules included in ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.context_class. - Don't create or drop the test database if RAILS_ENV is specified explicitly. - Relation no longer has mutator methods like #map! and #delete_if. Convert to an Array by calling #to_a before using these methods. - find_in_batches, find_each, Result#each and Enumerable#index_by now return an Enumerator that can calculate its size. - scope, enum and Associations now raise on "dangerous" name conflicts. - second through fifth methods act like the first finder. - Make touch fire the after_commit and after_rollback callbacks. - Enable partial indexes for sqlite >= 3.8.0. - Make change_column_null revertible. - Added a flag to disable schema dump after migration. This is set to false by default in the production environment for new applications. - SchemaDumper uses force: :cascade on create_table. This makes it possible to reload a schema when foreign keys are in place. - Added a :required option to singular associations, which defines a presence validation on the association. - ActiveRecord::Dirty now detects in-place changes to mutable values. Serialized attributes on Active Record models are no longer saved when unchanged. This also works with other types such as string columns and json columns on PostgreSQL. - Introduced the db:purge Rake task to empty the database for the current environment. - Introduced ActiveRecord::Base#validate! that raises ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid if the record is invalid. - Introduced validate as an alias for valid?. - touch now accepts multiple attributes to be touched at once. - The PostgreSQL adapter now supports the jsonb datatype in PostgreSQL 9.4+. - The PostgreSQL and SQLite adapters no longer add a default limit of 255 characters on string columns. - Added support for the citext column type in the PostgreSQL adapter. - Added support for user-created range types in the PostgreSQL adapter. - sqlite3:///some/path now resolves to the absolute system path /some/path. For relative paths, use sqlite3:some/path instead. (Previously, sqlite3:///some/path resolved to the relative path some/path. This behavior was deprecated on Rails 4.1). - Added support for fractional seconds for MySQL 5.6 and above. - Added ActiveRecord::Base#pretty_print to pretty print models. - ActiveRecord::Base#reload now behaves the same as m = Model.find(, meaning that it no longer retains the extra attributes from custom SELECTs. - ActiveRecord::Base#reflections now returns a hash with string keys instead of symbol keys. - The references method in migrations now supports a type option for specifying the type of the foreign key (e.g. :uuid).
2017-04-19Updated p5-DBD-postgresql to 3.6.0.wiz2-8/+7
Version 3.6.0 Released April 17, 2017 (git tag 3.6.0) - Make sure we do not inadvertently modify the string passed to prepare() when doing the new backslash escape manipulation. [Greg Sabino Mullane] (CPAN ticket #114000) - Fix bug where $DBD::Pg::DBDPG_DEFAULT not picked up as a magic string first time it is used in a script. [Greg Sabino Mullane] (CPAN ticket #112309) - Fix UTF8 flag handling in pg_(get|put)copydata [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker] - Fix UTF8 double-encoding with pg_enable_utf8 = 0 [Serge Pushkin] (CPAN ticket #103137) - Fix bug in quote_name which would fail to quote in some circumstances (Github Issue #22) - Allow clean parsing of new Postgres X.Y version format [Erik Rijkers er at] - Add pg_canonical_ids() and pg_canonical_names(), which returns information about each column in the result set. [Warstone warstone at] (CPAN ticket #106858) - Map SQL_NUMERIC to PG_NUMERIC (instead of PG_FLOAT8) [Alice Maz alice at] (CPAN ticket #120358) - Force real, float, and double precision into SvNVs [Greg Sabino Mullane] (CPAN ticket #113683 and other places) - Support for number of rows greater than an "int". Requires support for same from a future version of libpq before it will work completely. [Greg Sabino Mullane] (CPAN ticket #102444) - Fix skipped test counts in Win32 builds [Andy Grundman] - Allow tests to work against Postgres 8.4 by tweaking client_encoding calls. [Pavel Raiskup praiskup at] (CPAN ticket #116179) - Silence warnings in t/02attribs.t and t/04misc.t [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker] - Support binary COPY format [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker] - Ensure tests do not use $ENV{PGSERVICE} or $ENV{PGDATABASE} [Erik Rijkers] - Switched canonical repo to git://
2017-04-19Reset MAINTAINER after tonnerre resigned.jperkin7-14/+14
2017-04-18Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 3.9.0.fhajny2-7/+7
3.9.0 Features - cqlengine: remove elements by key from a map Bug Fixes - improve error handling when connecting to non-existent keyspace - Sockets associated with sessions not getting cleaned up on session.shutdown() - rare flake on integration.standard.test_cluster.ClusterTests.test_clone_shared_lbp - MontonicTimestampGenerator.__init__ ignores class defaults - race where callback or errback for request may not be called - cqlengine: model.update() should not update columns with a default value that hasn't changed - cqlengine: field value manager's explicit flag is True when queried back from cassandra Other - Connection not closed in example_mapper - Remove mention of pre-2.0 C* versions from OSS 3.0+ docs 3.8.1 Bug Fixes - implement __le__/__ge__/__ne__ on some custom types - Fix bug in eventlet and gevent reactors that could cause hangs - Fix DecimalType regression
2017-04-18 Add BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Text-Diff-[0-9]* for make testmef1-1/+3
2017-04-16Avoid a warning while generating config.hkhorben2-4/+15
No functional change intended.
