path: root/devel/bison/patches
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2008-11-07Update to 2.4:wiz1-5/+5
Changes in version 2.4 (2008-11-02): * %language is an experimental feature. We first introduced this feature in test release 2.3b as a cleaner alternative to %skeleton. Since then, we have discussed the possibility of modifying its effect on Bison's output file names. Thus, in this release, we consider %language to be an experimental feature that will likely evolve in future releases. * Forward compatibility with GNU M4 has been improved. * Several bugs in the C++ skeleton and the experimental Java skeleton have been fixed. Changes in version 2.3b (2008-05-27): * The quotes around NAME that used to be required in the following directive are now deprecated: %define NAME "VALUE" * The directive `%pure-parser' is now deprecated in favor of: %define api.pure which has the same effect except that Bison is more careful to warn about unreasonable usage in the latter case. * Push Parsing Bison can now generate an LALR(1) parser in C with a push interface. That is, instead of invoking `yyparse', which pulls tokens from `yylex', you can push one token at a time to the parser using `yypush_parse', which will return to the caller after processing each token. By default, the push interface is disabled. Either of the following directives will enable it: %define api.push_pull "push" // Just push; does not require yylex. %define api.push_pull "both" // Push and pull; requires yylex. See the new section `A Push Parser' in the Bison manual for details. The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it. * The -g and --graph options now output graphs in Graphviz DOT format, not VCG format. Like --graph, -g now also takes an optional FILE argument and thus cannot be bundled with other short options. * Java Bison can now generate an LALR(1) parser in Java. The skeleton is `data/'. Consider using the new %language directive instead of %skeleton to select it. See the new section `Java Parsers' in the Bison manual for details. The current Java interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it. * %language This new directive specifies the programming language of the generated parser, which can be C (the default), C++, or Java. Besides the skeleton that Bison uses, the directive affects the names of the generated files if the grammar file's name ends in ".y". * XML Automaton Report Bison can now generate an XML report of the LALR(1) automaton using the new `--xml' option. The current XML schema is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it. * The grammar file may now specify the name of the parser header file using %defines. For example: %defines "parser.h" * When reporting useless rules, useless nonterminals, and unused terminals, Bison now employs the terms "useless in grammar" instead of "useless", "useless in parser" instead of "never reduced", and "unused in grammar" instead of "unused". * Unreachable State Removal Previously, Bison sometimes generated parser tables containing unreachable states. A state can become unreachable during conflict resolution if Bison disables a shift action leading to it from a predecessor state. Bison now: 1. Removes unreachable states. 2. Does not report any conflicts that appeared in unreachable states. WARNING: As a result, you may need to update %expect and %expect-rr directives in existing grammar files. 3. For any rule used only in such states, Bison now reports the rule as "useless in parser due to conflicts". This feature can be disabled with the following directive: %define lr.keep_unreachable_states See the %define entry in the `Bison Declaration Summary' in the Bison manual for further discussion. * Lookahead Set Correction in the `.output' Report When instructed to generate a `.output' file including lookahead sets (using `--report=lookahead', for example), Bison now prints each reduction's lookahead set only next to the associated state's one item that (1) is associated with the same rule as the reduction and (2) has its dot at the end of its RHS. Previously, Bison also erroneously printed the lookahead set next to all of the state's other items associated with the same rule. This bug affected only the `.output' file and not the generated parser source code. * --report-file=FILE is a new option to override the default `.output' file name. * The `=' that used to be required in the following directives is now deprecated: %file-prefix "parser" %name-prefix "c_" %output "parser.c" * An Alternative to `%{...