Version: 2.11.0 [2021-09-25]
* Now insert() support duplicates in 'ats', which then results in the
corresponding 'values' being inserted in order at those duplicated indices.
* Relaxed insert() to accept a 'values' argument that is a list but not
necessarily a formal vector.
* Now queryRCmdCheck() sets environment variable R_CMD_CHECK=true if it
detects 'R CMD check' is running.
* Added format() for 'binmode'.
* hpaste() gained argument 'empty', which can be used to control what to
return in case the output is of length zero.
* gcDLLs() produced a "In sprintf(...) : argument not used by format" warning
when giving an error message on what DLLs it failed to unload.
* Arguments$getVector() could produce an error on "argument is missing, with
no default" while trying to signal an assertion error.
* intToHex() and intToOct() would no longer pad with zero on recent R-devel
(to become R 4.2.0) versions.