2017-04-13Revbump all Go packages after the Go 1.8.1 update.bsiegert1-2/+2
2017-04-13Updated databases/mysql51-{client,server} to 5.1.73mef6-17/+21
------------------------------------------------------------ The ChangeLog since 5.1.72 is too huge, so the beginning some lines are listed here: ------------------------------------------------------------ timestamp: Fri 2013-11-01 16:39:19 +0100 message: Bug#17617945 BUFFER OVERFLOW IN GET_MERGE_MANY_BUFFS_COST WITH SMALL SORT_BUFFER_SIZE get_cost_calc_buff_size() could return wrong value for the size of imerge_cost_buff. ------------------------------------------------------------ timestamp: Thu 2013-10-31 22:53:56 +0000 message: BUG#17662398: REMOVE DUPLICATE TEST CASES Remove duplicate test cases. ------------------------------------------------------------ timestamp: Thu 2013-10-31 23:02:44 +0530 message: Bug #12917164 DROP USER CAN'T DROP USERS WITH LEGACY UPPER CASE HOST NAME ANYMORE Description: It is not possible to drop users with host names with upper case letters in them. i.e DROP USER 'root'@'Tmp_Host_Name'; is failing with error. Analysis: Since the fix 11748570 we came up with lower case hostnames as standard. But in the current bug the hostname is created by mysql_install_db script is still having upper case hostnames. So, if we have the hostname with upper case letters like(Tmp_Host_Name) then we will have as it is stored in the mysql.user table. In this case if use "'DROP USER 'root'@'Tmp_Host_Name';" it gives error because we do compare with the lower case of hostname since the 11748570 fix. Fix: We need to convert the hostname to lower case before storing into the mysql.user table when we run the mysql_install_db script. ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-04-11Changes 5.7.18:adam10-55/+115
* Windows builds now use the default runtime libraries (builds use the /MD flag). * CMake support was added for compiling with Developer Studio 12.6. * MySQL failed to compile if -DENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC=OFF AND -DWITH_DEBUG=ON were both given. The ENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC option has been removed and enabling WITH_DEBUG enables Debug Sync. * The --temp-pool server option is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL 8.0. * Support for DTrace is deprecated and is removed in MySQL 8.0. * Changes in RPM package structure require a larger set of packages to be removed to install MySQL Server cleanly. * To avoid potential race conditions, Debian packages now use the GNU install utility rather than a combination of mkdir, touch, and chown. * The file (used to produce a default my-default.cnf or my-default.ini file) is no longer included in source distributions and my-default.cnf and my-default.ini are no longer included in or installed by distribution packages. * Reminder: MySQL 5.7 requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package to run on Windows platforms. Users should make sure the package has been installed on the system before starting the server. The package is available at the Microsoft Download Center. * PROCEDURE ANALYSE() syntax is now deprecated and is removed in MySQL 8.0. * The use of \N as a synonym for NULL in SQL statements is deprecated and is removed in MySQL 8.0. Use NULL instead. * The linked OpenSSL library for the MySQL Commercial Server has been updated to version 1.0.2k.
2017-04-11Changes 5.6.36:adam4-13/+29
* Windows builds now use the default runtime libraries (builds use the /MD flag). * CMake support was added for compiling with Developer Studio 12.6. MySQL failed to compile if -DENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC=OFF AND -DWITH_DEBUG=ON were both given. The ENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC option has been removed and enabling WITH_DEBUG enables Debug Sync. * Changes in RPM package structure require a larger set of packages to be removed to install MySQL Server cleanly. * To avoid potential race conditions, Debian packages now use the GNU install utility rather than a combination of mkdir, touch, and chown. * CMake-generated packaging for Debian/Ubuntu packages was refactored for improved maintainability. The change includes updated logic for correctly replacing native distribution packaging in Debian and Ubuntu. * Reminder: MySQL 5.6 requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package to run on Windows platforms. Users should make sure the package has been installed on the system before starting the server. The package is available at the Microsoft Download Center. * The linked OpenSSL library for the MySQL Commercial Server has been updated to version 1.0.2k. For a description of issues fixed in this version, see * The mysql_options() C API function now supports a MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE option.