%}' -- `%code QUALIFIER {CODE}' Bison 2.3a provided a new set of directives as a more flexible alternative to the traditional Yacc prologue blocks. Those have now been consolidated into a single %code directive with an optional qualifier field, which identifies the purpose of the code and thus the location(s) where Bison should generate it: 1. `%code {CODE}' replaces `%after-header {CODE}' 2. `%code requires {CODE}' replaces `%start-header {CODE}' 3. `%code provides {CODE}' replaces `%end-header {CODE}' 4. `%code top {CODE}' replaces `%before-header {CODE}' See the %code entries in section `Bison Declaration Summary' in the Bison manual for a summary of the new functionality. See the new section `Prologue Alternatives' for a detailed discussion including the advantages of %code over the traditional Yacc prologues. The prologue alternatives are experimental. More user feedback will help to determine whether they should become permanent features. * Revised warning: unset or unused mid-rule values Since Bison 2.2, Bison has warned about mid-rule values that are set but not used within any of the actions of the parent rule. For example, Bison warns about unused $2 in: exp: '1' { $$ = 1; } '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $4; }; Now, Bison also warns about mid-rule values that are used but not set. For example, Bison warns about unset $$ in the mid-rule action in: exp: '1' { $1 = 1; } '+' exp { $$ = $2 + $4; }; However, Bison now disables both of these warnings by default since they sometimes prove to be false alarms in existing grammars employing the Yacc constructs $0 or $-N (where N is some positive integer). To enable these warnings, specify the option `--warnings=midrule-values' or `-W', which is a synonym for `--warnings=all'. * Default %destructor or %printer with `<*>' or `<>' Bison now recognizes two separate kinds of default %destructor's and %printer's: 1. Place `<*>' in a %destructor/%printer symbol list to define a default %destructor/%printer for all grammar symbols for which you have formally declared semantic type tags. 2. Place `<>' in a %destructor/%printer symbol list to define a default %destructor/%printer for all grammar symbols without declared semantic type tags. Bison no longer supports the `%symbol-default' notation from Bison 2.3a. `<*>' and `<>' combined achieve the same effect with one exception: Bison no longer applies any %destructor to a mid-rule value if that mid-rule value is not actually ever referenced using either $$ or $n in a semantic action. The default %destructor's and %printer's are experimental. More user feedback will help to determine whether they should become permanent features. See the section `Freeing Discarded Symbols' in the Bison manual for further details. * %left, %right, and %nonassoc can now declare token numbers. This is required by POSIX. However, see the end of section `Operator Precedence' in the Bison manual for a caveat concerning the treatment of literal strings. * The nonfunctional --no-parser, -n, and %no-parser options have been completely removed from Bison. Changes in version 2.3a, 2006-09-13: * Instead of %union, you can define and use your own union type YYSTYPE if your grammar contains at least one <type> tag. Your YYSTYPE need not be a macro; it can be a typedef. This change is for compatibility with other Yacc implementations, and is required by POSIX. * Locations columns and lines start at 1. In accordance with the GNU Coding Standards and Emacs. * You may now declare per-type and default %destructor's and %printer's: For example: %union { char *string; } %token <string> STRING1 %token <string> STRING2 %type <string> string1 %type <string> string2 %union { char character; } %token <character> CHR %type <character> chr %destructor { free ($$); } %symbol-default %destructor { free ($$); printf ("%d", @$.first_line); } STRING1 string1 %destructor { } <character> guarantees that, when the parser discards any user-defined symbol that has a semantic type tag other than `<character>', it passes its semantic value to `free'. However, when the parser discards a `STRING1' or a `string1', it also prints its line number to `stdout'. It performs only the second `%destructor' in this case, so it invokes `free' only once. [Although we failed to mention this here in the 2.3a release, the default %destructor's and %printer's were experimental, and they were rewritten in future versions.] * Except for LALR(1) parsers in C with POSIX Yacc emulation enabled (with `-y', `--yacc', or `%yacc'), Bison no longer generates #define statements for associating token numbers with token names. Removing the #define statements helps to sanitize the global namespace during preprocessing, but POSIX Yacc requires them. Bison still generates an enum for token names in all cases. * Handling of traditional Yacc prologue blocks is now more consistent but potentially incompatible with previous releases of Bison. As before, you declare prologue blocks in your grammar file with the `%{ ... %}' syntax. To generate the pre-prologue, Bison concatenates all prologue blocks that you've declared before the first %union. To generate the post-prologue, Bison concatenates all prologue blocks that you've declared after the first %union. Previous releases of Bison inserted the pre-prologue into both the header file and the code file in all cases except for LALR(1) parsers in C. In the latter case, Bison inserted it only into the code file. For parsers in C++, the point of insertion was before any token definitions (which associate token numbers with names). For parsers in C, the point of insertion was after the token definitions. Now, Bison never inserts the pre-prologue into the header file. In the code file, it always inserts it before the token definitions. * Bison now provides a more flexible alternative to the traditional Yacc prologue blocks: %before-header, %start-header, %end-header, and %after-header. For example, the following declaration order in the grammar file reflects the order in which Bison will output these code blocks. However, you