path: root/devel/R-rio
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2021-10-26archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksumsnia1-2/+2
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and SHA512 hashes Could not be committed due to merge conflict: devel/py-traitlets/distinfo The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched conditionally): ./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz ./devel/eclipse/distinfo
2021-10-07devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfilesnia1-2/+1
2021-08-21(devel/R-rio) Updated 0.5.16 to 0.5.27mef2-7/+13
# rio 0.5.27 * Documentation fixes for CRAN. # rio 0.5.26 * Added support for "zsav" format. (#273) # rio 0.5.25 * Modified tests per email request from CRAN. * Added `coerce_character` argument (default FALSE) to `factorize()` to enable coercing character columns to factor. (#278) # rio 0.5.24 * Fix handling of "label" and "labels" attributes when exporting using haven methods (SPSS, Stata, SAS). (#268, h/t Ruben Arslan) * Fix (a different bug?) handling factors by haven::labelled() (#271, Alex Bokov) * HTML import can now handle multiple tbody elements within a single table, a th element in a non-header row, and empty elements in either the header or data. (#260, #263, #264 Bill Denney) # rio 0.5.23 * CSVY support is now provided by `data.table::fread()` and `data.table::fwrite()`, providing significant performance gains. * Added an internal `arg_reconcile()` function to streamline the task of removing/renaming arguments for compatibility with various functions (#245, Alex Bokov) # rio 0.5.22 * Added an `export_list()` function to write a list of data frames to multiple files using a vector of file names or a file pattern. (#207, h/t Bill Denney) * Added an `is_file_text()` function to determine whether a file is in a plain-text format. Optionally narrower subsets of characters can be specified, e.g. ASCII. (#236 Alex Bokov) # rio 0.5.21 * Added support for Apache Arrow (Parquet) files. (#214) * Fix dropping of variable label in `characterize()` and `factorize()`. (#204, h/t David Armstrong) * `import_list()` now returns a `filename` attribute for each data frame in the list (when importing from multiple files), in order to distinguish files with the same base name but different extensions (e.g., `import_list(c("foo.csv", "foo.tsv"))`). (#208, h/t Vimal Rawat) * Import of DBF files now does not convert strings to factors. (#202, h/t @jllipatz) * Implemented `import()` method for .dump R files. (#240) # rio 0.5.20 * Additional pointers were added to indicate how to load .doc, .docx, and .pdf files (#210, h/t Bill Denney) * Ensure that tests only run if the corresponding package is installed. (h/t Bill Denney) * Escape ampersands for html and xml export (#234 Alex Bokov) # rio 0.5.19 * Fix behavior of `export()` to plain text files when `append = TRUE` (#201, h/t Juli叩n Urbano) * `import_list()` now preserve names of Excel sheets, etc. when the 'which' argument is specified. (#162, h/t Danny Parsons) * Modify message and errors when working with unrecognized file formats. (#195, h/t Trevor Davis) * Add support for GraphPad Prism .pzfx files (#205, h/t Bill Denney) # rio 0.5.18 * Adjust `import()`/`export()` for JSON file formats to allow non-data frame objects. Behavior modeled after RDS format. (#199 h/t Nathan Day) # rio 0.5.17 * Fix `the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used` warning in `gather_attributes()`. (#196, h/t Ruben Arslan)
2019-08-08Update all R packages to canonical form.brook1-6/+4
The canonical form [1] of an R package Makefile includes the following: - The first stanza includes R_PKGNAME, R_PKGVER, PKGREVISION (as needed), and CATEGORIES. - HOMEPAGE is not present but defined in math/R/Makefile.extension to refer to the CRAN web page describing the package. Other relevant web pages are often linked from there via the URL field. This updates all current R packages to this form, which will make regular updates _much_ easier, especially using pkgtools/R2pkg. [1]
2019-07-31Initial commitbrook3-0/+38
Streamlined data import and export by making assumptions that the user is probably willing to make: 'import()' and 'export()' determine the data structure from the file extension, reasonable defaults are used for data import and export (e.g., 'stringsAsFactors=FALSE'), web-based import is natively supported (including from SSL/HTTPS), compressed files can be read directly without explicit decompression, and fast import packages are used where appropriate. An additional convenience function, 'convert()', provides a simple method for converting between file types.