2017-04-11Updated databases/mysql55-{client,server} to 5.5.55mef2-7/+7
--------------------------------------------------- Picks securiy part from ----- Security Notes The mysql_options() C API function now supports a MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE option. The only permitted option value is SSL_MODE_REQUIRED, to require a secure connection to the server. It causes mysql_real_connect() to fail if an encrypted connection cannot be obtained, without falling back to an unencrypted connection. Thus, mysql_real_connect() returns an error if the server does not support SSL or the client is not configured to use SSL. The client/server exchange terminates immediately after the initial server packet has been received if the server indicates that it does not support SSL. To require an encrypted connection in MySQL 5.5, the standard MySQL client programs call mysql_options() to set MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE if the --ssl-mode=REQUIRED command-line option was specified. Third-party applications that must be able to require encrypted connections can use the same technique. For details, see mysql_ssl_set(). The minor C API version number was not incremented for this change. Application programs compiled for MySQL 5.5 that require MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE may fail to operate properly if the dynamic loader provides an older client library without MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE. Such applications must be written to handle this possibility by checking whether the mysql_options() call succeeds or fails. (Bug #25575605)
2017-04-09Update to 1.84wen2-8/+7
Upstream changes: 1.84 - 2017-04-03 - Restore 'dynamic_config => 0' missed in the Distar port 1.83 - 2017-04-03 - Support for DELETE ... RETURNING (GH#9) - Port to Distar revision 1.82 2017-03-20 ------------------------- - Add explicit dependency on Sub::Quote (GH#8) - Fix syntax errors in ORDER BY docs (GH#7) revision 1.81_01 2017-02-28 ---------------------------- - Fix order clauses with bind parameters in ->where - Fix ->insert($table, \@values) with >26 values (RT#112684) - Teach ::Tree that ILIKE (PostgreSQL) and REGEXP (MySQL) are binary ops - Support for UPDATE ... RETURNING - Documentation improvements for ORDER BY
2017-04-09Update to 1.1.4wen2-8/+7
Upstream changes: 1.1.4 6 October 2016 17:26:00 - make sure Makefile.PL is included in the dist 1.1.3 6 October 2016 10:56:00 - Refactor slightly to enable useful subclassing (RT#102223, Tim Bunce)
2017-04-09Update to 2.033003wen2-8/+7
Upstream changes: 2.033003 2017-03-12 12:14:51-07:00 America/Los_Angeles - Stop depending on String::CamelCase (closes GH#81)
2017-04-05Changes 1.1.9:adam2-7/+7
A continuing stream of small regressions is leading us to have to put out releases every few days at the moment. This release includes a fix to a regression that was caused by a fix to a regression :), specifically the sqlalchemy.ext.mutable fix put out in 1.1.8. It also fixes a different regression in the typing system introduced in 1.1.5, and also has a regular bug fix for another issue regarding "connectionless" execution.
2017-04-04PLIST didn't get updated with 3.18.0; fixedadam1-1/+3
2017-04-04DJB_RESTRICTED=NO. From
2009.07.21: I hereby place the cdb package (in particular, cdb- 0.75.tar.gz, with MD5 checksum 81fed54d0bde51b147dd6c20cdb92d51) into the public domain. The package is no longer copyrighted.
2017-04-03Update databases/py-elasticsearch to 5.3.0.fhajny2-7/+7
- Compatibility with elasticsearch 5.3.
2017-04-01Release 1.1.8 is only a few days past 1.1.7, however is being released early ↵adam2-7/+7
in order to deliver a few fixes requested by downstream projects. In particular, a regression from the 1.0.x series involving the sqlalchemy.ext.mutable extension is fixed.