are free to declare these code blocks in your grammar file in whatever order is most convenient for you: %before-header { /* Bison treats this block like a pre-prologue block: it inserts it into * the code file before the contents of the header file. It does *not* * insert it into the header file. This is a good place to put * #include's that you want at the top of your code file. A common * example is `#include "system.h"'. */ } %start-header { /* Bison inserts this block into both the header file and the code file. * In both files, the point of insertion is before any Bison-generated * token, semantic type, location type, and class definitions. This is a * good place to define %union dependencies, for example. */ } %union { /* Unlike the traditional Yacc prologue blocks, the output order for the * new %*-header blocks is not affected by their declaration position * relative to any %union in the grammar file. */ } %end-header { /* Bison inserts this block into both the header file and the code file. * In both files, the point of insertion is after the Bison-generated * definitions. This is a good place to declare or define public * functions or data structures that depend on the Bison-generated * definitions. */ } %after-header { /* Bison treats this block like a post-prologue block: it inserts it into * the code file after the contents of the header file. It does *not* * insert it into the header file. This is a good place to declare or * define internal functions or data structures that depend on the * Bison-generated definitions. */ } If you have multiple occurrences of any one of the above declarations, Bison will concatenate the contents in declaration order. [Although we failed to mention this here in the 2.3a release, the prologue alternatives were experimental, and they were rewritten in future versions.] * The option `--report=look-ahead' has been changed to `--report=lookahead'. The old spelling still works, but is not documented and may be removed in a future release.
2005-02-18Update to 2.0:wiz1-16/+0
Changes in version 2.0, 2004-12-25: * Possibly-incompatible changes - Bison-generated parsers no longer default to using the alloca function (when available) to extend the parser stack, due to widespread problems in unchecked stack-overflow detection. You can "#define YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA 1" to require the use of alloca, but please read the manual to determine safe values for YYMAXDEPTH in that case. - Error token location. During error recovery, the location of the syntax error is updated to cover the whole sequence covered by the error token: it includes the shifted symbols thrown away during the first part of the error recovery, and the lookahead rejected during the second part. - Semicolon changes: . Stray semicolons are no longer allowed at the start of a grammar. . Semicolons are now required after in-grammar declarations. - Unescaped newlines are no longer allowed in character constants or string literals. They were never portable, and GCC 3.4.0 has dropped support for them. Better diagnostics are now generated if forget a closing quote. - NUL bytes are no longer allowed in Bison string literals, unfortunately. * New features - GLR grammars now support locations. - New directive: %initial-action. This directive allows the user to run arbitrary code (including initializing @$) from yyparse before parsing starts. - A new directive "%expect-rr N" specifies the expected number of reduce/reduce conflicts in GLR parsers. - %token numbers can now be hexadecimal integers, e.g., `%token FOO 0x12d'. This is a GNU extension. - The option `--report=lookahead' was changed to `--report=look-ahead'. The old spelling still works, but is not documented and will be removed. - Experimental %destructor support has been added to - New configure option --disable-yacc, to disable installation of the yacc command and -ly library introduced in 1.875 for POSIX conformance. * Bug fixes - For now, %expect-count violations are now just warnings, not errors. This is for compatibility with Bison 1.75 and earlier (when there are reduce/reduce conflicts) and with Bison 1.30 and earlier (when there are too many or too few shift/reduce conflicts). However, in future versions of Bison we plan to improve the %expect machinery so that these violations will become errors again. - Within Bison itself, numbers (e.g., goto numbers) are no longer arbitrarily limited to 16-bit counts. - Semicolons are now allowed before "|" in grammar rules, as POSIX requires.
2003-01-04Append ";" after attribute. From bison CVS repository.cjep1-0/+16
This appears to fix a problem when building print/lilypond. Bump PKGREVISION.
2003-01-01Update of devel/bison to version 1.875.cjep1-0/+17
Differences to the plain GNU version in the packages collection: * We do not install the shell wrapper "yacc" (it is supplied because POSIX requires it and we already have a yacc command). Changes since 1.75: * Numerous bug fixes and improvements including: + Compatibility (with 1.35 and Solaris yacc) changes; + Fixes for GCC 3.2.1; + Use Yacc style of conflict reports; + Fix bug where error locations were not being recorded correctly; + Fix bad interaction with flex 2.5.23. Please see the ChangeLog file supplied with the bison source code for more details.