2017-03-30Release 3.18.0:adam4-18/+18
Added the PRAGMA optimize command The SQLite version identifier returned by the sqlite_source_id() SQL function and the sqlite3_sourceid() C API and found in the SQLITE_SOURCE_ID macro is now a 64-digit SHA3-256 hash instead of a 40-digit SHA1 hash. Added the json_patch() SQL function to the JSON1 extension. Enhance the LIKE optimization so that it works for arbitrary expressions on the left-hand side as long as the LIKE pattern on the right-hand side does not begin with a digit or minus sign. Added the sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid() interface and use the new interface in the FTS3, FTS4, and FTS5 extensions to ensure that the sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() interface always returns reasonable values. Enhance PRAGMA integrity_check and PRAGMA quick_check so that they verify CHECK constraints. Enhance the query plans for joins to detect empty tables early and halt without doing unnecessary work. Enhance the sqlite3_mprintf() family of interfaces and the printf SQL function to put comma separators at the thousands marks for integers, if the "," format modifier is used in between the "%" and the "d" (example: "%,d"). Added the -DSQLITE_MAX_MEMORY=N compile-time option. Added the .sha3sum dot-command and the .selftest dot-command to the command-line shell Begin enforcing SQLITE_LIMIT_VDBE_OP. This can be used, for example, to prevent excessively large prepared statements in systems that accept SQL queries from untrusted users. Various performance improvements. Bug Fixes: ---------- Ensure that indexed expressions with collating sequences are handled correctly. Fix for ticket eb703ba7b50c1a5. Fix a bug in the 'start of ...' modifiers for the date and time functions. Ticket 6097cb92745327a1 Fix a potential segfault in complex recursive triggers, resulting from a bug in the OP_Once opcode introduced as part of a performance optimization in version 3.15.0. Ticket 06796225f59c057c In the RBU extension, add extra sync operations to avoid the possibility of corruption following a power failure. The sqlite3_trace_v2() output for nested SQL statements should always begin with a "--" comment marker.
2017-03-30Changes 5.0:adam4-7/+48
* /dbfsak/VERSION, /dbfsak/dbf.c, /dbfsak/dbf.h, /dbfsak/dbfsak.c: More precisely specify variable sizes, since DBF files were originally 8-bit, then 16-bit, then 32-bit. Current code being worked on 64 bit platform.
2017-03-30Update databases/elasticsearch to 5.3.0fhajny3-8/+9
=== Breaking changes Query DSL:: - Fix name of `enabled_position_increments` Search:: - Remove DFS_QUERY_AND_FETCH as a search type === Breaking Java changes CRUD:: - Make index and delete operation execute as single bulk item (backport of #21964) Internal:: - Replace SearchExtRegistry with namedObject - Replace Suggesters with namedObject Network:: - Remove HttpServer and HttpServerAdapter in favor of a simple dispatch method Plugins:: - Deguice rest handlers Search:: - Remove QUERY_AND_FETCH search type === Deprecations Core:: - Deprecate lenient booleans Geo:: - Geo distance range deprecation Java API:: - Add BulkProcessor methods with XContentType parameter Mapping:: - Deprecate the include_in_all mapping parameter Network:: - Deprecate Netty 3 - Deprecate Netty 3 Plugin Repository Azure:: - Deprecate auto creation of container for azure repository Plugin Repository S3:: - S3 Repository: Deprecate specifying region - S3 Repository: Deprecate auto creation of s3 bucket for repository - Deprecate specifying credentials through env vars, sys props, and remove profile files REST:: - Deprecate ldjson support and document ndjson for bulk/msearch - Optionally require a valid content type for all rest requests with content Scripting:: - Change Namespace for Stored Script to Only Use Id === New features Aggregations:: - Initial version of an adjacency matrix using the Filters aggregation CRUD:: - Allow an index to be partitioned with custom routing Highlighting:: - Integrate UnifiedHighlighter Search:: - Add federated cross cluster search capabilities - Add field collapsing for search request Settings:: - Add infrastructure for elasticsearch keystore === Enhancements Allocation:: - Include stale replica shard info when explaining an unassigned primary Analysis:: - Analyze API Position Length Support CRUD:: - Make index and delete operation execute as a single bulk item Circuit Breakers:: - Add used memory amount to CircuitBreakingException message (#22521) Cluster:: - Connect to new nodes concurrently Core:: - Simplify write failure handling (backport of #19105) - Simplify ElasticsearchException rendering as a XContent - Remove setLocalNode from ClusterService and TransportService Engine:: - Replace EngineClosedException with AlreadyClosedExcpetion Index APIs:: - Indexing: Add shard id to indexing operation listener - Better error when can't auto create index Ingest:: - Lazy load the geoip databases Internal:: - Improve connection closing in `RemoteClusterConnection` - Remove some more usages of ParseFieldMatcher - Introduce ToXContentObject interface Java API:: - prevent NPE when trying to uncompress a null BytesReference Java High Level REST Client:: - Add parsing from xContent to MainResponse - Parse elasticsearch exception's root causes - Add parsing method to BytesRestResponse's error - Add parsing method for ElasticsearchException.generateThrowableXContent() - Add fromxcontent methods to delete response - Add parsing methods for UpdateResponse - Add parsing from xContent to InternalSearchHit and InternalSearchHits - Add fromxcontent methods to index response Java REST Client:: - move ignore parameter support from yaml test client to low level rest client - Support Preemptive Authentication with RestClient Logging:: - Expose logs base path Mapping:: - Improve error message for ipv6 on legacy ip fields Network:: - Keep the pipeline handler queue small initially Packaging:: - Introduce Java version check Plugin Discovery EC2:: - Read ec2 discovery address from aws instance tags Plugin Lang Painless:: - Generate reference links for painless API - Painless: Add augmentation to String for base 64 Plugin Repository S3:: - S3 repository: Add named configurations Plugins:: - Add the ability to define search response listeners in search plugin Query DSL:: - QueryString and SimpleQueryString Graph Support - Additional Graph Support in Match Query - RangeQuery WITHIN case now normalises query Reindex API:: - Increase visibility of doExecute so it can be used directly - Improve error message when reindex-from-remote gets bad json Scripting:: - Expose multi-valued dates to scripts and document painless's date functions Search:: - Add a setting to disable remote cluster connections on a node - First step towards separating individual search phases - Add parsing from xContent to SearchProfileShardResults and nested classes - ProfileResult and CollectorResult should print machine readable timing information Settings:: - Improve setting deprecation message - Add secure settings validation on startup - Allow comma delimited array settings to have a space after each entry - Allow affix settings to be dynamic / updatable - Allow affix settings to delegate to actual settings - Make s3 repository sensitive settings use secure settings Snapshot/Restore:: - Duplicate snapshot name throws InvalidSnapshotNameException - Use general cluster state batching mechanism for snapshot state updates Stats:: - Add geo_point to FieldStats === Bug fixes CRUD:: - Fix backport executing ops as single item bulk Cache:: - Invalidate cached query results if query timed out Cluster:: - Don't set local node on cluster state used for node join validation - Allow a cluster state applier to create an observer and wait for a better state - Cluster allocation explain to never return empty response body Exceptions:: - Stop returning "es." internal exception headers as http response headers Ingest:: - Improve missing ingest processor error - fix date-processor to a new default year for every new pipeline execution Internal:: - Always restore the ThreadContext for operations delayed due to a block - Fix handling of document failure exception in InternalEngine (backport #22718) Java REST Client:: - RestClient asynchronous execution should not throw exceptions Mapping:: - Switch include_in_all in multifield to warning - Fix MapperService StackOverflowError - Range types causing `GetFieldMappingsIndexRequest` to fail due to `NullPointerException` in `RangeFieldMapper.doXContentBody` when `include_defaults=true` is on the query string - Disallow introducing illegal object mappings (double '..') Network:: - Respect promises on pipelined responses - Ensure that releasing listener is called Packaging:: - Fall back to non-atomic move when removing plugins Parent/Child:: - Add null check in case of orphan child document Plugin Ingest Attachment:: - Remove support for Visio and potm files - Add missing mime4j library Plugin Lang Painless:: - Fix Bad Casts In Painless - Don't allow casting from void to def in painless - Fix def invoked qualified method refs Plugins:: - Add check for null pluginName in remove command Query DSL:: - Fix parsing for `max_determinized_states` REST:: - [API] change wait_for_completion default according to docs - HTTP transport stashes the ThreadContext instead of the RestController - Ensure we try to autodetect content type for handlers that support plain text - Fix date format in warning headers - Correct warning header to be compliant - Fix search scroll request with a plain text body - Handle bad HTTP requests - Properly encode location header Reindex API:: - Reindex: do not log when can't clear old scroll - Fix reindex-from-remote from <2.0 Scripting:: - Remove unnecessary Groovy deprecation logging - Script: Fix value of `ctx._now` to be current epoch time in milliseconds Search:: - Honor max concurrent searches in multi-search - Avoid stack overflow in multi-search - Replace blocking calls in ExpandCollapseSearchResponseListener by asynchronous requests - Ensure fixed serialization order of InnerHitBuilder Settings:: - Fix merge scheduler config settings - Settings: Fix keystore cli prompting for yes/no to handle console returning null - Expose `search.highlight.term_vector_multi_value` as a node level setting - NPE when no setting name passed to elasticsearch-keystore Similarities:: - Fix similarity upgrade when "default" similarity is overridden Stats:: - Avoid overflow when computing total FS stats - Handle long overflow when adding paths' totals - Fix control group pattern - Fix total disk bytes returning negative value Task Manager:: - Fix hanging cancelling task with no children - Fix broken TaskInfo.toString() === Regressions Core:: - Source filtering: only accept array items if the previous include pattern matches === Upgrades Internal:: - Upgrade to Lucene 6.4.1.