2002-02-10Make sure that locale files go into the correct directory under Solaris.tron2-0/+26
2002-01-31Update to bison 1.32mjl5-132/+0
* Fix Yacc output file names * Portability fixes * Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Russian translation * Many Bug Fixes * Use of alloca in parsers * When the generated parser lacks debugging code, YYDEBUG is now 0 (as POSIX requires) instead of being undefined. * User Actions Bison has always permitted actions such as { $$ = $1 }: it adds the ending semicolon. Now if in Yacc compatibility mode, the semicolon is no longer output: one has to write { $$ = $1; }. * Better C++ compliance The output parsers try to respect C++ namespaces. * Reduced Grammars Fixed bugs when reporting useless nonterminals. * 64 bit hosts The parsers work properly on 64 bit hosts. * Error messages Some calls to strerror resulted in scrambled or missing error messages. * The verbose report includes the rule line numbers. * Rule line numbers are fixed in traces. * Parse errors Verbose parse error messages from the parsers are better looking. * Fixed parser memory leaks. When the generated parser was using malloc to extend its stacks, the previous allocations were not freed. * Fixed verbose output file. Some newlines were missing. Some conflicts in state descriptions were missing. * Fixed conflict report. Option -v was needed to get the result. * Fixed incorrect processing of some invalid input. * Fixed CPP guards: 9foo.h uses BISON_9FOO_H instead of 9FOO_H. * %token MY_EOF 0 is supported. Before, MY_EOF was silently renumbered as 257. * doc/refcard.tex is updated. * %output, %file-prefix, %name-prefix. * --output * `--defines' and `--graph' have now an optionnal argument which is the output file name. `-d' and `-g' do not change, they do not take any argument. * Portability fixes. * The output file does not define const, as this caused problems when used with common autoconfiguration schemes. If you still use ancient compilers that lack const, compile with the equivalent of the C compiler option `-Dconst='. autoconf's AC_C_CONST macro provides one way to do this. * Added `-g' and `--graph'. * The input and the output files has automatically a similar extension. * NLS support updated; should hopefully be less troublesome. * Added the old Bison reference card. * Added `--locations' and `%locations'. * Added `-S' and `--skeleton'. * `%raw', `-r', `--raw' is disabled. * Special characters are escaped when output. This solves the problems of the #line lines with path names including backslashes. * New directives. * @$ Automatic location tracking.
2001-07-15Don't patch automake source files and remove dependency on automake.jlam3-40/+0
2001-06-13Add patches to and that mirror patches tojlam2-0/+27 and configure.
2001-02-28Use ${PKGLOCALEDIR} to determine the location of the installed locale files.jlam2-13/+13
2000-02-03add NetBSD RCS idjdolecek1-0/+2
2000-02-03src/getopt.c: include "system.h" to get correct definition of _ macro -jdolecek1-0/+11
the test here depends on HAVE_LIBINTL_H, which is not set by configure This change makes bison use the internationalized catalogs even for messages in getopt.c. Bug report submitted to
2000-02-03add a cast to the bison.simple template to avoid signed/unsignedjdolecek1-0/+22
comparison in generated code (shows up with gcc -Wsign-compare for example)
1999-10-04Add missing* and NLS files to pkg/PLIST.jlam2-0/+26
Change to depend on pkgsrc gettext instead.
1999-08-24Update bison to version 1.28.agc2-6/+6
Changes include: * Should compile better now with K&R compilers. * Added NLS. * Fixed a problem with escaping the double quote character. * There is now a FAQ.
1999-02-19Add tab to infofile dir entry for cosmetics.frueauf1-0/+13
1999-02-19Update to 1.27.tv2-31/+0
1998-11-24Make this honor the pkg system's CFLAGS setting.tv1-0/+15
1998-09-14Modifications to make bison use mkstemp(3).agc1-0/+71
1998-08-07Add NetBSD RCS Ids.agc1-0/+2
1998-04-13Add "bison" info file to info files directory, fixes PR pkg/5187.tron1-0/+14