2017-03-30Release 1.1.7 includes several bugfixes, one of which was introduced in ↵adam2-7/+7
1.1.6 as a result of performance enhancements for joined eager loading which presents as a race condition under certain multithreaded scenarios. Fixes also include an important adjustment in the cx_Oracle dialect to adjust for changes in cx_Oracle release 5.3, resolution of an extremely small memory leak which could occur in the relatively unusual case that an arbitrarily high number of savepoints were established on a single Connection object, as well as an important fix in the "schema translate" feature.
2017-03-23Extend SHA512 checksums to various files I have on my local distfilejoerg3-3/+8
2017-03-21Amend comment to patch.maya2-4/+4
explain it's for a netbsd-specific error.
2017-03-20Updated py-psycopg2 to 2.7.1.wiz2-7/+7
What's new in psycopg 2.7.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Ignore `!None` arguments passed to `~psycopg2.connect()` and `~psycopg2.extensions.make_dsn()` (:ticket:`#517`). - OpenSSL upgraded from major version 0.9.8 to 1.0.2 in the Linux wheel packages (:ticket:`#518`). - Fixed build with libpq versions < 9.3 (:ticket:`#520`).
2017-03-20Version 1.13 - 2017-03-11adam9-19/+38
* gdbm_fetch, gdbm_firstkey, and gdbm_nextkey behavior If the requested key was not found, these functions return datum with dptr pointing to NULL and set gdbm_errno to GDBM_ITEM_NOT_FOUND (in prior releases, gdbm_errno was set to GDBM_NO_ERROR), If an error occurred, dptr is set to NULL, and gdbm_errno to the error code. In any case gdbm_errno is guaranteed to have meaningful value upon return. * Error handling In previous versions of GDBM, fatal errors (such as write error while storing the key/data pair or bucket) caused immediate termination of the program via call to exit(3). This is no longer the case. Starting from this version, if a fatal error occurrs while modifying the database file, that database is marked as needing recovery and gdbm_errno is set to GDBM_NEED_RECOVERY. Calls to any GDBM functions, except gdbm_recover, will then return immediately with the same error code. The function gdbm_recover examines the database file and fixes eventual inconsistencies. Upon successful return it clears the error state and makes the database operational again. For backward compatibility, the fatal_func argument to gdbm_open is retained and its functionality is not changed. If it is not NULL, the new error handling procedures are disabled, the function it points to will be called upon fatal errors. When it returns, exit(1) will be called. * Per-database error codes In addition to gdbm_error global variable, the most recent error state is saved in the GDBM_FILE structure. This facilitates error handling when operating multiple GDBM databases simultaneously.
2017-03-16mysql57-server: fix compilation on NetBSD. fix -fpermissive error.maya4-1/+70
netbsd xdrproc_t takes 2 arguments, most others are variadic, os x is 3. ifdef __NetBSD__ to match the signature. PR pkg/52062
2017-03-14+ leveldb.wiz1-1/+2
2017-03-14Import leveldb-1.20 as databases/leveldb.wiz7-0/+134
Packaged for wip by Mike M. Volokhov and myself. LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
2017-03-12Update php-redis3 to 3.1.1.taca2-10/+8
phpredis 3.1.1 * Additional test updates for 32 bit systems (@remicollet) * ARM rounding issue in tests (@remicollet) * Use new zend_list_close instead of zend_list_delete when reconnecting. * Refactoring of redis_boolean_response_impl and redis_sock_write (@yatsukhnenko) phpredis 3.1.1 This release contains mostly fixes for issues introduced when merging the php 5 and 7 codebase into a single branch. * Fixed a segfault in igbinary serialization (@yatsukhnenko) * Restore 2.2.8/3.0.0 functionality to distinguish between an error and simply empty session data. (@remicollet) * Fix double to string conversion function (@yatsukhnenko) * Use PHP_FE_END definition when available (@remicollet) * Fixed various 'static function declared but not used' warnings * Fixes to various calls which were typecasting pointers to the wrong size. (@remicollet) * Added php session unit test (@yatsukhnenko) * Added explicit module dependancy for igbinary (@remicollet) * Added phpinfo serialization information (@remicollet) phpredis 3.1.1RC2 * Additional test updates for 32 bit systems (@remicollet) * ARM rounding issue in tests (@remicollet) * Use new zend_list_close instead of zend_list_delete when reconnecting. * Refactoring of redis_boolean_response_impl and redis_sock_write (@yatsukhnenko) phpredis 3.1.1.RC1 This release contains mostly fixes for issues introduced when merging the php 5 and 7 codebase into a single branch. * Fixed a segfault in igbinary serialization (@yatsukhnenko) * Restore 2.2.8/3.0.0 functionality to distinguish between an error and simply empty session data. (@remicollet) * Fix double to string conversion function (@yatsukhnenko) * Use PHP_FE_END definition when available (@remicollet) * Fixed various 'static function declared but not used' warnings * Fixes to various calls which were typecasting pointers to the wrong size. (@remicollet) * Added php session unit test (@yatsukhnenko) * Added explicit module dependancy for igbinary (@remicollet) * Added phpinfo serialization information (@remicollet) phpredis 3.1.0 In this version of phpredis codebase was unified to work with all versions of php \o/ Also many bug fixes and some improvements has been made. --- Improvements --- * Support the client to Redis Cluster just having one master (andyli) [892e5646] * Allow both long and strings that are longs for zrangebyscore offset/limit (Michael Grunder) [bdcdd2aa] * Process NX|XX, CH and INCR options in zAdd command (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko) [71c9f7c8] --- Fixes --- * Fix incrby/decrby for large integers (Michael Grunder) [3a12758a] * Use static declarations for spl_ce_RuntimeException decl (Jeremy Mikola) [a9857d69] * Fixed method call problem causes session handler to display two times (ZiHang Gao) [24f86c49] * psetex method returns '+OK' on success, not true (sitri@ndxbn) [afcd8445] * Fix integer overflow for long (>32bit) increments in hIncrBy (iyesin) [58e1d799] * Move zend_object handler to the end (Michael Grunder) [34107966] * Using setOption on redis array causes immediate connection (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko) [f1a85b38]
2017-03-12Update php-redis to 2.2.8.taca2-7/+7
phpredis 2.2.8 The main improvement in this version of phpredis is support for Redis Cluster. This version of phpredis is intended for versions of php older than 7. In addition there have been many bug fixes and improvements to non cluster related commands, which are listed below. I've attempted to include everyone who contribued to the project in each fix description and have included names or github user ids. Thanks to everyone for submitting bug reports and pull requests. A special thanks to Remi Collet for helping with any and all packaging related issues \o/ --- Improvements --- * Added randomization to our seed nodes to balance which instance is used to map the keyspace (Vitaliy Stepanyuk) [32eb1c5f] * Added support for IPv6 addresses --- Fixes --- * PHP liveness checking workaround (Shafreeck Sea) [c18d58b9] * Various documentation and code formatting and style fixes (ares333, sanpili, Bryan Nelson, linfangrong, Romero Malaquias, Viktor Sz?pe) * Fix scan reply processing to use long instead of int to avoid overflow (mixiaojiong). * Fix potential segfault in Redis Cluster session storage (Sergei Lomakov) [cc15aae] * Fixed memory leak in discard function [17b1f427] * Sanity check for igbinary unserialization (Maurus Cuelenaere) [3266b222, 5528297a] * Fix segfault occuring from unclosed socket connection for Redis Cluster (CatKang) [04196aee] * Case insensitive zRangeByScore options * Fixed dreaded size_t vs long long compiler warning
2017-03-12Release 1.1.6 continues to provide bug fixes and some new features within ↵adam2-7/+7
the 1.1 series. As we begin to lead into the development phase for 1.2 and solidify the 1.1 series as "done", additional behavioral improvements will more likely to be targeted at 1.2 rather than 1.1. Nevertheless, 1.1.6 includes a few fairly major behavioral improvements in the area of performance; some significant performance issues within the "joined eager loading" functionality were identified and repaired, which should cut the Python-level latency for such a query roughly in half, as well as an unnecessary SELECT which could emit when using the "eager defaults" feature was repaired.
2017-03-11Update ruby-sqlite3 to 1.3.13.taca2-9/+8
* Fix flags declaration in case of no OPEN_V2. And other fixes for Windows.
2017-03-11Update ruby-sequel to 4.44.0.taca3-8/+15
=== 4.44.0 (2017-03-01) * Add where_all, where_each, where_single_value model dataset methods, optimized for frozen datasets (jeremyevans) * Add eager method to dataset_module (jeremyevans) * Add implicit_subquery extension, for implicitly using a subquery for datasets using raw SQL when calling dataset methods that modify SQL (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#from_self keep the columns from the current dataset if present (jeremyevans) * Add implicit_subquery extension, implicitly using subqueries for dataset methods if the current dataset uses raw SQL (jeremyevans) * Make SQL::ValueList#inspect show that it is a value list (jeremyevans) * Make LiteralString#inspect show that it is a literal string (jeremyevans) * Make Model::Associations::AssociationReflection#inspect show reflection class and guess at association definition line (jeremyevans) * Make SQLTime#inspect show it is an SQLTime instance, and only the time component (jeremyevans) * Make SQL::Blob#inspect show that it is a blob, the number of bytes, and some or all of the content (jeremyevans) * Make plugins not modify the constant namespace for the model class that uses them (jeremyevans) * Do not modify encoding of SQL::Blob instances in force_encoding plugin (jeremyevans) * Add Model.freeze_descendents to subclasses plugin, for easier finalizing associations/freezing of descendent classes (jeremyevans) * Add Model.finalize_associations method for finalizing associations, speeding up some association reflections methods almost 10x (jeremyevans) * Implement Model.freeze such that it can be used in production (jeremyevans) * Recognize another disconnect error in the jdbc/as400 adapter (perlun) (#1300) * Correctly handle conversion of false values when typecasting PostgreSQL arrays (mistoo) (#1299) * Raise error if the postgres adapter attempts to load an incompatible version of sequel_pg (mahlonsmith) (#1298) * Fix jdbc adapter so basic_type_convertor_map is not shared between instances, work with Database#freeze (jeremyevans) === 4.43.0 (2017-02-01) * Make jdbc/postgresql adapter work if pg_hstore extension is loaded first (jeremyevans) (#1296) * Make prepared_statements_associations plugin work correctly on some instance specific associations (jeremyevans) * Make prepared_statements plugin not use prepared statements in cases where it is probably slower (jeremyevans) * Optimize Model#refresh similar to Model.with_pk (jeremyevans) * Make Database#extension not attempt to load the same extension more than once (jeremyevans) * Implement Database#freeze such that it can be used in production (jeremyevans) * Freeze enum_labels in the pg_enum extension (jeremyevans) * Handle Database#type_supported? thread-safely on PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) * Handle primary_key_sequences thread-safely on Oracle (jeremyevans) * Handle sharding better when using mysql2 native prepared statements (jeremyevans) * Use thread-safe incrementor for mock adapter autoid handling (jeremyevans) * Make Model#freeze not freeze associations hash until after validating the model instance (jeremyevans) * Make prepared_statements_associations plugin work correctly when model object explicitly specifies server to use when also using sharding plugin (jeremyevans) * Make prepared_statements_with_pk plugin work correctly when dataset explicitly specifies server to use (jeremyevans) * Make prepared_statements plugin work correctly when model object explicitly specifies server to use (jeremyevans) * Make dataset_module inherited to subclasses when using the single_table_inheritance plugin (jeremyevans) (#1284) * Support use of SQLite result codes in the jdbc-sqlite adapter, if the jdbc sqlite driver supports them (flash-gordon, jeremyevans) (#1283) * Make timestamp migrator handle key length limitations when using MySQL with InnoDB engine and utf8mb4 charset default (jeremyevans) (#1282)
2017-03-11Update ruby-pg to 0.20.0taca2-8/+7
== v0.20.0 [2017-03-10] Michael Granger <> Enhancements: - Update error codes to PostgreSQL-9.6 - Update Windows binary gems to Ruby-2.4, PostgreSQL 9.6.1 and OpenSSL 1.0.2j. - Add support for RubyInstaller2 to Windows binary gems. Bugfixes: - Use secure JSON methods for JSON (de)serialisation. #248 - Fix Result#inspect on a cleared result. - Fix test case that failed on Ruby-2.4. #255 Documentation fixes: - Talk about Integer instead of Fixnum. - Fix method signature of Coder#encode.
2017-03-05Updated py-sqlparse to 0.2.3.wiz2-7/+7
Release 0.2.3 (Mar 02, 2017) ---------------------------- Enhancements * New command line option "--encoding" (by twang2218, pr317). * Support CONCURRENTLY keyword (issue322, by rowanseymour). Bug Fixes * Fix some edge-cases when parsing invalid SQL statements. * Fix indentation of LIMIT (by romainr, issue320). * Fix parsing of INTO keyword (issue324). Internal Changes * Several improvements regarding encodings.